HomeMy WebLinkAbout3640ORDINANCE NO. _361/0 AN ORDINANCE of the city council of the city of Kent, Washington, amending the Kent Zoning Map to change the zoning designations as follows (1) from Single - Family, 1 unit per acre (SR -1), to Single -Family, 3 63 units per acre (SR -3) for property located at 4412 South 216th Street (CPZ-2002-2), (2) from Single Family, 2.18 units per acre (SR -2) to Single -Family, 3.63 units per acre (SR -3) for property located at 9119 South 192nd Street (CPZ-2002-3); and (3) from Single -Family, 3 63 units per acre (SR -3) to Single -Family, 4 53 units per acre (SR -4 5) for property located at 20129 92"d Avenue South (CPZ-2002-4) WHEREAS, pursuant to the Washington Growth Management Act "), the city of Kent accepts applications for comprehensive plan amendments once year, and WHEREAS, the city of Kent received applications to amend the Plan's land use plan map designations, and four (4) of those applications involve properties requesting corresponding amendments to the zoning map designation of the following parcels- (1) 26922 132nd Avenue South (CPZ-2002-1), (2) 4412 South j 1216th Street (CPZ-2002-2), (3) 9119 South 192nd Street (CPZ-2002-3), and (4) 20129 92" d 1 Avenue South (CPZ-2002-4), which applications were received in Kent, Washington, by the September 2002 deadline; and WHEREAS, the Kent Land Use & Planning Board held a public hearing on the proposed comprehensive plan and zoning map amendments on January 27, 2003, ,and made the following recommendations the denial of CPZ-2002-1, CPZ-2002-2, and 2002 Zoning Amendments CPZ-2002-4, and the rezone of CPZ-2002-3 to Single -Family, three (3) units per acre, and WHEREAS, on March 4, 2003, the Kent City Council passed the zoning amendments as follows. VJ For property located at 4412 South 216` Street (CPZ-2002-2), zoning map amendment from Single -Family, 1 unit per acre (SR -1), to Single -Family, 3.63 units per acre (SR -3) with the following conditions: (i) that the owner must provide the city with documentation from governing agencies confirming prior converted cropland status, (u) Frager Road must have been closed by the city to through traffic, and (in) the owner must provide a water drainage and storm drainage control plan that does not increase the amount of water flow from the subject property onto King County tax parcels 1022049198, 1022049199, 1022049015, 7533000020, 7533000010, 7533010010, and 7533010020; the owners must construct the system in accordance with the approved plan, and the owner must provide, at the public works director's discretion, either a written guarantee to the owners of the tax parcels referenced above that water flow will not be increased onto the tax parcels from development of the subject site, or the owner must post a bond benefiting the tax parcels referenced above to be used to alleviate problems or damage caused by the water drainage and storm drainage systems as constructed B. For property located at 9119 South 192nd Street (CPZ-2002-3), zoning map amendment from Single Family, 2 18 units per acre (SR -2) to Single -Family, 3.63 units per acre (SR -3), and C For property located at 20129 92"d Avenue South (CPZ-2002-4), zoning map amendment from Single -Family, 3 63 units per acre (SR -3) to Single -Family, 4.53 units per acre (SR -4 5) on the condition that, prior to development to SR 4 5, the owner provide safety improvements to the NE corner of the subject site as well as other traffic mitigation measures the city determines to be necessary in order to accommodate the additional density THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS SECTION L —Amendment The city of Kent zoning map is amended to establish a new zoning map designation for the property located at 4412 South 216' Street, Kent, Washington, and legally described on the attached Exhibit "A," from a zoning designation of Single Family, 1 unit per acre (SR -1), to Single -Family, 3 63 units 2 2002 Zoning Amendments per acre (SR -3) and as depicted in the attached Exhibit "A-1," incorporated by this reference, (CPZ-2002-2) subject to the following conditions- (i) that the owner must provide the city with documentation from governing agencies confirming prior converted cropland status; (n) Frager Road must have been closed by the city to through traffic; and (ui) the owner must provide a water drainage and storm drainage control plan that does not increase the amount of water flow from the subject property onto King County tax parcels 1022049198,1022049199,1022049015,7533000020,7533000010,7533010010, and 7533010020; the owners must construct the system in accordance with the approved plan, and the owner must provide, at the public works director's discretion, either a written guarantee to the owners of the tax parcels referenced above that water flow will not be increased onto the tax parcels from development of the subject site, or the owner must post a bond benefiting the tax parcels referenced above to be used to alleviate problems or damage caused by the water drainage and storm drainage systems as constructed SECTION 2. —Amendment The city of Kent zoning map is amended to establish a new zoning map designation for the property located at 9119 South 192"d Street, Kent, Washington, from a zoning designation of Single -Family (SR -2),2.18 units per acre to Single -Family (SR -3), 3.63 units per acre, as depicted in the attached Exhibit "B" and incorporated by this reference (CPZ-2002-3). SECTION 3. —Amendment The city of Kent zoning map is amended to establish a new zoning map designation for the property located at 20129 92"d Avenue South, Kent, Washington, and legally described on the attached Exhibit "C" from a zoning designation of Single -Family (SR -3), 3 63 units per acre to Single -Family (SR - 4 5), 4 53 units per acre, as depicted in the attached Exhibit "C -I" incorporated by this reference (CPZ-2002-4), on the condition that prior to development to SR 4.5, the owner provide safety improvements to the northeast corner of the subject site as well as other traffic mitigation measures the city determines to be necessary in order to accommodate the additional density. 