HomeMy WebLinkAbout1633Resolution No. 1633
(Amending or Repealing Resolutions)
CFN=198-City Council
Passed -11/5/2002
Amending Resolution No. 1562 relating to rules and procedures for the city
counc1l, City counc11 meetings, council committee meetings.
Amends Res. 1562
Amended by Res. 1833
A RESOLUTION of the c1ty counc!l of the c1ty of
Kent, Washmgton, amendmg Resolutwn No 1562 relatmg
to rules and procedures for the c1ty counc1l, c1ty counc1l
meetmgs, counc1l committee meetmgs
WHEREAS, the c1ty counCil, pursuant to Resolutwn No. 1562, established .
rules and procedures for the c1ty counc!l, c1ty counc1l meetmgs, and meetmgs of council
WHEREAS, the c1ty council demes to update and rev1se those rules and
procedures, NOW THEREFORE,
SECTION 1. -Appllcabzllty The rules and procedures contamed herem
shall govern all meetmgs of the counc!l of the c1ty of Kent, Washmgton and committees
thereof unless suspended by the c1ty council as prov1ded for herem. Fa!lure to fully
conform to these rules and procedures w1ll not render any actwn by the c1ty counc!l or
any of 1ts committees mvahd
SECTION 2. -Term The c1ty counc1l shall elect from 1ts members a
pres1dent of the counc!l dunng the month of January m the even numbered years on or
Amendment-City Counul
Rules & Procedures
before the second regular meetmg of smd month The council pres1dent so elected shall
serve a two-year term
SECTION 3. -Mayor Pro Tempore The counc1l pres1dent shall serve as
mayor pro tempore and shall pres1de at all meetmgs of the council when the mayor 1s not
present The mayor pro tempore shall act as mayor and assume the authonty and perform
the duties thereof whenever there IS a vacancy m the Office of the Mayor or the mayor 1s
absent from the c1ty or 1s unable for any cause to d1scharge the dulles of mayor The
assumed dulles shall mclude, but are not hm1ted to, actmg as Signatory to documents
regumng executwn by the mayor, 1ssumg proclaJUatwns and declaratwns, and extendmg
offic1al recogmtwn of groups and events
SECTION 4. -Pres1dent Pro Tempore A president pro tempore may be
appomted by the counc1l pres1dent m the absence of the duly-elected council pres1dent
The pres1dent pro tempore shall have the same authonty and dulles as the counc1l
pres1dent If the pres1dent pro tempore 1s absent or unavmlable, the counc1lmember m
attendance who has served longest, e1ther by consecutive or non-consecutive terms, shall
be deemed the actmg pres1dent pro tempore
SECTION 5. -Dut1es and Responslblhtles The council pres1dent shall
perform the followmg dulles and respons1b1ht1es
.L aAdm1mster the counc1l budget, mcludmg overs1ght and approval
of expenditures,
£._ ss_et the counc!l's agenda, m coordmatwn w1th the mayor and c1ty
clerk's office,-,
;L FE,efer proposed ordmances and resolutions to the appropnate
council committee,
:!:_ and may eCall for a workshop or a meetmg of the counctl
committee of the whole, as needed,
i. In cooperatiOn wtth the mayor, ensure adequate council facthttes,
egmpment and support, w1th counctl consensus;
Amendment-C.ty Councrl
Rules & Procedures
Q_ D1rect correspondence on behalf of the counCil as appropnate, w1th
consent of council,
L Act as council hmson to the mayor's office on policy 1ssue
cons1deratwn, mcludmg elements ofllmmg;
~ The eeHHGII presuieHt shall aAppomt the membership of each
established committee and the committee chaupersons by the thtrd
regular meetmg of the year,
2._ The seHHeii pres1aent may sSubs!ltute for an absent
counctlmember on my of the council's committees at the request
of the comm1ttee chauperson-~
1Q_ Coordmate and schedule retreats or other meetmgs for annual
revtew and update of council vtswns md goals for the c1ty,
ll_ Gather mformatlon on regwnal Issues and attend regwnal
meetmgs, as appropnate and applicable, to represent the council's
11._ Serve as a counctl focal pomt for council, mayor, and staff, and
ll_ Discern counctlmembers' areas ofmterest md/or expertlse
SECTION 6. -Regular Meetmgs Pursumt to Kent Ctty Code 2 01 020,
the regular meetmgs of the council shall be held on the first md thud Tuesday of each
month except that dunng the month of December of each year, there shall be only one
regular council meetmg to be held on the second Tuesday of sa1d month If my such day
of a regular meetmg 1s a legal holiday, the meetmg shall be held on the next busmess day
