HomeMy WebLinkAbout1652RESOLUTION NO / b 5)..... A RESOLUTION of the city council of the city of Kent, Washmgton, adoptmg findmgs of fact, concluswns of law, and a declSlon regardmg the quasi-JUdicial, closed record appeal of the Kent Statwn prehmmary plat file no SU-2002- 9 WHEREAS, on July 15, 2003 the Kent City Council siltmg as a quasi-Judicial body heard a closed record appeal brought by Don Shaffer m h1s mdlVldual capacity, Don Shaffer as a representalive of Kent C.A RES, and Don Shaffer as president of Northwest Alliance, Inc., and WHEREAS, the Council voted unammously to deny the closed record appeal and mstructed that wntten findmg of fact, concluswns oflaw, and a decisiOn be drafted for adoptiOn by Council, and WHEREAS, findmgs of fact, conclusiOns of law, and a deciSion have been drafted m accord With the Council's decisiOn and are attached as Exh1b11 A to this Resolutwn; NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS SECTION 1. AdoptiOn The Kent City Council hereby adopts the attached Exhibit A as Its findmg of fact, concluswns of law and decisiOn m the closed record appeal Kent Station Preliminary Plat Appeal Findings and Ct?nclusions of Kent StatiOn prehmmary plat file No SU-2002-9 SECTION 2. Effec!ive Date This resolutiOn shall take effect and be m force Immediately upon Its passage. PASSED at a regular meetmg of the city council of the City ofKent, Washmgton this j_:l__ day of August, 2003 CONCURRED m by the mayor ofthe City of Kent, this 1'1 day of August, 2003 ATTEST: ~i!t~ .BRENDA JACOBE CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM· AtAAA-~leL TOM BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY I hereby certi1y that this IS a true and correct copyofResolutwn No /b5d-, passed by the city council ofthe City of Kent, Washmgton, the 11 day of J!me, 2003. -tl<j~ P \Ctvtl\ResolutJOn\KentStatJonFmdmgsConclustonsDectsJOn doc ~,2;-~~~AL) 2 Kent Station Preltminary Plat Appeal Findings and Conclusions INRE EXHIBIT A BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT No SU-2002-9 THE APPEAL OF THE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF KENT STATION MASTER PLAN KIV No. RPP3-2023555 KENT C.A.R E.S. c/o DON SHAFFER AND NORTHWEST ALLIANCE, INC , FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND DECISION Appellants, v. KENT STATION, LLC, (APPLICANT); AND CITY OF KENT (OWNER), Respondents INTRODUCTION THIS MATTER came on before the Kent City Council on a quasi-JUdicial, closed-record appeal brought by Kent CARE S , c/o Don Shaffer, Don Shaffer as an mdlVldual, and Northwest Alliance, Inc. (collectively "Kent C A RES"), on July 15, 2003 The followmg IS a summary of mformatwn regardmg the subject property, land use applicatiOns and the appeal filed by Kent C A R E S File No.: Kent StatiOn Master Plan Development ("MPD") No. KIVA RPP 3-2023555 and Prehmmary Plat File No SU-2002-9 Annlicant: Kent Statwn, LLC Pronertv Owner: City of Kent EXHIBrT A -'"" FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND DECISION-I Location: The s1te IS bounded by James Street to the North, Fourth Avenue South on the West, F1rst Avenue South on the East, and Temperance Street on the South Pro i ect ProJ!osal: To develop approximately 18 2 acres mto a comrnercJal, res1dentJal and public serv1ce facilities through a master plan development cons1stmg of a planned umt development ("PUD") and a prehmmary and final plat The plat portiOn of the MPD IS to subdlVlde approximately 18 2 acres mto 20 commercJallots @plication Filed: November 13,2002 Open Record Hearinl!: Date: January 16, 2003 Hearin~:; Examiner {OJ!en January 30, 2003 Record) Decision Date: HearinK Examiner {OJ!en PUD -APPROVED, w1th conditiOns, Record) Decision: Prehmmary Plat-APPROVED, with conditions Reguests for Reconsideration {bl: Kent C.A.R.E.S. and Kent Station LLC): February 5, 2003 HearinK Examiner Decision on Kent Statwn, LLC request-DENIED (February 13, 2003), Reguests for Reconsideration: Kent C A R.E S. 's request-DENIED (February 13, 2003) Closed-Record Appeal filed: February 20, 2003 Closed Record AJ!J!eal July 15, 2003 HeariRI! and Decision Date: Closed Record AJ!J!eal I) Mo!lons to Stnke New (Supplemental) Evidence by Kent Decision: CARES -GRANTED, 2) Motwn by the City of Kent to supplement the record w1th new evidence --GRANTED; 2) Closed Record Appeal by Kent C.A RES -DENIED, 3) Heanng Exammer's January 30 and FebnJary 13, 2003 DecJsJOns -AFFIRMED. Argument Presented B1:: For Property Owner and Respondent C1ty of Kent Ms. K1m Adams Pratt, Ass1stant C1ty Attorney FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND DECISION -2 For Apphcant and Respondent Kent StatiOn, LLC: Mr Donald E Marcy, Cairncross & Hemppleman Attorney for Kent StatiOn, LLC For Appellant Kent C A.R E S, Don Shaffer, and Northwest Alliance Inc.. Mr. Don Shaffer Appeal Exhibits: Considered by the City Counc!l I) Heanng Exammer's Dec!Slon of January 30, 2003, mcludmg Exh1b1ts 1-8 and attachments to each Exhibit, 2) Kent C.A.R.E.S. 