HomeMy WebLinkAbout1631RESOLUTIONNO ~~j) A RESOLUTION of the C1ty Council of the C1ty of Kent, Washington, adoptmg the 2003-2008 SIX Year TransportatiOn hnprovement Plan WHEREAS, after proper notice, the City Council of the City of Kent held a pubhc heanng at the regular meetmg of the C1ty Council at 7 00 p m on October 15, 2002, to consider pubhc testimony on the city's proposed 2003-2008 S1x Year TransportatiOn hnprovement Plan and, havmg considered pubhc testimony to the plan, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS SECTION 1 The 2003 through 2008 SIX Year TransportatiOn hnprovement Plan, set forth m Exlnb1t "A" attached hereto and herewith filed with the mty clerk, IS hereby adopted PASS ED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the C1ty of Kent, W aslnngton tlns /5 day of October, 2002 1 2003-2008 Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan CONCURRED m by the Mayor of the C1ty of Kent, this ___j_Jz_ day of October, 2002 ATTEST /BRENDA JACOBECiTYCLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM .~ ~····~. '. . .. ,-.. ·. -. ~ '·.ih.~ ..._\. I hereby certify that this IS a true and correct copy of ResolutiOn No. /0 3/ , passed by the C1ty Council of the City of Kent, Washmgton, the _L5_ day of Or:.:t:hl~ , 2002 P \Ovtl\Resolutlon\SIXYEAR-2003 RES doc 2 2003-2008 Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2003-2008 KENT WASHINGTON Mayor Jim White Don E. Wickstrom, P.E. Director of Public Works CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project Number 1 2 3 4 5. 6 7 8. 9 10 11 12 Project Name Pro;ect Locatwn and Extent 132"d Avenue Southeast Widening Southeast 2451h Street to Southeast 253'" Street SE 248 1h Street Improvements Vzcmzty of JO(jh Avenue South to Canyon Drzve James Street at Central Avenue Intersectzon Improvement Pacific Highway South (SR 99) HOV Lanes-North Phase Kent-Des Momes Road (SR 516) to South 252"d Street Pacific Highway South (SR 99) HOV Lanes-South Phase South 252"" Street to South 272"d Street 132"d Avenue Southeast at Kent-Kangley Road (SR 516) Intersectwn Improvement Kent Station Infrastructure Improvements Vzcmzty of 4th Avenue North and 2nd Avenue North Extenszon 41h Avenue and Smith Street Intersectwn Improvement Military Road at Reith Road Intersectwn Improvement Sauth 277'h Street Carridor -Phase II SR 167toAuburn Way North South 228 1h Street Corridor Project Phase I Mzhtary Road to 54 1h Avenue South 72"d Avenue South Extension South 1961h Street to South 2001h Street Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project Project Name Number Prozect Locatwn and Extent Page 13 South 228 1 h Street Extension Grade Separation Project 13 Grade Separatwn Crossmgs at Umon Pacific Razlroad & Burlmgton Northern/Santa Fe Razlroad 14. Interurban Trail Crossings Signal Interconnect with West Meeker 14 Street and East Smith Street Signal Systems 15 Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements 15 Ongomg Cztywzde Program 16 Guardrail and Safety Improvements 16 Ongomg Cztywzde Program 17 Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance Sidewalk 17 Repair and Rehabilitation Ongomg Cztywzde Program 18 Commuter/Shopper Shuttle Bus Project 18 Ongomg Cztywzde Program 19 South 212 1 h Street Pavement Rehabilitation Project 19 Green Rzver Bndge to West Valley Hzghway 20 South 212 1 h Street Grade Separation Project 20 Grade Separatwn Crossmgs at Unwn Pacific Razlroad & Burlmgton Northern/Santa Fe Razlroad 21 84 1h Avenue South Pavement Rehabilitation Project 21 South 2121h Street to SR 167 22 116 1 h Avenue Southeast Widening Southeast 256'h Street to Kent-Kangley Road (SR 516) 22 23. Central Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation 23 Wzllzs Street (SR 516) to the Green Rzver Brzdge 24 South 272"d Street Widening -Phase I M1htary Road to 26th Avenue South 24 ll CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project Project Name Number ProJect LocatiOn and Extent Page 25 Military Road Widening -Phase I 25 Re1th Road to Kent-Des Momes Road (SR 516) 26 80th Avenue South Widening 26 South 196th Street to South I 88th Street 27. South 272"d Street Widening-Phase II 261h Avenue South to Pacific Hzghway South (SR 99) 27 28 South 272"d Street Widening -Phase III 28 M1lltary Road to Pacific H1ghway and 1-5 HOV Loop-Ramp 29. South 228'h Street Corridor Project Phase Ill 29 84'h Avenue South to 1 08 1h Avenue Southeast (SR 515) 30 Willis Street (SR 516) Railroad Grade Separation Project 30 Grade SeparatiOn Crossmgs at Umon Pacific Razlroad & Burlmgton Northern/Santa Fe Rm/road MAP OF THE PROJECTS 31 lil CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2003 132"d Avenue Southeast Widening Southeast 245th Street to Southeast 253'd Street W1den 132"d Avenue Southeast to prov1de a three-lane roadway, mcluding two general-purpose travel lanes, a center left turn lane, paved shoulders, storm dramage and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Prelimmary Engmeering. . . $250,000 R1ght of Way Acqms1t1on. .. . ... . 0 ConstructiOn . . .. . . ... $1 ,000,000 TOTAL ....................................... $1,250,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): City of Kent, AlP, STP (U) Funded PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: A consistent three-lane roadway section IS reqmred to prov1de safe left turn access mto the adjoinmg properties and smoother traffic flow Improvements on 132"d Avenue (and closely related Improvements on 248 1h Street), will prov1de safe access for increased traffic and school age pedestnans to/from the East HJil Youth Sports Complex and the Martm SortU!l Elementary School Shoulder Improvements Will also provide control of roadway dramage and prevent 1mpacts to adJacent property OWllers STP-Surface Transportalton Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (E) Enhancements, (C) Competitive, HES-Hazard Elimination, FMSIB-Fre1ght Mob1lity Strategic Investment Board [State], TIA -Transportation Improvement Account, TIB-TransportatiOn Improvement Board, AlP-Artenal Improvement Program (State], LID-Local ImprovementD1stnct 1 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2003 SE 248 1h Street Improvements V1cmity of IOOthAvenue South to Canyon Dnve (SR 516) This proJect w1ll reconstruct and better align the 248th Street SE and 94th Avenue mtersectwn Nmety-fourth Avenue South will be widened from South 248th Street to Canyon Drive (SR 516) Turn pockets at the mtersections of 98th Avenue South and IOO'h Avenue South w1ll be constructed. A paved walkmg shoulder will be constructed on the north s1de of SE 248ili Street between 94th Avenue South and IOO'h Avenue South PROJECT COST: Prebmmary Engmeering ..... ..... $70,000 . $80,000 . . $650,000 Right