HomeMy WebLinkAbout1665RESOLUTION NO. I 6 ~ 5 A RESOLUTION of the C1ty Council of the City of Kent, Washington, authorizing the Mayor to enter into a Development Agreement with Kent Station, L.L.C. for the Kent Station property. RECITALS 1. Pursuant to RCW 36.708.170-210, the City of Kent and Kent Station, L.L C. have negot1ated a Development Agreement, a copy of which is attached and Incorporated as Exhibit A. 2. The City provided notice of the first public hearing on this Development Agreement as required by law, and further by providing written notice to parties of record and by publishing notice of the public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation w1thm the Kent region, the King County Journal prior to the date of the hearing. 3. The first public hearing on this Development Agreement was held on Tuesday, December 16, 2003, at a special City Council meeting held in the Kent City Hall. 4. At the close of the first public hearing and at the conclusion of d1scuss1on on the matter by the Kent C1ty Council, the City Council deferred act1on on the matter in order to undertake further rev1ew and to receive additional public input. 5. On January 20, 2004, the City Council held a second public hearing on the proposed Development Agreement, the proposed Kent Station Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement, and other Kent Station Matters. 6. After closing the public hearing and after further discussion at its January 20, 2003, meeting, the City Council authonzed the Mayor to enter into a purchase and sale agreement with Kent Stat1on, LLC. 1 Kent Station Property- Development Agreement Authorization 7. Once the purchase and sale agreement is executed between the parties, 1t is appropnate for the Mayor to execute this Development Agreement. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION 1. Council Authorization. Upon execution by all part1es to the purchase and sale agreement for the Kent Station site, the Mayor of the C1ty of Kent is hereby authorized to enter into the attached Development Agreement with Kent Station, L.L.C. for the Kent Station property. 2. Severabilitv. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase of this resolution is declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this resolution. 3. Ratification. Any act consistent w1th the authority and prior to the effective date of this resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed. 4. Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect and be 1n force immediately upon its passage. PASSED at a regular open public meeting by the City Council of the C1ty of Kent, Washmgton, this CU> day of January, 2004. January, 2004. ATIEST: CONCURRED in by the Mayor of the City of Kent th1s /JLo day of 2 . -.. --- -' --' J ·. / -. ~ ---.:. .:. -........ ... · .... / / ..................... ,.,..~ ,~ Kent Station Property- Development Agreement Authorization APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~lALf:Miel. T6MRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Besolution No. I(:, b5 passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the dV day of January, 2004. ~ ~ BRENDA JACOBER, CLERK ......... _ ... - ..... - . -v -. ' . ~ -,.. -.:. .:. -.... _· ---'..1 --....... ----- 3 Kent Station Property- Development Agreement Authorization EXHIBIT A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT 1. PARTIES, PLANNING CONCEPT, RECITALS 1.1 PARTIES THIS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is entered mto effective the _ day of =~--::::-:-==-::-=--' 2004, by and between the City of Kent, a Washington munictpal corporation ("Ctty") and KENT STATION L L.C. a Washington hmited liability company (the "Developer"). For and in consideration of the mutual covenants contamed herein, the Ctty and the Developer do hereby agree as follows regardmg the Kent Station Property, which is more parttcularly descnbed m Exhibit A attached hereto and by thts reference mcorporated herein ("Kent Statton Property"). 1.2 CITY AUTHORITY This Agreement ts based upon the City's police power, contracting power, and other authority, mcludmg the authority to establish development regulations. This Agreement sets forth the tenns controlling in the development of the Kent Station Property. 1.3 RECITALS 1.3.1 City of Kent. The Ctty of Kent is a noncharter code city incorporated under the laws of the State of Washington, has authonty to enact laws and enter mto agreements to promote the health, safety, and welfare of its citizens and thereby to control the use and development of real property within its JUrtsdtctton. 1.3.2 Prior Agreements and Approvals. The Kent Station Property ts the subject of a Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement between the Developer and the Ctty, dated (the "Purchase and Sale Agreement"); the Ctty's Planned Action Ordinance #3608 dated July 16, 2002 ("PAO"), and the MPD (as defined in Section 2 below). 2. DEFINITIONS The following terms shall have the followmg meaning. All capitahzed terms not otherwtse defined herem shall have the same meamng as set forth m the Purchase and Sale Agreement "Environmental Impact Statement" or "EIS" shall mean the Kent Statton Planned Action Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement ("SEIS"), includmg the draft supplemental EIS dated Apnl23, 2002, and the final supplemental EIS dated July 8, 2002. "Infrastructure" means any roads, sidewalks, or other traffic related improvements "Kent Station Property" means the certain real property located in the City of Kent, King County, Washington and more particularly descnbed m Exhibtt A attached hereto and by thts reference incorporated herein. "Master Planned Development" or "MPD" means the master planned development and subdivision approved by the City. "MPD Conditions" refer to the MPD Condittons approved by the City's Hearing Exarnmer m hts dectsion dated January 16, 2003 and as implemented in this Agreement The list of conditions is attached as Exhtbit B. "Parcel" or "Takedown Parcel" shall refer to the Initial Takedown Parcel (or Subsequent Takedown Parcels) acquired from the Ctty pursuant to the Purchase and Sale Agreement "Planned Action Ordinance" or "PAO" means that certain Planned Actton Ordinance No. 3608 passed by the City Counctl on July 16, 2002, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhtbtt C. -1- ' "Planned Action Site" means the area governed by the Planned Action Ordmance as defined in Section 3 of that Ordinance. "Project" means the types and amounts of uses Identified m the Master Plan Development application subnutted by the Developer on November 13, 2002 and approved by the City on January 30, 2003 "Purchase and Sale Agreement" means that certain Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement dated ---:-:------:::-::-by and between City, as seller and Developer as purchaser, as the same may from time to time, be amended, modified or supplemented. "Utility, Private" means any utility owned and operated by entitles other than the City, mcluding but not linuted to electric, cable, telephone, gas, and fiber optics. "Utility, Public" means the following publicly owned and operated utilities. drinking water, sanitary sewer, and storm water conveyances. Public utthtles do not include privately owned storm water detention/retention structures or other privately owned water, sewer or storm water systems. 3. PROJECT ELEMENTS 3.1 PROJECT LOCATION The Kent Station Property consists of approximately 18 216 acres of real property owned by Ctty. The Kent Station Property is located m the Kent Station Planned ActiOn Site, an area located in the Ctty of Kent's downtown. 4. LANDUSE 4.1 PERMITTED LAND USE AND DIRECTIVES The City has approved an MPD for the Property. The MPD authorizes the uses and densities permitted to be developed on the Property under this Agreement. 4.2 PHASING The parties anticipate that the Developer will develop the Property in phases generally consistent with the schedule set forth in the Purchase and Sale Agreement, including an l 0 acre imtlal phase, shown generally in Exhibit D. To the extent that the boundaries of thts lO acre parcel are inconsistent with lots lines approved in the MPD, the Developer will make the necessary modifications to complete the mitial phase development. Developer may proceed with components anticipated 1n in each phase of the project, at any time and in any order, as well as concurrently, subject to the phasing provisions as defmed in the Purchase and Sale Agreement, provided that mitigation IS provided for as required under this Agreement, the PAO, and the MPD. 4.3 REGULATION OF USES 4.3.1 Approved Uses. Sites withm the Kent Station Property shall be used for purposes allowed by the zomng for the Property and consistent wtth the MPD, the Purchase and Sale Agreement and thts Agreement. The foregoing shall not, however, prevent Developer from constructing, owning, operating, leasing or conveying real property within the Kent Station Property for servtce facilities consistent with the purpose of those agreements and permits. At this time, no affordable housmg requirements apply to the Project 4.3.2 Compliance wltb Governmental Regulations. All uses and activities on each site shall comply, at the sole expense of each owner, with all applicable govermnental regulations and the -2- development approvals issued for Kent Station. All uses and operations shall be earned out so as not to cause a nuisance to adjacent sites. 4.3.3 Use Restrictions. Uses permitted on the Kent Station Property shall be subject to the Covenants Conditions and Restrictions entered into by the City and the Developer. 4.4 PUBLIC AND PRIVATE OPEN SPACES 4.4.1 Intent. A central feature of Kent Station is providing open spaces for use by the public, both on a daily basis and on a special event or special occasiOn basis. For purposes of this Agreement, there are two types of open space within the Project: (l) public open spaces (consisting of dedicated street rights of way, dedicated portiOns of sidewalks, and any other dedicated spaces), and (2) pnvate open spaces (consisting of plazas, portions of sidewalks, the area known as the "Main Plaza", and other spaces outside of the public right-of-way but having public access easements. All of these open spaces are intended for general use by the public. In add1tion, the Kent Station Property merchants and/or the Developer may desire to conduct periodic sales and/or other promotional events on the public open space and private open space, and the City may desire to conduct periodic community- wide events using all or portions of the public open space and private open space. 4.4.2 Use of Public and Private Open Spaces for Special Events By Developer. If a proposed use requires a formal perm1t from the City, the Developer or any member thereof may submit applications to use public open space and/or alter public access over pnvate open space m accordance with then current City regulations. The City will process and may approve, condition or deny all such applications in accordance with its then applicable regulations. If a proposed use does not require a formal permit, the Developer shall give 72 hours prior written notice to the City of such proposed use by the Developer or Its members. The Developer shall be responsible for organization, security, cleanup, and other related needs. By the City. If the City desires to close or restrict public access to public or private open space for temporary events pursuant to Section 4.4, the City shall file a written notice with the Developer at least 72 hours prior to the event. As to private open spaces, the Developer will review the proposed use and will not unreasonably withhold its approval. The C1ty shall be responsible for organization, secunty, cleanup, and other related needs. Examples. By way of example only, the types of uses that are expected to fall under this Section 4.4 might include a Thanksgiving Day parade, winter holiday parade and tree lighting ceremony, spring egg hunt, concerts, entertainment programs, street fairs, and sidewalk sales. The City and Developer shall periodically determine an armual schedule for recurring events to facilitate plarming and coordmation. 4.4.3 Artwork In Public and Private Open Spaces. The City may purchase and place artwork and outdoor sculptures in public open spaces and shall consult with Developer before final approval by the City Council. The Developer may purchase and place artwork and outdoor sculptJires in private open spaces in accordance with Developer policies. 4.4.4 Assignment to Owner's Association. The City acknowledges that Developer may assign responsibility for management of private open spaces under Section 4 hereof to an Owner's Association. The Developer shall notify the City in writing when that assignment occurs. 4.5 INFRASTRUCTURE AND UTILITY ISSUES 4.5.1 Utilities. The City shall construct the road mfrastructure Improvements Identified in Exhibit E. The City agrees to provide adequate water capacity to serve the initial phase of the Kent Station Property as described in Section 4.2 and Exhibit D of this Agreement; however, the City will not guarantee -3- the adequacy of water pressure for frre suppression purposes. The City agrees to provtde adequate sanitary sewer capacity to serve the initial phase of the Kent Station Property as described in Section 4.2 and Exhibit D of this Agreement and the MPD, subject to any limitations that King County may impose on such serv1ce. Storm drainage from the project will be directed to the 4th Avenue North conveyance system after detention in Developer's pnvate on-site vaults per current Kent Stormwater Standards. The City concurs with the type and size of detention system proposed m the Preliminary Drainage Report dated November 13, 2002 ("Drainage Report"), and the associated downstream analysis. Developer shall construct the on- site vault and related components of the detention system according to the Drainage Report when the land associated with each vault is developed. Developer shall have the right to establish a latecomer's agreement to the extent authorized by law to recover a proportionate share of its costs for constructmg the on-site vaults from properties benefiting from the vaults. Developer shall be responsible for payment of all hook up and connection fees. The Developer shall be responsible for all Pnvate Utilities. Developer shall pay all costs to install Private Utilities to serve the Property, with no obligation on the City's part to pay any proportionate share of that cost, even though the City could remain the owner of any portions of the Property that are not subject to Developer's Initial or Subsequent Takedowns and even though the City might sell or otherwise convey port1ons of the Property that are not subject to the Developer's Initial or any Subsequent Takedown purchases. 4.5.2 Infrastructure. Developer shall construct the off-site improvements described in the Plarmed Action Ordinance. Subject to the limitation in Section 5.1.5 ofth1s Agreement, Developer shall have the right to establish a latecomer's agreement to recover its costs as other properties benefiting from the offsite Improvements are developed. If the Developer elects not to construct any of these improvements, Developer shall so notify the City in writing and shall pay the fee in lieu of construction as specified in Section 5.1.5 of this Agreement. 4.5.3 Sidewalks. Pursuant to the MPD Conditions and during phasing of the project, a temporary 12 foot sidewalk between Temperance and Smith Street will be constructed on the west side of Raritsay Way with cement concrete and generally patterned so that it is consistent w1th the sidewalks bordering the Sound Transit garage. In addition, 6 foot temporary asphalt sidewalks shall be constructed on both sides of Ramsay Way to connect 4th Avenue and the permanent sidewalks in the initial phase of the development. The design of the asphalt sidewalks shall be subject to approval by the Planning Manager. The overall intent is to create a sidewalk pedestrian network that runs the entire length of Ramsay Way. 4.5.4 Deceleration Lane (James Street). The City shall reserve an easement for the deceleration lane on James Street. 5. CITY PROCESSING AND REVIEW 5.1 SEPA COMPLIANCE 5.1.1 Prior Environmental Review. The City prepared the SEIS regarding the Project. The City also adopted the Plarmed Action Ordinance which sets forth the SEPA procedures and mitigation governing the development of the Kent Station Property. Section 3E of the PAO identifies criteria which would qualify a project application as a Plarmed Action, pursuant to RCW 43.21C.031(2)(a). 5.1.2 Project Environmental Review. The City shall base conditions on Planned Action projects using the baseline mitigation set forth in the PAO, City codes, ordinances, development regulations and standards, and applicable county, state or federal requirements and standards. The Developer's MPD application includes more specific information regarding the amounts and locations of proposed uses. The City has identified site-specific 1mpacts and mitigation based on this information. This mitigation 1s included as conditions of the MPD. -4- In addition, further SEPA review may be required in connection with subsequent actions which exceed the thresholds established in the PAO. Under the PAO, the City retains substantive SEPA authority to address probable significant adverse environmental impacts not analyzed in the Kent Station EIS. 5.1.3 Vesting of Development Standards and Mitigation. Except as provided form Section 7.13, all development on the Kent Station Property shall be governed by the City land use controls and development regulations in effect on the date that the Developer submitted its complete MPD application and shall remain vested until June 30, 2013, unless otherwise provided by law. All initial phase development shall further vest to the City's Construction Standards in effect on the date that the Developer submttted a complete MPD application. A copy of the Construction Standards that were in effect on the complete MPD application date is attached as Exhibit F, attached and incorporated by this reference. Construction on subsequent phases will be subject to the City's Construction Standards in effect on the date Developer submits a complete building permit application and will only apply to the specific project element to which the building permit applies. This Section 5.1.3 does not apply to fees, rates and charges that are not Identified in the PAO and does not apply to reqwrements necessary for public health and safety, including, without limitation, the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Fire Code, Umform Plumbing Code, Uniform Electrical Code, and Uniform Mechanical Code. The Parties may extend the penod of vesting by agreement. All development on the Kent Station Property shall be subject to design review under the version of the Downtown Design Review Guidelines in effect when the first complete application for design review is submitted. The City shall reserve authority to impose new or different regulations on the Kent Station Property (I) to the extent required by a serious threat to public health and safety, (2) to comply with new requirements of state or federal law, or (3) when the City reasonably believes in good faith that the City's approval of a subsequent action under the terms of this Agreement or the Planned Action Ordinance would result in a decision by a State or Federal administrative agency, or a Court of competent jurisdiction that the City failed to comply wtth State or Federal laws or regulations. 5.1.4 Modificatlons of MPD. Requests for modifications of the approved MPD shall be made m writing and shall be submitted to Planning Services in the manner and form prescnbed by the Planning Manager. Any such request from the Developer shall include a general summary of how the proposed modification meets the critena set forth in this Agreement. Determination of whether a modification is minor or major shall be made by the Planning Manager withm ten (10) calendar days after receipt of Developer's written request for a modification. In making the determmation, the Planning Manager shall apply the following guidelines, and follow the process described in Section and Section below. The initial determination of whether a modification is major or minor shall be determined by the Planning Manager. The criteria for approval of a request for a change deemed to be a major modification shall be those general criteria covering original approval of the MPD wh!ch is the subject of the proposed modification. Minor Modifications. The Plarming Manager may fmd that changes to the MPD such as lot line adjustments, minor relocations of buildings, landscaping, and open space features, and changes in densities and types of use to be Minor Modifications if: a. No substantial reduction in square footage of a land use (retail, office/education or housing) ts proposed; b. No change in the general location or number of vehicular access points that would increase traffic impacts beyond those for which mitigation is provided in the P AO is proposed; c. No substantial reduction in the amount of open space for the Project is proposed and no changes inconsistent with the specific open space conditions in the MPD are proposed; d. No substantial increase in the total amount of surface parking for the Project is proposed; e No substantial decrease in floor area ratio or square footage for the Project is proposed; and f. No mcreases in envtronrnental impacts beyond those for which mitigation is provided in the PAO are proposed. Major Modificatlons. Major modifications are those which are determined by the Planning Manager in good fait)i to substantially modify the basic design, density or open >pace or to make other sinular requirements or provisions, or to change the boundary of the MPD as origmally approved. The Planning -5- Manager and the Developer shall meet within ten (10) days after the Developer's receipt of the Planning Manager's determination that the proposed modification is major to discuss the proposed modification. The discussions shall include the basis for the Planning Manager's determination, and shall explore ways to modifY the proposal that would remove it from the major modification classification. If the Planning Manager, after good faith discussions w1th the Developer Within that ten ( 10) day period, still believes the proposed modificatiOn is maJor and the Developer still desires to pursue it, then the modification shall be submitted to the Hearing Exammer. The Hearing Examiner may review such modifications at a regular public hearing in accordance with the Hearing Examiners' rules and regulations. If a public hearing is held, the process outlined in subsection (F) KCC 15.08.400 shall apply. The Hearing Examiner shall issue a written decision to approve, deny or modifY the request. Such a decision shall be final. Any appeals of this decision shall be in accordance with KCC 12.01.040. 5.1.5 Mitigation Sections 3.D.5 (d) & (e) of the Planned Action Ordinance establishes certain offsite transportation mitigation and road improvement requirements. The City Hearing Examiner's decision on the MPD requires that the Developer fulfill these offsite transportation mitigation and road improvement requirements. The above-referenced offsite transportation mitigation section would require the Developer to pay approximately $1740.84 per p m. peak hour trip (based on $1086 per trip in 1986 dollars, adjusted by CPI with a multiplier of 1.63) for a total payment of$1,523,235. Developer filed a Land Use Petition with the Kmg County Supenor Court to appeal the imposition of these conditions under the Planned Unit Development (Case No. 03-2-17793-SKNT), and Developer has filed an appeal with the Kent City Council, appealing the imposition of these conditions under the Preliminary Plat. Through a settlement agreement, the City has determined that the conditions identified in Sections and of this Agreement satisfy all required offsite transportation mitigation corridor fees payable for the peak hour trips and all offs1te transportation road improvement requirements imposed under the PAO and the Hearing Exarruner's Findings, Conclusions and Decision. General Conditions The following general conditions shall apply to the Project 1. As more particularly described in Section 6.1 of this Agreement, the Developer shall pay the City's annual maintenance and operation charges that become due under the agreement between the City and Sound Transit. Developer shall pay the actual cost charged to the City. This cost is currently estimated at $75,000.00 per year. 2. As more particularly described in Section 4.5.1, the Developer shall pay all costs to install Private Utilities to serve the Property and relinquish all rights to obligate the City, or subsequent purchasers of City-owned property, to pay a proportionate share of the cost of that installation, even though the City-owned properties will benefit from the installation of these private utilities. Transportation Conditions The following transportation conditions shall be perfonned before issuance of a temporary or final Certificate of Occupancy on any Initial Takedown improvement: I. Developer will construct the required offsite improvements to 4th Avenue N/S 228'h Street, or at Developer's option, pay a fee of$216,547.50 in lieu of constructing those improvements. 