HomeMy WebLinkAbout1610RESOLUTIONNO. J~/0 A RESOLUTION of the C1ty Council of the C1ty of Kent, Washmgton, adoptmg the Fmal2001 Kmg County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan WHEREAS, the Washmgton State Solid Waste Management - Reductwn and Recyclmg Act, Chapter 70 95 RCW, requ1res all c1lies and counlies to prepare a coordmated comprehensiVe solid waste management plan, and WHEREAS, the public health and safety of the residents of Kmg County and the C1ty of Kent reqmre safe and effic1ent handlmg and disposal of solid waste, and WHEREAS, the Fmal 2001 Comprehensive Sohd Waste Management Plan ("Plan',') 1s the result of Jomt accomplishments of the cJlies, elected officials, sohd waste coordmators, and Kmg County wh1ch have depended on the cJlizens, busmesses and recyclmg and solid waste management mdustnes Representalives of all these groups and the Kmg County Solid Waster Advisory Committee (SWAC), the RegiOnal Policy Comnuttee and the Utilities and Technology Committee contnbuted to th1s plan through workshops, meetmgs, workmg groups, and monthly SW AC meetmgs, and WHEREAS, the Plan presents Kmg County's strategy for managmg the solid waste system's garbage and recyclmg serv1ces over the next 20 years, and to ensure adequate services and environmental controls at Kmg County transfer and disposal fac1htJes This plan m based on a 20-year forecast of the waste stream and IS I Final 2001 Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan reviewed and updated every three (3) years to Identify changed cond!twns and new needs, and WHEREAS, the Plan IS deemed adopted 1f cities representmg 75% of the mcorporated populatiOn approve It w1thm a 120-day adoptiOn penod which begms when the Plan IS Issued, m this case December 1, 2001, and IS further subject to final approval by the Department of Ecology, and WHEREAS, the Plan was endorsed by the Regwnal Pohcy Comnuttee on October 25,2001, and WHEREAS, the C1ty has reviewed the Fmal 2001 Comprehensive Sohd Waste Management Plan as set forth m the plan summary attached hereto as Exh1b1t A and agrees with the same, NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS SECTION 1. Adoptwn The final 2001 Kmg County Comprehensive Sohd Waste Management Plan as endorsed by the Regwnal Pohcy Committee, and as set forth m the plan summary attached hereto as Exhibit A to this ResolutiOn, IS hereby adopted SECTION 2. Severabzbty If any sectiOn, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase of this resolutiOn IS declared unconstitutiOnal or mvahd for any reason, such decisiOn shall not affect the vahd1ty of the remammg portwns of this resolutiOn SECTION 3. Ratdicatwn Any act consistent with the authonty and pnor to the effective date ofth1s resolutwn 1s hereby ratified and affirmed 2 Final 2001 Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan SECTION 4. Effectzve Date Tlus resolutwn shall take effect and be m force nnmed1ately upon Its passage PAS SED at a regular open pubhc meetmg by the C1ty Council of the City of Kent, Waslungton, tlus /1 day of ~ ry , 2002 CONCURRED m by the Mayor of the C1ty of Kent tlus !1 day of (\, kdnu ~r , 2002 I ATTEST APPROVED AS TO FORM TOM BRUBAKER, H'ITERIIHCITY ATTORNEY I hereby certify that th1s IS a true and correct copy of Resoluhon No !fa ?f=~he City Council of the C1ty of Kent, Washmgton, the 11 day of _ , 2002 A.I2,.J~~ BRENDA JACOBER ITY CLERK P ICtvll\ResolulioniSohdWasteManagemenl}'lan doc 3 Final2001 Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan Summary of 2001 Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan November 2001 Prepared by: ® ~!!!~,~~u~~!'C&Ms SohdWaste DIVISion Kmg County Solid Waste DiVISIOn 201 South jackson Street, Surte #701 Seattle, WA 98104-3855 (2o6) 296 6542 VoiCe 711 TTY Relay http //dnr metrokc gov/swd @ Thrs entrre document rs prrnted on recycled paper EXHIBIT "A" Chapter 1 • Plan Summary Plan Summary The Fmal 2001 Comprehenszve Solzd Waste Management Plan presents Kmg County s strategy for managmg the sohd waste system's garbage and recycling ser- VICes over the next20 years It w1ll gmde us through a t1me of many s1gmficant changes- mcludmg closure of the last act1ve landfill m Kmg County The area that th1s Plan covers mcludes all of Kmg County's mcorporated and umn- corporated areas, except for the CJty of Seattle. wh1ch has its own sohd waste system, ~md Milton, wh1ch IS part of P1erce County's system In mappmg out a plan for the sohd waste system, several fundamental objectJves emerged • Keep pace With