HomeMy WebLinkAbout1646RESOLUTION NO /ft; tf b
A RESOLUTION of the city council of the City of
Kent, Washmgton, declanng an emergency to pnrsue an
amendment to the Kent comprehensive plan and zomng map,
estabhshmg the mittal comprehensive plan and zonmg
designations for prevwusly undesignated city-owned property
WHEREAS, m 1983, the city of Kent purchased approximately 157 acres of
property outside Its then existmg municipal boundanes for the purpose of constructmg an
Impoundment reservoir for the city's water utthty system, and
WHEREAS, the city annexed this Island of property as a mumcipal
annexatwn, under the authonzatton ofRCW 35A 14 300, and
WHEREAS, over the mtervemng years, numerous new federal and state
regulatwns, mcludmg sensitive areas regulations, wetlands regulattons, and the Endangered
Species Act, have made the development of this property for an Impoundment reservmr
Impractical; and
WHEREAS, m the Fall of 2002, the city purchased additional water supply
from the Tacoma P5 Pipelme proJect, thereby alleviatmg much of the need for the addtttonal
water supply to be gamed from the planned Impoundment reservmr, and
Comp. Plan Amendment-
Impoundment Reservoir Property
WHEREAS, the city has deterrmned that It no longer needs this property for
water utility purposes, and It IS now appropnate to attempt to sell the property at fair market
value and to deliver the proceeds of that sale mto the city's water utility account to defray
costs of future water utility rate mcreases that would otherwise need to be Imposed on the
utility's customers, and
WHEREAS, because this property was held for a mumcipal purpose, was not
plarmed for any other type of futiJre development, and was an Island outside the city's
potential armexation area, the c1ty has never giVen th1s property any comprehensiVe plan
designatiOn, nor has It given the property a zomng designatiOn, except for a low-density
default mtenm zomng designatiOn under the Kent City Code, and
WHEREAS, in order to facilitate the sale of the property to a willmg buyer,
the c1ty must establish an appropnate comprehensive plan designatiOn and zomng map
designatiOn, and
WHEREAS, mterested parties have md1cated their mterest m purchasmg this
property and, m order to obtam the best possible sale pnce for the city's water utility
customers, the c1ty must move qmckly to capture favorable market conditions and proceed to
a beneficial sale of the property, NOW THEREFORE,
SECTION 1. Because a high level of mterest has been expressed m the
purchase ofthe Impoundment reservoir property, and because the sale of the property under
favorable market conditions will best protect the mterests of the city's water utility and Its
customers, initial comprehensiVe plan and zomng map designations of the c1ty of Kent's
2 Comp. Plan Amendment-
Impoundment Reservoir Property
impoundment reservOir property constitutes an 1ssue of commurnty-w1de s1gruficance that
promotes the public health, safety, and general welfare 111 accordance w1th the defimtwn of
an emergency as set forth m sectiOn 12 02 035 of the Kent C1ty Code
SECTION 2. The c1ty council, therefore, declares that an emergency ex1sts
and authonzes staff to implement the appropnate procedures to develop an m1tial
comprehensive plan and zonmg map designation for the City of Kent impoundment reservOir
property, ongmally mcorporated for murnc1pal purposes
PASS ED at a regular meetmg of the c1ty council of the c1ty of Kent, Washmgton this
_L2_ day of June, 2003
CONCURRED m by the mayor of the c1ty of Kent, th1s __L2_ day of June, 2003
d£MA-1/}-J~t ~Lc~
I hereby certify that tins IS a true and correct copy ofResolution No I{, f/b , passed
by the c1ty counctl of:th_e crty ofKent, Washmgton, the __1_2_ day of June, 2003
P \Clvd\Resolut10n\CompPlanAme1ld ImpoundmeruReservo!l" doc
3 Comp Plan Amendment-
Impoundment Reservoir Property