2. Developer will construct the required offsite improvements to Central Avenue S/W Willis Street, or at Developer's option, pay a fee of $163,814.70 in lieu of constructing those improvements. 3. Developer will construct the required offsite improvements to 2nd Avenue S/W Willis Street, or at Developer's option, pay a fee of$3000.00 in lieu of constructing those improvements. -6- The following transportation conditions shall be performed when the total number of p.m. peak hour trips attributable to the initial or subsequent takedowns exceeds 690 p.m. peak hour trips, and before issuance of a temporary or fmal Certificate of Occupancy on those Takedown improvements: 1. Developer will construct the required offsite improvements to 4lh Avenue S/W Willis Street, or at Developer's option, pay a fee of$148,589.10 in lieu of constructing those improvements. 2. Developer will construct the required offsite improvements to 41b Avenue N/W Harrison Street, or at Developer's option, pay a fee of $96,000.00 in lieu of constructing those improvements. As more particularly described in section 4.5.2 of this Agreement, Developer may establish a transportation latecomer's fee arrangement to obtain reimbursement of a proportionate share of Developer's cost of offs1te transportation improvements for properties within the Kent Station PAO area. Developer will waive those fees, however, against all properties currently owned by the City that are included in the Kent Station PAO, regardless of their future ownership. The Environmental Mitigation Fee applicable to the Property for the City's 272"d/27i" Corridor will be $343.00 per p.m. peak hour trip for all trips generated up to a total of 1460 total trips. However, should the City implement city-wide alternative transportation mitigation process, such as a transportatiOn impact fee process, the Environmental Mitigation Fees imposed in the PAO and adjusted in this section will cease to apply to all Kent Station development building permits applied for after the implementation of that altematJVe transportation mitigation process. Such future developments would be subject to that newly enacted process. All payable dollar amounts in thts section are stated in 2003 dollars and, commencing January 1, 2004, shall be adJusted for inflation based on changes in the Consumer Price Index, U.S. city average for all urban consumers, or the substituted index as prepared by the U.S. Department of Labor, from the index in effect on January l, 2003. 6. PARKING GARAGE 6.1 Maintenance and Operations Costs. Parking for the Kent Station Property shall mclude the parking provided for in the Sound Transit Parking Garage as provided for in Exh1b1t G. Under that agreement, the City will be required to pay its share of annual maintenance and operation costs attributable to non-commuter use of the Sound Transit garage by the general public. Developer shall pay the City's annual maintenance and operation charges that become due under the City's agreement with Sound Transit. Developer's obligation to pay maintenance and operation charges shall not be subject to Section 7.2.2 of this Agreement; however the Developer may assign thts obligation with the consent of the City. The City agrees that it will not allow parking spaces within the Sound Transit Parking Garage to apply toward the parking requirements for any development other than for the Kent Station Property as generally depicted in Exhibit A. 7. GENERAL PROVISIONS 7.1 GOVERNING LAW This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. 7.2 BINDING ON SUCCESSORS; ASSIGNMENT; RELEASE OF LIABILITY 7.2.1 Binding. This Agreement shall be binding upon and mure to the benefit of the successors and permitted assigns of the Developer and the City. -7- 7.2.2 Assignment. The City specifically acknowledges and understands that Developer may partially assign its rights to acquire and develop a Takedown Parcel pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions set forth in the Purchase and Sale Agreement to a third party who desires to construct and own their own improvements in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Purchase and Sale Agreement, the MPD, and this Development Agreement. Any such assignee shall be subject to the requirements of the Purchase and Sale Agreement, the MPD and this Development Agreement. The Developer and any assignees may mortgage their respective interests in Takedown Parcels, once acquired, but that mortgage shall be subject to the requirements set forth in the Purchase and Sale Agreement, the MPD and this Development Agreement. The City also acknowledges that the Developer may assign its obligations under Section 4.4 of this Agreement to an Owner's Association, as more fully descnbed in Section 4.4.4 above. Upon the transfer to a permitted assignee under this Section 7.2.2, the transferee shall be entitled to all interests and rights and be subject to all obligations under this Agreement with respect to the Takedown Parcel(s) affected by the transfer, but the Developer shall not be released of liability unless the conditions of subsection 7 .2.3 are met. 7.2.3 Release of Liability. In the event of an assignment under Section 7.2.2 of this Agreement, the Developer shall be released of all liabilities and obligations under this Agreement as to the assigned parcel(s) if the following conditions are met: (a) the Developer provides notice to the City of the proposed assignment(s); (b) the assignee(s) has assumed in writing all obhgatJons under this Agreement with respect to the Takedown Parcel affected by the transfer, and (c) the assignee meets the requirements set forth in the Purchase and Sale Agreement. If the conditions for release are met under this subsection, then from and after the date of transfer, the Developer shall have no further liability or obligation under this Agreement as to the assigned parcel prior and after the date of assignment, and the assignee shall exercise the nghts and perform the obligations of the Developer under this Agreement for that portion of the Property acquired by such assignee. If after release of liability a default occurs relating to the transferred portion of the Property, such default shall not constitute a default by Developer nor be a default as to any other portion of the Property not subject to the defaulted obligation. Notwithstanding any other provision hereof, the Developer whose interest has been transferred through foreclosure or otherwise conveyed under Section 7.14 relating to mortgagee rights shall be released of liability as to that portion of the Property from and after the effective date of transfer of the affected portion of the Property through foreclosure or deed in lieu thereof. 7.3 RECORDING A memorandum of this Development Agreement shall be recorded against the Kent Station Property as a covenant nmning with the land and shall be binding on the Developer, and its mortgagees, successors and pennitted assigns. This Development Agreement shall automatically tenninate as it applies to any Takedown Parcel upon any default by Developer under the Purchase and Sale Agreement or this Agreement for that Takedown Parcel, which is not cured within the applicable cure period, if any, provided for under this Agreement or the Purchase and Sale Agreement. Upon any termination by the City of the Purchase and Sale Agreement, Developer's rights under this Agreement with respect to any Takedown Parcel not previously acquired by Developer shall tenninate and City shall have the right following such tennination of the Purchase and Sale Agreement to amend, modifY, terminate or extend the Development Agreement without Developer's consent. This Development Agreement shall otherwise terminate as provided for in Section 7.13.2 of this Agreement. 7.4 INTERPRETATION; SEVERABILITY 7 .4.1 Interpretation. The parties intend this Agreement to be interpreted to the full extent authorized by law as an exercise of the City's authority to enter into such agreements. 7.4.2 SeverabiHty. If any provisions of this Agreement are detennined to be unenforceable or invalid by a court of law, then this Agreement shall thereafter be modified to implement the intent of the parties to the maximum extent allowable under law. If a court fmds unenforceability or invalidity of any portion of this Agreement, the parties agree to seek diligently to modifY the Agreement consistent with the court decision, and no party shall undertake any actions inconsistent with the intent of this Agreement until the modification to this Agreement has been completed. If the parties do not mutually agree to modifications within forty-five (45) days -8- after the court ruling, then either party may initiate the dispute resolution proceedings in Section 7 .II for determination of the modifications which implement the intent of this Agreement and the court decision. 7.5 AUTHORITY The City and the Developer each represent and warrant it has the respective power and authority, and is duly authorized, to execute, deliver and perform its obligations under this Agreement. 7.6 AMENDMENT The Project may be modified as provided in Section 5.1.4. This Agreement shall not be modified or amended without the express written approval of the City and the Developer except as provided in Section 7.2 of this Agreement. 7.7 EXHIBITS AND APPENDICES Exhibits A through Q are incorporated herein by this reference as if fully set forth. 7.8 HEADINGS The headings in this Agreement are inserted for reference only and shaH not be construed to expand, limit or otherwise modify the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 7.9 TIME OF ESSENCE Time is of the essence of this Agreement in every provision hereof. Unless otherwise set forth m this Agreement, the reference to "days" shall mean calendar days. If any time for action occurs on a weekend or legal holiday, then the time period shaH be extended automatically to the next business day. 7.10 INTEGRATION This Agreement together with the Purchase and Sale Agreement, Plarmed Action Ordinance, and MPD and any exhibits or appendices to each of the foregoing represent the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the purchase and development of the Kent Station Property. There are no other agreements, oral or wntten, except as expressly set forth herein or therein. 7.11 DISPUTES; DEFAULT AND REMEDIES 7.11.1 Dispute Resolution. If the parties are unable to settle any dispute, difference or claim arismg from the parties' performance of this Agreement, the exclusive means of resolving that dispute, difference or claim, shall only be by filing suit exclusively under the venue, rules and jurisdiction of the King County Superior Court, King County, Washington, unless the parties agree in wnting to an alternative dispute resolution process. In any claim or lawsuit for damages arising from the parties' performance of this agreement, each party shaH pay all Its legal costs and attorney's fees incurred in defending or bnnging such claim or lawsuit, in addition to any other recovery or award provided by law. JURY TRIAL WAIVER: CITY AND DEVELOPER HEREBY WAIVE ANY RIGHT TO TRIAL BY JURY OF ANY CLAIM ARISING OUT OF THIS AGREEMENT OR THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, WHETHER NOW OR HEREAFTER ARISING AND WHETHER SOUNDING IN CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE AND HEREBY CONSENT AND AGREE THAT ANY SUCH CLAIM SHALL BE DECIDED BY TRIAL WITHOUT A JURY. EITHER PARTY HERETO MAY FILE AN ORIGINAL COUNTERPART OR COPY OF THIS SECTION WITH ANY COURT AS WRITTEN EVIDENCE OF THE WAIVER AND AGREEMENT CONTAINED HEREIN. 7.11.2 Default and Remedies. No party shall be in default under this Agreement unless it has failed to perform under this Agreement for a period of thirty (30) days after receipt of written notice of default from any other party. Each notice of default shall specify the nature of the alleged default and the marmer in wluch the default may be cured satisfactorily. If the nature of the alleged default is such that it cannot be reasonably cured -9- within the thirty (30) day period, and if the defaulting party has commenced the cure within such time period, then the parties may mutually agree to extend this time for the diligent prosecution of the cure to completion. Any party not in default under this Agreement shall have all rights and remedies provided by law including without limitation damages, specific performance or writs to compel performance or require action consistent with this Agreement. 7.11.3 Relief Against Defaulting Party or Portion of Property. In recognition of the anticipated sale(s) by the Developer of portions of the Property to others to own, develop and/or occupy within the Kent Station Property, the remedies under this Agreement shall be tailored to the Property or parties as provided in the remaining provisions of this subsection. After the transfer of portions of the Property for which the release of liability provisions apply under Section 7 .2.3, any claimed default shall relate as specifically as possible to the portion of the Property involved and any remedy against any party shall be limited to the extent possible to the owners of such portion of the Property. To the extent possible, the City shall seek only those remedies which do not adversely affect the rights, duties or obligations of any other nondefaulting owner of portions of the Property under this Agreement, and shall seek to utilize the severability provisions set forth in this Agreement. The City shall have no liability to any person or party for any damages, costs or attorneys fees under this Section 7 .11.3 so long as the City exercises reasonable and good faith judgment in seeking remedies against appropriate parties or porlions of the Property. Nothing in this section modifies the liability or release thereof for the Developer as provided in Section 7.2.3. 7.12 AUTHORIZED AGENT Developer hereby designates Joe Blattner its agent with authority to give notices, approvals and otherwise act pursuant to this Agreement Unless otherwise stated by the Developer, representations and actions by Joe Blattner shall bind Developer as to all property then owned by it within the Kent Station Property. 7.13 EFFECTIVE DATE AND TERM 7.13.1 Effective Date. This Agreement shall become effective upon execution by all parties and by its adoption by the Kent City Council. 7.13.2 Term. The term of this Agreement shall continue until the earlier of any default under this Agreement which is not cured within the applicable cure period, if any, provided, under this Agreement or the Purchase and Sale Agreement, or June 30, 20 II, unless the Parties agree to extend it. However, all rights and benefits conferred through the Planned Action Ordinance will expire as provided in Section 4 of the PAO, and all rights and benefits under the PUD shall expire as provided by Kent City Code. 7.14 MORTGAGEE RIGHTS Any bank or other financial institution who has loaned money to Developer to finance its acquisition or development of a Takedown Parcel and who is the beneficiary of a deed of trust or mortgagee ("Mortgagee") of a mortgage secured against all or any portion of the Kent Station Property (each, a "Mortgaged Parcel") shall be entitled to notice of default and opportunities to cure as provided in this section. Any Mortgagee may provide written notice to the City requesting a copy of all notices of default by Developer under this Agreement, or the Purchase and Sale Agreement which relates to the Mortgaged Parcel. For each Mortgagee who has provided such notice, the City durmg the remaining term in this Agreement shall notify such Mortgagee of any event of default by Developer under this Agreement or the Purchase and Sale Agreement relating to the Mortgaged Parcel. Mortgagee shall have the right, but not the obligation, to cure such event of default, within the times provided to the Developer to cure any such default under this Agreement or the Development Agreement, and City agrees to accept such cure from Mortgagee as if it had been provided by Developer. Failure of the City to notify Mortgagee under this section shall not give rise to liability on the part of the City. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, this Agreement shall not be terminated by the City as to any Mortgagee either (I) who has requested notice but has not been given notice by the City or (2) to whom notice of default is given by the City and to which either of the following is true: -10. (a) the Mortgagee cures a default involving the payment of money by the Developer withm thirty (30) days after receipt of notice from the City that Developer failed to cure the monetary default within the cure period set forth in Section 7 .11.2 above; or (b) for defaults wh1ch require title or possession of all or any portion of the Property to effect a cure, then: (l) the Mortgagee agrees in writing, within SIXty (60) days after its receipt of written notice of default, to assume all obligations of Developer with respect to the Mortgaged Parcels conditioned upon the Mortgagee's acquisition of the Mortgaged Parcel by foreclosure (judicial or nonjudicial) or through a deed in lieu of foreclosure; (2) the Mortgagee commences foreclosure proceedings to acquire title to the Mortgaged Parcel within sixty (60) days and thereafter diligently pursues the foreclosure to completion; and (3) the Mortgagee (or any purchaser of the Mortgaged Parcel at foreclosure, trustee's sale or by deed m lieu of foreclosure) promptly and diligently cures the default after obtaining title or possession. 7.15 ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATE Within thirty (30) days following any written request which any party or a Mortgagee may make from time to time, the other party to this Agreement shall execute and deliver to the requesting person a statement certifying that: ( 1) this Agreement is unmodified and in full force and effect, or stating the date and nature of any modification; (2) to the best knowledge of the certifying party, no nonce of default has been sent under Section 7.11 ofth1s Agreement or specifying the date(s) and nature of the notice of such default Failure to deliver such statement to the requesting party within the thirty (30) day period shall constitute a conclusive presumption against the party falling to deliver such statement that this Agreement is in full force and effect Without modification (except as may be represented by the requesting party) and that there are no notices of default nor mfraction (except as may be represented by the requesting party). The delivery of estoppel certificate on behalf of the City pursuant to this section shall be deemed an administrative matter and shall not require legislative action. The City shall not have any liab1hty to the requesting party or to any third party for inaccurate information if it provides the estoppel certificate in good faith and with reasonable care. 7.16 NO TWRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES Except for the mortgagee rights under Section 7.14, this Agreement is made and entered into for the sole protection and benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. No other person shall have any right of action based upon any provision of this Agreement. 7.17 INTERPRETATION Tbis Agreement has been reviewed and revised by legal counsel for all parties and no presumption or rule that ambiguity shall be construed against the party draftmg the document shall apply to the interpretation or enforcement of this Agreement. 7.18 NOTICE All communications, notices and demands of any kind which a party under th1s Agreement requires or desires to give to any other party shall be in writing and either (i) delivered personally, (ii) sent by facsimile transmission w1th an additional copy mailed first class, or (iii) deposited in the U.S. mail, certified mail postage prepaid, return receipt requested, and addressed as follows: If to the City: City of Kent 220 Fourth AvenueS. Kent, W A 98032 -ll- (f. I with a copy to: with copy to: If to the Developer: Attn: City Clerk Fax: (253) 856-6725 City of Kent 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032 Attn: City Attorney Fax: (253) 856-6770 Preston, Gates & Ellis LLP IDXTower 925 Fourth Avenue, Suite 2900 Seattle, Washington 98101-1158 Attn: Enc S. Laschever Kent Station L.L.C. c/oTarragon L.L.C. Attn: Joseph D. Blattner 1000 Second Avenue, Smte 3200 Seattle, WA 98104 Fax: (206) 233-0260 Wtth a copy to: Jameson Babbitt Stites & Lombard, PLLC 999 Third Ave., Suite 1900 Seattle, WA 98104 Attn.: Anne DeVoe Lawler Fax: (206) 292-1995 Notice by hand delivery or facsimile shall be effective upon receipt. If deposited in the mat!, nonce shall be deemed delivered 48 hours after deposited. Any party at any time by notice to the other party may designate a different address or person to which such notice or communication shall be given. 7.19 COOPERATION The parties shall not unreasonably withhold requests for information, approvals or consents provided for in this Agreement. The parties agree to take further actions and execute further documents, either joilltly or within their respective powers and authority, to implement the intent of this Agreement. The City agrees to work cooperatively with the Developer to achieve the mutually agreeable goals as set forth in this Agreement, subject to the City's independent exercise of judgrnen1:and subject to the tenns of the MPD the Kent City Code, and other applicable governmental regulations that are not addressed in this Agreement. 