HomeMy WebLinkAbout3350Ordinance No. 3350 ["Beginning July 1, 1998"] (Amending or Repealing Ordinances) Amended by Ord. 3407; 3408; 3455; 3568 Repealing Sec. 9.02.19 and adding new Sec. 9.02.19 by Ord. 3603 Repealed by Ord. 3621 (Ch. 9.02) 3 j adopting certain provisions of the Revised Code of Washington as set forth in Exhibit A x%3 17 8', 03, a h a a, 0 3, a do i✓Ld�, a97o�; 01Z4. 3 15 3.309 brzcQ a �7i� 9.4 Q o� 335 7 OneQ•3366 Criminal Code ORDINANCE NO. 3 3 50 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City /78'7 1 of Kent, Washington, amending Chapter 9.02 of the Kent "Penal City Code entitled Code" to update the same and �65g, a'7/ 7j provide for a more comprehensive code by repealing and amending certain sections contained therein and by adopting by reference certain provisions of the Revised Code of a $ 3 Washington; repealing certain sections of the Animal Control Code, Chapter 8.03, duplicates rl which provisions of the penal code; repealing certain sections of the Narcotics Barbiturates Code,9.12, duplicates and whichs ehet rov on of the Pealode•Pealingthe Sale andDs lay provision 33 I o, �/ of Drug Paraphernalia Code, Chapter 9.25, which duplicates 9, Qa provisions of the penal code; amending the Traffic Code 0ap Chapter 9.36 by adding a new section; and declaring a for the 0--2. 3� public emergency necessary protection of public q health, safety, property, and peace. 01a' 3080' WHEREAS, recently enacted RCW 39.34.180 requires cities such as the b City of Kent to prosecute all misdemeanor and gross misdemeanor offenses committed by c9� D 33 0 U adults in their jurisdictions whether filed under state law or city ordinance; and g �{ WHEREAS, by virtue of this law, the City is unable to file State 0'3 � � � misdemeanor and gross misdemeanor charges in the King County District Court system without entering into an interlocal agreement with the County for such services; and 9 8 3 Ib3� �aZ/a, a � WHEREAS, this has resulted in the City's inability to file charges for certain -3,a q 3; offenses occurring within the City which constitute a violation under State law but not under the City's criminal code; and g I a WHEREAS, the City Council desires to amend the City's criminal code by 3 j adopting certain provisions of the Revised Code of Washington as set forth in Exhibit A x%3 17 8', 03, a h a a, 0 3, a do i✓Ld�, a97o�; 01Z4. 3 15 3.309 brzcQ a �7i� 9.4 Q o� 335 7 OneQ•3366 Criminal Code to this ordinance, and to repeal and amend certain sections of the criminal code in order to provide for a more comprehensive code that will enable the City to file and prosecute violations for offenses not now covered by the City's code; and WHEREAS, RCW 35A.11.090 and RCW 35A.12.130 allow for the adoption of emergency ordinances; and WHEREAS, due to the potential inability to file charges for State offenses occurring within the City of Kent, enactment of an emergency ordinance is appropriate and necessary to allow for effective prosecution for offenses occurring within the City; and for the health, safety, and welfare of the public; NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION]. Chapter 9.02 of the Kent City Code entitled "Penal Code" is hereby amended by repealing and amending certain sections and by adopting by reference certain provisions of the Revised Code of Washington as follows: Chapter 9.02 Penal Criminal Code Wi 1 . 1 - .. Sec. 9.02.04. Criminal accountability - attempt. The following; sections of Chapters 9A.08 and 9A.28 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW), with the exception of those provisions contained therein for which a violation constitutes a felony crime, are hereby adopted by reference as currently enacted and as hereinafter amended from time to time, and shall be given the same force and effect as if set forth herein in full. A. RCW 9A.08.020 Liability for conduct of another - complicity 2 Criminal Code B. RCW 9A.28.020 C. RCW 9A.28.030 C. D. RCW 9A.28.040 Criminal attempt. Criminal solicitation. Criminal conspiracy. eottstittAing the affettse or aids or abets and every persett who direetly or indireet4y if-, with intent to eotttmit a speeifie erime, he does effly aet whieh is ft substanfial step to the eommission of that Sec. 9.02.12. Interfering with law enforcement. The following sections of Chapters 9A.76, 9A.80, and 9A.84 of the Revised Code of Washington RCW), with the exception of those provisions contained therein for which a violation constitutes a felony crime, are hereby adopted by reference as currently enacted and as hereinafter amended from time to time, and shall be given the same force and effect as if set forth herein in full. A. RCW 9A.76.010 B. RCW 9A.76.030 C. RCW 9A.76.040 D. RCW 9A.76.050 E. RCW 9A.76.060 F. RCW 9A.76.070 G. RCW 9A.76.080 H. RCW 9A.76.090 1. RCW 9A.76.100 Definitions. Refusing to summon aid for a peace officer. Resisting arrest. Rendering criminal assistance - definition of term. Relative defined. Rendering criminal assistance in the first degree. Rendering criminal assistance in the second degree. Renderine criminal assistance in the third dearee. Compounding` 3 Criminal Code J. RCW 9A.76.160 Introducing contraband in the third degree. K. RCW 9A.76.170 Bail jumping_ L. RCW 9A.76.175 Making a false or misleading statement to a public servant. M. RCW 9A.80.010 Official misconduct. N. RCW 9A.84.040 False reporting_ Sec. 9.02.16. Obstructing public officers. A. A person is guilty of obstructing a public officer if, with knowledge that the person is a public officer, he or she: 1. Intentionally and physically interferes with a public officer; 2. Intentionally hinders or delays a public officer by disobeying an order to stop given by such officer; 3. Intentionally refuses to cease an activity or behavior that creates a risk of injury to any person when ordered to do so by a public officer; 4. Intentionally destroys, conceals or alters or attempts to destroy, conceal or alter any material which he or she knows the public officer is attempting to obtain, secure, or preserve during an investigation, search or arrest; or 5. Intentionally refuses to leave the scene of an investigation of a crime while an investigation is in progress after being requested to leave by a public officer. 6. Intentionally hinders or delays a public officer in the discharge of his or her official duties by making any untrue or misleading statement, report or identification. B. No person shall be convicted of violating this section if the judge determines with respect to the person charged with violating this section that the public officer is not acting lawfully in a governmental function. C. For purposes of this section a public officer means those individuals responsible for the enforcement of the provisions in of the Kent City Code and empowered to make arrests or issue citations for violations fo_es under the Code or those 4 Criminal Code individuals responsible for the enforcement of the criminal laws of the state. D. Obstructing a public officer is a gross misdemeanor. ii: WW- i -------- p��..u.•\TTl!\�/:Q:1�;m./.Qw...Q:i—ii.-ww.r..iwlauit...►�/aa... MW • : - 0 1 '91M .Alli ME I ii - M - M ; - r��.���n�n=v �.onnao�l�=.��:1.7 �.��..i.�s:���i..�r:l �: �:u �i•..�:/�/:►1:�i�.a:/ism <:.�Al.:a\•I.=..... ----- Sec. 9.02.18. Escape. A. Official detention means: 1. Restraint pursuant to a lawful arrest for an offense; 2. Lawful confinement in the Kent Corrections Facility; or 3. Custody for purposes incident to the foregoing including but not necessarily limited to: a. Transportation; 5 Criminal Code b. Medical diagnosis or treatment; C. Court appearances; or d. Work and recreation. B. A person is guilty of escape if, without lawful authority he intentionally removes himself from official detention or fails to return to official detention following temporary leave granted for a specified purpose or limit. A violation of this section is a gross misdemeanor. Sec. 9.02.19. Disruption of government offices. A person is guilty of disruption of government offices if he comes into or remains in any government building, office or public way adjacent thereto, without lawful reason, and intentionally causes substantial disruption of the activities or functioning of a government office. As used in this section, the term "government offices" has its ordinary meaning including city, county, state and federal government offices. A violation of this section is a gross misdemeanor. See. 9.02.20. interfering with or resisting publie offieers. -A-. A person is gttilty 4 resisting ffrest 4 lie or site iittei-Aianally pre-veitts or attempts . Sec. 9.02.22. Crimes in the courts. The following sections of Chapters 2.48, 9.12, 9.27, 9.62, and 9A.72 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW), with the exception of those provisions contained therein for which a violation constitutes a felony crime, are hereby adopted by reference as currently enacted and as hereinafter amended from time to time, and shall be given the same force and effect as if set forth herein in full. A. RCW 2.48.180 Definitions - Unlawful practice a crime - Cause for discipline - Unprofessional conduct - Defense - Injunction - Remedies - Costs - Attorneys' fees - Time limit for action. B. RCW 9.12.010 Barratry. C. RCW 9.27.015 Interference. obstruction of any court, building, or residence - Violations. 6 Criminal Code D. RCW 9.62.010 Malicious prosecution. E. RCW 9A.72.010 Definitions. F. RCW 9A.72.040 False swearing. G. RCW 9A.72.060 Perjury and false swearing - Retraction. H. RCW 9A.72.070 Perjury and false swearing - Irregularities no defense. 1. RCW 9A.72.140 Jury tampering. J. RCW 9A.72.150 Tamperingwi�ysical evidence. See. 9.02.24. Refusing to summon aid for a publie offie ME P" Sec. 9.02.24. Crimes of physical harm and unlawful detention. The following sections of Chapters 9.02, 9.91, 9A.36, 9A.40, and 9A.42 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW), with the exception of those provisions contained therein for which a violation constitutes a felony crime. are hereby adopted by reference as currently enacted and as hereinafter amended from time to time, and shall be given the same force and effect as if set forth herein in full. A. RCW 9.02.050 Concealin birth. irth. B. RCW 9.91.060 Leaving children unattended in a parked automobile. C. RCW 9A.36.050 Reckless endangerment in the second degree. D. RCW 9A.36.070 Coercion. E. RCW 9A.40.070 Custodial interference in the second degree. F. RCW 9A.40.080 Custodial interference - Assessment of costs - Defense - Consent defense restricted. G. RCW 9A.42.080 Abandonment of a dependent person in the third degree. H. RCW 9A.42.090 Abandonment of dependent person - Defense. 7 Criminal Code Sec. 9.02.26. Crimes of harassment. The following sections of Chapters 9.61, and 9A.46 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW), with the exception of those provisions contained therein for which a violation constitutes a felony crime, are hereby adopted by reference as currently enacted and as hereinafter amended from time to time, and shall be given the same force and effect as if set forth herein in full. A. RCW 9.61.230 Telephone harassment. B. RCW 9.61.240 Telephone harassment - Permitting telephone to be used. C. RCW 9.61.250 Telephone harassment - Offense, where deemed committed. D. RCW 9A.46.020 Definition - Penalties. E. RCW 9A.46.030 Place where committed. F. RCW 9A.46.040 Court-ordered requirements upon person charged with crime - Violation. G. RCW 9A.46.050 Arraignment - No -contact order. H. RCW 9A.46.060 Crimes included in harassment. 1. RCW 9A.46.080 Order restricting contact - Violation. J. RCW 9A.46.090 Nonliability of peace officer. K. RCW 9A.46.100 "Conflicted," time when. L. RCW 9A.46.110 Stalking. Sec. 9.02.28. Assault. A. A person is guilty of assault when: 1. With intent to cause bodily injury to another person, he or she causes or attempts to cause bodily injury to any person; or 2. He or she intentionally engages in a physical act which creates in another a reasonable apprehension or fear of imminent bodily injury; or 3. He or she intentionally and without permission touches another and that touching is offensive, regardless of whether any actual physical harm is done to the other person. 8 Criminal Code B. Assault is a gross misdemeanor. Sec. 9.02.30. Provoking assault. Every person who shall, by word, sign or gesture, willfully provoke or attempt to provoke another person to commit an assault or breach of the peace shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 9.02.32. Prostitution loitering. A. A person is guilty of prostitution loitering if he or she is in or remains in a public place and intentionally solicits, induces, entices or procures another to commit prostitution. B. The following nonexclusive circumstances may be considered in determining whether the actor intends to commit the crime of prostitution loitering. The actor: 1. Repeatedly beckons to, stops or attempts to stop, or engages passers-by in conversation; or 2. Repeatedly stops or attempts to stop motor vehicle operators by hailing, waving of arms or any other bodily gesture; or 3. Circles or repeatedly returns to an area and repeatedly beckons to, contacts or attempts to stop pedestrians; or 4. Is a known prostitute or procurer; or 5. Inquires whether a potential patron or other person is a police officer, searches for articles that would identify a police officer, or exposes genitals or female breasts, or requests the touching or exposing of genitals or female breasts to prove that the person is not a police officer. C. As used in this section: 1. Commit prostitution means to engage or agree or offer to engage in sexual conduct for a fee, reward, exchange or promise, but does not include sexual conduct engaged in as part of any stage performance, play or other entertainment open to the public. 2. Known prostitution or procurer means a person who within one (1) year previous to the date of arrest for violation of this section has, within the knowledge of the arresting officer, been arrested for an offense involving 9 Criminal Code prostitution. 3. Public place is an area generally visible to public view and includes without limitation streets, sidewalks, bridges, alleys, plazas, parks, driveways, parking lots, automobiles (whether moving or not), and buildings open to the general public, including those which serve food or drink, or provide entertainment, and the doorways and entrances to buildings or dwellings and the ground enclosing them. 4. Sexual conduct shall have the same meaning as defined in Section 9.02.33B. d -D. Prostitution loitering is a misdemeanor. See. 9.02.33. Patronizing a prostitute. A. It is unlawful for anyone to patronize a prostitute. A person is guilty of patronizing a prostitute if: 1. Pursuant to a prior understanding he or she pays a fee to another person as compensation for such person or a third person having engaged in sexual conduct with him or her; 2. He or she pays or agrees to pay a fee to another person pursuant to an understanding that in return therefor, the other person or a third party will engage in sexual conduct with him or her; 3. He or she solicits or requests another person to engage in sexual conduct with him or her in return for a fee, exchange, reward or promise. B. For purposes of this section, "sexual conduct" means "sexual intercourse" or "sexual contact" defined as follows: 1. "Sexual intercourse" (a) has its ordinary meaning and occurs upon any penetration, however slight, and (b) also means any penetration of the vagina or anus however slight, by any object, when committed on one (1) person by another, whether such persons are of the same or opposite sex, except when such penetration is accomplished for medically recognized treatment or diagnostic purposes, and (c) also means any act of sexual 10 Criminal Code contact between persons involving the sex organs of one (1) person and the mouth or anus of another whether such persons are of the same or opposite sex. 2. "Sexual contact" means any touching of the sexual or other intimate parts of a person done for the purpose of gratifying sexual desire of either party. C. For persons charged with violations of this section, it shall not be a defense that the person agreeing to accept a fee to engage in sexual conduct or who is solicited or requested to accept such a fee is a law enforcement officer acting in his official capacity. D. Patronizing a prostitute is a misdemeanor. See. 9.02.44. indecent exposttre;- Ar is likely to ea-dse reasonetble affrei-A or alarm. Sec. 9.02.34. Obscenity, pornography, and sexual exploitation. The following sections of Chapters 9.68, 9.68A, 9A.44, and 9A.88 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) with the exception of those provisions contained therein for which a violation constitutes a felony crime, are hereby adopted by reference as currently enacted and as hereinafter amended from time to time, and shall be given the same force and effect as if set forth herein in full. A. RCW 9.68.130 "Sexually elicit material" - Defined - Unlawful display_ B. RCW 9.68A.011 Definitions. C. RCW 9.68A.080 Processors of depictions of minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct - Report required. D. RCW 9.68A.090 Communication with minor for immoral 12=oses. 11 Criminal Code E. RCW 9.68A.110 Certain defenses barred, permitted. F. RCW 9.68A.150 Allowing minor on premises of live erotic performance. G. RCW 9.68A.160 Penalty. H. RCW 9A.44.010 Definitions. I. RCW 9A.44.096 Sexual misconduct with a minor in the second decree_ J. RCW 9A.88.010 Indecent exposure. K. RCW 9A.88.030 Prostitution. L. RCW 9A.88.050 Prostitution - Sex of parties immaterial - No defense. M. RCW 9A.88.090 Permitting prostitution. Sec. 9.02.35. Urinating in public. A. A person is guilty of urinating in public if the person intentionally urinates or defecates in a public place, other than a washroom or toilet room, under circumstances where such act could be observed by any member of the public. B. Any violation of the provisions of this section shall be an infraction, and any person found in violation shall be subject to a penalty not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00). Sec. 9.02.36. Public disturbance. A. A person is guilty of public disturbance if he or she: 1. Causes a public nuisance disturbance or is in possession and control of property on which a public nuisance disturbance occurs. The following sounds are determined to be public nuisance disturbances: a. The frequent, repetitive or continuous sounding of any horn or siren attached to a motor vehicle, except as a warning of danger or as specifically permitted or required by law. b. The creation of frequent, repetitive or continuous sounds in connection with the starting, operation, repair, rebuilding or testing of any motor vehicle, motorcycle, off-highway vehicle or internal 12 Criminal Code combustion engine within a residential district, so as to unreasonably disturb or interfere with the peace, comfort and repose of owners or possessors of real property. C. Yelling, shouting, hooting, whistling or singing on or near the public streets, particularly between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. or at any time and place so as to unreasonably disturb or interfere with the peace, comfort and repose of owners or possessors of real property. d. The creation of frequent, repetitive or continuous sounds which emanate from any building, structure, apartment, condominium, or yard adjacent thereto which unreasonably interferes with the peace, comfort, and repose of owners or possessors of real property such as sounds from musical instruments, audio sound systems, band sessions, or social gatherings. e. The creating of frequent, repetitive or continuous sounds made by any animal, such as barking or howling except that such sounds made in animal shelters, commercial kennels, veterinary hospitals, pet shops or pet kennels licensed under and in compliance with chapter 8.03 of the Kent City Code shall be exempt from this subsection. f. Sound from motor vehicle audio sound systems such as tape players, radios, and compact disc players, operated at a volume so as to be audible greater than fifty (50) feet from the vehicle itself. g. Sound from portable audio equipment, such as tape players, radios, and compact disc players, operated at a volume so as to be audible greater than fifty (50) feet from the source, and if not operated upon the property of the operator. This provision shall not apply to such sounds emitted from scheduled events or activities at parks and recreational facilities such as public address systems for park or 13 Criminal Code game events or concerts or similar park or recreation activities. h. The creation of frequent, repetitive or continuous sounds made in connection with outdoor construction or the movement of construction related materials, including noise made by devices capable of producing sound by either striking or cutting objects, such as hammers, saws or other equipment with internal combustion engines; provided, however, such sounds shall be exempt from the provisions of this Code under the following circumstances: (i) During the hours of 7:00 a.m. through 8:00 p.m., Monday through Sunday; or (ii) In commercial areas not adjacent to residential areas. B. The foregoing enumeration of acts and noises shall not be construed as excluding other acts and noises which offend the public peace. C. Public disturbance is a misdemeanor. Sec. 9.02.38. Disorderly conduct. A. A person is guilty of disorderly conduct if, he or she: 1. Uses abusive language and thereby intentionally creates a risk of assault; 2. Intentionally disrupts any lawful assembly or meeting of persons without lawful authority; 3. Intentionally obstructs pedestrian or vehicular traffic without lawful authority; or 4. Aggressively begs in a public place. B. The following definitions shall apply in this section: 1. Aggressively begs means to beg and engage in conduct that would likely intimidate a reasonable person, including touching, following, persistently begging after being refused, using violent or threatening language or gestures, or taking similar actions for the purpose of inducing another person into giving money or goods. 2. Beg means to ask for money or goods as a charity, whether by words, 14 Criminal Code bodily gestures, signs or other means. 3. Obstruct pedestrian or vehicular traffic means to walk, stand, sit, lie, grasp a person, or place an object in such a manner as to block passage by another person or a vehicle, or to require another person or a driver of a vehicle to take evasive action to avoid physical contact. Acts authorized as an exercise of one's constitutional right to picket or legally protest shall not constitute obstruction of pedestrian or vehicular traffic. 4. Public place means an area generally visible to public view and includes alleys, bridges, buildings, driveways, parking lots, parks, plazas, sidewalks, and streets open to the general public including places that serve food or drink or provide entertainment, in the doorways and entrances to buildings or dwellings and the grounds enclosing them. C. Disorderly conduct is a misdemeanor. See. 9.02.40. Failure to disperse. I . lie eofigregates with a group of fiffee H) or more other persons and there B7 Ftti4ttre to di.1-- . Sec. 9.02.40. Crimes disturbing the peace. The following sections of Chapters 9.91 and 9A.84 of the Revised Code of Washinuton (RCW). with the exception of those provisions contained therein for which a violation constitutes a felony crime, are hereby adopted by reference as currently enacted and as hereinafter amended from time to time, and shall be given the same force and effect as if set forth herein in full. A. RCW 9.91.025 Unlawful bus conduct. B. RCW 9A.84.010 Riot. C. RCW 9A.84.020 Failure to disburse. 15 Criminal Code Sec. 9.02.42. Public events; criminal activity. A. Interference with public events. No person shall physically interfere with any public event activity in a manner which: (1) disrupts the activity to the extent it makes it difficult for the activity to continue; or (2) causes viewers or participants (including vendors) to be distracted to the extent the viewing of or the participation in the activity is obstructed, restrained or inhibited. For purposes of this section, "activity" shall include any parade, performance, processing, race, game, exhibition or similar activity which is conducted on a public street or public place and is an official part of a public event. The term "public event" shall mean any event(s) sponsored or co- sponsored by, in conjunction with, or endorsed by any public, quasi -public or civic entity for the benefit of the public. Violation/penalty. Any violation of this section shall constitute a misdemeanor. B. Criminal trespass Any person who (1) violates section 9.02.42; (2) commits any offense against public peace as set forth in chapter 9.02, including, but not limited to, indecent exposure, urinating in public, public disturbance, disorderly conduct and failure to disperse, while attending or in conjunction with a public event; (3) commits a crime against a person as set forth in chapter 9.02, including, but not limited to, assault and provoking assault, while attending or in conjunction with a public event; or (4) commits a felony while attending or in conjunction with a public event, may be ordered removed from the property on which the event is held by any person(s) having lawful authority over the event or by a law enforcement officer. Such an order may prohibit the person from returning to the property on which the event is held for the duration of the event if there is cause to believe that further violations would occur if the person were allowed to return. Such order shall apply to event areas both on and off public streets and public places. Any violation of such an order lawfully issued shall constitute criminal trespass pursuant to seetion 9.02.54 of this chapter. See. 9.02.43. Harassment. Ghapter 9A.46 of the Revised Gode of Wttshittgtatt is 16 Criminal Code See . , intimidate, torment or embarrass. 7k-. Every persatt > > • ittdeeeftt, or abseette words or > > 2. Anonymously or repefftedly or at an extremely ifteattvettient hour, whethe or not eativersMiott eftsttes; or B . See. 9.02.48. Diseltarge of firearms or dangerotts weapons. R is tmiawfttl for an.!,- missile irt tt publie piftee, or itt arty pittee w4tere any person migItt be endangered thereby ., shall be fts provided itt seetiort 5.94.9- 4 0. A violatiort of this seetiort shall be , 4iott, as ft gross misderneanor. See. 9.02.50. Crimes of theft. The following sections of Chapters 9.91 and 9A.56 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW), with the exception of those provisions contained therein for which a violation constitutes a felony crime, are hereby adopted by reference as currently enacted and as hereinafter amended from time to time, and shall be given the same force and effect as if set forth herein in full. A. RCW 9.91.140 Food stamps. B. RCW 9A.56.010 Definitions. C. RCW 9A.56.020 Theft - Definition, defense. D. RCW 9A.56.050 Theft in the third degree. E. RCW 9A.56.060 Unlawful issuance of checks or drafts. F. RCW 9A.56.140 Possessing stolen property - Definition - Access devices, presumption. 17 Criminal Code G. RCW 9A.56.170 Possessingstolen olen property in the third degree. H. RCW 9A.56.180 Obscuring the identity of a machine. I. RCW 9A.56.220 Theft of subscription television services. Sec. 9.02.54. Burglary and Trespass. The following sections of Chapter 9A.52 of the Revised Code of Washington RCW), with the exception of those provisions contained therein for which a violation constitutes a felony crime, are hereby adopted by reference as currently enacted and as hereinafter amended from time to time, and shall be Oven the same force and effect as if set forth herein in full. A. RCW 9A.52.010 Definitions. B. RCW 9A.52.060 Making or having burglar tools. C. RCW 9A.52.070 Criminal trespass in the first degree. D. RCW 9A.52.080 Criminal trespass in the second degree. E. RCW 9A.52.090 Criminal trespass - Defenses. F. RCW 9A.52.100 Vehicle prowling in the second degree. G. RCW 9A.52.120 Computer trespass in the second degree. H. See. RCW 9A.52.130 9.02.56. Criminal Computer trespass - Commission of other crime. A-. 2�t the trespass-. fit-st 4egy-ee Every persett, knowing that he is not lieettsed er privileged to or other trespass $- to do or some i . authorized person to whielt is tt gross misdemeanor. so, w4to enter othets authorized person, Aetttal-eotnnftmieafioino- letffe stteh bui4ding or strttetttre is guilty of eriminal , knowiitg that he is not lieenseel or privileged in any pttblie or private plaee or ott afty pttblie or tiffettgh! hefteter 18 Criminal Code Sec. 9.02.58. Frauds, swindles and deception. The following sections of Chapters 9.04, 9.18, 9.26A_ 9.38, 9.45, 9.46. 9A.60, and 9A.61 of the Revised Code of Washington RCW), with the exception of those provisions contained therein for which a violation constitutes a felony crime, are hereby adopted by reference as currently enacted and as hereinafter amended from time to time, and shall be given the same force and effect as if set forth herein in full. A. afferttion of inftttders; or RCW 9.18.080 C. RCW 9.18.120 D. RCW 9.18.130 C_. P&fettyet it is a defense to proseetttiott for erimittal trespass under this Seetion if - 2. abandoned; Any piftee a. pte.....e. teferred to itt this seetiatt was at the time opett to 3. imposeI4 on fteeess The ttetor rettsottably premises referred fteeess thereto wottid to or the pretniseg;� believed theA the owner of my of to in this seetiott or other person empowered have lieettsed him to enter the plaees or to lieense Sec. 9.02.58. Frauds, swindles and deception. The following sections of Chapters 9.04, 9.18, 9.26A_ 9.38, 9.45, 9.46. 9A.60, and 9A.61 of the Revised Code of Washington RCW), with the exception of those provisions contained therein for which a violation constitutes a felony crime, are hereby adopted by reference as currently enacted and as hereinafter amended from time to time, and shall be given the same force and effect as if set forth herein in full. A. RCW 9.04.010 B. RCW 9.18.080 C. RCW 9.18.120 D. RCW 9.18.130 0 _ . _ Sec. 9.02.58. Frauds, swindles and deception. The following sections of Chapters 9.04, 9.18, 9.26A_ 9.38, 9.45, 9.46. 9A.60, and 9A.61 of the Revised Code of Washington RCW), with the exception of those provisions contained therein for which a violation constitutes a felony crime, are hereby adopted by reference as currently enacted and as hereinafter amended from time to time, and shall be given the same force and effect as if set forth herein in full. A. RCW 9.04.010 B. RCW 9.18.080 C. RCW 9.18.120 D. RCW 9.18.130 False advertising. Offender a competent witness. Suppression of competitive bidding. Collusion to prevent competitive bidding 19 Criminal Code E. RCW 9.18.140 Penalty. F. RCW 9.18.150 Agreements outside state. G. RCW 9.26A.090 Telephone company credit cards - Prohibited acts. H. RCW 9.26A.100 Definitions. J. RCW 9.26A.110 Fraud in obtaining telecommunications service -' Penalty. J. RCW 9.26A.120 Fraud in operating coin -box telephone or other receptacle. K. RCW 9.26A.130 Penalty for manufacture or sale of slugs to be used for coin. L. RCW 9.38.010 False representation concerningcredit. M. RCW 9.3 8.015 False statement by deposit account applicant. N. RCW 9.38.020 itle. False representation concerningtitle. O. RCW 9.45.060 Encumbered, leased, or rented personal property - Construction. P. RCW 9.45.062 Failure to deliver leased personal property - Requisites for prosecution - Construction. Q. RCW 9.45.070 Mock auctions. R. RCW 9.45.080 Fraudulent removal of propea. S. RCW 9.45.090 Knowingly receiving fraudulent conveyance. T. RCW 9.45. 100 Fraud in assignment for benefit of creditors. U. RCW 9.46.196 Cheating. V. RCW 9A.60.040 Criminal impersonation. W. RCW 9A.60.050 False certification. X. RCW 9A.61.010 Definitions. Y. RCW 9A.61.020 Defrauding public utility. Z. See. RCW 9A.61.050 9.02.60. Third degree Defrauding public utility in the third degree. theft-. 20 Criminal Code n►���►Riri�ii �:�i\i1,w:��i��,i\��:,ani,i\�/a.�iia�ua,i�aial�/iaw.►ia:►i1iw���iaaua►ii all :\�/i■ ll\�/all, a\ M'Li I a!\7 a a\ Imy'/af'1'/aaa maw a►-la►-Uati►�wvWA,-1 a a a a 5Mv/awlR \,/at•■/\ -I il- or �a\� et 7 To approppiate lost or misdelivered property or seffiees of ftnather, or the vaitte 7 faith,serviee was appropriated openly ftttd a-vowedly ttnder tt e4ttim of title preferred tift good C—. A persatt is guilty of theft ift the thir4 degree if he eontmits theft of property or . s whieh does not emeeed two hundred fifty dolifffs ($250.09) itt vaitte. +he.ft, Sec. 9.02.62. Reckless burning and malicious mischief. The following sections of Chapters 9.40 and 9A.48 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCM, with the exception of those provisions contained therein for which a violation constitutes a felony crime, are hereby adopted by reference as currently enacted and as hereinafter amended from time to time, and shall be given the same force and effect as if set forth herein in full. A. RCW 9.40. 100 Tampering with fire alarm or fire fighting equipment - False alarm - Penalties. B. RCW 9A.48.010 Definitions. C. RCW 9A.48.050 Reckless burning in the second degree. D. RCW 9A.48.060 Reckless burning - Defense. E. RCW 9A.48.090 Malicious mischief in the third degree. F. RCW 9A.48.100 Malicious mischief - "Physical damage" defined. G. RCW 9A.48.110 Defacing a state monument. See. 9.02.64. Unlawful issuance of bank chee6 or drafts. it is a gross 21 Criminal Code =ZMA J91, 119%•l\-tl•1n1�/t!•1%ti•A\%tttltt\SRtilA��1•lt!•/!•Illi•/%\%Nl•/ • tT] �1�A1•��/!��/�Ii. A1�11�1•J %%\R�i\•tl t \•� l/l Sl/ t t� <l l�1•A7�]•/ S t S•1 \-/ t t t �•/!S I• \%tel \l nl S t S� � / l�li S ll l t t I t t!'1'/ t S \•1l If i{•1.1.grw•/t=.1�1%%lR•A�A•/l lSilttl�=iltt=i1�TlR tll l•/liil l9l • • 115!1..•Jll\RIiA••1!•�\�l!•�%tli�/t%A1lltS llAZWI M2I/l\%7•/llttl�7\R[�.�. St tr_��7lf�lt lll�l� �Sllll'�•/t!�l ttti�l•S•Jtt\R��t\•/A IM; ONN Ma i •/%%•%1_ \• t_ Stti4•Il_t_ 1 f L_ \=•_ W•_ J n_1 •_ /l_ <Ill_ l_ g_ !A1'L-. / w_ / ■ Sec. 9.02.80. Reserved. Alcohol, drugs, and toxic fumes. The following sections of Chapters 9.47A, 26.28, 66.04, 66.28, 66.44, and 69.50 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) with the exception of those provisions contained therein for which a violation constitutes a felony crime, are hereby adopted by reference as currently enacted and as hereinafter amended from time to time, and shall be aiven the same force and effect as if set forth herein in full. A. RCW 9.47A.010 B. RCW 9.47A.020 C. RCW 9.47A.030 D. RCW 9.47A.040 E. RCW 9.47A.050 F. RCW 26.28.080 G. RCW 66.04.010 Definition. Unlawful inhalation - Exception. Possession of certain substances prohibited. when. Sale of certain substances prohibited. when. Penalty. Selling orig ving tobacco to minor - Belief of representative capacity. no defense - Penalty. Definitions. 22 Criminal Code H. RCW 66.28.200 Keg registration - Requirements of seller. L RCW 66.28.210 Ke2 registration - Requirements of purchaser. J. RCW 66.28.230 Keg registration - Penalties. K. RCW 66.44. 100 Opening or consuming liquor in a public place - Penalty. L. RCW 66.44.150 Buying liquor illegally. M. RCW 66.44.180 General penalties - Jurisdiction for violations. N. RCW 66.44.200 Sales to persons apparently under the influence of liquor. O. RCW 66.44.240 Drinking in public conveyance - Penalty against carrier - Exception. P. RCW 66.44.250 Drinking in public conveyance - Penalty against individual - Restricted application. RCW 66.44.270 Furnishing liquor to minors - Possession, use - Exhibition of effects - Exceptions. R. RCW 66.44.290 Minor purchasing or attempting to purchase liquor. S. RCW 66.44.291 Minor purchasing or attempting to purchase liquor - Penalty against persons between ages of ei hg teen and twenty, inclusive. T. RCW 66.44.300 Treats, gifts, purchases of liquor for or from minor, or holding out minor as at least twenty-one, in pubic place where liquor sold. U. RCW 66.44.3 10 Minors frequenting off-limits area - Misrepresentation of age - Penalty - Classification of licensees. V. RCW 66.44.320 Sale of liquor to minors a violation. W. RCW 66.44.325 Unlawful transfer to a minor of an identification of age. X. RCW 66.44.328 Preparation or acquisition and supply to persons 23 Criminal Code under age twenty-one of facsimile of official DD. RCW 69.50.425 Misdemeanor violations - Minimum imprisonment. See. > . - --. : -:.'.a:.:.e:.:�6..�:...�:.�:..:.:a:..,a�a., Jam• :.: : - :--------T-;i;-I:l.,..l / •/•l..l•/\'1%P1•fi1.R:l�..lRi,l��.1�1, 24 Criminal Code identification card - Penalty. Y. RCW 69.50.101 Definitions. Z. RCW 69.50.102 Drug paraphernalia - Definitions. AA. RCW 69.50.401 Prohibited acts: A -penalties (possession of marijuana). BB. RCW 69.50.408 Second or subsequent offenses. CC. RCW 69.50.412 Prohibit acts: E -penalties (paraphernalia). DD. RCW 69.50.425 Misdemeanor violations - Minimum imprisonment. See. > . - --. : -:.'.a:.:.e:.:�6..�:...�:.�:..:.:a:..,a�a., Jam• :.: : - :--------T-;i;-I:l.,..l / •/•l..l•/\'1%P1•fi1.R:l�..lRi,l��.1�1, 24 Criminal Code .wi " III III, V Lwd 4 9 &VI I GM MI TV. . 4 9. .. .. . . . OWMA MM.... 25 Criminal Code _p!lSS._ 211111111LIM!, 111, 101,11311 _ - - • i iii.. i _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ MWA • " i • - i __ • i M-1 •i i i _ _ i :_ _ _� i -� i i deemed to be i1ttoxileating-. 