of Way Acquisition .. Constructwn . .. . . ... TOTAL .......................................... $800,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): City of Kent Partwlly Funded PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The real1gned mtersectwn of 94th Avenue South and SE 248th Street w1ll improve the maJor traffic movements at this mtersection, prov1dmg better connectlVlty w1th the East hill Turn lanes Will be provided to accommodate developments north of SE 248 1h Street STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (E) Enhancements, (C) CompetttJve, HES-Hazard Elimmatton, FMS!B-Freight Mobthty StrategiC Investment Board [State], TIA -TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TIB-Transportal! on Improvement Board, AlP-Artenal Improvement Program [State], LID -Local Improvement Dtstnct 2 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2003 James Street at Central Avenue IntersectiOn Improvement and Central Avenue Pavement Rehab1htatwn Widen the east approach of James Street at Central Avenue intersection to provide an exclusive right tum lane for westbound traffic on James Street, and construct a second south-bound to east-bound left tum pocket The project Will also modify the existmg traffic signal and repave Central Avenue between James Street and Smith Street. The project will mclude the construction of pavmg, concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks, street hghtmg, storm dramage facilities, utilities and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeering .. . $120,000 ... $200,000 $1,220,000 Right of Way AcquisitiOn Construction TOTAL ....................................... $1 ,540,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): AlP, C1ty of Kent Funded PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This mtersectwn 1s heavily Impacted by traffic to/from the Kent East Hill The project will support improved access into the downtown area and the increased traffic generated by the changes m land use m the downtown area STP-Surface Transportation Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (E) Enhancements, (C) Compel!llve, HES-Hazard ElunmatJOn, FMSIB-Freight Mobihty Strategic Investment Board [State], TIA -Transportatlon Improvement Account, TIB-TransportatiOn Improvement Board, AlP-Artenal Improvement Program [State], LID -Local Improvement District 3 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2003 PROJECT: Pacific Highway South (SR 99) HOV Lanes-North Phase Kent-Des Moines Road (SR 516) to South 252"d Street DESCRIPTION: Widen Pacific Htghway South to provide a pmr ofHOV (High Occupancy Vehicle) lanes from the Kent-Des Moines Road (SR 516) to South 252"d Street The project will also provide a seven foot wide concrete sidewalk and modify existmg traffic signal systems at the Kent-Des Moines Road, South 240 1h Street, and at South 252"d Street. The project mcludes landscapmg, paving, concrete curbs, gutters, storm drainage systems, utihties, and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Prelimmary Engmeering . . .$1,200,000 . $530,000 .. $6,720,000 Right of Way AcqUisition Construction . TOTAL ....................................... $8,450,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): STP (U&C), TIB AlP, City of Kent, WSDOT Funds Funded PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project will reduce peak hour single-occupant vehicle trips by encouragmg high occupmcy vehicle usage. Pacific Highway South (SR 99) is a regionally sigmficmt north-south artenal heavily used by commuters for access from South Kmg County to the employment centers m South Seattle, md provides alternative access to I-5 md Sea- Tac airport STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal]; (U) Urban, (E) Enhancements, (C) Competitive, HES-Hazard Ehmmation, FMSIB-Freight Mob1hty Strategic Investment Board [State], TIA-Transportation Improvement Account, TIB-Transportation Improvement Board, AlP-Artenal Improvement Program [State], LID-Local Improvement Distnct 4 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2003 Pacific Highway South (SR 99) HOV Lanes-South Phase South 252"~ Street to South 272"d Street Widen Pacific Highway South to provide a pau of HOY (High Occupancy Vehicle) lanes from South 252 11 d Street to South 272"d Street. The proJect will also prov1de a seven foot wide concrete Sidewalk, and modify existing traffic signals at the Fred Meyer Shopping Center, South 260th Street, and South 272"d Street. The project w1ll mclude constructiOn of pavmg, landscapmg, storm drainage systems, concrete curbs, gutters, utJhtles, and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng . . $900,000 .$1 ,600,000 $6,100,000 Right of Way AcquiSition ConstructiOn . TOTAL ....................................... $8,600,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): STP (U&C), TIB, AIP, C1ty of Kent, WSDOT Funds Funded PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The project will reduce peak hour smgle-occupant vehicle tnps by encouragmg high occupancy vehicle usage Pacific Highway South (SR 99) IS a regwnally sigmficant north-south artenal heavily used by commuters for access from South Kmg County to the employment centers m South Seattle, and provides additional access to Sea-Tac Auport STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (E) Enhancements, (C) CompetitiVe, HES-Hazard Elnmnat10n, FMSIB-Fre1ght Mob1hty Strategic Investment Board [State], TJA -TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TIB -TransportatiOn Improvement Board, AlP-Arlena] Improvement Program [State], LID -Local Improvement D1stnct 5 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2003 132"d Avenue Southeast at Kent-Kangley Road (SR 516) IntersectiOn Improvement W1den the north approach of 132"d Avenue Southeast at South 272"d Street (Kent-Kangley) mtersectwn to prov1de an exclusive nght tum lane for southbow1d traffic on 132nd Avenue Southeast The project mcludes mod1tymg the extstmg traffic signal and reconstructiOn of pavmg, street lightmg, storm dramage fac1btJes, concrete curbs, gutters, Sidewalks/bicycle paths, utJbties and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeermg . $20,000 .. $30,000 . $200,000 Right of Way Acqmsit\On ConstructiOn TOTAL .......................................... $250,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): C1ty of Kent, AlP, STP (U) Funded PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This intersectiOn IS heav1ly 1mpacted by traffic commg down 132"d Avenue Southeast boUlld for S. 272"d Street. The improvement will tw into the curb and gutter at the nearby shoppmg center The proJect w1ll support 1mproved access on Kent-Kangley Road. STP-Surface Transportation Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (E) Enhancements, (C) Competitive, HES-Hazard Ehmmatmn, FMSIB-Fretght Mobthty Strategtc Investment Board [State], TIA-Transportation Improvement Account, TIB-TransportatiOn Improvement Board, AlP-Artenal Improvement Program [State], LID -Local Improvement Dtstnct. 