7.20 DELAYS If either party is delayed in the perfonnance of its obligations under this Agreement due to Force Majeure, then perfonnance of those obltgations shall be excused for the period of delay. "Force MaJeure" shall mean "strikes, riots, judicial actions by federal or state govermnental agencies that enjoin construction on the Property, acts of God, war or acts ofterronsm. -12- 7.21 SURVIVAL The following sections or subsections of this Agreement shall survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement: Section 4.4. Section 4.5 and Section 6.1. APPROVED AS TO FORM CITY ATTORNEY CITY OF KENT, A Washington Municipal Corporation By:--=:-:---:-:::-----------Printed Name:, _____ _ Title:, ___________ _ Date: ______________ _ DEVELOPER KENT STATION LLC, a Washington limited babihty company -13- By: Tarragon L.L.C., a Washington limited habihty Company, Its Manager By ____________ _ Joseph D. Blattner Manager 7 . . EXHIBIT A Kent Station Legal Description ( 24 pages) PARCEL1 THAT PORTION OF PARCEL "A" DESCRIBED IN DEED FROM BORDEN CHEMICAL TO THE CITY OF KENT UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 2001 0209000549; AND TRACT "X" DESCRIBED IN QUIT CLAIM DEED FROM BORDEN CHEMICAL TO THE CITY OF KENT UNDER RECORDING NO. 20010209000550; AND OF PARCELS "A", "8", "C", "D", AND "E" DESCRIBED IN DEED FROM LEO G. BRUTSCHE AND NORMA J. BRUTSCHE TO THE CITY OF KENT UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 9905042556; AND OF TEMPERANCE STREET RIGHT OF WAY IN THE PLAT OF RAMSAYS ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF KENT, AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 16 OF PLATS, PAGE 89, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; BEING A PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SEC'(ION 24, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W M., IN KING COUNTY WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W .M. IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE NORTH 88°36'27" WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION TO A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND DISTANCE 30 FEET WEST OF, AS MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO, THE EAST LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER, SAID PARALLEL LINE BEING THE NORTHERLY PRODUCTION OF THE WEST LINE OF FIRST AVENUE NORTH; THENCE SOUTH 01°38'30" WEST ALONG SAID WEST LINE A DISTANCE OF 762.45 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF TRACT "X" AS DESCRIBED IN QUIT CLAIM DEED FROM BORDEN CHEMICAL TO THE CITY OF KENT UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 20010209000550; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH 01"38'30" WEST ALONG SAID WEST LINE A DISTANCE OF 133.00 FEET TO THE NORTH MARGIN OF TEMPERANCE STREET IN THE PLAT OF RAMSAYS ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF KENT, AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 16 OF PLATS, PAGE 89, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE NORTH 88°34'10"WEST ALONG SAID NORTH MARGIN, A DISTANCE OF 321.86 FEET TO INTERSECT THE NORTHERLY PROLONGATION OF THE WEST MARGIN OF SECOND AVENUE NORTH IN SAID PLAT OF RAMSAYS ADDITION AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 01 °38'03" WEST ALONG SAID NORTHERLY PROLONGATION AND SAID WEST MARGIN 353 89 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 20.00 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 89.47'49" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 31.35 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88.34'10" WEST 9.80 FEET TO INTERSECT THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT IN THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF A 60-FOOT WIDE TRACT OF LAND AS DESCRIBED IN PARCEL "E" OF DEED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 9905042556, FOR A SPUR TRACK OVER BLOCK 1 AND BLOCK 2 SAID PLAT OF RAMSAY'S ADDITION, THE CENTER OF WHICH BEARS SOUTH 59°01'48" WEST 353.06 FEET DISTANT; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE AND CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 353.06 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 51°09'55" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 315.28 FEET TO THE CENTERLINE OF VACATED THIRD AVENUE NORTH, AS VACATED BY CITY OF KENT ORDINANCE NO. 2779, RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 8807130681; THENCE NORTH 01°37'42" EAST ALONG SAID CENTERLINE 60.30 FEET TO INTERSECT THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT IN THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID 60-FOOT WIDE TRACT, THE CENTER OF WHICH BEARS SOUTH 06"57'21" WEST 413.06 FEET; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE AND CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 413.06 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE 50J1'31", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 39.83 FEET TOA POINT OF TANGENCY IN THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 11, BLOCK 1, SAID PLAT OF RAMSA YS ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF KENT; THENCE NORTH 88°34'1 0" WEST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 11 AND WESTERLY PROLONGATION THEREOF A DISTANCE OF 220.06 FEET TO INTERSECT THE EAST LINE OF THE WEST 29 FEET OF LOT 2, BLOCK 1, SAID PLAT OF RAMSAYS ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF KENT; THENCE NORTH 01°37'15" EAST ALONG SAID EAST LINEA DISTANCE OF 25.00 FEET; ------------- THENCE NORTH 88°34'10" WEST A DISTANCE OF 15.00 FEET TO INTERSECT THE EAST LINE OF THE WEST 14 FEET OF LOT 2, BLOCK 1, SAID PLAT OF RAMSAYS ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF KENT; SAID EAST LINE BEING 47 FEET EAST OF, AS MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO, THE CENTERLINE OF FOURTH AVENUE NORTH; THENCE NORTH 01°37'15" EAST ALONG SAID EAST LINE AND NORTHERLY PROLONGATION THEREOF A DISTANCE OF 124.94 FEET TO INTERSECT.THE NORTH MARGIN OF TEMPERANCE STREET IN SAID PLAT OF RAMSAYS ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF KENT; THENCE NORTH 01°37'08" PARALLEL WITH THE CENTERLINE OF FOURTH AVENUE NORTH A DISTANCE OF 303.04 FEET; THENCE NORTH 46°37'26" EAST 25.36 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88.22'52" EAST 278.79 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 267.00 FEET; THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90000'55", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 419.47 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY IN THE NORTHERLY PROLONGATION OF THE WEST MARGIN OF SECOND AVENUE NORTH IN SAID PLAT OF RAMSAYS ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF KENT; SAID POINT BEING 52.04 FEET NORTH OF THE POINT OF BEGINNING AS MEASURED ALONG THE NORTHERLY PROLONGATION OF SAID WEST MARGIN; THENCE SOUTH 01.38'03" WEST ALONG THE NORTHERLY PROLONGATION OF SAID WEST MARGIN A DISTANCE OF 52.04 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 285,651 SQUARE FEET MORE OR LESS. :::1 47' _!IAM_fff__$~r,_ __ .j NE COR NWI/4 N£1/4 : 24-22-4 I I I _J !-JO' I~ 1 ... l" ~ I I~ SCALE: 1" = 200' I I~ 0 100' 200' 400' ~ ,I .... I I LINE TABLE -=:l-[§6' ____ _ =rF=--::-,1 __ JL_ U I I "'·I --it-~ --J.t'tJ ..c.. IQ, I \>n ~Q-~ n-#'7[0---~ -~rl 'I Jt~~'::l_"l r --; c---Jr---~ h __ j LINE LENGTH BEARING Ll 52.04' NOt"38'0J"£ L2 25.36' N46"37'26"£ LJ 15.00' N88"34'10"W L4 25.00' NOT:J7't5"E L5 60.30' NOt "37'42"£ L6 9.80' NBB:J4'10"W CURVE TABLE CURVE LENGTH RADIUS DELTA C1 3983' 413.06' L1=5"31'31" C2 31.35' 20.00' L1=89'47'49_"_ THIS E:XHIBIT HAS BEEN PREPAR£0 TO ASSIST IN THE INTCRPRE:TATION OF THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION. THE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHALL PREVAIL 1\ffEN CONFLIC TINC INFORM A TION BE TWt:EN THE: LEGAL OE:SCRIP TION AND THE: EXHIBIT ARE FOUND ~ J.... I ~ ~ .... ~ ~ (.) lJ... Cl: 0 ~ )... J.... -0.: (.) e ~ t:: (l -IWIAGEl GUS OSTE:IIBACK DI!SIGN!D< CAlm-TJO Clllti:IIJ, u:c DATI. 10/25/02 St.W!: uom.: ,·.zoo· mr. JOB NVKBBR 01-225 SHm NUKBU , rst1 page 1 Triad Standard Prototype Settings Project: 01225 . Fri October 25 16:03:34 2002 Parcel Map Check --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parcel name: PARCEL-l North: 143363.8148 Line Course: S 01-38-03 W North: 143333.8270 Line Course: S 01-38-03 W North: 143010.0687 Curve Length: 31.35 Delta: 89-47-49 Chord: 2 8 . 2 3 Course In: N 88-21-59 W RP North: 143010.6389 End North: 142990.6451 Line Course: N 88-34-10 W North: 142990.8898 Curve Length: 315.29 Delta: 51-09-56 Chord: 304.91 Course In: S 59-01-48 W RP North: 142809.2089 End North: 143158.9482 Line Course: N 01-37-42 E North: 143219.2239 Curve Length: 39.83 Delta: 5-31-31 Chord: 39.82 Course In: S 06-57-21 W RP North: 142809.2041 End North: 143222.1353 Line Course: N 88-34-10 W North: 143225.1596 Line Course: N 88-34-10 W North: 143227.6292 Line Course: N 01-37-15 E North: 143252.6192 Line Course: N 88-34-10 W North: 143252.9937 Line Course: N 01-37-15 E North: 143347.8957 Line Course: N 01-37-15 E North: 143377.8837 Line Course: N 01-37-08 E North: 143530.8026 Line Course: N 01-37-08 E North: 143680.8027 East : 1653092.9906 Length: 30. oo East : Length: 323.89 East : Radius: Tangent: Course: Course Out: East East Length: 9. 80 East Radius: Tangent: Course: Course Out: East East : Length: 60.30 East : Radius: Tangent: Course: Course Out: East : East : Length: 121.14 East Length: 98.92 East Length: 25.00 East Length: 15.00 East Length: 94.94 East Length: 30.00 East Length: 152.98 East : Length: 150.06 East : 1653092.1350 1653082.8984 20.00 19.93 s 46-31-56 w s 01-25-50 w 1653062.9065. 1653062.4072 1653052.6103 353.06 169.02 N 56-33-10 W N 07-51-52 E 1652749.8836 1652798.1928 1652799.9063 413.06 19.93 N 85-48-25 W N 01-25-50 E 1652749.8830 1652760.1951 1652639.0929 1652540.2037 1652540.9108 1652525.9155 1652528.6009 1652529.4495 1652533.7713 1652538.0107 page 2 Triad Standard Prototype Settings Project: 01225 Fri October 25 16:03:34 2002 Parcel Map Check Line Course: N 46-37-26 E Length: 25.36 North: 143698.2196 East Line Course: S 88-22-52 E Length: 278.79 North: 143690.3434 East : Curve Length: 419.47 Radius: Delta: 90-00-55 Tangent: Chord: 377.65 Course: Course In: S 01-37-08 W Course Out: RP North: 143423.4500 East End North: 143415.8358 East Line Course: S 01-38-03 W Length: 52.04 North: 143363.8169 East 1652556.4439 1652835.1226 267.00 267.07 S 43-22-25 E S 88-21-57 E 1652827.5796 1653094.4710 1653092.9869 Perimeter: 2274.15 Area: 285,650.97 6.56 Mapcheck Closure -(Uses Error Closure: 0.0042 Error North: 0.00216 Precision 1: 541,466.67 listed courses, radii, and deltas) Course: N 59-18-48 W East : -0.00365 PARCEL2 THAT PORTION OF PARCEL "A", "B", AND "C", DESCRIBED IN DEED FROM BORDEN CHEMICAL TO THE CITY OF KENT UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 2001 0209000549; AND TRACT "X" DESCRIBED IN QUIT CLAIM DEED FROM BORDEN CHEMICAL TO THE CITY OF KENT UNDER RECORDING NO. 20010209000550; BEING A PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST. W.M. IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE NORTH 88°36'27" WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION TO A LINE PARALLEL WITH ~D DISTANCE 30 FEET WEST OF, AS MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO, THE EAST LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER, SAID PARALLEL LINE BEING THE NORTHERLY PRODUCTION OF THE WEST LINE OF FIRST AVENUE NORTH; THENCE SOUTH 01°38'30" WEST ALONG SAID WEST LINE AND EAST LINE OF SAID PARCELS "/1\', "B", AND "C" A DISTANCE OF 762.45 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF TRACT "X" AND A POINT ON THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT, THE CENTER OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 42°48'33" WEST 265.44 FEET; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 265.44 FEET, THROUGHACENTRALANGLE OF 04"39'28", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 21.58 FEET TOA LINE PARALLEL wrrH AND DISTANT 16 FEET WEST OF, AS MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO, THE WEST LINE OF FIRST AVENUE NORTH AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 01°38'30-WEST ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE A DISTANCE OF 78.23 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 20.00 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 89"47'20" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 31.34 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY IN A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 20.50 FEET NORTH OF, AS MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO, THE NORTH MARGIN OF TEMPERANCE STREET IN THE PLAT OF RAMSAYS ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF KENT, AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 16 OF PLATS, PAGE 89, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE NORTH 88°34'10" WEST ALONG SAID PARALI.EL LINE A DISTANCE OF 201.87 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 18.00 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90.12'13" AN ARC OIST ANCE OF 28.34 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY, SAID POINT BEING 38.56 FEET NORTH OF THE NORTH MARGIN OF TEMPERANCE STREET AS MEASURED ALONG THE NORTHERLY PROLONGATION OF THE EAST MARGIN OF SECOND AVENUE NORTH IN SAID PLAT OF RAMSAY$ ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF KENT; THENCE NORTH 01"38'03" EAST ALONG SAID NORTHERLY PROLONGATION A DISTANCE OF 13.25 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE: THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 333.00, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90"00'55" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 523 16 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88~2'52" WEST 280.62 FEET; THENCE NORTH 44°08'44" WEST 25.19 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00°05'23"EAST 163:78 FEET; THENCE NORTH 06°56'26" EAST 89.62 FEET TO INTERSECT A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 9.00 FEET EAST OF EAST LINE OF FOURTH AVENUE NORTH AS APPROPRIATED BY CITY OF KENT UNDER SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NO. 706251; THENCE NORTH 01037'08" EAST ALONG SAID EAST LINE A DISTANCE OF 97.51 FEET. THENCE SOUTH 881122'52" EAST 15.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 01 ~37'08" EAST 25.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88"22'52" WEST 15.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 01° 37'08" EAST 31.08 FEET; THENCE NORTH 4S030'20" EAST 44.40 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH 52.50 FEET OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 24; THENCE SOUTH 88"36'27" EAST ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE A DISTANCE OF 820.00 FEET; ' d THENCE SOUTH 34°49'00" EAST 27.89 FEET TO INTERSECT A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 16 FEET WEST OF, AS MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO, THE WEST LINE OF FIRST AVENUE NORTH AND EAST LINE OF SAID PARCELS "A", "6", AND "C"; THENCE SOUTH 01 038'30" WEST ALONG SAID EAST LINE 30.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88"21 '30" WEST 10.00 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 01°38'30"WEST 10.00 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 88"21'30" EAST 10.00 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCELS "A", ·s·, AND "C"; THENCE SOUTH 01°38'30" WEST ALONG SAID EAST LINE A DISTANCE OF 661.85 FEET TO THE TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 507.848 SQUARE FEET MORE OR LESS } JAMES _SI, __ _ ., ... ~~ . -, 820.00' I N8834'IO"!!'N3 I 20ts>_ ~ ~r--::=rr=f~ ~L~4~1 N£ COR NWI/4 NEI/4 24-22-4 sqALE: 1" = 200' 0 10G' 200' -400' I : I I ' , CURVE: TABLE" CURl£ l.ENCTH RADIUS I DfLTA Cl J1J,J4' 20.00'1 Li~89'47'20" C2 28J.J4' 20.00'1 i!J.•90,2't"-" iUNC TAflL£ LINE I LENGTH StARING Ll IJ.25' NOr.JB'OJ"t: L2 I 25-19' N44'08'-4-4"1i' L.J ' 81.62' N06'S6'26"£ Ul 97.51' NOI'.J7'08"£ L.S I 15.00' N88'22'52"W L6 25.00" NOI37'DB"£ L7 t5..00" L8 Jl.otl' NOI ':J?'DIJ' L9 44..40' N46'.10'M' LIOI 21.89' N.J4'49 '00 l!' L11 , .JIUJO' NOI'.JB'.JO"£ U2 I 10.00' N88'21'JO"i!' LIJ 10.00' N0l'J8'JO"£ Ll4 10.00' N88'21'.JO"W ~~~ "',............ -:1 THIS eXHIBIT HAS BfCN PREPARE:D' TO ASS7ST IN THE INTERPRf:TATION OF THC: at_ ,c.,r:,. <{ I I LeGAL DESCRIPTION. THE: LCCIIL DESCRIPTION SHALL PRt:VAIL 'MIE:N CONTUCTING ii!J.~ -rl , INFOIIMA TION Bfl"WfDV THE: Lt:rlAL i0£SCRIPTION IINO THt: £XHf81T ARC: FOUNll ~RMP. -11814116Ul Ava NE Klii<Uind, WA 98034-8923 • e ...... I' ~ ; ('.! ~ iii 1.1.. u Q: 0 ~ )... ...... ti ~ lC ~ t <l -IIANICIII GUS OSTCRBACK DIS!llNII• -· rJO CRIICII1I: u:c JI,IIJ• ll/118fil2 SClll IKIIIU.=. I '"-200• flltT.· 101 JtUlfllll 01-225 !IIII:IINKIIR 1 ., 1 page 1 Triad Standard Prototype Settings Project: 01225 Fri Novembe·r Oil 08:43:01 2002 ParceJ Map Check ~---------------------------------------------------------------------- Parcel name: PARCEL-2 North: 143474.7827 East : 1653402.1505 Line Course: S 01-38-30 W Length: 78.23 North: 143396.5848 East : Curve Length: 31.34 Rad~us: Delta: 89-47-20 Tangent: Chord: 28.23 Couroe: Course In: N 88-21-30 W Course Out: RP NoL·th: 143397.1578 East : End North: 143377.1640 East : Line Course: N BS-34-10 W LengLh: 201.87 North: 143362.2037 Eaol : Curve Length: 28.34 Rad~us: Delta: 90-12-13 Tangent: Chord: 25.50 Course: Course In: N 01-2!:1-SO E Course Out: RP North: 113400.1981 East End North: 143400.7115 East : Line Course; N 01 38·03 E Length: 13.25 North: 143413.9561 East : Curve Length: 523.16 Radius: DeltQ: 90-00-55 Tangent: Chord: 471.00 Course: Cuurse In: N 88-21-57 W Course Out: RP North: 143423.4525 East : End North: 143756.3196 East : 1653399.9093 20.00 19.93 s 46-32-10 w s 01·25-50 w 1653379.9176 1653379.4182 1653177.6112 18.00 18.06 N 43-28-04 W N 88-21-57 W 1653178.0605 1653160.0679 1653160.4457 333.00 333.09 N 13-22-25 W N 01-37-08 E 1652827.5812 1652836.9888 -r.ina---Course:-N-88-22-52---w---Len~~;;h:-2B<h62-------- North: 143764.2474 East : 1G52556.4BOB Line Course: N 44-08-44 W Le11gth: 25.19 North: 143782.3?31 East : 1652538.9364 Line Course: N 00-05-23 E Lenglh: 163.78 North: 143946.1029 East 16525:i9.1929 Line Course: N 06·56-26 E Length: 89.62 North: 144035.0661 East 1652550.0::.!2!:1 Line Course: N 01-37-08 R r.angth: 97. Sl North: 144132.~312 East 1652552.7773 Line Course: S 88-22-52 E Length: 15.00 North: 144132.1134 ~ast 1652567.7713 Line Course: N 01 37-0B E Length: 25.00 North: 144157.1035 East 1652568.4776 Line Course: N 88-22-52 W Length: 15.00 North: 144157.5272 East 1652553".1835 Line Course: N 01-37-08 E Length: 31.08 North: 144188.5918 Bast 1652554.3616 ·-;, Triad Standard Prototype Settings Project: 0122.!:i Fri November Parcel Map Check Line Course: N 46·30·20 E Length: 44.40 North: 144219.1546 East 1652566.5712 Line Couz:~:>e: S BB-36-27 E LengLh: 820.00 North: 144199.2276 East 1653406.3290 Line course: S 34-49-00 E Length: 27.89 North: 144176.3303 East 1653422.2529 L~ne Course: s 01-38-30 w Length: 30.00 North: 144146.3427 East 165~421.3934 Line Course: N 88-21-30 W Length: 10.00 North: 144146.6291 East 1653411.3975 Line Course: s 01-38-30 w Length: 10.00 North: 144136.6332 .l:!!aet 16!)3411.1110 Line Course: S 88-21-30 E Length: 10.00 North: 144136.3468 East 1653421.1069 Line Course: s 01-38-30 w Length: 198.00 North; 143936.4260 East ; 1653415.4345 Line Course: s 01-36-30 w Length: 235.00 North: 113703.5245 East : 1653408.7021 Line Course: s 01-38-30 w Length: 228.85 North: 143474.7684 East 1653402.1459 Perimeter: 3233.12 Area: 507,647.56 11.66 Mapcheck Closure -(Uses F.rror Closure: 0.0150 Error North: -0.014/7 Precision 1: 215,542.00 listed courses, radii, and deltas) course: s 18-00-45 w Ea!'it : -0.00464 page .?. OS 09:43:01 2002 SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT AREA THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON LYING WITHIN A 15-FOOT WIDE STRIP OF LAND, BEING 7.50 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED CENTERINE: BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH 52.50 FEET OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SAID SECTION 24 WITH THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST 517.55 FEET OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 24; THENCE SOUTH 16' 37' 51" WEST 28.84 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 01' 38' 30"WEST 425.15 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 55'18'12" EAST67.22 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 28' 31' 30" WEST 2.86 FEET TO THE TERMINUS OF THE DESCRIBED CENTERLINE. THE SIDELINES OF SAID STRIP TO BE EXTENDED OR DIMINISHED TO INTERSECT THE ARC OF A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 333.00 FEET; THE CENTER OF WHICH BEARS SOUTH 28'12'16" WEST FROM THE TERMINUS OF SAID DESCRIBED CENTERLINE. W. JAMES ST. -- ll') 1\i It} .-------------51755' /' ---------------- .~ ...... /:;~I h!tJ ~"V "' 7.5' '<;(~ -01 tj~ u~ a:: ... '<;(~ O..~:t PARCEL C TLi/2422049127 15 o' SSESMT 7.5' 155,995.41 3.58 I CITY OF KENT 15' ": EASEMENT TO BE 'inlj SANITARY SEWER ~ I RESERVED AT nME "'"I I OF SALE 3t: I ' • ill 1'1 II -~ .'-?. '..>--"..?~ -~ ~ ·..?..?. <f' !b •v ?{ '-.:.. FND. EX 4" X 4"CONC MON W/ 2" BRASS DISC AND PUNCH ON. 0 4' IN CASE 11-10-00 (ACCEPTED AS NE COR. NW1/4 NE1/4 SEC. 24-22-4) N 144250 1960 E 1653470.3930 PARCEL 8 TLi/2422049144 I I I I I I I I I I I I • ,~ I~ '~I If..,. I~ I I I I I I I I THIS l INTER. LEGAL INFOR THEE SIDEWALK EASEMENT AREA THAT PORTION OF PARCEL "A", "B", AND "C", DESCRIBED IN DEED FROM BORDEN CHEMICAL TO THE CITY OF KENT UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 2001 0209000549; AND OF TRACT "X" DESCRIBED IN QUIT CLAIM DEED FROM BORDEN CHEMICAL TO THE CITY OF KENT UNDER RECORDING NO. 20010209000550; BEING A PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W .M., IN KING COUNTY WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE NORTH 88°36'27" WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION TO A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND DISTANCE 30 FEET WEST OF, AS MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO, THE EAST LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER, SAID PARALLEL LINE BEING THE NORTHERLY PRODUCTION OF THE WEST LINE OF FIRST AVENUE NORTH; THENCE SOUTH 01 °38'30" WEST ALONG SAID WEST LINE AND EAST LINE OF SAID PARCELS "A", "B", AND "C" A DISTANCE OF 762.45 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF TRACT "X~ AND A POINT ON THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT, THE CENTER OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 42°48'33" WEST 265.44 FEET; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 265.44 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 04°39'28", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 21 58 FEET TO A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND DISTANT 16 FEET WEST OF, AS MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO, THE WEST LINE OF FIRST AVENUE NORTH AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 01038'30" WEST ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE A DISTANCE OF 78.23 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 20.00 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 89°47'20" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 31.34 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY IN A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 20.50 FEET NORTH OF, AS MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO, THE NORTH MARGIN OF TEMPERANCE STREET IN THE PLAT OF RAMSAYS ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF KENT, AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 16 OF PLATS, PAGE 89,1N KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; \( l THENCE NORTH 88°34'1 0" WEST ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE A DISTANCE OF 201 87 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 18 00 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90" 12'13" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 28.34 FEET TO INTERSECT THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 18.00 FEET; THE CENTER OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 85"15'21" EAST; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 18.00 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 83"49'31" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 26.33 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY IN A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 22 50 FEET NORTH OF, AS MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO, THE NORTH MARGIN OF TEMPERANCE STREET IN SAID PLAT OF RAMSAYS ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF KENT; THENCE SOUTH 88" 34' 10" EAST ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE A DISTANCE OF 201.97 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE; THENCE ALONG SAID CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 18 00 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF ag• 47' 20", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 28.21 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY IN A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 18 FEET WEST OF, AS MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO, THE EAST LINE OF SAID TRACT "X"; THENCE NORTH 01" 38' 30" EAST PARALLEL WITH THE NORTHERLY PROLONGATION OF SAID EAST LINE 740.08 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88.21' 30" EAST 2.00 FEET TO INTERSECT A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 16 FEET WEST OF, AS MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO, THE WEST LINE OF FIRST AVENUE NORTH AND EAST LINE OF SAID TRACT "A", "8", AND "C"; THENCE SOUTH 01" 38' 30" WEST ALONG SAID EAST LINE A DISTANCE OF 661.85 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. en ~ ~ !ll X :i! l!i 0 '1" ~ Ill r m II ..... 