HomeMy WebLinkAbout3482Ordinance No. 3482 (Amending or Repealing Ordinances) CFN=377-Comprehensive Plan Passed 11/2/1999 School Impact Fees — Amends KCC Sec. 12.13.160 Amends Ords. 3222;3281;3412 Amended by Ords. 3546;3591;3637;3675;3730;3777; 3827;3870;3904;3941;3987;4024;4057 The date ["Beginning July 1, 1998"1 has led to confusion This date will be deleted from cover sheets of ordinance/resolution revision pages This cover sheet will be deleted on electronic pages only, no other deletions or changes have been made to the document — 6/21/2012 ORDINANCE NO. 2 OU AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, adopting an amendment to the Kent Comprehensive Plan by amending the Capital Facilities Plan element to include the Capital Facilities Plans of the Kent and Federal Way School Districts and further amending Section 12.13.160 of the Kent City Code to amend the school impact fee schedule. WHEREAS, the City of Kent adopted a school impact fee program as authorized by the Growth Management Act and RCW 82.02.050; and WHEREAS, the Growth Management Act and Chapter 12.02 of the Kent City Code authorize the City to amend its Comprehensive Plan only once per calendar year, except in the case of an emergency, which is defined as an issue of community wide significance that promotes the public health, safety, and general welfare; and WHEREAS, Chapter 12.13.070 of the Kent City Code requires that the Capital Facilities Plans of the school districts be submitted to the City of Kent on an annual basis for City Council review, and that such review shall occur in conjunction with any update of the Capital Facilities Plan element of the City's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, on February 2, 1999, the Kent City Council adopted its comprehensive plan amendments for 1999 prior to its review of the Capital Facilities Plans of the Kent and Federal Way School Districts; and 1 School Impact Fee -1999 WHEREAS, adoption of the Kent and Federal Way School Districts Capital Facilities Plans is a condition precedent to continued collection of impact fees on behalf of the districts by the City of Kent; and WHEREAS, the 1999 Kent and Federal Way School Districts' Capital Facilities Plans were received by the City in April, 1999, and subsequently reviewed for consistency with the review criteria set forth by the GMA; and WHEREAS, the City must now amend the Capital Facilities element of the City's Comprehensive Plan in order to adopt the Capital Facilities Plans of the Kent and Federal Way School Districts; and WHEREAS, on September 7, 1999, by Resolution No. 1554, the City Council declared an emergency pursuant to Chapter 12.02 of the Kent City Code for an emergency Comprehensive Plan Amendment in order to incorporate the Kent and Federal Way School Districts' Capital Facilities Plans as an element of the Kent Comprehensive Plan - Capital Facilities Plan Element; and WHEREAS, on September 27, 1999, the Land Use and Planning Board reviewed the Capital Facilities Plans of the Kent and Federal Way School Districts, conducted a public hearing, and recommended that the Capital Facilities Plan element of the Kent Comprehensive Plan be amended to adopt the Capital Facilities Plans for the Kent and Federal Way School Districts, and that a new fee schedule reflecting the new base fee schedules be adopted; and 2 School Impact Fee -1999 WHEREAS, on October 19, 1999, the City Council approved the hearing Examiner's recommendation, NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Capital Facilities Plan element of the Kent Comprehensive Plan is hereby amended to include the Capital Facilities elements of the Kent and Federal Way School Districts as set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. SECTION 2. Section 12.13.160 of the Kent City Code is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 12.13.160. Base fee schedule. The following fee shall be assessed for the indicated types of development: School District Single Family Multi -family Multi -family studio Kent, No. 415 $3,''� 74405 $1,888.40 $ 0.00 $3,782.00 $2,329.00 Federal Way, No. 210 $2,883.00 $ 875.00 $ 0.00 $2,384.00 786.00 SECTION 3. - Severability. If any one or more sections, subsections, or sentences of this Ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. 3 School Impact Fee -1999 SECTION 4. - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. 11� _ _ /). ATTEST: BRENDA JA APPROVED AS TO FORM: CLERK A. LUBOVICH, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED: day of h/ , 1999. APPROVED: 02 day of , 1999. PUBLISHED: day of , 1999. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. P \Civil\0rdmance\Scha6l1rtmact-19Alrd doe - ' -v (SEAL) BRENDA JAC B R, CITY CLERK 4 School Impact Fee -1999 PLAN 1999-2000 - 2004-2005 KENT SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 415 Metropolitan King County Kent, Covington, Auburn, Black Diamond, Renton, SeaTac, Washington APRIL 1999 EXHIBIT � CENT SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 415 12033 SE 256`" Street Kent, Washington 98031-6643 (253) 373-7000 SIX-YEAR CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN 1999-2000 - 2004-2005 April 1999 BOARD of DIRECTORS Bill Boyce Sandra Collins Susan Follmer Mike Jensen Linda Petersen ADMINISTRATION Marcia D. Slater, Ph.D. Interim Superintendent Daniel L. Moberly Assistant Superintendent of Business Services Fred H. High Executive Director of Finance Gwen Dupree Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education Beverly J. Cheney, Ed.D. Assistant Superintendent of Elementary Education & Instructional Services Margaret A. Whitney Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources & Student Support Services Kent Keel Executive Director of Information Technology Apnl, 1999 Kent School District No. 495 Six -Year Capital Facilities Plan 1999-2000 - 2004-2005 April 1999 For information on the Plan, please call the Finance & Planning Department at (253) 373-7295. Capital Facilities Plan Contributing Staff Gwenn Escher-Derdowski, Community Planning Administrator Clint Marsh, Director of Facilities Kathy Metzener & Karla Wilkerson, facilities Department Apnl, 1 KENT SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 415 SIX-YEAR CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN TABLE of CONTENTS Section Page Number I Executive Summary 2 I I Six -Year Enrollment Projection 4 III Current District "Standard of Service" 8 I V Inventory and Capacity of Existing Schools 12 V Six -Year Planning and Construction Plan 15 V I Relocatable Classrooms 1$ V I I Projected Classroom Capacity 20 V I I I Finance Plan and Impact Fee Schedules 25 Ix Appendixes 30 Vent Serol Distnct Six -Year Caoital Facilities Plan Apnt• 1999 Page t I Executive Summary This Six -Year Capital Facilities Plan (the "Plan") has been prepared by the Kent School District (the "District") as the District's facilities planning document, in compliance with the requirements of Washington's Growth Management Act, King County Code K.C.C. 21A.43 and Cities of Kent, Covington and Auburn. This annual plan update was prepared using data available in the spring of 1999 for the 1998-99 school year. This Plan is consistent with prior long-term capital facilities plans adopted by the Kent School District. This Plan is not intended to be the sole planning document for all of the District's needs. The District may prepare interim and periodic Long Range Capital. Facilities Plans consistent with Board Policies, taking into account a longer or shorter time period, other factors and trends in the use of facilities, and other needs of the District as may be required. Any such plan will be consistent with this Six -Year Capital Facilities Plan. The Kent School District Capital Facilities Plan has been adopted by Metropolitan King County Council and Cities of Kent, Covington and Auburn and included in the Capital Facilities Plan element of the Comprehensive Plans of each jurisdiction. An impact fee implementing ordinance for the unincorporated areas was effective September 15, 1993. This Plan update has also been submitted to Cities of Kent, Covington, Auburn, Black Diamond, SeaTac, and Renton. A financing plan is included in Section V I I I which demonstrates the District's ability to implement this Plan. This Capital Facilities Plan establishes the District's "standard of service" in order to ascertain the District's current and future capacity. While the State Superintendent of Public Instruction establishes square footage guidelines for capacity, those guidelines do not account for the local program needs in the District. The Growth Management Act, King County and City codes and ordinances authorize the District to make adjustments to the standard of service based on specific needs of the District. Beginning in 1998, the District's standard provides for class size reduction for grades K - 3 from 26 to 22 students. The District's standard class size for grades 4 - 9 should not exceed 29 students, and class size for grades 10 - 12 should not exceed 31 students. (See Section I I I for more specific information.) (Continued) Kent School District Sic -Year Capital Facilities Plan April. 1999 Page 2 I Executive Summary (continued) The capacities of the schools in the District are calculated based on this standard of service and the existing inventory, which includes some relocatable classrooms. The District's 1998-99 program capacity of permanent facilities is 24,093 which reflects program changes and the reduction of class size in grades K - 3. Relocatables provide additional transitional capacity until permanent facilities are completed. Kent School District is the fourth largest district in the state. The actual number of individual students per the October 1, 1998, head count was 26,074. Full Time Equivalent (FTE) enrollment for this same period was 24,875.90 (Kindergarten at .5 and excluding Early Childhood Education [ECE] and Running Start students). The District's standard of service, enrollment history and projections, and use of transitional facilities were among subjects studied by the Citizens' Concurrency Task Force. The Final Report of the Concurrency Task Force was approved by the Board of Directors on March 10, 1993. Findings and recommendations of the Concurrency Task Force are discussed further in Section I I I of this Plan. In subsequent years, the current pl-sn is to maintain surplus capacity consistent with today's surplus. This surplus is achieved primarily through the transitional use of relocatables as recommended by the Citizens' Concurrency Task Force. The Concurrency Task Force reaffirms that, as has been the practice and philosophy of the Kent School District, and also based on the most recent recommendation of the Citizens' Facilities Planning Committee, portables are NOT acceptable as permanent facilities. Portables, or, using the more accurate but interchangeable term, "relocatables" may be used as interim or transitional facilities: 1. To prevent overbuilding or overcrowding of permanent school facilities. 