All council meetmgs shall be held m the c1ty council chambers of ctty hall at seven
o'clock p.m unless otherwise determmed by the ctty council
SECTION 7. -Speczal Meetmgs Special meetings or heanngs of the
council may be called by the mayor or my three members of the council by wntten notlce
delivered to each member of the council at least twenty-four (24) hours before the lime
specified for the proposed spectal meeting or heanng In addttlon, the city clerk shall
Amendment-City Counctl
Rules & Procedures
gtve notice of such spectal meetmg as further provtded for m RCW 42 30 080 The
nollces prov1ded m th1s sectlon may be suspended pursuant to RCW 42 30 070 m the
event a spectal meetmg 1s called and there 1s a need for expedited actwn due to fire,
flood, earthquake or other emergency
SECTION 8. -Preszdmg Officzal Regular meetmgs of the counCil shall
be pres1ded over by the mayor, 1f present, or the council prestdent who shall be mayor pro
tempore In the absence of the mayor and council prestdent and council prestdent pro
tempore, the actmg prestdent pro tempore as set forth m sectwn 4 shall prestde The
presHimg over a meetmg by the mayor pro tempore, prestdent pro tempore or by an
actmg prestdent pro tempore shall not m any way abndge that member's nght to vote on
matters before the council durmg such meetmg
SECTION 9 -Forfezture of Office Pursuant to RCW 35A 12 060, a
counctlmember shall forfe1t office tf he or she fatls to attend three consecutwe regular
meetmgs of the counctl Without bemg excused by the council
SECTION 10.-Quorum At all meetmgs of the counctl, a maJonty of the
council memberslnp shall consl!tute a quorum for the transactiOn ofbusmess
SECTION 11. -Mmorzty Vote Actwn by the ctty council reqmres the
affinnallve vote of a maJonty of members votmg at a legal meetmg except that the
passage of any ordmance, grant or revocatwn of any franchtse or hcense, and any
resolutwn for the payment of money shall requtre the affinnal!ve vote of at least a
maJonty of the whole membership of the council Emergency ordmances as defined by
state law shall reqmre the unarumous vote of those counctlmembers present at the
SECTION 12. -Executzve Sesswns The ctty council may hold execu!Jve
sesswns dunng a regular or spectal meetmg to constder matters as permitted pursuant to
RCW 42 30 110 and RCW 42 30 140 No offictal actlon shall be taken dunng any
executtve sesswn No member of the ctty counctl, employee of the ctty or any person
Amendment-Ctty Counc1l
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present dunng an executive sessiOn shall disclose to any other person the content or
substance of d1scusswn wluch took place dunng the sesswn, unless a majonty of the
council authonzes such disclosure Executive sesswns, to the extent penrntted by law,
shall be hm1ted to members of the c1ty counCil, the mayor and staff, and other personnel
as authonzed by the c1ty council
SECTION 13. -Agendas Only Items that have been prevwusly discussed
by a council committee shall be put on the agenda for a council meetmg, unless approved
by the council president The order of busmess of all meetmgs of the council
1 Call to order/ Pledge of alleg1ance,
2 Roll Call,
3 Changes to the Agenda,
4 Public Commumcations,
5 Public Heanngs,
6 Consent Calendar,
7 Other Business,
8 Cons1deratwn ofb1ds, and related matters,
9 Report from standmg committees and staff,
10 Report from special committees,
11 Contmued communJcatwns,
12 Executive Sesswns (as reqmred)
13 Adjournment
SECTION 14. -Pubbc Commumcatwn No person shall address the
council Without the penrnsswn of the pres1dmg officer except dunng the th1rd, fourth,
fifth, and eleventh orders of bus mess set forth m Seclion 13 above When addressmg the
council, each person shall proceed to the speaker's podmm, unless otherw1se directed by
the pres1dmg officer, and shall state the1r name and address for the record and state the
subject they w1sh to discuss Remarks w1ll be hm1ted to the lime allocated by the
pres1dmg officer for each speaker All remarks shall be pertment to the subject matter at
hand and shall be addressed to the pres1dmg officer and the council as a whole and not to
Amendment-Oty Counc1l
Rules & Procedures
any member md1v1dually. No questwns shall be asked of a counctlmember or member of