9.02.96. Dischargedangerous unlawful for anv Berson to wilfully discharge anv firearm, air2un or other weapon or throw any missile in a public place, or in anyplace where any person might be endangered thereby even though no injury results. The discharge of certain firearms at bonafide gun clubs, etc., shall be as provided in section 5.04.010. A violation of this section shall be punishable, upon conviction, as a gross misdemeanor. Sec. 9.02.100. Reserved. Firearms, dangerous weapons, and explosives. The following sections of Chanters, and 70.74 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW), with the exception of those provisions contained therein for which a violation constitutes a felony crime, are hereby adopted by reference as currently enacted and as hereinafter amended from time to time, and shall be given the same force and effect as if set forth herein in full. A. RCW 9.41.010 Terms defined. 26 Criminal Code IF A 11 iIN M- i _ . i 11 -. LLII 4 - i i All m— i —j i iw I A AM III IN Il i i i i i • _ 10-1 WIN i Al-- i �i --i �i• ii r 1 111 11 • ••• •• i i i i _p!lSS._ 211111111LIM!, 111, 101,11311 _ - - • i iii.. i _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ MWA • " i • - i __ • i M-1 •i i i _ _ i :_ _ _� i -� i i deemed to be i1ttoxileating-. 9.02.96. Dischargedangerous unlawful for anv Berson to wilfully discharge anv firearm, air2un or other weapon or throw any missile in a public place, or in anyplace where any person might be endangered thereby even though no injury results. The discharge of certain firearms at bonafide gun clubs, etc., shall be as provided in section 5.04.010. A violation of this section shall be punishable, upon conviction, as a gross misdemeanor. Sec. 9.02.100. Reserved. Firearms, dangerous weapons, and explosives. The following sections of Chanters, and 70.74 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW), with the exception of those provisions contained therein for which a violation constitutes a felony crime, are hereby adopted by reference as currently enacted and as hereinafter amended from time to time, and shall be given the same force and effect as if set forth herein in full. A. RCW 9.41.010 Terms defined. 26 Criminal Code B. RCW 9.41.050 Carrying firearms. C. RCW 9.41.060 Exceptions to restrictions on carrying firearms. D. RCW 9.41.140 Alteration of identifying-marks -Exceptions. E. RCW 9.41.230 Aiming or discharging firearms, dangerous weapons. F. RCW 9.41.240 Possession of pistol by person from eighteen to twenty-one. G. RCW 9.41.250 Dangerous weapons - Penalty H. RCW 9.41.260 Dangerous exhibitions. 1. RCW 9.41.270 Weapons apparently capable of producing_ bodily harm - Unlawfully carrying or handling - Penalty - Exceptions. J. RCW 9.41.280 Possessing dangerous weapons on school facilities - Penalty - Exceptions. K. RCW 9.41.300 Weapons prohibited in certain places - Local laws and ordinances - Exceptions - Penalty, L. RCW 9.91.160 Personal protection spray devices. M. RCW 70.74.010 Definitions. N. RCW 70.74.295 Abandonment of explosives. O. RCW 70.74.300 Explosive containers to be marked - Penalty_ P. RCW 70.74.3 10 Gas bombs, explosives, stink bombs. etc. Sec. 9.02.104. Weapons apparently capable of producing bodily harm, carrying, exhibiting, displaying or drawing unlawful; penalty; exceptions. A. It shall be unlawful for anyone to carry, exhibit, display or draw any dagger, sword, knife or other cutting or stabbing instrument, club or any other weapon, exeittding apparently capable of producing bodily harm, in a manner, under circumstances, and at a time and place that either manifests an intent to intimidate another or that warrants alarm for the safety of other persons. Any person violating the provisions of this subsection shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor. This 27 Criminal Code section does not apply to firearms. Firearms are regulated in Section 9.02.100. B. Pursuant to RCW 9.41.270, if any person is convicted of a violation of subsection A. of this section, the person shall lose his or her concealed pistol license, if any. The court shall send notice of the revocation to the department of licensing, and the city, town or county which issued the license. C. Subsection A. of this section shall not apply to or affect the following: carries: 1. Any act committed by a person while in his or her place of abode or fixed place of business; 2. Any person who by virtue of his or her office or public employment is vested by law with a duty to preserve public safety, maintain public order or make arrests for offenses, while in the performance of such duty; 3. Any person acting for the purpose of protecting himself or herself against the use of presently threatened unlawful force by another, or for the purpose of protecting another against the use of such unlawful force by a third person; 4. Any person making or assisting in making a lawful arrest for the commission of a felony; or 5. Any person engaged in military activities sponsored by the federal or state governments. Sec. 9.02.106. Sale, manufacture, possession of certain weapons. A-. it shall be Anv person who sells, manufactures, purchases, possesses or eat 1. Any device commonly known as nunchuka sticks, consisting of two (2) or more lengths of wood, metal, plastic or similar substance connected with wire, rope or other means; or 2. Any device commonly known as throwing stars, which are multipointed, metal objects designed to embed upon impact from any aspect in a manner, under circumstances, and at a time and place that either manifests an intent I to intimidate another or that warrants alarm for the safety of other persons-; � 28 Criminal Code * ded under state law. Sec. 9.02.108. Reserved. Sec. 9.02.112. Costs of prosecution. Whenever anyone is convicted of an offense under any section of this chapter, or section of any city ordinance, the court may, as authorized by law, impose reasonable costs of prosecution in addition to the fine imposed. The court may so impose costs for issuance of bench warrants in an amount not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00). 9.40.100, !..Jj--..r' tampering with fire a4am apparattts of equipment Satinding 4. 9.41.249, t4se 4fireftrms false ttlwm. by . . 6. 9.45.969, Ftnetmtbered, leased or reMed personal propei*y . 7. 9.45.962, Failttre to de iver lettsed persotta4 property Requisites f-0 29 Criminal Code 8. 9.46.196, Ghefttittg. 9. > •, in higliwery. 10. 9.66.010, Publi t H. 9.66.9�9, Maintaitting or permitting . 9.21.429, Food staMs ftnel food purehased wit4t stewnps Reselling or 14. 70.93.069, �:itferittg prohibite4 See. 9.02.420. Sante Title 9A. T-Ite hereby adopted by ref�rettee and shall be givett adopted itt their entirety: Penalties.4 Following the same seetiotts of RGW Title 9A a foree and efFeet fts if they were n n n 7o nen , Grit ,:tta solieitatiett. 4. 9A.46.050, Reekless 3. 9A.28.040, Gritnittal eoqq . S. 9A.;6.079, r+,...re a 6. 92k.48.099, Mttlieiatts fttisehi4itt the third degree. - 7 7. n nno inn Befi ..:t:,._ degree.t.8. 9A42.490, Vehiele prawhttg. 19. 92k.72.049, Fa4se swearitT-. 44. 92k.7-2.150, Tampering with physiett! . 12. 9A.46.959, Rendering eritftitta4 . 9,6r.76.499, GompottttditT-. 44. 9A.46.160, ittfrodtteing eentraband in the third . 15. 9A. on01n n:� 44. 92k.98.0;9, n"" "ii+MiOn.. 18. 9A.88.999, Permitting . 30 Criminal Code Sec. 9.02.124. Offenses against police dogs. No person shall willfully or maliciously torment, beat, kick or strike any dog owned or being used by the police department in the performance of its official duties. No person shall willfully hinder, delay, or obstruct any dog used by a law enforcement officer in discharging or attempting to discharge his official duties. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 9.02.128. Cruelty to animals. The following sections of Chapters 9.08 and 16.52, of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) with the exception of those provisions contained therein for which a violation constitutes a felony crime, are hereby adopted by reference as currently enacted and as hereinafter amended from time to time, and shall be given the same force and effect as if set forth herein in full. A. RCW 9.08.065 B. RCW 9.08.070 C. RCW 16.52.011 D. RCW 16.52.117 E. RCW 16.52.190 F. RCW 16.52.195 G. RCW 16.52.207 Definitions. Pet animals - Taking, concealing, injuring, killinL etc. - Penalty. Definitions - Principles of liability. Animal fighting - Owners, trainers, spectators - Exceptions. Poisoning animals. Poisoning animals - Penalty. Animal cruelty in the second degree. H. RCW 16.52.210 Destruction of animals by law enforcement officer - Immunity from liability. Sec. 9.02.132. Crimes of nuisance. The following sections of Chapters 9.03 and 9.66 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW). with the exception of those provisions contained therein for which a violation constitutes a felony crime, are hereby adopted by reference as currently enacted and as hereinafter amended from time to time, and shall be given the same force and effect as if set forth herein in full. 31 Criminal Code A. RCW 9.03. 010 Abandoning, discarding refrigeration equipment. B. RCW 9.03.020 Permitting unused equipment to remain on premises. C. RCW 9.03.040 Keeping or storing equipment for sale. D. RCW 9.66.010 Public nuisance. E. RCW 9.66.030 Maintaining or permitting nuisance. F. RCW 9.66.050 Deposit of unwholesome substance. Sec. 9.02.136. Crimes relating to corporations and business. The following sections of Chapters 9.24 and 9A.50 of the Revised Code of Washington RCW), with the exception of those provisions contained therein for which a violation constitutes a felony crime, are hereby adopted by reference as currently enacted and as hereinafter amended from time to time, and shall be given the same force and effect as if set forth herein in full. A. RCW 9.24.040 B. RCW 9A.50.010 RCW 9.73.030 C. RCW 9A.50.020 D. RCW 9A.50.030 Corporation doing business without license. Definitions. Interference with health care facility. Penalty. Sec. 9.02.140. Violation of nrivacv. The following sections of Chanter 9.73 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW), with the exception of those provisions contained therein for which a violation constitutes a felony crime, are hereby adopted by reference as currently enacted and as hereinafter amended from time to time, and shall be given the same force and effect as if set forth herein in full. A. RCW 9.73.020 Opening sealed letter. B. RCW 9.73.030 Intercepting, recording or divulging_ private communication - Consent required - Exceptions. C. RCW 9.73.070 Persons and activities excepted from chapter. D. RCW 9.73.080 Intercepting recording, or divulging_ private communication - Penalty. E. RCW 9.73.090 Certain emergency response personnel exempted from RCW 9.73.030 through 9.73.080 - Standards - Court authorizations - Admissibility. 32 Criminal Code Sec. 9.02.300. Domestic violence--Definition--Designation. 1. Family or household members means spouses, former spouses, persons who have a child in common regardless of whether they have been married or have lived together at any time, adult persons related by blood or marriage, adult persons who are presently residing together or who have resided together in the past, persons sixteen (16) years of age or older who are presently residing together or who have resided together in the past and who have or have had a dating relationship, persons sixteen (16) years of age or older with whom a respondent sixteen (16) years of age or older has or has had a dating relationship, and persons who have a biological or legal parent- child relationship, including stepparents and stepchildren and grandparents and grandchildren. 2. Dating relationship means a social relationship of a romanic nature. Factors that the court may consider in making this determination includes the length of time the relationship has existed, the nature of the relationship, and the frequency of interaction between the parties. 3. Domestic violence includes, but is not limited to, any of the following crimes when committed by one family or household member against another: (a) Assault KCC 9.02.28 (b) Provoking assault KCC 9.02.30 (c) Crimes of harassment KCC 9.92.432.02.96 (d) Telephone ea4ls to harass, 9.02.44 Reckless burning in the second degree KCC 9.02.62(Cl (e) Discharge of firearms or dangerous instrumentalities KCC 9.02-49 9.02.96 (f) Criminal trespass in the second degree KCC 9.9Tvzw 9.02,54(D) (g) Theft in the T -third degree theft KCC 9.9-2.60 9.02.50(D) (h) Reckless endangerment in the second degree KCC 9.002122 33 Criminal Code 9.02.24 UC (i) Coercion KCC 9.992.129 9.02.24(D) 0) Malicious mischief in the third degree KCC 9-92.429 9.02.62(E) (k) Vehicle prowling in the second degree KCC 9.92.129 9.02.54(F) (1) Violation of a no contact order KCC 9.02.302 (m) Violation of a protecting order KCC 9.02.304 (n) Violation of a restraining order KCC 9.02.306 (o) Violation of civil anti -harassment protection order KCC 9.02.308 (p) Interfering with the reporting of domestic violence, Kent City Code 9.02.301. 4. For the purpose of this section, "victim" means a family or household member who has been subjected to domestic violence. Sec. 9.02.301. Same --Interfering with the reporting of. A. A person commits the crime of interfering with the reporting of domestic violence if the person: 1. Commits a crime of domestic violence, as defined in Kent City Code section 9.02.300; and 2. Prevents or attempts to prevent the victim of or a witness to that domestic violence crime from calling a 911 emergency communication system, obtaining medical assistance, or making a report to any law enforcement official. B. Commission of a crime of domestic violence under subsection A. of this section is a necessary element of the crime of interfering with the reporting of domestic violence. C. Interference with the reporting of domestic violence is a gross misdemeanor. Sec. 9.02.302. Same --Violation of a no contact order. When any person arrested for or charged with a crime involving domestic violence is released from custody before arraignment or trial on bail or personal recognizance or after trial before sentencing or as a condition of any sentence imposed, the court authorizing the 34 Criminal Code release may prohibit the person from having any contact with any victim. The written order releasing the defendant shall contain the court's directives and shall bear the legend: Violation of this order is a criminal offense under RCW ch. 10.99 and will subject a violator to arrest. Any assault or reckless endangerment that is a violation of this order is a felony. Wilful violation of a court order issued under this section or of an order issued by any court of competent jurisdiction under equivalent statute or ordinance is a gross misdemeanor. In addition, the person violating such order is subject to the penalty provided in section 9.02.310. A certified copy of the order shall be provided to the victim. Sec. 9.02.304. Same --Violation of a protection order. Whenever an order for protection is granted under RCW ch. 26.50 and the respondent or person to be restrained knows of the order, a violation of the restraint provisions or of a provision excluding the person from a residence is a gross misdemeanor. In addition, the person violating such order is subject to the penalty provided in section 9.02.310. Sec. 9.02.306. Same --Violation of a restraining order. A. Whenever a restraining order is issued pursuant to RCW ch. 26.09 and the person to be restrained knows of the order, a violation of the provisions restricting the person from acts or threats of violence or of a provision excluding the person from a residence is a misdemeanor subject to the penalty provided in section 9.02.310. B. A person is deemed to have notice of a restraining order if: 1. The person to be restrained or the person's attorney sign the order; 2. The order recites that the person to be restrained or the person's attorney appeared in person before the court; 3. The order was served upon the person to be restrained; 4. The peace officer gives the person oral or written evidence of the order by reading from it or handing to a person a certified copy of the original order which is certified to be an accurate copy of the original by a notary public or by a clerk of the court; or 35 Criminal Code 5. Service by publication pursuant to RCW Ch. 26.09. C. It is a defense to prosecution under this section that the court erroneously issued the order contrary to law or court rule. D. Restraining orders issued under RCW ch. 26.09 restraining a person from harming or disturbing another party or from entering a party's home shall bear the legend: Violation of this order with actual notice of its contents is a criminal offense under RCW ch. 26.09 and will subject the violator to criminal prosecution. Sec. 9.02.308. Same --Violation of civil anti -harassment protection order. Whenever an order for protection from civil harassment is issued pursuant to RCW ch. 10. 14, and the respondent or person to be restrained knows of the order, any willful disobedience of the order by such person shall be a gross misdemeanor. Sec. 9.02.310. Same --Contempt of court. Violations of sections 9.02.302, 9.02.304, 9.02.306, and 9.02.308 may also constitute contempt of court, and are subject to the penalties prescribed by law. Sec. 9.02.312. Stay out of areas of prostitution orders. A. Stay out of areas of prostitution orders, hereinafter known as "SOAP" orders, may be issued by the Kent Municipal Court to anyone charged with prostitution, permitting prostitution, prostitution loitering, or patronizing a prostitute under chapter 9.02 of the Kent City Code as a condition of pre-trial release. B. SOAP orders may be issued by the Kent Municipal Court to anyone convicted of prostitution, permitting prostitution, prostitution loitering, or patronizing a prostitute under chapter 9.02 of the Kent City Code as a condition of probation. C. Whenever a police officer shall have probable cause to believe that a person has received a SOAP order as a condition of pre-trial release or of probation and in the officer's presence is seen violating or failing to comply with any requirement or restriction imposed by the court as a condition of such pre-trial release or probation, such officer may arrest the violator without warrant or other process for violation of the SOAP order and bring such person before the court issuing the order. 36 Criminal Code D. The SOAP order shall warn the person named in the order to stay out of the following "high risk prostitution areas." 1. Pacific Highway South from the 25300 block to State Route 516, including all adjacent businesses. E. A person is deemed to have notice of the SOAP order when: 1. The signature of the person named in the order or their attorney is affixed to the bottom of the order, signifying that they have read the order and have knowledge of the contents of the order; or 2. The order recites that the person named in the order or the person's attorney appeared in person before the court. F. The written SOAP order shall contain the court's directives and shall bear the legend: "Violation of this order is a criminal offense under Chapter 9.02. KCC and will subject the violator to arrest." G. Whenever a SOAP order is issued under this section, and the person named in the order knows of the order, a violation of the provisions of the order is a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) or imprisonment for not more than ninety (90) days, or both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 9.02.320. Probation violations. A. For purposes of this section, the word "probationer" means any person who after conviction of violation of an ordinance of the city or a law of the state has been placed on probation in connection with the suspension or deferral of sentence by either a district court of this county, municipal court or the superior court. B. Whenever a police officer shall have probable cause to believe that a probationer, prior to the termination of his probation is in such police officer's presence, violating or failing to comply with any requirement or restriction imposed by the court as a condition of such probation, such officer may cause the probationer to be brought before the court wherein sentence was deferred or suspended, and for such 37 Criminal Code purpose such police officer may arrest such probationer without warrant or other process. Sec. 9.02.330. Violations; penalty. Unless otherwise provided in this chapter, violation of any provision of this chapter shall be punishable by: 1. Gross misdemeanor. Every person convicted of a gross misdemeanor defined in chapter 9.02 of the Kent City Code shall be punished by imprisonment in jail for a maximum term fixed by the court of not more than one (1) year, or by a fine in an amount fixed by the court of not more than five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), or by both such imprisonment and fine. 2. Misdemeanor Every person convicted of a misdemeanor defined in chapter 9.02 of the Kent City Code shall be punished by imprisonment in jail for a maximum term fixed by the court of not more than ninety (90) days, or by a fine in an amount fixed by the court of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), or by both such imprisonment and fine. SECTION 2. Kent City Code Section 8.03.260 entitled "Unlawful acts against police department dogs - Penalty for violations" is hereby repealed in its entirety as follows: I���►:�i\�)wloi�l�r.���➢���a.)����1:/iii\�Ii���\:/i�lll�I��L�I.�����►�/�1��)���.��i:/��r.�ri�TZS�i�� t1�7�����It�����A1�\�1��\R���\�/���L���)A)�f�\�J \�i����\�/�1��\�I\A��f.7���7����1�����It�S��'Iw7/��■ ■r%+��:/Bio/sii\:i�:��ir•.sir:�ni��ii���•:.�oi• • +�>.n1>,�w�9w-- M%J=ikVA9 38 Criminal Code SECTION 3. Kent City Code 8.03.270 entitled "Cruelty to animals - Unlawful acts designated" is hereby repealed in its entirety as follows: See. 8.03.270. Cruelty to animals Unlawfid acts designated. it : ...1,,...4 .1 fo.. any persaft to— SECTION 4. Kent City Code Section 9.12.22 entitled "Possession of marijuana" is hereby repealed in its entirety as follows: See. 9.42.22. Possession of mar�ttana. it shall be tmiawftil for any persatt te, 39 Criminal Code I WI '! �!Villill di,11111111 SM SECTION 4. Kent City Code Section 9.12.22 entitled "Possession of marijuana" is hereby repealed in its entirety as follows: See. 9.42.22. Possession of mar�ttana. it shall be tmiawftil for any persatt te, 39 Criminal Code fiber, or the sterilized see4 of the plant w -i is itleftPable of > SECTION S. Kent City Code Section 9.12.44 entitled "Unlawful possession of injection devices" is hereby repealed in its entirety as follows: See. 9.12.44. Unlawfttl possession of injeetion deviees. it shall be uttlawftil f6f MNAR-- - - :. - VM W PER% WE - MIN -1 --------- - -- L-- RARWII N 11111:' - MEN SECTION 6. Kent City Code Section 9.26 entitled "Sale and display of drug paraphernalia" is hereby repealed in its entirety as follows: Pill PIPMENI -W �. L -.1-RAMILMANAM-111, MINA tAo RA .1 Il A A - - - - I �I�.�./I\�l//dR.1.Ri1..\R.\.N=1.. �•l•l..\.1..\�! • • • • Pill PIPMENI -W L -.1-RAMILMANAM-111, MINA tAo RA .1 Il A A RA: - 40 Criminal Code •►15►•Al•i.//\R• �/�1//\Rl.►i►Tl�•lS\�w�/\.1�//////\tel. t\.A IRS/••���/iA•1%//!#•/�/fi���Tl•//!�•��•lRR\�• _ _ ►.1•/•� fl•I/1A. �1Sf•A1Sl�/\.1R\./�•\./••fa•1%/\►R/fl�R•I•!S\i/•\R.�1S►•AlSS1•►R9R/�•�•1R•.►R•%�R.•• I// \d/•• fdWrOMEWYNE �l�/■!�\R■\i\.Ji w\i/tSAl.•flii/ti,\Tll/\R��\./tSA1R�//�•/(if/•S•li\RRS•••/FA R•///!•l•/Sf•\i•//!#R•/•\�R\•//f#•I/•1-fS\R//!#•I/.IRTAI/•!#•/�•I/R •!!�•!/f.��R•//f.\•//►A• AIS S•n1��T�il1 •►R� R MR&UMANIUMMI A&M M;; iR1 - i ; - " " " " " " " i - ". i " " ii\�:ra►ii aewl�/irar�il ��Z� • aR.nn�onR.fsnfnlSefwnTl>. �i \��•�il�lisfr:fi\i�r:\�►i�i� Sriiif�/i►ei/i\:►�i�►i/rs..wl��ii� \irlr - - - i - IlR•■l•1•I••!�%L%fJ•T><if■li. ��lA9!Al>••\•I///ft./fa//�•1./\R fa'1'/A1RlR►Rif///•f��•/fa\R•/•••/S# tnarihttanft; QRSf.A1Sf\Tlfl l!!•\•/.//A1�•//•'lR PI.1T�!1•\.f/•If/\R—-------------- f//\R •\1S1�1A.}�•% +��i*i�\� li- \•/fly►T71.1v me f/1•/f Rl•1y/f/ M•!:\.1\�Z.s�\7%S • • • i • • _ Al►1/•■ilii/DRi/i\R�14/•//l��li/iff/i//\•lifwlS SiAlSif �►RT ISL •Ii/i SR • / / /►Rl�1%!_! /ltT� / \R9S f \TIf/� f / \� f•.If / \R �./•I \RR!•1Sl�1R. }f% / / f SR / \i \9i � \•/ tS �•1. fa•/ ■ 41 Criminal Code mad eaeftitte and eoeaine vials—, 9. Glt�ber > 4 my, of 12. Objeets > itttended for ttse, or designed for ttse in ittgesting, itiltaling, i. �4eetrie mariltuana eigarette, > eoeaitte, Itashisit, or hashish oil into the• driven pipes; > i. tn. lee pipes , and or ehiller�-. > or eeramie pipes wit.h. or vv4t4toW > > or pttne metal bowls; relevant ftteters, of the objeet the ftllov�4n eaneerr�ng its Pipes;b. Water spoons,a eaeftitte and eoeaine vials—, 9. Glt�ber > 4 my, of pipes-, , masks; or f�der4lffl;%A; , i. �4eetrie mariltuana eigarette, that has beeame too small or too short to be j Air driven pipes; f-. Miniature eaeftitte and eoeaine vials—, 9. Glt�ber > 4 my, of pipes-, , h. Garbttretor or f�der4lffl;%A; , i. �4eetrie of the , aft4 spaee, to Et direet violatiatt of j Air driven pipes; i. tn. lee pipes , and or ehiller�-. fftoltority should > itt 4. Statements by addition an to all other logieftily owfter or by anyone in eafArol relevant ftteters, of the objeet the ftllov�4n eaneerr�ng its ttse; 2. Prior > 4 my, of an owner' , under my state or f�der4lffl;%A; fPIA*i4R pr&6nii+y of the > itt time aft4 spaee, to Et direet violatiatt of mi 43 Criminal Code M, M.L-W I MUM 0 - 1111,2111LILLMUM.. - ; ; ;M- ; - . 43 Criminal Code i i i i" i • • - _ -d.D­wwA- - AP 1 ow _ : : = _ : : ___- : i _ _ _ _ _ • _ _ : _ _ __ : _ _ : _ : _ .: _ IM _ __ : _ __ �1_ _ _ _ _ = 1 _ _ _ :III • • • • 1 1 � r • 1 1 • • • _ _ _ • • pop 9w1v PW w vi A "tij ky. i ■ • • • - - _ -d.D­wwA- - � it � 1 ow _ : : = _ : : ___- : _ : __ _ _ _ _ _ 1 1WWWW"IM"M In New A • III III pop 9w1v PW w vi A "tij ky. i ■ • • • - - _ -d.D­wwA- - � it � 1 ow WM7.' __ - M . IN ; I 1 .11 ��,w v New A • III III • • • • ■ • • • • � _ � - _ � _ � � - _ _ _ • it � � • � - - - - 44 Criminal Code 45 Criminal Code ------------ RIPWIFFUMNYMEM "Mi ..- ; . me.; MN i I .. . . . . ... MW . _wM . . . . . . , 45 Criminal Code ------------ RIPWIFFUMNYMEM "Mi ..- ; . me.; 45 Criminal Code ------------ RIPWIFFUMNYMEM "Mi . . 45 Criminal Code ... . . . . . . . . . - . . - - .. - - . - . .. - - - - ---- . . .. .. . . IN .. . . . . - •• • ... . - • . . . • - . . ---------------- : :W-4 PWMIIIIIIII"- . . . . .. . . . . . . HUMM= �v� A ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . IN .. . . . . - •• • ... . - • . . . • - . . SECTION 7. Chapter 9.36 of the Kent City Code entitled "Traffic Code" is hereby amended by adding a new section as follows: Sec. 9.36.040. Breaking traction - Quick starts. 1. No person shall drive any vehicle or motor -driven cycle so as to cause, by excessive or unnecessary acceleration, the tires of any such vehicle or cycle to spin and emit loud noises or to unnecessarily throw stones or gravel. 2. Any person violating this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. SECTION 8. - Severability If any one or more sections, subsections, or sentences of this Ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall 46 Criminal Code not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 9. - Effective Date. This emergency ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon adoption. ATTEST: CITY CLERK DEPuTy APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROGER A. LUBOVICH, CITY PASSED: a0,ill day of , 1997. APPROVED: a, qday of - , 1997. PUBLISHED: day of 11997. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No.. , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. / kLIa1. (SEAL) CITY CLERK D& - J, 7DO,AJA)4 \5&)AW 1' \LAW\ORDINANC\CHAPNINE ORD _.. 47 2.48.180 Definitions—Unlawful practice a crime— Cause for discipline—Unprofessional conduct—Defense— Injunction—Remedies—Costs—Attorneys' onduct Defense-- Injunction—Remedies—Costs—Attorneys' fees—Time limit for action. (1) As used in this section: (a) "Legal provider" means an active member in good standing of the state bar, and any other person authorized by the Washington state supreme court to engage in full or limited practice of law; (b) "Nonlawyer" means a person to whom the Washing- ton supreme court has granted a limited authorization to practice law but who practices law outside that authorization, and a person who is not an active member in good standing of the state bar, including persons who are disbarred or suspended from membership; (c) "Ownership interest" means the right to control the affairs of a business, or the right to share in the profits of a business, and includes a loan to the business when the interest on the loan is based upon the income of the business or the loan carnes more than a commercially reasonable rate of interest. (2) The following constitutes unlawful practice of law: (a) A nonlawyer practices law, or holds himself or herself out as entitled to practice law; (b) A legal provider holds an investment or ownership interest in a business primarily engaged in the practice of law, knowing that a nonlawyer holds an investment or ownership interest in the business; (c) A nonlawyer knowingly holds an investment or ownership interest in a business primarily engaged in the practice of law; (d) A legal provider works for a business that is primarily engaged in the practice of law, knowing that a nonlawyer holds an investment or ownership interest in the business; or (e) A nonlawyer shares legal fees with a legal provider. (3) Unlawful practice of law is a crime. A single violation of this section is a gross misdemeanor. Each subsequent violation, whether alleged in the same or in subsequent prosecutions, is a class C felony. (4) Nothing contained in this section affects the power of the courts to grant injunctive or other equitable relief or to punish as for contempt. (5) Whenever a legal provider or a person licensed by the state in a business or profession is convicted, enjoined, or found liable for damages or a civil penalty or other equitable relief under this section, the plaintiff s attorney shall provide written notification of the judgment to the appropriate regulatory or disciplinary body or agency. (6) A violation of this section is cause for discipline and constitutes unprofessional conduct that could result in any regulatory penalty provided by law, including refusal, revocation, or suspension of a business or professional li- cense, or right or admission to practice. Conduct that constitutes a violation of this section is unprofessional conduct in violation of RCW 18.130.180. (7) In a proceeding under this section it is a defense if proven by the defendant by a preponderance of the evidence that, at the time of the offense, the conduct alleged was authorized by the rules of professional conduct or the admis- sion to practice rules, or Washington business and profes- sions licensing statutes or rules. (8) Independent of authority granted to the attorney general, the prosecuting attorney may petition the superior court for an inunction against a person who has violated this chapter. Remedies in an injunctive action brought by a prosecuting attorney are limited to an order enjoining, restraining, or preventing the doing of any act or practice that constitutes a violation of this chapter and imposing a civil penalty of up to five thousand dollars for each viola- tion. The prevailing parry in the action may, in the discre- tion of the court, recover its reasonable investigative costs and the costs of the action including a reasonable attorney's fee. The degree of proof required in an action brought under this subsection is a preponderance of the evidence. An action under this subsection must be brought within three years after the violation of this chapter occurred. [1995 c 285 § 26; 1989 c 117 § 13; 1933 c 94 § 14; RRS § 138-14.] 9.02.050 Concealing birth. Every person who shall endeavor to conceal the birth of a child by any disposition of its dead body, whether the child died before or after its birth, shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor. [1909 c 249 § 200; RRS § 2452.] 9.03.010 Abandoning, discarding refrigeration equipment. Any person who discards or abandons or leaves in any place accessible to children any refrigerator, icebox, or deep freeze locker having a capacity of one and one-half cubic feet or more, which is no longer in use, and which has not had the door removed or a portion of the latch mecha- nism removed to prevent latching or locking of the door, is guilty of a misdemeanor. [1955 c 298 § 1.1 9.03.020 Permitting unused equipment to remain on premises. Any owner, lessee, or manager who knowingly permits such an unused refrigerator, icebox, or deep freeze locker to remain on the premises under his control without having the door removed or a portion of the latch mecha- nism removed to prevent latching or locking of the door is guilty of a misdemeanor. [1955 c 298 § 2.] 9.03.040 Keeping or storing equipment for sale. Any person who keeps or stores refrigerators, iceboxes, or deep freeze lockers for the purpose of selling or offering them for sale shall not be guilty of a violation of this chapter if he takes reasonable precautions to effectively secure the door of any refrigerator, icebox, or deep freeze locker held for purpose of sale so as to prevent entrance of children small enough to fit into such articles. [1955 c 298 § 4.] am EXHIBILL 9.04.010 False advertising. Any person, firm, corporation or association who, with intent to sell or in any wise dispose of merchandise, securities, service, or anything offered by such person, firm, corporation or association, directly or indirectly, to the public for sale or distribution, or with intent to increase the consumption thereof, or to induce the public in any manner to enter into any obligation relating thereto, or to acquire title thereto, or an interest therein, makes, publishes, disseminates, circulates, or places before the public, or causes, directly or indirectly, to be made, published, disseminated, circulated, or placed before the public in this state, in a newspaper or other publication, or in the form of a book, notice, hand -bill, poster, bill, circular, pamphlet, or letter, or in any other way, an advertisement of any sort regarding merchandise, securities, service, or anything so offered to the public, which advertisement contains any assertion, representation or statement of fact which is untrue, deceptive or misleading, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor: PROVIDED, That the provisions of this section shall not apply to any owner, publisher, agent, or employee of a newspaper for the publication of such advertisement published in good faith and without knowledge of the falsity thereof. [1913 c 34 § 1; RRS § 2622-1.] 9.08.065 Definitions. As used in RCW 9.08.070: (1) "Pet animal" means a tamed or domesticated animal legally retained by a person and kept as a companion. "Pet animal" does not include livestock raised for commercial purposes. (2) "Research institution" means a facility licensed by the United States department of agriculture to use animals in biomedical or product research. (3) "U.S.D.A. licensed dealer" means a person who is licensed or required to be licensed by the United States department of agriculture to commercially buy, receive, sell, negotiate for sale, or transport animals. [ 1989 c 359 § 1.1 9.08.070 Pet animals—Taking, concealing, injuring, killing, etc.