2. To cover the gap between the time of demand for increased capacity and completion of permanent school facilities to meet that demand. 3. To meet unique program requirements. Use of relocatable and transitional capacity and specific recommendations by the Concurrency Task Force are further discussed in Section V I of this Plan. Pursuant to the requirements of the Growth Management Act, this Plan will be updated annually, with changes in the fee schedule(s) adjusted accordingly. Kent School District Six -Year Capital Facilities Plan April, 1999 Page 3 I I Six - Year Enrollment Projection For capital facilities planning, growth projections are based on student yield from documented residential construction projected over the next six years. (See Table 2) The student generation factor, as defined on the next page, is the basis for the growth projections from new developments. King County live births and the District's relational percentage average were used to determine the number of kindergartners entering the system. (See Table !) Based on the 1998 percentage, 8.28% of King County live births. together with proportional growth from new construction, is equivalent to the number of students projected to enter kindergarten in the district for the next six-year period. (See Table 2) Early Childhood Education students (formerly identified as "Preschool Special Education [SE] or handicapped") are calculated and reported separately on a .5 FTE basis. The first grade population is traditionally 7 - 8% larger than the kindergarten population due to growth and transfers to the District from private kindergartens. Near term projections assume some growth from new developments to be offset by current local economic conditions. With a few notable exceptions, the expectation is that enrollment increases will occur District -wide in the long term. District projections are based on historical growth patterns combined with continuing development of projects in the pipeline dependent on market and growth conditions. The District will continue to track new development activity to determine impact to schools and monitor conditions to reflect adjustments in this assumption. The six-year enrollment projection anticipates significant enrollment growth from new development currently in some phase of planning or construction in the district. Information on new residential developments and the completion of these proposed developments in all jurisdictions may be considered in the District's future analysis of growth projections. Within practical limits, the District has kept abreast of proposed developments. The Kent School District serves six permitting jurisdictions: unincorporated King County, the cities of Covington, Kent and Auburn. The Lake Sawyer area has recently been annexed to the City of Black Diamond and the western portion of the district includes a small portion of the City of SeaTac. (Continued) Kent School District Six -Year Capital Facilities Plan April, 1999 Page 4 I I Six - Year Enrollment Projection (continued) STUDENT GENERATION FACTOR "Student Factor" is defined by code as "the number derived by a school district to describe how many students of each grade span are expected to be generated by a dwelling unit" based on district records of average actual student generated rates for developments completed within the last five years. Following these guidelines, the student generation factor for Kent School District is as follows: Single Family Elementary .515 Junior High .197 Senior High .180 Total .892 Multi -Family Elementary .279 Junior High .086 Senior High .063 Total .428 The student generation factor is based on a survey of 3,149 single family dwelling units and 2,998 multi -family dwelling units. There was no adjustment for occupancy and studio apartments were excluded. Please refer to Appendix E on Page 33 for details of the Student Generation Factor survey. The actual number of students in those residential developments was determined using the District's Education Logistics (EDULOG) Transportation System. In 3,149 single family dwelling units there were 1,622 elementary students, 621 junior high students, and 566 senior high students for a total of 2,809 students. In 2,998 multi -family dwelling units, there were 836 elementary students, 257 junior high students, and 189 senior high students, for a total of 1,282 students. Kent School District Six -Year Capital Facilities Plan April. 1999 Page 5 r � Q O ~ Z F- V Z H N J OJ J0 7 0: Z w U) W m ZO uj ~ Y V C'1 p N ^ N O O N _ N 00 O O N O `� v7 c0 cc a Cn Q1 Q1 C) N CO ^ N N N N N CV ry �? tD 6n`r L v7 N N aj a co `tr N v T O q v O v O tT C) Of CO t0 °q N CO ^ N (Ni in ._ N N N N �- CO j t CD N LIL mN At N N r4mNM W).- r co i NN O Qj OGo tcoN �. a- N C7 TN if YOy r N m M tff ^ c0 a N co ^ _ C ::tto O CA CO epi. COD. n � v c4i ^ O � to co pp P >s N 7 O m M NN cv a AMCV)A t71 Cf CO 01 w co O O C) N O O to i\ N co V- V- r r r r M Y H r r r r r r r c'9 N O Cl N � N M cm Qf'f ti r' tp O CA r o .� N P- Cf T QO Cr N (7)r O O C!CA QOj c CO to Q1 O Y Q N r f'�t� M T C N N r r r T r r T r r C7 t0 V- ~ c h CV tD A ` M M Q N r r CA N t- U m (Q m N O N gn co O CO _O tp O O W C)i. Of COD CO ti N co Ch C N Cn N r r t0 t00. et N C T r O Lc N a N o ae M � � tD N N co Kf COD O co m N COV .M- CO C7f CC) C7� CO i\ tp CO " N V- r a � N aD b r T r r r N T 4 /•� $q r� CD W ^ _ °D CCO lw ND. ti N O O A a t F.. O �"' tN0_ cN0 v 01 t0 tOn •"' r r r r r r r r r r r r T CA N a N M d 22t a co to ^ N i cD aD co N N O M 3 T co r tMO_ tt K) M v M N T 'W r r r r O M v ` T r r r T T r T CD tL m .. M� n y r 4n COCl) CO�° I CMD O 0) coN N n. g COO CO r CO c07 O ti c o Cn CO ct9 to CT it M M �= N O U v T CO r tT N M O �"' r r r r r t N Y O r T r r r T to t0 T r C t� 10 T p W tp7 co O N tD .N- tto O to to M to ul H N .t ao T ? M N M c 1 M ai v q C� co r r T ^ N t01 ]Z c r T ^ r r r CO t0 CO C 00 N _R T a7 U U Cl N • d 7 a L p v 2 5 .0 • 7 NY tar t� a H q S CL J a N R >%.2 0 1 � r r c cII O= Q7 p� N M Q to tD f� CD O O T N C V > 001 g -' U Cil Ci) Q7 W C O tU til d O O E > v C C 4? O m O i0 D, _ R Y Y Y C� R R t`C CU tO O CC t9 CD CO N v C� C7 `- � �. m E O Y C7 C7 C� C7 C7 C7 co c u c KENT SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 415 SIX -YEAR ENROLLMENT PROJECTION ACTUAL P R O 1 E C T I O N 1998 1 1999 t 2000 1 2001 11 2002 It 2003 TF2004 -719 -358 -155 -399 73 King County Live Births ' 22,330 21,972 21,817 21,573 21,646 21,719 21,792 Increase / Decrease -719 -358 -155 -399 73 73 73 Kindergarten/ Birth % 2 8.28% 8.28% 8.28% 8.28% 8.28% 8.28% 8.28% ' Early Childhood EdU"UW G 44 56 58 60 62 65 68 Kindergarten FTE .5 925 896 939 965 994 1,037 1,076 Grade 1 2,064 1,917 1,965 2,043 2,086 2,155 2,225 Grade- 2 2,095 2,056 1,990 2,038 2,117 2,158 2,228 Grade 3 2,208 2,079 2,131 2,065 2,113 2,192 2,232 Grade 4 2,045 2,173 2,130 2,182 2,117 2,164 2,243 Grade 5 2,108 2,053 2,282 2,236 2,289 2,220 2,267 Grade 6 2,045 2,110 2,139 2,369 2,327 2,375 2,305 Grade 7 2,063 2,054 2,187 2,203 2,422 2,361 2,400 Grade 8 1,970 2,009 2,092 2,224 2,240 2,458 2,398 Grade 9 1,925 1,945 2,047 2,130 2,261 2,277 2,494 Grade 10 1,951 1,904 1,998 2,093 2,164 2,284 2,287 Grade 11 1,846 1,850 1,819 1,909 1,997 2,065 2,179 Grade 12 1,631 1,679 1,718 1,689 1,777 1,861 1,927 Total FTE Enrollment 24,920 24,781 25,495 26,206 26,966 27,672 28,329 NOW. 7 Yearty Increase 315 -139 714 711 760 706 657 Yearly Increase % 1.28% -0.56% 2.88% 2.79% 2.90% 2.62% 2.37% Cumulative Increase 288 149 863 1,574 2,334 3,040 3,697 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) 24,920 24,781 1 25,495 1 26,206 1 26,966 1 27,672 28,329 ' Kindergarten projection based on King County actual live birth percentage and proportional growth from new constriction. Z Kindergarten FTE enrollment projection at .5 is calculated by using the District's percentage of King County live births 5 years earlier compared to actual kindergarten enrollment in the previous year. (ECE = Early Childhood Education) 3 Oct. 98 P223 Headcount is 25,905. Oct. 98 full student headcount including 88 Preschool & 180 Running Start = 26,074. G R O W T H P R O J E C T I O N S - Adjustments for current economic factors For facilities planning purposes, this six-year enrollment projection anticipates significant enrollment growth from new development currently in some phase of planning or construction in the district. Kent School District Six -Year Capital Facilities Plan Table 2 April, 1999 Page 7 I I I Current Kent School District "Standard of Service" In order to determine the capacity of the District's facilities, the King County Code refers to a "standard of service" that each school district must establish in order to ascertain its overall capacity. The standard of service identifies the program year, the class size, the number of classrooms, students and programs of special need, and other factors determined by the District which would, in the District's judgment, best serve its student population. This Plan includes the standard of service as established by Kent School District. Relocatables included in the capacity calculation use the same standard of service as the permanent facilities. (see Appendix A, B & C) The standard of service defined herein may continue to change in the future. Beginning in 1998, the District's standard class size for grades K - 3 was reduced from 26 to 22. Kent School District is continuing a long-term strategic planning process which may affect aspects of the District's "standard of service". Future changes to the standard of service will be reflected in future capital facilities plans. Current Standards of Service for Elementary Students Class size for grades K - 3 should not exceed 22 students. Class size for grades 4 - 6 should not exceed 29 students. Program capacity for regular education classrooms is calculated at an average of 25 students per classroom because there are four grade levels at K - 3 and fluctuations between primary and intermediate grade levels (i.e. Third / Fourth grade split classes, etc.). Students may be provided music instruction and physical education in a separate classroom or facility. Students may have scheduled time in a special computer lab. Special Education for students with disabilities may be provided in a self- contained classroom with a capacity of 10-15 depending on the program. (continued) Kent School District Six -Year Capital Facilities Plan April. 