6 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2003 Kent Station Infrastructure Improvements V1cimty of 4th Avenue North and 2nd Avenue North Extension Widen 2nd Avenue North to provide two travel lanes with left turn pockets at intersections, and on-street parking between Smith Street and Temperance Street Construct Temperance Street between 2nd A~enue South and 1st Avenue South Extend 2"d Avenue from Temperance Street to intersect with 4th Avenue oppostte the Regional Justice Center dnveway and mstall a traffic signal. Wtden 1st Avenue from two to three lanes, to provide a single travel lane in each direction with center left rum lane The wtdemng will extend from James Street to Temperance Street The project mcludes landscapmg, pavmg, concrete curbs, gutters, storm drainage systems, utilities, and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Prebmmary Engmeering ... .. . ..... $390,000 Right of Way Acquisition ........... 0 ConstructiOn. . . . . .. . .. .... $1,930,000 TOTAL ....................................... $2,320,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): FTA, C1ty of Kent Funded PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project provides the necessary transportatiOn mfrastructure for development of the Kent StatiOn and adjacent properties. The project IS coordinated With transit and commuter nul Improvements m and around the VICtmty of the Kent Station and Commuter Rail Station sttes These improvements mclude Sound Transit's reconstructiOn of 1 '' A venue North from Temperance Street to Smith Street and construction of the pedestnan bndge over B N.R R The proJect includes street Improvements required for the development of the site, as well as mitigatwn measures (traffic signal) to accommodate access to the Ctty artenal street system STP-Surface Transportation Program [Federal], (LT) Urban, (E) Enhancements, (C) Competitive, HES-Hazard Ehmmatton, FMSIB-Freight Mobthty Strategic Investment Board [State], TIA -Transportation Improvement Account, TIE-TransportatiOn Improvement Board, AlP-Arterial improvement Program [State], LID -Local Improvement D1stnct 7 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2003 41h Avenue and Smith Street Intersection Improvements Intersection Improvement Reconstruct the 4th Avenue and Smith Street intersection by Widerung each approach to add a left turn pocket With appropriate left tum storage and upgrade the traffic signal. PROJECT COST: Prelimmary Engmeering. .. .. $140,000 Right of Way AcquisitiOn ... ConstructiOn . . $140,000 .. $700,000 TOTAL ....................................... $1,220,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): FTA, City of Kent Funded PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The mtersectwn currently has four lanes on each approach. Volumes are such that 1t IS necessary to operate the signal to serve only one approach at a time This proJect Widens each approach to provide for a separate left turn pocket with appropriate storage This allows a much more efficient operation of the signal at this intersection, and significantly enhances the traffic signal progressiOn along both of these heavily traveled arterial comdors. This proJect also unproves necessary transportation capacity for the development of the Kent site and adpcent properties as an urban revitalization measure STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (E) Enhancements, (C) Competitive, HES-Hazard EhmmatJon, FMSIB-Fre1ght Mobthty Strategtc Investment Board [State], TIA-Transportation Improvement Account, TIB-Transportation Improvement Board, AlP -Artenal Improvement Program [State], LID -Local Improvement D1stnct 8 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2003 Military Road at Reith Road Intersection Improvement W1den all approaches of M1htary Road at Re1th Road intersection to provide exclusive left turn lanes for all traffic, and exclusive right tum lanes for northbound and southbound traffic on Military Road and westbound traffic on Re1th Road. Modify the ex1stmg traffic s1gnal. The proJect w1ll mclude the constructwn of pavmg, paved shoulders, street lightmg, storm dramage, utJhtJes and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng Right of Way Acqms1t10n ConstructiOn $100,000 . $-0- $900,000 TOTAL ....................................... $1,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): AlP, City of Kent, SIP (U) Partwlly Funded PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of development on the Kent West Hill, coupled w1th the growth in the Puget Sound area and the regularly occurring congestion along both Pac1fic Highway South and Interstate 5 results m s1gmficant congestwn at th1s mtersection m the mommg and evening peak hours. STP-Surface Transportalion Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (E) Enhancements, (C) CompelitiVe, HES-Hazard Ehmmalion, FMSIB-Fre1ght Mobthty Strategtc Investment Board [State], TIA -Transportalion Improvement Account, TIB-Transportal! on Improvement Board, AlP-Artenal Improvement Program [State], LID-Local Improvement D1stnct 9 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2003 South 2771h Street Corridor-Phase II SR 167 to Auburn Way North Study, des1gn and construct the Widening of South 277th Street from three lanes to five lanes, includmg grade separatiOn at the UPRR and BNSF rail crossmgs, uhhty Improvements (water, sewer, and storm), two-way left turn lane, and accommodations for bicycle and pedestrian facll1ties from SR 167 to Auburn Way. This rncludes modifications to the traffic signals at the intersections of South 27th Street and Auburn Way North/East Valley Highway. The proJect w1ll include the constructiOn of full-width paving, concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks, street hghtmg, storm drainage, landscapmg, utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng . 00 • $6,000,000 Right of Way Acquisition . .$5,000,000 ConstructiOn . ... . . .. 