's "Request for Reconsideration" (February 5, 2003); 3) Heanng Exammer's "Demal of Requests for Recons1deratwn" (February 13, 2003), 4) Kent CARES 's "Not1ce of Appeal Before Kent C1ty Counc!l," dated February 19,2003 (filed on February 20, 2003), mcludmg Exhibits A-D and attachments to those Exhibits, 5) Kent C.A R E.S.'s "Order for Transcnpt" and attachments thereto (February 20, 2003), 6) "Verbatim Mmutes" of the Heanng Exammer heanng held on January 16, 2003 (56 pages), 7) ResolutiOn No 896 (June 16, 1980); 8) "Statement of Heanng Officer" dated Apnl 2, 2003; 9) May 20, 2003 letter from MIChael C Walter to Kent C A.R.E.S , c/o Don Shaffer; 10) City of Kent "Not1ce of a Closed-Record Appeal Heanng" dated June 6, 2003, II) June 13, 2003 letter from Kim Adams Pratt, Assistant C1ty Attorney, to Michael C. Walter re. C1ty's Motion to Supplement and supplemental ev1dence, and obJection to Kent C A R.E S. 's supplemental ev1dence, and attachments thereto; 12) June 13, 2003 letter from Donald E Marcy, Attorney for Kent Statwn, LLC, to Michael C. Walter, objectmg to Kent C.A.R.E S 's supplemental evidence, 13) June 16, 2003 letter from Don Shaffer to Kent StatiOn, LLC, and C1ty of Kent; 14) June 13, 2003 letter from Don Shaffer to Michael C. Walter With 3 pages of attachments, 15) June 16, 2003 letter from Kim Adams Pratt, Assistant City Attorney, to Michael C Walter, respondmg to Don Shaffer's June 16, 2003 letter, and 4 pages of attachments; FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND DECISION -3 16) June 12, 2003 Memorandum from Tom Brubaker, C1ty Attorney, to Kent C1ty Counc1lmembers (and others); 17) June 13, 2003 letter from Tern Hansen, Legal Ass1stant to M1chael Walter, to Kent CARES and Kent Statton, LLC (attachmg June 12, 2003 Memorandum from Tom Brubaker to C1ty Counc!lmembers), 18) June 16, 2003 letter from M1chael C Walter to Kent C.A R.E S., w1th coptes to Kent Statton, LLC and others, attachmg Donald Marcy's June 13, 2003 letter, 19) June 17, 2003 letter from Mtchael C. Walter to Kent C.A.R E.S., Kent Statton, LLC, and C1ty of Kent, re: poss1ble contmuance of closed record appeal hearmg; 20) June 17, 2003 letter from Don Shaffer to M1chael C Walter re: response to C1ty's Memorandum (3 pages), 21) June 20, 2003 letter from M1chael C Walter to Kent C.A.R.E.S., Kent Statton, LLC, and C1ty of Kent re· contmuance ofthe closed record appeal heanng (and 7 pages of attachments); 22) July 14, 2003 letter from Michael C Walter to Kent C.A R.E.S , Kent Statton, LLC, and C1ty of Kent re time allotment for appeal anrument Offered but not considered by the C1ty Counc1l 1) May 31, 2003 letter (2 pages) from Don Shaffer to M1chael C Walter re. proposed evidenced to supplement record, and Exhibits A-C, and attachments thereto FINDINGS OF FACT 1. On February 20, 2003, Mr Don Shaffer, as an mdivtdual, as Prestdent of Northwest Alhance, Inc., and as a representative of Kent C A.R E S., timely filed wtth the Ctty a Notice of Appeal to the Kent C1ty Counc1l of planned umt development (PUD) and prehmmary plat dec1s10ns by the Ctty's Heanng Exammer of the Kent Statton Master Plan. Kent C A.R.E S. IS a cttizen actwn organ1zatwn based in the C1ty of Kent 2-20-03 "Notzce of Appeal before Kent Clty Counczl" 2 Kent C.A.R.E.S.'s appeal challenged, on var1ous grounds, two deciSions of the C1ty's Heanng Exammer, both dated January 30, 2003 The first was the Heanng Exammer's approval of the prehmmary plat, w1th condtttons, wh1ch approved a 20-lot d1v1s1on of approximately 18 2 acres of the subject property. The second challenged dec1s10n was approval of the PUD, with conditions, which authonzed a mixed-use development on the subject property, mcludmg retatl, office, commumty college satelhte, cmema, grocery store, restaurants, multi-family residential, open space and surface parkmg "Notzce of Appeal before Kent Czty Counczl" (February 20, 2003) FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND DECISION-4 3 Kent C.A.R.E.S. 's Not1ce of Appeal was timely filed and perfected, pursuant to ResolutiOn No 896 (June 16, 1980), Kent C1ty Code ("KCC") 12.01.040 and 12 01.095. 