0 q Ugill ~~~RS ~ 2~ § 8 'I? . I( W. JAMES ST. ------------------ FND EX 4" X 4"CDNC. 0::: MON W/ 2" BRASS DISC ~ AND PUNCH ON. 0.4' IN CASE 11-10-00 (ACCEPTED AS NE. CDR. NW1/4 NE1/4 SEC. 24-22-4) N 144250 1960 E: 165:J470 :J9:JO PARCEL C Tl./2422049127 --1-'~ 1;:; I~ I I)<J PARCEL 8 Tl./2422049144 CITY OF KE:NT 2'---1 SIOE:WALK E:ASE:M£NT • I Sl ~~;, ..::-> "'1-IQ~ I I I I I -201 87' -_j ---------l-- 'ii -;9o:1z.1 if-F--=-.,-=-\ l R=IBOO: J L ~ IJ _!::2f!.l!. - -I SIDEWALK EASEMENT EXHIBIT CITY OF KENT C/Tr OF KENT, WASWNGTON 1:,. ... ..... ~# ~-~~ '\io. N88'21 ':JO"W 200' .6 =89'47'20" R=2000' L=:JI :J4' page l Project: 01225 Fr~ November OS 09:12:10 2002 Parcel Map Check -----------------------------------------------------~-------------------- Parcel name: STDEWALK ESMT SOUTH North: 143474.7827 Line Course: S 01-38-30 W North: 143396.5848 curve Length: 31.34 Delta: 89-47-20 Chord: 2B. 23 Course In: N BS-21-30 W RP North: 143397.1578 End North: 143377.1640 Line Course: N 88-34-10 W North: 143382.2037 Curve Length: 28.34 Delta: !J0-12-13 Cho:r:d: 2 5. SO Course In: N 01-25-50 E RP Nor~h: 143400.1381 Rnd North: 143400.7115 CUrve Length: 26.33 Delta: 83-49-3J Chord: :24, OS Course In: N 85-15-21 E ~P North: 143402.2002 End North: 143384.2058 L~ne Couree: s 88-34-10 E North: 113379.1635 Curve Length: 28.21 Delta: 89-47-20 Chord: 25.41 Course In: N 01-25-50 E RP North: 113397.1579 End North: 143396.6123 L:!.ne Course: N 01·38-30 E No.r:·Lh: 144136.4185 Line Course: s 88-21-30 E North; 144136.3612 Line course: S 01-38-30 w North: 143474.7829 E~sL : 1653402.1505 Length: 79.23 East : 1653399.9093 Radius: 20.00 7';mgP.nt: 19.93 Course: S 46-32-10 w Course Out: S 01-?.5-50 W Eaet : 16533/9.9176 East : 1653379.4182 Length: 201.87 East : 1653177.6112 Radius: 18.00 Tangent: 10.06 Course: N 13-28-04 w Course Out: N 88-21-57 w East : 16531?8.0605 EdSL : 1653160.0679 Radius: 19.00 Tangent: 16.16 Course: S 46-39-25 E Course Out: S 01-25-50 W East : 1653178.0062 East : 16531'/7.5568 Length: 201..97 Ra$t : 1653379.4639 ~adius: 18.00 Tangent: 17.93 Course: N 46-32-10 E Course Out: s 88-21-30 ~ East : 1653379.9132 East : 1653397.9059 Length: 740.00 East : Hi5341.9 .1081 Length: 2.00 East : 1653421.1073 Length: 661.85 East : 1653402.1462 Perimete.r:·: 2000.21 Area: 1,977.6.9 0.05 Mapcheck Closure -(U:'!P.A listed courses, raa~~, and d~lLasl Error Closure: 0.0043 course: N 87-46-40 w Error North: 0.00017 East : -0.00431 Project: 01225 Parcel Map Check Precision 1: 465,167.44 page 2 Fri November OR 09:12:10 2002 SIDEWALK EASEMENT AREA THAT PORTION OF PARCEL "A", "8", AND "C", DESCRIBED IN DEED FROM BORDEN CHEMICAL TO THE CITY OF KENT UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 20010209000549; AND OF TRACT "X" DESCRIBED IN QUIT CLAIM DEED FROM BORDEN CHEMICAL TO THE CITY OF KENT UNDER RECORDING NO. 20010209000550, BEING A PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M.lN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE NORTH 88°36'27" WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION TO A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND DISTANCE 30 FEET WEST OF, AS MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO, THE EAST LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER, SAID PARALLEL LINE BEING THE NORTHERLY PRODUCTION OF THE WEST LINE OF FIRST AVENUE NORTH; THENCE SOUTH 01°38'30" WEST ALONG SAID WEST LINE AND EAST LINE OF SAID PARCELS "A", "B", AND "C" A DISTANCE OF 762.45 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF TRACT "X" AND A POINT ON THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT, THE CENTER OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 42°48'33" WEST 265.44 FEET; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 265.44 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 04039'28", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 21 58 FEET TOA LINE PARALLEL WITH AND DISTANT 16 FEET WEST OF, AS MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO, THE WEST LINE OF FIRST AVENUE NORTH; THENCE NORTH 01°38'30" EAST ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE A DISTANCE OF 671.85FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 88"21'30" WEST 2.00 FEET TO INTERSECT A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 18 FEET WEST OF, AS MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO, THE WEST LINE OF FIRST AVENUE NORTH AND EAST LINE OF SAID TRACT "A", "B", AND "C"; THENCE NORTH 01• 38' 30" EAST PARALLEL WITH SAID WEST LINE A DISTANCE OF 32.71 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 34• 49' 00" EAST 3.37 FEET TO INTERSECT A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 16 FEET WEST OF, AS MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO, THE WEST LINE OF FIRST AVENUE NORTH AND EAST LINE OF SAID TRACT "A", "B", AND "C"; THENCE SOUTH 01• 38' 30" WEST ALONG SAID EAST LINE A DISTANCE OF 30.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. lii z c ~ . IQ 7" ::: (JI W. JAMES ST. ---------------- ~5ijili l\111 ~~i~~ ~ ~ -a ,. " ~ & .. !I f'ND EX 4" X 4"CONC MON W/ 2" BRASS DISC AND PUNCH ON. 0 4' IN CASE 11-10-00 (ACCEPTED AS NE. COR NW1/4 NE1/4 SEC. 24-22-4) N 1442SO 1960 E 16SJ470 J9JO PARCEL C 11..12422049127 PARCEL 8 Tl./2422049144 orr OF KE:Nr 2'---1 SIDEWALK EASEMENr Ll •4 'J9'28" • R=26S 44' L•21 ss' '\.~ .. -.:"o, '\.<!>.;. PARCEL A """~ Tl./2422049126 ~~ Ll =89'47'20" '\. R=18 00' L=28 21' Ll =BJ'49 'JI" R=1800' L=26.JJ' N88'J4 '70"W 201 97' SIDEWALK EASEMENT EXHIBIT CITY OF KENT CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON I~ "' I~ I l)'l . l!il :glq, ~:"> :gl<; 1:;: I I I I 'to P, ..; ~­ 't..Cb, .,., NB8'27'Jo"w 200' Ll •89'47'20" R=2000' L=JI J4' page 1 Project: 01225 Fri November OS 09:12:08 2002 Parcel Map Check --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pcu::r..:el name: SIDEWALK ESMT .WOR.'J.'H North: 144176.3440 East : 165.34'-'-.:>.575 Line Course: s 01-.)8-30 w Length: 30.00 North: 144146.3563 Eaet 1653121.3980 Line course: N 88-21-30 W Length: 2.00 North: 144146.4136 East 1653419.3988 Line Course: N 01-38-30 E Length: 32. 7l North: 144179.1102 East 165:3420.3359 Line Course: S 34-49-00 E Length: 3.37 North: 1441 '76 .3434 East 1653422.2600 Perimeter: 68.07 Area: 62.71 0.00 Mapcheck Closure -(U~e~ Erx:·or Closure: 0. 0026 Error North: -0.00053 Precision 1: 26,184.62 listed courses, radii, and deltas} Course: S 78-22-21 E East: : 0.00257 ... I i ----1 I _______ J !, __________________________________________________________ _ ---------. -------~ I r-------~~M•.LI! I I ------.--I ~~ J-c:~~~·:· tr=~~r;FJ==~:J: I I 1fi '"m1"' ~/1 I I I /1 I I' I/ I I I l I llej I I I I BAN/( OF AJI£/?ICA ; I CITY OF """ I / I 714280 ootl j/ II 242204 90/o I I I I CITY or KCNr t' ' I I I ~~ 114280 ooo• ~/1 I / I I r.-:1 1 1 1 r'/1 j 1 CITY OF KCNT 24220.f 9128 I I I ____ i' €1 f 1 I ' I "' I ./ i f il P~RtEL •• ' ' ' 1:'' "/'~" 1 le' :~ 1.~ 1 ('I , I ~~:s li / !'til 1, I I o,, I I J I I I I CITYOFK£1/T ~I YJ I I 1 71428000$S ~I I I 1 ,.1 ·--I ~ .-. / a.l _... --....~;: T / ~ l -~ d -------~ ,I I I I I CENTIIAI. PUG£T SOIJNO R£GIONAL JRitHSIT AUJHORITY n4280 1)(}00 (ATY QF KENT 2422(U 9126 I il CITY OF' KCNr 242204 S126 laq I I I I I I I I I 1 I CtTY OF K£H1 242204 !1127 I I! I ~~~~ ~ I " lwJ 1 filth!< ~......... ===b~ W:::iiiflff'i --,--, ~ --= .. ...,..,.. ?L---------1 t=r,O" I 1 1 I PARCELl 2 507.849 sa F(l' I I I I I I I , C1n' W KEN1 242204 9144 I I I I ..... CfTY OF keNT 242204 9121 --------'- I~ CttyofK.,. ' Pubtic Wodts Depanment KENT STATION RIGHT OF WAY PLAN "" .,..,,~J Engltlcering Divi11011 I~ .. ~~ ?t-U••/4 ., EXHIBITB MPD Conditions (8 pages) Conclusions Based on Findings Planned Unit Development Review With conditions of approval, the Planned Unit Development application will satisfy all of the criteria for approval established by the City Council. Conditions of approval related to street improvements, sidewalk construction, installation of street lighting, planting of street trees, accommodation of bicycle lanes, design of open space areas, non-interference with ongoing site cleanup monitoring activities, location of pedestrian crossings, provision of utility easements, air quality protection, provision for parking, appropriate truck maneuvering areas and compliance with SEPA mitigation measures are necessary to ensure that the Planned Unit Development is developed in a manner consistent with the criteria for approval. Findings of Fact No. 1-5, 6-12. Preliminary Plat Review With conditions of approval, the preliminary plat application to divide 18.2 acres into twenty lots will satisfy all of the criteria for approval established by the City Council. Conditions of approval related to installation of a gravity sewer system, installation of a private stormwater system, installation of a water system, approval of a grading plan, sidewalk construction, location of pedestrian walkways, air quality protection, conveyance of easements and compliance with SEPA mitigation measures are necessary to ensure that development of the plat is accomplished in a manner consistent with the criteria for approval. Findings of Fact No. 1-5, 13-17. DECISIONS Planned Unit Development The request for approval of a Master Plan/Planned Unit Development for mixed-use development of approximately 18.2 acres of property is GRANTED, subject to the following conditions: Findings, Conclusions and Decision Hearings Examiner for the City of Kent Kent Statton Master Plan/Planned Unit Development and Preliminary Plat Applicatton #PUD-2002-1 and #SU-2002-9 KIVA #RPP3-2023555 Page 10of17 1. All engineering plans shall meet the minimum requirements of the City of Kent Construction Standards, (in effect as of November 13, 2002 and consistent with the vesting of Development Standards as outlined in the Development Agreement between the Developer and the City) applicable City of Kent Development Assistance Brochures, and the 2002 City of Kent Surface Water Design Manual. 2. The new private commercial street (2nd Place South) located between James Street and the Grand Arc shall be designed as follows: a) The street shall be designed in such a way as to clearly define the beginning and terminus of the private street at the public street intersections. This may include curb returns, commercial driveway approaches or other design alternatives as deemed appropriate by the Public Works Director. Other driveways shall be in conformance with the City of Kent Construction Standards (in effect as of November 13, 2002). b) The street shall provide for a minimum of two 12-foot travel lanes. The area for parallel parking shall be in conformance with KCC 15.05.1 00 Minimum parking design standards. c) Street lighting along the private street shall be the same as that which is installed along the Grand Arc. d) Street trees shall be installed along both sides of the private street and shall be placed within decorative cast iron (or similar) tree grates if located within the paved sidewalk area. The species of street trees, spacing of trees and tree grates shall be jointly approved by the Kent Parks Department, Planning Services Division and Public Works Department. e) The minimum width of sidewalk shall be ten feet on both sides of the private street. The sidewalk shall be aesthetically textured in a manner similar to what is approved for the sidewalks along the Grand Arc. Sidewalk texture shall be jointly approved by the Kent Planning Services and Public Works Department. f) The street shall include a private stormwater drainage system meeting the requirements of the 2002 City of Kent Stormwater Design Manual. g) The private street, street trees and decorative elements shall be maintained at the sole expense of the developer and any future owner(s). Fmdmgs, Conclusions and Decision Hearings Examiner for the Ctty of Kent Kent Station Master Plan/Planned Unit Development and Preliminary Plat Application #PUD-2002-1 and #SU-2002-9 KIVA #RPP3-2023555 Page 11 of 17 h) The street bulb-outs shown along the private street shall generally be enlarged to provide for a maximum separation of two parallel parking stalls. Additionally, these areas should be large enough to provide for two street trees and additional pedestrian amenities such as benches, decorative bollards and planters. Any variation to these standards shall be jointly approved by the Kent Fire, Parks, Public Works and Planning Departments. 3. A deceleration lane shall be constructed along the south side of James Street between the intersection of 4th Avenue South and the private street entering the project. The lane width and length shall be approved by the Kent Public Works Department and shall generally be consistent with AASHTO guidelines. The lane shall be designed and constructed to accommodate the future installation of a five-foot bicycle lane along the south side of James Street without the need to relocate the curb, gutter, sidewalk and street trees. This lane shall be constructed concurrent with the construction of the private street connecting James Street to the Grand Arc. The developer shall deed any additional public right of way deemed necessary to construct the deceleration lane. 4. In order to mitigate the restricted access from the North Park residential neighborhood to James Street associated with the construction of a westbound left turn lane from James Street into the project via the private street, the developer shall improve Cloudy Street between 3rd Avenue South and 41h Avenue South. This improvement shall be constructed in conjunction with the installation of the westbound left turn lane from James Street into the private drive entering the site. Subject to minor adjustments as deemed necessary by the Public Works Director, the improvements shall consist of the following: a) Two twelve-foot travel lanes constructed to City of Kent Residential Street Standards. b) One 5-foot asphalt or concrete walkway along either the north or south side of the new roadway. The walkway shall be separated by an extruded curb or other means as approved by the Public Works Department. At the sole discretion of the Public Works Director, the developer may pay a fee in lieu of constructing the above improvements. Such payment shall be based upon an approved engineers cost-estimate and shall include the total cost for the City to construct the above-noted improvements. Payment of fees shall be made Findtngs, Conclusions and Decision Hearings Examtner for the City of Kent Kent Stat1on Master Plan/Planned Umt Development and Prelimmary Plat Application #PUD-2002-1 and #SU-2002-9 KIVA #RPP3-2023555 Page12of17 to the City prior to the issuance of any permit to construct a private road with access from James Street by a left turn. 5. The open space features throughout the Master Plan\PUD area shall have a unified theme, design, and features and shall be reflective of Kent's community values, such as those incorporated into the Regional Justice Center, the Sound Transit Station and the Meeker Street developments. These open space areas shall be designed in such a way as to connect the Kent Station development to the historic downtown. The open space areas are defined as the civic plaza along the Grand Arc, the plaza area to the rear of the community college and the plaza area at the cinema entry. 6. The final design and elements within the civic plaza shall be approved by the City's Downtown Design Review Committee and constructed in conjunction with buildings 6A, 68, 1 0, 12, or 13. The civic plaza shall not be reduced in total area beyond that which is shown on the approved MPD application (20,934 SF). The other open space plazas {behind the Community College and at the cinema entrance} shall be constructed in conjunction with the adjacent structure and shall be built to substantially the same size and configuration as shown on the MPD site plan. These plazas shall provide adequate pedestrian amenities and shall be subject to the Downtown Design Review guidelines. Examples of pedestrian amenities include, but are not limited to, a participatory water feature, ornamental lighting, and benches. 7. The site identification features located at the southeast corner of James Street and 4th Avenue North and the northwest corner of Smith Street and 2"d Avenue North shall be installed in conjunction with the issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy for phase I. The site identification features shall be subject to approval by the Planning Services Division. These site identification features shall be designed and located in such a way as to incorporate elements that will provide a visual and pedestrian link to the historic downtown. Further, the site identification features should be designed in such a way as to be harmonious and integrated with other site design elements such as public art and/or landscaping. 8. Construction of any site improvement or development shall in no way interfere with or preclude the City's ability to continue monitoring and cleanup activities on the Kent Station site. 9. All commercial signs within the Master Plan\PUD area shall be in accordance with the approved sign criteria in Exhibit 1, Attachment C. Monument signage Findings, Conclusions and Decision Hearings Examiner for the City of Kent Kent Station Master Plan/Planned Umt Development and Preltminary Plat Application #PUD-2002-1 and #SU-2002-9 KIVA #RPP3-2023555 Page 13of 17 shall be installed in conjunction with the first development or Certificate of Occupancy for phase I. 1 0. The mid-block pedestrian crossing shown on the Grand Arc adjacent to the civic plaza shall be a raised crossing, shall be aesthetically treated, shall incorporate traffic calming techniques and shall be jointly approved by the Planning Services Division and Public Works Department. The minimum width of the crosswalk shall be twelve-feet. Signs, notifying motorists of the mid-block crossing, shall be installed both directions along the Grand Arc. This signage and pavement markings shall be consistent with the Manual Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). 11 . During site development and building construction, the developer shall implement all applicable construction-related measures to reduce air quality impacts as outlined in item 2(C) of the PAO mitigation document. 12. The developer shall convey all private and public easements necessary for the construction and maintenance of the required improvements for this development. 13. The developer shall provide cross-access easements for access, utilities, parking and landscaping. These easements shall be reviewed by the Planning Services Division prior to recordation. Recorded copies of said easements shall be provided to the Planning Services Division prior to the issuance of any certificate of occupancy for affected buildings. 14. Occupancy of the cinema shall not be permitted unless a Parking Agreement is reached between the City and Sound Transit that allows for the required cinema parking. 15. The minimum pedestrian area width for sidewalks along 1st Avenue North shall be consistent with the Kent Downtown Design Guidelines with a minimum of 10', unless otherwise modified by the Planning Manager. Additionally, Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTD) measures shall be employed along 1st Avenue North to provide "eyes on the street." 16. A Development Agreement, pursuant to RCW 36.708.180 -210 shall be executed between the City and the Developer in a manner consistent with approval of this application. This Agreement shall be executed prior to the issuance of any development permit for the proposed PUD. Findings, Conclusions and Decision Hearings Examiner for the City of Kent Kent Station Master Plan/Planned Umt Development and Preliminary Plat Application #PUD-2002-1 and #SU-2002-9 KIVA #RPP3-2023555 Page 14 of17 17. Trees located in planter pits within parking lot islands should be aligned with stall lines to minimize vehicular damage to the trees. 18. The private street (2nd Place) shall have landscaping, in addition to the proposed street trees, in the form of streetscape planters, window boxes, hanging planters, or other measures as approved by the Downtown Design Review Committee to provide additional greenery along the street. 19. Truck maneuvering shall be permitted along 1st Avenue North in association with one delivery dock for the grocery store and a trash compactor for the cinema, provided that at no time shall both lanes of the public street be blocked. Further, loading shall not occur during either the am or pm peak traffic times and shall be posted as such. 20. The surface parking areas along 41h Avenue North, north of Temperance Street and along 1s Ave North, associated with the grocery store shall be adequately screened from public view. Adequate screening may consist of a low wall or low decorative fence combined with low hedges and trees. The final screening design shall be subject to review and approval during the Downtown Design Review process. 21. All appropriate SEPA mitigation measures, as outlined in the PAO and Exhibit A (SEPA Mitigation Document) attached to the PAO shall apply to the Master Plan\PUD. Preliminary Plat The request for approval of a preliminary plat to subdivide approximately 18.2 acres into twenty lots for mixed-use development is GRANTED, subject to the following conditions: 1 . The developer shall receive City approval for engineering drawings from the Department of Public Works, and shall then either construct or bond for the following as appropriate for each phase of development: a) A gravity sewer system to serve all lots proposed for building construction. b) A water system meeting domestic and fire flow requirements for all lots. c) The private stormwater system. Findings, Conclusions and Decision Hearings Examiner for the City of Kent Kent Station Master Plan/Planned Unit Development and Preliminary Plat Application #PUD-2002-1 and #SU-2002·9 KIVA #RPP3-2023555 Page 15of17 At a minimum, all utiHties shall be stubbed to the edge of the purchased property to serve future development parcels. 2. All engineering plans shall meet the minimum requirements of the City of Kent Construction Standards (in effect as of November 13, 2002 and consistent with the vesting of Development Standards as outlined in the Development Agreement between the Develop~r and the City) applicable City of Kent Development Assistance Brochures and the 2002 City of Kent Surface Water Design Manual. 3. A schematic grading plan for the entire subdivision shall be submitted. A detailed grading plan shall be submitted for each phase of development. The detailed grading plan shall be in conformance with Uniform Building Code, City of Kent Construction Standards (in effect as of November 13, 2002) and City of Kent Development Assistance Brochure #1-3, Excavation and Grading Permits and Grading Plans. These plans will include provisions for utilities, roadways, stormwater treatment facilities, and a building footpad for each lot. 4. The developer shall construct the final sidewalks along the Grand Arc in conjunction with each approved building permit that abuts the right-of-way. The sidewalks shall be a minimum of thirteen feet in width (comprised of 9 feet of walkway and 4 feet of amenities), and shall meet City of Kent Construction Standards (in effect as of November 13, 2002 and consistent with the vesting of Development Standards as outlined in the Development Agreement between the Developer and the City). Further, the sidewalks shall generally be consistent with the sidewalk pattern as identified in the Commuter Rail Station Area Study and the Kent Downtown Gateways project. The final sidewalk design shall be jointly approved by the Kent Planning Services Division and Public Works Department. 5. In order to create a continuous pedestrian walkway through the project site, given that future phases will be constructed over time, the developer shall construct a paved tem~orary walkway along both sides of the Grand Arc connecting Smith Street to 4 h Avenue South. This continuous walkway shall be constructed prior to or in conjunction with the first Certificate of Occupancy for Phase I and shall be constructed along those areas not subject to Condition #4 (above). 6. During site development and building construction, the developer shall implement all applicable construction-related measures to reduce air quality impacts as outlined in item 2(C) of the PAO mitigation document. Fmdmgs, Conclusions and Decision Hearings Examiner for the City of Kent Kent Station Master Plan/Planned Unit Development and Preliminary Plat Application #PUD-2002-1 and #SU-2002-9 KIVA #RPP3-2023555 Page 16 of 17 7. The developer shall convey all private and public easements necessary for the construction and maintenance of the required improvements for this development. · 8. All appropriate SEPA mitigation measures, as outlined in the PAO and Exhibit A (SEPA Mitigation Document) attached to the PAO shall apply to the Subdivision. DECIDED this 301h day of January 2003. THEODORE PAUL HUNTER Hearing Examiner S :\Permit\Pian\PU D\2002\2023555-2002-1 ftndings.doc Findings, Conclusions and Decision Hearings Examiner for the City of Kent Kent Station Master Plan/Planned Unit Development and Preliminary Plat Application #PUD-2002-1 and #SU-2002-9 KIVA #RPP3-2023555 Page 17of 17 EXHIBITC P AO (34 pages) ORDINANCE NO. 3b0 ~ AN ORDINANCE of the Ctty Counc1l of the C1ty of Kent. Waslnngton, estabhshmg a Planned Action for a Slte approxunately 2S 0 acres m s1ze, bound by James and Hamson Streets. 