00 • $25,000,000 TOTAL ..................................... $36,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): TPP, LID, City of Auburn, Kmg County, WSDOT, ISTEA, TEA21, TIB, FMSIB, Port of Seattle, Port of Tacoma, BNSF, and UPRR PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Funded Th1s project will Improve safety and mobility on an existing east-west corridor, provide multi-modal facihhes, and ensure that the lmk Will satisfY concurrency in the near future. The project involves and benefits the Cities of Auburn and Kent, as well as King County and WSDOT It is not feasible to Widen alternate routes to accommodate either existmg or forecast traffic volumes to the Kent East Hill. This project provides a continuous arterial from Kent East Hill to SR 167 to Interstate 5 STP-Surface Transportation Program [Federal], (ll) Urban, (E) Enhancements, (C) Compellttve, HES-Hazard Ehmmatton, FMSIB-Fre1ght Mob1hty Strateg1c Investment Board [State], TIA -Transportation Improvement Account, TJB-Transportallon Improvement Board, AlP -Arlena\ Improvement Program (State], LID -Local Improvement Distnct. 10 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2003 South 228th Street Corridor-Phase I Military Road to 54"' Avenue South Preliminary engmeenng and construction of a new five-lane roadway from SR-516 along Mthtary Road to approximately Bolger Road, then from Military Road to 54th A venue South, including a new bridge over the Green River The proJect will mclude the construction of full-w1dth paving, a bndge, concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks and/or paved shoulders, street hghtmg, storm dramage, landscaping, utilities and appurtenances. The project may mclude the mstallation of traffic stgnals at the Comdor's intersectiOns with Mihtary Road and Lakeside Boulevard PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .. $2,500,000 .$1,100,000 $20,4000,000 Right of Way Acquisition ConstructiOn . 00 00 •• TOTAL ..................................... $24,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): TPP, C1ty of Kent, LID, TIB, FMSIB PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: James Street and Meeker Street 'comdors' are not feasible to Widen sufficiently to accommodate forecast traffic volumes and future development Meeker Street currently represents the only east-west artenal that crosses the Green Rtver between the SR 516 and South 212'h Street. Th1s extension will prov1de reqmred east-west capacity. STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (E) Enhancements, (C) CompelltJVe, HES-Hazard Ehmmatron, FMSIB-Fretght Mobthty Strategic Investment Board [State], TIA -Transportation Improvement Account, TIB -TransportatiOn Improvement Board, AlP-Artenal Improvement Program [State], LID -Local Improvement Distnct. 11 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2003 72"d Avenue South Extension South !96th Street to South 200th Street Construct a new four-lane roadway from South !96th Street to South 200th Street The project Will mclude the crossing of Mill Creek and construction of full-width pavmg, concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street lighting, storm dramage, landscapmg, utilities and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng. .. . .. $160,000 .$680,000 . . $580,000 Right of Way AcquiSition ConstructiOn TOTAL ....................................... $1,420,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Contmued development m the northern Kent industnal area, and lugh levels of congestion along West Valley Highway between the South 1801h Street and South 196tl1 Street corridors, mandate additiOnal north-south arterial capacity Th1s proJect provides some relief for South !80th Street, South !96th Street, and South 212th Street intersections along West Valley H1ghway It also provides improved access to the South !96th Street comdor from mdustrial development along 72"d Avenue South STP-Surface Transportation Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (E) Enhancements, (C) Competltlve, HES-Hazard Ehmmatwn, FMSIB-Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board [State], TIA -TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TJB-Transportation Improvement Board, AlP -Artenal Improvement Program [State], LID -Local Improvement D1str1ct. 12 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2003 South 228th Street Extension Railroad Grade Separation Project Grade Separation crossmgs at Union Pac1fic Ra1lroad & Burlmgton Northern/Santa Fe Railroad Construct grade separatwns of both the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Rru!road's and Umon Pacific Railroad's mamlme tracks at South 228'h Street The proJect will lead to a seamless connection between maJOr fre1ght handlers and the1r pnmary destinations. Tlus proJeCt w1ll support freight moving through Kent to various Ports, Sea-Tac Airport and the freeway system The proJect will mclude the construclion of bndge structures and/or underpasses, full-width pavmg, concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street hghtmg, ul!lities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Prelnnmary Engmeenng. $5,000,000 $5,000,000 . ... $26,000,000 Right of Way Acqms1!ion. Construction .. . ... TOTAL ..................................... $36,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): C!ly of Kent, FAST((Freight Action Strategy, for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Comdor), FMSIB, Burlmgton Northern/Santa Fe Ra1lroad and Union Pac1fic/Southern Pac1fic Railroad PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Traffic analys1s md1cates th1s proJect would 1mprove level of semce on other key east-west arterials, such as Meeker Street. Improvmg traffic on ne1ghbonng arterials will improve overall traffic opera!ions and safety m the valley, and allow for 1m proved fre1ght mobility Tlus proJect w11l enhance Kent as an economic generator and prov1de regional connections for thousands of busmesses, employers, and 40 m1lhon square feet of warehouse/mdustnal space The level of fre1ght and passenger rail traffic on both the UP and BNSF Railroad mainlmes 1s also mcreasing as a consequence of economic cond1t10ns m the Puget Sound area STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (E) Enhancements, (C) Compelitive, HES-Hazard Elumnatwn, FMSIB-Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board [State], TIA-TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TIB-TransportatiOn Improvement Board, AlP-Arlena! Improvement Program [State], LID-Local Improvement D!Slrlct. 