the regwn s populatiOn and econom1c growth • Contmue to prov1de the v1tal serv1ces that res1dents have come to expect • i\!omtor mdustry changes and advances to keep the system as effiCient and effect1ve as poss1ble • Contmue to be a steward of the envuonment and a leader m resource conservatJon • Control system costs and contmue to keep disposal rates stable and low These fundamental obJecuves under he the planmng for each facet of the regwnal sohd waste system-from promotwn of waste reductwn and recyclmg to transfer sta- tion improvements to planmng for long-term disposal The common theme runnmg through the Plan 1s to bmld upon the system's n1stmg mfrastructure and past successes to shape our future 1-2 Kmg County Comprehensrve Solrd Waste Management Plan • 2001 The Plan presents recommendations for all facets of the regtonal sof1d waste system Chapter 1 • Plan Summary Thts final 2001 Plan IS the culmmatJOn of a system-wide plannmg effort The rec- ommendatiOns presented throughout Its pages were developed with mput from local government leaders, pnvate mdustry representatives, and Kmg County Citizens The County Will contmue to work closely with these plannmg participants as the recom- mendations m this Plan are Implemented and the regwn's future unfolds Guide to the Plan The purpose of a Comprehensive Sohd Waste Management Plan IS to provtde the overarchmg goals and policies that Will gutde sohd waste and recyclmg programs and services m the system Whtle It presents a framework for the future, It IS not mtended to be a work plan for specific pohcies, rates, programs, or capital Improvements Imple- mentatiOn of specific recommendatwns will be accom- pbshed through the County and cltles' annual work plan processes Thts 2001 Plan is orgamzed to gmde the reader through the plannmg process from demographic forecastmg to the assessment of garbage disposal fees Chapter 2 sets the stage for the reader by providing a bnef look at the history of sohd waste management m the county, the process for developmg the Plan and the governmg poltcies for the sohd waste management system Chapter 3 looks at pro- Jected population and employment growth and how that growth and other factors are used to develop waste generatiOn, recycling and disposal forecasts Chapters -1 through I 0 dtscuss the vanous facets of the solid waste system. mcludmg • Chapter -1-Waste Reductwn. Recychng and Market Development • Chapter 5 -CollectiOn of Recyclables and Mixed Mumctpal Solid Waste (MMSW or Garbage) • Chapter 6-The Regwnal Transfer System • Chapter 7 -Disposal of MMSW • Chapter 8-Construction, Demolition, and Landcleanng Debns (CDL), ~md Special Wastes • Chapter 9-Enforcement • Chapter 10-Solid Waste System Fmancmg and Rates These chapters present the background, govemmg policieS and current Issues asso- Ciated With each element of the system. followed by recommemlatwns for the 20-year plannmg penod The recommendations nught propose specific actwns, suggest a con- tmuatwn of current practice or Identify the need for further d1alogue or additional stud1es For ease of locatmg recommendatiOns w1thm each chapter they ~ are noted with the symbol to the nght A bnef summary of the key recom-~ menuations from each chapter IS presented below Kmg County Comprehens1v~ Sohd Wasle M<lnagement Plan~ 2001 1-3 Chapter 1 • Plan Summary Chapter 4-Waste Reduction, Recycling, and Market Development With the mcreases m populatiOn and employment proJected for Kmg County m the upconung years, 1t 1s cnt1cal to conunue our focus on waste reductiOn and recychng as the h1ghest pnontles for managmg sohd waste The recommendatJOns m Chapter 4 bulld on ex1stmg waste reduction and recychng programs by expandmg educatiOnal and techmcal ass1stance m our commumtles, busmesses, and schools, and developmg strong partnerships wah c1t1es and pubhc agenc1es to coordmate our mutual efforts m this area The Plan descnbes measurable goals and targets for our waste reductmn and recy- chng efforts It also reaffirms the pohcy that waste reductiOn and recyclmg programs must be cost effective as well as aggress1ve One element of the Plan's recommendatmn 1s to expand recychng and reuse oppor- tumtles at the County's transfer statiOns and pursue other venues for collection, such as spec1al commumty events In add1!1on, more conunod1t1es are bemg looked at for their recychng potenttal m the marketplace, such as certam plastics, textiles, constructiOn debns, food wastes, and others Regmnal markets and technologies are routmely stud- Ied