the c1ty staff w1thout the perm1sswn of the pres1dmg officer No one shall use any
1mpertment, degradmg or slanderous language to the pres1dmg officer, counctlmember,
staff or other member of the pubhc or otherw1se engage m d1srupttve behavwr Such
conduct shall cons!ttute grounds for removal from the counc1l chambers at the counc1l's
SECTION 15. -Added Agenda Items A member of the publtc, counc1l or
the mayor may ask that an 1tem be cons1dered by the c1ty counc1l, even 1f 1t 1s not
1dent1fied on the formal agenda, by ralSlng the 1ssue dunng changes to agenda Such 1tem
shall then be cons1dered With the consent of the counctl
SECTION 16.-Mayor Partzcmatwn The mayor may address the counCJl
on any matter or part1c1pate m the debate of any questton, prov1ded the mayor shall first
call upon the counctl president to take the chau
SECTION 17. -Counczlmember Conduct Wh1le the counc1l1s m sesston,
all 1ts members must preserve order, decency and decorum at all times and no member
shall, by conversatwn or otherw1se, delay or mterrupt the proceedmgs or the peace of the
counc1l nor d1sturb any member wh1le speakmg or refusmg to obey the order of the
pres1dmg officer The members of the c1ty counctl may repnmand another
counc1lmember for d1sorderly conduct and, upon wntten charges entered upon the JOUrnal
thereof, may expel a member from the council meetmg by two-th1rds (2/3) vote of the
membership ofthe counctl m attendance at that meetmg
SECTION 18. -Votzng D1scusswn by members ofthe counctl shall relate
to the subject matter at hand and shall be relevant and pertment Every counc1lmember,
unless d1squa!tfied by reason of a conflict of mterest or as otherw1se provided by law or
excused by the counctl, shall cast h1s or her vote upon any matter put to vote by the
lepslattve body Any counc1lmember who abstams from votmg Without a valtd reason
for such abstentwn shall be deemed to have cast the1r vote w1th the maJonty on any Issue
Amendment-City Counc1l
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so voted upon Tie votes shall be lost motwns and may be reconsidered unless such tie IS
broken by the mayor's vote If permitted pursuant to RCW 35A 12 100-120 At the
request of the pres1dmg officer or of any member, any questiOn shall be noted upon by a
roll call and the "ayes" and "nays" shall be recorded m the Journal
SECTION 19.-Motwns (or Reconszderatwn A motiOn to reconsider any
action taken by the City council may be made only on the day such actwn was taken
Such motwn may be made only by one of the counc1lmernbers who voted With the
prevmlmg Side Nothmg herem shall be construed to prevent any counc1lmember from
makmg or remakmg the same or any other mol! on at a subsequent meetmg of the council
SECTION 20. -Summoned to Meetmgs Every city official or employee
who shall fml to report to the council at times and m a manner requested by the council,
shall be summoned m accordance with the directiOn of the council Dunng meetmgs of
the council and Its committees, city officials, employees and members of the pubhc shall
observe the same rules of order and decorum as are applicable to members of the City
SECTION 21. -Ordmances, Resolutzons and Contracts -Presentatwn
No ordmance, resolutiOn, contract document or other matter for consideration shall be
prepared for presentatiOn to the council unless ordered by a maJonty of the council, or
requested by the mayor, or submitted by the city attorney unless otherwise approved by
the council president All ordmances, resolutiOns, contract documents and other such
matenal shall, before presentation to the council and its committees, have been approved
as to form by the city attorney and shall have been exammed and approved by the
department head havmg JUrisdiCtiOn over the subject matter of such ordmance, resolutiOn
and contract document, or by lus or her duly authonzed representative
SECTION 22. -Parlzamentary Rules The City attorney shall act as
parhamentanan and advise the pres1dmg officer on mqumes concermng parliamentary
procedure The pres1dmg officer shall rule on Issues of parliamentary procedure, unless
Amendment-Oty Counctl
Rules & Procedure;
overruled by a maJonty of the counc1lmembers present Robert's Rules of Order (latest
reviSion) shall govern the dehberal!ons of the counc1l except when m conflict w1th any
sectwn herem.