13 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2003 Interurban Trail Crossings Signal Interconnect West Meeker Street and West Smith Street Interconnect the existing traffic signals at the Interurban Trail crossmgs at Meeker Street and Sm1th Street to the UP crossmg signals at said streets . PROJECT COST: Prelimmary Engineering . .. . $30,000 $240,000 $-0- Constructwn Right of Way Acqmsitwn TOTAL .......................................... $270,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): STP (E), C1ty of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Th1s project IS reqmred m order to interconnect the existing street signals w1th the railroad crossing signals It will ehminate potential conflict where traffic could backup across the railroad tracks. STP-Surface Transportation Program [Federal]; (U) Urban, (E) Enhancements, (C) Compel!tive, HES-Hazard Ehmmatwn, FMSIB-Freight Mobihty Strategic lnvesl!nent Board [State], TIA-Transportation Improvement Account, TIB-TransportatiOn Improvement Board, AlP -Artenal Improvement Program [State], LID -Local Improvement District 14 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2003-2008 Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements Ongoing C1tyw1de Program Make miscellaneous Improvements to the C1ty's Bicycle Route and Pedestrmn system Potential projects mclude Improvements to lOO'h Avenue Southeast north of James Street, Southeast 248th Street east of 94th Avenue South, and 152"d Way Southeast north of Southeast 272"d Street PROJECT COST: Prehminary Engmeering o Right of Way AcqUisition 0 Construction .. $60,000 $-0- $562,000 TOTAL .......................................... $625,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): STP (E), C1ty of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Th1s project compiles w1th the City's CTR (Commute Trip ReductiOn) Ordmance and the C1ty Comprehensive Plan This proJect helps to reduce peak hour smgle-occupant veh1cle tnps, encourage the use of non- motonzed transportatiOn modes, and provide safe routes for school-age pedestnans and cychsts STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal]; (U) Urban, (E) Enhancements, (C) Compettttve, HES-Hazard ElumnatJOn, FMSIB-Fretght Mobthty Strategic Investment Board [State], TIA-TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TIE-TransportatiOn Improvement Board, AlP -Artenal Improvement Program [State], LID -Local Improvement District. 15 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2003 -2008 PROJECT: Guardrail and Safety Improvements Ongomg Citywide Program DESCRIPTION: Make miscellaneous guardrail improvements each year to enhance motonst safety Candidate prOJects include Frager Road and lOOth Avenue Southeast (near the 22600 block). Upgrade existing guardrail end- treatments as mandated by State and Federal regulations PROJECT COST: Prelimmary Engineenng .. . , .$20,000 Right of Way Acqmsition . ..... . .. . $-0- ConstructiOn . . . .. . .... $175,000 TOTAL .......................................... $195,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): STP (E), HES, City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project is mandated by compliance with Federal and State regulatwns, and the requirement to eliminate potentially hazardous roadway conditiOns. STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (E) Enhancements, (C) Competitive, HES-Hazard Ehmmatwn, FMSIB-Fretght Mobthty Strategtc Investment Board [State], TIA-Transportalton Improvement Account, TIB-TransportatiOn Improvement Board, AlP -Arterial Improvement Program [State], LID -Local Improvement District. 16 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2003.2008 Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance Sidewalk Repair and Rehabilitation Ongoing Citywide Program Reconstruct and reparr ex1stmg sidewalks and pedestrian ramps, and mstall new hard-surfaced Sidewalks to Implement the requirements of the Federal Government's Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This project will mclude an inventory of the City's sidewalk/walkway facilities, and IdentificatiOn and correctiOn of existing deficiencies. This prOJect Will also include the constructiOn of concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks, mmor storm dramage, and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engineenng Right of Way AcqulSlbon Construction $200,000 .. $-0- . $1,750,000 TOTAL ....................................... $1,950,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Th1s project IS mandated by the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA). It repaus existing sidewalks, replaces deficient/substandard and/or missmg wheelchmr/pedestnan ramps, and brings same into compliance With the adopted Federal standards. STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal]; (U) Urban, (E) Enhancements, (C) Competitive, HES-Hazard Ehmmatton, FMSIB-Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board [State], TIA -Transportation Improvement Account, TIB-Transportation Improvement Board, AlP-Arlena! Improvement Program [State], LID -Local Improvement District 17 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2003-2008 Commuter/Shopper Shuttle Bus Ongomg Citywide Program Continue to provide enhanced transit service in the Downtown Kent busmess area through the use of a fixed-route shuttle service, Wlth demand-responsive routmg capabilities Service route points Wlll mclude Kmg County Metro Park Ride, South Kmg County Regwnal Justice Center, and Kent City Hall, as well as local shoppmg and medical facilities. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engmeering . $-0- $-0- .$140,000 Right of Way Acquisition Operations . .. .. . TOTAL .......................................... $140,000 * *C1ty share, which IS equivalent to the lost fare box revenue that the county could have collected were not the city wantmg a free service, (based on 6 years operating cost with 3% inflation) FUNDING SOURCE (S): Kmg County, City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The Shopper Shuttle provides mobility and independence to many of the City's semors as well as school children and other Citizens With hm1ted mob1hty options The serviCe addresses a significant transit market that may not be able to use the county's more traditional routes, and helps the city meet its road safety and transportation demand management goals STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (E) Enhancements, (C) Competitive, HES-Hazard Elnnmatwn, FMSIB-Fre1ght Mob1hty Strategic Investment Board [State], TIA -Transportation Improvement Account, TIB-TransportatiOn Improvement Board, AlP -Artenallmprovement Program [State], LID -Local Improvement District 18 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2004 South 2l21b Street Pavement Rehabilitation Green River Bndge to West Valley Highway (SR 181) Remove and rehabilitate the ex1stmg roadway pavement to add additiOnal service hfe to the asphalt roadway between the Green River bridge and West Valley Highway (SR 181) This proJeCt will mclude the removal and replacement of the upper two inches of the existing asphalt pavement in the curb lanes in both directions; and a full-WJdth asphalt pavement overlay of the entire roadway This project will also include the selective replacement of catch basm mlets and driveway approach aprons, and sections of concrete curbs and gutters PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering R1ght of Way AcqmsJtiOn .. ConstructiOn . .. .. .. . . $45,000 .. $-0- .