—Penalty. (1) Any person who, with intent to deprive or defraud the owner thereof, does any of the following shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor and shall be punished as prescribed under RCW 9A.20.021(2) and by a mandatory fine of not less than five hundred dollars per pet animal except as provided by (d) of this subsection: (a) Takes, leads away, confines, secretes or converts any pet animal, except in cases in which the value of the pet animal exceeds two hundred fifty dollars; (b) Conceals the identity of any pet animal or its owner by obscuring, altering, or removing from the pet animal any collar, tag, license, tattoo, or other identifying device or mark. (c) Willfully or recklessly kills or injures any pet animal, unless excused by law. (d) Nothing in this subsection or Subsection (2) of this section shall prohibit a person from also being convicted of separate offenses under RCW 9A.56.030, 9A.56.040, or 9A.56.050 for theft or under RCW 9A.56.150, 9A.56.160, or 9A.56.170 for possession of stolen property. (2)(a) It is unlawful for any person to receive with intent to sell to a research institution in the state of Washing- ton, or sell or otherwise directly transfer to a research institution in the state of Washington, a pet animal that the person knows or has reason to know has been stolen or fraudulently obtained. This subsection does not apply to U.S.D.A. licensed dealers. (b) The first conviction under (a) of this subsection is a gross misdemeanor and is punishable as prescribed under RCW 9A.20.021(2) and by a mandatory fine of not less than five hundred dollars per pet animal. A second or subsequent conviction under (a) of this subsection is a class C felony and is punishable as prescribed under RCW 9A.20.021(1)(c) and by a mandatory fine of not less than one thousand dollars per pet animal. (3)(a) It is unlawful for any person, who knows or has reason to know that a pet animal has been stolen or fraudu- lently obtained, to sell or otherwise transfer the pet animal to another who the person knows or has reason to know has previously sold a stolen or fraudulently obtained pet animal to a research institution in the state of Washington. (b) A conviction under (a) of this subsection is a class C felony and shall be punishable as prescribed under RCW 9A.20.021(1)(c) and by a mandatory fine of not less than one thousand dollars per pet animal. (4)(a) It is unlawful for a U.S.D.A. licensed dealer to receive with intent to sell, or sell or transfer directly or through a third party, to a research institution in the state of Washington, a pet animal that the dealer knows or has reason to know has been stolen or fraudulently obtained. (b) A conviction under (a) of this subsection is a class C felony and shall be punishable as prescribed under RCW 9A.20.021(1)(c) and by a mandatory fine of not less than one thousand dollars per pet animal. (5) The sale, receipt, or transfer of each individual pet animal in violation of subsections (1), (2), (3), and (4) of this section constitutes a separate offense. (6) The provisions of subsections (1), (2), (3), and (4) of this section shall not apply to the lawful acts of any employee, agent, or director of any humane society, animal control agency, or animal shelter operated by or on behalf of any government agency, operating under law. [1989 c 359 § 2; 1982 c 114 § 1.] Application of Consumer Protection Act RCW 19 86145 9.12.010 Barratry. Every person who brings on his or her own behalf, or instigates, incites, or encourages another to bring, any false suit at law or in equity in any court of this state, with intent thereby to distress or harass a defendant in the suit, or who serves or sends any paper or document purporting to be or resembling a judicial process, that is not in fact a judicial process, is guilty of a misde- meanor; and in case the person offending is an attorney, he or she may, in addition thereto be disbarred from practicing law within this state. [1995 c 285 § 27; 1915 c 165 § 1; 1909 c 249 § 118; Code 1881 § 901; 1873 p 204 § 100; 1854 p 92 § 91; RRS § 2370.1 Effective date -1995 c 285: See RCW 48.30A.900. Attorneys at law: Chapter 2.44 RCW. State bar act: Chapter 2.48 RCW. 9.18.080 Offender a competent witness. Every person offending against any of the provisions of law relating to bribery or corruption shall be a competent witness against another so offending and shall not be excused from giving testimony tending to criminate himself. [1909 c 249 § 78; RRS § 2330. Cf. 1907 c 60 §§ 1, 2; RRS §§ 2149, 2150.] 9.18.120 Suppression of competitive bidding. When any competitive bid or bids are to be or have been solicited, requested, or advertised for by the state of Washington, or any county, city, town or other municipal corporation therein, or any department of either thereof, for any work or improvement to be done or constructed for or by such state, county, city, town, or other municipal corporation, or any department of either thereof, it shall be unlawful for any person acting for himself or as agent of another, or as agent for or as a member of any partnership, unincorporated firm or association, or as an officer or agent of any corporation, to offer, give, or promise to give, any money, check, draft, property, or other thing of value, to another or to any firm, association, or corporation for the purpose of inducing such other person, firm, association, or corporation, either to refrain from submitting any bids upon such public work or improvement, or to enter into any agreement, understanding or arrangement whereby full and unrestricted competition for the securing of such public work will be suppressed, prevented, or eliminated; and it shall be unlawful for any person to solicit, accept, or receive any money, check, draft, property, or other thing of value upon a promise or under- standing, express or implied, that he individually or as an agent or officer of another person, persons, or corporation, will refrain from bidding upon such public work or improve- ment, or that he will on behalf of himself or such others submit or permit another to submit for him any bid upon such public work or improvement in such sum as to elimi- nate full and unrestricted competition thereon. [ 1921 c 12 § 1; RRS § 2333-1.1 9.18.130 Collusion to prevent competitive bidding. It shall be unlawful for any person for himself or as an agent or officer of any other person, persons, or corporation to in any manner enter into collusion or an understanding with any other person, persons, or corporation to prevent or eliminate full and unrestricted competition upon any public work or improvement mentioned in RCW 9.18.120. [1921 c 12 § 2; RRS § 2333-2.] 9.18.140 Penalty. Any person violating any provi- sions of RCW 9.18.120 through 9.18.150 shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor. [1921 c 12 § 3; RRS § 2333-3.] 9.18.150 Agreements outside state. It shall be no defense to a prosecution under RCW 9.18.120 through 9.18.150 that a payment or promise of payment of any money, check, draft, or anything of value, or any other understanding or arrangement to eliminate unrestricted competitive bids was had or made outside of the state of Washington, if such work or improvement for which bids are called is to be done or performed within the state. [1921 c 12 § 4; RRS § 2333-4.1 9.24.040 Corporation doing business without license. Every corporation, whether domestic or foreign, and every person representing or pretending.to represent such corporation as an officer, agent or employee thereof, who shall transact, solicit or advertise for any business in this state, before such corporation shall have obtained from the officer lawfully authorized to issue the same, a certificate that such corporation is authorized to transact business in this state, shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor. [1909 c 249 § 389; RRS § 2641. Formerly RCW 9 45.130.] 9.26A.090 Telephone company credit cards— Probibited acts. Every person who sells, rents, ]ends, gives, advertises for sale or rental, or publishes the credit card number of an existing, canceled, revoked, expired, or nonex- istent telephone company credit card, or the numbering or coding that is employed in the issuance of telephone compa- ny credit cards or access devices, with the intent that -it be used or with knowledge or reason to believe that it will be used to avoid the payment of any lawful charge, shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor. [ 1990 c 11 § 3; 1974 ex.s. c 160 § 1.] 9.26A.100 Definitions. Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter. (1) "Access device" shall have the same meaning as that contained in RCW 9A.56.010. (2) "Computer' means an electronic, magnetic, optical, electrochemical, or other high speed data processing device performing logical, arithmetic, or storage functions, and includes any data storage facility or communications facility directly related to or operating in conjunction with such device, but does not mean an automated typewriter or typesetter, portable hand held calculator, or other similar device. (3) "Computer trespass" shall have the same meaning as that contained in chapter 9A.52 RCW. (4) "Credit card number" means the card number or coding appearing on a credit card or other form of authoriza- tion, including an identification card or plate issued to a person by any telecommunications provider that permits the person to whom it has been issued to obtain telecommunica- tions service on credit. The term includes the number or description of the card or plate, even if the card or plate itself is not produced at the time the telecommunications service is obtained. (5) "Publish" means the communication or dissemination of information to any one or more persons: (a) Orally, in person, or by telephone, radio, or television; (b) in a writing of any kind. including without limitation a letter or memo- randum, circular or handbill, newspaper or magazine article, or book; or (c) electronically, including by the use of recordings, computer networks, bulletin boards, or other means of electronic storage and retrieval. (6) "Telecommunications" shall have the same meaning as that contained in RCW 80.04.010 and includes telecom- munications service that originates, terminates, or both originates and terminates in this state. (7) "Telecommunications company" shall have the same meaning as that contained in RCW 80.04.010. (8) "Telecommunications device" means any operating procedure or code, instrument, apparatus, or equipment 5 of 56 designed or adapted for a particular use, and which is intended or can be used in violation of this chapter, and includes, but is not limited to, computer hardware, software, and programs; electronic mail system; voice mail system; private branch exchange; or any other means of facilitating telecommunications service. (9) "Telephone company" means any local exchange company, as defined in RCW 80.04.010. [1990 c 11 § 1.1 9.26A.110 Fraud in obtaining telecommunications service --Penalty. (1) Every person who, with intent to evade the provisions of any order or rule of the Washington utilities and transportation commission or of any tariff, price list, contract, or any other filing lawfully submitted to said commission by any telephone, telegraph, or telecommunica- tions company, or with intent to defraud, obtains telephone, telegraph, or telecommunications service from any telephone, telegraph, or telecommunications company through: (a) The use of a false or fictitious name or telephone number; (b) the unauthorized use of the name or telephone number of another; (c) the physical or electronic installation of, rear- rangement of, or tampering with any equipment, or use of a telecommunications device. (d) the commission of computer trespass, or (e) any other trick, deceit, or fraudulent device, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor If the value of the telephone, telegraph, or telecommunications service that any person obtains in violation of this section during a penod of ninety days exceeds: (a) Fifty dollars in the aggregate, then such person shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor; (b) Two hundred fifty dollars in the aggregate, then such person shall be guilty of a class C felony. However, for any act that constitutes a violation of both this subsection and subsection (2) of this section the provi- sions of subsection (2) of this section shall be exclusive. (2) Every person who: (a) Makes, possesses, sells, gives, or otherwise transfers to another a telecommunications device with intent to use it or with knowledge or reason to believe it is intended to be used to avoid any lawful telephone or telegraph toll charge or to conceal the existence or place of origin or destination of any telephone or telegraph message; or (b) Sells, gives, or otherwise transfers to another plans or instructions for making or assembling a telecommunica- tions device described in subparagraph (a) of this subsection with knowledge or reason to believe that the plans may be used to make or assemble such device shall be guilty of a felony. [1990 c 11 § 2, 1981 c 252 § 1; 1977 ex.s. c 42 § 1; 1974 ex.s. c 160 § 2; 1972 ex.s. c 75 § 1; 1955 c 114 § 1. Formerly RCW 9.45 240.1 9.26A.120 Fraud in operating coin -box telephone or other receptacle. Any person who shall knowingly and wilfully operate, or cause to be operated, or who shall attempt to operate, or attempt to cause to be operated, [any] coin -box telephone or other receptacle designed to receive lawful coin of the United States of America in connection with the sale, use or enjoyment of property or service, by means of a slug or any false, counterfeited, mutilated, sweated or foreign coin, or by any means, method, trick or device whatsoever not lawfully authorized by the owner, lessee, or licensee of such machine, coin -box telephone or =0 other receptacle designed to receive lawful coin of the United States of America in connection with the sale, use or enjoyment of property or service, any goods, wares, mer- chandise, gas, electric current, article of value, or the use or enjoyment of any telephone or telegraph facilities or service without depositing in and surrendering to such machine, coin -box telephone or receptacle lawful coin of the United States of America to the amount required therefor by the owner, lessee or licensee of such machine, coin -box tele- phone or receptacle, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. [ 1929 c 184 § 1; RRS § 5842-1. Formerly RCW 9.45.180.] 9.26A.130 Penalty for manufacture or sale of slugs to be used for coin. Any person who, with intent to cheat or defraud the owner, lessee, licensee or other person entitled to the contents of any coin -box telephone or other receptacle, depository or contrivance, designed to receive lawful coin of the United States of America in connection with the sale, use or enjoyment of property or service, or who, knowing or having cause to believe, that the same is intended for unlawful use, shall manufacture for sale, or sell or give away any slug, device, or substance whatsoever intended or calculated to be placed or deposited in any coin -box tele- phone or other such receptacle, depository or contrivance, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. [1929 c 184 § 2; RRS § 5842-2. Formerly RCW 9.45.190.] 9.27.015 Interference, obstruction of any court, building, or residence—Violations. Whoever, interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, pickets or parades in or near a building housing a court of the state of Washington or any political subdivision thereof, or in or near a building or residence occupied or used by such judge, juror, witness, or court officer, or uses any sound -truck or similar device or resorts to any other demon- stration in or near any such building or residence, shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor. Nothing in this section shall ;nterfere with or prevent the exercise by any court of the state of Washington or any political subdivision thereof of its power to punish for contempt. [1971 ex.s. c 302 § 16.] 9.38.010 False representation concerning credit. Every person who, with intent thereby to obtain credit or financial rating, shall wilfully make any false statement in writing of his assets or liabilities to any person with whom he may be either actually or prospectively engaged in any business transaction or to any commercial agency or other person engaged in the business of collecting or disseminating information concerning financial or commercial ratings, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. [1909 c 249 § 368; RRS § 2620.] 9.38.015 False statement by deposit account appli- cant. (1) It is a gross misdemeanor for a deposit account applicant to knowingly make any false statement to a fi- nancial institution regarding: (a) The applicant's identity; (b) Past convictions for crimes involving fraud or decep- tion; or (c) Outstanding judgments on checks or drafts issued by the applicant. (2) Each violation of subsection (1) of this section after the third violation is a class C felony punishable as provided in chapter 9A.20 RCW. [1995 c 186 § 4.] 2se 9.38.020 False representation concerning title. Every person who shall maliciously or fraudulently execute or file for record any instrument, or put forward any claim, by which the right or title of another to any real property is, or purports to be transferred, encumbered or clouded, shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor. [1909 c 249 § 369; RRS § 2621.] 9.40.100 Tampering with fire alarm or fire fighting equipment—False alarm—Penalties. (1) Any person who willfully and without cause tampers with, molests, injures or breaks any public or private fire alarm apparatus, emergency phone, radio, or other wire or signal, or any fire fighting equipment, or who willfully and without having reasonable grounds for believing a fire exists, sends, gives, transmits, or sounds any false alarm of fire, by shouting in a public place or by means of any public or private fire alarm system or signal, or by telephone, is guilty of a misdemeanor. This provision shall not prohibit the testing of fire alarm systems by persons authorized to do so, by a fire department or the chief of the Washington state patrol, through the director of fire protection. (2) Any person who willfully and without cause tampers with, molests, injures, or breaks any public or private fire alarm apparatus, emergency phone, radio, or other wire or signal, or any fire fighting equipment with the intent to commit arson, is guilty of a felony. [1995 c 369 § 3; 1990 c 177 § 1, 1986 c 266 § 80; 1967 c 204 § 1 ] 9.41.010 Terms defined. Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter. (1) "Firearm" means a weapon or device from which a projectile or projectiles may be fired by an explosive such as gunpowder. (2) "Pistol" means any firearm with a barrel less than sixteen inches in length, or is designed to be held and fired by the use of a single hand. (3) "Rifle" means a weapon designed or redesigned, made or remade, and intended to be fired from the shoulder and designed or redesigned, made or re*- )e_, and intended to use the energy of the explosive in a fixed metallic car- tridge to fire only a single projectile through a rifled bore for each single pull of the trigger. (4) "Short -barreled rifle" means a rifle having one or more barrels less than sixteen inches in length and any weapon made from a rifle by any means of modification if such modified weapon has an overall length of less than twenty-six inches. (5) "Shotgun" means a weapon with one or more barrels, designed or redesigned, made or remade, and intended to be fired from the shoulder and designed or rede- signed, made or remade, and intended to use the energy of the explosive in a fixed shotgun shell to fire through a smooth bore either a number of ball shot or a single projec- tile for each single pull of the trigger. (6) "Short -barreled shotgun" means a shotgun having one or more barrels less than eighteen inches in length and any weapon made from a shotgun by any means of modifi- cation if such modified weapon has an overall length of less than twenty-six inches. (7) "Machine gun" means any firearm known as a machine gun, mechanical rifle, submachine gun, or any other mechanism or instrument not requiring that the trigger be pressed for each shot and having a reservoir clip, disc, drum, belt, or other separable mechanical device for storing, carrying, or supplying ammunition which can be loaded into the firearm, mechanism, or instrument, and fired therefrom at the rate of five or more shots per second. (8) "Antique firearm" means a firearm or replica of a firearm not designed or redesigned for using rim fire or conventional center ire ignition with fixed ammunition and manufactured in or before 1898, including any matchlock, flintlock, percussion cap, or similar type of ignition system and also any firearm using fixed ammunition manufactured in or before 1898, for which ammunition is no longer manufactured in the United States and is not readily avail- able in the ordinary channels of commercial trade. (9) "Loaded" means: (a) There is a cartridge in the chamber of the firearm; (b) Cartridges are in a clip that is locked in place in the firearm; (c) There is a cartridge in the cylinder of the firearm, if the firearm is a revolver; (d) There is a cartridge in the tube or magazine that is inserted in the action; or (e) There is a ball in the barrel and the firearm is capped or primed if the firearm is a muzzle loader. (10) "Dealer" means a person engaged in the business of selling firearms at wholesale or retail who has, or is required to have, a federal firearms license under 18 U.S.C. Sec. 923(a). A person who does not have, and is not required to have, a federal firearms license under 18 U.S.C. Sec. 923(a), is not a dealer if that person makes only occasional sales, exchanges, or purchases of firearms for the enhancement of a personal collection or for a hobby, or sells all or part of his or her personal collection of firearms. (11) "Crime of violence" means: (a) Any of the following felonies, as now existing or hereafter amended: Any felony defined under any law as a class A felony or an attempt to commit a class A felony, criminal solicitation of or criminal conspiracy to commit a class A felony, manslaughter in the first degree, manslaugh- ter in the second degree, indecent liberties if committed by forcible compulsion, kidnapping in the second degree, arson in the second degree, assault in the second degree, assault of a child in the second degree, extortion in the first degree, burglary in the second degree, residential burglary, and robbery in the second degree; (b) Any conviction for a felony offense in effect at any time prior to June 6, 1996, which is comparable to a felony classified as a crime of violence in (a) of this subsection; and (c) Any federal or out-of-state conviction for an offense comparable to a felony classified as a crime of violence under (a) or (b) of this subsection. (12) "Serious offense" means any of the following felonies or a felony attempt to commit any of the following felonies. as now existing or hereafter amended: (a) Any crime of violence; (b) Any felony violation of the uniform controlled substances act, chapter 69.50 RCW, that is classified as a class B felony or that has a maximum term of imprisonment of at least ten years; (c) Child molestation in the second degree; (d) Incest when committed against a child under age fourteen; (e) Indecent liberties, (f) Leading organized crime; (g) Promoting prostitution in the first degree; (h) Rape in the third degree; (i) Reckless endangerment in the first degree; 0) Sexual exploitation: (k) Vehicular assault; (1) Vehicular homicide, when proximately caused by the driving of any vehicle by any person while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or any drug as defined by RCW 46.61.502, or by the operation of any vehicle in a reckless manner; (m) Any other class B felony offense with a finding of sexual motivation, as "sexual motivation" is defined under RCW 9.94A.030; (n) Any other felony with a deadly weapon verdict under RCW 9.94A.125; or (o) Any felony offense in effect at any time prior to June 6, 1996, that is comparable to a serious offense, or any federal or out-of-state conviction for an offense that under the laws of this state would be a felony classified as a serious offense. (13) "Law enforcement officer' includes a general authority Washington peace officer as defined in RCW 10.93.020, or a specially commissioned Washington peace officer as defined in RCW 10.93.020. "Law enforcement officer" also includes a limited authority Washington peace officer as defined in RCW 10.93.020 if such officer is duly authorized by his or her employer to carry a concealed pistol (14) "Felony" means any felony offense under the laws of this state or any federal or out-of-state offense comparable to a felony offense under the laws of this state. (15) "Sell" refers to the actual approval of the delivery of a firearm in consideration of payment or promise of payment of a certain price in money. (16) "Barrel length" means the distance from the bolt face of a closed action down the length of the axis of the bore to the crown of the muzzle, or in the case of a barrel with attachments to the end of any legal device permanently attached to the end of the muzzle. (17) "Family or household member" means "family" or "household member" as used in RCW 10.99.020. [1996 c 295 § 1. Prior: 1994 sp s. c 7 § 401; 1994 c 121 § 1; prior: 1992 c 205 § 117; 1992 c 145 § 5; 1983 c 232 § 1; 1971 ex.s. c 302 § 1; 1961 c 124 § 1; 1935 c 172 § 1; RRS § 2516-1.1 9.41.050 Carrying firearms. (1)(a) Except in the person's place of abode or fixed place of business, a person shall not carry a pistol concealed on his or her person without a license to carry a concealed pistol (b) Every licensee shall have his or her concealed pistol license in his or her immediate possession at all times that he or she is required by this section to have a concealed pistol license and shall display the same upon demand to any police officer or to any other person when and if required by law to do so. Any violation of this subsection (1)(b) shall be a class 1 civil infraction under chapter *7 84 RCW and shall be punished accordingiv pursuant to chapter *7.84 RCW and the infraction rules for courts of limited jurisdic- tion. (2) A person shall not carry or place a loaded pistol in any vehicle unless the person has a license to carry a (04 concealed pistol and: (a) The pistol is on the licensee's person, (b) the licensee is within the vehicle at all times that the pistol is there, or (c) the licensee is away from the vehi- cle and the pistol is locked within the vehicle and concealed from view from outside the vehicle. (3) A person at least eighteen years of age who is in possession of an unloaded pistol shall not leave the unloaded pistol in a vehicle unless the unloaded pistol is locked within the vehicle and concealed from view from outside the vehicle. (4) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter. no person may carry a firearm unless it is unloaded and enclosed in an opaque case or secure wrapper or the person is: (a) Licensed under RCW 9.41.070 to carry a concealed pistol; (b) In attendance at a hunter's safety course or a fire- arms safety course; (c) Engaging in practice in the use of a firearm or target shooting at an established range authorized by the governing body of the jurisdiction in which such range is located or any other area where the discharge of a�firearm is not prohibited: (d) Engaging in an organized competition involving the use of a firearm. or participating in or practicing for a performance by an organized group that uses firearms as a part of the performance; (e) Engaging in a lawful outdoor recreational activity such as huntin_, fishing, camping, hiking, or horseback riding. only if, considering all of the attendant circumstances. including but not limited to whether the person has a valid hunting or fishing license, it is reasonable to conclude that the person is participating in lawful outdoor activities or is traveling to or from a legtttmate outdoor recreation area. (f) In an area where the discharge of a firearm is permitted. and is not trespassing; (g) Traveling with any unloaded firearm in the person's possession to or from any activity described in (b). (c). (d). (e), or (f) of this subsection, except as provided in (h) of this subsection. (h) Traveling in a motor vehicle with a firearm. other than a pistol, that is unloaded and locked in the trunk or other compartment of the vehicle, placed in a gun rack, or otherwise secured in place in a vehicle, provided that this subsection (4)(h) does not apply to motor homes if the firearms are not within the driver's compartment of the motor home while the vehicle is in operation. Notwithstand- ing (a) of this subsection, and subject to federal and state park regulations regarding firearm possession therein, a motor home shall be considered a residence when parked at a recreational park. campground, or other temporary residen- tial setting for the purposes of enforcement of this chapter: (i) On real property under the control of the person or a relative of the person; (j) At his or her residence; (k) Is a member of the armed forces of the United States, national guard. or organized reserves, when on duty, (1) Is a law entorcement officer; (m) Carrying a firearm from or to a vehicle for the purpose of taking or removing the firearm to or from a place of business for repair, or (n) An armed private securtty guard or armed private detective licensed by the department of licensing, while on duty or enroute to and from employment �1 � (5) Violation of any of tate prohibitions of subsections (2) through (4) of this section is a misdemeanor (6) Nothing in this section permits the possession of firearms illegal to possess under state or federal law. (7) Any city, town, or county may enact an ordinance to exempt itself from the prohibition of subsection (4) of this section [ 1996 c 295 § 4; 1994 sp.s. c 7 § 405; 1982 1 st ex.s. c 47 § 3; 1961 c 124 § 4; 1935 c 172 § 5; RRS § 2516-5.1 9.41.060 Exceptions to restrictions on carrying firearms. The provisions of RCW 9.41.050 shall not apply to. (1) Marshals, sheriffs. prison or jail wardens or their deputies, or other law enforcement officers; (2) Members of the armed forces of the United States or of the national guard or organized reserves, when on duty: (3) Officers or employees of the United States duly authorized to cam, a concealed pistol, (4) Any person engaged in the business of manufactur- ing, repairing, or dealing in firearms, or the agent or repre- sentative of the person, if possessing, using, or carrying a pistol in the usual or ordinary course of the business, (5) Regularly enrolled members of anv organization duly authorized to purchase or receive pistols from the United States or from this state; (6) Regularly enrolled members of clubs organized for the purpose of target shooting, when those members are at or are going to or from their places of target practice; (7) Regularly enrolled members of clubs organized for the purpose of modern and antique firearm collecting, when those members are at or are going to or from their collector's gun shows and exhibits: (8) Any person engaging in a lawful outdoor recreation- al activity such as hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, or horseback riding, only if, considering all of the attendant circumstances, including but not limited to whether the person has a valid hunting or fishing license. it is reasonable to conclude that the person is participating in lawful outdoor actr�ities or is traveling to or from a legitimate outdoor recreation area, (9) Any person while carrying a pistol unloaded and in a closed opaque case or secure wrapper: or (10) Law enforcement officers retired for service or physical disabilities, except for those law enforcement officers retired because of mental or stress-related disabili- ties This subsection applies only to a retired officer who has (a) Obtained documentation from a law enforcement agency within Washington state from which he or she retired that is signed by the agency's chief law enforcement officer .ind that states that the retired officer was retired for service or physical disability, and (b) not been convicted of a crime making him or her ineligible for a concealed pistol license. [ 1996 c 295 § 5, 1995 c 392 § 1; 1994 sp.s. c 7 § 406: 1961 c 12.3§5, 1935c 172§6: RRS §2516-6] 9.41.140 Alteration of identifying marks— Exceptions. No person may change, alter, remove, or obliterate the name of the maker, model, manufacturer's number, or other mark of identification on any firearm. Possession of any firearm upon which any such mark shall have been changed, altered, removed, or obliterated, shall be prima facie evidence that the possessor has changed, altered, removed, or obliterated the same. This section shall not apply to replacement barrels in old firearms, which barrels are produced by current manufacturers and therefor do not have the markings on the barrels of the original manufactur- ers who are no longer in business. This section also shall not apply if the changes do not make the firearm illegal for the person to possess under state or federal law. [1994 sp.s. c 7 § 419; 1961 c 124 § 10; 1935 c 172 § 14; RRS § 2516- 14.1 9.41.230 Aiming or discharging firearms, dangerous weapons. (1) For conduct not amounting to a violation of chapter 9A 36 RCW, any person who: (a) Aims any firearm, whether loaded or not, at or towards any human being; (b) Willfully discharges any firearm, air gun, or other weapon, or throws any deadly missile in a public place, or in any place where any person might be endangered thereby. A public place shall not include any location at which fire- arms are authorized to be lawfully discharged; or (c) Except as provided in RCW 9.41.185, sets a so- called trap, spnng pistol, rifle, or other dangerous weapon, although no injury results, is guilty of a gross misdemeanor punishable under chapter 9A.20 RCW (2) If an injury results from a violation of subsection (1) of this section, the person violating subsection (1) of this section shall be subject to the applicable provisions of chapters 9A.32 and 9A.36 RCW. [1994 sp.s. c 7 § 422; 1909 c 249 § 307; 1888 p 100 §§ 2, 3; RRS § 2559 ] 9.41.240 Possession of pistol by person from eighteen to twenty-one. Unless an exception under RCW 9 41.042, 9.41.050, or 9.41.060 applies, a person at least eighteen years of age, but less than twenty-one years of age, may possess a pistol only: (1)In the person's place of abode; (2) At the person's fixed place of business; or (3) On real property under his or her control. [1994 sp.s. c 7 § 423; 1971 c 34 § 1, 1909 c 249 § 308; 1883 p 67 § 1; RRS § 2560.] 9.41.250 Dangerous weapons—Penalty. Every person who: (1) Manufactures,_ sells, or disposes of or possesses any instrument or weapon of the kind usually known as slung shot, sand club, or metal knuckles, or spring blade knife, or anv knife the blade of which is automatically released by a spring mechanism or other mechanical device, or any knife having a blade which opens, or falls, or is effected into position by the force of gravity, or by an outward, down- ward, or centrifugal thrust or movement; (2) Furtively carries with intent to conceal any dagger, dirk, pistol, or other dangerous weapon; or (3) Uses any contrivance or device for suppressing the noise of any firearm, is guilty of a gross misdemeanor punishable under chapter 9A.20 RCW. [ 1994 sp.s. c 7 § 424; 1959 c 143 § 1; 1957 c 93 § 1; 1909 c 249 § 265; 1886 p 81 § 1, Code 1881 § 929; RRS § 2517 ] —7 of 5B 9.41.260 Dangerous exhibitions. Every proprietor, lessee, or occupant of any place of amusement, or any plat of wound or building, who allows it to be used for the exhibition of skill in throwing any sharp instrument or in shooting any bow gun or firearm of any description, at or toward any human being, is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable under chapter 9A.20 RCW. [1994 sp.s. c 7 § 425; 1909 c 249 § 283; RRS § 2535.] 9.41.270 Weapons apparently capable of producing bodily harm—Unlawful carrying or handling—Penalty— Exceptions. (1) It shall be unlawful for any person to carry, exhibit, display, or draw any firearm, dagger, sword, knife or other cutting or stabbing instrument, club, or any other weapon apparently capable of producing bodily harm, in a manner, under circumstances, and at a time and place that either manifests an intent to intimidate another or that warrants alarm for the safety of other persons. (2) Any person violating the provisions of subsection (1) above shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor. If any person is convicted of a violation of subsection (1) of this section, the person shall lose his or her concealed pistol license, if any. The court shall send notice of the revocation to the department of licensing, and the city, town, or county which issued the license. (3) Subsection (1) of this section shall not apply to or affect the following: (a) Any act committed by a person while in his or her place of abode or fixed place of business; (b) Any person who by virtue of his or her office or public employment is vested by law with a duty to preserve public safety, maintain public order, or to make arrests for offenses, while in the performance of such duty; (c) Any person acting for the purpose of protecting himself or herself against the use of presently threatened unlawful force by another, or for the purpose of protecting another against the use of such unlawful force by a third person; (d) Any person making or assisting in making a lawful arrest for the commission of a felony; or (e) Any person engaged in military activities sponsored by the federal or state governments. [1994 sp.s. c 7 § 426; 1969c8§1.] 