4th Avenue and 1 '1 Avenue, as descnbed m the adopted Kent Station Supplemental Envrromnental Impact Statement. WHEREAS, the Governor's Task Force on Regulatory Reform recommended changes to state law that would enable local governments to consolidate envrronmental reVJew of plans prepared under the Waslnngton State Growth Management Act (GMA), and WHEREAS, both the State Env1r0nmental Po hey Act ("SEP A'') and Chapter 36 70B ReVIsed Code of Washington (''RCW") proVIde for the mtegrabon of envuonmental revJ.ew w1th proJect review through the establishment of "Planned Acbons", and WHEREAS, Planned Actions expedite the penmttmg process where substantial plannmg and enVlfOnmental analysis have been done prospectively for spec1fic geographic areas that are less extens1ve than the mumctpallty's JUnsdJctJOnal boundanes or that are for certmn types of development, and 1 Pllznned Action Ordinance - Kent Stadon SEIS ---------- , ' WHEREAS, RCW 43 21C 031 and Washmgton Admtmstratlve Code ("WAC) 197-11-164, -168, and -172 allow for and govern the apphcatJon of a Planned Action des1gnabon, and WHEREAS, Ctty of Kent Ordmance No 3222 adopted a Comprehensive Plan (Apnl1995), under the provts1ons of Chapter 36 70A RCW, that mcludes goals and pohcies for Kent's downtown area; and WHEREAS, Ctty of Kent Ordmance No 3398 adopted the Downtown Strategxc Actlon Plan and Integrated Supplemental Envli'Onmental Impact Statement m 1998 as an amendment to the C1ty of Kent Comprehensive Plan, m compliance With the requuements of the GMA to <hrect growth into urban centers that provtde a nux of reSidential, commerctal, educational, and recreational land uses served by a multi- modal transportabon system, and WHEREAS, the C1ty of Kent Downtown Strategic Acbon Plan provtdes a baslS for master planmng and envtronmental analysts for the subsequent adoptJ.on of a Planned Action Ordmance for the Downtown Kent subarea, and its component dlStncts, and WHEREAS, C1ty of Kent Ordmance 3543, passed on February 20, 2001, rezoned lands prevtously destgnated as Downtown Commercial LIMited Manufactunng (DLM) WJtbm Downtown Kent to Downtown Commercial Enterpnse (DCE) and recogmzed the vancty of functions Downtown Kent will be expected to provtde as a destgiJated Uman Center pursuant to Kmg County county-w1de plannmg pohcies for populatton, employment and serv1ces; and WHEREAS, on February 8, 2001, the Ctty purchased the Borden Chen11cal s1te, and 2 Pllmned Action Ordinance - Kent Statirm SEIS WHEREAS, the Sound Transit Commuter Rail Stat1on began operation m the City of Kent on February S, 2001, and the presence of th1s trans1t semce 1s conSIStent With and would enhance JDixed-use development on the Planned Action s1te, and WHEREAS, the C1ty of Kent over the years has proVIded an ongomg opport1.11nty for pubhc parttc1pation and reVIew process for preparation of Its Comprehensive Plan, the Downtown Strategtc Act1on Plan and Integrated EnVIronmental Impact Statement, and the Kent Station Planned Action Ordmance, and WHEREAS, on July 9, 2002 the Kent City Councd Plannmg Comnuttee held a pubbc meeting on this Planned Action Ordinance to allow an opportumty forpubbc comment as requrred by WAC 197-11-168, and WHEREAS, the Kent Station Planned Action Supplemental EnVIronmental Impact Statement (hereafter "SEISj tdentlfies Impacts and nutlgahon measures assoct.ated With the planned development, and WHEREAS, thls Ordmance would designate certatn land uses and actlVltles as Planned Actions" that would be cons1stent wtth the Downtown Commercial Enterpnse zonmg dlstnct des1gnations Wlthin Downtown Kent NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF TilE CITY OF .KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS SECTION I. • Propose The C1ty Counctl declares that the purpose of tins ordinance ts to 3 Planned Action Ordinance- Kent Statum SEIS A Combme envrronmental analysts wtdi land use plannmg, and B. Streamhne and expedite die land use penmt process by relymg on completed and extstmg detuled envtronmental analys1s for certam land uses allowed m Downtown Kent, and C. Set forth a procedure destgnatmg certain prOJect actions wttlun Downtown Kent as Planned Acttons conSlStent Wlth RCW 43 21 C 031; and D ProVIde the pub he wtth an understanding of Planned Actlons and how die Ctty Will process Planned Actions, and E. Adopt the SBIS as a Planned Action document that provides a :frameworlc for encouraging development proposals Wlthm the Planned Act1on Area descnbed m Section 3(A) ("Planned Action ProJects") that are cons1Stent Wlth the goals and pohctes of the Ctty of Kent Comprehensive Plan and the City of Kent Downtown Strategic Action Plan, as they apply to a portion of the North Core Dtstnct of Downtown Kent F Apply the City's development codes together wtth the SEIS and mtbgatJOn framework descnbed 1n Section 3 of this Ordmance to expedite and sunpbfy processmg Planned Action developments, consrstent wtth RCW 43 21C 240 and WAC 197-11-158 4 Pl411Hed Action Ordinllllce - Kent Station SEIS SECTION 2. • Fwdmgs The C1ty CouncJJ finds that· A The City of Kent selects Alternative 2, as set forth m the SEJS, as Its preferred alternative, and B. The C1ty of Kent Comprehensive Plan EnVU'Onmental Impact Statement, the C1ty of Kent Downtown Strategic Ac1lon Plan and Integrated Supplentental Envtronmental Impact Statement (together ''DSAP .. ), and the SEIS adequately address all &Igruficant envuonmental impacts assoctated With the Planned Action descnbed m the SEIS for Alternative 2; and C. The mitigation measures contamed in the Mitigation Document, Exlulnt A of tlus Ordmance, together wtth the C1ty's development standards and any future nutlgatton measUfCS that may be unposed through the land use process, are adequate to nutlgate the Slgnt:ficant adverse enVIronmental wpacts of the Planned Actlon ProJects addressed m the SEIS Addltlonal voluntary mttlgatlon measures may also be mcorporated m a subsequent development agreement pursuant to RCW 36 70B 170; and D. The SEIS Planned Act:J.ons, also referred to as "Planned Actlon ProJects" (as descnbed by Alternative 2 m the SEIS), as set forth m Section 3(D) of th1s Ordmance, wdl benefit the pubbc, w1ll protect the enVIronment, and Will enhance econonuc development, and E The C1ty has proVIded numerous opportunities for pubhc involvement and t'IMew; has consuiered all comments receiVed; and thts pubhc participation process has resulted m modifications to mitigation measures and Planned Action conceptual altcmab.ves S Planned Action Ordinance- Kent Station SEIS F. The Planned Actlon descnbcs the locatlon, types and quant.J.t.J.es of uses antic1pated. G. Pubhc servJces and factltties are adequate to serve the proposed Planned Acbon. S8CTION3. -Procedure and Cntena for Evaluatmg and Determmmg Pwec(S as Planned Actzons A Planned Act1on Area. The Planned Action destgnatton shall apply to all parcels bound by 1st Avenue on the east between James and Snuth Streets, 4111 Avenue on the west between James and Hamson Streets, James Street on the north between 111 and 4111 Avenues, and Harrison Street on the south between 21111 and 4th A venues, referred to m thts Ordmance as the "Planned Acbon slle" The property IS tllustrated m Exlubtt B and legally descnbed m Exlubtt C Additionally, the Planned Actton des1gnabon shall apply to any off-stte improvements neceSSitated by the proposed Planned Action development where the unpacts of the off-s1te improvements have been analyzed m the SEIS. B. EJMronmental Document A Planned Acuon designatiOn for a site-specific Planned Actton Project pemut appb~tton shall be based on the enwonmental analysis contained m the draft SEIS ISSUed by the Ctty on Apnl 23, 2002, and the Fmal SEIS tssued by the Ctty on July 8, 2002, and those enwonmental documents mcorporated by reference or adopted m the SEIS. The Counctl's Mttlgatton Document, Exlubtt A. IS based upon the envllOnmental analysts m the SEIS, and IS Incorporated mto tlus Ordmance by thts reference The M1ttgat1on Document, together w1th extStmg Ctty codes, ordmances, development regulations and standards and apphcable county, state or federal reqwren1ents and standards, shall provide the framework for the dec1s1on by the C1ty to I.IIIpose condttlons on a Planned Action proJect Other envnonmental 6 Pltmned.Action Ordinance- Kent StatifJn SEIS documents incorporated by reference m the SEIS may also be utlltzed to asstst m analyztng impacts and detcnnuung appropnate nut~g~.tlon measures. C. Planned Action Desrgnated Land uses and acttvtttes descnbed tn the SEIS, subject to the thresholds descnbed m Sectton 3(D) and the llllttgation measures descnbed m the Mttlgatton Document, Exhibit A, arc destgnated Planned Actions or Planned Action ProJects pursuant to RCW 43.21 C 031. A land use pemut apphcatton for a stte-speclfic Planned Actton Project withm the Subarea shall be destgnated as a Planned Actton tf 1t meets the cntena &et forth m Section 3(D) of t1us Ordmance and appbcable laws, codes, development regulations and standards of the Ctty D. Planned Actwn Thresholds. 1. Land Use Subject to the ItUtlgatton measures descnbed m Exlubu A, the followmg land uses and development levels, together wtth the customary accessory uses and amemttes descnbed m the SEIS, are Planned Actions pursuant to RCW 43 21C.03I· a. Land Uses The follOWing uses are the pnmary uses analyzed m the SEIS. 1. Office, 11. Retail commerctal; w. Restaurant, lV Multtfamtly resuientJal, v. C1DC111a, V\ Commum.ty College; Vll Hotel & Conference Center; Vlll. Surface parkmg, IX Structured parking, and X Street and mfrastructure !lllpl'Ovements. 7 Planned Action Ordinance- Kent StatifJn SEIS b. Land Use Rev1ew Threshold The Planned Action des1gnatlon appbes to future development proposals that are comparable to or that are wttlnn the range established by SEIS Proposed Acbon Alternauve 2, as shown m the Summary of Development table below: Kent Sttltion Alternative-Summary of Development in Alternative 2 LAND USE Commercial (square feet) Retad Restaurant Grocery Ctnema (12~Screen; 2,800 seats) Office CommlJlllty College Hotel/Conference Center Hotel Rooms Multi-family Residential (sq feet) Housmg Umts Total Commeretai/Residential Development Park I Open Spaee ClVlc Plaza (Alt 2)/Plaza Area (Alt 3) Park Block (Alt 2)/Town Sq (Alt 3) Borden Playfields Parking (stalls) 8 Alternative 2 - Kent Station Pro ostrl 518,400 sf 191,800 35,900 47,700 55,000 138,000 so,ooo 169,400 sf 200rooms 434,000 sf 480 uruts l,ll1,800 sf SJ,OOOsf 23,000 30,000 0 2,932 stalls Plan11ed ActiDn Ordinance- Kent Station SEIS A llst of general uses avmlable to the land use categones featured m the above Summary of Development table, Wlth appropnate development standards, 1s descnbed m Kent Ctty Code 15 04 Surface parkmg mcludes on- street spaces wrthm the Slte, and structured parlang mcludes 'stand-alone' parking garages as well as parkmg structured Wlthm and beneath mtxed-use development If future development proposals m the Planned Action area exceed the maxtmum development parameters reviewed m the SEIS, further envlJ'011D1ental revtew may be reqwred under SEPA, as provtded in WAC 197- 11-172 If proposed plans Stgmficantly change the location of uses m a manner that would alter the environmental detemunatJ.ons m the SEIS, addtttonal SEP A revtew also would be reqwred Sluftmg the total bwld-out of square footage between uses may be permitted so long as the total butld-out does not exceed the aggregate amount of development, tnp generation, and pariang thresholds reVIewed under the SEIS, and so long as the tmpacts of that development have been tdenttfied and mttlgated m the SEIS and the Mlttgation Document 2 Bmldmg Het&hts and Threshold&. The Planned Action Area lS entirely located wtthm the Downtown CollllllC1'Ctal Enterpnse (DCE) zonmg dtstnct Under Kent Ctty Code 15 04190, there ts no hetght lnmtatton m the DCE zomng dtstnct. However, proposed bwldmg height ts subject to Kent Ctty Code 1 S 09 046 Downtown Destgn ReVIew The butlc:bng hetghts revtewed m the SEIS range from one story to s1x stones In companson wtth the butldmg hetghts revtewed m the SEIS, a proposed mcrease m he1ght greater than one (l) addttlonal story may require addtbonal SEP A revtew to address aesthetic unpacts 3 Bulldmg Setbacks' Bwldmg setbacks shall be estabhshed by extstlllg development regulations and Downtown and Mult1fanuly Design Revtew 9 Plannd Action Ordinance- Kent Station SEIS 4 QRen Space. Open space shall be establtshed by extsting development regulations and Downtown and Mulufanuly Des1gn Revtew. In no case shall the CtV1c Plaza and Park Block total less than 53,000 square feet, as analyzed m the SEIS Ofthls total, approxtmately 30,000 square feet wtll be developed by the Ctty as a Parle Block S. Transportatton. a Trip Ranges: The range of tnps rev1ewed m the SEIS are as follows Trip Genel'tl.tion Net New TripB Reviewed in SEIS TrmePenod Total Inbound Outbound T~s Weekday Owly 13,200 6,600 6,600 Total Weekday PM Peak 1,380 675 705 Hour b Tnp Threshold Uses or actlVltles that would exceed the maxunum tnp levels shown above w11l require additional SEPA rev1ew c. Pubhc Works DIScretwn The Publtc Works Duector shall have dtscrehon to determme mcremental and total trip generatlon, ) .,.,.., consistent With the ITE Trip Generatton Manual (latest ed ), for each Planned Action Project pemut application proposed under thts Planned Action d Off-Szte Mitigation· As proVlded m the SEIS m order to rmtlgate transportatlon related unpacts, an BnVltOnmental Mlt1gat1on Fee shall be pa1d to partlctpate m and pay a proportlonate share of the construction cost to fund the South 27r/South 277111 Street Comdor, wluch supports an alternative vehicular route that does not require passmg through Downtown Kent 10 PUutned Action Ordintutce - Kent Stillion SEIS e. Road Improvements The Planned Action would reqwre off-stte road lillprovements as follows· Phase I ( 0 to 690 net aew PM peak llour trips ) Subject to the Pubhc Work's Dtrector's dtscretJon provided for in subsection S(c) above, Phase I IDltlgatlon will be tnggered by the first apphcatlon and wtll apply to all developments untll the pomt those developments generate up to a total of 690 net new PM peak hour tnps For any of these proposals, all of the traffic Improvements hsted below must be constructed before the Ctty wtll Issue any Certificates of Occupancy At the discretion of the Public Works Dtrector, the C1ty may accept a fee m lteu of constructing these unprovements Any fee shall be for the full cost to the Ctty for the construction of the nnprovements • 4111 Avenue N/S 228 111 Street. Construct a nght-turn lane on eastbound S 2281h Street to southbound 41h Avenue N. Combmed With protected phasmg for thts new nght-tum lane, operations could be lillproved from LOS F to LOS D dunng the PM peak hour. • Central Avenue S/W Willis Street: Construct a new nght-tum lane on southbound Central Avenue S to westbound W Willis Street The new right-tum lane would operate protected wtth east and westbound left- turn movements to estabhsh a LOS D. • :znd Avenue S/W Willis Street: Tius unstgnahzed mtcrsecb.on IS anticipated to operate at LOS F on the nunor approaches of 2nd Averwe S m 2010 wtth e1ther the Proposed Action or No Action alternatives. Restnct 11 Planne4 Action Ordinance- Kent Stillion SEIS left-tum movements from W Wtllis Street onto 2nd AvenueS. Phue II ( 690 to 1;460 net new PM peak hour trips) SubJect to the Pubbc Works Dtrector's dtscrebon provtded form subsectlon S{c) above, Phase II mttlganon WJll be tnggered by any development that rmses the total tnp generation above 69Q net new PM peak hour trips. For any of these developments, all of the traflic unprovements listed below must be constmcted before the Ctty WJll JSsue any Certificates of Occupancy At the dtscrenon of the Public Works D~reetor, the Ctty may accept a fee tn lieu of constructmg these unprovements Any fee shall be for the full cost to the Ctty for the construction of the improvements. • 4t1a Avenue SIW WIIUs Street. W1den to create a second left-tum lane on eastbound W Willis Street to northbound 4th AvenueS and extend the nght-turn lane on southbound 4th Avenue S to westbound W W1lhs Street. The intersectt.on would operate at LOS D dunng the PM peak hour wtth these unprovements. • 41 h Avenue N/W Harrison Street· Create channellZCd nght-turn lanes on the eastbound and westbound approaches of Hamson Street. Operations would Improve for right-tUDllng vehtcles, by allowmg nght- turmng vehtcles to bypass vehJ.cles that are wmtmg in the through/left-tum lane and enter the 4111 Avenue N traffic stream more qwckly. 12 Planne4 Actio• Ordinm~t:e- Kent Station SEIS These road tmprovements have been analyzed in the SEIS. Stgmficant changes to the road unprovement plan proposed as part of any Planned Actton ProJect that have the potential to stgnificantly mcrcase tmpacts to atr qualtty, water quality, fisheries resources, noiSe levels or other factors beyond the levels analyzed m the SEIS may reqw.re addtt1onal SEP A revtew 6 Earth: A sigmficant change from the base of mformatton and Sigmficant Impacts contamed m the SEIS under Prior Planmng and Envtronmental ReVIew and from the so1l and groundwater contammatlon tdentlfi.ed under Earth/Envtronmental Health m Chapter ill of the SEIS that have the potential to adversely affect water quahty, fishenes resources or envuonmental health concerns shall reqwre addttlonal SEPA review, mcludtng passable MTCA compliance 7. Art Quahty: A Significant change m stte layout or traffic generation from that Identified and evaluated m the SEIS that could affect localized m qualtty would reqwre adchtlonal SEP A revtew. Construction related mitigation measures to reduce m quabty Impacts, as outhned m the SEIS, shall be mcorporated mto the construction plans where appropnate. 8 Water. A Sigru..ticant change from the base of infonnatton and stgmficant impact analysts contamed m the SEIS under Pnor Plannmg and Env1romnental Rev1ew, and from the wetlands that were analyzed under Wetlands m Chapter ill of the SEIS that have the potential to adversely affect water quahty or tishenes resources m a material manner not tdentdied m the SEIS will reqUire add!.tlonal SEPA rev1ew The Ctty will rely on adopted local, state, and federal regulatJons to mitigate the Significant unpacts to water quahty and quantity from the Planned Actions 13 Planned Action Ordinance- Kent Station SEIS 9. Pubbe Servtces and Utilities A significant change from the base of mfonnatton and signtficant nnpact analysis contained m the SEIS under Pnor Plannmg and Envuonmental Revtew, and a Signdicant mcrease m the number of square feet or dwellmg units beyond the maxtmum number rtMewed in the SEIS, whtcb bas the potential to result tn sigmficant adverse envll'Onmental tmpacts not prevtously identified m the SEIS m the development's provtston ofpubbc servtces and utilities Will reqmre adcht10nal SEPA review. E Planned Action Rewew Cntena. 1. The SEPA Official or deSignee ts authonzed to deSignate a proJect appllcatlon as a Planned Action pursuant to RCW 43.21C.031(2)(a), tf the proJeet application meets all of the followmg condlltons· a The project meets the descnptlon of a Planned Actton Project as set forth m this Ordmance, and wtll Implement any applicable nutigatton measures tdentlfied m thts Ordmance; and b The proJect 1S located Withm the Planned Actton Area or ts an off-s1te unprovement directly related to a proposed development on the subJect s1te; and c. The proJect lS CODS1Stent With the Ctty of Kent Comprebenstve Plan and the Downtown Kent Action Plan; and d. The proJect's stgmficant adverse environmental tmpacts have been adequately identified m the SEIS; and e The proJect falls wtthm the Planned Action thresholds established 1n Seetton 3(D) oftlus Ordmance; and f The SEPA Offictal has determined that the proJect's s1gruticant Impacts have been nuttgated through the apphcatton of the Mlngatton Document m Exhibit A, as well as other applicable Ctty, county, state and federal requirements and condtnons, 14 Pltlllned ActiDn OrtlinaiiCe- Kent Station SEIS wluch together constitute sufficient nuttgation for the stgmficant environmental unpacts assoctated With the proposed proJect; and g. The proposed project comphes Wlth all apphcable local, county, state, and federal regulations, and where appropnate, the proposed project compiles With needed vanances or modifications or other spectal pcnmts have been adenbfied; and h. The proposed project is not an essentlal pubhc facility F Effect of Planned Action l Upon deSlgnation by the SEPA Responsible Offictal that the development proposal wtthm the Planned Action Area quahfies as a Planned Actlon pursuant to this Ordmance and WAC 197-11-172, the project shall not be subJect to a SEP A threshold detemunatJ.on, an enVIronmental impact statement (EIS), or any additional revtew under SEPA 2. Bemg destgnated a Planned Actlon or Planned Action Project means that a proposed project bas been revtewed m accordance with tlus Ordmance, and found to be conststent Wltb the development parameters and envtronmental analysis mcluded in the SEIS, mcludmg tts mcorporated and adopted documents 3 Planned Actton Projects Wlll not be subject to further procedural revtew under SEP A However, these projects wdl be subject to condttlons as outlmed m this document and the attached Exhibit A, winch are destgned to mitigate any environmental tmpacts resulting from the proJect proposal. Addittonally, projects wtll be subject to applicable Clty, state and federal regulatory reqwrements The Planned Actlon designation shall not excuse a proJect from meetmg the CJty's code and ordmance requnments apart from the SEPA process 15 Planned Actwn Ordintutce- Kent Station SEIS G Planned Actwn Penmt Process. The Planmng Manager or designee shall review projects and determme whether they meet the critena as Planned Actions under appbcable state, federal, and local laws, regulations, codes and ordinances The review procedure shall consist. at a nnrumum, of the followmg· 1 Development appbcattons wtll meet the reqmrements of Kent C1ty Code (''KCC'') Titles 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 Applications shall be made on forms proVIded by the Clty and shall mclude a SEPA checkhst or revised SEPA cbeckltst or such other envtronmental reVIew forms provided by the Commuruty Development, FU'e, and Pubhc Works Departments The checkhst may be mcorporated mto the fonn of an apphcation. 2 The Plannmg Manager will detennme whether the apphcanon 1s complete as proVIded m KCC Chapter 12 01 3 If the project application IS within the Planned Action Area, the application shall be reVIewed to deterrmne whether the proposed application ts consistent With and meets all of the quahficatlons specified m Section 3 of thts Ordmance. 4. After the Ctty receaves and rev1ews a complete application, the SEPA Official shal1 detemnne; unhzmg the cntena and procedures contamed m WAC 197-11-172, whether the proJect qualifies as a Planned Action If the project does qualify as a Planned Actton, the Planrung Manager shall notify the applicant, and the proJect shall proceed m accordance With the appropnate permtt procedure, except that no additional SEPA review, threshold detenmnatJ.on, or EIS wtll be required. 5 Pubhc notlce for proJects that quahfy as Planned Actions shall be tJ.ed to the underlymg permit and not to SEPA nonce reqwrements Jfnottce 1s otherwise requtred for the underlymg pemut, the notice shall state that 16 PltmnedActiqn Ordinance- Kent Station SEIS the proJect has qualified as a Planned Actl.on. If nottce is not otherw1se requued for the underlymg pemut, no spec1al notice lS reqUired. 6. If a proJect 1s detenmned not to be a Planned Action, the Planmng Manager shall not1fy the appltcant and prescnbe a SEP A revtew procedure conslStent w1th the Ctty SEPA procedures and state laws. The nonce to the apphcant shall descnbe the elements of the appbcatJon that result m dJSquahficauon as a Planned Action. 7 Projects wsquallfied as a Planned Action may use or mcorporate relevant elements of the enVIronmental revtew analysts m the SEIS prepared for the Planned ActJon, as well as other environmental docwnents to asSist in meetmg SEP A reqwrements The SEPA Official may choose to hnut the scope of the SEP A reVIew to those Issues and environmental nnpacts not preVIously addressed m the SEJS. sgCTION 4. -Dme Penod. Tins Planned Actlon Onllnance shall be reVIewed no later than December 1, 2010 by the Planrung Manager to determme 1ts contmwng vahwty Wlth respect to the envuonmental cond1tlons of the Planned Action Area and the vtcwty and adequacy of Planned Acnon requirements and mttgatl.on. Based upon tlus revtew, tlus Ordmance may be amended as needed, and another _ ~e~C~J~EI()(f~~ ~e S()~C_!