1999 Page 8 [ I I Current Kent School District "Standard of Service" (continued) Identified students will also be provided other educational opportunities in classrooms for programs designated as follows: English As a Second Language (ESL) Self-contained Special Education Programs Integrated Programs & Resource Rooms (for special remedial assistance) Education for Disadvantaged Students (Title I) Gifted Education Other Remediation Programs Learning Assisted Program (LAP) School Adjustment Programs for severely behavior -disordered students Hearing Impaired Mild, Moderate and Severe Developmental Disabilities Developmental Kindergarten Early Childhood Education (3-4 yr. old preschool handicapped students) Some of the above special programs require specialized classroom space, as well as music and physical education classrooms, computer labs, etc.; thus, the permanent capacity of some of the buildings housing these programs is reduced. Some students, for example, leave their regular classroom for a short period of time to receive instruction in these special programs and space must be allocated to serve these programs. Some newer buildings have been constructed to accommodate most of these programs; some older buildings have been modified, and in some circumstances, these modifications reduce the classroom capacity of the buildings. When programs change, program capacity fluctuates and is updated annually to reflect the change in program and capacity. Current Standards of Service for Secondary Students The standards of service outlined below reflect only those programs and educational opportunities provided to secondary students which directly affect the capacity of the school buildings. Class size for grades 7 - 9 should not exceed 29 students. Class size for grades 10 - 12 should not exceed 31 students. Special Education for students with disabilities may be provided in a self- contained classroom with a capacity of 10-15 depending on the program. (continued) Kent School District Six -Year Capital Fauldies Plan April, 1999 Page 9 I I I Current Kent School District "Standard of Service" (conenuec) Identified students will also be provided other education opportunities in classrooms for programs designated as follows: Computer Labs English As a Second Language (ESL) Integrated Programs & Resource Rooms (for special remedial assistance) Preschool and Daycare Honors (Gifted) and Advanced Placement Programs Basic Skills Programs Traffic Safety Education JROTC - Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps Variety of Technical & Applied Programs (Vocational Education) i.e. Home & Family Life (Cooking, Sewing, Child Development, etc.) Business Education (Keyboarding, Accounting, Business Law, Sales & Marketing, etc.) Woods, Metals, Welding, Electronics, Manufacturing Technology, Auto Shop, Commercial Foods, Commercial Art, Drafting & Drawing, Electronics, Careers, etc. Many of these programs and others require specialized classroom space which can reduce the permanent capacity of the -school buildings. In addition, an alternative home school, choice and transition program is provided for students in grades 2-12 at Kent Leaming Center. Space or Classroom Utilization As a result of scheduling conflicts for student programs, the need for specialized rooms for certain programs, and the need for teachers to have a work space during their planning periods, it is not possible to achieve 100% utilization of regular teaching stations. Based on the analysis of actual utilization of classrooms, the District has concluded that the standard utilization rate is 95% for elementary schools and 85% for secondary schools. In future, the District will continue close analysis of actual utilization. Kent School District Citizens' Concurrency Task Force The Kent School District Board of Directors appointed a Citizens' Concurrency Task Force, made up of a cross section of the community; to assist in defining the District's Standard of Service. To accomplish this task, the Task Force was directed to study Kent School District enrollment history and -projections, demographics and planned new developments, land availability for new schools, facility capacities and plans, frequency of boundary changes, and portable (relocatable) vs. permanent facility issues. A meeting for public input was conducted and the Final Report of the Citizens' Concurrency Task Force was approved by the Board of Directors on March 10, 1993. (continued) Kent School District Six -Year Capital Facilities Plan April. 1999 Page 10 KENT SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 415 INVENTORY and CAPACITY of EXISTING SCHOOLS - Changes to capacity reflect program changes and reduction in K-3 class s¢e from 26 to 22. Kent Schooi Oistnct Six -Year Capital Facilities Plan Table 3 April, 1999 Page 13 1998-99 Year SCHOOL Opened ABR ADDRESS Program Cap Carttage Crest Elementary 1990 CC 15235 - 140th Avenue SE. Renton 98=1 455 Cedar Valley Elementary 1971 CV 26500 Timberline Way SE. Covington 98042 413 Covington Elementary 1961 CO 17070 SE Wax Road, Covington 95042 470 Crestwood Elementary 1950 CW 25225 -1 Wh Avenue SE, Covington 95042 451 Daniel Elementary 1992 OE 11310 SE 248th Street, Kent 95031 432 East HIp Elementary 1953 EH 9825 S 240th Street, Kent 96031 413 Fairwood Elementary 1969 FW 16600.145th Avenue SE. Renton 98058 415 Glenridge Elementary 1996 GR 194M -120th Avenue SE. Renton 98058 475 Grass Lake Elementary 1971 GL 257W -191st Plica SE, Kent 96042 447 Ho eon Elementary 1990 HE 27641 -144th Avenue SE. Kent 98042 456 Jenkins Creek Elementary 1987 JC 26915. 156th Avenue SE. Covington 98042 447 Kent Elementary 1938 KE 317.4th Avenue South, Kent 95032 234 Lake Youngs Elementary 1965 LY 19660 -142nd Avenue SE. Kent 98042 546 Martin Sortun Elementary 1987 MS 12711 SE 248th Street, Kent 98031 475 Meadow Ridge Elementary 1994 MR 27710 -108th Avenue SE. Kent SW31 447 Meridian Elementary 1939 ME 25621 - 140th Avenue SE. Kent 96042 532 No*-aBrien Elementary 1990 NO 6300 South 236th Street. Kent 98032 413 Panther Lake Elementary 1935 PL 20631 - 105th Avenue SE. Kent 96031 404 Pak Orchard Elementary 1963 PO 11010 SE 232nd Street. Kent 98031 470 Pine Tree Elementary 1967 PT 27825 - 116th Avenue SE, Kent 98031 523 Ridgewood Elementary 1957 RW 15030.162nd Place SE. Renton 96058 523 Sawyer Woods Elementary 1994 SW 31135 228th Avenue SE. Kent 98042 499 Seen ie His Elementary 1960 SH 26025 Woodland Way South, Kent 98031 437 Soos Creek Elementary 1971 SC 12651 SE 218th Place, Kent 98031 432 Spnngbrook Elementary 1969 SS 20035 -100th Avenue SE. Kent 96031 423 Sunrise Elementary 1992 SR 22300 - 132nd Avenue SE, Kent 98042 523 Kent Looming Center (Grandview) 1965 LC 22420 Military Road. Des Moines 98198 410 Elementary TOTAL 12.198 Cedar Heights Junior High 1993 CH 19640 SE 272 Street, Covington 98042 1,011 Kent Junior High 1952 KJ 620 North Central Avenue, Kent SW32 826 Mattson Junior High 1981 MA 16400 SE 251st Street, Covington 98042 827 Meeker Junior High 1970 MK 12600 SE 192nd Street. Renton 98058 897 Mendian Junior High 1958 M.l 23480 - 120th Avenue SE. Kent 98031 769 Northwood Junior High 1996 NW 17007 SE 164th Street, Renton 98058 994 Sequoia Junior High 1960' Si 11000 SE 264th Street, Kent 98031 799 Junior High TOTAL 6,123 Kendake Senior High School 1997 KL 21401 SE 300th Street. Kent 98042 1,648 Kent -Menden Senior High 1951 KM 10020 SE 256th Street, Kent 98031 1,487 Kentndge Senior High 1968 KR 12430 SE 208th Street. Kent 98031 1,299 Kentwood Senior High 1981 KW 25800 - 164th Avenue SE. Covington 98042" 1,336 Senior High TOTAL 5,772 DISTRICT TOTAL 24,093 - Changes to capacity reflect program changes and reduction in K-3 class s¢e from 26 to 22. Kent Schooi Oistnct Six -Year Capital Facilities Plan Table 3 April, 1999 Page 13 LO T �A • C N39 h O_ OO W N Z O U C Z j �' y Q).... C C C �cE cc —0 F— C,m '�= rn � YY � co•�� ccn to CD .._. o Q .6— (lj 0 V cu o rn CD �- c •Z ' CL a o om o � 3s anv Waal •C O Y � 11 �W 1 a fW>, C a 3S a" wovt m • � ,� •� • a• 3s ," Ww'. • a a � • ai s �� as 10- I �A • 1 N39 h O_ W N Z AC -L4% Ate\ LOOM ul •W •� $W V J V` r� J� 5 tm • W C > N39 h O_ W N Z AC -L4% Ate\ LOOM `3 •W •� $W V J V` r� J� r W a � 3s anv Waal N W a' mf a^v FOUw7 s •tO'L°,� �D "I h O_ W N Z AC -L4% Ate\ LOOM V J V` r� • N W a' mf a^v FOUw7 s •tO'L°,� V The District's Six -Year Planning and Construction Plan At the time of preparation of this Plan in spring of 1998, the following projects are currently underway in the District: • Elementary #27a is located at 24700 - 64"Avenue S. near downtown Kent. The school opened in January 1999 and current students, staff and programs moved to the new location at that time. The new school retains the name Kent Elementary and boundary changes and new programs will be implemented in the Fall of 1999. • Emerald Park Elementary #29 is under construction at the northeast comer of SE 216th Street and 117th Avenue SE. The school is scheduled to open in the fall of 1999. • Elementary #30 is in the early planning and construction stages and is scheduled to open in the fall of 2000. It is in the city of Kent at 119`" Avenue SE and SE 270`" Street. • Junior High #8 is under review to fill future needs for grades 7 through 9. The Board authorized purchase of a site for this school at SE 286'" Street on the east side of 124`" Avenue SE. Exact timing of the opening of the school is currently under review and dependent on enrollment needs. Other future facilities are listed in Table 4 and shown on the site map on page 17. • Northwood Junior High (#7) opened in the fall of 1996. Kentlake Senior High opened in the fall of 1997. Each of these schools, combined with portables, continue to provide capacity for increases to enrollment from new development. Each of the