9.41.280 Possessing dangerous weapons on school facilities—Penalty—Exceptions. (1) It is unlawful for a person to carry onto, or to possess on, public or private elementary or secondary school premises, school -provided transportation, or areas of facilities while being used exclu- sively by public or private schools. (a) Anv firearm; (b) Any other dangerous weapon as defined in RCW 9 41.250; (c) Any device commonly known as "nun-chu-ka sticks", consisting of two or more lengths of wood, metal, plastic, or similar substance connected with wire, rope, or other means; (d) Any device, commonly known as "throwing stars", which are multi -pointed, metal objects designed to embed upon impact from any aspect; or (e) Any air gun, :ncluding any air pistol or air rifle, designed to propel a BB, pellet, or other projectile by the discharge of compressed air, carbon dioxide, or other gas. ,XZ (2) Any such person violating subsection (1) of this section is guilty of a gross misdemeanor. If any person is convicted of a violation of subsection (1)(a) of this section, the person shall have his or her concealed pistol license, if any revoked for a period of three years. Anyone convicted under this subsection is prohibited from applying for a concealed pistol license for a period of three years. The court shall send notice of the revocation to the department of licensing, and the city, town, or county which issued the license. Any violation of subsection (1) of this section by elementary or secondary school students constitutes grounds for expulsion from the state's public schools in accordance with RCW 28A.600.010. An appropriate school authority shall promptly notify law enforcement and the student's parent or guardian regarding any allegation or indication of such violation. (3) Subsection (1) of this section does not apply to: (a) Any student or employee of a private military academy when on the property of the academy; (b) Any person engaged in military, law enforcement, or school district security activities; (c) Any person who is involved in a convention, showing, demonstration, lecture, or firearms safety course authorized by school authorities in which the firearms of collectors or instructors are handled or displayed; (d) Any person while the person is participating in a firearms or air gun competition approved by the school or school district; (e) Any person in possession of a pistol who has been issued a license under RCW 9.41.070, or is exempt from the licensing requirement by RCW 9.41.060, while picking up or dropping off a student. (f) Anv nonstudent at least eighteen years of age legally in possession of a firearm or dangerous weapon that is secured within an attended vehicle or concealed from view within a locked unattended vehicle while conducting legiti- mate business at the school, (g) Any nonstudent at least eighteen years of age who is in lawful possession of an unloaded firearm, secured in a vehicle while conducting legitimate business at the school; or (h) Anv law enforcement officer of the federal, state, or local government agency. (4) Subsections (1)(c) and (d) of this section do not apply to any person who possesses nun-chu-ka sticks, throwing stars, or other dangerous weapons to be used in martial arts classes authorized to be conducted on the school premises. (5) Except as provided in subsection (3)(b), (c), (f), and (h) of this section, firearms are not permitted in a public or private school building. (6) "GUN -FREE ZONE" signs shall be posted around school facilities giving warning of the prohibition of the possession of firearms on school grounds. [1996 c 295 § 13; 1995 c 87 § 1; 1994 sp.s. c 7 § 427; 1993 c 347 § 1; 1989 c 219 § 1; 1982 1st ex.s. c 47 § 4.] 9.41.300 Weapons prabibite& in certain places— Local laws and ordinances—Exceptions—Penalty. (1) It is unlawful for any person to enter the following places when he or she knowingly possesses or knowingly has under his or her control a weapon: (a) The restricted access areas of a jail, or of a law en- forcement facility, or any place used for the confinement of a person (i) arrested for, charged with, or convicted of an offense, (ii) held for extradition or as a material witness, or (iii) otherwise confined pursuant to an order of a court, except an order under chapter 13.32A or 13.34 RCW. Restricted access areas do not include common areas of egress or ingress open to the general public; (b) Those areas in any building which are used in connection with court proceedings, including courtrooms, jury rooms, fudge's chambers, offices and areas used to conduct court business, waiting areas, and corridors adjacent to areas used in connection with court proceedings. The restricted areas do not include common areas of ingress and egress to the building that is used in connection with court proceedings, when it is possible to protect court areas with- out restricting ingress and egress to the building. The restricted areas shall be the minimum necessary to fulfill the objective of this subsection (1)(b). In addition, the local legislative authority shall provide either a stationary locked box sufficient in size for pistols and key to a weapon owner for weapon storage, or shall designate an official to receive weapons for safekeeping, during the owner's visit to restricted areas of the building. The locked box or designated official shall be located within the same building used in connection with court proceedings. The local legislative authority shall be liable for any negli- gence causing damage to or loss of a weapon either placed in a locked box or left with an official during the owner's visit to restricted areas of the building. The local judicial authority shall designate and clearly mark those areas where weapons are prohibited, and shall post notices at each entrance to the building of the prohibi- tion against weapons in the restricted areas; (c) The restricted access areas of a public mental health facility certified by the department of social and health services for inpatient hospital care and state institutions for the care of the mentally ill, excluding those facilities solely for evaluation and treatment. Restricted access areas do not include common areas of egress and ingress open to the general public; or (d) That portion of an establishment classified by the state liquor control board as off-limits to persons under twenty-one years of age. (2) Cities, towns, counties, and other municipalities may enact laws and ordinances: (a) Restricting the discharge of firearms in any portion of their respective jurisdictions where there is a reasonable likelihood that humans, domestic animals, or property will be jeopardized. Such laws and ordinances shall not abridge the right of the individual guaranteed by Article I, section 24 of the state Constitution to bear arms in defense of self or others; and (b) Restricting the possession of firearms in any stadium or convention center, operated by a city, town, county, or other municipality, except that such restrictions shall not apply to: (i) Any pistol in the poss6nion of a person licensed under RCW 9.41.070 or exempt from the licensing require- ment by RCW 9.41.060; or (ii) Any showing, demonstration, or lecture involving the exhibition of firearms. (3)(a) Cities, towns, and counties may enact ordinances restricting the areas in their respective jurisdictions in which firearms may be sold, but, except as provided in (b) of this subsection, a business selling firearms may not be treated more restrictively than other businesses located within the same zone. An ordinance requiring the cessation of business within a zone shall not have a shorter grandfather period for businesses selling firearms than for any other businesses within the zone. (b) Cities, towns, and counties may restrict the location of a business selling firearms to not less than five hundred feet from primary or secondary school grounds, if the business has a storefront, has hours during which it is open for business, and posts advertisements or signs observable to passersby that firearms are available for sale. A business selling firearms that exists as of the date a restriction is enacted under this subsection (3)(b) shall be grandfathered according to existing law. (4) Violations of local ordinances adopted under subsection (2) of this section must have the same penalty as provided for by state law. (5) The perimeter of the premises of any specific location covered by subsection (1) of this section shall be posted at reasonable intervals to alert the public as to the existence of any law restricting the possession of firearms on the premises. (6) Subsection (1) of this section does not apply to: (a) A person engaged in military activities sponsored by the federal or state governments, while engaged in official duties; (b) Law enforcement personnel; or (c) Security personnel while engaged in official duties. (7) Subsection (1)(a) of this section does not apply to a person licensed pursuant to RCW 9.41.070 who, upon entering the place or facility, directly and promptly proceeds to the administrator of the facility or the administrator's designee and obtains written permission to possess the firearm while on the premises or checks his or her firearm. The person may reclaim the firearms upon leaving but must immediately and directly depart from the place or facility. (8) Subsection (1)(c) of this section does not apply to any administrator or employee of the facility or to any person who, upon entering the place or facility, directly and promptly proceeds to the administrator of the facility or the administrator's designee and obtains written permission to possess the firearm while on the premises. (9) Subsection (1)(d) of this section does not apply to the proprietor of the premises or his or her employees while engaged in their employment. (10) Any person violating subsection (1) of this section is guilty of a gross misdemeanor. (11) "Weapon" as used in this section means any firearm, explosive as defined in RCW 70.74.010, or instru- ment or weapon listed in RCW 9.41.250. (1994 sp.s. c 7 § 429; 1993 c 396 § 1; 1985 c 428 § 2.1 i 9.45.060 Encumbered, leased, or rented personal property—Construction. Every person being in possession thereof, who shall sell, remove, conceal, convert to his own use, or destroy or connive at or consent to the sale, removal, conversion, concealment or destruction of any personal property or any part thereof, upon which a security agree- ment, mortgage, lien, conditional sales contract, rental agreement, or lease exists, with intent to hinder, delay, or defraud the secured party of such security agreement, or the holder of such mortgage, lien, or conditional sales contract or the lessor under such lease or rentor of [under] such rental agreement, or any assignee of such security agreement, mortgage, lien, conditional sales contract, rental agreement or lease shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor. In any prosecution under this section any allegation containing a description of the security agreement, mortgage, lien, conditional sales contract, rental agreement, or lease by reference to the date thereof and names of the parties thereto, shall be sufficiently definite and certain. The provisions of this section shall be cumulative and nonexclusive and shall not affect any other criminal provi- sion. [ 1971 c 61 § 1; 1965 ex s. c 109 § 1, 1909 c 249 § 377; RRS § 26291 9.45.062 Failure to deliver leased personal proper- ty—Requisites for prosecution—Construction. Every person being in possession thereof who shall wilfully and without reasonable cause fail to deliver leased personal property to the lessor within ten days after written notice of the expiration of the lease has been mailed to the lessee by registered or certified mail with return receipt requested, mailed to the last known address of the lessee, shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor: PROVIDED, That there shall be no prosecution under this section unless such lease is in writing, and contains a warning that failure to promptly return the leased property may result in a criminal prosecu- tion, and the notice mailed pursuant to the provisions of this section shall clearly state that the lessee may be guilty of a crime upon his failure to return the property to the lessor within ten days. In any prosecution under this section, any allegation containing a description of the lease by reference to the date thereof and names of the parties shall be sufficiently definite and certain. As used in this section, the term "lease" shall also include rental agreements. The provisions of this section shall be cumulative and nonexclusive and shall not affect any other criminal provi- sion. [1971 c 61 § 2.1 9.45.080 Fraudulent removal of property. Every person who, with intent to defraud a prior or subsequent purchaser thereof, or prevent any of his property being made liable for the payment of any of his debts, or levied upon by an execution or warrant of attachment, shall remove any of his property, or secrete, assign, convey or otherwise dispose of the same, or with intent to defraud a creditor shall remove, secrete, assign, convey or otherwise dispose of any of his books or accounts, vouchers or writings in any way relating to his business affairs, or destroy, obliterate, alter or erase any of such books of account, accounts, vouchers or writing or any entry, memorandum or minute therein con- tained, shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor. [ 1909 c 249 § 379; RRS § 2631.] 9.45.090 Knowingly receiving fraudulent convey- ance. Every person who shall receive any property or conveyance thereof from another, knowing that the same is transferred or delivered to him in violation of, or with the intent to violate RCW 9 45.080, shall be guilty of a rrusde- meanor. [1909 c 249 § 380; RRS § 2632.) 9.45.100 Fraud in assignment for benefit of credi- tors. Every person who, having made, or being about to make, a general assignment of his property to pay his debts, shall by color or aid of any false or fraudulent representa- tion, pretense, token or writing induce any creditor to participate in the benefits of such assignments, or to give any release or discharge of his claim or any part thereof. or shall connive at the payment in whole or in part of any false, fraudulent or fictitious claim, shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor. [1909 c 249 § 381; RRS § 2633.] 9.46.196 Cheating. No person participating in a gambling activity shall in the course of such participation, directly or indirectly: (1) Employ or attempt to employ any device, scheme, or artifice to defraud any other participant or any operator; (2) Engage in any act, practice, or course of operation as would operate as a fraud or deceit upon any other participant or any operator; (3) Engage in any act, practice, or course of operation while participating in a gambling activity with the intent of cheating any other participant or the operator to gain an advantage in the game over the other participant or operator; or (4) Cause, aid, abet, or conspire with another person to cause any other person to violate subsections (1) through (3) of this section. Any person violating this section shall be guilty of a 9.45.070 Mock auctions. Every person who shall gross misdemeanor subject to the penalty set forth in RCW 9A.20.021. [ 1991 c 261 § 8; 1977 ex.s. c 326 § 13.] obtain any money or property from another or shall obtain the signature of another to any writing the false making of which would be forgery, by color or aid of any false or 9.47A.010 Definition. As used in this chapter, the "substance fraudulent sale of property or pretended sale of property by phrase containing a solvent having the property of releasing toxic vapors or fumes" shall mean and include auction, or by any of the practices known as mock auction, any substance containing one or more of the following shall be punished by imprisonment in a state correctional chemical compounds: facility for not more than five years or in the county jail for (1) Acetone; not more than one year, or by a fine of not more than one (2) e; thousand dollars, or by both fine and imprisonment. Benzol or (3) BBenzol benzene; Every person who shall buy or sell or pretend to buy or (4) Butyl acetate; sell any goods, wares or merchandise, exposed to sale by (5) Butyl alcohol; auction, if an actual sale, purchase and change of ownership (6) Carbon tetrachloride; therein does not thereupon take place, shall be guilty of a (7) Chloroform; misdemeanor. [1992 c 7 § 10; 1909 c 249 § 378; RRS § (g) Cyclohexanone; 2630.1 , p (9) Ethanol or ethyl alcohol; (10) Ethyl acetate; (11) Hexane; (12) Isopropanol or isopropyl alcohol; (13) Isopropyl acetate; (14) Methyl "cellosolve" acetate; (15) Methyl ethyl ketone; (16) Methyl isobutyl ketone; (I7) Toluol or toluene; (18) Trichloroethylene; (19) Tricresyl phosphate; (20) Xylol or xylene; or (21) Any other solvent, material substance, chemical, or combination thereof, having the property of releasing toxic vapors. [1984 c 68 § 1; 1969 ex.s. c 149 § 1.] 9.47A.020 Unlawful inhalation—Exception. It is unlawful for any person to intentionally smell or inhale the fumes of any type of substance as defined in RCW 9.47A.010 or to induce any other person to do so, for the purpose of causing a condition of, or inducing symptoms of intoxication, elation, euphoria, dizziness, excitement, irratio- nal behavior, exhilaration, paralysis, stupefaction, or dulling of the senses of the nervous system, or for the purpose of, in any manner, changing, distorting, or disturbing the audio, visual, or mental processes. This section does not apply to the inhalation of any anesthesia for medical or dental purposes. [1984 c 68 § 2; 1969 ex.s. c 149 § 2.] 9.47A.030 Possession of certain substances prohibit- ed, when. No person may, for the purpose of violating RCW 9.47A.020, use, or possess for the purpose of so using, any substance containing a solvent having the property of releasing toxic vapors or fumes. [1984 c 68 § 3; 1969 ex.s. c 149 § 3.] 9.47A.040 Sale of certain substances prohibited, when. No person may sell, offer to sell, deliver, or give to any other person any container of a substance containing a solvent having the property of releasing toxic vapors or fumes, if he has knowledge that the product sold, offered for sale, delivered, or given will be used for the purpose set forth in RCW 9.47A.020. [1984 c 68 § 4; 1969 ex.s. c 149 § 4.] 9.47A.050 Penalty. Any person who violates this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon convic- tion thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars or by imprisonment for not more than thirty days, or by both. [1969 ex.s. c 149 § 5.] 9.61.230 Telephone harassment. Every person who, with intent to harass, intimidate, torment or embarrass any other person, shall make a telephone call to such other person: (1) Using any lewd, lascivious, profane, indecent, or obscene words or language, or suggesting the commission of any lewd or lascivious act; or (2) Anonymously or repeatedly or at an extremely inconvenient hour, whether or not conversation ensues; or (3) Threatening to inflict injury on the person or property of the person called or any member of his or her family or household; shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor, except that the person is guilty of a class C felohy if either of the following applies: (a) That person has previously been convicted of any crime of harassment, as defined in RCW 9A 46.060, with the same victim or member of the victim's family or household or any person specifically named in a no -contact or no - harassment order in this or any other state; or (b) That person harasses another person under subsec- tion (3) of this section by threatening to kill the person threatened or any other person. [1992 c 186 § 6; 1985 c 288 § 11; 1967 c 16 § 1.1 9.61.240 Telephone harassment—Permitting telephone to be used. Any person who knowingly pernuts any telephone under his control to be used for any purpose prohibited by RCW 9.61.230 shall be guilty of a misdemean- or. [ 1967 c 16 § 2.] 9.61.250 Telephone harassment—Offense, where deemed committed. Any offense committed by use of a telephone as set forth in RCW 9.61.230 may be deemed to have been committed either at the place from which the telephone call or calls were made or at the place where the telephone call or calls were received. [1967 c 16 § 3.] 9.62.010 Malicious prosecution. Every person who shall, maliciously and without probable cause therefor, cause or attempt to cause another to be arrested or proceeded against for any crime of which he or she is innocent: (1) If such crime be a felony, shall be punished by imprisonment in a state correctional facility for not more than five years; and (2) If such crime be a gross misdemeanor or misde- meanor, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. [1992 c 7 § 15; 1909 c 249 § 117; Code 1881 § 899; 1873 p 203 § 98; 1854 p 92 § 89; RRS § 2369.] 9.66.010 Public nuisance. A public nuisance is a crime against the order and economy of the state. Every place (1) Wherein any fighting between people or animals or birds shall be conducted; or, (2) Wherein any intoxicating liquors are kept for unlawful use, sale or distribution; or, (3) Where vagrants resort; and Every act unlawfully done and every omission to perform a duty, which act or omission (1) Shall annoy, injure or endanger the safety, health, comfort, or repose of any considerable number of persons; or, (2) Shall offend public decency; or, (3) Shall unlawfully interfere with, befoul, obstruct, or tend to obstruct, or render dangerous for passage, a lake, navigable river, bay, stream, canal or basin, or a public park, square, street, alley, highway, or municipal transit vehicle or station; or, (4) Shall in any way render a considerable number of persons insecure in life or the use of property; Shall be a public nuisance. [1994 c 45 § 3; 1971 ex.s. c 280 § 22; 1909 c 249 § 248; 1895 c 14 § 1; Code 1881 § 1246; RRS § 2500.] 9.66.030 Maintaining or permitting nuisance. Every person who shall commit or maintain a public nuisance, for which no special punishment is prescribed; or who shall wilfully omit or refuse to perform any legal duty relating to the removal of such nuisance; and every person who shall let, or permit to be used, any building or boat, or portion thereof, knowing that it is intended to be, or is being used, for committing or maintaining any such nuisance, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. [1909 c 249 § 250, Code 1881 § 1248; 1875 p 81 § 14; RRS § 2502.] 9.66.050 Deposit of unwholesome substance. Every person who shall deposit, leave or keep, on or near a highway or route of public travel, on land or water, any un- wholesome substance; or who shall establish, maintain or carry on, upon or near a highway or route of public travel, on land or water, any business, trade or -manufacture which is noisome or detrimental to the public health; or who shall deposit or cast into any lake, creek or river, wholly or partly in this state, the offal from or the dead body of any animal, shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor. [1909 c 249 § 285; RRS § 2537.1 9.68.130 "Sexually explicit material"—Defined-- Unlawful display. (1) A person is guilty of unlawful display of sexually explicit material if he knowingly exhibits such material on a viewing screen so that the sexually explicit material is easily visible from a public thoroughfare, park or playground or from one or more family dwelling units. (2) "Sexually explicit material" as that term is used in this section means any pictorial material displaying direct physical stimulation of unclothed genitals, masturbation, sodomy (i.e. bestiality or oral or anal intercourse), flagella- tion or torture in the context of a sexual relationship, or emphasizing the depiction of adult human genitals: PRO- VIDED HOWEVER, That works of art or of anthropological significance shall not be deemed to be within the foregoing definition. (3) Any person who violates subsection (1) of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. [1975 1st ex.s. c 156 § 1.] 9.68A.011 Definitions. Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter. (1) To "photograph" means to make a print, negative, slide, motion picture, or videotape. A "photograph" means any tangible item produced by photographing (2) "Visual or printed matter" means any photograph or other material that contains a reproduction of a photograph. (3) "Sexually explicit conduct" means actual or simulat- ed: (a) Sexual intercourse, including genital -genital, oral - genital, anal -genital, or oral -anal, whether between persons of the same or opposite sex or between humans and animals; (b) Penetration of the vagina or rectum by any object; (c) Masturbation; (d) Sadomasochistic abuse for the purpose of sexual stimulation of the viewer; (e) Exhibition of the genitals or unclothed pubic or rectal areas of any minor, or the unclothed breast of a female minor, for the purpose of sexual stimulation of the viewer; (f) Defecation or urination for the purpose of sexual stimulation of the viewer; and (g) Touching of a person's clothed or unclothed genitals, pubic area, buttocks, or breast area for the purpose of sexual stimulation of the viewer. (4) "Minor" means any person under eighteen years of age. (5) "Live performance" means any play, show, skit, dance, or other exhibition performed or presented to or before an audience of one or more, with or without con- sideration. [1989 c 32 § 1; 1984 c 262 § 2.1 9.68A.080 Processors of depictions of minor en- gaged in sexually explicit conduct—Report required. A person who, in the course of processing or producing visual or printed matter either privately or commercially, has reasonable cause to believe that the visual or printed matter submitted for processing or producing depicts a minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct shall immediately report such incident, or cause a report to be made, to the proper law enforcement agency. Persons failing to do so are guilty of a gross misdemeanor. [1989 c 32 § 6; 1984 c 262 § 7.1 9.68A.090 Communication with minor for immoral purposes. A person who communicates with a minor for immoral purposes is guilty of a gross misdemeanor, unless that person has previously been convicted under this section or of a felony sexual offense under chapter 9 68A, 9A.44, or 9A.64 RCW or of any other felony sexual offense in this or any other state, in which case the person is guilty of a class C felony punishable under chapter 9A.20 RCW. [1989 c 32 § 7, 1986 c 319 § 2; 1984 c 262 § 8.] 9.68A.110 Certain defenses barred, permitted. (1) In a prosecution under RCW 9.68A.040, it is not a defense that the defendant was involved ,n activities of law enforce- ment and prosecution agencies in the investigation and pros- ecution of criminal offenses. Law enforcement and prosecu- tion agencies shall not employ minors to aid in the investiga- tion of a violation of RCW 9.68A.090 or 9.68A.100. This chapter does not apply to lawful conduct between spouses. (2) In a prosecution under RCW 9.68A.050, 9.63A.060, 9.68A.070, or 9.68A.080, it is not a defense that the defen- dant did not know the age of the child depicted in the visual or printed matter: PROVIDED, That it is a defense, which the defendant must prove by a preponderance of the evi- dence, that at the time of the offense the defendant was not in possession of any facts on the basis of which he or she should reasonably have known that the person depicted was a minor (3) In a prosecution under RCW 9.68A.040 or 9 68A.090, it is not a defense that the defendant did not know the alleged victim's age: PROVIDED, That it is a defense, which the defendant must prove by a preponderance of the evidence, that at the time of the offense, the defendant made a reasonable bona fide attempt to ascertain the true age of the minor by requiring production of a driver's license, marriage license, birth certificate, or other governmental or educational identification card or paper and did not rely solely on the oral allegations or apparent age of the minor. (4) In a prosecution under RCW 9.68A.050, 9 68A.060, or 9.68A.070, it shall be an affirmative defense that the defendant was a law enforcement officer in the process of conducting an official investigation of a sex-related crime against a minor, or that the defendant was pioviding individ- ual case treatment as a recognized medical facility or as a psychiatrist or psychologist licensed under Title 18 RCW (5) In a prosecution under RCW 9.68A.050, 9.68A.060, or 9.68A.070, the state is not required to establish the identity of the alleged victim [1992 c 178 § 1; 1989 c 32 § 9; 1986 c 319 § 3; 1984 c 262 § 10.] 9.68A.150 Allowing minor on premises of live erotic performance. No person may knowingly allow a minor to be on the premises of a commercial establishment open to the public if there is a live performance containing matter which is erotic material. [1987 c 396 § 2.] 9.68A.160 Penalty. Any person who is convicted of violating any provision of RCW 9.68A.150 is guilty of a gross misdemeanor. [1987 c 396 § 3.] 9.73.020 Opening sealed letter. Every person who shall wilfully open or read, or cause to be opened or read, any sealed message, letter or telegram intended for another person, or publish the whole or any portion of such a message, letter or telegram, knowing it to have been opened or read without authority, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. [ 1909 c 249 § 411; RRS § 2663.] 9.73.030 Intercepting, recording or divulging private communication—Consent required—Exceptions. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, it shall be unlawful for any individual, partnership, corporation, asso- ciation, or the state of Washington, its agencies, and political subdivisions to intercept, or record any, (a) Private communication transmitted by telephone, telegraph, radio, or other device between two or more individuals between points within or without the state by any device electronic or otherwise designed to record and/or transmit said communication regardless 'row such device is powered or actuated, without first obtaining the consent of all the participants in the communication; (b) Private conversation, by any device electronic or otherwise designed to record or transmit such conversation regardless how the device is powered or actuated without first obtaining the consent of all the persons engaged in the conversation (2) Notwithstanding subsection (1) of this section, wire communications or conversations (a) of an emergency nature, such as the reporting of a fine, medical emeicency, crime, or disaster, or (b) which convey threats of extortion, blackmail, bodily harm, or other unlawful requests or demands, or (c) which occur anonymously or repeatedly or at an extremely inconvenient hour, or (d) which relate to communications by a hostage holder or barricaded person as defined in RCW 70.85.100, whether or not conversation ensues, may be recorded with the consent of one party to the conversation. (3) Where consent by all parties is needed pursuant to this chapter, consent shall be considered obtained whenever one party has announced to all other parties engaged in the communication or conversation, in any reasonably effective manner, that such communication or conversation is about to be recorded or transmitted. PROVIDED, That if the conversation is to be recorded that said announcement shall also be recorded. k-5 4 (4) An employee of any regularly published newspaper, magazine, wire service, radio station, or television station acting in the course of bona fide news gathering duties on a full time or contractual or part time basis, shall be deemed to have consent to record and divulge communications or conversations otherwise prohibited by this chapter if the consent is expressly given or if the recording or transmitting device is readily apparent or obvious to the speakers. Withdrawal of the consent after the communication has been made shall not prohibit any such employee of a newspaper, magazine, wire service, or radio or television station from divulging the communication or conversation [1986 c 38 § 1; 1985 c 260 § 2; 1977 ex.s. c 363 § 1; 1967 ex.s. c 93 § 1.] 9.73.070 Persoas and activities excepted from chapter. (1) The provisions of diis chapter shall not apply to any activity in connection wiih services provided by a common carrier pursuant to its tariffs on file with the Washington utilities and transportation commission or the i ederal Communication Commission and any activity of any officer, agent or employee of a common carrier who per- forms any act otherwise prohibited by this law in the construction, maintenance, repair and operations of the common carrier's communications services, facilities, or equipment or incident to the use of such services, facilities or equipment. Common carver as used in this section means any person engaged as a common carrier or public service company for hire in intrastate, interstate or foreign communi- cation by wire or radio or in intrastate, interstate or foreign radio transmission of energy. (2) The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to: (a) Any common carrier automatic number, caller, or location identification service that has been approved by the Washington utilities and transportation commission; or (b) A 911 or enhanced 911 emergency service as defined in RCW 82.14B.020, for purposes of aiding public health or public safety agencies to respond to calls placed for emergency assistance. [1994 c 49 § 1. Prior: 1991 c 329 § 8; 1991 c 312 § 1; 1967 ex.s. c 93 § 5.1 9.73.080 Intercepting, recording, or divulging private communication—Penalty. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, any person who violates RCW 9.73.030 is guilty of a gross misdemeanor. [1989 c 271 § 209; 1967 ex.s. c 93 § 6.] 9.73.090 Certain emergency response personnel exempted from RCW 9.73.030 through 9.73.080— Standards—Court authorizations --Admissibility. (1) The provisions of RCW 9.73.030 through 9.73.080 shall not apply to police, fire, emergency medical service, emergency communication center, and poison center personnel in the following instances: (a) Recording incoming telephone calls to police and fire stations, licensed emergency medical service providers, emergency communication centers, and poison centers; (b) Video and/or sound recordings may be made of arrested persons by police officers responsible for making arrests or holding persons in custody before their first appearance in court. Such video and/or sound recordings shall conform strictly to the following: M (i) The arrested person, shall be informed that such recording is being made and the statement so informing him shall be included in the recording; (ii) The recording shall commence with an indication of the time of the beginning thereof and terminate with an indication of the time thereof; (iii) At the commencement of the recording the arrested person shall be fully informed of his constitutional rights, and such statements informing him shall be included in the recording; (iv) The recordings shall only be used for valid police or court activities. (2) It shall not he unlawful for a law enforcement officer acting in the performance of the officer's official duties to intercept, rec ;rd, or disclose an oral communication or conversation where the officer is a party to the com- munication or coiiversation or one of the parties to the communication or conversation has given prior consent to the interception, recording, or disclosure: PROVIDED, That prior to the interception, transmission, or recording the officer shall obtain written or telephonic authorization from a judge or magistrate, who shall approve the interception, recording, or disclosure of communications or conversations with a nonconsenting party for a reasonable and specified period of time, if there is probable cause to believe that the nonconsenting party has committed, is engaged in, or is about to commit a felony: PROVIDED HOWEVER, That if such authorization is given by telephone the authorization and officer's statement justifying such authorization must be electronically recorded by the judge or magistrate on a recording device in the custody of the judge or magistrate at the time transmitted and the recording shall be retained in the court records and reduced to writing as soon as possible thereafter. Any recording or interception of a communication or conversation incident to a lawfully recorded or intercepted communication or conversation pursuant to this subsection shall be lawful and may be divulged. All recordings of communications or conversations made pursuant to this subsection shall be retained for as long as any crime may be charged based on the events or commu- nications or conversations recorded. (3) Communications or conversations authorized to be intercepted, recorded, or disclosed by this section shall not be inadmissible under RCW 9 73.050. (4) Authorizations issued under subsection (2) of this section shall be effective for not more than seven days, after which period the issuing authority may renew or continue the authorization for additional periods not to exceed seven days. (5) If the fudge or magistrate determines that there is probable cause to believe that the communication or conver- sation concerns the unlawful manufacture, delivery, sale, or possession with intent to manufacture, deliver, or sell, controlled substances as defined in chapter 69.50 RCW, or legend drugs as defined in chapter 69.41 RCW, or imitation controlled substances as defined in chapter 69.52 RCW, the judge or magistrate may authorize the interception, transmis- sion, recording, or disclosure of communications or conver- sations under subsection (2) of this section even though the true name of the nonconsenting party, or the particular time and place for the interception, transmission, recording, or disclosure, is not known at the time of the request, if the authorization describes the nonconsenting party and subject ►4 of matter of the communication or conversation with reasonable certainty under the circumstances. Any such communication or conversation may be intercepted, transmitted, recorded, or disclosed as authorized notwithstanding a change in the time or location of the communication or conversation after the authorization has been obtained or the presence of or participation in the communication or conversation by any additional patty not named in the authorization. Authorizations issued under this subsection shall be effective for not more than fourteen days, after which period the issuing authority may renew or continue the authorization for an additional period not to exceed fourteen days. [1989 c 271 § 205; 1986 c 38 § 2; 1977 ex.s. c 363 § 3; 1970,ex.s. c 48 § 1.] 