_fi~-----_ _ __ _ _ _______ . SECTION 5. • Conf11ct In the event of a conflict between the Ordtnance or any mttlgatlon measures lDlposed pursuant thereto and any ordmance or regulatlon of the C1ty, the provisions of this Ordinance shall control EXCEPT that proVIsion of any Uruform Code shall supersede SECTION 6. -Severab!flty Should any sectlon, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordmance or Its apphcation be declared unconstttutlonal or mvahd for any reason, such dec1S1on shall not affect the vahdtty of 17 Planned Action Ordinance - Kent Station SEIS ,'1 the remammg portions of tills Ordtnance or 1ts apphcatlon to any other person or Situation. §ECI'ION 7. -Thrrd Partv Lzabu!l}'. Tins Ordmante does not create or othCIWISC establish or des1gnate any pamcular class or group of persons who Wlll or should be especially protected or benefited by the terms of these regulatl.ons. No provisiOn or tenn used m these regulatlons 1s mtended to tmpose any duty whatsoever upon the C1ty or any of 1ts officers, employees, or agents Notwithstandmg any language used m this Ordmante, It 1s not the mtent of this Ordinance to create a duty and/or cause of action ronmng to any mdlVldual or 1dentJ.fiable person, but rather any duty ts tnten.ded to run only to the general pubhc SECfiON 8. • EffectiVe Date Tins Ordmance shall be effecttve upon 1ts passage, approval, and five (S) days from and after its passage, approval and pubhcation as proVIded by law. ATTEST: '\ ,,, " ······· ~ ~ .. . . . · ,, .. , •• ,.. ,_:a•.$. : ..,.. .. r. . ,.. ....... - : .J r:4 =· ~ 0. t:"' :. •• (C. " : ·. .., r.r .· •.. "' .• ·········· ,. l 18 Pltmned ActiD11 Ordilltllfce- Kent Station SEIS APPROVED AS TO FORM: TOM BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED· /6 day of __ c;~ur-=::;t:...---'' 2002. APPROVED lb day of--~~4-...,~---' 2002 PUBLISHED. clD day of __ §"lf-"4J'io.:::lod"¥-:---'~ 2002. I hereby certify that this IS a true copy ofOrdmance No J & 0 Y passed by the Ctty Counctl of the Ctty of Kent, Washington. and approved by the Mayor of the Ctty of Kent as hereon mdtcated. A....t.~ ~SEAL) BRENDA JACOBE ITY CLERK ,AS tAl ./o . .......... ..-" .. .. ~ ~ .. . .... -:-.'ll."rrs\ .. . (..(. . .,.. • ~ f • -------~.\_:1_!-_~~'I!C~_: ------------------- ' ·.. .: "" , . .. .. , ....... ·:. 19 PltJnned Action Ordinance- Kent Statirm SEJS Exhibit A D RAFT Mitigation Document DRAFT Keat Station Planned Action INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE The State Envuonmental Pohcy Act (SEPA) reqmres enVU'Onmental review for proJect and non-project proposals that may have SJgnificant impacts upon the envuomnent In order to meet SEPA requJrements, the SEP A Official for the C1ty of Kent ISSUed a Draft Supplemental EnVIronmental Impact Statement for the Kent Station Planned Acflon on Apnl 23, 2002, and a Fmal Supplemental EnVlTOnmental Impact Statement on July 8, 2002 (collectively, the "SEIS"). The SEIS has 1dent1fied stgmficant tmpacts that would occur With the future redevelopment of the subJect s1te together With a number of posSible measures to !Dltlgate those stgmficant nnpacts The purpose of thls Mtugatton Document IS to establish speatic m1tJgat1on measures, based upon s1gruficant tmpacts 1dent1fi.cd m the SEIS The mttlgatlon measures would apply to future development proposals that are deemed, pursuant to the Ctty's Planned Actlon Ordmance and WAC 197-11-172, to constitute Planned Act1ons or Planned Actton ProJects that are comparable to the Proposed Action reVIewed m the SEIS, and that are located on the approxunately 25 acre subject stte (see Exlub1t B) The mttlgatlon measures may also apply to off-stte Improvements, tf they were analyzed m the SEIS Pursuant to RCW 43 21C 240 and WAC 197-11-150, th1s mttlgatton ISm addltton to the nutlgation reqwred by other appltcable C1ty, county, state and federal regulations and requtremcnts. USEOFTERMS ------~-------------------- - -------------- ------~ As several sutularteims are utlhzed tn tins Mltlgatlon Document, the folloWing phrases or words are defined bnefly SEPA Tenns "Actzon" means proJects or programs financed, hcensed, regulated, conducted or approved by an Agency "ProJect act1ons" mvolve decJstons on a speclfic proJect such as a constructton or management actlVlty for a defined geographic area "Non-project' actions mvolve dec1stons about pohcies, plans or programs. (See WAC 197-11-704) "Pklnned Act1on" refers to types of proJect actions that are dmgnated by ordmance for a spectfic geograplucal area and addressed m an EIS, m conjunction with a comprehenstve plan or subarea plan, a fully contamcd commumty, a master planned resort, a master planned development or phased proJect (See WAC 197-ll-164). Exlulnt A-Mlllgallon Document Kent Station Planned Action Page2 "Proposar means a proposed acbon, wluch may be actions and regulatory decisions of an agency, or any actions proposed by applicants. (See 197·11·784) OtherTenns The subject s1te or Planned Acnon Area may be referenced as "Kent Statlon," "szte," "sub;ect szte" or "Planned Actwn Area" in tlns document Mlbgat1on measures may also apply to off·sJte Improvements analyzed m the SEIS This document mcludes mitigation measures that are ned to the approval of site plans, construction plans, ctvll plans, plats, planned urut developments, and design review Regulations are found m Kent City Code Titles 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15. General InteJpretatlon Where a mitigation measure mcludes the words "shall" or ''will" the requirement IS mandatory Where "should" or "would" appear the words convey the City's expectation and desireS g~ven ClfCumstances presently known, With recogmtlon that pertinent alternate or eqmvalent reqwrements may be Imposed as more detailed des1gn or reports are conducted consistent wrth the m.ttlgatlon measures. Unless stated specifically otherwise, the m.ttlgat1on measure reqmrenients to prepare plans, conduct studies, construct Improvements, conduct mamtenance actlVltles, etc , are the responsi\nhty of the future developer(s) to fund and/or carry out DEVELOPMENT PROPOSED UNDER PLANNED ACTION Prooosed Action • Approval of a plan to redevelop the Planned Action Area Wlthm Kent's Downtown as a miXed-use mban VIllage • Adopt1on of an ordmance destgnatmg the Kent Station Site as a Planned Action for purposes of SEPA comphancc (per RCW 43.21C.0:>1(2)(a}, and WAC 197·11·164 and 197-11·168). The Clty of Kent Downtown Strateg~c Acbon Plan Identified the SubJect Site ( "S1te") as a key redevelopment opportumty and recommended prcpanng a master plan The Plarmed Acllon designation reflects a decmon that adequate envuonmental review has been completed and that further enVU'Onmental review, under SEPA, for each spec1fic development phase would not be necessary 1f It IS detemuned that any g~ven Planned Act1on Project 1s consistent With the development levels spectfied m the Planned Action Ordmance and evaluated m the SEIS and/or apphcable development regulations Exhlb1t A -MIUgatioD Document Kent Statton Plamlcd Action Page3 The Planned Action mcludes a combmatlon of retail, commerctal, educatJ.onaVmstttutional, res1denb.al and mlXed-use redevelopment proJects through the year 2010 It also includes the C1ty's approval of Planned Umt Development (PUD)Imaster plan, admunstratlve des1gn reVIew, wetland lDltlgatlon plan, subdJviston, clVll construction drawmgs, and bwldmg pemuts. A program of road, mfrastructure, and streetscape unprovements are mtegral to the redevelopment proposal. The City and the Kent Station developer may also execute a development agreement, pursuant to RCW 36 70B.I70. The agreement would set forth the development standards, mtllgatlon reqwrements, reVIew procedures, etc apphcable to future development The SEIS prov1des conceptual mformatlon on the potential miX of uses, bulldmg density and he1ght, accesslcuculanon, recreation and open space opportunities and other development features. The mtetlSlty of Site development would fall wtthm the range of development represented m Alternative 2 of the SEIS (Reference Chapter II of the Draft SEIS). The proposed development thresholds cons1st of 518,400 square feet of commerctal, 169,400 square feet (200 rooms) of hotel/conference center, and 480 umts of housmg (434,000 square feet) Also mcluded are 2932 parlcmg stalls and 53,000 square feet of park/open space. Auobcab1hty of Mttlgatlon Document This Dlltlga.bon document apphes to the Proposed Action, Alternative 2 analyzed m the SEJS. For the m1t1gat1on document to apply to future development proposed tn the Planned Actton Area, that proposed development must be comparable to or w1tlun the range estabhshed by Alternative 2, as shown below Kent Station Alternative 2 -Summttry of Development LAND USE Commercial (square feet) Retml Restaurant Grocery Cmema (12-Screen, 2,800 seats) Office Commumty College BoteVCoufereace Center Hotel Rooms Subtotal Multi-family Resideotial (square feet) Housmg Umts Total Commerclai/Resideotial Developmeot Park I Opeo Space Civic Plaza (Alt 2) I Plaza Area (Alt 3) Park Block (Alt 2) I Town Square (Alt 3) Borden Playfields Parking (stalls) Alternative l-Kent Station Proposal 518,400sf 191,800 35,900 47,700 ss,ooo 138,000 50,000 169,400sf 200rooms 434,000 sf 480 Units l,Ul,SOO sf 53,000 sf 23,000 30,000 0 1,931 stalls E.xlnbrt A-Mmpuon Document Kent Stabon Plumed Actton Page4 Bwldmg be1ghts range from one to SlX stones (Reference Chapter II, Tables 4 and 5 m the SEIS). All of the alternatives would provide the same pubhc street u:nprovements to 181 , 2''"' and 4th Avenues N Two new pubhc streets would also traverse the SJte· 1) Temperance Street between 181 and 2nd Avenues N., and 2) 2nd Avenue N. would be extended from Smtth Streetto 4111 Avenue N (Reference Chapterll-14-ll-16 of the SEIS). If future proposed plans exceed the maxnnum development parameters reviewed. supplemental environmental reVlew may be reqwred pursuant to WAC 197-11-172 and other apphcable SEPA Rules MITIGATION DOCUMENT Based upon the SEIS, whlch is Incorporated by thts reference, this Mtbgatl.on Document tdentdies s1gmfi.cant adverse enVJrOnmental 1mpacts that are anticipated to occur m conJunctiOn w1th the development of the Proposed Acuon Mitigation measures are hereby estabbshed under SEP A Rules to address spectfic nnpacts tdenttfied m the SEIS, based upon the Proposed Actton. AdditJ.onal conSistency review under the Planned Action, s1te plan revtew, and other permit approvals Wlll be reqmred for specific development acuons under the Proposed Actton pursuant to WAC 197-11-172. Addtttonal proJect condluons may be nnposed on what are deemed to be Planned Act1on ProJects based upon the analys1s of the proposal m relationship to mdependent reqmrements of c1ty, state or federal requrrements or rev1ew cntena. Any apphcant for a proJect Within the Planned ActJon Area may request modifications to these nnbgation measures, 1f appropnate and as a result of changed crrcumstances, m order to allow an equtvalent substitute m1ttgatton or removal of a m1tlgatton reqwrement Such modificattons would be evaluated by the City SEPA ResponSible Official pnor to any approvals by the City, based upc;m SEPA Rules As permitted under SEPA Rules (WAC 197-11-660), It IS recognized that there may be some adverse nnpacts that are unavoidable because reasonable or feasible nuttgatJon cannot be achieved for the Proposed Acbon. Provtded below for each element of the enVtrOmnent analyzed 10 the SEIS for the Proposed Action are (a) summary of and/or reference to SEIS analysts of sigmficant environmental Impacts (direct, mdlrect and cumulatiVe); (b) summary of stgmficant unavoidable adverse unpacts, (c) mitJgatJon measures cstabbshed by this Mitt.gatJ.on Document, and (d) a hst of federal and state laws and local poltctes/regulabons on winch mitlgatlon measures are based ~~------ Exhib1t A-Mmgauon Document Kent Statton Planned Acnon PageS In combmatton, regulations apphcable to each element of the environment and mtttgatlon measures imposed by this document wtll apply to and govern any Planned Action Project and Will adequately mtt1gate all stgruficant envrronmental mpacts caused by the Proposed Action, except for those Impacts that are identified as "s1gm:ficant unaVOidable adverse impacts " 1. Earth/Environmental Health A. Sigmficant Imnacts Chapter m of the SEIS addresses remediation of on.-stte sod and groundwater contammatton Other potential envrronmental impacts to earth resources and environmental health (1 e., notse) have been adequately addressed m prevtous envuonmental documents and are summarized m Chapter D of the SEIS. A summary of unpacts 1s provided below based upon the SEIS Summary Matrix. • Exposure to contammated sods and groundwater on the site could pose potenbal health nsks to the pubhc Health nsks are the basis of the apphcable cleanup levels that are bemg unplemented through a cleanup plan B Stgmficant Unavotdable Adverse Impacts Provtded that reasonable mttlgatlon measures are properly followed, no stgmficant unavotdable unpacts are antiCipated. C. MttigattOn Measures The mtt1gat10n measures estabhshed below address tmpacts identified tn Chapter III of the SEIS. • No mttlgahon measures beyond those already tdentt:fied and bemg tmplemented m connection Wlth cleanup of the Borden Chemtcal FaCllity, BNSF, Reunan Trust, Brutsche, Sdvestn and adjacent sttes are reqwred. Cleanup acttv1bes would be coordinated Wlth redevelopment of the s1te and associated construction actlVlbes • Any requ1red Clean up actlons will OCCllr as part of, and concurrent With, s1te preparation and constructlon acbvtttes for the 2nd Avenue extension and other proposed on-stte development Consistent wtth the recommended morutonng program, any momtoring wells displaced by redevelopment shall be relocated. • Monitonng shall occur as recommended m the Phase ll site assessment reports • Earthwork should be accompbshed dunng the dry season from May to September whenever posstble, when sods are bkely to be compacted and when erosion and sedimentation act1v1ty are at a seasonal low. • Eros1on control methods m the short term can mclude channehng surface water runoff, eros1on preventing slope cover (e.g straw), channellmers, and sedtmentatton control ponds Long tenn methods mclude rntnlmlzmg the concentration of runoff onto fill, cut or natural slopes, and muunuzmg <hsturbances to natural dramage courses and extstmg vegetation Exlub1t A-M1bgatlon Document ' Kent Sttuon Planned Actlon Page6 2. Air Quality A. Stgnrlicant Impacts Chapter n of the SEIS mcludes an exanunatton of stgruticant impacts to m quality m tenns of construction act1Vlbes, generated traffic, and indtrect all' emtsSJons. In general. reduced emtsstons of parttculates, carbon monoxtde and mtrogen oxtdes would be assoctated wtth concentrating growth m a nuxed-usc pattern at lugher denstttes in pedestnan-onented areas. Locahzed dust and exhaust ermsstons would be generated from construcbon actlVlttes. • An Alr Quahty Confonwty Analysts was conducted in conJuncbon wtth the FSElS. No stgmficant impacts were identified and no nungatton measures related to confonmty are reqwred B. SlWfican.t Unavotdable Adverse Impacts: ProVided that reasonable mtbgatJon measures are properly followed, no stgmficant unavotdable IUlpacts are antlctpated. C MttJgatlon Measures· The followmg construction related mtUgatton measures to reduce au quality tmpacts shall be incorporated mto the construction plans where appropnate • Use only eqwpment and trucks that are mamtamed m opttmal operatlonal condttJ.on • Reqwre all off road eqwpment to be retrofitted wtth errusston reducbon equipment (1 e , reqwre parttc1patlon m Puget Sound regt,on Dtesel Solutlons by project sponsors and contractors) • Use bto diesel or other lower-emtsSJon fuels for veblcles and eqwpment • Use carpoobng or other tnp reductton strategt,es for construction workers • Stage constructlon to mnunuze overall transportation system congestlon and delays to reduce regtonal emtSstons of pollutants dunng construction • Implement constructton curbs on hot days when region JS at nsk for exceedmg the ozone NAAQS, and worlc at rught instead • Implement restncbons on constructton truck tdling (e.g., bmtt 1dlmg to a maxunum of 5 mmutes) • Locate construcbon eqwpment away from sensibve receptors such as fresh au mtakes to bwldmgs, m concbboners, and senSJtJve populations • Locate constructlon stagmg zones where dtescl emlSStons won't be nottceable to the pubbc or near senSJttve populabons such as the elderly and the young • Spray exposed sotl wtth water or other suppressant to reduce emtss1ons of PMl 0 and depoSltJ.on of partlculate matter • Pave or use gravel on stagtng areas and roads that would be exposed for long penods • Cover all trucks transporting matenals, wettmg matenals m trucks, or prov1dmg adequate freeboard (space from the top of the material to the top of the truck bed), to reduce PMl 0 emtsSJons and depoSition dunng transport Exlnblt A-Mmptlon Document Kent Statlon Plamd Aet1on Page7 • ProVIde wheel washers to remove particulate matter that would otherwise be earned off-stte by vehicles to decrease depostbon of parttculate matter on area roadways • Remove particulate matter depoS1ted on paved, pubhc roads, sidewalks, and btcycle and pedestrian paths to reduce mud and dust; sweep and wash streets contmuously to reduce emissions • Cover du1, gravel, and debns piles as needed to reduce dust and wmd·blown debns • Route and schedule construction trucks to reduce delays to traffic dunng peak travel tunes to reduce m qualtty tmpacts caused by a reductlon m traffic speeds 3. Noise A. Stgmficant Impacts. Increased notse and Vlbratton would be associated WJth construction These IDlpacts could be mtenstve m some locattons for ltmtted penods of time Some construction eqmpment and methods (e g., ptle dnvmg) can produce peak notse levels greater than 1 OOdBA. as well as sigmficant v1bratton B Sxgmficant Unavouiable Adverse Impacts Provided that reasonable nuhgatton measures are properly followed, no stgmficant unavotdable unpacts are anttctpated. C Mxngation Measures • Mitigation measures for construction tmpacts may mclude enforcement of lumts of the hours of construction actlVlty, proper mamtenance of equipment, use of mufflers and/or temporary sound bamers, alternative constructJon teclnuques (c g, ptle augunng), contractor preparation of noise control plans, and acttve momtoring and enforcement of appltcable standards. 4. Wetlands A. Stgmficant Impacts Chapter m of the SEIS includes an exammatton of s1gmficant impacts to wetlands. A summary of unpacts ts provtded below based upon the SEIS Summary Matnx. For a more detailed dtscusston of impacts, see Chapter ill of the SEIS. • Three on-site wetlands would be filled to permtt construction of planned bwldmgs, roads and mfrastructure B Stgmficant Unav01dable Adverse Impacts The wetland funcuons, values and area would be lost, and are unavoidable m the context of the alternative stte plans and the Ctty's goals for Downtown development. Exlnb1t A-M1ugatK>n Document Kent Statwn Plumed Action Page8 C Mttlgatlon Measures. • Mitigation, m the form of off-Site compensatlon, would occur consistent With the Ctty's adopted wetland standards and regulanons and shall mclude the preparatlon of a wetland JDibgatton plan. 5. LaadUse A. S1gmficant lmpacti Chapter III of the SEIS includes an exammatton of sigmficant unpacts to land use A swnmary of 1D1pacts is provided below based upon the SEIS Swnmary Matnx For a more detalled discussion of tmpacts, see Chapter ill of the SEIS • Proposed development would be of htgh.er density and mtensity than the No Action alternative and therefore mvolve potentially greater impacts However, proposed development would be comparable to the density and mtenstty permttted under current zonmg • A 1D1X of uses would occur. • The character of the stte would change Sigruficantly from low-denSity, auto- onented, Sllburban area wtth SlDall bwldmgs surrounded by large parking lots, to an urbamzed, pedestnan-onented/transtt-onented distnct. • Borden Playfields would be replaced by urban park space resultmg m a net reduction of between 3 S and 3 8 acres of park land m the Ctty Demand could mcrease at other park factbtles • Increased hght, notse, and acttvtty assoctated wttb an urban area may be nouceable from restdentlal area to the north • Proposal would encourage new econotmc, ctvtc and pedestnan actmty m the area that mdtrectly could result m mcreased development pressure on surrounding properties to mtenstfy. • Some ex1stmg uses may be displaced and could relocate witbtn the s1tc or nearby commercial dtstncts. As redevelopment occurs, potenttal land use conflicts between adjacent low mtensity uses and new development could reSlllt B. Stgmficant Unavotdable Adverse Impacts· Some displacement of extstlng land uses on the Kent Statton Planned Action Slle would occur Some llDltted contrast m land use mtens1ty, bu1k and scale would occur, pnmartly where larger bwldmgs arc proposed adJacent to exiSting smgle fannly restdences. Impacts relatmg to hghbng and notse may be mttlgated but cannot be enhrely avotded, they are considered to be an mherent charactensttc of a DUXed-use urban netgbborhood C Mtttgatt.on Measures Kent's adopted ComprehensiVe Pian. zoning regulattons and Downtown Des1gn Gwdelmes proVIde pohctes, processes, standards and development regulations that would nnttgate most tdenttfied unpacts • UtdiZC careful Site plannmg, butlding des1gn and buffenng Uttbze tecbruques such as hghtmg bmtts, full cut-off fixtures, ample landscapmg to buffer Exlub1t A-MitigatiOn Document Kent Station Pli1JIJ1Cd ActiOn Page!) adJacent uses and ensure pnvacy, placementlonentatlon of some butldmg elements (e g., dehvenes, sohd waste receptacles) to help control notse. • Locate taller bwldings m the mtenor of the site, set back upper stories of taller bmldmgs from the street, or utlhze adc:b.tional screening or other destgn techmques to reduce the 1mpact to existmg smgle farntly neighborhoods. • To mmumze potenhal busmess and employment displacement IIIlpacts that would occur on-site, the City should provtde technical assistance m relocation to other suitable Sites. • In mtxed-use areas, the potential mtruston of notse from commerctal, office and retail areas into reSidential areas should be minimized by limitmg noisy acbvttles (e.g. trash collection or compostmg) to hours outside of 11 pm to 7 am 6. Relationship to Plans, Policies and Regulations A Significant Impacts. Chapter m of the SEIS revtews the COJlSlstency of the Kent Statlon Planned Action altcmattves to selected federal, state, regtonal and local plans, pobcies and/or regulattons. • The proposal1s consistent with GMA planmng goals to gutde growth mto an area wtth extstmg and planned mfrastructure. The proposal also IS consistent wttb the City of Kent's land use designations, transportation, econotruc development, and commumty deSign pohctes and goal of redevelopmg Downtown from a low-mtenSity suburban character to a lugher mtenstty urban character. B SllZlllficant Unavoidable Adverse Impacts None are anttcxpated C MttlgatJon Measures No spectfic mitigation measures are warranted beyond the application of Ctty regulations, which m many cases contam lilltlgatton features Future development or redevelopment wtthin the Downtown IS subJect to extstmg federal and regional storm water management plan rcqwrements, local development regulations, local concurrency regulations, and destgn standards. 