elementary schools has capacity planned for approximately 540 students each, depending on placement of special programs. Junior high schools are planned for a program capacity of approximately 1,065 students and Kentlake Senior High (#4) has a current program capacity of 1,648. County and city planners, decision makers and school districts are encouraged to consider safe walking conditions for all students when reviewing applications and design plans for new developments. This should include sidewalks, pull-outs and tum arounds for school buses. Included in this Plan is an inventory of projects by type, size, location or region, and estimated completion date. Also included in the inventory are sites identified by the District, which are potentially acceptable site altematives in the future. (see Table 4) The voter approved 1990 Bond Issue for $105.4 million included funding for the purchase of eleven sites for some of these and future schools, and the sites acquired to date are included in this Plan. Funding is secured for purchase of additional sites. Not all undeveloped properties meet school construction requirements and some property may be traded or sold to meet future facility needs. Based on voter approval of $130 million in construction funding in February 1994, elementary schools # 29 and # 30 are the last two to be constructed which have received voter approval. The Citizens' Facilities Planning Committee is in the process of reviewing future needs and is expected to make a recommendation to the Board for a future bond election for capital projects. Kent School District Six -Year Capital Facilities Plan Apnl. 1999 Page 15 KENT SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 415 Projects Planned, Under Construction, or Providing Additional Capacity Site Acquisitions included EProjected Protected % for SCHOOL /FACILITY / SITE LOCATION T e Statuspletion Program new ate I CaoecM Growth �.: . SENIOR HIGH Kenttake Senior High (# 4) 21401 SE 300 St, Kent 98042 TEMPORARY FACILITIES Reloeatables For placement as needed SUPPORT FACILITIES Satellite Bus Facility To be determined 2 OTHER SITES ACQUIRED Covington area (Near Mattson JH) Covington area (Scarsella) Ham lake area (Pollard) H Lake area (West) Shady Lake area (Sowers, etc.) So. King Co. Activity Center (Nike site) New Open 1997 New Planning 1999+ New Planning 7 SE 251 8 164 SE, Covington 98042 SE 290 8 156 SE, Kent 98042 16820 SE 240. Kent 98042 SE 332 8 204 SE. Kent 98042 17426 SE 192 Street. Renton 98058 SE 167 8 170 SE, Renton 98058 Notes: ' New Kent Elementary # 27a will replace the current Kent Elementary School 2 Some sites are acquired but placement has not been determined. 3 Facility needs are currently being reviewed by Citizens' Facilities Planning Committee. Kent School Dis:nct Six -Year Capital Facilities Plan Table 4 Type Elementary Elementary Elementary Junior High Elementary School or Support Faality 1,648 40% Addttior>al Capacity 25 - 31.a M 100% NIA April, 1999 Page 16 Appasn/r I Aap�wN� ELEMENTARY (Numbers assigned to Artune schools may not correlate wrth number o/ ext`smi; schools.) Kent Elementary Replacement # 27a n 24700 - 64th Avenue S. KeM New' In Program 1999 222 (net) 50% I Now Kent Elenwntary 0 27a will replace the currant Kent Elementary School (4W - 234 ) Emerald Park Elementary (rZl) (Funded) 11800 SE 216th St, Kent 98031 New coewucum 1999 485 50% Elementary # 30 (Funded) 11919 SE Z70th St, Kent 98031 New Review 2000 485 50% Elementary # 31 (Unfunded) To be determined = New Planning 20027 540 7S% Elementary # 32 (Unfunded) To be determined = New Planning 20037 540 75% JUNIOR HIGH Junior High # 8 (Unfunded) 3 SE 286th St & 124 Av SE. Kent New Pretirnuary 20037 1.065 75% Planning SENIOR HIGH Kenttake Senior High (# 4) 21401 SE 300 St, Kent 98042 TEMPORARY FACILITIES Reloeatables For placement as needed SUPPORT FACILITIES Satellite Bus Facility To be determined 2 OTHER SITES ACQUIRED Covington area (Near Mattson JH) Covington area (Scarsella) Ham lake area (Pollard) H Lake area (West) Shady Lake area (Sowers, etc.) So. King Co. Activity Center (Nike site) New Open 1997 New Planning 1999+ New Planning 7 SE 251 8 164 SE, Covington 98042 SE 290 8 156 SE, Kent 98042 16820 SE 240. Kent 98042 SE 332 8 204 SE. Kent 98042 17426 SE 192 Street. Renton 98058 SE 167 8 170 SE, Renton 98058 Notes: ' New Kent Elementary # 27a will replace the current Kent Elementary School 2 Some sites are acquired but placement has not been determined. 3 Facility needs are currently being reviewed by Citizens' Facilities Planning Committee. Kent School Dis:nct Six -Year Capital Facilities Plan Table 4 Type Elementary Elementary Elementary Junior High Elementary School or Support Faality 1,648 40% Addttior>al Capacity 25 - 31.a M 100% NIA April, 1999 Page 16 l• ���� tip. + / `j• � ^'}� .!� _ - .y` 1 i't•• ♦ �, y �.. t ;: \ �i- ;r' t• tel♦ � � y ::. � ` .., • :�:..:. • � _ -"'. moi•• �� 411 .AN It KeLowev- SOE r lee ;•�1111ATEnShED �. ^lit•„• •:..!'-'vC� `� 'y~'•,' •t J �`�•v. � Y T• 1 . Via.! ,. ,;,...I �;: • E'- �. • 'k: _ !r•{.$,� "�'.:: ;� ,r �� ., E .. K'i .ter t r ' 1! Sit Ld. • T� ::'�'t�3-6 \�•IjC- a S�ii� ��`` .. KENT SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 415 —� Sites Acquired or Under Construction ! _ S = Senior High site •f = _ '•,, J Junior High site \ f E = Elementary site J X Support Fatality she ra..�...•r• Map source hCnp County Planning b Community Devcbprt+errt Drvirion �• Sne identiricstion tay Km2 School Dtstnd r� ,. • Kent School Distnct Six -Year Capital Facilities Plan Pae 17 April, 1 D90 �' V I Relocatable Classrooms Currently, the District utilizes 149 total relocatables. Of this total, 69 are utilized to house students in excess of permanent capacity, 75 are used for program purposes at school locations, and five for other purposes. (See Appendices A 8 C 0) Based on enrollment projections and funded permanent facilities, the District anticipates the need to purchase some relocatables during the next six-year period. In the Final Report approved by the Board of Directors on March 10, 1993, the Kent School District Citizens' Concurrency Task Force reaffirmed that, as has been the practice and philosophy of the Kent School District, based on the most recent recommendation of the Citizens' Facilities Planning Committee, portables (or "relocatables") are NOT acceptable as permanent facilities. In addition to the Findings and Recommendations regarding portables listed in Section I I I, "Standard of Service," the Task Force also listed some specific concerns in regard to use of portables as interim or transitional capacity: I. The quality of facilities, when using relocatable facilities, is a major concern of citizens of the Kent School District. That the Kent School District should consider the following factors and priorities when using, purchasing and modernizing portables: A. HIGHEST CONCERNS 1. Adequate heat 2. Portable covered walkways, where practical 3. Adequate ventilation 4. Fire Safety B. MODERATE CONCERNS 1. Adequate air conditioning 2. Security 3. Intercoms / Communication 4. Restroom facilities 5. Storage facilities 6. Crowding / class size 7. Noise 8. Availability of equipment (i.e. projectors, etc.) 9. Lack of water (use bottled water/portable tanks for drain) Kent School District Sm -Year Capital Facilities Plan (Continued) April, 1999 Page 18 i i V I Relocatable ClFissrooms r, (continued) For the purpose of clarification, the term "portables" and the more descriptively accurate term, "relocatables" are used interchangeably in this Plan as well as in the Concurrency Task Force Report. The reports also reference use of portables or relocatables as interim or transitional capacity/facilities. During the time period covered by this Plan, the District does not anticipate that all of the District's relocatables will be replaced by permanent facilities. During the useful life of some of the relocatables, the school-age population may decline in some communities and increase in others, and these relocatables provide the flexibility to accommodate the immediate needs of the community. Although the Citizens' Concurrency Task Force has reaffirmed that portables are not acceptable as PERMANENT facilities, they did recommend that portables, or relocatables, may be used as interim or transitional facilities: 1. To prevent overbuilding or overcrowding of permanent school facilities. 2. To cover the gap between the time of demand for increased capacity and completion of permanent school facilities to meet that demand. 3. To meet unique program requirements. Portables, or relocatables, currently in use will be evaluated resulting in some being improved and some replaced. Quality concerns will be among those addressed by the next Citizens' Facilities Planning Committee in review of capital facilities needs for the next bond issue. The Plan projects that the District will use relocatables to accommodate interim housing needs for the next six years and beyond. The use of relocatables, their impacts on permanent facilities, life cycle and operational costs, and the interrelationship between relocatables, emerging technologies and educational restructuring will continue to be be examined. Kent School District Six -Year Capital Facilities Plan April. 1999 Page 19 V I I Projected Six -Year Classroom Capacities As stated in Section I V, the program capacity study was updated for changes in special programs as well class size reduction in Grades K - 3. As shown in the Inventory and Capacity chart in Table 3 on Page 13, the program capacity is also reflected in the capacity and enrollment comparison charts. (Sse Tables 5 6 5 A4 3-C on pages 21-24) The first school day of October is set by OSPI as the enrollment count date for the year. Full Time Equivalent (FTE) student enrollment for October 1, 1998 was 24,875.90 with kindergarten students counted at .5 and excluding Early Childhood Education students (ECE - preschool special education) and College -only Running Start FTEs. (See Tables 5 d 5 A -&C on pages 21-24) A headcount of all students enrolled on October 1, 1998 totals 26,074 which continues to rank Kent School District as the fourth largest district in the state of Washington. Based on the enrollment forecasts, current inventory and capacity, current standard of service, relocatable capacity, and future planned classroom space, the District anticipates having sufficient capacity to house students over the next six years. (See Table 5 and Tables 5 A -B -C on Pages 21 - 24) This does not mean that some schools will not experience overcrowding. There will be significant need for new schools to accommodate growth within the District. Some schools, by design, may be opened with relocatables on site. Boundary changes, movement of relocatables, zoning changes, market conditions, and educational restructuring will all play a major role in addressing overcrowding and underutilization of facilities in different parts of the District. Kent School District Six -Year Capital Facilities Plan April. 