HomeMy WebLinkAbout1644RESOLUTION NO. I b tit/ A RESOLUTION of the ctty counctl of the ctty of Kent, Washmgton, dtrectmg adnnmstratwn to estabhsh the goal of achtevmg an mcrease in ctty employee contnbutwns to health care benefit premmrns to 20% of each employee's total premmm cost by the year 2006 WHEREAS, the ctty of Kent, along wtth a number of other mumctpahties and busmesses, has expenenced a budget shortfall caused by decreasmg revenues and mcreasmg operatmg expenses, and WHEREAS, over 75% of the ctty's general fund budget ts made up of ctty employee salanes and benefits; and WHEREAS, a stgmficant cause for the ctty's mcreased operatmg expenses ts the dramatically mcreasmg cost of provtdmg health care benefits to tts employees, and WHEREAS, m 2003, the estimated cost of these health care benefits wtll exceed 2002 budgeted health care costs by more than 40%, and the ctty expects these costs to contmue to mcrease m the futilre; and WHEREAS, m an attempt to balance tts 2003 budget, ctty admmtstratwn determmed 1t was necessary to provtde layoff notices to 32 employees on Apnl 24, 2003, whtch layoffs wtll take effect on June 30, 2003, and WHEREAS, the ctty must revtew still more options to cut expenditures m order to keep tts budget m balance, and 1 Health Care Premiums- Increase in Employee Expense WHEREAS, even after the layoffs, the general fund will contmue to be burdened by mcreasmg health care costs, and WHEREAS, city employees currently pay less than five percent (5%) of the actual cost of their health care premmms, and the c1ty pays the remamder m full, and WHEREAS, the current level of c1ty contributiOn for health care benefits provided by the c1ty to Its employees exceeds the amount of employer contnbuhons prov1ded m many other governmental agencies and m most pnvate busmesses, and WHEREAS, m these difficult economic times, the city cannot realistically contmue to prov1de th1s same level of contribution, given current budgetary realities, and WHEREAS, c1ty employees must understand that the c1ty can no longer prov1de the same amount of contnbutwn toward health care benefits, and WHEREAS, the trme has come for c1ty employees to pay a larger share of the1r health care premmm costs m order to mamtam the same amount of health care benefits for themselves and their families, and WHEREAS, the c1ty council values c1ty employees, and understands that rmsmg health care premmms IS a change m paradigm that Will reqmre cooperatiOn, good w1ll, and good fa1th by all part1es to achieve, and WHEREAS, the c1ty council supports a staged mcrease m each employee's contnbutwn toward the cost of his or her health care med1cal premmms to 20% by the year 2006, urges the vanous bargammg un1ts withm the c1ty to support this mcrease, and d1rects adm1mstratwn to establish the goal of ach1evmg an mcrease m c1ty employee contnbutwns for health care benefit premmms to 20% of each employee's total premmm cost by the year 2006, NOW, THEREFORE, 2 Health Care Premiums- Increase in Employee Expense THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. -Employees to Increase Contrzbutzons The City council directs the mayor to establish the goal of ach1evmg a staged mcrease m city employee contnbutwns for health care benefit premmms to 20% of each employee's total monthly premmm cost by the year 2006 This goal shall apply equally to all city employees, specifically mcludmg through bargammg w1th all of the vanous bargammg umts w1thm the c1ty SECTION 2. -Severabzlzty If any sectiOn, subsectiOn, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase of this resolutiOn IS declared unconstitutiOnal or mvalid for any reason, such decisiOn shall not affect the validity of the remammg portwns of this resolutiOn SECTION 3. -Effectzve Date This resolutiOn shall take effect and be m force Immediately upon Its passage PASS ED at a regular open public meetmg by the city council of the city of Kent, Washmgton, this J dayofJune, 2003 2003 CONCURRED m by the mayor of the city of Kent this .3 day of June, 3 Health Care Premiums- Increase in Employee Expense ATTEST BRENDA JACOBER, TY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM TOM BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY I hereby cert1fy that tills IS a true and correct copy of ~lut10n No I b t/ l/ passed by the c1ty counc1l of the c1ty of Kent, Washmgton, the ...3 day of June, 2003 ~~ 4 --/ Health Care Premiums- Increase in Employee Expense