4 On May I, 2003, the Kent C1ty Clerk sent correspondence to Don Shaffer mformmg h1m that the closed record appeal of the Kent StatiOn Prelimmary Plat had been scheduled for June 3, 2003, at the Kent C1ty Council meetmg May 1, 2003 Notzce 5 On May 20, 2003, Michael C. Walter, a legal adv1sor to the C1ty Council, adv1sed all part1es to the appeal (Kent C A.R E S , Kent Statwn, LLC, and The City of Kent) of the new date for the closed-record appeal heanng and the procedures and time limits applicable to the appeal heanng Th1s letter-notice advised the part1es that the appeal heanng had been rescheduled for June 17, 2003, at 7:00p.m., that the appeal heanng was lim1ted to the ex1st1ng record before the heanng exammer, that no new ev1dence could be presented unless the ev1dence was lim1ted to mformatlon that could not have been placed on the record prevwusly, that only "argument" of the part1es' representatives would be permitted, that each s1de would have 30 mmutes to present oral argument, that Kent C.A R.E S.'s supplemental evidence, 1f any, was due to the C1ty Clerk's office no later than June 4, 2003 at 4 30 p.m , and that any supplemental ev1dence by Kent Statwn, LLC, or the C1ty of Kent, was due delivered to the City Clerk's office no later than June 13, 2003 at 4 30 p m May 20, 2003 letter from Mzchael C. Walter to Kent C A R.E S 6 On June 6, 2003, the Kent C1ty Clerk 1ssued to all part1es a "Notice of a Closed-Record Appeal Heanng" for Kent C.A RES's appeal The Notice set the closed-record appeal heanng for Tuesday, June 17, 2003, at 7·00 p m Notzce of a Closed-Record Appeal Hearmg (June 6, 2003). 7. On June 4, 2003, Kent C A R.E.S , through Its representative Don Shaffer, timely subm1tted to the Kent City Clerk Kent C.A RES 's proposed evidence to supplement the record The supplemental evidence was attached to a May 31, 2003 two-page letter from Mr. Shaffer as Exhibits A, B and C. Exh1b1t A IS a comp1lat10n of mformatwn from the Department of Ecology's Hazardous Matenals S1tes L1st, published by the State of Washmgton bi-annually m February and m August Exh1b1t B IS a page of text and a s1te map from the C1ty's Phase II Environmental S1te Assessment Report for property south of the Borden property, dated July of 2001 Exh1b1t Care 12 pages of excerpts from the final supplemental Envuonrnental Impact Statement for the City's Downtown Strateg1c Actwn Plan, dated Apnl 7, 1998 May 31, 2003 "Proposed Evzdence to Supplement Record" 8 The supplemental ev1dence submitted by Kent CARE S 1s not "new mformatwn" wh1ch could not have been placed m the record as of the January 16, 2003 Heanng Exammer heanng The Council finds that all of the purportedly new mformatwn submitted by Kent C A.R E S. was either created or generated pnor to the January 16, 2003 Heanng Exammer heanng, or was ava1lable and could have been put mto the record as of January 16, 2003. Exh1b1t A of Kent C.A R E.S.'s supplemental evidence 1s a document published by the State of Washmgton Department of Ecology b1-annually m February and m August The mformatwn contamed on the DOE website was available m January when the Hearmg Exammer held the open-record heanng m th1s matter. FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND DECISION-5 Furthermore, tlus evidence, Exhibit A, IS not relevant to any of the cntena for which a subdlVISIOn IS to be evaluated. The Council also fmds that Exhibit A IS not relevant because the rankmg for the Borden Chemical Plant site remams unchanged from the August 2002 hst to the February 2003 list subnutted by Kent C.A.R.E S. as part of Its supplemental evidence Id, June 13, 2003 letter from Kzm Adams Pratt to Mzchael C Walter, June 13, 2003 letter from Donald E Marcy to Mzchael C Walter 9 Exh1b1t B of Kent C A.R.E.S.'s supplemental evidence IS mformation or documents which were contamed m the C1ty's Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Report dated July, 200 l. The City Council finds that all of this mformatwn, Exh1b1t B, IS not "new" nor IS 1t evidence which could not have been placed on the record before the Heanng Exammer at or as of January 16, 2003 open record heanng. Id 10 Exh1b1t C of Kent CAR E.S.'s supplemental evidence, compnsed of portwns of the Fmal Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the City's Downtown Strategic Actwn Plan, dated Apnl 7, 1998, was available to be submitted at or pnor to the January 16, 2003 Heanng Exammer open record heanng This evidence IS neither "new" nor was It