HomeMy WebLinkAbout3634Ordinance No. 3634 ["Beginning July 1, 1998"] (Amending or Repealing Ordinances) Amends Ords. 1934 & 2333 ORDINANCE NO. -b 3-T AN ORDINANCE of the city council of the city of Kent, Washington, amending sections 6 09 030 and 6.09.060 of the Kent City Code relating to street vacations. The amendments are necessary to bring the Kent City Code into alignment with recent revisions the Legislature made to the Revised Code of Washington WHEREAS, the Legislature recently amended Section 35 79.030 of the Revised Code of Washington relating to the allowable amount of compensation a city is authorized to charge when vacating a street, or alley, or any portion thereof, and WHEREAS, the amendment allows the city, when vacating a street or that has been a part of a dedicated public right-of-way for twenty-five years or or if the subject property (or portions thereo]) was acquired at public expense, to compensation for the vacation of those streets or alleys, or portions thereof, in an int that does not exceed the full appraised value of the area vacated, and WHEREAS, in order to implement these amendments, the city must its existing Ch 6 09 of the Kent City Code regarding street vacations, and WHEREAS, it is also appropriate to eliminate the classification of and alleys when determining the amount of compensation due for vacations in 1 Street Vacations — Ch. 6.09 %CC order to allow additional flexibility when determining the amount of compensation due for a street vacation, NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS* SECTION 1. - Amendment Section 6.09 030 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Hearing—Ordinance of vacation," is amended as follows See. 6.09.030. Hearing - Ordinance of vacation. A The hearing on thesueh petition or resolution shall be held before the city council on the date fixed by resolution or at the time to which the sueh-hearing may be contmuedadleunwd The city planning managerdrreeter shall report his or her findings at the hearing If the city council determines to grant all or part of the requested street vacation, i1sueh pE44 ea or aRy pai4 thereof-, they shall by ordinance vacate all or part of the swl}-street, or alley_, or any -EH* then r The ordinance may provide that it shall not become effective until the petitioner ewners of the pfopet4y abuts...,. "PE)" the feet or ,a,ey, er part thereof se vaealed-,shallhave compensated the city for the area vacated in accordance with this chapter. in an ametmt _h _h a___ Fi t _____-a one half (1,124 the appraised value of the afea eaten SuehThe ordinance may also provide that the city retain an easement or the right to exercise or grant easements in respect to the vacatedrp operty4M for the construction, operation, repair, and maintenance of public utilities and services The ,..tv shall net N,aeate ,.,,,.w st_eet , alley ..,...t., there„ record a certified copy of suehthe ordinance with sha4l be reeeraea by the ...t., elerk eAia in she e`�ef the King County Recorder's Officeaxditer The one -hundred -fifty - dollar ($150) fee shall not be refundedable, whether or not the petition is granted 2 Street Vacations - Ch. 6.09 KCC B The city shall not vacate a street or alley or any parts thereof if any portio abuts on a body of water unless the vacation seeks to enable the city, port district or state to acgwre the property for port purposes, boat moorage, or launching sites park viewpoint, recreational, or education purposes, or other public use This provision shall not apply to industrial zoned property SECTION Z — Amendment Section 6 09.060 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Compensation criteria — Classification of streets and alleys," is amended as follows Sec. 6.09.060. Compensation criteria Classifieution of stFeets and alleys. A. If the city council vacates all or part of any street or alley, the ordinance may provide that the vacation shall not become effective until the petitioners have compensated the city for the area vacated in an amount which does not exceed one-half (1/2) the appraised value of the area vacated In the event, however, that the street or alley has been part of a dedicated public neht-of-way, whether opened or unopened, for twenty-five (25) years or more, or if the property or portions thereof were acquired at public expense, the city may require the petitioners to compensate the city In an amount that does not exceed the full appraised value of the area vacated. The amount of compensation required for the vacation of all city streets or alleys as of the effective date of the vacation, for the purposes of this section, shall be determined by the public works department The city council shall have authority to accept real property of equal value In lieu of cash compensation where the value of the street or alley to be vacated is not more than the value of the real property to be acgmred by such exchange For the pufpeses of this ehapter, all streets er a4leys within the eity are hereby deelafed to he *Hthm A - ;;e n) of fi3tif (4) elasses Ua -g 4 M 4 ll A 4 4 t to the t. 1-i2'-CCQ�S✓�E'T[r�e�GT-'OTZLI1GpTC[e�R'�Gi'GQ�aC I'I3VR000G17^GOJG G�F[IPGZI.)• are ..lass,Qed as A elass streets o alleys Street Vacations — Ch. 6.09 KCC 4 Street Vacations — Ch. 6.09 KCC 6B When a street or alley is vacated for a governmental agency; and is regtHfed, compensation shall be based on the administrative costs of the vacation and may, in the discretion of the city council, be based on original cost of acquisition DC When determining the value of the vacated street or alley, the exganeefmg divisteR-pubhc works department may require that an appraisal be performed The petitioner shall nay the cost of the such appraisal and the monies for the same,— e shall be deposited with the city prior to the city authorizing an appraisal te-be prepared ED. The compensation determined to be paid shall be a condition precedent to the of the specific ordinance pertaining to thestiek street or alley proposed for vacation, and the petitioner will pay '"'"'the city4•rwithm nmety (90) days of the aAy-oeunerpassage of the motion cbrectmg the city attorney to prepare the specific vacation ordinance. If the petitioner fails In !be event of failure ,.r pay the required such- sum within ninety (90) days, the petition €eF "eattearshall be denied. SECTION 3. - Severabakty If anyone or more section, subsections, or of this ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same remain in full force and effect 5 Street Vacations - Ch. 6.09 KCC SECTION 4. — Effective Date This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and ATTEST •: & CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: its passage as provided by law. i� ' Ove v ", TOM BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED --L day of February, 2003 APPROVED Ll day of February, 2003. PUBLISHED 8 day of February, 2003 I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No 36 3 passed by the city council of the city of Kent, Washington, and approved by the mayor of the city of Kent as hereon indicated. Street Vacations — Ch. 6.09 KCC