$635,000 TOTAL .......................................... $680,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): SIP (U), C1ty of Kent Funded PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The ex1stmg asphalt pavement along this section of South 212tb Street 1s exhib1!Jng signs of distress, as demonstrated by "alligatormg", longitudinal cracking, and cracking of the concrete curbs and gutters The end of the service life of this roadway has been reached. ReconstructiOn of the pavement to extend the servJce life of the roadway and prevent further degradation IS reqmred STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (E) Enhancements, (C) Competitive, HES-Hazard Elunmat10n, FMSIB-Fretght Mobthty Strategtc Investment Board [State], TIA -TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TIB-Transportation Improvement Board, AlP -Artenal Improvement Program [State], LID -Local Improvement Dtstnct 19 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2008 South 212 1h Street Grade Separation Project Railroad Grade Separation crossmgs at South 212th Street Construct grade separations of both the Burlmgton Northern Santa Fe Railroad's and Umon Pacrfic Rmlroad's mainline tracks at South 21ih Street The project will support the mcreased number of trains resulting from the re-opening of the BNSF Railroad's Stampede Pass !me and increased activity through the Ports of Seattle and Tacoma, as well as the commuter ra1l operatwns of the RTA. The project will ultimately mclude the construction of bndge structures, full-Width paving, concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street lighting, utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng. $5,000,000 .. $5,000,000 $30,0000,000 R1ght of Way Acquis1t10n ConstructiOn TOTAL ..................................... $40,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): City of Kent, State, FMSIB PROJECT STP (U), State, C1ty of Kent, FMSIB Burlmgton Northern/Santa Fe Railroad and Union Pacific/Southern Pac1fic Railroad JUSTIFICATION: The level of fre1ght and passenger rail traffic on both the UP and BNSF Rmlroad mainlmes is continually increasmg as a result of long term I growth m the Puget Sound area and the approved RTA plan. East-west fre1ght and commuter mob1hty in the Green River Valley will soon reach a pomt of bemg s1gmficantly impacted by continued private development competmg with the mcreased rml traffic -also created by private development actiVIties and regional trade. Grade-separatwns are reqUired to mitigate past and future development STP-Surface Transportation Program [Federal], (LT) Urban, (E) Enhancements, (C) CompetitiVe, HES-Hazard Elnnmatton, FMSIB-Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board [State], TIA -Transportatwn Improvement Account, TIE-Transportatwn Improvement Board, AlP -Artenal Improvement Program [State], LID -Local Improvement Dtstrict 20 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2004 841h Avenue South Pavement Rehabilitation South 212th Street to SR 167 Remove and rehabilitate the extsting roadway pavement to add addtttonal service hfe to the roadway between South 212!h Street and SR 167 Tlus proJect will include the removal and replacement of the existing pavement m the curb lanes in both directwns, and a full-Width asphalt concrete overlay of the entire roadway, and will also mclude the selective replacement of catch basm inlets and driveway approach aprons, and curbs and gutters PROJECT COST: Prelimmary Engineering Right of Way AcqUISition Constructwn .. .. $145,000 .. $-0- .$585,000 TOTAL .......................................... $730,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): SIP (U), Ctty of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The existmg pavement along this sectwn of 841h Avenue South ts shoWing stgns of structural distress as demonstrated by "alhgatonng", longitudinal cracking, and cracking of the curbs and gutters. An inverted crown section also occurs at the former curb line along many of the sections of this street This mverted crown section results m the ponding of stormwater in the street along the seam line, which mcreases the failure rate of the roadway pavement STP-Surface Transportatton Program [Federal]; (U) Urban, (E) Enhancements, (C) Competttlve, HES-Hazard Ehmmatwn, FMSIB-Fre1ght Mobihty Strategic Investment Board [State], TIA -TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TIB -Transportalton Improvement Board, AlP-Artenal Improvement Program [State], LID -Local Improvement Drstrict 21 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2005 1161h Avenue Southeast Widening Southeast 2561h Street to Kent-Kangley Road (SR 516) Widen I 16th Avenue Southeast to provide a five-lane roadway, including four general-purpose travel lanes, a two-way left turn Jane and a bicycle facility. The proJect Will mclude the construction of paving, concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks, b1cycle Janes, paved shoulders, street hghtmg, storm dramage, utihhes and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Prelimmary Engineenng Right of Way Acquis1t1on Constructwn $275,000 .. $370,000 $1,770,000 TOTAL ....................................... $2,415,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): AlP, City of Kent, LID PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Traffic studies have indicated that traffic demand will contmue to mcrease on tJus sectwn of 1161h Avenue This roadw~ funnels east/west movement on Southeast 256111 Street to the 272"d/277 Street Comdor STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (E) Enhancements, (C) Compel!ttve, HES-Hazard Elunmatwn, FMSIB-Fretght Mobthty Strategtc Investment Board [State], TIA -Transportatwn Improvement Account, TIB-Transportal! on Improvement Board, AlP-Artenal Improvement Program [State], LID-Local Improvement Dtstnct 22 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2005 Central Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation Willis Street (SR 516) to the Green River Bridge Remove and rehabilitate the existmg roadway pavement to add add1t10nal service hfe to the roadway, between Wilhs Street (SR 516) and the Green R1ver Bndge. Tlns project wlll include the removal and replacement of the upper two mches of the existmg pavement in the curb lanes m both directions, and a full-Width asphalt concrete overlay of the entire roadway, and w1!1 also mclude the selective replacement of catch basin mlets, and dnveway approach aprons, and curbs and gutters . PROJECT COST: Prehminary Engmeermg .. . $20,000 ..