HomeMy WebLinkAbout1647RESOLUTION NO. / b rf 7 A RESOLUTION of the c1ty counc1l of the c1ty of Kent, Washmgton, determmmg that certam pubhc ut1hty eqmpment IS surplus to the c1ty's needs, prov1dmg for the sale thereof, statmg the cons1derat10n to be pa1d for the eqmpment, and authonzmg the d1rector of pubhc works to enter mto a sales agreement w1th the h1ghest b1dder. WHEREAS, the c1ty of Kent ("C1ty") has m 1ts possessiOn certam eqmpment, descnbed m Exh1b1t A attached and mcorporated by th1s reference, wh1ch IS no longer act1vely muse as part of the C1ty's pubhc utthty system, and WHEREAS, the d1rector of pubhc works has determmed that the C1ty no longer has any use or need for that eqmpment; and WHEREAS, the c1ty counc1l held a pubhc heanng on Tuesday, July 1, 2003, at a regularly scheduled c1ty counc1l meetmg and mv1ted comments regardmg the C1ty' s mtentton to surplus the eqmpment, and WHEREAS, RCW 35 94 040 reqmres that the C1ty determme, after a pubhc heanng and by resolutwn of the c1ty counctl that eqmpment ongmally acqmred for pubhc ut1hty purposes IS surplus to the C1ty's needs and should be leased, sold or conveyed, NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS Surplus Property - Water System Uttltty Equipment SECTION 1. -ReCitals Incorporated mcorporated and fully made a part of tins resolution The foregomg recitals are SECTION 2. -Equzpment Deemed Surplus The utility eqmpment descnbed m the attached and mcorporated Exlub1t A, which was ongmally acqmred for public utility purposes, IS now surplus to the City's needs and IS not reqmred for provu:lmg contmued public utility service SECTION 3 -Pub he's Best Interest It ISm the public's best mterest that this surplus eqmpment shall be sold by b1d to the highest bidder. In the event the eqmpment IS not sold at the auctwn, It will be sold for scrap metal SECTION 4. -Conszderatwn to be Pazd The consideratiOn to be pmd for the surplus property shall bemUS dollars m the form of cash or cashier's check SECTION 5. -Authorzty of Publzc Works Dzrector The Director of Pubhc Works IS authonzed to enter mto an agreement with the highest bidder to effect the sale of the surplus property. SECTION 6. -Effoctzve Date This resolutiOn shall take effect and be m force Immediately upon Its passage PASS ED at a regular open pubhc meetmg by the City Council of the C1ty of Kent, Waslungton, tlus /..at; day ofJuly, 2003. 2003 CONCURRED m by the mayor of the city of Kent tins I~ day of July, 2 Surplus Property - Water System Ut•l•ty Equipment ATTEST ~~~ BRENDA JACOBER, CI CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM. I hereby certify that tins 1s a true and correct copy of ResolutiOn No. /b 'I 7 passed by the C1ty Council of the City of Kent, Washmgton, tbe I~ day of July, 2003 ~~ate~ BRENDA JACOBER, CIT CLERK 3 Surplus Property - Water System Utility EqUipment EXHIBIT "A" 1 Del Webb Wastewater Pump Statwn pumps and electncal connectwns -senal nos. 871052 and 871053. Thts pump statwn ts stte spectfic and cannot be used elsewhere and, due to 1ts age, the pump stahon does not have all the hardware eqmpped on our current pump statwns 2 Meadow Htlls Wastewater Pump Statwn pumps and electncal connechons-senal nos 791155 and 791156 Thts pump statwn ts stte spectfic and cannot be used elsewhere and, due to tts age, the pump statwn does not have all the hardware eqmpped on our current pump statwns 3. Seven Oaks Wastewater Pump Statwn pumps and electncal connectwns-senal nos 33161 and 32137. Thts pump statwn ts stte spectfic and cannot be used elsewhere and, due to tts age, the pump statwn does not have all the hardware eqmpped on our current pump statwns 4 Soosette Wastewater Pump Statwn and electncal connectwns-senal nos. 910570 and 910571 5 Water Meters-18" "Water Spectalhes" propeller type 6 P1C Eqmpment -Thts eqmpment ts etther out of date (15 years plus), can no longer be used as spare parts, or has been replaced and ts no longer needed • Two (2) TI 530-1104 Processors, senal nos 53PB8509000166 and 53PB8507000176 • Two (2) 500-2103 TI Expanswn Mods, senal nos 50D840700015 and 501C840600029 • Ftve (5) 500-5021 Output Stm Mods • Three (3) 500-5020 Output Stms Mods • Four (4) 510 TI Processors, senal nos. 81071179, 83080366, 83110182, and 81090827 • One (1) 500-5828 16 Mod I/0 Base, senal no 508B840500176. • One (1) 510-7105 Interface Mod, senal no 10AV840800012 • 510 Stmulator PIN 2460221-001 • 510 User Manual • Two (2) 510-2101 I/0 Mod, senal nos 83080028 and 83080047 • Dual Comm Mod, senal no 50DP8704000288 • VPU200 senal nos 20VB8507000407 and 20VB831202084. • Box Stemens TI Manuals • Motorola MTU Umts Model # CI565A, senal nos 403SHW1064 and 403SHW1065 7 Miscellaneous Items-Thts eqmpment ts etther out of date (15 years plus), can no longer be used as spare parts, or has been replaced and ts no longer needed • Westmghouse VFD Processor Card 4 Surplus Property - Water System Utility Equtpment EXHIBIT "A" • Box Miscellaneous Gauges (12) • Aurora booster Pump 230/460 3h p • U.S Electnc Motor 230/460 1 5h p • Sta-Rite Booster Pump 115/230 1 5h.p • Box Pressure Transmitters (4) 2 Taylor's#3432TF 2 Rosemont #1020 • Box Magnetic Recorders • Box Miscellaneous Elect Fittmgs • NEMA3R Control Box wiDisplay • NEMA3R Control Box w/ Control relays • Box Miscellaneous Modems and phone control eqmp • Motorola M R T U Rack • Box Miscellaneous Control Transformers • Box Miscellaneous Pump beanngs and thrust washers • Box Miscellaneous CGC Manuals • Box Miscellaneous Act-Pak Meter Eqmp • LaMarche Battery Charger 120vac/10-24vdc@l0amps S/N22593 • 12" Exhaust Vent • Box Miscellaneous Motorola Intrac Hardware • Intrac Y agi Antennas • Box Miscellaneous Micro-Switches • Box Miscellaneous Pump Oilers • Box Miscellaneous Reed Switches 8 1988-Anens 911014 Mower, senal no. 13846 This mower has been replaced 9. 1978-Gorman 5482-17 3" Pump, senal no 652783 This pump has been replaced 10 1969-Stanley Hydraulic Power Umt 7-9 GPM Model# CR22, senal no. 6066 11 1969-Stanley Hydraulic Cham Saw Model# CS23, senal no 5390 5 Surplus Property - Water System Utillly Equtpment