1999 Page 20 KENT SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 415 PROJECTED ENROLLMENT and CAPACITY TOTAL DISTRICT Permanent Program Cacity' pa24,093 24,093 24,800 25,285 25,285 25,825 27,430 New Permanent Construction ' Elementary # 27a 222 Kent Elementary replacement - Net Capacity Gain Emerald Park Elementary # 29 485 Elementary # 30 485 Elementary # 31 (Unfunded)4 540 Elementary # 32 (Unfunded)4 540 Junior High # 8 (Unfunded)4 1,065 Permanent Program Capacdy Subtotal 24,093 24,800 25,285 25,285 25,825 27,430 27,430 Interim Relocatable Ca acit Elementary Relocatable Capacdy Required 1,350 450 250 575 200 175 Junior High Relomiable CaWcdy Required 232 435 812 116 Senior High Rek=table Capacity Required 186 465 651 Total Relocatable Capacity Required 3 1,350 450 482 1,010 1,198 465 942 TOTAL CAPACITY' 1 25,443 1 25,250 1 25,767 1 26,295 1 27,023 1 27,895 1 28,372 2 TOTAL FTE ENROLLMENT/ PROJECTION 24,920 24,781 25,495 26,206 26,966 27,672 28,329 DISTRICT AVAILABLE CAPACITY 1 523 469 272 89 57 223 43 ' Capacity is based on standard of service for program capacity. 2 FTE = Approximate Full Time Equivalent Enrollment (ie. ECE Preschool Handicapped & 12 day Kindergarten student = .5). 3 1998-99 total classroom relocatable capacity is 1,901. ° New facility needs are currently being reviewed by the Citizens' Facilities Planning Committee. Kent School District Six -Year Capital Facilities Plan Table 5 April, 1999 Page 21 SCHOOL YEAR 1998-99 1999-2000 1 2000.2001 1 2oot-2002 1 2002-2003 1 2003-2004 2004-200S Actual P R O J E C T E D Permanent Program Cacity' pa24,093 24,093 24,800 25,285 25,285 25,825 27,430 New Permanent Construction ' Elementary # 27a 222 Kent Elementary replacement - Net Capacity Gain Emerald Park Elementary # 29 485 Elementary # 30 485 Elementary # 31 (Unfunded)4 540 Elementary # 32 (Unfunded)4 540 Junior High # 8 (Unfunded)4 1,065 Permanent Program Capacdy Subtotal 24,093 24,800 25,285 25,285 25,825 27,430 27,430 Interim Relocatable Ca acit Elementary Relocatable Capacdy Required 1,350 450 250 575 200 175 Junior High Relomiable CaWcdy Required 232 435 812 116 Senior High Rek=table Capacity Required 186 465 651 Total Relocatable Capacity Required 3 1,350 450 482 1,010 1,198 465 942 TOTAL CAPACITY' 1 25,443 1 25,250 1 25,767 1 26,295 1 27,023 1 27,895 1 28,372 2 TOTAL FTE ENROLLMENT/ PROJECTION 24,920 24,781 25,495 26,206 26,966 27,672 28,329 DISTRICT AVAILABLE CAPACITY 1 523 469 272 89 57 223 43 ' Capacity is based on standard of service for program capacity. 2 FTE = Approximate Full Time Equivalent Enrollment (ie. ECE Preschool Handicapped & 12 day Kindergarten student = .5). 3 1998-99 total classroom relocatable capacity is 1,901. ° New facility needs are currently being reviewed by the Citizens' Facilities Planning Committee. Kent School District Six -Year Capital Facilities Plan Table 5 April, 1999 Page 21 i KENT SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 415 PROJECTED ENROLLMENT and CAPACITY ELEMENTARY [ElonentaryPermanent Program Capsc 11,788 12,198 12,905 13,390 13,390 13,930 14,470 Kent Learning Canter - Special Program 410 New Permanent Elementary Construction Kent Elementary # 27a 222 (NM C wav) Repime Kant Ekwwntary 456 - rM - rn Net Capacity Emerald Park Elementary (# 29) 485 Elementary # 30 485 Elementary # 31 (Unfunded)4 540 Elementary # 32 (Unfunded)4 540 Subtotal 1Z,196 1Z,9U5 13,390 13,JWU 13,y3U 14,410 14,410 lRelocatable Capacity Required 2 1,350 450 250 575 2d0 175 TOTAL CAPACITY 2 13,548 13,355 13,640 13,965 14,130 14,470 14,645 FTE ENROLLMENT/PROJECTION 3 1 13,534 13,340 13,634 13,958 14,105 14,366 14,644 SURPLUS(DEFICIT) CAPACITY 1 14 15 6 7 25 104 1 1 Kent Leaning Center is a special program at Grandview School serving students in Grades 2 through 12. The school was designed and is currently configured as an elementary school. 2 Capacity is based on standard of service for program capacity. FTE = Approximate Full Time Equivalent Enrollment or Projection (ECE & Kindergarten = .5) 4 New facility needs are currently being reviewed by the Citizens' Facilities Planning Committee. Kent School Cistnct Six -Year Capital Facilities Plan Table PJ A Aonl 1999 nage 22 SCHOOL YEAR 1998-99 1999.2oao 1 2oos-2ool 1 2001-2002 1 =-= I 2o03.2004 1 2004-2 os Actual P R O J E C T E 0 [ElonentaryPermanent Program Capsc 11,788 12,198 12,905 13,390 13,390 13,930 14,470 Kent Learning Canter - Special Program 410 New Permanent Elementary Construction Kent Elementary # 27a 222 (NM C wav) Repime Kant Ekwwntary 456 - rM - rn Net Capacity Emerald Park Elementary (# 29) 485 Elementary # 30 485 Elementary # 31 (Unfunded)4 540 Elementary # 32 (Unfunded)4 540 Subtotal 1Z,196 1Z,9U5 13,390 13,JWU 13,y3U 14,410 14,410 lRelocatable Capacity Required 2 1,350 450 250 575 2d0 175 TOTAL CAPACITY 2 13,548 13,355 13,640 13,965 14,130 14,470 14,645 FTE ENROLLMENT/PROJECTION 3 1 13,534 13,340 13,634 13,958 14,105 14,366 14,644 SURPLUS(DEFICIT) CAPACITY 1 14 15 6 7 25 104 1 1 Kent Leaning Center is a special program at Grandview School serving students in Grades 2 through 12. The school was designed and is currently configured as an elementary school. 2 Capacity is based on standard of service for program capacity. FTE = Approximate Full Time Equivalent Enrollment or Projection (ECE & Kindergarten = .5) 4 New facility needs are currently being reviewed by the Citizens' Facilities Planning Committee. Kent School Cistnct Six -Year Capital Facilities Plan Table PJ A Aonl 1999 nage 22 KENT SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 415 PROJECTED ENROLLMENT and CAPACITY JUNIOR HIGH [junior HI9h Permanent Program Capscdy 6,123 6,123 6,123 6,123 6,123 6,123 7,188 New Perrmnent Junior High Construction Junior High # 8 (Unfunded)3 1,065 Subtotal 6,123 6,123 6,123 6,123 6,123 7,188 7,188 [Relocatable Capacity Required' 232 435 812 116 TOTAL CAPACITY' 1 6,123 6,123 6,355 6,558 6,935 7,188 7,304 FTE ENROLLMENT/ PROJECTION T5,958 6,008 6,326 6,557 6,923 7,096 7,292 SURPLUS DEFICIT) CAPACITY 1 165 115 29 1 12 92 12 ' Capacity numbers are based on standard of service for program capacity. 2 FTE = Approximate Full Time Equivalent Enrollment / Projection Approximately 10 Junior High students are served part of the day at high schools for advanced placement. 3 New facility needs are currently being reviewed by the Citizens' Facilities Planning Committee. Kent School District Six -Year Capital Facilities Plan Table 5 B Apnl, 1999 Page 23 SCHOOL YEAR 1998-99 1499-2000 1 2000.200 2001-2002 1 2002-2003 1 2003-2004 1 2004-2005 Actual P R O J E C T E D [junior HI9h Permanent Program Capscdy 6,123 6,123 6,123 6,123 6,123 6,123 7,188 New Perrmnent Junior High Construction Junior High # 8 (Unfunded)3 1,065 Subtotal 6,123 6,123 6,123 6,123 6,123 7,188 7,188 [Relocatable Capacity Required' 232 435 812 116 TOTAL CAPACITY' 1 6,123 6,123 6,355 6,558 6,935 7,188 7,304 FTE ENROLLMENT/ PROJECTION T5,958 6,008 6,326 6,557 6,923 7,096 7,292 SURPLUS DEFICIT) CAPACITY 1 165 115 29 1 12 92 12 ' Capacity numbers are based on standard of service for program capacity. 2 FTE = Approximate Full Time Equivalent Enrollment / Projection Approximately 10 Junior High students are served part of the day at high schools for advanced placement. 3 New facility needs are currently being reviewed by the Citizens' Facilities Planning Committee. Kent School District Six -Year Capital Facilities Plan Table 5 B Apnl, 1999 Page 23 r i KENT SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 415 PROJECTED ENROLLMENT and CAPACITY SENIOR HIGH Senior Ho Permanent Program Capaerty 5,772 5,772 5,772 5,772 5,772 5,772 5,772 New Permanent Senior High Construction Subtotal 5,772 0,IIZ S,IIZ S,IIZ S,IIZ S,IIZ 5,11Z Relocatable Capacity Required' 186 465 651 TOTAL CAPACITY 1 5.772 5.772 5.772 5.772 5.958 6.237 6.423 FTE ENROLLMENT/ PROJECTION 2 5,428 5,433 5,535 5,691 5,938 6,210 6,393 SURPLUS (DEFICIT) CAPACITY 1 344 339 237 81 20 27 30 Capacity numbers are based on standard of service for program capacity. 2 FTE = Approximate Full Time Equivalent Enrollment, excluding full time Running Start students. Approximately 10 Junior High students are served part of the day at high schools for advanced placement. New facility needs are currently being reviewed by the Citizens' Facilities Planning Committee. Kent School District Sic -Year Capital Facilities Plan Table 5 C April, 1999 Page 24 SCHOOL YEAR 1998-99 1999-2000 1 2000-2001 1 2001-2002 1 2002-200 2007-2004 1 2004-20M Actual P R O J E C T E D Senior Ho Permanent Program Capaerty 5,772 5,772 5,772 5,772 5,772 5,772 5,772 New Permanent Senior High Construction Subtotal 5,772 0,IIZ S,IIZ S,IIZ S,IIZ S,IIZ 5,11Z Relocatable Capacity Required' 186 465 651 TOTAL CAPACITY 1 5.772 5.772 5.772 5.772 5.958 6.237 6.423 FTE ENROLLMENT/ PROJECTION 2 5,428 5,433 5,535 5,691 5,938 6,210 6,393 SURPLUS (DEFICIT) CAPACITY 1 344 339 237 81 20 27 30 Capacity numbers are based on standard of service for program capacity. 