HomeMy WebLinkAbout1615RESOLUTIONNO /(..15" A RESOLUTION of the C1tyCouncii of the C1tyof Kent, Waslnngton, authonzmg apphcatwn to the Interagency Comnuttee for Outdoor RecreatiOn (lAC) for fundmg assistance pursuant to the Washmgton W1ldhfe and RecreatiOn Program as provided form Chs 79A 10 and 79A 15 RCW WHEREAS, the C1ty of Kent has approved a Comprehensive Park and RecreatiOn Plan for the area that mcludes the Turnkey Park AcqmsJ!Jon and Development property, and WHEREAS, under the provisiOns of the Washmgton Wildlife and RecreatiOn Program and the Land and Water Conservation Program, state and federal fundmg assistance has been requested to a1d m financmg the cost ofland and facilities for local pubhc bodies, and WHEREAS, the C1ty of Kent considers 1t m the best pubhc mterest to acqmre the Turnkey Park AcqmsJtlon and Development property, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS. I IAC Resolution- Turnkey Park Acquisition 1 The Director of Parks, RecreatiOn & Commuruty Services IS authonzed to make formal applicatiOn to lAC for fundmg assistance 2 Any fund assistance received Will be used for the acqulSltiOn of Turnkey Park AcquiSitiOn and Development property 3 The City of Kent anticipates that Its share of proJect fundmg Will be denved from Capital hnprovement Program funds 4 The C1ty of Kent acknowledges It must support all non-cash commitinents to the local share should they not matenalize 5 The C1ty of Kent acknowledges that any property acqmred or faCility developed With lAC financial a1d must be placed muse as an outdoor recreatiOn facility and be retamed m such use m perpetmty unless otherwise provided and agreed to by the City of Kent, lAC, and any affected federal agency 6 Tlus resolutiOn may become part of a formal applicatiOn to lAC 7 The C1ty of Kent will provide appropnate opportunity for public comment on this applicatiOn Passed at a reguJar meetmg of the C1ty Council of the C1ty of Kent, W aslungton this /b dayof ~ ,2002 Concurred m by the Mayor of the City of Kent, this I b day of ~ ,2002 J f 2 lAC Resolution- Turnkey Park Acquisition ATTEST B~~~ .. APPROVED AS TO FORM rt:UAA-~leL~ '. TOM BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY I hereby certify that thts ts a true and correct copy of ResolutiOn No / b I 5 , passed by the Ctty Counctl of the Ctty of Kent, Washmgton, the ~ day of ~ ,2002 ~~(SEAL) BRENDA JACOB , CITY CLERK 3 . .: .::.. .:.. -- ... lAC Resolution - Turnkey Park Acquisition