$-0- .. $366,000 Right of Way Acqmsitwn . ConstructiOn .. . .. TOTAL .......................................... $386,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): SIP (U), City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The ex1stmg paving along thts sectwn of Central Avenue is exhibttmg s1gns of distress, as demonstrated by "alhgatonng", long1tudinal crackmg, and crackmg of the curbs and gutters. The service hfe of this roadway has been reached, necessitatmg reconstruction of the pavement to extend the service hfe of the roadway, and prevent further pavement degradatiOn STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (E) Enhancements, (C) Competitive, HES-Hazard Ehmmatwn, FMSIB-Freight Mobthty Strategic Investment Board [State], TIA -TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TIB-TransportatiOn Improvement Board, AlP -Arlena! Improvement Program [State], LID -Local Improvement D1stnct 23 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: EAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2005 South 272"d Street Widening-Phase I Military Road to 261h A venue South Widen the mtersectiOn of South 272"d Street and Military Road to extend the existmg left turn pockets on the west and north approaches and also add an 1100 foot nght turn lane on the north approach. The South 272nd Street I-5 undercrossmg Will be excavated and the existing four lanes under the bndge Widened to seven lanes These lanes will mclude four general-purpose lanes, a two-way left turn lane, and two lanes held m reserve for Phase III of this project This project Will also include the constructiOn of paved shoulders, storm dramage, utilities and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engineering . . $1,100,000 $900,000- $5,700,000 Right of Way Acqmsitlon ConstructiOn TOTAL ....................................... $?, 700,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): STP (E), City of Kent, Federal Way, Kmg County, Sound Trans1t, TPP PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The traffic volumes along this section of South 272"d Street have reached the point where additional lanes are required to reduce congestiOn AdditiOnal lanes are also required under I-5 to reduce congestiOn The additional length of the nght turn Jane from Military Road Will help prevent extensive backups in the southbound lane. The proJect Will also relieve congestiOn near the northside Park and Ride lot. STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (E) Enhancements, (C) Competlttve, HES-Hazard Ehmmation, FMSIB-Freight Mobthty Strategic Investment Board [State], TIA-Transportation Improvement Account, TIE-Transportation Improvement Board, AlP -Arlena\ Improvement Program [State], LID -Local Improvement Distnct. 24 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2005 Military Road Widening -Phase I 381b Avenue South to South 2481b Street Widen and re-channehze Military Road to provide an intenm three-lane roadway, includmg two general-purpose travel lanes, and a two-way left turn lane The project Will mclude the constructiOn of pavmg, street channelization, street lighting, utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Prelimmary Engmeering Right of Way Acqwsitwn Construction ... .. . . . . .. $55,000 .$-0- .$135,000 TOTAL .......................................... $190,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of development along this section of Military Road has reached the pomt where a three-lane roadway section is requued to accommodate through traffic and provide safe left turn access mto the commerc1al center southwest of the National Guard facility STP-Surface Transportation Program [Federal], (Uj Urban, (E) Enhancements, (C) Competitive, HES-Hazard Ehmmat10n, FMSIB-Fre1ght Mob1hty Strategic Investment Board [State], TIA -TransportatJOn Improvement Account, TIB-Transportation Improvement Board, AlP -Artenal Improvement Program [State], LID -Local Improvement District. 25 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2007 80 1h Avenue South Widening South I 96th Street to South I 88th Street Widen 80th Avenue South from I 96th Street to South !88th Street Add four to five lanes and general Improvements. This Will include four general-purpose Janes and a two-way left tum lane. The project will also include the construction of full-Width paving, concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street hghtmg, storm drainage, utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeermg Right of Way Acquisition . $130,000 .. $285,000 ..... $515,000 ConstructiOn .. TOTAL .......................................... $930,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): C1ty of Kent, LID PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The opemng of !96th Street Comdor on the south end of the project and Renton's completion of Oaksdale A venue will result in 80th Avenue being a s1gmficant north/south corndor serving the industrial area. As a result, the increased traffic volumes along tlus sectiOn of 80th Avenue South could reach the pomt where a consistent five-lane roadway section IS reqmred to provide safe left tum access into the adjoining properties Further, concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and street lighting are reqUired to provide control of roadway dramage, to prevent Impacts to adJacent property owners, and to provide safe access for pedestrians. STP-Surface Transportation Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (E) Enhancements, (C) Competitlve, HES-Hazard Elnnmatton, FMSJB-Freight Mobthty Strategic Investment Board [State], TIA -TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TIB-TransportatiOn Improvement Board, AlP-Artenal Improvement Program [State], LID -Local Improvement Distrlct 26 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2007 South 272nd Street Widening-Phase II 261h A venue South to Pacific Highway South (SR 99) Widen South 272nd Street to add one westbound left tum lane at the mtersection of South 272"d Street and Pacific Highway South and left tum lanes at the Star Lake Road mtersectwn If feasible, constructiOn of curb, gutter, and sidewalks, street hghtmg, storm drainage facilities, utilities and appurtenances will be deferred until Phase III of the South 272nd Street W1denmg ProJect PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng Right of Way AcquisitiOn. ConstructiOn .. $100,000 .