2 FTE = Approximate Full Time Equivalent Enrollment, excluding full time Running Start students. Approximately 10 Junior High students are served part of the day at high schools for advanced placement. New facility needs are currently being reviewed by the Citizens' Facilities Planning Committee. Kent School District Sic -Year Capital Facilities Plan Table 5 C April, 1999 Page 24 I V I I I Finance Plan The finance plan shown on Table 6 demonstrates how the Kent School District plans to finance improvements for the years 1999 - 2000 through 2004 - 2005. The financing components include secured and unsecured funding. The plan is based on voter approval of future bond issues, collection of impact fees under the State Growth Management Act and voluntary mitigation fees paid pursuant to State Environmental Policy Act. Kent Elementary # 27a, replacement for the existing Kent Elementary School, is the last school for which the District expects to receive state matching funds under the current state funding formula. For the Six -Year Finance Plan, costs of future schools are based on estimates from Kent School District Facilities Department. Kent School District Six -Year Capital Facilities Plan April, 1999 Page 25 f 0 M C tn 8 N rn N LL LL LL D D D LL • N o H w E w U � A J J U o s .LL N ., M MOb N - • U. W= 8 co tL A v r Y ri N y� 8 A cm 2 �i ck Y O a U w ri r� m rn Z Q d r = (A h. QI N 0 C%it0 a c d E g` c cr d E d c 2 o wE tu a w6s j w w ' ~ yw � •'•r . � e r o g.x WC C 0QQ aS p Nn NItZ Q N " en vi +•' J pp u} O W ' N G o w. w+ U �PRJCSY Q N N y ✓i� z Z N x O O � N u9 N N f 0 M C tn 8 N rn N LL LL LL D D D LL • N o H w E w U � A J J U o U v - O U. W= cn co tL A it a A 2 �i a a U w m rn Z Q d = (A Z. 0 a c d E g` c cr d E d c 2 o wE tu a E j w w ' ~ v , � e Z$ w KENT SCHOOL DISTRICT FACTORS FOR ESTIMATED IMPACT FEE CALCULATIONS Student Generation Factors - Single Family Elementary 0.515 Junior High 0.197 Senior High 0.180 Total 0.892 Projected Student Capacity per Facility Elementary 540 Junior High 1,065 Senior High 1,650 Required Site Acreage per Facility Elementary (required) Junior High (required) Senior High (required) 11 21 27 New Facility Construction Cost / Average • Elementary $8,514,297 Junior High $19,115,525 Senior High SO See average calculations on Pg. 27a Temporary Facility Square Footage Elementary 84,196 Junior High 24,360 Senior High 20,840 Total 4% 129,396 Permanent Facility Square Footage Elementary 1.282,101 Junior High 738,840 Senior High 830,629 Total 96% 2,851,570 Total Facilities Square Footage Elementary 1,366,297 Junior High 763,200 Senior High 851,469 Total 2,980,966 Developer Provided Sites / Facilities Value 0 Dwelling Units 0 Kent School District Six -Year Capital Facilities Plan Student Generation Factors - Multi -Family Elementary 0.279 Junior High 0.086 Senior High 0.063 Total 0.428 SPI Square Footage per Student Elementary 80 Junior High 113.33 Senior High 120 Average Site Cost / Acre Elementary $0 Junior High $0 Senior High $0 Temporary Facility Capacity 81 Cost Elementary 25 $57,000 Junior High 29 $57,000 Senior High @ 31 $57,000 t State Match Credit Current State Match Percentage 0.00% Previous State Match 55.64% Boeckh Index Factor Current Boeckh Index $99.83 District Average Assessed Value Single Family Residence $162,224 District Average Assessed Value Multi -Family Residence $47,652 District Debt Service Tax Rate Current / $1000 Rate S2.97 General Obligation Bond Interest Rate Current Bond Buyer Index 5.11% April, 1999 Page 27 For impact fee calculations, construction costs are based on the average costs of the last four elementary schools and the next elementary school, and the average costs of the last two junior high schools and the next junior high school. Elementary Schools Cost Average Sawyer Woods $6,463,054 Meadow Ride $6,996,325 Glenrid a $8,032,895 Kent Elements #27a $10,122,095 Emerald Park #29 $10,957,114 Average Cost of 5 elementary schools $8,514,297 Junior High Schools Cost Average Cedar Heights $14,488,028 Northwood $17,100,049 Junior High #8 $25,758,498 Average Cost of 3 junior high schools $19,115,525 Kent School District Six -Year Capital Facilities Plan April, 1999 Page 27a KENT SCHOOL DISTRICT IMPACT FEE CALCULATION for SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Site Acquisition Cost per Single Family Residence Formula: ((Acres x Cost per Acre) / Facility Capacity) x Student Generation Factor Tax Credit per Single Family Residence Average Residential Assessed Value $162,224 Current Debt Service Tax Rate 52.97 Bond Buyer Index Interest Rate 5.11% Discount Period (10 Years) 10 TC —> $3,700.58 Developer Provided Facility Credit Facility / Site Value I Dwelling UnAS 0 0 FC 0 Fee Recap A = Site Acquisition per SF Residence Required Site Acreage I Average Site Cost/Acre I Facility Cawcin I Sludene Factor $7569 A 1 (Elementary) 11 s0 S40 0.515 $000 A 2 (Junior High) 21 s0 1,065 0.197 $0.00 A 3 (Senior High) 27 $0 1,650 0.180 $0.00 A $0.00 Permanent Facility Construction Cost per Single Family Residence Formula: ((Facility Cost / Facility Capacity) x Student Factor) x (PermanentlTotal Square Footage Ratio) Conwnietlon Coat Facility Capwtity Sludent Fades I Footage Rata B 1 (Elementary) 58,514,297 540 0.515 0.96 $7,795.31 B 2 (Junior High) $19,115,525 1,065 0.197 0.96 $3,394.49 B 3 (Senor High) $0 1,650 0.180 0.96 $0.00 0.892 B $11.189.80 Temporary Facility Cost per Single Family Residence Formula: ((Facdlty Cost / Facility Capacity) x Student Factor) x (Temporary / Total Square Footage Ratio) Facility Coat Facility Capacity SludeM Factor r Footage Rata C 1 (Elementary) $57,000 25 0.515 0.04 546.97 C 2 (Junior High) $57,000 29 0.197 0.04 $15.49 C 3 (Senior High) $57,000 31 0.180 0.04 513.24 0.892 C —> 575.69 State Match Credit per Single Family Residence Formula: Boeckh Index x SPI Square Footage x District Match % x Student Factor aoackh Index SPI Fc l ge Ch trill hlatch % Student Factor D 1 (Elemenfary) 599.83 80 0 0.515 $0.00 0 2 (Junior High) 599.83 113.33 0 0.197 $0.00 0 3 (Senior High) $99.83 120 0 0.180 $0.00 D -- $0.00 Tax Credit per Single Family Residence Average Residential Assessed Value $162,224 Current Debt Service Tax Rate 52.97 Bond Buyer Index Interest Rate 5.11% Discount Period (10 Years) 10 TC —> $3,700.58 Developer Provided Facility Credit Facility / Site Value I Dwelling UnAS 0 0 FC 0 Fee Recap A = Site Acquisition per SF Residence $0.00 B = Permanent Facility Cost per Residence $11,189.80 C = Temporary Facility Cost per Residence $7569 Subtotal $11,265.49 D = State Match Credit per Residence $0.00 TC = Tax Credit per Residence 53.700 58 Subtotal - $3.700.58 Total Unfunded Need $7.564.92 Developer Fee Obligation $3.782.46 FC = Facility Credit Cif applicable) 0 Net Fee Obligation per Single Family Residence $3.782.46 Kent School District Six -Year Capital Facilities Plan April, 1999 Page 28 t Appendix A: Calculations of Capacities for Elementary Schools Appendix B: Calculations of Capacities for Junior High Schools Appendix C: Calculations of Capacities for Senior High Schools Appendix D: Use of Relocatables Appendix E: Student Generation Factor Survey Appendix F: Summary of Changes to 1998 Capital Facilities Plan Kent School Oistnct Six -Year Capdal Facilities Plan April, 1999 KENT SCHOOL DISTRICT IMPACT FEE CALCULATION for MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENCE Site Acquisition Cost per Multi -Family Residence Unit Formula. ((Acres x Cost per Acre) / Facility Capacity) x Student Generation Factor Temporary Facility Cost per Multi -Family Residence Unit Required Silo Acreage I Average Sue CostrAcre I Facility Capec:ty I Sludent Facto ) Facility Cost Facility Capaedy A 1 (Elementary) 11 so 540 0.279 $0.00 A 2 (Junior High) 21 so 1,065 0.086 $0.00 A 3 (Senior High) 27 s0 1,650 0.063 $0.00 Formula: Boeckh Index x SPI Square Footage x District Match % x Student Factor A $0.00 Permanent Facility Construction Cost per Multi -Family Residence Unit D 1 (Elementary) $99.83 80 0 Formula: ((Facility Cost / Facility Capacity) x Student Factor) x (Permanent / Total Square Footage Ratio) $0.00 0 2 (Junior High) $99.83 113.33 0 Constrtieilon Cost Facility Capacity Student Factor Footage Rata 0.063 B 1 (Elementary) $8,514,297 540 0.279 0.96 $4,223.09 B 2 (Junior High) $19,115,525 1,065 0.086 0.96 $1,481.86 B 3 (Senior High) $0 1,650 0.063 0.96 $0.00 0.428 B —> $5,704.95 Temporary Facility Cost per Multi -Family Residence Unit Formula: ((Facility Cost / Facility Capacity) x Student Factor) x (Temporary / Total Square Footage Ratio) Facility Cost Facility Capaedy Student Factor I Footage Rata C 1 (Elementary) $57,000 25 0.279 0.04 $25.44 C 2 (Junior High) 557,000 29 0.086 0.04 $6.76 C 3 (Senior High) $57,000 31 0.063 0.04 $4.63 0.428 C —> S36.84 State Match Credit per Multifamily Residence Unit Formula: Boeckh Index x SPI Square Footage x District Match % x Student Factor 8oeekh Index SPI Footage oisinct Match % Student Feeto D 1 (Elementary) $99.83 80 0 0.279 $0.00 0 2 (Junior High) $99.83 113.33 0 0.086' $0.00 D 3 (Senior High) 599.83 120 0 0.063 $0.00 D ---> $0.00 Tax Credit per Multi -Family Residence Unit Average Residential Assessed Value Current Debt Service Tax Rate Bond Buyer Index Annual Interest Rate Discount Period (10 Years) $47,652 52.97 5.11% 10 TC —> Developer Provided Facility Credit Facility / Site Value I Dwelling Units 0 0 Fee Recap A = Site Acquisition per Multi -Family Unit B = Permanent Facility Cost per MF Unit C = Temporary Facility Cost per MF Unit Subtotal D = State Match Credit per MF Unit ` TC = Tax Credit per MF Unit Subtotal Total Unfunded Need Developer Fee Obligation FC = Facility Credit (if applicable) $0.00 S5.70495 S3684 $5,741.79 $0.00 $1,082.82 $1,082.82 Net Fee Obligation per Multi -Family Residence Unit 54,658.97 FC —> $2,329.49 0 52.329 49 $1,082.82 0 Kent School District Six -Year Capital Facilities Plan April, 1999 Page 29 om O r 7S N N N N N a ? � � 2 � � � � • • o �% �% r i i A o e i • e v n r r r • 3 = � g � � o • it S � n v 3 • 3 � 'r, ,'. � � � � w S � � _ NCR s � O 40 100 A " • Sirit3 r N N v 2 ;7C 2 A A m A A A A ;a y o m A m r .m s rQ+ 0< A V a N V V O N N 1p V V N 0 O V 0 0 O O Ol V V l0 m V O a I O O N N O lNJ1 O lVll N N O O O N iNl1 O O O O O N N N N N O N Co I w w Y N N N N N a r N a N Y w N N a N w w a w N N w N I a0 0 `b' o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o � o rl0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 a a a a dlapp N N a p a a Nl a s yNy a aNN a a a _a a a a a a O V V N V tp V V O P Y N v N 0 a V 0 V N 0 VI N O V N IIC I O N N a 0 O N r W a N r N O r N O r N a s N N r r a r IY I O r O w O O O N O N w O N N r U W N O O O lr r N O O O 19 I O N O N O O O g O N N O O O U N N O O O O N N N O O O rr :elm Raes IN I V N AT 10.1 t0 v O U� 10 t0 0 t.l O 4/ O loll Oa Q1 N O 17 10 DI O lJi A D M 0, =i R < 2 T m 0 7 CL m D ^Q 0 O C Z 4 m z M O r r m z X D C3 0 ^ l J 8 L , I ..v. 7C 7C 7C 7C N 2 ; x A —) N x • j 7 3 a• s = Y 3 a D Z 3 3 3 S m 3 d 1 O ^ S N b N M O _ y° T S a z S a v O K A S _ = c Q 0 J r0 r N qk m M O r y G O r AN m oe iu O v C + Q1 Ol o R 3 d v i x O � j J N 10 co a p M rr r m W N W t!1 N N L) r p 9 r T m n G C 3 4 .< D N • O N O W • Y � QW • N y O O O O N .'