to assess the market potentml for an array of recycled and reused products The County WJll contmue to work with the Cities, reg1onal agencies and orgamzatwns, and area res1dents, busmesses, and manufacturers to pursue sustamable markets to support our waste reduction and recyclmg goals. Some of the newer programs slated for more attentiOn mclude mcreased recycling and reuse of orgamc matenals such as yard wastes and agncultural wastes. product stewardship among consumers. busmesses. and manufacturers, and promotion of"green' or sustamable bmldmg pnnCiples throughout our commumties Chapter 5-Collection of Recyclables and Mixed Municipal Solid Waste Nearly all of the res1dents m Kmg County subscribe to curbs1de collectiOn services for garbage and recyclables One reconunendatmn m Chapter 5 IS to rese,Irch the costs and benefits of combmmg curbside recyclables (except for glass) mto a smgle bm for collectton and addmg new rnatenals for pick-up, such as polycoated papers, JUICe bo"'\es and Sinular contamers, textiles, and more plastics These changes were recently made by the City of Seattle's sohd waste system Other reconunendatmns tn the chapter focus on prov1dmg collect1on opportumt1es that reduce the need for customers to bnng wastes to the transfer statiOns tn their own veh1cles thereby reducmg traffic and congestiOn at the statwns One reason customers typically give for bnngmg matenal to the transfer stat1ons IS that they have bulky or extra !terns that could not be put out at the curb, such as debns from a household clean- mg or remodehng proJeCt To develop alternatn e ways for res1dents to d1spose of bulky and extra Items, the County w1ll work with the Cities to coordmate more spec1al collectiOn events and with the pnvate collection compames to exanune the feasibility of estabhshmg efficient and econoffilcal pick-up sen ICes 1-4 Kmg County Comprehensive Sohd Waste Management Plan· 2001 The County opened Refuse Area 5 of the Cedar Hills Reg10nal Landfill m 1999 Chapter 1 • Plan Summary The County w1ll also be studymg the possJbJ!Jty of establlshmg a statiOnary collec- tion SJte for household hazardous waste at a transfer statwn Th1s 'erv1ce would aug- ment collection prov1ded by the County's Wastemob1le, wh1ch travels throughout the county to collect these types of wastes Chapter 6-The Regional Transfer System The current transfer system JS a nux of public and pnvate faCJhlles, and the Plan recommends that th1s balance remam the same m the future The pnvate sohd waste handlmg compames presented several alternatJves to mcrease the1r role m prov1dmg transfer serv1ces After a thorough analys1s of the alternallves, no benefit to the. ratepayers of Kmg County was 1dent1fied from further pnvatnatwn of part or all of the pubhc transfer system The County's 1992 Plan called for a maJor construction program to build a number of new and replacement transfer statwns The 2001 Plan makes the best use of ex1stmg faCJhtJes and opllnuzes capital outlay by concentrating mvestment at "expandable" sta- tions and makmg repmrs and safety and operational improvements at the remainmg statwns, where there 1s hm1ted space for expansiOn Thts Plan does recogmze that some of the transfer stations are operatmg very close to capac!ly, and some new fac1 h- tJes may be necessary, pnmanly m the northeast part of the county When the Cedar H1lls Regwnal Landfill closes m about2012, the County w1ll make the trans1t10n to waste export To prep,ue the regwnal transfer system for export, waste compactors w1ll be mstalled at County transfer statwns Stucl1es of smular utJhtJes that have made the trans1t10n to waste export show that consohdatmg garbage mto com- pacted loads makes transport considerably more econonucal Other upgrades w11l be made at the transfer stal!ons to 1mprove llaffic flow and queumg and to complete necessary mamtenance and repairs at some of the older statiOns The County WJ/1 also be pur- smug ways to manage traffic patterns and traffic flow at the transfer statwns to better serve the customers Chapter 7 -Disposal of MMSW The County's aggressive waste reductiOn and recyclmg efforts m the past have led to a substantial reductwn m the amount of garbage that reaches the landfill In fact, one outcome of these efforts has been to extend the hfe of the Cedar Hills Reponal Landfill by about 8 years Even so, the landfill1s e'pected to reach 1ts pernutted capac1ty and close m 2012 The Plan recommends that the County fol- low the path of other local JUnsdJctwns and begm to export wastes