3 2002 Zoning Amendments SECTION 4. - Severability If any one or more sections, subsections, or sentences of this Ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect SECTION 5. - Effective Date This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after the date of passage and publication as provided by law ATTEST CITY CLERK �� s�y(gyOh AS TO FORM. day of 2003 ED � day of /k, �Z 2003 [ED 22- dayof ,Wrz --&/—/ 2003 I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No 3G YO, passed the city council of the city of Kent, Washington, and approved by the mayor of the city as hereon indicated. (SEAL) CITY CLERK 4 2002 Zoning Amendments LEGAL DESCRIPTION East 646 feet of South half of Southwest quarter of Northeast quarter in Section 1, Township 22 North, Range 4 East W M, less County road Exlubrt "A" ZERO- — rcM MFkMMkMMk kk kl �� k rtk kk klFw mlFk MMXm�MMN rtrtn MFmMkk kPkk kMkkMR MM kkp kMk MW kk Mkk FttM roFFk kmN FMk X ��� kk IF kMIFm MMmMµ Mk bMMM M MMKMMrcWkrcM M Mk IFb� 9}` MMwM MM MMM kk Kkk MkKmkkwkKMkkW krcmkkM wlF IfkMM kwkkrcrrk MkkkmkkM MMkkkKkkw MMMk Mk kkkkRkmkkk MUM.M MM k FmkFmMMMk MMM ttM MMMMk MMMMMMMM MWM MMMMMk MMM MMk Mk kN M nM MM MM MMMMMMIFrrkKk kMM MMMMMMWk RMM M Po W M MIF mX IMR MW kbR FN kkk ktt Mkrtkkkk k krrkkwwkkkkkkrc kM kMMMMM MF k wkk mltk 'MM�M1 µwkMkFk Mk kk kµkKkMkkMk klF IF PkkkkF k! FV�� k,11MMIEFW F M:M bIME I".: 16I"E MI"FFo- }kKkkkkrcW MF.»Fm Fn - Y`Y43F� ®�� W SMMWRkIF:M�EtMrrMM kk MXkMXF FM M FhXMRItMMzMMRF W MMM UIIrcEY T MµµµµM RXR w kFW MkWY Fk k m MY mR RKkkk R Rm MRMMMMM M RFMRMMMRcMRRK ww mkn mmXrr Mn N213 MMMMMMMMMMNMmMFltltFF MMmW R.MMk MMX MMMX MMX MM ✓ RRRIMFFWk RN»r MbhWMFW kRkkkwk M XmkRk kkk mMkb .i MUW MKXM! 0 16w mroX mMtt kKkmKk6 mk klFk mMkm MMMM ttM MM M" M , Mk M MkMWMMXk MM1 M M1M KXW kk MX MJ�kkkMPkMk MMw mWMMW MM Im[Fk lw[>W �M XMWMttM bWMXhk MMk WPoRk FMIk[W M 1K wl M 1{1R11�MN MWM ttMMMWMMMkbMkW II�� �/ ' M kMrrMMMWk kW mM k wm µµMmMXIR MMM Wm kFMk MkkK W tµ kk km kkKMkhmk! rl m�MMFFWrcF MrcFmMw rcMh kMX mob Fk MMMFM kM�M F KW MMMW� kK kFr `k MmMttkkkKM kNKM bW MWkttkMRkMMM MMk F M IFhk µMµ kk tM Fk MMMWk M kM Wk M kki M 16F bMMF �R FMMFMMRF MIMj kMW mKµMMkM rrM MMFMMMFMMF � mMKmmkkFµ kk NK e �tNMWIF (ti WIF Mk kMMM IFM WM MMMMMNk Mlk[MMF kIFMk M K� M MMMMMMMMWMM Y MMkF Ik�I(M�g kkM IMF RkkMWIFM AkPom kM MMMMMIF WM kMMMk µµ kttM kk Nk �XUX1EMM M�kY IMF IM[W L Fkkk kk Mrck Mkkk MkM I- MW ttMr M MW kMMMW Mk kMyµM ttMMWMM M �. mkRk kkkKkkw rkM MMWMMMM MM rcNk k kKkk kMkKkMtt kMmM MM kk kmkk T mN bIMFWN hNImF IMFhNIWF WW 5IMF !� NMM MIMFMm� w kkkkwk wMIMFMmMMM kIF FMIF NIKE IF IFMMhMMM W MM rrM WMkM MmM MW PoM �/ M M MKM Mk MMMM u kk kMMk MMMKkMW MMW ttM FMW kM M M MW k WMMW kkWkk kkkrrkkkrrkkk Y M �MµMMpM FMMXFkktt XM kp MW MkWMk kkN�WMk mm kkkkMk Mk KkWF mk MmMkMmk Kk F kk Mmk k! k k XKR w Ibry WNr K N M kkry mkwM MMkIhw MMMMMMM MMWM WMw FkM WM M WM Wk kM FWM FFIF rrkX kV MkKrrIMtkKFk Kw 16M IFMM W kk MMN MMI�/RE1@F�ry /FMMkWkWkkkk MX 515 �MM MkMMMMM FFW MMMkk MW FFW IF'TWkMW MMMMWM Mkk wkttWkk kkkwkkk kkkw kkWF 4 kMk RNk k! 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MRR RIFNk mkMmMM kR RkM WRµRRRIMFµkkMM MMkMMMmMkk me HkkrcXlFkkR MMµw (.1% kkk kkkRF RµM RRµ � ' kmµµµMRµMM MW RIMFXR RRMXYRhNRR Rr !� Wk kk � w MXkMKk M kkIMFW mmMMbmmmmMk kMkKkMk kkK MY k kXk k� µX mkk MMkk MMµ MMµMMµRMMRkMRRMWR µMIM[.W MMkMMk RY rMM MRM RMR ` RMmM Mk W MMX MMMM MN Rkk kkkmkmkk Mkkkmk kWkmkMmkmMMWX © \ µ k k mMmMkkXmMkMMkmkmmmkkmkMmkMk kkmkkKkkk kY MMKkMk mµµmMMRMRRRMRMMRbX µk kµmMµµMRmkkk kkmMKk kY Wk kR kMM � PoMMRMµ MMM MkKk MM M MM M µ FMMNRX µRk RF IMFXX �" M W rc kM kMMk ¢� kMMkkrcMkMMMM LAtJ O rckrcX kkk kkkk kkmk�3i lMktkX mkkry kMkkkkk ktt mMKmµ Mmkk MMMImHry. 