• 4 rS tQ iC Ci i` 7 O t 3 T V „O. . � � m � • ` Z a a o to M a m o o m V ca Z n y � T n p N N fi J {�1 W � r j b .00 O N °+ � N W N O O O W N X e� O r P W N n i % � o O�� x^ b T tp OI t�pp b v N w m 10 m O V S m 3 N u {D a b v v 0 + 3 rn h r Z Y nO w T D t ► W N O O r 4 $ a O + N' a N + a m o• 3 Z f g m O N n M -n O O m O N + ^ m 3 33a � CL a u o i u D 0 C m m N r r r7 m 07 V ID mrn Z -1 7 Z O U r r 2. _ UI v a u u 1L p' a 01 o _r CD N O ? 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N N La c CL C mI or =i m A O ( N c - 2 m m O1 ty� b P d N P { V • pN V W pp�� + V V '� O V 01 S♦ N N "' O b O 0, � N v v P a O V O O -i-icncnCncn =rr=MMM000D 0 y 0 1 O 3 m, m 7 H m ? m m M 89 3 mM 07 02.°3 2 "m ;am a m C A Pe Gi m x CL 7 a V S Ito T_ d O G. 7C d a !A m y = O 00 �, m m 0 (n 00 o m m aa to m x m go 9°(n o'm W W`S o' m A o r m O r ami — �+ o $ > CL m °o O r°. 0 m CD CD O S c N m O o $ O CL 3 is a o m o CL y _ `� 3 A .. Q fD 7 H M m y T AM 0 S y y rA- p n 0 Arn A�<�< rn A r m� � f5$ o o H Q e ca i► b y N +O 0 OI P iPd P O �� , S N� a W Ce "' 7 O � r O 4 a �+ �O W N a N N CC OO!! co W d N ♦ N N r v b O N O N b V W OI V W ID O O m N N W N W r 01 r (T N N r N N N N N N o b r 01 N r W r K r ♦ OI N N+ P N m P b OI W b r a W N N+ N P r N N a P+ a S O O W P Ol V O N V b N �1 ♦ N N (n 0 r— O O O+ O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r O r cJ O —I Co W P �I o O b O s O N V W_ cm N O� b � Op W Pp a O_ 10 yV § 1 01 N r v a+ u a fD O fJ 1D N N N+ 0+ (�1 ;s N 9 d N C CL M 0 0 0 0 0 a 0� 0 0 0 0 0� , o 0� 0 0 0� 0 0 0 01 0 T_ R. J p { ( ( (J0� Q ( T N 01 b V SI j V O OI pa V a N a pNNp {vll s {Ja�pp V S m U/ N N V v W V O O V b P O N ♦ S N N b b b 3 7 m d C. O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 J V N W r O + N + N N IJ N N W IN pI {p lJ1 r 8 O 10 b 10 N W 40 N 01 N 0 N W O N G C- � OI V Da OI IO O + G I0 U1 a r q N P W N W W A O o O o 0 o O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O 0 O J -. M W U r N r N N+ N ♦ r r r N+ r N N r N Y O) N 111 a V N (JI P IO Q O W NI QI Oa V W N Cn c CL C mI or =i m A O ( N c - 2 m 8 Appendix F - Summary of Changes to April 1998 Capital Facilities Plan The Capital Facilities Plan (the "Plan") is updated annually based on previous Plans in effect since 1993. The primary changes from the April 1998 Plan are summarized here. Kent Elementary #27a has completed construction and Emerald Park Elementary #29 is under construction with opening scheduled for January and September, 1999 respectively. Elementary 30 will start construction soon. Citizens' Facilities Planning Committee is reviewing future facility needs and is expected to make a recommendation to the Board in Fall of 1999. Changes to capacity reflect some reduction in class size for grades K - 3 as well as annual program changes. Changes in portables or transitional capacity reflect purchase, sale, surplus and/or movement of portables between facilities Permanent facility costs and site cost per acre have been adjusted to reflect averages of costs for schools built most recently. The district expects to receive no state matching funds for schools in this Plan and tax credit factors are updated annually. Student enrollment forecast is updated annually. The student generation factor survey was updated to reflect developments added or deleted and changes in student yield. Changes reflect no adjustment for occupancy and exclusion of studio apartments per agreement with members of the development community. Survey data is included as Appendix E. Changes to Impact Fee Calculation Factors include: ITEM Gradafrype IFROM I TO I Comments Student Generation Factor Elem 0.512 0.515 Updated in 1999 Plan Single Family (SF) .Jr 0.188 0.197 Sr 0.140 0.180 Total 0.840 0.892 Student Generation Factor Elem 0.235 0.279 Updated in 1999 Plan Multi -Family (MF) Jr 0.080 0.086 Sr 0.062 0.063 Total 0.377 0.428 State Match 55.64% --0% Per SPI Boeckh Index (Cost per square foot) $9723 $99.83 Per SPI Average Assessed Valuation SF $149,635 $162.224 Per Puget Sound ESD AV - Average of Condominiums 8 Apts. MF 548,992 $47.652 Per Puget Sound ESD Debt Service Tax Rate $2.97 $2.97 Per )Ong County Assessor General Obligation Bond Interest Rate 5.19% 5.11% Market Rate Impact Fee - Single Family SF $3.744 63,782 Impact Fee - Multi -Family MF $1,888 $2.329 Kent School District Six -Year Capital Facilities Plan APPENDIX F Acrd, 1999 Page 34 ` PUBLIC SCHOOLS FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 1998/99 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN BOARD OF EDUCATION Linda Hendrickson Holly Isaman Joel Marks Ann Murphy Jim Storvick SUPERINTENDENT Thomas J. Vander Ark FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 1998/99 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLA:ti TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................ i INTRODUCTION.................................................. ii -iv SECTION I THE CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN Introduction............................................................. I-1 Inventory of Educational Facilities ............................. I-2 Inventory of Non -Instructional Facilities .................... I-3 Needs Forecast - Existing Facilities .......................... I-4 Needs Forecast - New Facilities .............................. I-5 Six Year Finance Plan .............................................. I-6 SECTION II MAPS OF DISTRICT BOUNDARIES Introduction............................................................. H-1 Map - Elementary Boundaries .................... H-2 Map - Junior High Boundaries .................... I1-3 Map - Senior High Boundaries ................... II -4 SECTION III SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION Introduction............................................................. III -1 Building Capacities ................................................... III -2 Portable Locations ................................................... III -4 Student Forecast...................................................... III -6 Capacity Summaries ................................................. III -8 King County Impact Fee Calculations ....................... III -13 SECTION IV SUMMARY OF CHANGES FROM THE 1997/98 PLAN IV -1 FEDERAL WAY PliBLIC SCHOOLS 1998/99 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN INTRODUCTION In response to the requirements of the State of Washington Growth Management Act (SHB 2929 (1990) and ESHB 1025 (1991), and under the School Impact Fee Ordinances of King County Code 21A, City of Federal Way Ordinance No. 95-249 effective December 21, 1995 as amended, and the City of Kent Ordinance No. 3260 effective March 1996, Federal Way Public Schools has updated its 1997/98 Capital Facilities Plan as of April 1999 This Plan has been adopted by King County, the City of Kent and the City of Federal Way and is incorporated in the Comprehensive Plans of each jurisdiction by reference. This plan is also included in the Facilities Plan element of the Comprehensive Plans of each jurisdiction. To date, the City of Auburn and City of Des Moines have not adopted a school impact fee ordinance. The Growth Management Act requires the County to designate Urban Growth areas within which urban growth can be encouraged. The Growth Management Planning Council adopted and recommended to the King County Council four Urban Growth Area Line Maps with designations for urban centers. A designation was made within the Federal Way planning area, which encompasses Federal Way Public Schools boundaries. King County will encourage and actively support the development of Urban Centers to meet the region's need for housing, jobs, services, culture and recreation. This Plan's estimated population growth is prepared with this underlying assumption. This Capital Facilities Plan will be used as documentation for any jurisdiction, which requires its use to meet the needs of the Growth Management Act. This plan is not intended to be the sole planning tool for all of the District needs. The District may prepare interim plans consistent with Board policies. Additional plans will be consistent with the six year Capital Facilities Plan. At this time, Federal Way Public Schools is evaluating the need for and possible timing of future bonds. FEDERAL. WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 1998/99 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAIN INTRODUCTION (continued) In October of 1997 the District convened a Study and Survey Committee. The Committee was made up of patrons, parents, professional consultants, school staff and central administration staff. The charge of the Committee was divided into four focus areas on a continuum, which lead to recommendations to the Board of Education. The four focus committees were: 1. Educational Plan Committee 2. Special Education Committee 3. Classroom Standards and Facility Use Committee 4. Future Alternative Committee Two recommendations were sent forward to the Board of Education from this committee. The first recommendation was to move to a Pre K-5 elementary, 6-8 middle school, and 9-12 high school grade configuration beginning in the fall of 2002 or as additional high school space allows. The Board of Education approved this recommendation at the October 12, 1998 regular Board Meeting. This grade configuration is believed to be more responsive to student needs. It will allow for smaller elementary enrollments with room for lower primary class sizes. The middle school allows two -yeas preparation for the WA State 7`t' grade test, matches the Federal Way Public Schools 8`� grade gateway test, and matches most western Washington districts. Middle schools are also thought to be a better way to address the needs of adolescence in a period of transition from elementary to school to high school. The four-year high school plan combines the 9-12 graduation credit system, allows two-year preparation from the 10'h grade test, and physically places the high school students together. The second recommendation brought forward from the committee to the Board of Education was a bond proposal. Federal Way Public Schools must meet the needs of a growing student and community population. The District must be flexible with building, programs and staffing to meet the needs of the 215` Century, while being financially responsible and sensitive to the current tax rates. A flexible, cost effective and educationally beneficial approach that integrates academics