SECTION 23. -Suspendmg the Rules When the suspensiOn of a rule 1s
requested, and no obJection 1s offered, the pres1dmg officer shall announce that the rules
are suspended and the counc1! may proceed accordmgly When there IS an objectwn to
suspendmg the rules, 1t shall reqmre a vote ofmaJonty of the members present to suspend
the rules
SECTION 24. -Estabhshed There are hereby estabhshed the followmg
five standmg comm1ttees each of wh1ch shall cons1st of three counc1lmembers a
chauperson, and two other counc1hnembers counc!lmembers shall be appomted to a
comm1ttee by the counc1l pres1dent for a two-year term
1 Operatwns Comm1ttee. The operatwns committee shall cons1der
all matters related to the general fiscal and financ1al cond1t10ns and opera!Jons of the c1ty
Th1s committee shall also cons1der all pohcy matters related to personnel, mcludmg, but
not hm1ted to, salary ranges and step schedules, pos1t10n classJfical!on, ment system
development and other 1tems m coordmatwn w1th the operatwns departlnent and other
departments as appropnate This 1s not to be construed as a hm1ta!Jon or mfrmgement
upon the execul!ve powers of the mayor
2 Parks Committee The parks comm1ttee shall consider all matters
related to plannmg and implementatiOn of recreatwnal fac1ht1es, programs and act1vtlles
m the c1ty, mcludmg but not !muted to, the Kent Semor Center, Resource Center, Kent
Commons, RlVerbend Golf Course as well as coordmal!on of programs and actlvJ!Jes
w1th affected school d1stncts
Amendment-C.ty Council
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3 Plannmg Committee The plannmg comm1ttee shall consider all
matters related to commumty growth and development mcludmg, but not limited to,
planmng of the physical, economic, aesthetic, and socml development of the city,
mcludmg, without limitatiOn, the City's Comprehensive Land Use Plan, Zonmg Code,
housmg policies, annexatiOn policies, and human service operatiOns
4 Public Works Committee The public works committee shall
consider matters related to nghts-of-way and water, sewer, and storm dramage systems
It shall also consider matters related to transportatiOn, transportatiOn plans, traffic, transit,
streets, street lightmg, signalization, mamtenance, telecommumcatlons and other related
5 Public Safety Committee The public safety committee shall
consider matters related to pollee and fire protectiOn, mcludmg, but not hnuted to, law
enforcement, firefightmg and emergency response services, hazardous matenal, controls
and general dispatch
SECTION 25. -Dutzes and Responszbzlztzes The council committees
shall consider all matters referred to them All proposed ordmances or resolutiOns and
other matters for council consideration shall first be discussed by, or referred to, the
appropnate council committee, unless otherwise designated by the council president,
PROVIDED, however, the council shall not be demed the nght to refer the subject to a
committee or workshop for further consideratiOn Matters not otherwise designated shall
be assigned for consideratiOn to a council meetmg, workshop or to the appropnate
council committee by the council president, m consultatiOn with the mayor Each
committee chatrpersons shall report to the council the findmgs and/or recommendatiOns
of the committee
SECTION 26. -Quorum No comnuttee shall act m the absence of a
quorum, which shall consist of at least two members At the request of the committee
Amendment-C.ty Councli
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chairperson, the council president or another counc1lmember may Sit on any comm1ttee
when necessary to constitute a quorum or to fill a vacancy
SECTION 27. -Comm!ftee o( the Whole Council workshop meetmgs
where the council s1ts as a conuruttee of the whole shall be held at such time and locatwn
as announced by the council Public mput shall be permitted at council workshops at the
d1scretwn of the c1ty council
SECTION 28. -Commzttee Reasszgnments The c1ty council, upon a vote
of the maJonty of 1ts membership, may reorgamze and rearrange the membership of
standmg comm1ttees mcludmg the d1scontmuance of any standmg or spec1al conuruttee
and the reass1gnment of 1ts dut1es and functwns to another comm1ttee or committees,
together w1th the establishment of spec1al, temporary and ad hoc comrmttees
SECTION 29. -Severabzlzty If any sectwn, subsectiOn, paragraph,
sentence, clause, or phrase of thts ordmance 1s declared unconstltutwnal or mvalid for
any reason, such declSlon shall not affect the vahd1ty of the remammg portwns of thts
SECTION 30. -Ratzficatzon Any act cons1stent w1th the authonty and
pnor to the effective date of th1s resolutwn 1s hereby ratified and affirmed
SECTION 31. -E((ectzve Date Th1s resolutwn shall take effect and be m
force 1mmedmtely upon 1ts passage
PASS ED at a regular open public meetmg by the c1ty council of the c1ty of
Kent, Washmgton, thts 5 day of ~ , 2002 4 CONCURRED m by the mayor of the c1ty of Kent thts
s day of
Amendment-Clly Counczl
Rules & Procedure:-.
I hereby certify that tlus IS a true and correct copy of Resolution No I b3 3
passed by the City council of the city of Kent, W aslungton, the ..5r:J..-day of
'-;t'Ln-·w'~, 2002
Amendment-City Counc1l
Rules & Procedures