unavailable to be placed m the record as of January 16, 2003 Id 11 On June 13, 2003, the City of Kent, through Assistant City Attorney Kim Adams Pratt, submitted the C1ty's supplemental evidence for the closed-record appeal heanng The City Council finds that th1s supplemental evidence was timely submitted to both the City Clerk's Office and Kent Station, LLC, and Kent C A.R.E S June 13, 2003 letter from Kzm Adams Pratt to Mzchael C Walter 12. The two documents bemg submitted by the C1ty of Kent as part of Its supplemental evidence-a March 12, 2003 letter from URS CorporatiOn to DOE, and a March 18, 2003 letter from DOE to URS CorporatiOn -constitute new mformatwn which could not have been placed on the record as part of the heanng exammer open-record hearmg on January 16, 2003. Both documents and attachments were generated after the January 16, 2003 heanng and, therefore, constitute new mformatwn that could not have been placed on the record prevwusly. Id. 13. The City Council finds that Kent C.A.R.E.S. received timely and actual notice of the wntten obJections by the City of Kent and Kent Statwn, LLC, to Kent CARES 's proposed supplemental evidence. The City Council finds that the City of Kent timely and properly served -or attempted good service -on Mr Shaffer at his residence and the designated place of busmess for Kent C.A.R.E.S, 2070-78'h Street North, Seattle, WA 98103, on June 13, 2003 at approximately 3·58 p.m Id, June 16, 2003 letter from Kzm Adams Pratt to Mzchael C Walter 14. As a result of Kent C.A.R.E.S 's objection to the timeliness of service of documents subnutted by the City and Kent Statwn, LLC, and to avmd any preJUdice to Kent C.A R E.S., the City Council, on June 17, 2003, made a motwn, which was approved unammously, to contmue Kent C.A.R.E S 's closed-record appeal heanng to July 15, 2003. All parties to the appeal were advised, pnor to the June 17, 2003 City Council meetmg, of the possibility of a contmuance of the heanng to avoid preJUdice to Kent FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND DECISION -6 C A.R.E.S. Id, June 17, 2003letter from Don Shaffer to M1chael C Walter, June 17, 2003 letter from M1chael C Walter to all parttes 15 All parties to the appeal were timely and properly advised of the new closed-record appeal heanng date, July 15, 2003, on or about June 20, 2003 All parties to the appeal were also advised both at the June 17, 2003 Council meetmg and agam on June 20, 2003 by letter, of a potential conflict of mterest by the Kent City Council m adjudJcatmg Kent CAR E.S.'s appeal and that the "rule of necessity" as codified at RCW 42.36.090 permitted all City Counc1lmembers to fully partiCipate and vote m the closed-record appeal proceedmg !d., June 17, 2003 regular City Counc1l Meetzng 16. On June 13, 2003, the parties to appeal were provided w1th a copy of a June 12, 2003 Memorandum from Kent City Attorney Tom Brubaker to the Kent City Councilmembers, adviSing them of the closed-record appeal by Kent C A.R.E S., and suggestmg a framework to conduct the appeal heanng June 12, 2003 letter from Tom Brubaker to Cily Counctlmembers, June 13, 2003 letter from Tern Hansen to all part1es 17. Due to obJectwns raised by Kent CARES. (June 17, 2003 letter from Don Shaffer to Michael C Walter), the parties to the appeal were advised that each s1de to the appeal would have a total of 30 mmutes per s1de to present the1r argument at the closed-record appeal heanng on July 15, 2003. The parties were advised that Kent C.A.R.E.S would have a total of 30 mmutes for 1ts argument and that Kent StatiOn, LLC, and the C1ty of Kent together would share a total of 30 mmutes for the1r argument Kent Station, LLC, and the C1ty of Kent agreed to share 30 mmutes -desp1te language m §6 of ResolutiOn No. 896 that authonzes appellants and opponents to an appeal to each have 30 mmutes to present oral argument -m order to avmd any claim of preJUdice, unfairness, or meqmty to Kent C ARE S June 16, 2003 letter from Don Shaffer to M1chael C Walter, June 17, 2003 letter from Don Shaffer to Mtchael C Walter, July 14, 2003 letter from Michael C Walter to all part1es 18. Th1s closed-record, quasi-JUdicial appeal by Kent C A R E.S. came before the C1ty Council at 1ts regularly scheduled meetmg on July 15, 2003, upon proper and trmely notice to all parties. The Appellant, Kent C.A.R.E.S., was represented by and through 1ts representative, Don Shaffer The Respondent (and the Kent StatiOn applicant), Kent StatiOn, LLC, was represented by and through 1ts attorney, Donald