HomeMy WebLinkAbout3486(Amending or Repealing Ordinances) CONO=110 - Water/Sewer/Garbage Rates & Policies Passed - 11/16/1999 Amending Ch 7.02 Increasing the water system development charge (Sections 7.02.160;7.02.180;7.02.300;7.02.310) Amends Ord. 2370 (Secs 7.02.160 & 7.02.180) Amends Ords. 2495;2732;3043 (Sec. 7.02.300 & Sec. 7.02.310) Readopting, re-enacting, ratifying & confirming rates & fees by Ord. 3534 Amended by Ords. 3627;3679;3779 Amended by Ord. 3819 (Secs. 7.02.300 & 7.02.310) Amended by Ord. 3864 (Secs. 7.02.300 & 7.02.310) Amended by Ord. 3901 (Secs. 7.02.160;7.02.300;7.02.310) Amended by Ord. 3915 (Secs. 7.02.300;7.02.310) Amended by Ord. 3960;4019 (Sec. 7.02.160) ORDINANCE NO. 3Y'Vb AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Chapter 7.02 of the Kent City Code, increasing the water system development charge and increasing temporary and permanent water rates within and outside the city limits. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Section 7.02.160 of the Kent City Code is amended to increase the system development charge as follows: Sec. 7.02.160. Installation and connection charges inside city limits. A. Any property owner within the city limits applying for water service shall pay in full a tap charge plus a system development charge prior to issuance of the water service permit. The tap charge will include the cost of connection and laying the pipe from the city water main to the property line of the property to which service is desired, or at a distance of sixty (60) feet from the main toward such property line, whichever is shorter. The minimum tap charge so established for service installed by the water utility is as follows: 1. Two hundred seventy-five dollars ($275) for each five -eighth (5/8) inch by three-quarter (3/4) inch connection. 1 Water Rate Fee 2. Three hundred twenty-five dollars ($325) for each three-quarter (3/4) inch connection. 3. Three hundred fifty dollars ($350) for each one (1) inch connection. 4. Six hundred dollars ($600) for each one and one-half (1 1/2) inch connection. 5. Eight hundred dollars ($800) for each two (2) inch connection. On any connection over two (2) inches, the minimum tap charge shall be the actual cost of the meter and installation, plus twenty-five (25) percent. B. If the workload of the water utility as determined by the director of public works is such that the installation of the water connection would interfere with the proper operation and maintenance of the water system, the director of public works may require that the property owner employ a licensed contractor to make the connection and install the necessary line and materials except the water meter. All such water services shall meet or exceed the standards and specifications approved by the director of public works. The minimum tap charge is as follows: 1. One hundred dollars ($100) for each five -eighth (5/8) inch by three-quarter (3/4) inch connection. 2. One hundred twenty-five dollars ($125) for each three-quarter (3/4) inch connection. 3. One hundred seventy-five dollars ($175) for each one (1) inch connection. 4. Three hundred sixty dollars ($360) for each one and one-half (1 1/2) inch connection. 5. Five hundred dollars ($500) for each two (2) inch connection. All such contractor installed connections shall be guaranteed by the contractor for a period of one (1) year. C. The system development charge is as follows: 1. One thousand one hundred dollars ($330) ($1,100) for each meter less than one (1) inch in size. 2 Water Rate Fee 2. Nine htmdred seventy nine One thousand nine hundred fifty-eight dollars ($979) (1,958) for each one (1) inch meter. 3. Two thousand two ht a, oa Four thousand four hundred dollars ($2,200) ($4,400) for each one and one-half (1 1/2) inch meter. 4. Thfee thousand nine hundred to dollars and fifty, „is Seven thousand eight hundred twenty dollars (7,822) for each two (2) inch meter. 5 Eight thettsaftd eight t,imd-oa Seventeen thousand six hundred dollars ($8,800) ($17,600) for each three (3) inch meter. 6. Thirty-one thousand two hundred eighty-four dollars ($15,642)(31,284) for each four (4) inch meter. 7 Twenty f thousand foul hundred fefty4we Forty-eight thousand eight hundred eighty-four dollars ($24;442) (48,884) for each five (5) inch meter., ThiFty five thousand two hundred— Seventy thousand four hundred dollars ($35,200) (70,400) for each six (6) inch meter. 9. Sixty twe thousand five hundred seventy nine One hundred twenty-five thousand one hundred fifty-eight dollars ($62,579) (125,158) for each eight (8) inch meter. 10. Ninety seven thousand see hundr-ed se Rty nine One hundred ninety- five thousand five hundred fifty-eight dollars cQo� (195,558) for each ten (10) inch meter. D. If an undersized meter is installed, a deduction will be allowed from the above charges, including system development charges, which will reflect the difference in cost between the undersized meter and the regular size meter. All service material (including water meter) will remain the property of the city. E. If the tap is changed to one of a larger size, the cost and expense of such charge must be paid before the larger size tap is installed. F. If it becomes necessary during the installation of such connection on a time and material basis to break and replace either concrete or blacktop paving, then in each instance an additional charge shall be made to cover the cost of such repair. 