9.91.025 Unlawful bus conduct. (1) A person is guilty of unlawful bus conduct if while on or in a municipal transit vehicle as defined by RCW 46.04.355 or in or at a municipal transit station and with knowledge that such conduct is prohibited, the or she: (a) Except while in or at a municipal transit station, smokes or carries a lighted or smoldering pipe, cigar, or cigarette, (b) Discards litter other than in designated i-ceptacles; (c) Plays any radio, recorder, or other sound -producing equipment except that nothing herein small prohibit the use of such equipment when connected to earphones that limit the sound to individual listeners or the use of a communica- tion deice by an employee of the owner or operator of the municipal transit vehicle or municipal transit station; (d) Spits or expectorates; (e) Carries any flammable liquid, explosive, acid, or other article or material likely to cause harm to others except that nothing herein shall prevent a person from carrying a cigarette, cigar, or pipe lighter or carrying a firearm or ammunition in a way that is not otherwise prohibited by law, (f) Intentionally obstructs or impedes the flow of municipal transit vehicles or passenger traffic, hinders or prevents access to municipal transit vehicles or stations, or otherwise unlawfully interferes with the provision or use of public transportation services; (g) Intentionally disturbs others by engaging in loud, raucous, unruly, harmful, or harassing behavior; or (h) Destroys, defaces, or otherwise damages property of a municipality as defined in RCW 35.58.272 employed in the provision or use of public transportation services. (2) For the purposes of this section, "municipal transit station" means all facilities, structures, lands, interest in lands, air rights over lands, and rights of way of all kinds that are owned, leased, held, or used by a municipality as defined in RCW 35.58.272 for the purpose of providing public transportation services, including, but not limited to, park and ride lots, transit centers and tunnels, and bus shelters. (3) Unlawful bus conduct is a misdemeanor. [1994 c 45 § 4; 1992 c 77 § 1; 1984 c 167 § 1.] 9.91.060 Leaving children unattended in parked automobile. Every person having the care and custody, whether temporary or permanent, of minor children under the age of twelve years, who shall leave such children in a parked automobile unattended by an adult while such person enters a tavern or other premises where vinous[,] spiritu- ous[,] or malt liquors are dispensed for consumption on the premises shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor. [1951 c 270 § 17.] -65 9.91.140 Food stamps. (1) A person who sells food stamps obtained through the program established under RCW 74.04.500, or food purchased therewith, is guilty of a gross misdemeanor under RCW 9A.20.021 if the value of the stamps or food transferred exceeds one hundred dollars, and is guilty of a misdemeanor under RCW 9A 20.021 if t're value of the stamps or food transferred is one hundred dollars or less. (2) A person who purchases, or who otherwise acquires and sells, or who traffics in, food stamps as defined by the federal food stamp act, as amended, (7 U.S C. Sec. 2011 et seq ), is guilty of a class C felony under RCW 9A.20.021 if the face value of the stamps exceeds one hundred dollars, and is guilty of a gross misdemeanor under RCW 9A.20.021 if the face value of the stamps is one hundred dollars or less. (3) A person who, in violation of 7 U.S C. Sec. 2024(c), obtains and presents food stamps as defined by the federal food stamp act, as amended, (7 U.S C. Sec. 2011 et seq.), for redemption or causes such stamps to be presented for redemption through the program established under RCW 74.04 500 is guilty of a class C felony under RCW 9A 20.021 [ 1996 c 73 § 1, 1988 c 62 § 1.] 9.91.160 Personal protection spray devices. (1) It is unlawful for a person under eighteen years old, unless the person is at least fourteen years old and has the permission of a parent or guardian to do so, to purchase or possess a personal protection spray device. A violation of this subsection is a misdemeanor. (2) No town, city, county, special purpose district, quasi -municipal corporation or other unit of government may prohibit a person eighteen years old or older, or a person fourteen years old or older who has the permission of a parent or guardian to do so, from purchasing or possessing a personal protection spray device or from using such a device in a manner consistent with the authorized use of force under RC`r! 9A.16.020 No town, city, county, special puipcse distnct, quasi -municipal corporation, or other unit of goveniment may prohibit a person eighteen years old or older from deliveiing a personal protection spray device to a person authorized to possess such a device. (3) For purposes of this section: (a) "Personal protection spray device" means a commer- cially available dispensing device designed and intended for use in self-defense and coo 'ainme a nonlethal sternutator or lacrimator agent, including but not limited to. (i) Tear gas, the active ingredient of which is either chloraectophenone (CN) or O-chlorobenzylidene malonotrile (CS), or (ii) Other agent commonly known as mace, pepper mace, or pepper gas. (b) "Delivering" means actual, constructive, or attempted transferring from one person to another. (4) Nothing in this section authorizes the delivery, purchase, possession, or use of any device or chemical agent that is otherwise prohibited by state law [1994 sp.s. c 7 § 514.] 9A.08.020 Liability for conduct of another— Complicity. (1) A person is guilty of a crime if it is committed by the conduct of another person for which he is legally accountable. (2) A person is legally accountable for the conduct of (a) Acting with the kind of culpability that is sufficient for the commission of the crime, he causes an innocent or irresponsible person to engage in such conduct; or (b) He is made accountable for the conduct of such other person by this title or by the law defining the crime; or (c) He is an accomplice of such other person in the commission of the crime. (3) A person is an accomplice of another person in the commission of a crime if: (a) With knowledge that it will promote or facilitate the commission of the crime, he (i) solicits, commands, encourages, or requests such other person to commit it; or (ii) aids or agrees to aid such other person in planning or committing it; or (b) His conduct is expressly declared by law to establish his complicity. (4) A person who is legally incapable of committing a particular crime himself may be guilty thereof if it is committed by the conduct of another person for which he is legally accountable, unless such liability is inconsistent with the purpose of the provision establishing his incapacity. (5) Unless otherwise provided by this title or by the law defining the crime, a person is not an accomplice in a crime committed by another person if: (a) He is a victim of that crime; or m (b) He terminates his complicity prior to the comission of the crime, and either gives timely warning to the law enforcement authorities or otherwise makes a good faith effort to prevent the commission of the crime. (6) A person legally accountable for the conduct of another person may be convicted on proof of the commission of the crime and of his complicity therein, though the person claimed to have committed the crime has not been prosecut- ed or convicted or has been convicted of a different crime or degree of crime or has an immunity to prosecution or conviction or has been acquitted. [1975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 38 § 1; 1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.08.020.] 9A.28.020 Criminal attempt. (1) A person is guilty of an attempt to commit crime if, with intent to commit a specific crime, he does any act which is a substantial step toward the commission of that crime. (2) If the conduct in which a person engages otherwise constitutes an attempt to commit a crime, it is no defense to a prosecution of such attempt that the crime charged to have been attempted was, under the attendant circumstances, factually or legally impossible of commission. (3) An attempt to commit a crime is a: (a) Class A felony when the crime attempted is murder in the first degree, murder in the second degree, or arson in the first degree; (b) Class B felony when the crime attempted is a class A felony other than murder in the first degree, murder in the second degree, or arson in the first degree; (c) Class C felony when the crime attempted is a class B felony; (d) Gross misdemeanor when the crime attempted is a class C felony; (e) Misdemeanor when the crime attempted is a gross misdemeanor or misdemeanor. [1994 c 271 § 101; 1981 c 203 § 3; 1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.28.020.] another person when. 154-65 9A.28.030 Criminal solicitation. (1) A person is guilty of criminal solicitation when, with intent to promote or facilitate the commission of a crime, he offers to give or gives money or other thing of value to another to engage in specific conduct which would constitute such crime or which would establish complicity of such other person in its commission or attempted commission had such crime been attempted or committed. (2) Criminal solicitation shall be punished in the same manner as criminal attempt under RCW 9A.28.020. [1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.28.030.] 9A.28.040 Criminal conspiracy. (1) A person is guilty of criminal conspiracy when, with intent that conduct constituting a crime be performed, he agrees with one or more persons to engage in or cause the performance of such conduct, and any one of them takes a substantial step in pursuance of such agreement. (2) It shall not be a defense to criminal conspiracy that the person or persons with whom the accused is alleged to have conspired: (a) Has not been prosecuted or convicted; or (b) Has been convicted of a different offense; or (c) Is not amenable to justice; or (d) Has been acquitted; or (e) Lacked the capacity to commit an offense. (3) Criminal conspiracy is a: (a) Class A felony when an object of the conspiratorial agreement is murder in the first degree; (b) Class B felony when an object of the conspiratorial agreement is a class A felony other than murder in the first degree; (c) Class C felony when an object of the conspiratorial agreement is a class B felony; (d) Gross misdemeanor when an object of the conspira- torial agreement is a class C felony; (e) Misdemeanor when an object of the conspiratorial agreement is a gross misdemeanor or misdemeanor. [1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.28.040.] 9A.36.050 Reckless endangerment in the second degree. (1) A person is guilty of reckless endangerment in the second degree when he recklessly engages in conduct not amounting to reckless endangerment in the first degree but which creates a substantial risk of death or serious physical injury to another person. (2) Reckless endangerment in the second degree is a gross misdemeanor. [1989 c 271 § 110; 1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.36.050.1 9A.36.070 Coercion. (1) A person is guilty of coercion if by use of a threat he compels or induces a person to engage in conduct which the latter has a legal right to abstain from, or to abstain from conduct which he has a legal right to engage in. (2) "Threat" as used in this section means: (a) To communicate, directly or indirectly, the intent immediately to use force against any person who is present at the time; or (b) Threats as defined in RCW 9A.04.110(25)(a), (b), or (c). (3) Coercion is a gross misdemeanor. [1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.36.070.1 9A.36.150 Interfering with the reporting of domes- tic violence. (1) A person commits the crime of interfering with the reporting of domestic violence if the person: (a) Commits a crime of domestic violence, as defined in RCW 10.99.020; and (b) Prevents or attempts to prevent the victim of or a witness to that domestic violence crime from calling a 911 emergency communication system, obtaining medical assistance, or making a report to any law enforcement official. (2) Commission of a crime of domestic violence under subsection (1) of this section is a necessary element of the crime of interfering with the reporting of domestic violence. (3) Interference with the reporting of domestic violence is a gross misdemeanor. [1996 c 248 § 3.] 9A.40.070 Custodial interference in the second degree. (1) A relative of a person is guilty of custodial interference in the second degree if, with the intent to deny access to such person by a parent, guardian, institution, agency, or other person having a lawful right to physical custody of such person, the relative takes, entices, retains, detains, or conceals the person from a parent, guardian, institution, agency, or other person having a lawful right to physical custody of such person. This subsection shall not apply to a parent's noncompliance with a court-ordered parenting plan. (2) A parent of a child is guilty of custodial interference in the second degree if: (a) The parent takes, entices, retains, detains, or conceals the child, with the intent to deny access, from the other parent having the lawful right to time with the child pursuant to a court-ordered parenting plan; or (b) the parent has not complied with the residential provi- sions of a court-ordered parenting plan after a finding of contempt under RCW 26.09.160(3); or (c) if the court finds that the parent has engaged in a pattern of willful violations of the court-ordered residential provisions. (3) Nothing in (b) of this subsection prohibits conviction of custodial interference in the second degree under (a) or (c) of this subsection in absence of findings of contempt. (4) The first conviction of custodial interference in the second degree is a gross misdemeanor. The second or subsequent conviction of custodial interference in the second degree is a class C felony. [ 1989 c 318 § 2; 1984 c 95 § 2.] 9A.40.080 Custodial interference—Assessment of costs—Defense—Consent defense, restricted. (1) Any reasonable expenses incurred in locating or returning a child or incompetent person shall be assessed against a defendant convicted under RCW 9A.40.060 or 9A.40.070. (2) In any prosecution of custodial interference in the first or second degree, it is a complete defense, if established by the defendant by a preponderance of the evidence, that: (a) The defendant's purpose was to protect the child, incompetent person, or himself or herself from imminent physical harm, that the belief in the existence of the immi- nent physical harm was reasonable, and that the defendant sought the assistance of the police, sheriff s office, protective agencies, or the court of any state before committing the acts giving rise to the charges or within a reasonable time thereafter; W� (b) The complainant had, prior to -the defendant commit- ting the acts giving rise to the crime, for a protracted period of time, failed to exercise his or her rights to physical custody or access to the child under a court-ordered parenting plan or order granting visitation rights, provided that such failure was not the direct result of the defendant's denial of access to such person; (c) The acts giving rise to the charges were consented to by the complainant; or (d) The offender, after providing or making a good faith effort to provide notice to the person entitled to access to the child, failed to provide access to the child due to reasons that a reasonable person would believe were directly related to the welfare of the child, and allowed access to the child in accordance with the court order within a reasonable period of time. The burden of proof that the denial of access was reasonable is upon the person denying access to the child. (3) Consent of a child less than sixteen years of age or of an incompetent person does not constitute a defense to an action under RCW 9A.40.060 or 9A.40.070. [ 1989 c 318 § 5; 1984 c 95 § 3.1 9A.42.080 Abandonment of a dependent person in the third degree. (1) A person is guilty of the crime of abandonment of a dependent person in the third degree if: (a) The person is the parent of a child, a person entrust- ed with the physical custody of a child or other dependent person, or a person employed to provide to the child or dependent person any of the basic necessities of life; and (b) The person recklessly abandons the child or other dependent person; and: (i) As a result of being abandoned, the child or other dependent person suffers bodily harm; or (ii) Abandoning the child or other dependent person creates an imminent and substantial risk that the child or other person will suffer substantial bodily harm. (2) Abandonment of a dependent person in the third degree is a gross misdemeanor. [1996 c 302 § 4.] 9A.42.090 Abandonment of a dependent person— Defense. It is an affirmative defense to the charge of abandonment of a dependent person, that the person em- ployed to provide any of the basic necessities of life to the child or other dependent person, gave reasonable notice of termination of services and the services were not terminated until after the termination date specified in the notice. The notice must be given to the child or dependent person, and to other persons or organizations that have requested notice of termination of services furnished to the child or other dependent person. The department of social and health services and the department of health shall adopt rules establishing proce- dures for termination of services to children and other dependent persons. [1996 c 302 § 5.] 9A.44.010 Definitions. As used in this chapter: (1) "Sexual intercourse" (a) has its ordinary meaning and occurs upon any penetration, however slight, and (b) Also means any penetration of the vagina or anus however slight, by an object, when committed on one person by another, whether such persons are of the same or opposite sex, except when such penetration is accomplished for medically recognized treatment or diagnostic purposes, and (c) Also means any act of sexual contact between persons involving the sex organs of one person and the mouth or anus of another whether such persons are of the same or opposite sex. (2) "Sexual contact" means any touching of the sexual or other intimate parts of a person done for the purpose of gratifying sexual desire of either parry or a third parry. (3) "Married" means one who is legally married to another, but does not include a person who is living separate and apart from his or her spouse and who has filed in an appropriate court for legal separation or for dissolution of his or her marriage. (4) "Mental incapacity" is that condition existing at the time of the offense which prevents a person from under- standing the nature or consequences of the act of sexual intercourse whether that condition is produced by illness, defect, the influence of a substance or from some other cause. (5) "Physically helpless" means a person who is unconscious or for any other reason is physically unable to communicate unwillingness to an act. (6) "Forcible compulsion" means physical force which overcomes resistance, or a threat, express or implied, that places a person in fear of death or physical injury to herself or himself or another person, or in fear that she or he or another person will be kidnapped. (7) "Consent" means that at the time of the act of sexual intercourse or sexual contact there are actual words or conduct indicating freely given agreement to have sexual intercourse or sexual contact. (8) "Significant relationship" means a situation in which the perpetrator is: (a) A person who undertakes the responsibility, profes- sionally or voluntarily, to provide education, health, welfare, or organized recreational activities principally for minors; or (b) A person who in the course of his or her employ- ment supervises minors. (9) "Abuse of a supervisory position" means a direct or indirect threat or promise to use authority to the detriment or benefit of a minor. (10) "Developmentally disabled," for purposes of RCW 9A.44.050(1)(c) and 9A.44.100(1)(c), means a person with a developmental disability as defined in RCW 71A.10.020. (11) "Person with supervisory authority," for purposes of RCW 9A.44.050(1) (c) or (e) and 9A.44.100(1) (c) or (e), means any proprietor or employee of any public or private care or treatment facility who directly supervises develop- mentally disabled, mentally disordered, or chemically dependent persons at the facility. (12) "Mentally disordered person" for the purposes of RCW 9A.44.050(1)(e) and 9A.44.100(1)(e) means a person with a "mental disorder" as defined in RCW 71.05.020(2). (13) "Chemically dependent person" for purposes of RCW 9A.44.050(1)(e) and 9A.44.100(1)(e) means a person who is "chemically dependent" as defined in RCW 70.96A.020(4). (14) "Health care provider" for purposes of RCW 9A.44.050 and 9A.44.100 means a person who is, holds himself or herself out to be, or provides services as if he or she were: (a) A member of a health care profession under chapter 18.130 RCW; or (b) registered or certified under chapter 18.19 RCW, regardless of whether the health care provider is licensed, certified, or registered by the state. rl 0� 38 (15) "Treatment" for purposes of RCW 9A.44.050 and 9A.44.100 means the active delivery of professional services by a health care provider which the health care provider holds himself or herself out to be qualified to provide. [1994 c 271 § 302; 1993 c 477 § 1; 1988 c 146 § 3; 1988 c 145 § 1; 1981 c 123 § 1; 1975 1st ex.s. c 14 § 1. Formerly RCW 9.79.140.] 9A.44.096 Sexual misconduct with a minor in the second degree. (1) A person is guilty of sexual misconduct with a minor in the second degree when the person has, or knowingly causes another person under the age of eighteen to have, sexual contact with another person who is at least sixteen years old but less than eighteen years old and not married to the perpetrator, if the perpetrator is at least sixty months older than the victim, is in a significant relationship to the victim, and abuses a supervisory position within that relationship in order to engage in or cause another person under the age of eighteen to engage in sexual contact with the victim. (2) Sexual misconduct with a minor in the second degree is a gross misdemeanor. [1994 c 271 § 307; 1988 c 145 § 9.] 9A.46.020 Definition—Penalties. (1) A person is guilty of harassment if: (a) Without lawful authority, the person knowingly threatens: (i) To cause bodily injury in the future to the person threatened or to any other person; or (ii) To cause physical damage to the property of a person other than the actor; or (iii) To subject the person threatened or any other person to physical confinement or restraint; or (iv) Maliciously to do any other act which is intended to substantially harm the person threatened or another with respect to his or her physical or mental health or safety; and (b) The person by words or conduct places the person threatened in reasonable fear that the threat will be carried out. (2) A person who harasses another is guilty of a gross misdemeanor punishable under chapter 9A.20 RCW, except that the person is guilty of a class C felony if either of the following applies: (a) The person has previously been convicted in this or any other state of any crime of harass- ment, as defined in RCW 9A.46.060, of the same victim or members of the victim's family or household or any person specifically named in a no -contact or no -harassment order; or (b) the person harasses another person under subsection (1)(a)(i) of this section by threatening to kill the person threatened or any other person. (3) The penalties provided in this section for harassment do not preclude the victim from seeking any other remedy otherwise available under law. [1992 c 186 § 2; 1985 c 288 § 2•] 9A.46.030 Place where committed. Any harassment offense committed as set forth in RCW 9A.46.020 or 9A.46.110 may be deemed to have been committed where the conduct occurred or at the place from which the threat or threats were made or at the place where the threats were received. [1992 c 186 § 3; 1985 c 288 § 3.] 9A.46.040 Court-ordered requirements upon person charged with crime --Violation. (1) Because of the likelihood of repeated harassment directed at those who have been victims of harassment in the past, when any defendant charged with a crime involving harassment is released from custody before trial on bail or personal recognizance, the court authorizing the release may require that the defendant: (a) Stay away from the home, school, business, or place of employment of the victim or victims of the alleged offense or other location, as shall be specifically named by the court in the order; (b) Refrain from contacting, intimidating, threatening, or otherwise interfering with the victim or victims of the alleged offense and such other persons, including but not limited to members of the family or household of the victim, as shall be specifically named by the court in the order. (2) An intentional violation of a court order issued under this section is a misdemeanor. The written order releasing the defendant shall contain the court's directives and shall bear the legend: Violation of this order is a criminal offense under chapter 9A.46 RCW. A certified copy of the order shall be provided to the victim by the clerk of the court. [1985 c 288 § 4.] 9A.46.050 Arraignment—No-contact order. A defendant who is charged by citation, complaint, or informa- tion with an offense involving harassment and not arrested shall appear in court for arraignment in person as soon as practicable, but in no event later than fourteen days after the next day on which court is in session following the issuance of the citation or the filing of the complaint or information. At that appearance, the court shall determine the necessity of imposing a no -contact or no -harassment order, and consider the provisions of RCW 9.41.800, or other conditions of pretrial release according to the procedures established by court rule for preliminary appearance or an arraignment. [1994 sp.s. c 7 § 447; 1985 c 288 § 5.1 9A.46.060 Crimes included in harassment As used in this chapter, "harassment" may include but is not limited to any of the following crimes: (1) Harassment (RCW 9A.46.020); (2) Malicious harassment (RCW 9A.36.080); (3) Telephone harassment (RCW 9.61.230); (4) Assault in the first degree (RCW 9A.36.011); (5) Assault of a child in the first degree (RCW 9A.36.120); (6) Assault in the second degree (RCW 9A.36.021); (7) Assault of a child in the second degree (RCW 9A.36.130); (8) Assault in the fourth degree (RCW 9A.36.041); (9) Reckless endangerment in the second degree (RCW 9A.36.050); (10) Extortion in the first degree (RCW 9A.56.120); (11) Extortion in the second degree (RCW 9A.56.130); (12) Coercion -(RCW 9A.36.070); (13) Burglary in the first degree (RCW 9A.52.020); (14) Burglary in the second degree (RCW 9A.52.030); (15) Criminal trespass in the first degree (RCW 9A.52.070); (16) Criminal trespass in the second degree (RCW 9A.52.080); (17) Malicious mischief in the first degree (RCW 9A.48.070); WIVI (18) Malicious mischief in the 'second degree (RCW 9A.48.080); (19) Malicious mischief in the third degree (RCW 9A.48.090); (20) Kidnapping in the first degree (RCW 9A.40.020); (21) Kidnapping in the second degree (RCW 9A.40.030); (22) Unlawful imprisonment (RCW 9A.40.040); (23) Rape in the first degree (RCW 9A.44.040); (24) Rape in the second degree (RCW 9A.44.050); (25) Rape in the third degree (RCW 9A.44.060); (26) Indecent liberties (RCW 9A.44.100); (27) Rape of a child in the first degree (RCW 9A.44.073); (28) Rape of a child in the second degree (RCW 9A.44.076); (29) Rape of a child in the third degree (RCW 9A.44.079); (30) Child molestation in the first degree (RCW 9A.44.083); (31) Child molestation in the second degree (RCW 9A.44.086); (32) Child molestation in the third degree (RCW 9A.44.089); (33) Stalking (RCW 9A.46.110); (34) Residential burglary (RCW 9A.52.025); and (35) Violation of a temporary or permanent protective order issued pursuant to chapter 9A.46, 10.14, 10.99, 26.09, or 26.50 RCW. [1994 c 271 § 802; 1994 c 121 § 2. Prior: 1992 c 186 § 4; 1992 c 145 § 12; 1988 c 145 § 15; 1985 c 288 § 6.] 9A.46.080 Order restricting contact—Violation. The victim shall be informed by local law enforcement agencies or the prosecuting attorney of the final disposition of the case in which the victim is involved. If a defendant is found guilty of a crime of harassment and a condition of the sentence restricts the defendant's ability to have contact with the victim or witnesses, the condition shall be recorded and a written certified copy of that order shall be provided to the victim or witnesses by the clerk of the court. Willful violation of a court order issued under this section is a misdemeanor. The written order shall contain the court's directives and shall bear the legend: Violation of this order is a criminal offense under chapter 9A.46 RCW and will subject a violator to arrest. [1985 c 288 § 8.1 9A.46.090 Nonliability of peace officer. A peace officer shall not be held liable in any civil action for an arrest based on probable cause, enforcement in good faith of a court order, or any other action or omission in good faith under this chapter arising from an alleged incident of harass- ment brought by any party to the incident. [1985 c 288 § 9.] 9A.46.100 "Convicted," time when. As used in RCW 9.61.230, 9A.46.020, or 9A.46.110, a person has been "convicted" at such time as a plea of guilty has been ac- cepted or a verdict of guilty has been filed, notwithstanding the pendency of any future proceedings including but not limited to sentencing, posttrial motions, and appeals. [1992 c 186 § 5; 1985 c 288 § 10.] t 4 9A.46.110 Stalking. (1) A person commits the crime of stalking if, without lawful authority and under circum- stances not amounting to a felony attempt of another crime: (a) He or she intentionally and repeatedly harasses or repeatedly follows another person; and (b) The person being harassed or followed is placed in fear that the stalker intends to injure the person, another person, or property of the person or of another person. The feeling of fear must be one that a reasonable person in the same situation would experience under all the circumstances; and (c) The stalker either: (i) Intends to frighten, intimidate, or harass the person; or (ii) Knows or reasonably should know that the person is afraid, intimidated, or harassed even if the stalker did not intend to place the person in fear or intimidate or harass the person. (2)(a) It is not a defense to the crime of stalking under subsection (1)(c)(i) of this section that the stalker was not given actual notice that the person did not want the stalker to contact or follow the person; and (b) It is not a defense to the crime of stalking under subsection (1)(c)(ii) of this section that the stalker did not intend to frighten, intimidate, or harass the person. (3) It shall be a defense to the crime of stalking that the defendant is a licensed *private detective acting within the capacity of his or her license as provided by chapter 18.165 RCW. (4) Attempts to contact or follow the person after being given actual notice that the person does not want to be contacted or followed constitutes prima facie evidence that the stalker intends to intimidate or harass the person. (5) A person who stalks another person is guilty of a gross misdemeanor except that the person is guilty of a class C felony if any of the following applies: (a) The stalker has previously been convicted in this state or any other state of any crime of harassment, as defined in RCW 9A.46.060, of the same victim or members of the victim's family or household or any person specifically named in a protective order; (b) the stalking violates any protective order pro- tecting the person being stalked; (c) the stalker has previous- ly been convicted of a gross misdemeanor or felony stalking offense under this section for stalking another person; (d) the stalker was armed with a deadly weapon, as defined in RCW 9.94A.125, while stalking the person; (e) the stalker's victim is or was a law enforcement officer, judge, juror, attorney, victim advocate, legislator, or community correction's officer, and the stalker stalked the victim to retaliate against the victim for an act the victim performed during the course of official duties or to influence the victim's performance of official duties; or (f) the stalker's victim is a current, former, or prospective witness in an adjudicative proceeding, and the stalker stalked the victim to retaliate against the victim as a result of the victim's testimony or potential testimony. (6) As used in this section: (a) "Follows" means deliberately maintaining visual or physical proximity to a specific person over a period of time. A finding that the alleged stalker repeatedly and deliberately appears at the person's home, school, place of employment, business, or any other location to maintain visual or physical proximity to the person is sufficient to find that the alleged stalker follows the person. It is not necessary to establish that the alleged stalker follows the person while in transit from one location to another. (b) "Harasses" means unlawful Harassment as defined in RCW 10.14.020. (c) "Protective order" means any temporary or perma- nent court order prohibiting or limiting violence against, harassment of, contact or communication with, or physical proximity to another person. (d) "Repeatedly" means on two or more separate occasions. [1994 c 271 § 801; 1992 c 186 § 1.] 9A.48.010 Definitions. (1) For the purpose of this chapter, ds now or hereinafter amended, unless the context indicates otherwise: (a) "Building" has the definition in RCW 9A.04.110(5), and where a building consists of two or more units separate- ly secured or occupied, each unit shall not be treated as a separate building; (b) "Damages", in addition to its ordinary meaning, includes any charring, scorching, burning, or breaking, or agricultural or industrial sabotage, and shall include any diminution in the value of any property as a consequence of an act. (2) To constitute arson it shall not be necessary that a person other than the actor should have had ownership in the building or structure damaged or set on fire. [1975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 38 § 6; 1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.48.010.1 9A.48.050 Reckless burning in the second degree. (1) A person is guilty of reckless burning in the second degree if he knowingly causes a fire or explosion, whether on his own property or that of another, and thereby reckless- ly places a building or other structure, or any vehicle, railway car, aircraft, or watercraft, or any hay, grain, crop or timber, whether cut or standing, in danger of destruction or damage. (2) Reckless burning in the second degree is a gross misdemeanor. [1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.48.050.] 9A.48.060 Reckless burning—Defense. In any prosecution for the crime of reckless burning in the first or second degrees, it shall be a defense if the defendant establishes by a preponderance of the evidence that: (a) No person other than the defendant had a possessory, or pecuniary interest in the damaged or endangered property, or if other persons had such an interest, all of them consent- ed to the defendant's conduct; and (b) The defendant's sole intent was to destroy or damage the property for a lawful purpose. [ 1975 1 st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.48.060.1 9A.48.090 Malicious mischief in the third degree. (1) A person is guilty of malicious mischief in the third degree if he or she: (a) Knowingly and maliciously causes physical damage to the property of another, under circumstances not amount- ing to malicious mischief in the first or second degree; or (b) Writes, paints, or draws any inscription, figure, or mark of any type on any public or private building or other structure or any real or personal property owned by any other person unless the person has obtained the express permission of the owner or operator of the property, under circumstances not amounting to malicious mischief in the first or second degree. (2)(a) Malicious mischief in the third degree under subsection (1)(a) of this section is a gross misdemeanor if 20 4 38 the damage to the property is iri an amount exceeding fifty dollars; otherwise, it is a misdemeanor. (b) Malicious mischief in the third degree under subsection (1)(b) of this section is a gross misdemeanor. [1996 c 35 § 1; 1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.48.090.1 9A.48.100 Malicious mischief—"Physical damage" defined. For the purposes of RCW 9A.48.070 through 9A.48.090 inclusive: (1) "Physical damage", in addition to its ordinary meaning, shall include the total or partial alteration, damage, obliteration, or erasure of records, information, data, comput- er programs, or their computer representations, which are recorded for use in computers or the impairment, interrup- tion, or interference with the use of such records, informa- tion, data, or computer programs, or the impairment, inter- ruption, or interference with the use of any computer or services provided by computers. "Physical damage" also includes any diminution in the value of any property as the consequence of an act; (2) If more than one item of property is physically damaged as a result of a common scheme or plan by a person and the physical damage to the property would, when considered separately, constitute mischief in the third degree because of value, then the value of the damages may be aggregated in one count. If the sum of the value of all the physical damages exceeds two hundred fifty dollars, the defendant may be charged with and convicted of malicious mischief in the second degree. [ 1984 c 273 § 4; 1981 c 260 § 2. Prior: 1979 ex.s. c 244 § 11; 1979 c 145 § 3; 1977 ex.s. c 174 § 1; 1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.48.100.] 