E Marcy of the law firm of Ca1rncross and Hemplemann, P S. The Respondent (and property owner) City of Kent, was represented by and through Assistant C1ty Attorney, K1m Adams Pratt All representatives were g1ven an opport1m1ty to present argument, and all d1d so July 15, 2003 closed-record appeal hearzng 19 The C1ty Council has reviewed or IS fam1har w1th the record before the Hearmg Exammer as part of the Heanng Exammer's January 30, 2003 decJswn, and finds that the Heanng Exammer committed no error, either procedural or substantive, and that there IS no basis for Kent C A R E S 's appeal. The C1ty Council expressly finds that the Fmdmgs of Fact, Concluswns of Law, and deciSion by the Heanng Exammer are supported by the record All findmgs of fact set forth m the Heanng Exammer's January 30, 2003 "Fmdmgs, ConclusiOns and DeciSion," and the Heanng Exammer's February FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND DECISION . 7 12, 2003 "Demal of Requests for Recons1deratwn" are mcorporated herem by th1s reference and are made a part of this declSlon as 1f fully set forth herem Hearmg Exammer record, generally 20. At the July 15, 2003 closed-record appeal heanng, Mr Shaffer presented argument for 30 mmutes on Kent C.A.R E S. 's appeal. Mr Shaffer expressed h1s concerns about the 25 acres of property mcludmg the Kent StatiOn proJect s1te, he complamed that the C1ty Council would not hear h1s appeal of the PUD deciSIOn by the Hearmg Exammer, he stated that the appeal had cost h1m $50,000, he expressed h1s dissatisfactiOn with the City Council excludmg h1s supplemental ev1dence from the record, and he discussed h1s concerns of poss1ble contammants m the s01l and h1s concerns of arsemc and benzme on the s1te. He offered slides and other exhibits. Id 21 K1m Adams Pratt, on behalf of the City of Kent, argued that the argument presented by Don Shaffer on behalf of Kent C.A.R.E S did not pertam to the narrow 1ssue before the C1ty Council, namely the propnety of the Heanng Exarmner's declSlon regardmg the prelimmary plat approval for the Kent Statwn proJect She argued that all of the comments made by Mr Shaffer were directed to e1ther the PUD or SEP A declSlons, neither of wh1ch are properly before the C1ty Council on th1s closed-record appeal. Ms Pratt also referenced ev1dence that the soil on the Kent Station s1te IS not contammated, that no persons would be usmg any of the water from the Kent StatiOn s1te for dnnkmg water, that the supplemental evidence submitted by the C1ty regardmg arsemc on the s1te establishes that there IS no public health or safety nsk to e1ther constructiOn workers or the public generally Ms. Pratt also stated that ne1ther the prelimmary plat nor the PUD changed the use of the property, and that all of the uses of the Kent StatiOn s1te were previously authonzed She also argued that Kent C.A R E S failed to appeal the PUD declSlon and that 1t cannot be challenged at th1s date. Ms. Pratt also responded to Mr. Shaffer's clauns that the public was not g1ven notice of vanous decJswns made by the C1ty regardmg the Kent StatiOn proJect, and stated that proper and timely notice was prov1ded to res1dents north of James Street and m the areas surroundmg the subject property, that there was an extens1ve public process for public part!C!patwn, and that the public did m fact fully and properly participate m all aspects of the Kent StatiOn proJect Id 22 Mr. Marcy, on behalf of Kent Statwn, LLC, JOmed m w1th the arguments and the supplemental ev1dence presented by the City of Kent. Mr. Marcy also noted that Mr Shaffer fa1led to address standards (a)-( d) of §7 of ResolutiOn No 896, and that the C1ty Council should reJect any bas1s for an appeal for any of those standards. Mr. Marcy acknowledged that Mr Shaffer's argument could be construed as addressmg subsectiOn (e) of §7 of ResolutiOn No 896, relatmg to msuffic1ent evidence as to the 1mpact on surroundmg properties, but that Mr. Shaffer did not present any evidence to support that argument Mr. Marcy also stated that momtonng IS bemg done on the Kent Statwn site, that the s1te will be capped w1th asphalt and that no contammants m the s01l w1ll be released or will harm either constructiOn workers or the public He also argued that Mr. Shaffer had not addressed any plat approval cntena as part of the appeal and that, for that additional reason, the appeal should be reJected Id FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND DECISION-8 23. Mr. Shaffer's argument at the July 15, 2003 appeal heanng did