HomeMy WebLinkAbout1635RESOLUTION NO. Jb3S' A RESOLUTION of the City of Kent, Washmgton, regardmg the vacatiOn of the portiOn of South 181 ''Street and 71 ''Avenue South, all bemgwithm the SectiOn 36, Township 23 North, Range 4 East, W M m Kmg County; and setting the pubhc hearmg on the proposed street vacat10n for Apnl 1, 2003 WHEREAS, a petitiOn, attached as Exhibit A, has been filed by Loren D Combs to vacate the portiOn of South 181 '' Street and 71 '1 Avenue South, all bemg wtthm the Section 36, Township 23 North, Range 4 East, W M m Kmg County, Washmgton, and WHEREAS, the petition ts stgned by the owners of at least two-thtrds of the real property abuttmg that port10n of the South 181" Street and 71" Avenue South to be vacated; and WHEREAS, the petitiOn Is m all respects proper, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS. SECTION I. A public hearmg on the street vacation petitiOn requesting the vacat10nofa portiOn of the South 181 '1 Street and 71" Avenue South shall be held at a regular meeting of the Kent City Council at 7 00 p m, Tuesday, Apnll, 2003, m the Council Chambers of C1ty Hall located at 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, Washington, 98032. 1 ------------------- Street Vacation- S. 181'' and 71'' AvenueS. SECTION 2. The City Clerk shall give proper notice of the heanng and cause the notice to be posted as provided by state law, Chapter 35.79 RCW. SECTION 3. The Planmng Manager shall obtam any other necessary mformatwn from appropnate departments and shall transmit the mformatwn to the Council so that the Council may consider the matter at Its regularly scheduled meeting on Apnll, 2003 PASSED at a regular meetmg of the City Council of the C1tyofKent, Washmgton this ( /? day of February, 2003. CONCURRED m by the Mayor of the CityofKent, tlus //? day ofFebruary, 2003 -- ----- :w:A~r;L TOM BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY I hereby certify that this Is a true and correct copy of ResolutiOn No. Ud S, passed by the C1ty Council of the City ofKent, Waslungton, on the ;J> day of February, 2003. 2 Street Vacation - S. 181'' and 71'' AvenueS. MAlL TO CITY OF KENT Property Management 220 S 4th Avenue CITY Of ~~·•r CITY CLl:>;l\ Kent, Wash1ngton 98032 KIVA# APPLICANT NAME Lc r-no !) (/yn 6 5 ADDRESS _____________ __ PHONE }? i-t)/-1/r/ STREET VACATION PETITION Dear Mayor and Kent C1ty CounCil We, the undersigned abutt1ng property owners, own1ng all of the property abutt1ng the port1on of the streets to be vacated, hereby respectfully request that certa1n port1ons of S 181" Street and 71 81 Ave So be vacated Th1s pet1t1on IS based upon the follOWing Information 1 Attached as Exhibit 1 IS the legal descnpbon for the area to be vacated 2 Attached as Exhibit 2 IS a color coded map of the area to be vacated 3 Attached as Exh1b1t 3 IS a cross hatched map of the area to be vacated 4 The total area proposed to be vacated IS 20,802 square feet 5 The streets need to be vacated so that a lot hne adJustment can be completed to allow a restaurant to be constructed on South 180"' St between West Valley H1ghway and 72d Avenue ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS SIGNATURES AND ADDRESSES ~~· Stonebrook Kent, LLC PO Box4646 Bellevue, WA 98009·3646 ~" lnnVentures, Inc 500 1 OBth Ave N E , SUite 2050 Bellevue, WA 98004 $150 00 Fee Pa1d Appra1sal Fee Pa1d Land Value Pa1d Deed Accepted Trade Accepted i\21014\cltyform2003 doc TAX LOT# LOT, BLOCK & PLAT/SEC TWN RG K1no County Tax Parcel #00002().()009-07 Port1on of Henry Adams Donat1on Cla1m No 43, Seehon 36, Township 23 North, Range 4 East W M K1nq County Tax Parcel #000020..0017-07 Port1on of Henry Adams Donat1on Land Cla1m 1n Sect1on 36, Township 23 North, Range 4 East, W M Treasure(s Rece1pt No Treasure(s ReceJpt No Treasure(s Rece1pt No Date------------ Date ------------- EXHIBIT "An EXHIBIT 1 J ROAD VACATION C. TY Cr.