to a landfill outs1de of Kmg County once Cedar Hills closes AdoptiOn of thiS Plan IS only the first step m prepanng for waste export There will be ex ten me public and c1ly mvolvement m the plannmg process before export begms Together, "e w11l develop a new system for d1sposmg of the regwn's waste by 2012 Kmg county Comprehensive Solid Waste Managernenl Plan • 2001 1-5 Chapter 1 • Plan Summary One alternative examined m some detaJ] in the draft and final Plans was whether to begm exportmg waste before Cedar Hllls IS full, m order to extend the life of the land- fill Thts tdea dtd not prove to be a cost-effecttve alternative There are compelling opera Ilona! and econonuc reasons to contmue sendmg all of Kmg County's waste to the landfill untt!tt reaches Its pernutted capacity and then closmg the facility However, the County w1ll remam open to constdenng proposals for m1t1atmg waste export pnor to the 2012 closure of Cedar Htlls should mcumstances warrant A transition plan will also be needed as the closure date approaches Chapter 8-Construction, Demolition, and Landclearing Debris (COL) Pnvate-sector solid waste management compames currently handle the system's CDL waste and recycling under contract with Kmg County Kmg County facilities accept only hnuted quantities of CDL Contracts w1th the pnvate compames exp1re m 2004 Before thts date, targeted studies wtll be conducted to deternune how to best handle CDL m the future The pnmary goal of any selected plan wtll be to mcrease the amount of CDL that IS recycled from both commercial work sttes and dtsposal sites Chapter 9-Enforcement The key recommendatiOn m Chapter 9 IS to contmue to coordmate system-wide efforts to control htter and Illegal dumpmg The County and other JunsdiCttons at the state and local level have established a cooperative effort to tackle the problem Rec- ommendatiOns m the Plan mclude contmumg wJth extstmg programs and task forces, mcreasmg targeted education programs establishmg an tllegal dumpmg hotline and possibly pursumg legislative remedies to strengthen enforcement Chapter 10-Solid Waste System Financing and Rates All of the program and service recommendations for the regtonal transfer and dtsposal system are designed to stnke a balance between system Improvements and cost There are two pnmary recommendations m thts chapter of the Plan Fust the County plans to provide more tech- meal assistance to the cJl!es Grants provide cnucal fund- mg to ctty programs for waste reductiOn and recycling, and the County w11l asstst ctl!es m locatmg and takmg advan- tage of grant opportuml!es The County wtll also serve as .\ a cleannghouse of mforrnatwn about programs, contracts, and tdeas that can be shared among the ctl!es Also recommended IS the formation of a Sohd Waste Po hey Work Group The work group IS mtended to share responstb!ltty for analyzmg and developmg sohd waste pohctes and rate structures Proposals developed by the group wtll go to the Kmg County Execullve for consideratiOn m future rate destgn Curbside recyclmg 1s avmlable to nearly all ofthe County's res1dents 1-6 Kmg County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan • 2001 Chapter 1 • Plan Summary RecommendatiOns fonnulated m the Plan were developed through extens1ve re- search and analyses Each chapter c1tes vanous supportmg documents, stud1es, and techmcal papers that are prov1ded m the 2000 Comprehensrve Solid Waste lv!anage- mem Plan Techmcal Appendrces These appendices are bound m two volumes under separate cover A glossary of important tenns and abbrev1atwns JS presented followmg the Plan chapters The final attachment to th1s Plan IS the Responsrveness Summanes. wh1ch present the County's response to pubhc comments received on the draft Plan 1ssued m Apnl 2000 The summanes prov1de a gmde on how the Plan mcorporates comments from the mdmduals and groups that part1c1pated m developmg the Plan The Regiopal Planning Effort Issuance of th1s Plan follows a comprehensJVe planmng effort mvolvmg all of the key players m the sohd waste system Th1s effort began m the spnng of 1999 as the County's Sohd Waste DlVlsJOn asked for suggestlons and 1deas about the future d!fec- twn of sohd waste program I and serv1ces The DlVJSJOn met mdmdually w1th - • Elected offiCials and sohd waste coo1dmators from the 37 c1t1es that are part of the reg1onal system • Represent.Jtives from the pnvate solid waste management compames • The umncorporated area counctls •1he Sohd Waste Adv1sory Comrruttee • The Reg10nal Po hey Comrruttee • The