9A.48.110 Defacing a state monument. (1) A person is guilty of defacing a state monument if he or she knowing- ly defaces a monument or memorial on the state capitol campus or other state property. (2) Defacing a state monument is a misdemeanor. [ 1995 c 66 § 1.1 9A.50.010 Definitions. Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter. (1) "Health care facility" means a facility.that provides health care services directly to patients, including but not limited to, a hospital, clinic, health care provider's office, health maintenance organization, diagnostic or treatment center, neuropsychiatric or mental health facility, hospice, or nursing home. (2) "Health care provider" has the same meaning as defined in RCW 7.70.020 (1) and (2), and also means an officer, director, employee, or agent of a health care facility who sues or testifies regarding matters within the scope of his or her employment. (3) "Aggrieved" means: (a) A person, physically present at the health care facility when the prohibited actions occur, whose access is or is about to be obstructed or impeded; (b) A person, physically present at the health care facility when the prohibited actions occur, whose care is or is about to be disrupted; (c) The health care facility, its employees, or agents; (d) The owner of the health care facility or the building or property upon which the health care facility is located. [1993 c 128 § 2.1 9A.50.020 Interference'with health care facility. It is unlawful for a person except as otherwise protected by state or federal law, alone or in concert with others, to willfully or recklessly interfere with access to or from a health care facility or willfully or recklessly disrupt the normal functioning of such facility by: (1) Physically obstructing or impeding the free passage of a person seeking to enter or depart from the facility or from the common areas of the real property upon which the facility is located; (2) Making noise that unreasonably disturbs the peace within the facility; (3) Trespassing on the facility or the common areas of the real property upon which the facility is located; (4) Telephoning the facility repeatedly, or knowingly permitting any telephone under his or her control to be used for such purpose; or (5) Threatening to inflict injury on the owners, agents, patients, employees, or property of the facility or knowingly permitting any telephone under his or her control to be used for such purpose. [1993 c 128 § 3.1 9A.50.030 Penalty. A violation of RCW 9A.50.020 is a gross misdemeanor. A person convicted of violating RCW 9A.50.020 shall be punished as follows: (1) For a first offense, a fine of not less than two hundred fifty dollars and a jail term of not less than twenty- four consecutive hours; (2) For a second offense, a fine of not less than five hundred dollars and a jail term of not less than seven consecutive days; and (3) For a third or subsequent offense, a fine of not less than one thousand dollars and a jail term of not less than thirty consecutive days. [1993 c 128 § 4.] 9A.52.010 Definitions. The following definitions apply in this chapter: (1) 'Premises" includes any building, dwelling, structure used for commercial aquaculture, or any real property; (2) "Enter". The word "enter" when constituting an element or part of a crime, shall include the entrance of the person, or the insertion of any part of his body, or any instrument or weapon held in his hand and used or intended to be used to threaten or intimidate a person or to detach or remove property; (3) 'Enters or remains unlawfully". A person "enters or remains unlawfully" in or upon premises when he is not then licensed, invited, or otherwise privileged to so enter or remain. A license or privilege to enter or remain in a building which is only partly open to the public is not a license or privilege to enter or remain in that part of a building which is not open to the public. A person who enters or remains upon unimproved and apparently unused land, which is neither fenced nor otherwise enclosed in a manner designed to exclude intruders, does so with license and privilege unless notice against trespass is personally communicated to him by the owner of the land or some other authorized person, or unless notice is given by posting in a conspicuous manner. Land that is used for commercial aquaculture or for growing an agricultural crop or crops, other than timber, is not unimproved and apparently unused land if a crop or any other sign of cultivation is clearly visible or if notice is given by posting in a conspicuous manner. Similarly, a field fenced in any manner is not unimproved and apparently unused land; (4) "Data" means a representation of information, knowledge, facts, concepts, or instructions that are being prepared or have been prepared in a formalized manner and are intended for use in a computer; (5) "Computer program" means an ordered set of data representing coded instructions or statements that when executed by a computer cause the computer to process data; (6) "Access" means to approach, instruct, communicate with, store data in, retrieve data from, or otherwise make use of any resources of a computer, directly or by electronic means. [1985 c 289 § 1. Prior: 1984 c 273 § 5; 1984 c 49 § 1; 1975 Ist ex.s. c 260 § 9A.52.010.1 9A.52.060 Making or having burglar tools. (1) Every person who shall make or mend or cause to be made or mended, or have in his possession, any engine, machine, tool, false key, pick lock, bit, nippers, or implement adapted, designed, or commonly used for the commission of burglary under circumstances evincing an intent to use or employ, or allow the same to be used or employed in the commission of a burglary, or knowing that the same is intended to be so used, shall be guilty of making or having burglar tools. (2) Making or having burglar tools is a gross misde- meanor. [1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.52.060.1 9A.52.070 Criminal trespass in the first degree. (1) A person is guilty of criminal trespass in the first degree if he knowingly enters or remains unlawfully in a building. (2) Criminal trespass in the first degree is a gross misdemeanor. [1979 ex.s. c 244 § 12; 1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.52.070.1 9A.52.080 Criminal trespass in the second degree. (1) A person is guilty of criminal trespass in the second degree if he knowingly enters or remains unlawfully in or upon premises of another under circumstances not constitut- ing criminal trespass in the first degree. (2) Criminal trespass in the second degree is a misde- meanor. [ 1979 ex.s. c 244 § 13; 1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.52.080.] 9A.52.090 Criminal trespass—Defenses. In any prosecution under RCW 9A.52.070 and 9A.52.080, it is a defense that: (1) A building involved in an offense under RCW 9A.52.070 was abandoned; or (2) The premises were at the time open to members of the public and the actor complied with all lawful conditions imposed on access to or remaining in the premises; or (3) The actor reasonably believed that the owner of the premises, or other person empowered to license access thereto, would have licensed him to enter or remain; or (4) The actor was attempting to serve legal process which includes any document required or allowed to be served upon persons or property, by any statute, rule, ordinance, regulation, or court order, excluding delivery by the mails of the United States. This defense applies only if the actor did not enter into a private residence or other building not open to the public and the entry onto the premises was reasonable and necessary for service of the legal process. [1986 c 219 § 2; 1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.52.090.1 38 9A.52.100 Vehicle prowling in the second degree. (1) A person is guilty of vehicle prowling in the second degree if, with intent to commit a crime against a person or property therein, he enters or remains unlawfully in a vehicle other than a motor home, as defined in RCW 46.04.305, or a vessel equipped for propulsion by mechanical means or by sail which has a cabin equipped with permanently installed sleeping quarters or cooking facilities. (2) Vehicle prowling in the second degree is a gross misdemeanor. [1982 1st ex.s. c 47 § 14; 1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.52.100.1 9A52.120 Computer trespass in the second degree. (1) A person is guilty of computer trespass in the second degree if the person, without authorization, intentionally gains access to a computer system or electronic data base of another under circumstances not constituting the offense in the first degree. (2) Computer trespass in the second degree is a gross misdemeanor. [1984 c 273 § 2.] 9A.52.130 Computer trespass—Commission of other crime. A person who, in the commission of a computer trespass, commits any other crime may be pun- ished for that other crime as well as for the computer trespass and may be prosecuted for each crime separately. [1984 c 273 § 3.1 9A.56.010 Definitions. The following definitions are applicable in this chapter unless the context otherwise requires: (1) "Appropriate lost or misdelivered property or services" means obtaining or exerting control over the property or services of another which the actor knows to have been lost or mislaid, or to have been delivered under a mistake as to identity of the recipient or as to the nature or amount of the property; (2) "By color or aid of deception" means that the deception operated to bring about the obtaining of the property or services; it is not necessary that deception be the sole means of obtaining the property or services; (3) "Access device" means any card, plate, code, account number, or other means of account access that can be used alone or in conjunction with another access device to obtain money, goods, services, or anything else of value, or that can be used to initiate a transfer of funds, other than a transfer originated solely by paper instrument; (4) "Deception" occurs when an actor knowingly: (a) Creates or confines another's false impression which the actor knows to be false; or (b) Fails to correct another's impression which the actor previously has created or confirmed; or (c) Prevents another from acquiring information material to the disposition of the property involved; or (d) Transfers or encumbers property without disclosing a lien, adverse claim, or other legal impediment to the enjoyment of the property, whether that impediment is or is not valid, or is or is not a matter of official record; or (e) Promises performance which the actor does not intend to perform or knows will not be performed. (5) "Deprive" in addition to its common meaning means to make unauthorized use or an unauthorized copy of records, information, data, trade secrets, or computer pro- grams; (6) "Obtain control over" in addition to its common meaning, means: (a) In relation to property, to bring about a transfer or purported transfer to the obtainer or another of a legally recognized interest in the property; or (b) In relation to labor or service, to secure performance thereof for the benefits of the obtainer or another; (7) "Wrongfully obtains" or "exerts unauthorized control" means: (a) To take the property or services of another; (b) Having any property or services in one's possession, custody or control as bailee, factor, pledgee, servant, attorney, agent, employee, trustee, executor, administrator, guardian, or officer of any person, estate, association, or corporation, or as a public officer, or person authorized by agreement or competent authority to take or hold such possession, custody, or control, to secrete, withhold, or appropriate the same to his or her own use or to the use of any person other than the true owner or person entitled thereto; or (c) Having any property or services in one's possession, custody, or control as partner, to secrete, withhold, or appropriate the same to his or her use or to the use of any person other than the true owner or person entitled thereto, where such use is unauthorized by the partnership agree- ment; (8) "Owner" means a person, other than the actor, who has possession of or any other interest in the property or services involved, and without whose consent the actor has no authority to exert control over the property or services; (9) "Receive" includes, but is not limited to, acquiring title, possession, control, or a security interest, or any other interest in the property; (10) "Services" includes, but is not limited to, labor, professional services, transportation services, electronic computer services, the supplying of hotel accommodations, restaurant services, entertainment, the supplying of equip- ment for use, and the supplying of commodities of a public utility nature such as gas, electricity, steam, and water; (11) "Stolen" means obtained by theft, robbery, or extortion; (12) "Subscription television service" means cable or encrypted video and related audio and data services intended for viewing on a home television by authorized members of the public only, who have agreed to pay a fee for the ser- vice. Subscription services include but are not limited to those video services presently delivered by coaxial cable, fiber optic cable, terrestrial microwave, television broadcast, and satellite transmission; (13) "Telecommunication device" means (a) any type of instrument, device, machine, or equipment that is capable of transmitting or receiving telephonic or electronic communi- cations; or (b) any part of such an instrument, device, ma- chine, or equipment, or any computer circuit, computer chip, electronic mechanism, or other component, that is capable of facilitating the transmission or reception of telephonic or electronic communications; (14) "Telecommunication service" includes any service other than subscription television service provided for a charge or compensation to facilitate the transmission, transfer, or reception of a telephonic communication or an electronic communication; (15) Value. (a) "Value" means the market value of the property or services at the time and in the approximate area of the criminal act. r • I (b) Whether or not they have been issued or delivered, written instruments, except those having a readily ascertained market value, shall be evaluated as follows: (i) The value of an instrument constituting an evidence of debt, such as a check, draft, or promissory note, shall be deemed the amount due or collectible thereon or thereby, that figure ordinarily being the face amount of the indebted- ness less any portion thereof which has been satisfied; (ii) The value of a ticket or equivalent instrument which evidences a right to receive transportation, entertainment, or other service shall be deemed the price stated thereon, if any; and if no price is stated thereon, the value shall be deemed the price of such ticket or equivalent instrument which the issuer charged the general public; (iii) The value of any other instrument that creates, releases, discharges, or otherwise affects any valuable legal right, privilege, or obligation shall be deemed the greatest amount of economic loss which the owner of the instrument might reasonably suffer by virtue of the loss of the instru- ment. (c) Whenever any series of transactions which constitute theft, would, when considered separately, constitute theft in the third degree because of value, and said series oftransac- tions are a part of a common scheme or plan, then the transactions may be aggregated in one count and the sum of the value of all said transactions shall be the value consid- ered in determining the degree of theft involved. (d) Whenever any person is charged with possessing stolen property and such person has unlawfully in his possession at the same time the stolen property of more than one person, then the stolen property possessed may be aggregated in one count and the sum of the value of all said stolen property shall be the value considered in determining the degree of theft involved. (e) Property or services having value that cannot be ascertained pursuant to the standards set forth above shall be deemed to be of a value not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars; (16) "Shopping cart" means a basket mounted on wheels or similar container generally used in a retail establishment by a customer for the purpose of transporting goods of any kind; (17) "Parking area" means a parking lot or other property provided by retailers for use by a customer for parking an automobile or other vehicle. [1995 c 92 § l; 1987 c 140 § 1; 1986 c 257 § 2; 1985 c 382 § 1; 1984 c 273 § 6; 1975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 38 § 8; 1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.56.010.1 9A.56.020 Theft—Definition, defense. (1) "Theft" means: (a) To wrongfully obtain or exert unauthorized control over the property or services of another or the value thereof, with intent to deprive him of such property or services; or (b) By color or aid of deception to obtain control over the property or services of another or the value thereof, with intent to deprive him of such property or services; or (c) To appropriate lost or misdelivered property or services of another, or the value thereof, with intent to deprive him of such property or services. (2) In any prosecution for theft, it shall be a sufficient defense that the property or service was appropriated openly and avowedly under a claim of title made in good faith, even though the claim be untenable. [1975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 38 § 9; 1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.56.020.] 23 ck -58 9A.56.050 Theft in the third degree. (1) A person is guilty of theft in the third degree if he commits theft of property or services which does not exceed two hundred and fifty dollars in value. (2) Theft in the third degree is a gross misdemeanor. [1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.56.050.] 9A.56.060 Unlawful issuance of checks or drafts. (1) Any person who shall with intent to defraud, make, or draw, or utter, or deliver to another person any check, or draft, on a bank or other depository for the payment of mon- ey, knowing at the time of such drawing, or delivery, that he has not sufficient funds in, or credit with said bank or other depository, to meet said check or draft, in full upon its presentation, shall be guilty of unlawful issuance of bank check. The word "credit" as used herein shall be construed to mean an arrangement or understanding with the bank or other depository for the payment of such check or draft, and the uttering or delivery of such a check or draft to another person without such fund or credit to meet the same shall be prima facie evidence of an intent to defraud. (2) Any person who shall with intent to defraud, make, or draw, or utter, or deliver to another person any check, or draft on a bank or other depository for the payment of money and who issues a stop -payment order directing the bank or depository on which the check is drawn not to honor said check, and who fails to make payment of money in the amount of the check or draft or otherwise arrange a settle- ment agreed upon by the holder of the check within twenty days of issuing said check or draft shall be guilty of unlaw- ful issuance of a bank check. (3) When any series of transactions which constitute unlawful issuance of a bank check would, when considered separately, constitute unlawful issuance of a bank check in an amount of two hundred fifty dollars or less because of value, and the series of transactions are a part of a common scheme or plan, the transactions may be aggregated in one count and the sum of the value of all of the transactions shall be the value considered in determining whether the unlawful issuance of a bank check is to be punished as a class C felony or a gross misdemeanor. (4) Unlawful issuance of a bank check in an amount greater than two hundred fifty dollars is a class C felony. (5) Unlawful issuance of a bank check in an amount of two hundred fifty dollars or less is a gross misdemeanor and shall be punished as follows: (a) The court shall order the defendant to make full restitution; (b) The defendant need not be imprisoned, but the court shall impose a minimum fine of five hundred dollars. Of the fine imposed, at least fifty dollars shall not be suspended or deferred. Upon conviction for a second offense within any twelve-month period, the court may suspend or defer only that portion of the fine which is in excess of five hundred dollars. [1982 c 138 § 1; 1979 ex.s. c 244 § 14; 1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.56.060.1 9A.56.140 Possessing stolen property—Defmition— Access devices, presumption. (1) "Possessing stolen property" means knowingly to receive, retain, possess, conceal, or dispose of stolen property knowing that it has been stolen and to withhold or appropriate the same to the use of any person other than the true owner or person entitled thereto. (2) The fact that the person who stole the property has not been convicted, apprehended, or identified is not a defense to a charge of possessing stolen property. (3) When a person not an issuer or agent thereof has in his possession or under his control stolen access devices issued in the names of two or more persons, he shall be presumed to know that they are stolen. This presumption may be rebutted by evidence raising a reasonable inference that the possession of such stolen access devices was without knowledge that they were stolen. [1987 c 140 § 3; 1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.56.140.1 9A.56.170 Possessing stolen property in the third degree. (1) A person is guilty of possessing stolen property in the third degree if he possesses stolen property which does not exceed two hundred fifty dollars in value. (2) Possessing stolen property in the third degree is a gross misdemeanor. [1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.56.170.] 9A.56.180 Obscuring the identity of a machine. (1) A person is guilty of obscuring the identity of a machine if he knowingly: (a) Obscures the manufacturer's serial number or any other distinguishing identification number or mark upon any vehicle, machine, engine, apparatus, appliance, or other device with intent to render it unidentifiable; or (b) Possesses a vehicle, machine, engine, apparatus, appliance, or other device held for sale knowing that the serial number or other identification number or mark has been obscured. (2) "Obscure" means to remove, deface, cover, alter, destroy, or otherwise render unidentifiable. (3) Obscuring the identity of a machine is a gross misdemeanor. [1975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 38 § 11; 1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.56.180.] 9A.56.220 Theft of subscription television services. (1) A person is guilty of theft of subscription television services if, with intent to avoid payment of the lawful charge of a subscription television service, he or she: (a) Obtains or attempts to obtain subscription television service from a subscription television service company by trick, artifice, deception, use of a device or decoder, or other fraudulent means without authority from the company providing the service; (b) Assists or instructs a person in obtaining or attempt- ing to obtain subscription television service without authority of the company providing the service; 9A.61.010 Definitions. The definitions set forth in (c) Makes or maintains a connection or connections, this section apply throughout this chapter. whether physical, electrical, mechanical, acoustical, or by (1) "Customer" means the person in whose name a other means, with cables, wires, components, or other utility service is provided. devices used for the distribution of subscription television (2) "Divert" means to change the intended course or path of electricity, gas, or water without the authorization or services without authority from the company providing the consent of the utility. y• (d) Makes or maintains a modification or alteration to (3) "Person" means an individual, partnership, firm, a device installed with the authorization of a subscription association, or corporation or government agency. 2-4435 television service company for the purpose of interception or receiving a program or other service carried by the company that the person is not authorized by the company to receive; or (e) Possesses without authority a device designed in whole or in part to receive subscription television services offered for sale by the subscription television service company, regardless of whether the program or services are encoded, filtered, scrambled, or otherwise made unintelligi- ble, or to perform or facilitate the performance of any other acts set out in (a) through (d) of this subsection for the reception of subscription television services without authori- ty. (2) Theft of subscription television services is a gross misdemeanor. [1995 c 92 § 2; 1989 c 11 § 1; 1985 c 430 § 1.1 9A.60.040 Criminal impersonation. (1) A person is guilty of criminal impersonation in the first degree if the person: (a) Assumes a false identity and does an act in his or her assumed character with intent to defraud another or for any other unlawful purpose; or (b) Pretends to be a representative of some person or organization or a public servant and does an act in his or her pretended capacity with intent to defraud another or for any other unlawful purpose. (2) Criminal impersonation in the first degree is a gross misdemeanor. (3) A person is guilty of criminal impersonation in the second degree if the person: (a) Claims to be a law enforcement officer or creates an impression that he or she is a law enforcement officer; and (b) Under circumstances not amounting to criminal impersonation in the first degree, does an act with intent to convey the impression that he or she is acting in an official capacity and a reasonable person would believe the person is a law enforcement officer. (4) Criminal impersonation in the second degree is a misdemeanor. [1993 c 457 § 1; 1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.60.040.1 9A.60.050 False certification. (1) A person is guilty of false certification, if, being an officer authorized to take a proof or acknowledgment of an instrument which by law may be recorded, he knowingly certifies falsely that the execution of such instrument was acknowledged by any party thereto or that the execution thereof was proved. (2) False certification is a gross misdemeanor. [1975- '76 2nd ex.s. c 38 § 15; 1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.60.050.] (4) "Reconnection" means the commencement of utility service to a customer or other person after service has been lawfully disconnected by the utility. (5) "Tamper" means to rearrange, injure, alter, interfere with, or otherwise prevent from performing the normal or customary function. (6) "Utility" means an electrical company, gas company, or water company as those terms are defined in RCW 80.04.010, and includes an electrical, gas, or water system operated by a public agency. (7) "Utility service" means the provision of electricity, gas, water, or any other service or commodity furnished by the utility for compensation. [1989 c 109 § 1.] 9A.61.020 Defrauding a public utility. "Defrauding a public utility" means to commit, authorize, solicit, aid, abet, or attempt to: (1) Divert, or cause to be diverted, utility services by any means whatsoever; (2) Make, or cause to be made, a connection or reconnection with property owned or used by the utility to provide utility service without the authorization or consent of the utility; (3) Prevent a utility meter or other device used in determining the charge for utility services from accurately performing its measuring function by tampering or by any other means; (4) Tamper with property owned or used by the utility to provide utility services; or (5) Use or receive the direct benefit of all or a portion of the utility service with knowledge of, or reason to believe that, the diversion, tampering, or unauthorized connection existed at the time of the use or that the use or receipt was without the authorization or consent of the utility. [1989 c 109 § 2.] 9A.61.050 Defrauding a public utility in the third degree. (1) A person is guilty of defrauding a public utility in the third degree if: (a) The utility service diverted or used is five hundred dollars or less in value; or (b) A connection or reconnection has occurred without authorization or consent of the utility. (2) Defrauding a public utility in the third degree is a gross misdemeanor. [1989 c 109 § 5.] 9A.72.010 Definitions. The following definitions are applicable in this chapter unless the context otherwise requires: (1) "Materially false statement" means any false statement oral or written, regardless of its admissibility under the rules of evidence, which could have affected the course or outcome of the proceeding; whether a false statement is material shall be determined by the court as a matter of law; (2) "Oath" includes an affirmation and every other mode authorized by law of attesting to the truth of that which is stated; in this chapter, written statements shall be treated as if made under oath if: (a) The statement was made on or pursuant to instruc- tions on an official form bearing notice, authorized by law, to the effect that false statements made therein are punish- able; 25 0f (b) The statement recites that it was made under oath, the declarant was aware of such recitation at the time he or she made the statement, intended that the statement should be,represented as a sworn statement, and the statement was in fact so represented by its delivery or utterance with the signed jurat of an officer authorized to administer oaths appended thereto; or (c) It is a statement, declaration, verification, or certifi- cate, made within or outside the state of Washington, which is certified or declared to be true under penalty of perjury as provided in RCW 9A.72.085. (3) An oath is "required or authorized by law" when the use of the oath is specifically provided for by statute or regulatory provision or when the oath is administered by a person authorized by state or federal law to administer oaths; (4) "Official proceeding" means a proceeding heard before any legislative, judicial, administrative, or other government agency or official authorized to hear evidence under oath, including any referee, hearing examiner, com- missioner, notary, or other person taking testimony or depositions; (5) "Juror" means any person who is a member of any jury, including a grand jury, impaneled by any court of this state or by any public servant authorized by law to impanel a jury; the term juror also includes any person who has been drawn or summoned to attend as a prospective juror; (6) "Testimony" includes oral or written statements, documents, or any other material that may be offered by a witness in an official proceeding. [1995 c 285 § 30; 1981 c 187 § 1; 1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.72.010.] 9A.72.040 False swearing. (1) A person is guilty of false swearing if he makes a false statement, which he knows to be false, under an oath required or authorized by law. (2) False swearing is a gross misdemeanor. [1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.72.040.] 9A.72.060 Perjury and false swearing—Retraction. No person shall be convicted of perjury or false swearing if he retracts his false statement in the course of the same proceeding in which it was made, if in fact he does so before it becomes manifest that the falsification is or will be exposed and before the falsification substantially affects the proceeding. Statements made in separate hearings at separate stages of the same trial, administrative, or other official proceeding shall be treated as if made in the course of the same proceeding. [1975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 38 § 16; 1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.72.060.] 9A.72.070 Perjury and false swearing— Irregularities no defense. It is no defense to a prosecution for perjury or false swearing: (1) That the oath was administered or taken in an irregular manner; or (2) That the person administering the oath lacked authority to do so, if the taking of the oath was required or authorized by law. [1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.72.070.1 9A.72.140 Jury tampering. (1) A person is guilty of jury tampering if with intent to influence a juror's vote, opinion, decision, or other official action in a case, he attempts to communicate directly or indirectly with a juror other than as part of the proceedings in the trial of the case. (2) Jury tampering is a gross misdemeanor. (1975 I st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.72.140.] a 9A.72.150 Tampering with physical evidence. (1) A person is guilty of tampering with physical evidence if, having reason to believe that an official proceeding is pending or about to be instituted and acting without legal right or authority, he: (a) Destroys, mutilates, conceals, removes, or alters physical evidence with intent to impair its appearance, character, or availability in such pending or prospective official proceeding; or (b) Knowingly presents or offers any false physical evidence. (2) "Physical evidence" as used in this section includes any article, object, document, record, or other thing of physical substance. (3) Tampering with physical evidence is a gross misdemeanor. [1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.72.150.] 9A.76.010 Definitions. The following definitions are applicable in this chapter unless the context otherwise requires: (1) "Custody" means restraint pursuant to a lawful arrest or an order of a court, or any period of service on a work crew: PROVIDED, That custody pursuant to chapter 13.34 RCW and RCW 74.13.020 and 74.13.031 and chapter 13.32A RCW shall not be deemed custody for purposes of this chapter; (2) "Detention facility" means any place used for the confinement of a person (a) arrested for, charged with or convicted of an offense, or (b) charged with being or adjudicated to be a juvenile offender as defined in RCW 13.40.020 as now existing or hereafter amended, or (c) held for extradition or as a material witness, or (d) otherwise confined pursuant to an order of a court, except an order under chapter 13.34 RCW or chapter 13.32A RCW, or (e) in any work release, furlough, or other such facility or program; (3) "Contraband" means any article or thing which a person confined in a detention facility is prohibited from obtaining or possessing by statute, rule, regulation, or order of a court. [1991 c 181 § 6; 1979 c 155 § 35; 1977 ex.s. c 291 § 53; 1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.76.010.] 9A.76.030 Refusing to summon aid for a peace officer. (1) A person is guilty of refusing to summon aid for a peace officer if, upon request by a person he knows to be a peace officer, he unreasonably refuses or fails to summon aid for such peace officer. (2) Refusing to summon aid for a peace officer is a misdemeanor. [1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.76.030.] 9A.76.040 Resisting arrest. (1) A person is guilty of resisting arrest if he intentionally prevents or attempts to prevent a peace officer from lawfully arresting him. (2) Resisting arrest is a misdemeanor. [ 1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.76.040.1 9A.76.050 Rendering criminal assistance— Definition of term. As used in RCW 9A.76.070, 9A.76.080, and 9A.76.090, a person "renders criminal assistance" if, with intent to prevent, hinder, or delay the apprehension or prosecution of another person who he knows 26 0� has committed a crime or juvenile offenie or is being sought by law enforcement officials for the commission of a crime or juvenile offense or has escaped from a detention facility, he: (1) Harbors or conceals such person; or (2) Warns such person of impending discovery or apprehension; or (3) Provides such person with money, transportation, disguise, or other means of avoiding discovery or apprehen- sion; or (4) Prevents or obstructs, by use of force, deception, or threat, anyone from performing an act that might aid in the discovery or apprehension of such person; or (5) Conceals, alters, or destroys any physical evidence that might aid in the discovery or apprehension of such person; or (6) Provides such person with a weapon. [1982 1st ex.s. c 47 § 20; 1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.76.050.1 9A.76.060 Relative defined. As used in RCW 9A.76.070 and 9A.76.080, "relative" means a person: (1) Who is related as husband or wife, brother or sister, parent or grandparent, child or grandchild, step -child or step- parent to the person to whom criminal assistance is rendered; and (2) Who does not render criminal assistance to another person in one or more of the means defined in subsections (4), (5), or (6) of RCW 9A.76.050. [ 1975 1 st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.76.060.1 9A.76.070 Rendering criminal assistance in the first degree. (1) A person is guilty of rendering criminal assistance in the first degree if he renders criminal assistance to a person who has committed or is being sought for mur- der in the first degree or any class A felony or equivalent juvenile offense. (2) Rendering criminal assistance in the first degree is: (a) A gross misdemeanor if it is established by a preponderance of the evidence that the actor is a relative as defined in RCW 9A.76.060; (b) A class C felony in all other cases. [1982 1st ex.s. c 47 § 21; 1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.76.070.] 