= : -~ ,., ..... .., r That port1on of the U-turn route, as shown on sheets 3 and 4 of 8, SR-181 South Corporate-Um1ts-uf:- Tukwila to Foster Interchange R1ght-of-Way Plans, bemg a port1on of the Henry Adams Donat1on Land Cla1m, Number 43, together with a port1on of the nght-of-way ded1cated to the C1ty of Kent under Recording No 9901262423 and also together w1th the port1on of the nght-of-way dedicated to the C1ty of Kent under Recording No 9901262426, all bemg Within Sect1on 36, Township 23 North, Range 4 East of the W1llamette Mend1an 1n K1ng County, Washington, descnbed as follows COMMENCING at a pomt 25 00 feet north of, when measured at nght angles to the U-Turn Route centerl1ne, Stat1on 4 + 30, THENCE South 01" 43' 36" West, a distance of 55 00 feet, THENCE South 07" 34' 40" West, a distance of 12 04 feet, THENCE North 44" 12' 17" East, a d1stance of 16 24 feet to a po1nt on a hne that 1s 30 00 feet South of, when measured at nght angles to the U-Turn Route centerline, also bemg a po1nt on the first hne called out 1n road vacahon recorded under Recordmg No 9601111095, THENCE South 88" 16' 31" East along sa1d hne, a distance of 25 55 feet to the beg1nnmg of a non-tangent curve concave to the South, the rad1us pomt of wh1ch bears South 20" 23' 03" East, 68 00 feet d1stant, THENCE Northerly and Easterly along the arc of sa1d curve, through a central angle of 22" 06' 32", a distance of 26 24 feet, THENCE South 88" 16' 31" East, a d1stance of 55 36 feet, to the begmmng of the curve concave to the Northwest, whose radiUS IS 75 00 feet, THENCE Easterly and Northerly along the arc of sa1d curve through a central angle of 89" 58' 15", a d1stance of 117 77 feet, THENCE North 01" 45' 14" East, a d1stance of 163 81 feet to the begmmng of a non-tangent curve concave to the Southeast, whose rad1us pomt bears South 77" 29' 51" East, 28 05 feet distant, THENCE Northerly and Easterly along the arc of sa1d curve through a central angle of 78" 53' 1 0", a distance of 39 24 feet, THENCE North 88" 36' 41" West, a d1stance of 52 81 feet to a p01nt on the centerl1ne of sa1d U-turn Route, THENCE continUing North 88" 36' 41" West, a d1stance of 40 93 feet, to a po1nt on the Northerly margm of the U-Turn Route, as shown on the plans referenced above, THENCE along the Westerly and Northerly marg1ns of sa1d U-Turn Route the following courses South 43" 18' 20" East, a d1stance of 15 43 feet, THENCE South 01" 45' 14" West, a d1stance of 175 49 feet, THENCE South 46" 44' 22" West, a distance of 35 36 feet, THENCE North 88" 16' 31" West, a distance of 111 24 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING Contammg 20,802 square feet Project Name Stonebrook August22,2000 JMK/jss 75691 001 wpd EXHIBIT 2 C1 6•22'06'32· R•66.00' L•2624' C2 t:.·~·,o· R=2850' L•l924' L1 S4.1'18'20't 26.92' Ll sm8'20't 1543' Ll SOT.lol'40"f 12.1l4' L4 N44'12'1l't 1624' I()RIH Ll£ HENRI' !DillS llC NO. 43 HE CORNER HENRY lOIIlS DI.C NO. 43 r ' • • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' \ ~ ' ..... \ \~ ' : '; ' : !l .. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' \ ...... , 297!>2' RIGHI OF WAY IIEDICAIION REC. MO 9202180704 Sllr22'20't 142.124' ~ !£ :-• ~ ... 5! N88'16'31"f Ill 24' \ };:~ ~_:_S';_1::.=81ST ST. ill "i.. N88'16'31"f Ll 201YJ' -55.36' N88'16'31'W 0 u.i > < ... (I) -.. SICIEU !COK IUIEIIIIIE (RECORD OF SUIMY 9404119004) 111215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH KENT, WA 980J2 (4~)2!1-&222 (425)251-8782 FAX For: BE Title: :S'~ l8 IIi -~ ... :! ~ li! I I CML ENGINEERING, LAND PlANNING, SURVEYING, ENVIRONMENTAL SEIMCES ROAD VACATION EXHIBIT 2 --IXown Checked---Dot• ~ u "' li! N ~ iii e ! ~ :! ~ 5! i l!5 2 0. Job Number 7589 _1_.,_1_ EXHIBIT 3 NORTH UNE HENRY ADAMS ClC NO 4J S. 180TH ST. C1 C.=2206'J2' R=68 oo· l=2S 24 C2 6=7~5) 10' R=28 50 l=J9 24' ~--., 1-,/::. r--,- '_ I 1-~~ I__ i_ r '1 l1 S4J 18'20"E 26 92 l2 SIS18'20'E 154)' j.J cffw4 ~ I< : 'r Cl ~Cl '-" -'Cr ~ L4 N44'12' 17"E 1624' NE CORNER HENRY AIJAMS OlC NO IJ ~--1_r-_L_ __ 5~22'20"[ 142J 24 Scole Hor,zontol 297 52' FOAMER ARCO STTE RICH1 Of WAY OEOICA1\0N REC NO 9202180704 lJ STOIEEIROOK SUTeS STTE RIGHI OF WAY OErnCATION (RECORil Of S\Jill'['f 940411 !!00!) REC NO 9901262426 18215 72N0 AVENUE SOUTH KENT, WA 98032 { 425)251-6222 (425)251-8782 FAX CIVIL ENGINEERING, lAND PLANNING, SURVEYING, ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES For: STONEBROOK INTERNATIONAL, LLC P.O. BOX 3646 BELLEVUE WA 98009·3646 Title: ROAD VACATION EXHIBIT ' <} I ~ o --'V 5"295i'r RADIA( 'flRG ~ ' 0 ~ ~ .,; ~ "' ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 z 0 u 0 "" 0 N s N 0 ~ " ~ " E " "' "' " 1;1 0 0 " ~ 0 ~ 0 X w "' m "' ~ >-w > "' :0 "' "' m "' ~ Job Number 7569 Sh~el 1 ol 1 ~s~ ned___ Drown Checked___ A roved__ Oote lt<"3 •