not address, discuss or apply any of the five standards for reversmg, remanding or mod1fymg the Heanng Exammer's January 30, 2003 deciSion, as reqmred by ResolutiOn No 896, §7 Mr. Shaffer's argument at the July 15, 2003 appeal heanng did not address, discuss or apply §7(a) of ResolutiOn No 896. The City Council finds that Kent C.A RES. d1d not produce any evidence or offer any argument to establish or mfer that the Heanng Exanuner committed "substantial error" at the June 16, 2003 open-record or as part of the Hearmg Exammer's decision-makmg process, pursuant to ResolutiOn No. 896, §7(a) Id 24. Mr Shaffer's argument at the July 15, 2003 appeal heanng did not address, discuss or apply §7(b) of ResolutiOn No. 896 The City Council finds that Kent C.A.R E.S d1d not produce any evidence nor offer any argument to establish or mfer that the proceedmgs were matenally affected by IITegulanties m procedure at the June 16, 2003 open-record heanng before the Heanng Exanuner, pursuant to ResolutiOn No. 896, §7(b) Id 25. Mr Shaffer's argument at the July 15, 2003 appeal heanng did not address, discuss or apply §7(c) of ResolutiOn No. 896. The C1ty Council finds that Kent CAR E.S. did not produce any evidence nor offer any argument to establish or mfer that the January 30, 2003 deciSIOn of the Heanng Exammer was unsupported by matenal and substantial evidence m view of the entire record as submitted, as set forth m ResolutiOn No. 896, §7(c). Id 26 Mr. Shaffer's argument at the July 15, 2003 appeal heanng did not address, discuss or apply §7( d) of ResolutiOn No. 896. The City Council finds that Kent C A.R.E.S did not produce any evidence nor offer any argument to establish or mfer that the Heanng Exammer's January 30, 2003 decision IS m conflict with the City's comprehensive plan, as set forth m ResolutiOn No. 896, §7( d). Id 27 Mr. Shaffer's argument at the July 15, 2003 appeal hearmg did not address, discuss or apply §7( e) of ResolutiOn No 896. The City Council finds that Kent C A.R E S d1d not produce any evidence nor offer any argument to establish or mfer that there was msuffic1ent evidence presented to the Heanng Exammer as of January 16, 2003 as to the Impact or Impacts on the surroundmg area, as set forth m Resolutlon No. 896, §7(e) Id 28 The City Council expressly finds that Kent C A R.E.S., the Appellant, d1d not meet Its burden of provmg any one of the standards set forth m §7 of ResolutiOn No 896 which would support a decision to reverse, remand or modify the Heanng Exammer's January 30, 2003 decision !d. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1 The Kent City Council has JUriSdiction to hear and decide this appeal pursuant to RCW 36.70B, ResolutiOn No. 896, KCC 12 01.190, 12.01 195 and 12 04.695 2 This appeal by Kent C.A R.E.S was timely filed, served and perfected pursuant to RCW 36.70B, ResolutiOn No. 896, KCC 12 01.190, 12.01.195 and 12 04 695. FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND DECISION -9 3 The Ctty of Kent plannmg staff ts a proper and necessary party to thts appeal, per KCC 2.32.170 4. Thts ts a closed-record, quasi-Judtctal appeal, authonzed by RCW 36.708, ResolutiOn No 896, KCC 12.01.190, 12 01 195 and 12 04 695. 5 The Mayor has authonty to attend and constder thts appeal and to revtew documents and hear argument, but cannot vote on the appeal except m case of a lte. RCW 35A 12 100 In thts appeal, however, the Mayor dtd not vote or parttctpate m any dectswn makmg smce the Ctty Counctl's dectswn was unammous. 6. This appealts hmtted solely to the tssue of whether the Heanng Exammer, m tis January 30, 2003 open record dectswn and m tts February 12, 2003 reconstderatwn dectswn, commttted error suffictent to meet one of the five cntena m ResolutiOn No. 896, §7 regardmg only the prehmmary plat apphcatwn and condtttons thereto for the Kent StattOn proJect, as set forth m the Heanng Exammer's January 30, 2003 dectstOn 7. There ts no basts for any appeal of or challenge to any SEP A threshold deterrmnalton or other SEPA or envtromnental dectston by the Ctty of Kent, and no such appeal ts properly before the Ctty Counctl. 8. There ts no basts for an appeal of or challenge to the PUD approved by the Heanng Exarmner on January 30, 2003, and no such appealts before the Ctty Counctl. 9. There ts no basts for an appeal of or challenge to any comprehenstve plan or plan amendment dectswn by the Ctty of Kent concemmg the Kent StattOn proJect, and no such appealts before the Ctty Counctl 10 All conclustons of law set forth m the Heanng Examiner's January 30, 2003 "Fmdmgs, Concluswns and Dectston" and the Heanng Exammer's February 12, 2003 "Demal of Requests for Reconstderatwn" are mcorporated herem by thts reference and are hereby made a part of thts dectstOn as tf fully set forth herem. 