$50,000 $650,000 TOTAL .......................................... $800,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): STP (E), C1ty of Kent, TIB PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Traffic volumes along this sectiOn of South 272nd Street have reached the pomt where w1demng and additional tum lanes are reqwred to reduce congestion at the intersectiOns and prevent backups between Pacific Highway and I-5. This proJeCt will coordmate with access to the site of the proposed southside Park and Ride lot and with City of Federal Way Improvements west of Pacific Highway STP-Surface Transportatlon Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (E) Enhancements, (C) Compettttve, HES-Hazard Elnnmatton, FMSIB-Fretght Mobthty Strategtc Investment Board [State], TIA -Transportatton Improvement Account, TIE-TransportatiOn Improvement Board, AIP-Artenal Improvement Program [State], LID -Local Improvement Dtstrtct 27 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2007 PROJECT: South 272nd Street Improvement -Phase lli Military Road to Pacific Highway South and I-5 HOV Loop Ramp DESCRIPTION: Add two HOV Lanes from Military Road to Pacific Highway South (SR 99) An HOV loop-ramp from eastbound South 272nd Street to northbound I-5 Will also be constructed. Construction Will include curb, gutter, Sidewalks, street hghtmg, storm dramage facilities, utilities and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Prelimmary Engmeering .. .. $800,000 Right of Way Acquisition .. . $500,000 ConstructiOn ... . . ... . . .. . $6,200,000 TOTAL ....................................... $7,500,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): STP (E), City of Kent, TIB PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Traffic volumes between Pacific Highway South and Military Road have reached the point where improvements supporting HOV-added capacity are reqmred to reduce congestiOn at the intersections and reduce backups approaching I-5 The HOV lanes wdl provide access to the northside Park and Ride lot and the s1te of the proposed southside Park and Rlde lot. Adding HOV lanes and HOV access to I-5 supports varwus County and C1ty of Federal Way transportation and transit Improvement projects STP-Surface Transportatwn Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (E) Enhancements, (C) Competitive, HES-Hazard Ehmmat!On, FMSIB-Freight Mobihty Strategtc Investment Board [State], TIA-Transportatwn Improvement Account, TIB-Transportatwn Improvement Board, AlP -Arterial Improvement Program [State], LID -Local Improvement Dtstrict 28 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2008 PROJECT: South 228th Street Corridor-Phase III 84th Avenue South to Benson Road (SR 515) DESCRIPTION: Construct a new three to five-lane roadway from 84th Avenue to Benson Htghway (SR 515), including a new bridge over SR 167, and modifY the traffic stgnals at the mtersection of South 224th Street and 84th Avenue South The project will mclude the construction of full-width paving, concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street lighting, storm dramage, bicycle lanes, landscaping, utJhties and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeering .$1,500,000 Right of Way AcquisitiOn. .. $4,800,000 ConstructiOn . . $18,700,000 TOTAL ..................................... $25,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): TPP, Kmg County, Ctty of Kent, LID PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The James Street and South 208th/212th Street 'comdors' are infeasible to wtden to acconunodate forecast traffic volumes without additiOnal east- west capacity, based upon existing development and topographtc constramts Additional capacity is reqmred to acconunodate existing development in the East Htll area of the City STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (E) Enhancements, (C) Compel!ttve, HES-Hazard Elirnmation, FMSIB-Fre1ght Mobtltty Strategtc Investment Board [State], TIA -TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TIB-TransportatiOn Improvement Board, AlP -Artenal Improvement Program [State], LID -Local Improvement Dtstnct 29 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2004 Willis Street (SR 516) Railroad Grade Separation Project Grade SeparatiOn Crossings at Union Pacific Railroad & Burlington N orthern!Santa Fe Railroad Construct grade separations of both the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad's and Union Pacific Railroad's mainline tracks at Willis Street (SR 516) The project will provide more efficient movement of goods and services and Will relieve congestion due to combmed train traffic on both the BNSFRR and UPRR of approximately 60 trains per day. This resllits in an accumulated delay of more than 1 5 hours per day. The project Will include the constructiOn of under crossings, full-width pavmg, concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street lightmg, utilities and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engmeering .......... $4,600,000 Right of Way Acquisition. ... . $4,600,000 ConstructiOn . . . . ... .. . .... $23,800,000 TOTAL ..................................... $33,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): City of Kent, FAST((Fre1ght Action Strategy, for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Comdor), FMSIB, Burlington Northern/Santa Fe Railroad and Umon Pacific/Southern Pacific Railroad PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project supports east-west freight and commuter mobility m the Green River Valley. More than 27,000 veh1cles per day travel on Willis Street, includmg over 800 fre1ght-beanng trucks. The level of fre1ght and passenger ra1l traffic on both the UP and BNSF Railroad mainlines 1s also mcreasmg as a consequence of economic conditions in the Puget Sound area Grade separations provide the solution to the costly problem of congestiOn The RR crossmgs will no longer impede fre1ght and other traffic flow ReductiOns in traffic congestion on adjoming streets and reduced environmental impacts caused by traffic congestion is also expected This project Will enllance Kent as an economic generator and provide regiOnal connectwns for thousands of busmesses, employers, and commuters STP-Surface Transportalion Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (E) Enhancements, (C) Competitive, HES-Hazard Elnnmatlon, FMSIB-Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board [State], TIA -Transportation Improvement Account, TIB -Transportalion Improvement Board, AlP -Artenal Improvement Program [State], LID -Local Improvement District 30 Sealtle-Tacoma lnterne.lhmal Airporl La tie YOUJ:!:~S ... . ~ ·~. :. "···~. ·~ ......... ' .. ~·· .. (~) 1 1./ nn99-1.oml City Of Kent Six Year Transportation Improvement Program w*• s ~-----, i_ ____ j Kent City Limits YEAR 2003 PROJECTS ARE SHOWN IN RED YEAR 2004-2008 PROJECTS ARE SHOWN IN GREEN WASHINQTO.N