3 Water Rate Fee SECTION 2. Section 7.02.180 of the Kent City Code is amended to increase temporary water use rates as follows: Sec. 7.02.180. Temporary water meters. A. When water service is required for a specific short-term duration, upon approval of the director of public works, a temporary water meter may be obtained from the water utility. B. Such meters shall only be used for a designated project and shall be promptly returned to the water utility upon completion of the project or at the end of sixty (60) days, whichever comes first. The meters are to be returned in the same condition as when rented, and the user shall be held responsible for any damage thereto including paying all repair or replacement costs. While in the user's possession, the user shall be solely responsible for the meter and as such should it be lost or stolen, the user shall pay the water utility the cost of its replacement. C. The director of public works shall require that a cash bond be deposited with the city prior to receipt of a temporary meter. The amount of the bond shall equal the replacement cost of the respective meter. Upon return of the meter, the payment of all outstanding charges including any meter repair or replacement costs, the cash bond shall be released back to the user. D. Temporary meters may be moved from one (1) hydrant to another within the same project provided the water utility is notified in advance of the proposed relocation and that hydrant wrenches are used to make all connections and disconnections. E. The charge for water used through the temporary meter shall be at a rate of one dollar and thirty-three cents ($1.33) per one hundred (100) cubic feet, plus a meter charge as fellows: established in subsections E.1 and 2 below. Effective December 31, 1999, the charge for water used through the temporary meter shall be at a rate of two dollars and thirty cents ($2.30)per one hundred (100) cubic feet, plus a meter charge as established in subsections E.1 and 2 below. 4 Water Rate Fee 1. Up to one and one-half (1 1/2) inch meter, fifty dollars ($50); 2. Two (2) inch and larger meter, one hundred dollars ($100). Payment shall be made in full upon return of the meter. If a meter is lost or stolen, payment for water used shall be based on an estimate made by the director of public works. SECTION 3. Section 7.02.300 of the Kent City Code is amended to increase water rates within the City as follows: Sec. 7.02.300 Water rates within the city. A. The monthly rate from October 1 to April 30 is one dollar and twenty-four cents ($1.24) per one hundred (100) cubic feet plus a monthly demand charge for service and meter, and from May 1 to September 30 the monthly rate is one dollar and sixty-four cents ($1.64) per one hundred (100) cubic feet plus a monthly demand charge for service and meter. Effective December 31, 1999, the monthly rate from October 1 to April 30 is one dollar and twenty-four cents ($1.24) per one hundred (100) cubic feet for all use less than or equal to seven hundred (700) cubic feet plus one dollar and sixty-nine cents ($1.69) per one hundred cubic feet for all use greater than 700 cubic feet, plus a monthly demand charge for service and meter. Effective December 31, 1999, the monthly rate from May 1 to September 30 is one dollar and sixty-four cents ($1.64) per one hundred (100) cubic feet for all use less than or equal to seven hundred (700) cubic feet plus two dollars and nine cents ($2.09) per one hundred cubic feet for all use greater than 700 cubic feet, plus a monthly demand charge for service and meter. The monthly demand charge for service and meter is as follows: Meter size Charge (inches) 5/8 x 3/4 $ 2.20 1 2.45 1 1/2 3.30 2 4.00 3 13.95 5 Water Rate Fee 4 16.80 6 28.10 8 37.59 10 48.46 B. For lifeline qualified water service customers, the monthly rate is forty-five cents ($0.45) per one hundred (100) cubic feet plus a monthly demand charge for service and meter as set forth in subsection (A) above. C. Eligibility criteria for lifeline rate shall be as established by city council. D. 1. Subject to the right of access and inspection by a representative of the city, water service customers of the city may apply for a one-time rate adjustment for any single billing period under the following circumstances: property; or a. An accidental water leak has been discovered on the subject b. A water line failure has occurred on the subject property; or C. An unexplained, abnormal water meter reading has occurred on the subject property even though subsequent city inspection of the water meter indicates that the meter is functioning properly. This rate adjustment shall not exceed fifty (50) percent of the difference between the total amount of the billing period sought for adjustment minus the customer's average water usage. For the purposes of this subsection, the "average water usage" shall be computed by determining the total volume of water consumed, under normal use conditions, during the preceding twelve (12) months and dividing that total volume by the number of times the city would typically read the customer's water meter in a twelve (12) month period. 2. This rate adjustment is permitted on a one-time basis only and can only be applied to one (1) billing period. To be eligible for this rate adjustment, the affected water system must be owned by or subject to the exclusive control of the customer and be located between the city's water meter and owner's residence or structure. The bill sought for adjustment must exceed two (2) times the customer's highest usage in any single 6 Water Rate Fee billing period during the twelve (12) months prior to the billing period sought for adjustment. 