11 The Appellant, Kent C A R E.S., and all other parttes to thts appeal were gtven timely and proper notice of the appeal hearmg date, the appeal heanng rules, and all apphcable closed-record appeal procedures. 12 Only the Ctty Counctlts authonzed to hear thts closed-record appeal. Because the Ctty of Kent owns the property whtch ts the subJect of the Kent StattOn MPD proJect, and because the Ctty Counctlts the dectswn makmg body for thts closed record appeal and ts also the govemmg body for the Ctty whtch owns the property, a potenttal confltct of mterest extsts. The "rule of necesstty," as set forth m RCW 42 36 090, permtts all Ctty Counctl members to fully parttctpate and vote m thts quast-Judtctal, closed-record appeal. There ts no appearance of fairness vwlatwn 13 The supplemental evtdence subnutted by Kent C.A R.E.S. wtth tts May 31, 2003 letter and dehvered to the Ctty and parttes on June 4, 2003 was ltmely and properly served on all parttes. FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND DECISION -10 14 The supplemental evidence submitted by Kent C.A.R E.S on or about June 4, 2003, cons1stmg of Exhibits A-D (and attachments thereto) do not meet the reqUirements for supplementmg the record pursuant to RCW 36 70B, ResolutiOn No. 896, or KCC 12.01.195 The supplemental eVIdence submitted by Kent C A.R.E S IS not "new" mformatwn that could not have been placed on the record previOusly. All of the mformatwn submitted by Kent C.A.R E.S was available or could have been placed on the record at the time of the January 16, 2003 Heanng Exammer heanng or pnor to the January 30, 2003 Heanng Exammer decisiOn. 15 The supplemental evidence submitted by Kent C.A.R.E.S. on or about June 4, 2003 is also not relevant to any of the prehmmary plat appeal Issues which are the only Issues which are the subject of this appeal. The proffered supplemental evidence addresses general pohcy Issues, SEPA Issues, PUD Issues, and comprehensive plan Issues which are not the subject of this appeal. Accordmgly, the wntten objectiOns by the City of Kent dated June 13, 2003 and Kent Station, LLC, dated June 13, 2003 are well-taken Those parties' requests to stnke Kent C A R.E S. 's supplemental evidence from the record IS granted 16. The MotiOn to Supplement the Record and the supplemental evidence submitted by the City of Kent or about June 13, 2003 was timely and properly served on all parties. 17. The supplemental evidence subrrutted by the City of Kent or about June 13, 2003, consistmg of two letters and attachments thereto, meet the reqUirements for supplementmg the record pursuant to RCW 36.70B, Resolution No. 896, and KCC 12.01 195. The supplemental evidence submitted by the City of Kent IS clearly "new" mformatwn that could not have been placed on the record previOusly. All of this supplemental evidence was not available and could not have been placed on the record at the time of the January 16, 2003 hearmg or pnor to the Heanng Exammer's January 30, 2003 decision All of this evidence also was not available at or pnor to the Heanng Exammer's February 12,2003 DecisiOn on ReconsideratiOn. 18. The Appellant, Kent C A.R E.S., has the burden of proof on this appeal. 19 ResolutiOn No 896, §7 sets forth five alternative cntena to overturn or reverse a deciSIOn by the Hearmg Exammer on a closed-record appeal. The City Council can grant the appeal and overturn or reject the Heanng Exammer's decisiOn only If the Appellant Kent CAR E.S meets Its burden ofprovmg one or more ofthe followmg cntena a) There has been substantial error; or b) the proceedmgs were matenally affected by megulan!Ies m procedure, or c) the decisiOn of the Heanng Exammer was unsupported by matenal and substantial evidence m view of the entire record as submitted, or d) the dectston of the Heanng Exammer ts m confhct wtth the City's Comprehensive Plan; or FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND DECISION -11 e) there was msuffic1ent evidence presented as to the Impact on the surroundmg area ResolutiOn No. 896, §7. 