Ut1l111es and Technology Comrruttee To be sure that pnvate c1t1zens were heard, the County hosted SIX pubhc meetmgs across the county These meetmgs ~;ere attended by some 250 people \VhO contnbuted the1r 1deas and expectat10ns about serv1ces m the reg10n as well as m theu own com- mumties From the d1verse 1deas gathered dunng thiS process, the DlYlsJOn prepared the draft Plan whJCh was 1ssued m Apnl 2000 The draft Plan la1d out vanous alternatives and proposed recommendatwns for regwnal serv1ces and programs The pub he comment penod for the draft Plan extended from May through Septem- ber 2000 Dunng th1s penod, DlYlsJOn staff agam met w1th all of the key players to mtroduce the maJOr components of the Plan and the process for prov1dmg comments Meetmgs were held w1th the Cities both mdlVldually and JOmtly to d1scuss the Plan contents and process for rev1s10n and adopt10n F1ve more pub he meetmgs were held around the County The fmal Plan was developed after careful consJderallon of all the comments rece1ved m response to the draft Plan Those comments are mcluded wJth the Respon- sr,eness Sumrnanes bound m th1s document The two Responsn eness Surnmanes show how and where the Execullve·s 2000 Plan addressed the pubhc and c1ty comments and how they were addressed m th1s final 2001 Plan adopted by the Kmg County Counnl Kmg County Comprehensave Solid Waste Management Plan • 2001 1-7 Chapter 1 • Plan Summary Process for Adopting and Amending a Final Plan The final Plan must be adopted by the CJtles and the Kmg County Counc1l and ap- proved by the Washmgton Department of Ecology before 1mplementat10n The process for development and adoptiOn of the Plan IS descnbed m F1gure 1-1 Figuru-1. Process for Development, Rev1ew, and Adoption of the Plan Draft Plan De•elopment May-Oct 1999 Meetmgs w1th the publ1c, c1t1es, solid waste mdustry, and other groups Oct 1999-Apnlzooo Preparat1on and Issuance of the draft Plan Dec 1990-Aug zooo Preparat1on and Issuance of the draft Enwonmental Impact Statement (EIS) Draft Plan Re•iew and Reseonse to Comments Apni-Sept 2000 PubliC rev1ew and comment penod for draft Plan and for the draft ElS (Aug -Sept) Work w1th Plan partiCipants Bnefings for the Kmg County Council's UtilitieS & Technology Committee and Reg1onal Pol1cy Committee on the draft Plan Draft Plan and Draft EIS Revision Oct 2000 Feb 2001 Additional analysis and rev1s1on of draft Plan and ElS based on rev1ew of public comments Cons1derat10n of Final Plan and EIS by King County Council March 2001 Kmg County Execut1ve releases flnalzooo Plan and t.\5 March-Oct 2001 Ut11it1es & Technology and Reg1onal Pol1cy Comm1ttee Rev1ew of Plan recommendatJons Adoet1on of Final Plan Oct 15, 2001 Adopt1on of the Fmalzoo1 Comprehens1ve Solid Waste Management Plan by the Kmg County Counc1l Oct 25, 2001 The Reg1onal Policy Committee, actmg as Solid Waste lnterlocal Forum, recommends that the CJties approve the Plan Dec 1, 2001 March 31, 2002 The 120-day penod for CJty adopt1on begms Apnl1, 2002 Ecology's 45-day approval penod for adopted Plan begms 1-8 K1ng County Comprehens1ve Solid Waste Management Plan • 2001 Chapter 1 • Plan Summary The ILAs reqmre that adopted sohd waste management plans be reviewed, and any necessary reviSIOns proposed, at least once every three years, or more frequently If warranted Elements to be updated Wlll be assessed to accorrunodate new needs and opportnmtJes and to make correctwns necessary to achieve adopted goals and Imple- ment adopted pohcJes An amendment process was developed and agreed upon by the CitJes and the County m 1990 If Issues requmng a plan amendment are Identified and resolved between the County and the affected clty or crtJes, the parties develop the plan amendment, take formal actwn to adopt It, and then Implement It If an Issue anses and agreement cannot be reached between the affected JUOsdic- tions, a fonnal request JS made by the County or affected CJty(Ies) to the Regwnal Polley Comrrnttee (replaung the Iarmer Sohd Waste lnterlocal Forum) to cons1der J plan amendment If the Regwnal Po hey Comrrnttee deterrrnnes that a plan amendment IS necessary, the comrrnttee detennmes which CJ!Jes are affected by the Issue, and re- views and approves the proposed plan amendment Once approved the County and all other affected Cities would act to adopt the amendment Ecology would then approve the amendment, and ll would be distnbuted to all Cities that are co;ered by the Plan K1ng County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan· 2001 1-9