HomeMy WebLinkAbout1621RESOLUTION NO. //;, :2.-/ A RESOLUTION of the C1ty Counctl of the C1ty of Kent, Washmgton, determmmg that certam water system utJhty eqmpment 1s surplus to the C1ty's needs, proVldmg for the sale thereof, statmg the cons1derat10n to be pa1d for the eqmpment, and authonzmg the D1rector of Pubhc Works to enter mto a sales agreement wtth the h1ghest b1dder WHEREAS, the C1ty of Kent ("C1ty") has m 1ts possession certam eqmpment cons1stmg of approximately 400 water meters and approxrmately 2,000 pounds of brass and copper from scrap p1pe, fittmgs, and other matenals, wh1ch eqmpment 1s no longer act1vely muse as part of the C1ty's water system, and WHEREAS, the D1rector ofPubhc Works has determmed that the C1ty no longer has any use or need for such eqmpment, and WHEREAS, the C1ty Counc1l held a pubhc heanng on Tuesday, July 2, 2002, at a regularly scheduled C1ty Counc1l meetmg and mv1ted comments regardmg the C1ty's mtentwn to surplus the above-mentwned eqmpment, and WHEREAS, RCW 35 94 040 reqmres that the C1ty determme, after a pubhc heanng and by resolutiOn of the C1ty Counc1l that eqmpment ongmally acqmred for pubhc utJhty purposes lS surplus to the C1ty's needs and should be leased, sold or conveyed, NOW THEREFORE, Surplus Property - Water System Ul!/lly Equ1pment THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS SECTION I. -Recztals Incorporated mcorporated and fully made a part of tlus resolutiOn The foregomg recttals are SECTION 2. -Equzvment Deemed Surplus The above-descnbed eqiDpment ongmally acqiDred for pubhc utthty purposes ts now surplus to the Ctty's needs and 1s not reqiDred for prov1dmg contmued pub he ullhty servtce SECTION 3 -Publzc 's Best Interest It ts m the pubhc's best mterest that tlus surplus eqmpment shall sold by btd to the lughest btdder SECTION 4. -Conszderatzon to be Pazd The constderat10n to be pmd for the surplus property shall bemUS dollars m the form of cash or casluer's check SECTION 5. -Authorz(y of Pub!zc Works Dzrector The Drrector of Pub he Works ts authonzed to enter mto an agreement wtth the htghest btdder to effect the sale of the surplus property SECTION 6. -Effectzve Date Thts resolutiOn shall take effect and be m force 1mmedtately upon tts passage PASS ED at a regular open pubhc meetmg by the Ctty Counctl of the Ctty of Kent, Washmgton, tlus ___d_ day of r I' , 2002 CONCURRED m by the Mayor of the Ctty of Kent tlus L day of -~?'P"'-=-""'7"'~-· 2002 JIM TE, MAYOR 2 Surplus Property- Water System Utility Equ1pment ATTEST ----- APPROVED AS TO FORM z\'UJlA. ~~~~ TOM BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY I hereby certify that this IS a true and correct copy of ResolutiOn No passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the c2__ /021 day of ~ ,2002 3 ---~ -- ..... --- Surplus Property- Water System Ututty Equtpment