HomeMy WebLinkAbout1650RESOLUTION NO I ~5' 0 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of Kent, Washmgton, regardmg Kmg County Countywide Planmng Policies adopted by the Metropolitan Kmg County Council pursuant to the Growth Management Act WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 36.70A.210, the Growth Management Act reqmres the adoptiOn of Countywide Plannmg Policies to provide a countywide framework from which local comprehensive plans are to be developed, and WHEREAS, Kmg County, the City of Seattle, and the mcorporated suburban cities and towns m Kmg County established a process for the development, adoptiOn, and ratification of Countywide Plannmg Policies by an mterlocal agreement, which established the Growth Management Plannmg Council (GMPC), a group cons1stmg of elected officials from Kmg County, suburban cities, and the C1ty of Seattle, who were authonzed to develop a set of recommended countywide planmng policies for consideratiOn by the Kmg County Council, and WHEREAS, the GMPC met on the dates specified below and voted to pass additiOnal amendments to accomplish the followmg: 1 On September 25, 2002, adoptmg an amendment to the Countywide Plannmg Policies addmg a new policy to support ongomg water supply plannmg and development (GMPC Motion 02-4), I Countywide Planning Policy Amendments -2003 2 On July 24, 2002, adoptmg amendments to the Countyw1de Planmng Pohc1es adoptmg new household and employment targets for the penod 2001 through 2022 (GMPC Mo!Jon 02-1,02-2, and 02-03), 3. On October 23, 2002, adoptmg amendments to the Countyw1de Planmng Pohcies amendmg the Urban Separator map to reflect nego!Jated modlficatwns to the Renton Urban Separator (GMPC Mo!Jon 02-5), 4 On October 23, 2002, adoptmg amendments to the Countywide Plannmg Pohctes des1gnatmg Totem Lake as an Urban Center (GMPC Mo!Jon 02-6), and 5 September 26, 200 I, adoptmg amendments to the Countywide Plannmg Pohc1es removmg the Agncul!Jrral Productwn D1stncts from the C1ty of Kent's Poten!Jal Annexa!Jon Area (GMPC Mo!Jon 01-2). WHEREAS, the Kmg County Counc1l approved and ratified these amendments on behalf of Kmg County on May 19, 2003, pursuant to Kmg County Ordmances 2003-0123 (GMPC Mo!Jon 02-4), Ordmance 2003-0124 (GMPC Motwns 02-1, 02-2, and 02-3), Ordmance 2003-0125 (GMPC Mo!Jon 02-5), Ordmance 2003-0126 (GMPC Motwn 02-6), and Ordmance 2003-0127 (GMPC Mo!Jon 01-2), and WHEREAS, the Kent Plannmg Comm1ttee rev1ewed these amendments at 1ts meetmg on July 15,2003, NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS· SECTION 1. The C1ty of Kent, actmg pursuant to the Interlocal Agreement among Kmg County, the C1ty of Seattle, and mcorporated suburban c1!Jes, hereby ra!Jfies the followmg proposed amendments to the Countyw1de Plannmg Pohces as adopted by the Metropohtan Kmg County Counc1l Kmg County Ordmances 2003-0123,2003-0124, 2003- 0125, and 2003-0126. 2 Countywide Planning Policy Amendments -2003 SECTION 2. The City of Kent hereby disapproves of the followmg proposed amendment to the Countywide Plannmg Policies as adopted by the Metropolitan Kmg County Council Ordmance 2003-0127. SECTION 3. The amendments to the Countywide Plannmg Policies adopted herem shall be filed w1th the City Clerk and m the Plannmg Services office and made available for public mspectwn Passed at a regular meetmg of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washmgton th1s £day of a~u4:C , 2003 Concurred m by the Mayor of the City of Kent, th1s ~ day of ~-tA-l: , 2003 ATTEST: ~~~~ BRENDA JACOBER, C CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM. ~t?uvl0L TOM BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY ········ .• .. •• • '"'r "-' ••• -. .... . ~ . ..,.. : ~.._!~ . ~ . ~ ""' "' ... & : ..... ~.~~~, -· I t;g .... -c • • • . . ~ ' . . t ••• ! l-' '. ~ ..... ~· I hereby certify that th1s IS a true and correct copy ofResolutlon No I (;5o , passed by the C1ty Council of the City of Kent, Washmgton, the t) day of ~JA1-'2003. \ ' ········ " .. .. ~ .· . ~..-q_~.,.! \ I;:: ~~\) -... :.~~ ~1>: ~ .. c;<-~ . .. -,... .. · L.. .. .. " .-"' .. .. ,~,. ······· '"'£ ~-- ~q.....,_,4J~(SEAL) BRENDA JACOBE , CITY CLERK 3 Countywide Planning Policy Amendments -2003