7. Aestheties A S!gruficant Impacts Chapter ill of the SEIS mcludes examma.tJ.on of stgruficant tmpacts to vtsual character, mcludmg mtenslty, bulklscalelhetght. Vlsual compatibility, strectscape contmulty, and hght and glare generated. A summary of unpacts IS proVIded below based upon the SEIS Summary Matnx. • The proposal lS bkely to Improve visual quahty overall Proposed development would support the Histone Dtstnct by nnproVIng streetscapes, pedestnan connections, and urban parks, resulting m a more urufied Downtown core area • The proposal would provule mtxed-use development m butldmgs rangmg fiom one to SIX stones m height and lot coverage of up to 95 percent Most butldmgs would contam ground floor retail uses to encourage a lively Exlnb1t A-Mlllgatlon Document Kent Stabon PlauDed ActiOD PagelO pedestrian onented envllOJliilent. On-street, surface and structured parkmg would be provtded • Some negative impacts could result from differences in bulk and scale along the northern edges of the site, where more mtenstve development would be near single family residential uses The proposed development also would be larger m bulk and scale than the structures m the adjacent H1stonc Core DJ.stnct • Light, glare and shadowmg likely wtll mcrease B Stwficant Unavoidable Adverse Impacts; The expected stgmficant VIsual and aesthetic change 1s generally consuiered to be posttive and are conststent wtth the Ctty of Kent Comprehens1ve Plan. Mlt.tgallon measures below, together wtth the C1ty's adopted development regulations and design standards are adequate to m~tlgate the antiCipated stgndicant adverse tmpacts C M!.tlgatton Measures • Ubhze careful site planmng, bwldmg dcstgn and buffenng. Uttbze techmques such as hghtmg hoots, full cut-off fixtures, low hanging street lamps, and ample landscaping to buffer adjacent uses and ensure pnvacy • Locate taller bulldmgs m the mtenor of the s1te, set back upper stones of taller butldmgs from the street, or ubhze addluonal screenmg or o1her destgn altemabves to reduce the 1mpact to ex1stmg smgle famdy neighborhoods. • Probtbtt reflcctJve bulldmg matenals 8. Traasportatiou A S1gmficant Impacts Chapter ill and Appendix C of the SEIS exammes sigmficant unpacts to parking and the transportabon system A summary of Impacts IS proVIded below based upon the SEIS Summary Matnx. • Tnp Generabon New Weekday tnp generabon ranges from a total of 13,200 dally and 1,380 PM peak hour tnps • Levels of Service Intersection levels of semce are expected to generally remam the same as 2010 Basebne for more than half of the study area mtersecbons. At these intersections a shght mcrease in delay 1s expected but mcrease m total m.tersccbon volume ts msuffictent to cause a notlceable change m LOS. Between 14 and 16 study mtersectlons are anUctpated to operate at or over capactty With or wtthout the Proposed Acnon In companson to 2010 Baselme, 5 adcht.tona.l mtersectlons would operate at or over capactty Wlth Alternative 2. • Valley Freeway SB RampsiW WilliS Street • Valley Freeway NB Ramps/W Wdhs Street • 4th Avenue SIW W1U1s Street • 4th Avenue N/W Hamson Street • 1st Avenue N/W James Street • Stte Access. W1th or Without the Proposed Actton, mtersections around the pmmeter of the stte, those proVIdmg a connection between the stte and the · Exlnbtt A-Mrtlptton Document Kmrt S1abon Plaaned ActiOil Page 11 external street system, are expected to operate at between LOS A and F. UnSlgnaltzed access pomts mtersectmg With W James and W Snuth Streets are ant1c1pated to operate at LOS F, whtle the stgnalized access pomts on these artenals are expected to operate at LOS A and LOS B The unstgnaltzed access pomts on the more minor roads are anticipated to operate between LOS B and C and mtersections mternal to the stte are expected to operate at LOS B or better. • The Proposed Actton provides 2,932 parlong stalls, wtth 995 shared stalls m the Sound Trans1t Garage and surface parlong lot Proposed supply falls wtthm the nnrumum and maxunum range depending on tune of day and day of week. Anbctpated demand, separate from commuter demand, also falls wttlun the nummum and maxtmum code requirements Adopted code reqwrements are suffictent to satisfy anttctpated parkmg tmpacts • Wtth or wtthout the Proposed Action, construction would generate some truck and velucle traffic assoctated wtth excavation and hauhng, dehvery of matenals, and SlDlllar types of actlVlty Whlle constructton may cause mconvemences directly adjacent to the stte, the nnpacts would be temporary and are not expected to extend to the surroundmg study area. • The Ctty has tdenttfied the S 2771h Street Comdor unprovements (both constructed and porbons planned for construction), as providmg stgruficant rehef on the extstmg east/west comdor system, mcluding SR 516 Tlus comdor and associated unprovements wtll provtde a necessary commuter alternate route from 1-5 to Kent's East Hill whtch bypasses the Downtown Core. EnvirOnmental Mttigatton Assessments charged to the developer will be assessed at the LID rate for the S 272rtd/S 2771h Conidor and Will proportionately pay toward unprovements along that corridor that are ulenb.fied on the C1ty's 6-Year Transportation Capital Improvement Plan B Sigmficant Unavotdable Adverse Impacts· Traffic wtll mcrease as a result of forecast growth, wtth or wtthout 1II1plementat10n of the altcmallves. Congestion will mcrease and levels of scrvtce wtll decrease at nearby mtersections. C. M1t1gation Measures • Construction Traffic. The Ctty wtll provtde proJect spectficattons that will dtctate the route used by construction traffic to enter and exit the constructlon Site, stipulate the hours of work, and stipulate maximum pemntted noJ.Se levels The contractor shall proVIde traffic control when construction traffic would d1srupt the normal traffic flow This traffic control wtll be m the form of flaggers, vanable message stgns, bght and other traffic control devtces The hours of work shall rmmm1ze the Impact at heavy traffic tlmes The contractor shall mamtam Ctty roads used by construction traffic by keepmg them clean at all tlmes The contractor shall control dust by watenng the stte frequently or by other means acceptable and approved by the C1ty. • Transporta.tlon Management Program· The developer and the City shall develop a Transporta.tlon Management Plan (1MP) for employment and ' Exlub1t A-Mlngati.OD Dacument Kent Statton Plumed Act:lon Page 12 residcntlal components of Kent Statton The TMP shall support a goal of reducmg employee and reatdenbal Smgle Occupant Velucle (SOV) travel along With the potentlal increase m transit and rail service over time • Off-Stte Mtngation The Kent Statton developer shall pay an EnV1rOnmental Mitlgatlon Fee to participate m and pay a proportionate share of the constructlon costs to the Ctty's South 272nd/South 277lh Street Corridor proJect to support an alternattve velncular through-route that bypasses Downtown Kent The fee shall be at a rate of$1,068 per PM Peak hour tnp (m 1986 dollars to be adJusted for mflabon based upon the Consumer Pnce Index, US Ctty Average for all Urban Consumers, or the substituted mdex as prepared by the US Department ofLabor). Additionally, the folloWing unprovements to the local transportabon system shall be pl'OVlded for Phase I MltJgatton (0 to 690 net new PM peak hour tnps) • 41• Avenue N/S 228u. Street Construct a nght·tum lane on eastbound S 2281h Street to southbound 4lh Avenue N Combined wtth protected phasmg for tins new nght·turn lane, operations could be improved from LOS F to LOS D dunng the PM peak hour • Ceatral Aveue S/W Willis Street: Construct a new right-tum lane on southbound Central A venue S to westbound W WtlHs Street. The new nght-tum lane would operate protected Wlth east and westbound \eft-tum movements to estabhsh a LOS D. • 1 1111 Avenue 8/W WlUls Street: Tins unSJgnahzed intersecbon is antiCipated to operate at LOS F on the minor approaches of 2nd AvenueS m 201() wtth ettber the Proposed Actton or No Actlon ahemattves Restnct left-tum movements from W Wtllis Street onto 2nd A venue S. The followmg unprovements to the local transportation system shall be proVIded for Phase II Mitigation ( 690 to 1,460 net new PM peak hour tnps): • 41• Avenue SIW Willis Street· Wtden to create a second left-tum lane on eastbound W Wllbs Street to northbound 4lh Avenue S and extend the nght-tum lane on southbound 4th Avenue S to westbound W Wtllis Street The intersection would operate at WS D dunng the PM peak hour w1th these Improvements • 41 h Avenue NIW Harrlsoa Street Create channeliZed nght·turn lanes on the eastbound and westbound approaches of Hamson Street Operations would IDlprove for nght-tummg velueles, by al1owmg nght-tum.mg velucles to bypass velncles that are wattmg m the through/left-tum Jane and enter the 4ih Avenue N traffic stream more qwcldy Exhlbrt A-Mltlgabon Document Kent Stabon PJumed Acbou Page 13 9. Nexus It 1s appropnate, as per WAC 197-11-660 and RCW 43 21C.060 that the C1ty of Kent estabhsh comhtlons to m1t1gate any 1dent1fied impacts associated wtth tins proposal, conststent With the Ctty's substannve SEPA authonty, Kent C1ty Code sectlon 11 03 510 EXHIBIT "B" North Core District [ -~------· · EXIIIBJTC Legal Description Those portions of the Southeast quarter of Section 13, Township 22, Range 4 East, W.M., and of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter in Section 24, Township 22, Range 4 East, W .M., including platted properties therein lying South of the North right-of-way margin of James Street, lying West of the East ntt-of-way margin of 111 Avenue North, lying East of the West right-of-way margin of 4 Avenue North, and lying North of the South right-of-way margin of West Harrison Street; together with that portion lying East of the West right-of-way margin of 2"" Avenue North and lying North of the South right- of-way margin of ':Vest Harrison Street. Situate in King County, State of Washington, W.M. , : l I \ ~ I ; , I \~ I I I! I ' I I I I I L, I I l J I i I I I I 'I I '\ I ' . I \I I hI ' r. 1 i I ~: . I I ' I I I :~ • 'V>l =j I I 'i ~!!l !B ~ ' .. i ·! .. I ) ' ' '' ~) ~f ~l ~ ,_ ~ IJ i11C'> :z li1 ;tl-0 --:t < n §; -lO r-• m (")II c;;...:> -InA ,....., < z 0.1 = -:z = rn '11-l 1'..:1 1 (""I ~ ~ r111111 r > r1!1111'arJillf1 -;111111 r EXHIBITD 10 Acre Initial Phase (1 page} I I : I l: I : I . I ; I I ·., I I I I ' I ;:t;::~::::=:::::;-"1 ; I I , I . I ' I I I . I I II !!l' I . --- ' KENT STATION MPD #PUD-2002-1 AND ISU-2002-9 KIVA #RPP3-2023555 tKerffitt ~~Iffi ' 111 ~ I· J~ Kent, W&W*lQIOn ~I• ~ M l --- EXHIBITE CITY INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS (3 pages) Ramsay Way/lot Ave. N. & 41b Ave. N. Widening Project The improvements descnbed in this Exhibit E are to be or have been constructed or provided by the City, unless otherwise noted below: First Ave. North-W. Temperance St. toW. James St. City will widen First Ave N. on the west Side between W. Temperance St. and W James St. to provide a 3-lane, 36' wide road with asphalt paving, curbs and gutters, street trees, illummation, and undergrounding of ex1stmg power and telephone. The City will coordmate with the various utility providers to underground existing utility lmes m a Joint dltch m the furure sidewalk location. Developer, in conjunction with the issuance of a development permit on the adJacent fronting property, shall construct a 10 -12 foot wide concrete sidewalk w1th street tree frames, grates and root barriers along w1th any mtenm asphalt pathway thereto from e1ther or both James St. or Temperance St. as determmed necessary by C1ty. All Improvements constructed by the Developer shall be m accordance with City Construction Standards. Water: C1ty Will provide one (I) water stub off of the existing waterline to the back of sidewalk in I" Ave. at a locatiOn to be mutually agreed upon by City and Developer Utilities: City will coordinate with the power, telephone and cable companies to underground the eXIsting overhead uhhtles, and place new facilities m a jomt trench along the west side of I" Ave. Fourth Ave. North-W. Smith St. toW. James St. Street· City will widen Fourth Ave. by one lane to the east to provide a center left tum lane (S-lane road sectiOn, 58' mm1mum width) from W Srn1th St. toW. James St. This section w1ll mclude a 12' w1de sidewalk on the east side w1th street trees, illuminatiOn, storm stlibs, and utility undergrounding for power and telephone. A nght tum lane will be provided on northbound 4lh Ave. to eastbound James St. A traffic signal will be installed at the mtersectlon of Fourth Ave. and Ramsay Way. Utilities: C1ty will coordlnate with the power, telephone and cable companies to underground the existing overhead utilities, and place new facilities in a jomt trench along the east Side of 4lh Ave. under the new sidewalk. Ramsay Way-W. Temperance to 4'b Ave. N. Street. City w1ll extend Second Ave. N. (Ramsay Way) from W. Temperance through the Property to intersect with 4lh Ave. -18- N across from the Regional Justice Center driveway City w1ll provide left tum pockets on Ramsay Way at 4"' Ave. N. Except at left tum pockets, the roadway will be 44' w1de (2-14' w1de lanes and 2-8' w1de on-street parallel parkmg lanes), with asphalt pavement, curbs and gutters, street trees, and illummahon. The scheduling and phasing to construct these improvements will be determined by C1ty unless otherwise noted: • C1ty will mstall concrete curb and gutter along the entire length of the road on both s1des. • Developer shall construct the 13 foot wide concrete sidewalks in conjunction with the Issuance of a development permit on the adjacent fronting property along with any mtenm asphalt pathways as determined necessary by City to provide safe continuous walkways to and from 4"' Ave. and Temperance St • C1ty will place street trees at approxm~ate 30' spacmg. Developer shall mstall street tree frames and grates and root barriers in accordance With City ConstructiOn Standards m conjunction with Developer's construction of the 13 foot wide concrete sidewalk. • City will install street hghts. These hght standards will be 14' h1gh manufactured by Lumec, the Model No. Pl04AF-14-GN6LBC3-GN6, the color is forest green. The lumma1re is 100 watts HPS, Model No. Z47G-100s-3-GN6. Spacmg Will be 70' staggered. • All improvements constructed by the Developer shall be in accordance with City Construction Standards. Water: City has constructed a new 8" waterline in the roadway from Temperance St. wh1ch connects to the existing 8" waterline on 4"' Ave. C1ty has installed fire hydrants at 300' spacing and Smbs have been placed to the R/W !me at locations mumally agreed upon by City and Developer. Sewer. City has installed a new sewer line (10" diameter maximum size) from a manhole in James Street to approxtmately 470' south of James St and crossing 2nd Ave. to the south side of the roadway to end at the right of way lme at a location agreed to by the Developer City has constructed new storm drain pipes and catch basms m the roadway sized to pick up the road,and Sidewalk drainage only. Utihhes: Developer shall coordmate and cause all the private and/or quasi-private ut1hty service (gas, power, telephone/telecommunication and cable TV) to provide those utihtJes to the properties wtthm the Property stte. Ctty shall not be responsible for any costs associated with provtding private and/or quasi private ut!ltty services. W. Temperance St. -1'1 Ave. to 2"d Ave. Street: C1ty willtmprove W. Temperance Street on the north side between 1" Ave. and 2"d Ave. to provide a 3-lane, 36' wide asphalt paved roadway with curb and gutter on the north side. Sound Transit is building half-street improvements on the south side of the road with a 10' w1de sidewalk. City will install street trees and street lights on the north s1de as descnbed on the Ramsay Way portion of the project. Developer, in conjunction with the issuance of a development penrut on the adjacent and abutting property, shall construct a 12' w1de concrete Sidewalk on the north side and Install street tree frames and grates and root barners all -19- m accordance with City Construction Standards. 2"d Ave. N.-w. Smith St. toW. Temperanee St. Sound Transit will be constructing 2nd Ave. up to and includmg the curb and gutter on the west side of the road from Smith St. to Temperance St. City will provide street lightmg and street trees as descnbed on the Ramsay Way portion. Developer shall construct a 12' wide concrete sidewalk and mstall street tree frames and grates and root bamers in connection with the Issuance of a development permit on any portion of the Kent Station ProJect Property. City reserves the nght to use portions of the Property from time to time for construction staging purposes as may be necessary or desirable in connection with the construction of City Infrastructure Improvements; provided, however, City shall use reasonable efforts to coordmate its constructiOn activities so as to not unreasonably mterfere with construction activities in Takedown Parcels previously acquired by Developer. -20- EXHIBITF MPD Construction Standards A copy of the C1ty of Kent Construction Standards in effect on the MPD application date are available for review at the City of Kent Mayor's Office -21- ' ' EXHmiTG Sound Transit Parking Garage Agreement (21 pages) INTERLOCAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT BETWEEN CENTRAL PUGET SOUND REGIONAL TRANSIT AUTHORITY AND THE CITY OF KENT FOR THE USE OF THE KENT COMMUTER RAIL STATION GARAGE TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 Scope of the Agreement 2.0 Parking.Structure Described 3.0 Ownership and Operation 4.0 Use by the General Public 5.0 Operations and Maintenance 6.0 Reimbursements 7.0 Audits, Inspections and Retention of Records 8.0 Designated Representatives 9.0 Dispute Resolution 10.0 Legal Relations 11.0 Insurance 12.0 Legal Compliance 13.0 Cessation of Operation 14.0 Termination of Agreement 15.0 Notice Requirements 16.0 Effective Date and Term of Agreement 17.0 Execution of Agreement 18.0 FTA Approval EXHIBITS Exhibit A: Description of Parking Structure Exhibit B: Operating Hours Exhibit C: Map of area surrounding Parking Structure Exhibit D: List of Fixed Costs Exhibit E: List of Variable Costs ;; AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this J f/;'#.,..day o -"JLL..~~ 2002, by and between the Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority (hereinaft eferred to as "Sound Transit") and the City of Kent (hereinafter referred to as the "City") and may be referred to individually as "Party" and collectively as "Parties". RECITALS WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 81.112.070 RCW and public vote, Sound Transit is authorized to perform regional high capacity transportation functions within Sound Transit's jurisdictional boundary as set forth in Sound Move, its ten year Regional Transit System plan; and WHEREAS, Sound Transit and the City are authorized by Chapter 39.34 RCW to enter into agreements for cooperative action "to make the most efficient use of their powers;" and WHEREAS, Sound Transit currently owns and operates a parking structure with 871 parking stalls along with surrounding improvements located in Kent next to the Kent Commuter Rail Station (hereinafter the "Parking Structure''); and WHEREAS, the City and Sound Transit entered into a Commuter Rail Project Interlocal Agreement dated April9, 1998 in which the Parties expressed their mutual desires to: 1. Integrate the Project development with existing infrastructure and development, including other transit facilities, private facilities, utilities, and parking, and develop operational plans that minimize project impacts; 2. Derive the maximum effectiveness out of Sound Transit's investment by implementing accessible and efficient facilities and services; including adequate park-and-ride capacity, bus transfer facilities, and bicycle/pedestrian access; and 3. Work toward development of transit-oriented land use policies to attract and shape development around transit facilities in ways that benefit both transit users and the community; and WHEREAS, Sound Transit originally had planned to build a surface parking lot for the Kent Commuter Rail Station; and WHEREAS, the City and Sound Transit entered into a Commuter Rail Station Parking Structure Interlocal Agreement on December 16, 1999 (''Parking Structure Construction Agreement"), in which the City agreed to contribute $4,000,000 towards the building of a Parking Structure rather than a surface parking lot; and INTERLOCAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR THE USE OF THE KENT COMMUTER RAIL STATION GARAGE-Page 1 (Between Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority and City of Kent) WHEREAS, King County had agreed to pay Sound Transit $2,000,000 toward the construction of an additional191 stalls in the Parking Structure for use by its transit customers; and WHEREAS, the Parties agree that the primary purpose of the Parking Structure is to provide parking for Sound Transit and King County Metro commuters; and WHEREAS, in the Parking Structure Agreement, Sound Transit also agreed to permit parking by the general public for non-rail pwposes, subject to terms and conditions to be established by a later use agreement; and WHEREAS, the Parties agree that permitting the general public to use parking spaces not being used by Sound Transit and King County Metro commuters maximizes the public benefit from the investment in the Parking Structure, and WHEREAS, the City's planned "Kent Station" project relies upon the Parking Structure for satisfying the parking requirements of certain proposed uses of adjacent property; and WHEREAS, the uses contemplated by the City on its land surrounding the Parking Structure would require that the Parking Structure be opened until the early morning hours and on weekends; and WHEREAS, the City agrees that Sound Transit should not have to bear any additional cost that are a result of non-commuter use of the facility. WHEREAS, the City and Sound Transit desire to enter into this Parking Structure Use Agreement ("Agreement") to establish terms and conditions relating to the use of the Parking Structure by the City. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: 1.0 Scope ofthe Agreement This Agreement specifies the relationship and roles of the Parties as to the use and contribution to the costs of operating and maintaining the Parking Structure. The terms of this Agreement shall control in the event it is in conflict with the more general terms of the Parking Structure Construction Agreement. 2.0 Parking Structure Described A description of the Parking Structure is attached to this Agreement as Exhibit "A" and incorporated by this reference. INTERLOCAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR THE USE OF THE KENT COMMUTER RAIL STATION GARAGE-Page 2 (Between Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority and City of Kent) 3.0 Ownership and Operation Sound Transit owns and operates the Parking Structure. Sound Transit shall be responsible for the control and use of the Parking Structure, subject to the terms of this Agreement and its agreement with King County. 4.0 Use by the General Public 4.1 Use The operating hours of the Parking Structure are provided in Exhibit "B". The general public, under the rights secured in this Agreement by the City of Kent, may use the parking spaces in the Parking Structure for non-transit related purposes, with the following exceptions, limitations and reservations: 4.1.1 Exceptions The following stalls are available to transit users only: a. Parking stalls identified as accessible only to persons with disabilities. 4.1.2 Limitations a. Weekdays, non-holiday: The general public may park in the Parking Structure beginning when the last train leaves before noon or 10 A.M., whichever is later, until closing. b. Weekends and State Holidays: The general public may park in the Parking Structure during all operating hours except as otherwise provided in section 4.1.3. below; 4.1.3 Reservations Sound Transit reserves the right to further limit parking by the general public in the following circumstances: a. In up to 191 parking stalls (excluding parking identified for persons with disabilities) if the County's transit customers do not have access to at least 191 parking stalls on any day, before 9:00P.M.; or b. In all parking stalls when damage, destruction, renovation, maintenance or other conditions make it necessary to close portions of the Parking Structure. INTERLOCAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR THE USE OF THE KENT COMMUTER RAIL STATION GARAGE-Page 3 (Between Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority and City of Kent) 4.2 Cost to the General Public Parking will initially be free. However, Sound Transit reserves the right, without limitation of other parking restrictions to charge the general public to park in the Parking Structure under the following circumstances: a. The City charges for parking on any of its streets, surface parking lots, or parking structures; b. Any other parking structure, garage or surface parking lot within the area depicted on Exhibit "C" charges for parking; c. The Parking Structure has reached "Capacity." Capacity is reached when the Parking Structure is 95% full (excluding ADA parking) prior to the last train leaving before noon or 10 A.M., which ever is later, during eight out of 10 consecutive business days. The counting to determine Capacity can be requested by Sound Transit at anytime. Sound Transit, with a representative of the City, if the City wishes to participate, shall count actual open spaces by driving through the Parking Structure starting at the ground floor at the time the last morning train pulls into the station or 10 A.M., whichever is later. Under this subsection (c), Sound Transit may only charge the public to park until noon. However, this subsection does not prohibit Sound Transit from charging for parking if any of the other subsections of section 4.2 are satisfied.; d. When it is determined that the County's transit customers do not have use of 191 parking stalls on any day before 9:00P.M.; or e. Sound Transit adopts a system-wide policy to charge for parking in all of its parking structures. 