3. Following a request for rate adjustment provided under this subsection, the city's finance director, or his/her designee, shall review the request and determine whether or not to adjust the customer's monthly billing. In order to make a proper determination, city staff shall be entitled to access, inspect and approve the customer's water system repair prior to granting a rate adjustment. 4. If approved, the city shall make this rate adjustment by issuing a credit to the customer's account after verification of leakage or water system failure, inspection of water meter and water system, where applicable, and verification of corrective repairs. All repairs shall occur within thirty (30) days of application to the city. 5. The owner may request reconsideration of the decision of the finance director, or his/her designee, by the city council through the city council's operation committee. SECTION 4. Section 7.02.3 10 of the Kent City Code is amended to increase the water rates outside the city as follows: Sec. 7.02.310 Water rates outside city. A. The monthly rate from October 1 to April 30 is one dollar and sixty-four cents ($1.64) per one hundred (100) cubic feet plus a monthly demand charge for service and meter, and from May 1 to September 30 the monthly charge is two dollars ($2) per one hundred (100) cubic feet plus a monthly demand charge for service and meter. Effective December 31, 1999, the monthly rate from October 1 to April 30 is one dollar and sixty- four cents ($1.64) per one hundred (100) cubic feet for all use less than or equal to seven hundred (700) cubic feet plus two dollars and nine cents ($2.09) per one hundred cubic feet for all use greater than 700 cubic feet, plus a monthly demand charge for service and meter. Effective December 31, 1999 the monthly rate from ME 1 to September 30 is two dollars ($2.00) per one hundred (100) cubic feet for all use less than or equal to seven 7 Water Rate Fee hundred (700) cubic feet plus two dollars and forty-six cents ($2.46) per one hundred cubic feet for all use greater than 700 cubic feet, plus a monthly demand charge for service and meter. The monthly demand charge for service and meter is as follows: Meter size Charge (inches) 5/8 x 3/4 $ 2.20 1 2.45 1 1/2 3.30 2 4.00 3 13.95 4 16.80 6 28.10 8 37.59 10 48.46 B. For lifeline qualified water service customers, the monthly rate is forty-eight cents ($0.48) per one hundred (100) cubic feet plus a monthly demand charge for service and meter as set forth in subsection (A) above. C. Eligibility criteria for lifeline rate shall be as established by city council. D. 1. Subject to the right of access and inspection by a representative of the city, water service customers of the city may apply for a one-time rate adjustment for any single billing period under the following circumstances: property; or a. An accidental water leak has been discovered on the subject b. A water line failure has occurred on the subject property; or C. An unexplained, abnormal water meter reading has occurred on the subject property even though subsequent city inspection of the water meter indicates that the meter is functioning properly. This rate adjustment shall not exceed fifty (50) percent of the difference between the total amount of the billing period sought for adjustment minus the customer's average water usage. For the purposes of this subsection, the "average water usage" shall be computed by determining the total volume of water consumed, under normal use 8 Water Rate Fee conditions, during the preceding twelve (12) months and dividing that total volume by the number of times the city would typically read the customer's water meter in a twelve (12) month period. 2. This rate adjustment is permitted on a one-time basis only and can only be applied to one (1) billing period. To be eligible for this rate adjustment, the affected water system must be owned by or subject to the exclusive control of the customer and be located between the city's water meter and owner's residence or structure. The bill sought for adjustment must exceed two (2) times the customer's highest usage in any single billing period during the twelve (12) months prior to the billing period sought for adjustment. 3. Following a request for rate adjustment provided under this subsection, the city's finance director, or his/her designee, shall review the request and determine whether or not to adjust the customer's monthly billing. In order to make a proper determination, city staff shall be entitled to access, inspect and approve the customer's water system repair prior to granting a rate adjustment. 4. If approved, the city shall make this rate adjustment by issuing a credit to the customer's account after verification of leakage or water system failure, inspection of water meter and water system, where applicable, and verification of corrective repairs. All repairs shall occur within thirty (30) days of application to the city. 5. The owner may request reconsideration of the decision of the finance director, or his/her designee, by the city council through the city council's operation committee. SECTION S. —Severability. If any one or more section, subsections, or sentences of this Ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. 9 Water Rate Fee SECTION 6. — Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. ATTEST: a_cs�2� BRENDA JACOB TY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: 2�O*R LU�BOVICH, CITY ATTO PASSED: /6 day of , 1999. APPROVED: 7 day of , 1999. PUBLISHED: �_ day of _'1999. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. 3�t6 passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. P \Ciw1\0rdmance\Water Ratc Amend Option2 doc 10 (SAT) BRENDA J O ER, CITY CLERK Water Rate Fee I