9A.76.080 Rendering criminal assistance in the second degree. (1) A person is guilty of rendering criminal assistance in the second degree if he renders criminal as- sistance to a person who has committed or is being sought for a class B or class C felony or an equivalent juvenile offense or to someone being sought for violation of parole, probation, or community supervision. (2) Rendering criminal assistance in the second degree is: (a) A misdemeanor if it is established by a preponder- ance of the evidence that the actor is a relative as defined in RCW 9A.76.060; (b) A gross misdemeanor in all other cases. [1982 1st ex.s. c 47 § 22; 1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.76.080.] 9A.76.090 Rendering criminal assistance in the third degree. (1) A person is guilty of rendering criminal assistance in the third degree if he renders criminal as- sistance to a person who has committed a gross misdemean- or or misdemeanor. (2) Rendering criminal assistance in the third degree is a misdemeanor. [1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.76.090.] oil 9A.76.100 Compounding. (1) A person is guilty of compounding if: (a) He requests, accepts, or agrees to accept any pecuniary benefit pursuant to an agreement or understanding that he will refrain from initiating a prosecution for a crime; or (b) He confers, or offers or agrees to confer, any pecuniary benefit upon another pursuant to an agreement or understanding that such other person will refrain from initiating a prosecution for a crime. (2) In any prosecution under this section, it is a defense if established by a preponderance of the evidence that the pecuniary benefit did not exceed an amount which the defendant reasonably believed to be due as restitution or indemnification for harm caused by the crime. (3) Compounding is a gross misdemeanor. [1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.76.100.] 9A.76.160 Introducing contraband in the third degree. (1) A person is guilty of introducing contraband in the third degree if he knowingly and unlawfully provides contraband to any person confined in a detention facility. (2) Introducing contraband in the third degree is a misdemeanor. [1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.76.160.] 9A.76.170 Bail jumping. (1) Any person having been released by court order or admitted to bail with the require- ment of a subsequent personal appearance before any court of this state, and who knowingly fails to appear as required is guilty of bail jumping. (2) Bail jumping is: (a) A class A felony if the person was held for, charged with, or convicted of murder in the first degree; (b) A class B felony if the person was held for, charged with, or convicted of a class A felony other than murder in the first degree; (c) A class C felony if the person was held for, charged with, or convicted of a class B or class C felony; (d) A misdemeanor if the person was held for, charged with, or convicted of a gross misdemeanor or misdemeanor. [1983 1st ex.s. c 4 § 3; 1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.76.170.] 9A.76.175 Making a false or misleading statement to a public servant. A person who knowingly makes a false or misleading material statement to a public servant is guilty of a gross misdemeanor. "Material statement" means a written or oral statement reasonably likely to be relied upon by a public servant in the discharge of his or her official powers or duties. [1995 c 285 § 32.] 9A.80.010 Official misconduct. (1) A public servant is guilty of official misconduct if, with intent to obtain a benefit or to deprive another person of a lawful right or privilege: (a) He intentionally commits an unauthorized act under color of law; or (b) He intentionally refrains from performing a duty imposed upon him by law. (2) Official misconduct is a gross misdemeanor. [1975- '76 2nd ex.s. c 38 § 17; 1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.80.010.] 9A.84.010 Riot. (1) A person is guilty of the crime of riot if, acting with three or more other persons, he knowingly and unlawfully uses or threatens to use force, or in any way participates in the use of such force, against any other person or against property. (2) The crime of riot is: (a) A class C felony, if the actor is armed with a deadly weapon; (b) A gross misdemeanor in all other cases. [1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.84.010.] 9A.84.020 Failure to disperse. (1) A person is guilty of failure to disperse if: (a) He congregates with a group of three or more other persons and there are acts of conduct within that group which create a substantial risk of causing injury to any person, or substantial harm to property; and (b) He refuses or fails to disperse when ordered to do so by a peace officer or other public servant engaged in enforcing or executing the law. (2) Failure to disperse is a misdemeanor. [1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.84.020.] 9A.84.040 False reporting. (1) A person is guilty of false reporting if with knowledge that the information reported, conveyed or circulated is false, he initiates or circulates a false report or warning of an alleged occurrence or impending occurrence of a fire, explosion, crime, catastro- phe, or emergency knowing that such false report is likely to cause evacuation of a building, place of assembly, or transportation facility, or to cause public inconvenience or alarm. (2) False reporting is a gross misdemeanor. [1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.84.040.] 9A.88.010 Indecent exposure. (1) A person is guilty of indecent exposure if he intentionally makes any open and obscene exposure of his person or the person of another knowing that such conduct is likely to cause reasonable affront or alarm. (2) Indecent exposure is a misdemeanor unless such person exposes himself to a person under the age of fourteen years in which case indecent exposure is a gross misdemean- or on the first offense and, if such person has previously been convicted under this subsection or of a sex offense as defined in RCW 9.94A.030, then such person is guilty of a class C felony punishable under chapter 9A.20 RCW. [1990 c 3 § 904; 1987 c 277 § 1; 1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.88.010.1 9A.88.030 Prostitution. (1) A person is guilty of prostitution if such person engages or agrees or offers to engage in sexual conduct with another person in return for a fee. (2) For purposes of this section, "sexual conduct" means "sexual intercourse" or "sexual contact," both as defined in chapter 9A.44 RCW. (3) Prostitution is a misdemeanor. [1988 c 145 § 16; 1979 ex.s. c 244 § 15; 1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.88.030.] 9A.88.050 Prostitution—Sex of parties immaterial— No defense. In any prosecution for prostitution, the sex of the two parties or prospective parties to the sexual conduct engaged in, contemplated, or solicited is immaterial, and it is no defense that: (1) Such persons were of the same sex; or (2) The person who received, agreed to receive, or solicited a fee was a male and the person who paid or agreed or offered to pay such fee was female. [1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.88.050.1 9A.88.090 Permitting prostitution. (1) A person is guilty of permitting prostitution if, having possession or control of premises which he knows are being used for prostitution purposes, he fails without lawful excuse to make reasonable effort to halt or abate such use. (2) Permitting prostitution is a misdemeanor. [1975 1st ex.s. c 260 § 9A.88.090.] 16.52.011 Definitions—Principles of liability. (1) Principles of liability as defined in chapter 9A.08 RCW apply to this chapter. (2) Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter. (a) "Animal" means any nonhuman mammal, bird, reptile, or amphibian. (b) "Animal care and control agency" means any city or county animal control agency or authority authorized to enforce city or county municipal ordinances regulating the care, control, licensing, or treatment of animals within the city or county, and any corporation organized under RCW 16.52.020 that contracts with a city or county to enforce the city or county ordinances governing animal care and control. (c) "Animal control officer" means any individual employed, contracted, or appointed pursuant to RCW 16.52.025 by an animal care and control agency or humane society to aid in the enforcement of ordinances or laws regulating the care and control of animals. For purposes of this chapter, the term "animal control officer" shall be interpreted to include "humane officer" as defined in (e) of this subsection and RCW 16.52.025. (d) "Euthanasia" means the humane destruction of an animal accomplished by a method that involves instanta- neous unconsciousness and immediate death, or by a method that causes painless loss of consciousness, and death during the loss of consciousness. (e) "Humane officer" means any individual employed, contracted, or appointed by an animal care and control agency or humane society as authorized under RCW 16.52.025. (f) "Law enforcement agency" means a general authority Washington law enforcement agency as defined in RCW 10.93.020. (g) "Necessary food" means the provision at suitable intervals of wholesome foodstuff suitable for the animal's age and species and sufficient to provide a reasonable level of nutnuon for the animal. (h) "Owner" means a person who has a right, claim, title, legal share, or right of possession to an animal or a person having lawful control, custody, or possession of an animal. (i) "Person" means individuals, corporations, partner- ships, associations, or other legal entities, and agents of those entities. 2,r –1 0) "Substantial bodily harm" means substantial bodily harm as defined in RCW 9A.04.110. [1994 c 261 § 2.] 16.52.117 Animal fighting—Owners, trainers, spectators—Exceptions. (1) Any person who does any of the following is guilty of a gross misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment not to exceed one year, or by a fine not to exceed five thousand dollars, or by both fine and imprison- ment: (a) Owns, possesses, keeps, or trains any animal with the intent that the animal shall be engaged in an exhibition of fighting with another animal; (b) For amusement or gain causes any animal to fight with another animal, or causes any animals to inure each other; or (c) Permits any act in violation of (a) or (b) of this subsection to be done on any premises under his or her charge or control, or promotes or aids or abets any such act. (2) Any person who is knowingly present, as a specta- tor, at any place or building where preparations are being made for an exhibition of the fighting of animals, with the intent to be present at such preparations, or is knowingly present at such exhibition or at any other fighting or inuring as described in subsection (1)(b) of this section, with the intent to be present at such exhibition, fighting, or inuring, is guilty of a misdemeanor (3) Nothing in this section may prohibit the following: (a) The use of dogs in the management of livestock, as defined by chapter 16.57 RCW, by the owner of the live- stock or the owner's employees or agents or other persons in lawful custody of the livestock; (b) The use of dogs in hunting as permitted by law; or (c) The training of animals or the use of equipment in the training of animals for any purpose not prohibited by law. [1994 c 261 § 11; 1982 c 114 § 9.] 1652.190 Poisoning animals. (1) Except as provided in subsections (2) and (3) of this section, a person is guilty of the crime of poisoning animals if the person intentionally or knowingly poisons an animal under circumstances which do not constitute animal cruelty in the first degree. (2) Subsection (1) of this section shall not apply to euthanizing by poison an animal in a lawful and humane manner by the animal's owner, or by a duly authorized servant or agent of the owner, or by a person acting pursuant to instructions from a duly constituted public authority. (3) Subsection (1) of this section shall not apply to the reasonable use of rodent or pest poison, insecticides, fungi- cides, or slug bait for their intended purposes. As used in this section, the term "rodent" includes but is not limited to Columbia ground squirrels, other ground squirrels, rats, mice, gophers, rabbits, and any other rodent designated as injurious to the agricultural interests of the state as provided in *chapter 17.16 RCW The term "pest" as used in this section includes any pest as defined in RCW 17.21.020. [ 1994 c 261 § 13; 1941 c 105 § 1; RRS § 3207-1 Formerly RCW 16.52.150, part.] 1652.195 Poisoning animals—Penalty. Any person violating any of the provisions of RCW 16.52.190 or 16.52.193 shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor. [ 1941 c 105 § 3; RRS § 3207-3. Formerly RCW 16.52.150, part.] 16.52.207 Animal cruelty in the second degree. (1) A person is guilty of animal cruelty in the second degree if, under circumstances not amounting to first degree animal cruelty, the person knowingly, recklessly, or with criminal negligence inflicts unnecessary suffering or pain upon an animal. (2) An owner of an animal is guilty of animal cruelty in the second degree if, under circumstances not amounting to first degree animal cruelty, the owner knowingly, recklessly, or with criminal negligence: (a) Fails to provide the animal with necessary food, water, shelter, rest, sanitation, ventilation, space, or medical attention and the animal suffers unnecessary or unjustifiable physical pain as a result of the failure; or (b) Abandons the animal. (3) Animal cruelty in the second degree is a misdemean- or. (4) In any prosecution of animal cruelty in the second degree, it shall be an affirmative defense, if established by the defendant by a preponderance of the evidence, that tate defendant's failure was due to economic distress beyond the defendant's control. [1994 c 261 § 9.] 1652.210 Destruction of animal by law enforcement officer—Immunity from liability. This chapter shall not limit the right of a law enforcement officer to destroy an animal that has been seriously injured and would otherwise continue to suffer. Such action shall be undertaken with reasonable prudence and, whenever possible, in consultation with a licensed veterinarian and the owner of the animal. Law enforcement officers and licensed veterinarians shall be immune from civil and criminal liability for actions taken under this chapter if reasonable prudence is exercised in carrying out the provisions of this chapter. [1987 c 335 § 3.] 26.28.080 Selling or giving tobacco to minor—Belief of representative capacity, no defense Penalty. Every person who sells or Qives, or permits to be sold or given to any person under the age of eighteen years any cigar, ciga- rette, cigarette paper or wrapper, or tobacco in any form is guilty of a gross misdemeanor. It shall be no defense to a prosecution for a violation of this section that the person acted, or was believed by the defendant to act, as a-ent or representative of another [ 1994 sp.s. c 7 § 437 Prior- 1987 c 250 § 2; 1987 c 204 § 1; 1971 ex.s. c 292 § 37; 1919 c 17 § 1; 1911 c 133 § 1; 1909 ex.s c 27 § 1, 1909 c 249 § 193; 1901 c 122 § 1; 1895 c 126 §§ 1, 3 and 4; RRS § 2445. Formerly RCW 26.08.080, 26.08.090, and 26.08.100.] 66.04.010 Definitions. In this title, unless the context otherwise requires: (1) "Alcohol" is that substance known as ethyl alcohol, hydrated oxide of ethyl, or spirit of wine, which is common- ly produced by the fermentation or distillation of grain, starch, molasses, or sugar, or other substances including all dilutions and rmxtures of this substance. The term "alcohol" does not include alcohol in the possession of a manufacturer or distiller of alcohol fuel, as described in RCW 66.12.130, which is intended to be denatured and used as a fuel for use in motor vehicles, farm implements, and machines or implements of husbandry. 2.9 (2) "Beer" means any malt beverage or malt liquor as these terms are defined in this chapter. (3) "Brewer' means any person engaged in the business of manufacturing beer and malt liquor. (4) "Board" means the liquor control board, constituted under this title. (5) "Club" means an organization of persons, incorporat- ed or unincorporated, operated solely for fraternal, benevo- lent, educational, athletic or social purposes, and not for pecuniary gain. (6) "Consume" includes the putting of liquor to any use, whether by drinking or otherwise. (7) "Dentist" means a practitioner of dentistry duly and regularly licensed and engaged in the practice of his profes- sion within the state pursuant to chapter 18.32 RCW. (8) "Distiller" means a person engaged in the business of distilling spirits. (9) "Druggist" means any person who holds a valid certificate and is a registered pharmacist and is duly and regularly engaged in carrying on the business of pharma- ceutical chemistry pursuant to chapter 18.64 RCW. (10) "Drug store" means a place whose principal business is, the sale of drugs, medicines and pharmaceutical preparations and maintains a regular prescription department and employs a registered pharmacist during all hours the drug store is open. (11) "Employee" means any person employed by the board, including a vendor, as hereinafter in this section defined. (12) "Fund" means 'liquor revolving fund.' (13) "Hotel" means every building or other structure kept, used, maintained, advertised or held out to the public to be a place where food is served and sleeping accommoda- tions are offered for pay to transient guests, in which twenty or more rooms are used for the sleeping accommodation of such transient guests and having one or more dining rooms where meals are served to such transient guests, such sleeping accommodations and dining rooms being conducted in the same building and buildings, in connection therewith, and such structure or structures being provided, in the judgment of the board, with adequate and sanitary kitchen and dining room equipment and capacity, for preparing, cooking and serving suitable food for its guests: PROVID- ED FURTHER, That in cities and towns of less than five thousand population, the board shall have authority to waive the provisions requiring twenty or more rooms. (14) "Imprisonment" means confinement in the county jail. (15) "Liquor" includes the four varieties of liquor herein defined (alcohol, spirits, wine and beer), and all fermented, spirituous, vinous, or malt liquor, or combinations thereof, and mixed liquor, a part of which is fermented, spirituous, vinous or malt liquor, or otherwise intoxicating; and every liquid or solid or semisolid or other substance, patented or not, containing alcohol, spirits, wine or beer, and all drinks or drinkable liquids and all preparations or mixtures capable of human consumption, and any liquid, semisolid, solid, or other substance, which contains more than one percent of alcohol by weight shall be conclusively deemed to be intoxicating. Liquor does not include confections or food products that contain one percent or less of alcohol by weight. (16) "Manufacturer" means a person engaged in the preparation of liquor for sale, in any form whatsoever. �W (17) "Malt beverage" or "malvliquor" means any beverage such as beer, ale, lager beer, stout, and porter obtained by the alcoholic fermentation of an infusion or decoction of pure hops, or pure extract of hops and pure barley malt or other wholesome grain or cereal in pure water containing not more than eight percent of alcohol by weight, and not less than one-half of one percent of alcohol by volume. For the purposes of this title, any such beverage containing more than eight percent of alcohol by weight shall be referred to as "strong beer." (18) 'Package" means any container or receptacle used for holding liquor. (19) "Permit" means a permit for the purchase of liquor under this title. (20) "Person" means an individual, copartnership, association, or corporation. (21) "Physician" means a medical practitioner duly and regularly licensed and engaged in the practice of his profes- sion within the state pursuant to chapter 18.71 RCW. (22) "Prescription" means a memorandum signed by a physician and given by him to a patient for the obtaining of liquor pursuant to this title for medicinal purposes. (23) "Public place" includes streets and alleys of incorporated cities and towns; state or county or township highways or roads; buildings and grounds used for school purposes; public dance halls and grounds adjacent thereto; those parts of establishments where beer may be sold under this title, soft drink establishments, public buildings, public meeting halls, lobbies, halls and dining rooms of hotels, restaurants, theatres, stores, garages and filling stations which are open to and are generally used by the public and to which the public is permitted to have unrestricted access; railroad trains, stages, and other public conveyances of all kinds and character, and the depots and waiting rooms used in conjunction therewith which are open to unrestricted use and access by the public; publicly owned bathing beaches, parks, and/or playgrounds; and all other places of like or similar nature to which the general public has unrestricted right of access, and which are generally used by the public. (24) "Regulauons" means regulations made by the board under the powers conferred by this title. (25) "Restaurant" means any establishment provided with special space and accommodations where, in consider- ation of payment, food, without lodgings, is habitually furnished to the public, not including drug stores and soda fountains. (26) "Sale" and "sell" include exchange, barter, and traffic; and also include the selling or supplying or distribut- ing, by any means whatsoever, of liquor, or of any liquid known or described as beer or by any name whatever commonly used to describe malt or brewed liquor or of wine, by any person to any person; and also include a sale or selling within the state to a foreign consignee or his agent in the state. "Sale" and "sell" shall not include the giving, at no charge, of a reasonable amount of liquor by a person not licensed by the board to a person not licensed by the board, for personal use only. "Sale" and "sell" also does not include a raffle authorized under RCW 9.46.0315: PRO- VIDED, That the nonprofit organization conducting the raffle has obtained the appropriate permit from the board. (27) "Soda fountain" means a place especially equipped with apparatus for the purpose of dispensing soft drinks, whether mixed or otherwise. 30 (28) "Spirits" means any beverige which contains alcohol obtained by distillation, including wines exceeding twenty-four percent of alcohol by volume. (29) "Store" means a state liquor store established under this title. (30) "Tavern" means any establishment with special space and accommodation for sale by the glass and for consumption on the premises, of beer, as herein defined. (31) "Vendor" means a person employed by the board as a store manager under this title. (32) "Winery" means a business conducted by any person for the manufacture of wine for sale, other than a domestic winery (33) "Domestic winery" means a place where wines are manufactured or produced within the state of Washington. (34) "Wine" means any alcoholic beverage obtained by fermentation of fruits (grapes, berries, apples, etcetera) or other agricultural product containing sugar, to which any saccharine substances may have been added before, during or after fermentation, and containing not more than twenty- four percent of alcohol by volume, including sweet wines fortified with wine spirits, such as port, sherry, muscatel and angelica, not exceeding twenty-four percent of alcohol by volume and not less than one-half of one percent of alcohol by volume. For purposes of this title, any beverage contain- ing no more than fourteen percent of alcohol by volume when bottled or packaged by the manufacturer shall be referred to as "table wine," and any beverage containing alcohol in an amount more than fourteen percent by volume when bottled or packaged by the manufacturer shall be referred to as "fortified wine." However, "fortified wine" shall not include: (a) Wines that are both sealed or capped by cork closure and aged two years or more; and (b) wines that contain more than fourteen percent alcohol by volume solely as a result of the natural fermentation process and that have not been produced with the addition of wine spirits, brandy, or alcohol. This subsection shall not be interpreted to require that any wine be labeled with the designation "table wine" or "fortified wine." (35) "Beer wholesaler" means a person who buys beer from a brewer or brewery located either within or beyond the boundaries of the state for the purpose of selling the same pursuant to this title, or who represents such brewer or brewery as agent. (36) "Wine wholesaler" means a person who buys wine from a vintner or winery located either within or beyond the boundaries of the state for the purpose of selling the same not in violation of this title, or who represents such vintner or winery as agent. [1991 c 192 § 1; 1987 c 386 § 3; 1984 c 78 § 5; 1982 c 39 § l; 1981 1st ex.s. c 5 § 1; 1980 c 140 § 3; 1969 ex.s. c 21 § 13; 1935 c 158 § 1; 1933 ex.s. c 62 § 3; RRS § 7306-3. Formerly RCW 66.04.010 through 66.04.380.1 66.28.200 Keg registration—Requirements of seller. Licensees holding a class A or B license in combination with a class E license may sell malt liquor in kegs or other containers capable of holding four gallons or more of liquid. Any person who sells or offers for sale the contents of kegs or other containers containing four gallons or more of malt liquor, or leases kegs or other containers that will hold four gallons of malt liquor, to consumers who are not licensed under chapter 66.24 RCW shall do the following for any �transaction involving the container: SCJ (1) Require the purchaser -of the malt liquor to sign a declaration and receipt for the keg or other container or beverage in substantially the form provided in RCW 66.28.220; (2) Require the purchaser to provide one piece of identification pursuant to RCW 66.16.040; (3) Require the purchaser to sign a sworn statement, under penalty of perjury, that: (a) The purchaser is of legal age to purchase, possess, or use malt liquor; (b) The purchaser will not allow any person under the age of twenty-one years to consume the beverage except as provided by RCW 66.44.270; (c) The purchaser will not remove, obliterate, or allow to be removed or obliterated, the identification required under RCW 66.28.220 to be affixed to the container; (4) Require the purchaser to state the particular address where the malt liquor will be consumed, or the particular address where the keg or other container will be physically located; and (5) Require the purchaser to maintain a copy of the declaration and receipt next to or adjacent to the keg or other container, in no event a distance greater than five feet, and visible without a physical barrier from the keg, during the time that the keg or other container is in the purchaser's possession or control. [1993 c 21 § 2; 1989 c 271 § 229.] 66.28.210 Keg registration --Requirements of purchaser. Any person who purchases the contents of kegs or other containers containing four gallons or more of malt liquor, or purchases or leases the container shall: (1) Sign a declaration and receipt for the keg or other container or beverage in substantially the form provided in RCW 66.28.220; (2) Provide one piece of identification pursuant to RCW 66.16.040; (3) Be of legal age to purchase, possess, or use malt liquor; (4) Not allow any person under the age of twenty-one to consume the beverage except as provided by RCW 66.44.270; (5) Not remove, obliterate, or allow to be removed or obliterated, the identification required under rules adopted by the board; (6) Not move, keep, or store the keg or its contents, except for transporting to and from the distributor, at any place other than that particular address declared on the receipt and declaration; and (7) Maintain a copy of the declaration and receipt next to or adjacent to the keg or other container, in no event a distance greater than five feet, and visible without a physical barrier from the keg, during the time that the keg or other container is in the purchaser's possession or control. [1989 c 271 § 230.] 66.28.230 Keg registration—Penalties. (1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, the violation of any provisions of RCW 66.28.200 through 66.28.220 is punishable by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars. (2) Except as provided in RCW 66.44.270, a person who intentionally furnishes a keg or other container contain- ing four or more gallons of malt liquor to a minor is liable, on conviction, for a first offense for a penalty of not more than five hundred dollars, or for imprisonment for not more than two months, or both; for a second offense for a penalty of not more than five hundred dollars or imprisonment for not more than six months, or both; and for a third or subsequent offense for a penalty of not more than five hundred dollars or imprisonment for more than one year, or both. [1989 c 271 § 232.] 66.44.100 Opening or consuming liquor in public place Penalty. Except as permitted by this title, no person shall open the package containing liquor or consume liquor in a public place. Every person who violates any provision of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction therefor shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars. [ 1981 1st ex.s. c 5 § 21; 1933 ex.s. c 62 § 34; RRS § 7306-34.] 66.44.150 Buying liquor illegally. If any person in this state buys alcoholic beverages from any person other than the board, a state liquor store, or some person autho- rized by the board to sell them, he shall be guilty of a mis- demeanor. [ 1955 c 289 § 5. Prior: 1939 c 172 § 6(4); 1935 c 174 § 15(4); 1933 ex.s. c 62 § 92(4); RRS § 7306- 92(4).] 66.44.180 General penalties—Jurisdiction for violations. Every person guilty of a violation of this title for which no penalty has been specifically provided shall be liable, on conviction, for a first offense to a penalty of not more than five hundred dollars, or to imprisonment for not more than two months, or both; for a second offense to imprisonment for not more than six months; and for a third or subsequent offense to imprisonment for not more than one year. If the offender convicted of an offense referred to in this section is a corporation, it shall for a first offense be liable to a penalty of not more than five thousand dollars, and for a second or subsequent offense to a penalty of not more than ten thousand dollars, or to forfeiture of its corporate license, or both. Every district judge and municipal judge shall have concurrent jurisdiction with superior court judges of the state of Washington of all violations of the provisions of this title and may impose any punishment provided therefor [ 1987 c 202 § 225; 1981 1st ex.s. c 5 § 22; 1935 c 174 § 16; 1933 ex.s. c 62 § 93; RRS § 7306-93.1 66.44.200 Sales to persons apparently under the influence of liquor. No person shall sell any liquor to any person apparently under the influence of liquor [1933 ex.s. c 62 § 36. RRS § 7306-36.1 66.44.240 Drinking in public conveyance—Penalty against carrier—Exception. Every person engaged wholly or in part in the business of carrying passengers for hire, and every agent, servant, or employee of such person, who knowingly permits any person to drink any intoxicating liquor in any public conveyance, except in the compartment where such liquor is sold or served under the authority of a license lawfully issued, is guilty of a misdemeanor. This section does not apply to a public conveyance that is commercially chartered for group use or a for -hire vehicle licensed under city, county, or state law. [1983 c 165 § 29; 1909 c 249 § 442; RRS § 2694.] 3Iof3/ 66.44.250 Drinking in public conveyance Penalty against individual—Restricted application. Every person who drinks any intoxicating liquor in any public conveyance, except in a compartment or place where sold or served under the authority of a license lawfully issued, is guilty of a misdemeanor. With respect to a public conveyance that is commercially chartered for group use and with respect to a for -hire vehicle licensed under city, county, or state law, this section applies only to the driver of the vehicle. [ 1983 c 165 § 30; 1909 c 249 § 441; RRS § 2693.] 66.44.270 Furnishing liquor to minors—Possession, use Exhibition of effects—Exceptions. (1) It is unlawful for any person to sell, give, or otherwise supply liquor to any person under the age of twenty-one years or permit any person under that age to consume liquor on his or her premises or on any premises under his or her control. For the purposes of this subsection, "premises" includes real property, houses, buildings, and other structures, and motor vehicles and watercraft. (2)(a) It is unlawful for any person under the age of twenty-one years to possess, consume, or otherwise acquire any liquor. (b) It is unlawful for a person under the age of twenty- one years to be in a public place, or to be in a motor vehicle in a public place, while exhibiting the effects of having consumed liquor. For purposes of this subsection, exhibiting the effects of having consumed liquor means that a person has the odor of liquor on lus or her breath and either: (i) Is in possession of or close proximity to a container that has or recently had liquor in it; or (ii) by speech, manner, appear- ance, behavior, lack of coordination, or otherwise, exhibits that he or she is under the influence of liquor. This subsec- tion (2)(b) does not apply if the person is in the presence of a parent or guardian or has consumed or is consuming liquor under circumstances described in subsection (4) or (5) of this section. (3) Subsections (1) and (2)(a) of this section do not apply to liquor given or permitted to be given to a person under the age of twenty-one years by a parent or guardian and consumed in the presence of the parent or guardian. This subsection shall not authorize consumption or posses- sion of liquor by a person under the age of twenty-one years on any premises licensed under chapter 66.24 RCW. (4) This section does not apply to liquor given for medicinal purposes to a person under the age of twenty-one years by a parent, guardian, physician, or dentist. (5) This section does not apply to liquor given to a person under the age of twenty-one years when such liquor is being used in connection with religious services and the amount consumed is the minimal amount necessary for the religious service. (6) Conviction or forfeiture of bail for a violation of this section by a person under the age of twenty-one years at the time of such conviction or forfeiture shall not be a disqualifi- cation of that person to acquire a license to sell or dispense any liquor after that person has attained the age of twenty- one years. [1993 c 513 § 1; 1987 c 458 § 3; 1955 c 70 § 2. Prior: 1935 c 174 § 6(1); 1933 ex.s. c 62 § 37(1); RRS § 7306-37(1), prior: Code 1881 § 939; 1877 p 205 § 5.] 66.44.290 Minor purchasing or attempting to purchase liquor. Every person under the age of twenty-one years who purchases or attempts to purchase liquor shall be guilty of a violation of this title. [1965 c 49 § 1; 1955 c 70 § 4. Prior: 1935 c 174 § 6(1); 1933 ex.s. c 62 § 37(1); RRS § 7306-37(1).] 66.44.291 Minor purchasing or attempting to purchase liquor—Penalty against persons between ages of eighteen and twenty, inclusive. Every person between the ages of eighteen and twenty, inclusive, who is convicted of a violation of RCW 66.44.290 is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable as provided by RCW 9A.20.021, except that a minimum fine of two hundred fifty dollars shall be imposed and any sentence requiring community service shall require not fewer than twenty-five hours of such service. [1987 c 101 § 1; 1965 c 49 § 2.1 66.44.300 Treats, gifts, purchases of liquor for or from minor, or holding out minor as at least twenty-one, in public place where liquor sold. Any person who invites a minor into a public place where liquor is sold and treats, gives or purchases liquor for such minor, or permits a minor to treat, give or purchase liquor for the adult; or holds out such minor to be twenty-one years of age or older to the owner or employee of the liquor establishment, a law en- forcement officer, or a liquor enforcement officer shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. [1994 c 201 § 7; 1941 c 78 § 1; Rem. Supp. 1941 § 7306-37A.] 66.44.310 Minors frequenting off-limits area— Misrepresentation of age—Penalty—Classification of licensees. (1) Except as otherwise provided by RCW 66.44.316 and 66.44.350, it shall be a misdemeanor: (a) To serve or allow to remain in any area classified by the board as off-limits to any person under the age of twenty-one years; (b) For any person under the age of twenty-one years to enter or remain in any area classified as off-limits to such a person. but persons under twenty-one years of age may pass through a restricted area in a facility holding a class H club license; (c) For any person under the age of twenty-one years to represent his or her age as being twenty-one or more years for the purpose of purchasing liquor or securing admission to, or remaining in any area classified by the board as off- limits to such a person. (2) The Washington state liquor control board shall have the power and it shall be its duty to classify licensed premises or portions of licensed premises as off-limits to persons under the age of twenty-one years of age. [1994 c 201 § 8; 1981 1st ex.s. c 5 § 24; 1943 c 245 § 1 (adding new section 36-A to 1933 ex.s. c 62); Rem. Supp. 1943 § 7306-36A. Formerly RCW 66.24.130 and 66.44.310.] 