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MMMkkkkMMX MR RIMtR"" RN MM µK MF 10 .kk. 0 :MRM, tRMR` kMkkF to OCT Tg rg m m N w Ci 'cC 9 C N CM N G O d c c N EXHIBIT "A-1" nogo_ 3 3 G 7 ii O N :� N s 20' o� z O e3i O R W 10 .kk. 0 :MRM, tRMR` kMkkF to OCT Tg rg m m N w Ci 'cC 9 C N CM N G O d c c N EXHIBIT "A-1" nogo_ rt :r O O :� N N `� aaglp 4E zg ELE 65 8g��s ERE gma 12r o aea3 cn O O <• AF ra r N a rMrcm �� Mele xMMMw � xmxh. �Mrcrep.�' -- Id _ � � �'�• `rc MMMmMMMXreMMkTMM wk M xM Xk MM M ��C\ r `."L� � I�� Mre MM rcrcMMreMMNx Mr �_ rckRM r-��— a, rc R1eMMMMM mRRRv _SR 16 C MM { _ �����•. MM M� yhM RIFFS I MWrc c. Mrclf mk �__ �\ 1 — � � ®\�\l krcIF1FIF kN AkrcFkM m �FkrrMhk�. Mr \T\\1 Mxx RRMM RmMn rcMMIeR MnxM Mro MIt IFr -� � MRR RR RMMx RRRRRxRRRM rcm M RMMYf � \ _. 1 I / rcRRRtt MRRRRRRRRRRMN RR InRRRxM.RRIMiRRRMh `_ -\--\� `,,, / M M xMrcWMmreXMrc "�('Y WMrcMxMrercreMM ry 1\ / MM rtMRrt MMkrtWNrcm R Mkrt RkMrt klfk MMr Ili /j� / —_ / MIE SxMRxMMMxMM R MRRMIME hMRkNIMbr _/ � / Rw RMMRMx x re� MMRMRM Mx RxX M! n C �/ � � N , \ `_ — = Ie RRRMRRRRRmM�rcnR rcM M Rtt mrror �W RF RR'mRXMMMMe RRRRi rtMMrctt MM MRrtMRttrrMR , (n a J 1yJ.,p U MRR R"�rcRRRRxRRR�R MRRRRRRRR:RRI / w xM"Mww R Ie Rln MreC "m rcmRile rexNrrrnNR MrcrcwMnirRMrcrcrcr / \ RF RkMMMRMRRRx wMkMN MF IF MMxr m k m Mw Ww mMrcN mNR tt Mw WYWnMbMMMMMmMx Mf V M RM M xMRmMmM m � mtt M ✓RMrr MMmrcxMrcxMreMRrcr t mh Mh Ie R hIr.IF NRkMMMMnm MIF IF IFMnmMMmMkr /�/ / x MRM rt wmM Mrr kR MMMM Wk wM RIF kMMMMMMMkMW MkMN kMMkMNr /// k MN mkR M MMkM Mxk RRMrcwxm RwMRMMw RRwMMMMMkMMMMw MY RMR MM ttM IenR Fw MMXR YIEr w MRM rcNRrcRRrc MRrc RRrr Rrcrcw RRrcrcMMrcrr MrcMrcrcM /(/ ^ ttk rcm kR RMMbMM wwM MkMMMRMMMhmMM MMN kMkm `V � Rrr kN Rkk MIFNN reNMkkrt mRrckMrc MM M xMMMMM ttM Po XMw MIF j,�V�Y� R RMwp rtM WM mrcWM MM RM re MMMMMMrcIky�^' �/ "� I F µrc ! I MMN k I MMN MMMMI MMx MMM MMMMMrr Y✓ MMx MM FMMM k M MM wM MwMx MMM RI MRM MMMMMM W MMwR '� _� / Mm MMXM wF wM Mx N RIIF IRpgfq{.M �1 M CClRyyµµ /�� / bMrrNM I FRMrt MMMMrc krcNMF MMkNMrr MMMMM. MI JI.X µrr�MM+MkjwYk� / / ,I R RRwM RI MMMwM MM XM � IMMI ' IrcWIA&xb reR rcRMR MM.MMFM��.. \ /\ `� \ M M xrcMw MMMRRRX&yNiF�Rrcrrl � // b I M rV/ 1' ) ( MMw s�" M "RRttmMNrrRrcN R"rc � C MMMMRM x F m�r� C \ x! M x� * MI FIfIF MI MMk4" 1M XM IX MI M� 25 n � � ® RRRR a M nn� a � y �� T; T 3 9 ►'� � W 1 1 c Uldiy°m19A' nMh �ol2. 5. ONNO y NN 'M a W N ;� EXHIBIT "B" d o m yz 0 3.0 n � w N O p w m M nn� a � y �� T; T 3 9 ►'� � W 1 1 c Uldiy°m19A' nMh �ol2. 5. ONNO y NN 'M a W N ;� EXHIBIT "B" MAPLE VISTA AMENDMENT #ENV-2002-40(DyKiva #2022741 #CPA-2002-2(D)/CPZ-2002-4 Kiva # 2022742 (William Osborne, Planner LEGAL IDESCRIPT{ON THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 6, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST W.M., LYING EAST OF THE EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF PRIMARY STATE HIGHWAY NO. 5; EXCEPT THE EAST 30 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR 92ND AVE. S. BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 665910; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF KENT, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. EXHIBIT "C" EXHIBIT "C-1" a , r, Fo o rtn �; y� 3 H °CD '� 0.0 m� m a N N fDfA C4 z m o c° G � 9 z i � • r� MCI r ® UR r Em e� LIN EXHIBIT "C-1" Fo o rtn �; y� 3 H °CD '� 0.0 m� m a N N fDfA C4 z m o c° EXHIBIT "C-1"