5.0 Operations and Maintenance 5.1 Maintenance, Repair and Replacement Responsibilities 5.1.1 Sound Transit Sound Transit shall be responsible for the maintenance and the operation of the Parking Structure, except as otherwise provided in this Agreement. 5.1.2 City The City has proposed in-kind maintenance to offset some of its reimbursements for operation and maintenance of the Parking Structure. Although the Parties could not agree on this at the time of the execution of the Agreement, the Parties agree to revisit the issue in connection with the annual meetings held per subsection 6.3, below. INTERLOCAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR THE USE OF THE KENT COMMUTER RAIL STATION GARAGE-Page 4 (Between Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority and City of Kent) 6.0 Reimbursements 6.1 Baseline Operation and Maintenance Costs The City agrees to pay Sound Transit the incremental cost to operate and maintain the Parking Structure for use by the general public. This incremental cost to be paid by the City is the cost that Sound Transit must expend above baselines established in subsection 6.1.1 and 6.1.2 below for the actual fixed and variable costs of Sound Transit to operate and maintain the Parking Structure. The City's obligation to pay these incremental costs will begin the same month that any portion of the City's Kent Station project opens for business to the public, which is expected to be July 2004. 6.1.1 Fixed Costs. Fixed costs are expenditures that are not expected to fluctuate due to an increase in garage use by commuters. Increases in fixed costs, if any, will be caused by use of the Parking Structure by the general public. The categories of Fixed Costs are listed in Exhibit "D". a. For Fixed Cost expenditures listed in Exhibit "D," except for security, an initial baseline will be established January 1, 2004 and will include the fixed costs incurred in each category in 2003. Given that King County Metro will not be using the Parking Structure for the full 2003 calendar year, the baseline will be adjusted to reflect King County Metro use of the Parking Structure for the full year based on costs incurred once King County Metro begins using the Parking Structure. Each year thereafter, and subject to adjustments made in accordance with section 6.3, the baseline will be calculated on January 1 by multiplying the past year's baseline by the national CPI-W for the previous twelve-month period that . -ended on-December-3L---The City shall-pay all fixed costs incurred oy Sound Transit above the baseline. The City agrees that in attributing costs for such Fixed Cost that are directly linked to the hours of operation, such as the cost of security, Sound Transit's hours of operation will be deemed to be between one-halfhour before the first train arrives and one-half hour after the last train arrives (but not before 9:00PM on weekdays). The City agrees that regardless of the possible use of the Parking Structure by the Sound Transit's or King County Metro's transit customers during extended hours requested by the City, the Fixed Cost increase associated with these extended hours shall still be attributed to the City. INTERLOCAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR TIIE USE OF THE KENT COMMUTER RAIL STATION GARAGE-Page 5 (Between Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority and Czty of Kent) 6.1.2 Variable Costs. Variable Costs are expenditures that are expected to fluctuate with an increase in commuter use. Incremental increases in variable costs will be attributable to increased Commuter Use (including use by King County Metro's customers) and increased use by the general public. Commuter Use is use of the Parking Structure by Sound Transit or King County Metro customers for purposes of boarding a train or bus operated by Sound Transit or King County Metro at the Kent Commuter Rail Station. The categories of variable costs are specified in Exhibit "E". a. Two baselines shall be established for variable costs in 2004. (i) The first baseline will be established January I, 2004 and will include the variable costs paid in 2003. Given that King County Metro will not be using the Parking Structure for the full2003 calendar year, the baseline will be adjusted to reflect King County Metro use of the Parking Structure for the full year based on costs incurred once King County Metro begins using the Parking Structure. (ii) The second baseline shall be comprised of two components: the percentage of Parking Structure users attributed to either Sound Transit or King County Metro transit users and the percentage of Parking Structure users attributed to use by the general public as measured by the actual count of cars entering the Parking Structure during operating hours. Given that public use of the Parking Strncture-is-norexpeerearobegm untifTuly 2004, the count of cars entering the Parking Structure shall be measured the first week in November 2004. In 2004, the City shall pay an amount equal to the increase in variable costs multiplied by the percentage of garage use attributable to the general public, retroactive to the month that any portion of the City's Kent Station project opens for business to the public. b. Two baselines for variable costs shall be established for 2005 and each year thereafter. (i) The first baseline for 2005, and each year thereafter, will be established January 1"1 and will include the variable costs from the previous year. INTERLOCAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR THE USE OF THE KENT COMMUTER RAIL STATION GARAGE-Page 6 (Between Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority and City of Kent) (ii) The second baseline for 2005, and each year thereafter, shall be comprised of two components: the percentage of Parking Structure users attributed to commuter use and the percentage of Parking Structure users attributed to use by the general public as measured by the actual count of cars entering the Parking Structure during operating hours the third week in July and the third week in October. In 2005, and each year thereafter, the City shall pay 1) the amount paid the previous year for variable costs, and 2) an amount equal to the increase in variable costs from the previous year multiplied by the percentage of Parking Structure use attributable to the general public. 6.2 Schedule of Reimbursements At the end of each calendar quarter, Sound Transit shall submit an invoice to the City that includes the reimbursements due from the City for cost in accord with subsection 6.1 above. These costs shall be estimated for the first three-quarters based on the previous year, and shall be adjusted in the fourth quarter to reflect actual costs due under subsection 6.1. The City shall pay the amount of its reimbursements, less any in-kind maintenance by the City, within thirty (30) days after receipt of Sound Transit's invoice. 6.3 Adjustments 6.3.1 Necessity and Frequency of Services. Sound Transit and the City shall meet at least once per calendar year to discuss the necessity of performing the listed services and tasks in greater frequency, or __________ n....,e"'w01-1.atas~ed neeess~by-the-part1es;-the extent to wlrich these services or tasks are properly designated as a fixed or variable costs. However, it will be Sound Transit's decision as to the continued necessity of a particular service or the need for greater frequency or intensity of a particular task. The Parties will also discuss adjustments to the baseline due to cost-saving actions by Sound Transit that do not necessarily reduce the cost associated with use by the general public. 6.3.2 Baseline Adjustments. In the calculation or adjustment of the fixed cost baseline, the City agrees that but for the use by the City, the Parking Structure would open one-half hour before the first train arrives and close one-half hour after the last train arrives (but not before 9:00 P.M. on weekdays). Therefore, for example, the cost associated with charging the general public to park because of certain capacity issues being met INTERLOCAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR TilE USE OF THE KENT COMMUTER RAIL STATION GARAGE-Page 7 (Between Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority and City of Kent) under section 4.2(c) and 4.2(d) shall be borne by the City. Further, the City agrees that use of the Parking Structure by Sound Transit's or the County's transit customers during any extended operating hours requested by the City is deemed incidental and not a basis for adjustment of the fixed cost baseline. Therefore, for example, the cost associated with limiting parking by charging the general public and the cost of additional security during City-requested extended hours will be borne by the City. 6.3.3 Written Amendment. The list of operations and maintenance tasks and services in Exhibit "D" and "E" may be modified by a written amendment. 6.4 Structure Mid-life Adjustments The mid-life of the Parking Structure is 2017, and it is anticipated that at that time there will be costs associated with the long term maintenance and repair of the Parking Structure that may not have been previously identified in Section 6.0, such as fixture upgrades or replacements. Prior to 2018, the Reimbursements in Section 6.0 will be adjusted to reflect these long-term costs. The parties shall discuss these adjustments during the meetings held under subsection 6.3 and if no agreement is reached the dispute resolution process in Section 9.0 shall be used. If an agreement is not reached using the dispute resolution process, the matter shall be settled by binding arbitration by a single arbitrator who has experience in real estate matters. The arbitration will be administered by JAMS if the parties have not otherwise agreed to use a different arbitrator or arbitration process. Each party will submit to the arbitrator and each other at least ten (1 0) days in advance of the hearing its best offer for the adjustments to Section 6.0 and the rational for the same. The arbitrator shall be limited to choosing one of the two proposals. Each party will bear the cost of its own attorney's fees and one-half of the cost of the arbitrator. The same process as is described above Shall be used to adJust the Reimbursements in Section 6.0 prior to the renewal period beginning in 2035. 7.0 Audits, Inspections and Retention of Records 7.1 Audits and Inspections The Parties, the State Auditor, the FTA, and any of their representatives shall have full access to and the right to examine, during normal business hours and as often as they deem necessary, all of each Party's records with respect to all matters covered by this Agreement. Such representatives shall be permitted to audit, examine and make excerpts or transcripts from such records, and to make audits of all Agreements, invoices, materials, payrolls, and other matters covered by or related to this Agreement. INTERLOCAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR THE USE OF TilE KENT COMMUTER RAIL STATION GARAGE-Page 8 (Between Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority and City of Kent) 7.2 Retention ofRecords All documents, books, papers, accounting records, and other materials pertaining to this Agreement shall be retained by each Party for six years, except in the event of litigation or settlement of claims arising from the performance of this Agreement, in which case each Party agrees to maintain same until all such litigation, appeals, claims or exceptions are fmally resolved. 8.0 Designated Representatives To ensure effective cooperation, each Party shall designate representatives responsible for communications between the Parties on certain subjects. The Parties reserve the right to change Designated Representatives, with notice to the other Party. 9.0 Dispute Resolution 9.1 Step One In the event of any dispute concerning this Agreement, the Operations Manager of Sound Transit's Commuter Rail Division or designee and the Chief Administrative Officer for the City or designee shall confer to resolve the dispute. Said representatives shall use their best efforts and exercise good faith to resolve disputes and issues arising out of, or related to this Agreement. In the event they are unable to resolve the dispute; the Operations Manager and the Chief Administrative Officer shall confer and exercise good faith to resolve the dispute. 9.2 Step Two In the event the Operations Manager and the Chief Administrative Officer are unable to resolve the dispute, the Exeeu:tive Ditectot of Sound Transrt and the Mayor of the City shall engage in good faith negotiations to resolve the dispute. 9.3 Step Three -Mediation In the event the Executive Director of Sound Transit and the Mayor of the City are unable to resolve the dispute, the parties may submit the matter to a mutually agreed upon non- binding mediator. The Parties shall share equally in the cost of the mediator. 9.4 Prerequisite to Litigation Sound Transit and the City agree that they shall have no right to seek relief in a court of law until and unless the above procedural steps have been exhausted. INTERLOCAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR 1HE USE OF THE KENT COMMUTER RAIL STATION GARAGE-Page 9 (Between Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority and City of Kent) 10.0 Legal Relations 10.1 No Agency. It is understood and agreed that this Agreement is solely for the benefit of the parties hereto and gives no right to any other party. No joint venture or partnership is formed as a result of this Agreement. No employees or agents of one party or any of its contractors or subcontractors, shall be deemed, or represent themselves to be, employees of the other party. 10.2 No Third Party Rights. It is understood and agreed that this Agreement is solely for the benefit of the Parties hereto and gives no right to any other party. Nothing in this Agreement, whether express or implied, is intended to confer any rights or remedies under or by reason of this Agreement on any persons other than the Parties. 10.3 Liability for Own Employees. Each party specifically assumes potential liability for actions brought by its own employees against the other party and for that purpose the indemnifying Party specifically waives, with respect to the other Party only, any immunity under the Worker's Compensation Act, RCW Title 51; and each Party recognizes that this waiver was the subject of mutual negotiation and specifically entered into pursuant to the provision ofRCW 4.24.115, if applicable. Each Party to this Agreement shall reasonably notify the other of any and all claims, actions, losses or damages that arise or are brought against that Party relating to or pertaining to this Agreement. In the event either Party incurs attorney's fees, costs or other legal expenses to enforce the provisions of this section against the other party, all such fees, costs and expenses shall be recoverable by the prevai!ing Party 10.4 Indemnification. The City shall protect, defend, indemnify, and save harmless Sound Transit, its officers, officials, employees, and agents, while acting within the scope of their employment as such, from any and all costs, claims, judgment, and/or awards of damages, arising out of, or in any way resulting from, the negligent or intentional acts or omissions of members of the general public not using the Parking Structure as a park-and-ride transit facility. 10.5 Survival of Terms. The provisions of this section shall survive any expiration or termination of this Agreement. INTERLOCAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR TilE USE OF THE KENT COMMUTER RAIL STATION GARAGE-Page 10 (Between Central Puget Sound Regtonal Transit Authority and City of Kent) 11.0 Insurance Each party agrees, at its own expense (except as otherwise provided in this Agreement), to maintain coverage for its liability exposures for the duration of this Agreement. 12.0 Legal Compliance 12.1 Successors and Others in Interest This Agreement, together with all exhibits and attachments now or hereafter made a part, shall be binding on the Parties and their respective heirs, executors, administrators. successors and assigns. 12.2 Assigns The City may not assign its rights to general public parking to another party, except for another governmental entity, and only with the prior written consent of Sound Transit 12.3 Amendments and Modifications This Agreement shall not be modified except by written amendment signed by personnel authorized to bind the parties. Amendments or modifications that do not exceed previously approved budgets may be authorized on behalf of Sound Transit by the Executive Director and on behalf of the City, by its Mayor 12.4 Severability If any provisions of this Agreement are held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby if such remainder would then continue to serve the purposes and objectives originally contemplated. 13.0 Cessation of Operations If Sound Transit determines that it will cease operating commuter rail service at the Kent Commuter Rail Station, and if King County does not wish to purchase the Parking Structure, Sound Transit shall provide the City with written notice and an opportunity to purchase the Parking Structure improvements and underlying real property. If the parties are unable to reach agreement on the terms of such a transfer, either party may invoke the dispute resolution procedures provided in this Agreement. If the parties cannot thereby reach agreement on the terms of such a transfer, the parties shall agree upon the selection of a neutral party to establish the fair market value of the Parking Structure. If upon obtaining the fair market value from the neutral party, an agreement is not reached, Sound Transit may proceed with selling the Parking Structure to an outside party at which time this Agreement shall terminate. The terms of any sale by Sound Transit, other than to King County, shall include provisions that the new owner will either use the Parking Structure for use by the general public, or negotiate with the City the right for the City to purchase use for the general public. INTERLOCAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR THE USE OF THE KENT COMMUTER RAIL STATION GARAGE-Page 11 (Between Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority and City of Kent) ' . 14.0 Termination of Agreement 14.1 Termination and Remedies for Material Breach Either Party may tenninate this Agreement in the event the other fails to perform a material obligation under this Agreement, and such failure has not been corrected to the reasonable satisfaction of the other in a timely manner after notice of breach has been provided to such other Party. Written notice of termination of this Agreement shall be given by the Party terminating this Agreement to the other party not less than one hundred eighty days (180) days prior to the effective date of termination. 14.2 Termination Plan Prior to termination of this Agreement by expiration of the term or as provided in this Section, the Parties agree to develop a coordinated plan for terminating the Agreement that includes compensating for Parking Structure use or services satisfactorily rendered up until the time of termination. 15.0 Notice Requirements Any notice given under this Agreement shall be in writing and given by sending such notice by registered mail, return receipt requested, with postage prepaid addressed as follows, or at such other address as the Party to be notified last directed in writing, or by serving said notice personally. The effective date of notice shall be the date of personal service or the date of receipt as shown on the return receipt, as applicable. The agency contacts for this project are as follows: City: Sound Transit: Chief Administrative Officer 220 Fuwth Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032-5895 Director of Commuter Rail Sound Transit Regional Express 401 South Jackson Street Seattle, Washington 98104-2816 16.0 Effective Date and Term of Agreement This Agreement shall be effective on the last date signed, and end on December 31, 2034, subject to adjustments to Reimbursements in Section 6.4. Additionally, so long as the City is not in default of this Agreement and Sound Transit (i) plans at that time to continue operating commuter rail through the City, (ii) plans to continue using the Parking Structure for commuter rail customer parking, then the City shall have the option to renew this Agreement for one (1) additional term to expire on June 1, 2040 subject to adjustments to Reimbursements in Section 6. INTERLOCAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR THE USE OF THE KENT COMMUTER RAIL STATION GARAGE-Page 12 (Between Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority and City of Kent) . ' The option must be exercised in writing and delivered to Sound Transit at least one hundred and eighty (180) calendar days before the end of the term then in effect. 17.0 Execution of Agreement This Agreement shall be executed in two (2) counterparts, any one of which shall be regarded for all purposes as one original. 18.0 Subject to FTAApproval The use of the Parking Structure as contemplated by the Parties is subject to compliance with NEP A and approval of the FT A. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each party has caused this Agreement to be signed by its duly authorized officer or representative as of the date set forth below its signature and as of the date first written above. CITY OF KENT fe-11-.0~3 ~~ok ~&(eL Tom Brubaker, City Att<>IlleY'"' CENTRALPUGETSOUND REGIONAL TRANSIT AUTHORITY ("Sound Transit") C' /) 111 t~t~t:. Date:. _ ___,{,;:___:_-!l.;;.._·-=-0-'-3 ___ _ ~ Sound Transit Legal Counsel INTERLOCAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR TilE USE OF THE KENT COMMUTER RAIL STATION GARAGE-Page 13 (Between Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority and City of Kent) EXIDBITA DESCRIPTION OF PARKING STRUCTURE That property in Kent Washington, held in fee by Sound Transit bounded on the North by Temperance Street, on the East by First Avenue North, on the South by West Smith Street, and on the West by the Second Avenue North extension now know as Ramsay Way, except for those portion that have been conveyed or will be conveyed to the City of Kent. EXHIBITB PARKING STRUCTURE OPERATING HOURS The Parking Structure will initially be open for parking as follows: Weekdays: Weekends: State Holidays: One-half hour before the arrival of the first morning train until one-half hour after the last train (but not before 9:00p.m.) Closed, except for special Sounder service. Closed Sound Transit, at the request of the City of Kent, will increase the operating hours of the Parking Structure so that it is opened every day from at least 6:30 a.m. to 2:30 a.m. Regional Justice Center *Shaded area in diagram EXHIBITC DIAGRAM ------- to in Section 4.2(b) Cll ~ I!! -c: Cll v N 4. 1. Security a. Security Officers 2. Utilities EXHIBITD FIXED COSTS a. Pay Phones, Elevator Emergency Phones h. Drainage-storm water 3. Ongoing Maintenance a. Landscaping and Irrigation b. Pest Control c. CCTV /Panic buttons d. Oil and Water separators/detention, annual cleaning e. Elevator Maintenance 4. Vandalism Repair 5. Parking Fee Collection a. Capital costs to build collection booths and gates, set up system to differentiate between transit and general public parking h. Operations and maintenance relating to parking fee collection 6. Collection of data (i.e., car counting) for determining variable costs. EXHIBITE VARIABLE COSTS 1. Janitorial and Maintenance including supplies a. Elevator cabin/door cleaning-2 cabins b. Trash/ashtrays c. Trash can liners d. Parking level sweeping-5 level (recommended 2x/mo) e. Stairs-sweep/blow (reasonable frequency) f. Stairs -dust handrails/wet mop (reasonable frequency} g. Interior garage trash hand pick 5 levels h. Exterior landscaped area trash hand-pick 1. Garbage disposal. 2. Major Maintenance a. Includes complete restriping, concrete leakage, crack repatrs, new concrete sealer, membrane applications and painting, etc. 3. Ongoing Maintenance a. Painting/Sealing/Striping Parking Lot b. Concrete and Masonry c. Electrical/Plumbing/Mechanic d. Glass Repair and Replacement 4. Insurance and payment of claims up to Sound Transit's insurance deductibles.