66.44.320 Sales of liquor to minors a violation. Every person who shall sell any intoxicating liquor to any minor shall be guilty of a violation of Title 66 RCW. [1973 1st ex.s. c 209 § 19; 1933 c 2 § 1; 1929 c 200 § 1; RRS § 7328-1.] 3a of % 66.44.325 Unlawful transfer to a minor of an identification of age. Any person who transfers in any manner an identification of age to a minor for the purpose of permitting such minor to obtain alcoholic beverages shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable as provided by RCW 9A.20.021, except that a minimum fine of two hundred fifty dollars shall be imposed and any sentence requiring commu- nity service shall require not fewer than twenty-five hours of such service: PROVIDED, That corroborative testimony of a witness other than the minor shall be a condition precedent to conviction. [ 1987 c 101 § 2, 1961 c 147 § 1.1 66.44.328 Preparation or acquisition and supply to persons under age twenty-one of facsimile of official identification card—Penalty. No person may forge, alter, counterfeit, otherwise prepare or acquire and supply to a person under the age of twenty-one years a facsimile of any of the officially issued cards of identification that are required for presentation under RCW 66.16 040 A violation of this section is a gross misdemeanor punishable as provid- ed by RCW 9A.20.021 except that a minimum fine of two thousand five hundred dollars shall be imposed. [1987 c 101 § 3.1 69.50.101 Definitions. Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, definitions of terms shall be as indicated where used in this chapter: (a) "Administer" means to apply a controlled substance, whether by infection, inhalation, ingestion, or any other means, directly to the body of a patient or research subject by: (1) a practitioner authorized to prescribe (or, by the practitioner's authorized agent); or (2) the patient or research subject at the direction and in the presence of the practitioner. (b) "Agent" means an authorized person who acts on behalf of or at the direction of a manufacturer, distributor, or dispenser. It does not include a common or contract carrier, public warehouseperson, or employee of the carrier or warehouseperson. (c) "Board" means the state board of pharmacy. (d) "Controlled substance" means a drug, substance, or immediate precursor included in Schedules I through V as set forth in federal or state laws, or federal or board rules. (e)(1) "Controlled substance analog" means a substance the chemical structure of which is substantially similar to the chemical structure of a controlled substance in Schedule I or II and: (i) that has a stimulant, depressant, or hallucinogenic ef- fect on the central nervous system substantially similar to the _stimulant, depressant, or hallucinogenic effect on the central nervous system of a controlled substance included in Schedule I or II; or (ii) with respect to a particular individual, that the individual represents or intends to have a stimulant, depres- sant, or hallucinogenic effect on the central nervous system substantially similar to the stimulant, depressant, or halluci- nogenic effect on the central nervous system of a controlled substance included in Schedule I or II. (2) The term does not include: (i) a controlled substance; (ii) a substance for which there is an approved new drug application; (iii) a substance with respect to which an exemption is in effect for investigational use by a particular person under Section 505 of the federal Food, Drug and Cosmeuc Act, 21 U.S.C. Sec. 355, to the extent conduct with respect to the substance is pursuant to the exemption; or (iv) any substance to the extent not intended for human consumption before an exemption takes effect with respect to the substance. (f) "Deliver" or "delivery," means the actual or construc- tive transfer from one person to another of a substance, whether or not there is an agency relationship. (g) "Department" means the department of health. (h) "Dispense" means the interpretation of a prescription or order for a controlled substance and, pursuant to that prescription or order, the proper selection, measuring, compounding, labeling, or packaging necessary to prepare that prescription or order for delivery. (i) "Dispenser" means a practitioner who dispenses. 0) "Distribute" means to deliver other than by adminis- tering or dispensing a controlled substance. (k) "Distributor" means a person who distributes. (1) "Drug" means (1) a controlled substance recognized as a drug in the official United States pharmacopoe- ia/national formulary or the official homeopathic pharmaco- poeia of the United States, or any supplement to them; (2) controlled substances intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease in individuals or animals; (3) controlled substances (other than food) intended to affect the structure or any function of the body of individuals or animals; and (4) controlled substances intended for use as a component of any article specified in (1), (2), or (3) of this subsection. The term does not include devices or their components, parts, or accessories. (m) "Drug enforcement administration" means the drug enforcement administration in the United States Department of Justice, or its successor agency. (n) "Immediate precursor' means a substance: (1) that the state board of pharmacy has found to be and by rule designates as being the principal compound common- ly used, or produced primarily for use, in the manufacture of a controlled substance; (2) that is an immediate chemical intermediary used or likely to be used in the manufacture of a controlled sub- stance; and (3) the control of which is necessary to prevent, curtail, or limit the manufacture of the controlled substance. (o) "Isomer" means an optical isomer, but in RCW 69.50.101(r)(5), 69.50.204(a) (12) and (34), and 69.50.206(a)(4), the term includes any geometrical isomer; in RCW 69.50.204(a) (8) and (42), and 69.50.210(c) the term includes any positional isomer; and in RCW 69.50.204(a)(35), 69.50.204(c), and 69.50.208(a) the term includes any positional or geometric isomer. (p) "Manufacture" means the production, preparation, propagation, compounding, conversion, or processing of a controlled substance, either directly or indirectly or by extraction from substances of natural origin, or independently by means of chemical synthesis, or by a combination of extraction and chemical synthesis, and includes any packag- ing or repackaging of the substance or labeling or relabeling of its container. The term does not include the preparation, compounding, packaging, repackaging, labeling, or relabeling of a controlled substance: (1) by a practitioner as an'mcident to the practitioner's administering or dispensing of a controlled substance in the course of the practitioner's professional practice; or (2) by a practitioner, or by the practitioner's authorized agent under the practitioner's supervision, for the purpose of, or as an incident to, research, teaching, or chemical analysis and not for sale. (q) "Marijuana" or "marihuana' means all parts of the plant Cannabis, whether growing or not; the seeds thereof; the resin extracted from any part of the plant; and every compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture, or prepara- tion of the plant, its seeds or resin. The term does not include the mature stalks of the plant, fiber produced from the stalks, oil or cake made from the seeds of the plant, any other compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture, or preparation of the mature stalks (except the resin extracted therefrom), fiber, oil, or cake, or the sterilized seed of the plant which is incapable of germination. (r) "Narcotic drug" means any of the following, whether produced directly or indirectly by extraction from substances of vegetable origin, or independently by means of chemical synthesis, or by a combination of extraction and chemical synthesis: (1) Opium, opium derivative, and any derivative of opium or opium derivative, including their salts, isomers, and salts of isomers, whenever the existence of the salts, isomers, and salts of isomers is possible within the specific chemical designation. The term does not include the isoquinoline alkaloids of opium. (2) Synthetic opiate and any derivative of synthetic opiate, including their isomers, esters, ethers, salts, and salts of isomers, esters, and ethers, whenever the existence of the isomers, esters, ethers, and salts is possible within the specific chemical designation. (3) Poppy straw and concentrate of poppy straw. (4) Coca leaves, except coca leaves and extracts of coca leaves from which cocaine, ecgonine, and derivatives or ecgonine or their salts have been removed. (5) Cocaine, or any salt, isomer, or salt of isomer thereof. (6) Cocaine base. (7) Ecgonine, or any derivative, salt, isomer, or salt of isomer thereof. (8) Any compound, mixture, or preparation containing any quantity of any substance referred to in subparagraphs (1) through (7). (s) "Opiate" means any substance having an addiction - forming or addiction -sustaining liability similar to morphine or being capable of conversion into a drug having addiction - forming or addiction -sustaining liability. The term includes opium, substances derived from opium (opium derivatives), and synthetic opiates. The term does not include, unless specifically designated as controlled under RCW 69.50.201, the dextrorotatory isomer of 3 -methoxy -n -methylmorphinan and its salts (dextromethorphan). The tenni includes the racemic and levorotatory forms of dextromethorphan. (t) "Opium poppy" means the plant of the species Papaver somniferum L., except its seeds. (u) "Person" means individual, corporation, business trust, estate, trust, partnership, association, point venture, government, governmental subdivision or agency, or any other legal or commercial entity. (v) "Poppy straw" means all parts, except the seeds, of the opium poppy, after mowing. (w) "Practitioner" means: (1) A physician under chapter 18.71 RCW, a physician assistant under chapter 18.71A RCW, an osteopathic physi- cian and surgeon under chapter 18.57 RCW, a dentist under chapter 18.32 RCW, a podiatric physician and surgeon under chapter 18.22 RCW, a veterinarian under chapter 18.92 RCW, a registered nurse, advanced registered nurse practitio- ner, or licensed practical nurse under chapter 18.79 RCW, a pharmacist under chapter 18.64 RCW or a scientific investi- gator under this chapter, licensed, registered or otherwise permitted insofar as is consistent with those licensing laws to distribute, dispense, conduct research with respect to or administer a controlled substance in the course of their professional practice or research in this state. (2) A pharmacy, hospital or other institution licensed, registered, or otherwise permitted to distribute, dispense, conduct research with respect to or to administer a controlled substance in the course of professional practice or research in this state. (3) A physician licensed to practice medicine and surgery, a physician licensed to practice osteopathic medicine and surgery, a dentist licensed to practice dentistry, a podiatric physician and surgeon licensed to practice podiatric medicine and surgery, or a veterinarian licensed to practice veterinary medicine in any state of the United States. (x) "Prescription" means an order for controlled sub- stances issued by a practitioner duly authorized by law or rule in the state of Washington to prescribe controlled substances within the scope of his or her professional practice for a legitimate medical purpose. (y) "Production" includes the manufacturing, planting, cultivating, growing, or harvesting of a controlled substance. (z) "Secretary" means the secretary of health or the secretary's designee. (aa) "State," unless the context otherwise requires, means a state of the United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or a territory or insular possession subject to the junsdiction of the United States. (bb) "Ultimate user" means an individual who lawfully possesses a controlled substance for the individual's own use or for the use of a member of the individual's household or for administering to an animal owned by the individual or by a member of the individual's household. [1996 c 178 § l8; 1994 sp.s. c 9 § 739; 1993 c 187 § 1. Prior: 1990 c 248 § 1; 1990 c 219 § 3; 1990 c 196 § 8; 1989 1st ex.s. c 9 § 429; 1987 c 144 § 2; 1986 c 124 § 1; 1984 c 153 § 18; 1980 c 71 § 2; 1973 2nd ex.s. c 38 § 1; 1971 ex.s. c 308 § 69.50.101.] 69.50.102 Drug paraphernalia—Definitions. (a) As used in this chapter, "drug paraphernalia" means all equip- ment, products, and materials of any kind which are used, intended for use, or designed for use in planting, propagat- ing, cultivating, growing, harvesting, manufacturing, com- pounding, converting, producing, processing, preparing, testing, analyzing, packaging, repackaging, storing, contain- ing, concealing, injecting, ingesting, inhaling, or otherwise introducing into the human body a controlled substance. It includes, but is not limited to: (1) Kits used, intended for use, or designed for use in planting, propagating, cultivating, growing, or harvesting of any species of plant which is a controlled substance or from which a controlled substance can be derived; (2) Kits used, intended for use, or designed for use in manufacturing, compounding, converting, producing, processing, or preparing controlled substances, (3) Isomerization devices used; intended for use, or designed for use in increasing the potency of any species of plant which is a controlled substance; (4) Testing equipment used, intended for use, or designed for use in identifying or in analyzing the strength, effectiveness, or purity of controlled substances; (5) Scales and balances used, intended for use, or designed for use in weighing or measuring controlled substances; (6) Diluents and adulterants, such as quinine hydrochlo- ride, mannitol, mannite, dextrose, and lactose, used, intended for use, or designed for use in cutting controlled substances; (7) Separation gins and sifters used, intended for use, or designed for use in removing twigs and seeds from, or in otherwise cleaning or refining, marihuana, (8) Blenders, bowls, containers, spoons, and mixing devices used, intended for use, or designed for use in compounding controlled substances; (9) Capsules, balloons, envelopes, and other containers used, intended for use, or designed for use in packaging small quantities of controlled substances; (10) Containers and other objects used, intended for use, or designed for use in storing or concealing controlled substances; (11) Hypodermic syringes, needles, and other objects used, intended for use, or designed for use in parenterally injecting controlled substances into the human body; (12) Objects used, intended for use, or designed for use in ingesting, inhaling, or otherwise introducing marihuana, to use the object to facilitate a violation of this chapter; the innocence of an owner, or of anyone in control of the object, as to a direct violation of this chapter shall not prevent a finding that the object is intended or designed for use as drug paraphernalia; (7) Instructions, oral or written, provided with the object concerning its use; (8) Descriptive materials accompanying the object which explain or depict its use, (9) National and local advertising concerning its use; (10) The manner in which the object is displayed for sale; (1 1) Whether the owner, or anyone in control of the object, is a legitimate supplier of like or related items to the community, such as a licensed distributor or dealer of tobacco products; (12) Direct or circumstantial evidence of the ratio of sales of the object(s) to the total sales of the business enterprise; (13) The existence and scope of legitimate uses for the object in the community; and (14) Expert testimony concerning its use. (1981 c 48 § 6950.401 Prohibited acts: A—Penalties. (a) Except as authorized by this chapter, it is unlawful for any person to manufacture, deliver, or possess with intent to manufac- ture or deliver, a controlled substance. (1) Any person who violates this subsection with respect to cocaine, hashish, or hashish oil into the human body, such (i) a controlled substance classified in Schedule I or II as: which is a narcotic drug, is guilty of a crime and upon (i) Metal, wooden, acrylic, glass, stone, plastic, or conviction may be imprisoned for not more than ten years, ceramic pipes with or without screens, permanent screens, or (A) fined not more than twenty-five thousand dollars if hashish heads, or punctured metal bowls; the crime involved less than two kilograms of the drug, or (ii) Water pipes; both such imprisonment and fine; or (B) if the crime (iii) Carburetion tubes and devices; involved two or more kilograms of the drug, then fined not (iv) Smoking and carburetion masks; more than one hundred thousand dollars for the first two (v) Roach clips: Meaning objects used to hold burning kilograms and not more than fifty dollars for each gram in material, such as a marihuana cigarette, that has become too excess of two kilograms, or both such imprisonment and small or too short to be held in the hand; fine; (vi) Miniature cocaine spoons, and cocaine vials; (ii) methamphetamine, is guilty of a crime and upon (vii) Chamber pipes; conviction may be imprisoned for not more than ten years, (viii) Carburetor pipes; or (A) fined not more than twenty-five thousand dollars if (ix) Electric pipes; the crime involved less than two kilograms of the drug, or (x) Air -driven pipes; both such imprisonment and fine; or (B) if the crime (xi) Chillums; involved two or more kilograms of the drug, then fined not (xii) Bongs; and (xiii) Ice pipes or chillers. _more than one hundred thousand dollars for the first two (b) In determining whether an object is drug parapherna- kilograms and not more than fifty dollars for, each gram in excess of two kilograms, or both such imprisonment and lia under this section, a court or other authority should fine; consider, in addition to all other logically relevant factors, (iii) any other controlled substance classified in Sched- the following: (1) Statements by an owner or by anyone in control of ule I, II, or III, is guilty of a crime and upon conviction may be imprisoned for not more than five years, fined not more the object concerning its use; (2) Prior convictions, if any, of an owner, or of anyone than ten thousand dollars, or both; in control of the object, under any state or federal law (iv) a substance classified in Schedule IV, is guilty of a crime and upon conviction may be imprisoned for not relating to any controlled substance; (3) The proximity of the object, in time and space, to a more than five years, fined not more than ten thousand direct violation of this chapter; dollars, or both; (v) a substance classified in Schedule V, is guilty of a (4) The proximity of the object to controlled substances; crime and upon conviction may be imprisoned for not more (5) The existence of any residue of controlled substanc- than five years, fined not more than ten thousand dollars, or es on the object; both. (6) Direct or circumstantial evidence of the intent of an (b) Except as authorized by this chapter, it is unlawful owner, or of anyone in control of the object, to deliver it to for any person to create, deliver, or possess a counterfeit persons whom he knows, or should reasonably know, intend substance. -�>5 0� --Z)8 (1) Any person who violates this subsection with respect to: (i) a counterfeit substance classified in Schedule I or II which is a narcotic drug, is guilty of a crime and upon conviction may be imprisoned for not more than ten years, fined not more than twenty-five thousand dollars, or both; (ii) a counterfeit substance which is methamphetamine, is guilty of a crime and upon conviction may be imprisoned for not more than ten years, fined not more than twenty-five thousand dollars, or both; (iii) any other counterfeit substance classified in Schedule I, II, or III, is guilty of a crime and upon convic- tion may be imprisoned for not more than five years, fined not more than ten thousand dollars, or both; (iv) a counterfeit substance classified in Schedule IV, is guilty of a crime and upon conviction may be imprisoned for not more than five years, fined not more than ten thousand dollars, or both; (v) a counterfeit substance classified in Schedule V, is guilty of a crime and upon conviction may be imprisoned for not more than five years, fined not more than ten thousand dollars, or both. (c) It is unlawful, except as authorized in this chapter and chapter 69.41 RCW, for any person to offer, arrange, or negotiate for the sale, gift, delivery, dispensing, distribution, or administration of a controlled substance to any person and then sell, give, deliver, dispense, distribute, or administer to that person any other liquid, substance, or material in lieu of such controlled substance. Any person who violates this subsection is guilty of a crime and upon conviction may be imprisoned for not more than five years, fined not more than ten thousand dollars, or both. (d) It is unlawful for any person to possess a controlled substance unless the substance was obtained directly from, or pursuant to, a valid prescription or order of a practitioner while acting in the course of his or her professional practice, or except as otherwise authorized by this chapter. Any person who violates this subsection is guilty of a crime, and upon conviction may be imprisoned for not more than five years, fined not more than ten thousand dollars, or both, except as provided for in subsection (e) of this section. (e) Except as provided for in subsection (a)(1) (iii) of this section any person found guilty of possession of forty grams or less of marihuana shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (f) It is unlawful to compensate, threaten, solicit, or in any other manner involve a person under the age of eighteen years in a transaction unlawfully to manufacture, sell, or deliver a controlled substance. A violation of this subsection shall be punished as a class C felony punishable in accor- dance with RCW 9A.20.021. This section shall not apply to offenses defined and punishable under the provisions of RCW 69.50.410. [1996 c 205 § 2; 1989 c 271 § 104; 1987 c 458 § 4; 1979 c 67 § l; 1973 2nd ex.s. c 2 § 1; 1971 ex.s. c 308 § 69.50.401.1 69.50.408 Second or subsequent offenses. (a) Any person convicted of a second or subsequent offense under this chapter may be imprisoned for a term up to twice the term otherwise authorized, fined an amount up to twice that otherwise authorized, or both. (b) For purposes of this section, an offense is considered a second or subsequent offense, if, prior to his conviction of the offense, the offender has at any time been convicted under this chapter or under any statute of the United States or of any state relating to narcotic drugs, marihuana, depres- sant, stimulant, or hallucinogenic drugs. (c) This section does not apply to offenses under RCW 69.50.401(d). [1989 c 8 § 3; 1971 ex.s. c 308 § 69.50.408.] 69.50.412 Prohibited acts: E ---Penalties. (1) It is unlawful for any person to use drug paraphernalia to plant, propagate, cultivate, grow, harvest, manufacture, compound, convert, produce, process, prepare, test, analyze, pack, repack, store, contain, conceal, infect, ingest, inhale, or otherwise introduce into the human body a controlled substance. Any person who violates this subsection is guilty of a misdemeanor. (2) It is unlawful for any person to deliver, possess with intent to deliver, or manufacture with intent to deliver drug paraphernalia, knowing, or under circumstances where one reasonably should know, that it will'. be used to plant, propagate, cultivate, grow, harvest, manufacture, compound, con%ert, produce, process, prepare, test, analyze, pack, re- pack. store, contain, conceal, infect, ingest, inhale, or other- wise introduce into the human body a controlled substance. Any person who violates this subsection is guilty of a misdemeanor (3) Any person eighteen years of age or over who violates subsection (2) of this section by delivering drug paraphernalia to a person under eighteen years of age who is at least three years his junior is guilty of a gross misde- meanor (4) It is unlawful for any person to place in any newspa- per, magazine, handbill, or other publication any advertise- ment, knowing, or under circumstances where one reason- abl� should know, that the purpose of the advertisement, in whole or in part, is to promote the sale of objects designed or intended for use as drug paraphernalia Any person who violates this subsection is guilty of a misdemeanor. [1981 c48§2.] 69.50.425 Misdemeanor violations—Minimum imprisonment. A person who is convicted of a misde- meanor violation of any provision of this chapter shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than twenty-four consecutive hours, and by a fine of not less than two hundred fifty dollars. On a second or subsequent conviction, the fine shall not be less than five hundred dollars. These fines shall be in addition to any other fine or penalty imposed. Unless the court finds that the imposition of the minimum imprisonment will pose a substantial risk to the defendant's physical or mental well-being or that local fail facilities are in an overcrowded condition, the minimum term of imprisonment shall not be suspended or deferred. If the court finds such risk or overcrowding exists, it shall sentence the defendant to a minimum of forty hours of community service. If a minimum term of imprisonment is suspended or deferred, the court shall state in writing the reason for granting the suspension or deferral and the facts upon which the suspension or deferral is based. Unless the court finds the person to be indigent, the minimum fine shall not be suspended or deferred. [ 1989 c 271 § 105.] -564 3P> 70.74.010 Definitions. Ai used in this chapter, unless a different meaning is plainly required by the context: (1) The terms "authorized", "approved" or "approval" shall be held to mean authorized, approved, or approval by the department of labor and industries. (2) The term "blasting agent" shall be held to mean and include any material or mixture consisting of a fuel and oxidizer, intended for blasting, not otherwise classified as an explosive, and in which none of the ingredients are classified as an explosive, provided that the finished product, as mixed and packaged for use or shipment, cannot be detonated when unconfined by means of a No. 8 test blasting cap (3) The term "explosive" or "explosives" whenever used in this chapter, shall be held to mean and include any chemical compound or mechanical mixture that is commonly used or intended for the purpose of producing an explosion, that contains any oxidizing and combustible units, or other ingredients, in such proportions, quantities or packing, that an ignition by fire. by friction, by concussion, by percussion, or by detonation of any part of the compound or mixture may cause such a sudden generation of highly heated gases that the resultant gaseous pressures are capable of producing destructive effects on contiguous objects or of destroying life or limb. In addition, the term "explosives" shall include all material which is classified as class A. class B, and class C explosives by the federal department of transportation For the purposes of this chapter small arms ammunition, small arms ammunition primers, smokeless powder not exceeding fifty pounds, and black powder not exceeding five pounds shall not be defined as explosives, unless possessed or used for a purpose inconsistent with small arms use or other lawful purpose (4) Classification of explosives shall include but not be limited to the following (a) CLASS A EXPLOSIVES (Possessing detonating hazard) dynamite, nitroglycerin, picric acid, lead azide, fulminate of mercury, black powder exceeding five pounds, blasting caps in quantities of 1001 or more, and detonating_ primers (b) CLASS B EXPLOSIVES (Possessing flammable hazard) propellant explosives, including smokeless propel- lants exceeding fifty pounds (c,) CLASS C EXPLOSIVES (Including certain types of manufactured articles which contain class A or class B explosives, or both, as components but in restricted quanti- ties) blasting caps in quantities of IWO or less (5) The term "explosive -actuated power devices" shall he held to mean any tool or special mechanized device which is actuated by explosives, but not to include propel- lant -actuated power devices (6) The term "ma`,azine", shall be held to mean and include anv building or other structure, other than a factory buildinu. used for the storage of explosives (7) The term "improvised device" means a device which is fabricated with explosives or destructive, lethal, noxious, pyrotechnic, or incendiary chemicals and which is designed to disfigure, destroy, distract, or harass (8) The term "inhabited buildin,", shall be held to mean and include only a building regularly occupied in whole or in part as a habitation for human beings, or any church, schoolhouse, railroad station, store, or other building where people are accustomed to assemble, other than any building or structure occupied in connection with the manufacture, transportation, storage, or use of explosives 3-T of (9) The term "explosives manufacturing plant" shall be held to mean and include all lands, with the buildings situated thereon, used in connection with the manufacturing or processing of explosives or in which any process in- volving explosives is carried on, or the storage of explosives thereat, as well as any premises where explosives are used as a component part or ingredient in the manufacture of any article or device. (10) The term "explosives manufacturing building", shall be held_to mean and include any building or other structure (excepting magazines) containing explosives, in which the manufacture of explosives, or any processing involving explosives, is carried on, and any building where explosives are used as a component part or ingredient in the manufac- ture of any article or device. (11) The term "railroad" shall be held to mean and include any steam, electric, or other railroad which carries passengers for hire. (12) The term "highway" shall be held to mean and include any public street, public alley, or public road. (13) The term "efficient artificial barricade" shall be held to mean an artificial mound or properly revetted wall of earth of a minimum thickness of not less than three feet or such other artificial barricade as approved by the department of labor and industries. (14) The term "person" shall be held to mean and include any individual, firm, copartnership, corporation, company, association, point stock association, and including any trustee, receiver, assignee, or personal representative thereof. (1 5) The term "dealer" shall be held to mean and include any person who purchases explosives or blasting agents for the sole purpose of resale, and not for use or consumption. (16) The term "forbidden or not acceptable explosives" shall be held to mean and include explosives which are forbidden or not acceptable for transportation by common carriers by rail freight, rail express, highway, or water in ac- cordance with the regulations of the federal department of transportation. (17) The term "handloader" shall be held to mean and include any person who engages in the noncommercial assembling of small arms ammunition for his own use, specifically the operation of installing new primers, powder, and projectiles into cartridge cases. (18) The term "handloader components" means small arms ammunition, small arms ammunition primers, smoke- less powder not exceeding fifty pounds, and black powder as used in muzzle loading firearms not exceeding five pounds (19) The term "fuel" shall be held to mean and include a substance which may react with the oxygen in the air or with the oxygen yielded by an oxidizer to produce combus- tion. (20) The term "motor vehicle" shall be held to mean and include any self-propelled automobile, truck. tractor, semi -trailer or full trailer, or other conveyance used for the transportation of freight (21) The term "natural barricade" shall be held to mean and include any natural hill, mound, wall, or barrier com- posed of earth or rock or other solid material of a minimum thickness of not less than three feet. (22) The term "oxidizer" shall be held to mean a substance that yields oxygen readily to stimulate the combus- tion of organic matter or other fuel. (23) The term "propel lant-actuat-,d power device" shall be held to mean and include any tool or special mechanized device or gas generator system which is actuated by a propellant or which releases and directs work through a propellant charge. (24) The term "public conveyance" shall be held to mean and include any railroad car, streetcar, ferry, cab, bus, airplane, or other vehicle which is carrying passengers for hire. (25) The term "public utility transmission system" shall mean power transmission lines over 10 KV, telephone cables, or microwave transmission systems, or buried or exposed pipelines carrying water, natural gas, petroleum, or crude oil, or refined products and chemicals, whose services are regulated by the utilities and transportation commission, municipal, or other publicly owned systems. (26) The term "purchaser" shall be held to mean any person who buys, accepts, or receives any explosives or blasting agents. (27) The term "pyrotechnic" shall be held to mean and include any combustible or explosive compositions or manufactured articles designed and prepared for the purpose of producing audible or visible effects which are commonly referred to as fireworks. (28) The term "small arms ammunition" shall be held to mean and include any shotgun, rifle, pistol, or revolver cartridge, and cartridges for propellant -actuated power devices and industrial guns Military -type ammunition containing explosive bursting charges, incendiary, tracer, spotting, or pyrotechnic projectiles is excluded from this definition (29) The term "small arms ammunition primers" shall be held to mean small percussion -sensitive explosive charges encased in a cup, used to ignite propellant powder and shall include percussion caps as used in muzzle loaders. (30) The term "smokeless propellants" shall be held to mean and include solid chemicals or solid chemical mixtures in excess of fifty pounds which function by rapid combus- tion (31) The term "user" shall be held to mean and include anv natural person. manufacturer, or blaster who acquires, purchases, or uses explosives as an ultimate consumer or who supervises such use Words used in the sinvular number shall include the plural, and the plural the singular (1993 c 293 § 1, 1972 ex.s c 88 § 5, 1970 ex s c 72 § 1, 1969 ex.s. c 137 § 3; 1931 c 1 I 1 § 1. RRS § 5440-1 ] 70.74.295 Abandonment of explosives. It shall be unlawful for any person to abandon explosives or improvised devices. Violation of this section is a gross misdemeanor punishable under chapter 9A.20 RCW. [1993 c 293 § 7; 1972 ex.s. c 88 § 3 ] 70.74.300 Explosive containers to be marked— Penalty. Every person who shall put up for sale, or who shall deliver to any warehouseman, dock, depot, or common carrier any package, cask or can containing any explosive, nitroglycerin, dynamite, or powder, without having been properly labeled thereon to indicate its explosive classifica- tion, shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor [1969 ex s. c 137 § 26; 1909 c 249 § 254; RRS § 2506.1 70.74.310 Gas bombs, explosives, stink bombs, etc. Any person other than a lawfully constituted peace officer of this state who shall deposit, leave, place, spray, scatter, spread or throw in any building, or any place, or who shall counsel, aid, assist, encourage, incite or direct any other person or persons to deposit, leave, place, spray, scatter, spread or throw, in any building or place, or who shall have in his possession for the purpose of, and with the intent of depositing, leaving, placing, spraying, scattering, spreading or throwing, in any building or place, or of counseling, aiding, assisting, encouraging, inciting or directing anv other person or persons to deposit, leave, place, spray, scatter, spread or throw, any stink bomb, stink paint, tear bomb, tear shell, explosive or flame -producing device, or any other device, material, chemical or substance, which, when exploded or opened, or without such exploding or opening, by reason of its offensive and pungent odor, does or will annoy, inure, endanger or inconvenience any person or persons, shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor: PROVID- ED, That this section shall not apply to persons in the military service, actually engaged in the performance of military duties, pursuant to orders from competent authority nor to any property owner or person acting under his authority in providing protection against the commission of a felony (1969 ex.s. c 137 § 27, 1927 c 245 § 1, RRS § 2504-1.]