20 Based on the record as a whole, the admitted supplemental evidence by the City of Kent and argument by the parties to this appeal, the City Council concludes that there was no substantial error by the Heanng Exammer m approvmg the prehmmary plat or m the Hearmg Exammer's January 30, 2003 or February 12, 2003 deciSIOns. Therefore, the Appellant Kent C.A R.E.S. has not satisfied Its burden of proof to reverse or reject the Heanng Exammer's January 30, 2003 or February 12, 2003 deciSions pursuant to §7(a) of ResolutiOn No 896. 21 Based on the record as a whole, the admitted supplemental evidence by the City of Kent and argument by the parties to this appeal, the City Council concludes that there IS no evidence or mference from the evidence that the proceedmgs before the Heanng Exammer were matenally affected by megulanties m procedure. Therefore, Appellant Kent C A R.E.S. has not satisfied Its burden of proof to reverse the Heanng Exammer's January 30, 2003 or February 12, 2003 dectswns pursuant to §7(b) of Resolutton No. 896. 22. Based on the record as a whole, the admitted supplemental evtdence by the City of Kent and argument by the parties to this appeal, the City Council concludes that the decisiOn by the Hearmg Exammer on the Kent StatiOn preliminary plat was clearly supported by matenal and substantial evidence m view of the entire record as submttted Therefore, Appellant Kent C.A.R.E S has not satisfied its burden of proof m reversmg or reJecting the Heanng Exammer's January 30, 2003 or February 12, 2003 dectstons pursuant to §7(c) of ResolutiOn No. 896 23 Based on the record as a whole, the admitted supplemental evtdence by the City of Kent and argument by the parties to this appeal, the C1ty Council concludes that the Heanng Exammer's January 30, 2003 and February 12, 2003 dectswns are fully consistent with the City's comprehensiVe plan and current Plan amendments, and these decisiOns do not conflict with the Plan or any Plan amendments. Therefore, Appellant Kent C.A R E.S. has not satisfied Its burden of proof m reversmg or reJectmg the Heanng Exammer's January 30, 2003 or February 12, 2003 deciSions pursuant to §7(d) of Resolution No 896. 24. Based on the record as a whole, the admitted supplemental evidence by the City of Kent and argument by the parties to this appeal, the City Council concludes that there was sufficient evidence presented to the Heanng Exammer regardmg the Impact of the prehmmary plat deciSion on surroundmg areas, and that such evidence was duly considered by the Heanng Exammer and was taken mto account m Its January 30, 2003 and February 12, 2003 deciSions. Therefore, Appellant Kent C A.R E.S has not satisfied Its burden ofproofm reversmg or reJectmg the Hearmg Exammer's January 30, 2003 or February 12,2003 deciSions pursuant to §7(e) of ResolutiOn No. 896. FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND DECISION-12 25. Based on the record as a whole, the admitted supplemental evidence by the City of Kent and argument by the parties to this appeal, the City Council concludes that Appellant Kent C A.R.E S has not satisfied Its burden of proof under ResolutiOn No. 896 and KCC 12.01.195 on this appeal, and that the appeal must be demed. 26. The City Council concludes that the Heanng Exammer did not err m either his January 30, 2003 or his February 12, 2003 decisions, and that the proposal for the Kent StatiOn project as submitted and approved by the Heanng Exammer should be affirmed. BASED UPON THE FOREGOING Fmdmgs of Fact and ConclusiOns of Law, the Kent C1ty Council makes the followmg· DECISION I. The June 13, 2003 requests of the City of Kent (Kim Adams Pratt) and Kent StatiOn, LLC (Donald E Marcy) to stnke the supplemental evidence submitted by Kent C A R.E.S , are hereby GRANTED. The City Council did not consider Kent C A.R.E.S.'s supplemental evidence as part of this appeal. 2 Respondent City of Kent's supplemental evidence IS hereby ADMITTED. The City Council considered the City of Kent's supplemental evidence as part ofth1s appeal. 3. That portion of Kent C.A.R.E S 's appeal relatmg to the Heanng Exammer's January 30, 2003 decisiOn on the PUD portiOn of the Kent StatiOn project IS hereby DENIED. 4. Appellant Kent C A.R.E.S. 's closed-record appeal Is hereby DENIED. 5 The Heanng Exammer's January 30, 2003 "Fmdmgs, ConclusiOns and Decision" and the Heanng Exammer's February 12, 2003 "Demal of Requests for ReconsideratiOn" are hereby AFFIRMED. 6. The proposal by Kent Station, LLC, as submitted to and decided by the Heanng Exammer on January 30, 2003 IS hereby APPROVED DECIDED this _f_J_ day of August, 2003 FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND DECISION-13 JUDY WOODS, PRESIDENT CIL Attest FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND DECISION-14