and high tech/high skill preparation is needed. By extending the existing debt and creatively using new and existing facilities, the District can meet these complex needs with no increase in local tax rates. The bond proposal of $83 million was arrived at after receiving input from parents, staff and the community. Member of the Citizens for Federal Way Schools and senionstaff members met with school staff and PTSA groups. This process concluded with two daylong meetings among a group of faculty members. Based upon information the District received, it became apparent that people wanted a comprehensive high school ($44 million); a middle school ($17 million); expansion and improvement of existing schools ($9 million); replace of Truman High School iv FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 1998/99 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN ($6 million) and other general improvements ($7 million). Additional planned improvements included in the bond proposal are: parking and pedestrian safety, playgrounds and sports fields, new classroom start-up and music equipment, information systems and networks and emergency communications. The Board of Education unanimously approved this bond recommendation at the February 8, 1999 regular Board Meeting. This proposal will be submitted for voter approval on May 18, 1999. Federal Way Public Schools opened the Internet Academy in the 1996/97 school year. This program currently serves approximately 615 students, 375 are full time students. Internet Academy has grown from about 60 students to the current 615 in less than two years. The forecast for growth in this program is to serve approximately 1400 full time students by the year 2004. Internet Academy is currently operating out of leased space consisting of administrative areas and a computer lab area. Additionally, some lab sections are scheduled in the current high school facilities during non -school hours. There is an anticipated need of approximately 2000 square feet of additional space over the next two years. This capacity is not included in the analysis of instructional spaces. The facility needs are unique to a program of "distance learners". The Marketing Academy is also operating out of leased space. This program serves approximately 60 students. Capacity needs for Marketing Academy have not been addressed in the analysis of instructional space. Federal Way Public Academy will open in the 1999/00 school year in six portables on the Illahee Junior High site. This school will serve 120 seventh and eight grade students. FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 1998/99 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAIN SECTION I - THE CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN The State Growth Management Act requires that several pieces of information be gathered to determine the facilities available and needed to meet the needs of a growing community. 1. This section provides information about current facilities, existing facility needs, and expected future facility requirements for Federal Way Public Schools. This is followed by a Financial Plan which shows expected funding for any new construction, portables and update modernization needs listed. FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 1998/99 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN INVENTORY OF EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES 36001 151 Ave S ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS 98003 Illahee 36001 1st Avenue S Adelaide 1635 SW 304th Street Federal Way 98023 Brigadoon 3601 SW 336th Street Federal Way 98023 Camelot 4041 S 298th Street Auburn 98001 Enterprise 35101 5th Avenue SW Federal Way 98023 Green Gables 32607 47th Avenue SW Federal Way 98023 Lake Dolloff 4200 S 308th Street Auburn 98001 Lake Grove 303 SW 308th Street Federal Way 98023 Lakeland 35675 32nd Avenue S Auburn 98001 Mark Twain 2450 S Star Lake Road Federal Way 98003 Meredith Hill 5830 S 300th Street Auburn 98001 Mirror Lake 625 S 314th Street Federal Way 98003 Nautilus 1000 S 289th Street Federal Way 98003 Olympic View 2626 SW 327th Street Federal Way 98023 Panther Lake 34424 1st Avenue S Federal Way 98003 Rainier View 3015 S 368th Street Federal Way 98003 Sherwood Forest 34600 12th Avenue SW Federal Way 98023 Silver Lake 1310 SW 325th Place Federal Way 98023 Star Lake ' 4014 S 270th Street Kent 98032 Sunnycrest 24629 42nd Avenue S Kent 98032 Twin Lakes 4400 SW 320th Street Federal Way 98023 Valhalla 27847 42nd Avenue S Auburn 98001 Wildwood 2405 S 300th Street Federal Way 98003 Woodmont 26454 16th Avenue S. Des Moines 98198 JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOLS Federal Way Public Academy 1999" 36001 151 Ave S Federal Way 98003 Illahee 36001 1st Avenue S Federal Way 98003 Kilo 4400 S 308th Street Auburn 98001 Lakota 1415 SW 314th Street Federal Way 98023 Sacajawea 1101 S Dash Point Road Federal Way 98003 Saghalie 33914 19th Avenue SW Federal Way 98023 Totem 26630 40th Avenue S Kent 98032 SENIOR HIGH SCHOOLS Decatur 2800 SW 320th Street Federal Way 98023 Federal Way 30611 16th Avenue S Federal Way 98003 Thomas Jefferson 4248 S 288th Street Auburn 98001 ALTERNATIVE SCHOOLS Merit School 31455 28th Ave S Federal Way 98003 Harry S Truman High School 31455 28th Ave S Federal Way 98003 LEASED SPACE Internet Academy 32020 1S1 Ave S Federal Way 98003 Marketing Academy 1928 S Sea Tac Mall Federal Way 98003 I-2 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 1998/99 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLA.` CURRENT INVENTORY NON -INSTRUCTIONAL FACILITIES Developed Property. Administrative Building MOT Site Central Kitchen Federal Way Memorial Field Leased Space Community Resource Center Security Offices Undeveloped Property 31405 18th Avenue S Federal Way 98003 1066 S 320th Street Federal Way 98003 1344 S 308th Street Federal Way 98003 1300 S 308th Street Federal Way 98003 1928 S Sea Tac Mall Federal Way 98003 30819 14'h Ave S Federal Way 98003 Site # Location 9' 27`h Avenue SW & Dash Point Road 23 SW 360th Street & 3rd Avenue SW 35 S 351st Street & 52nd Avenue S 40 E of 10th Avenue SW Between SW 334th & SW 335th Streets 63 E of 47th Avenue SW & SW 314th Place 71 S 344th Street & 46th Avenue S 72 36600 block of Pacific Highway S 84 3737 S 360th Street 96 S 308th Street & 14th Avenue S Notes: Not all undeveloped properties are large enough to meet school construction requirements. Properties may be traded or sold depending on what locations are needed to house students in the District. ' There is a pending sale on this property. I-3 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 1998/99 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN NEEDS FORECAST - EXISTING FACILITIES EXISTING FACILITY FUTURE NEEDS ANTICIPATED SOURCE OF FUNDS Truman High School Modernization with expansion (1) Purchase and Relocate Interim Capacity (1) Portables Decatur High School, Federal Expansion (1) Way High School and Thomas Jefferson High School Various School Sites Parking Safety; Network (2) Upgrades; Automated Libraries; Elementary Playgrounds; High School Sports Fields; Emergency Communications. Notes: (1) Anticipated source of funds is state matching funds, Impact Fees, future bond issues or non -voted debt issues. (2) Anticipated source of funds is future bond issues. I4 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 1998/99 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAIN NEEDS FORECAST - NEW FACILITIES NEW FACILITY LOCATIO N ANTICIPATED SOURCE OF FUNDS MOT Site 1 Unknown N/A Senior High School Site Unknown 2 New Senior High School Building Unknown 2 New Middle School Site Unknow 2 New Middle School Unknown 2 Notes: (1) Construction of Maintenance, Operations and Transportation (MOT) site is dependent on sale of current MOT site. (2) Anticipated source of funds is state matching funds, Impact Fees, future bond issues or non -voted debt issues. I-5 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 1998/99 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN Six Year Finance Plan Secured Funding 1999 State Match Funds 6 57,000,000 Bond or Levy Funds 4 583,000,000 Sources 1999 2000 2001 2012 2003 2004 Total Revenue Impact Fees 1 $1,000,000 S60,764 S17,000,000 New Middle School Site S1,060,764i Land Sale Funds 2 51,000,000 52,500,000 51,050,152 51,000,000 S4,550,152 State Match Funds 3 S932.1661 544,302 S5,000,000 S20,000,000 5876,468 TOTAL S1,832,166 S3,544,302 S1,110,916 SO SO SO 56,487,384 Unsecured Fundwl—g Sources 1999 State Match Funds 6 57,000,000 Bond or Levy Funds 4 583,000,000 Land Fund Sales $800,000 Im act Fees 5) 51,500,000 TOTAL 592,300,000 NEW SCHOOLS 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total Cost New Middle School 52,000,000 S12,000,000 53,000,000 S17,000,000 New Middle School Site 51,000,000 S1,000,000 New Senior High School S5,000,000 S20,000,000 515,000,000 S500.000 540,500,000 New Senior High School Site 51,000,000 52,200,000 I S3,200,000 MODERNIZATION AND EXPANSION Truman Senior High (Alternative) $3,500,000 $2,500,000 56,000,000 Expansion Three High Schools 52.500,000 52,500,000 52,500,000 S7,500,000 Expansion Elementary Schools S750,000 5750,000 a S1,500 TEMPORARY FACILITIES Portables (8) 5276,805 S276,805 OTHER Safety Improvements (9a) S500,000 5110001000 S1,000,000 S500,000 53,000,000 School Improvements (9b) S500,000 S2,000,000 S1,600,000 5200,000 S200,000 S4,500,000' Facilities Department S250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 5250,000 S250,0001 S1,500,000i, Library System Improvements 5650,000 $650,000 $1,300,000 MISS stem Project S600,0001 S1010,0001 $700,000 TOTAL I S1,500,0001 S6,250,0001 519,200,000 540,850,000 518,950,000 S1,226,80511 587,976,805 NOTES: 1. These fees arc currently bang held in a King County, City of Federal Way and City of Kent impact fee account, and will be available for use by the District for system improvements 2. These funds come from various sales of land and are set aside for estimated expenditures 3. Guaranteed state match reimbursements 4 These funds, ifsecured, will be used for future projects S. These arc projected fees based upon {mown residential developments in the Distnct over the next sir }cars 6. These funds are projected state matching funds 7. These funds are projected land sale income. 8. These fen represent the cost of mo%ing and siting existing portables The District may choose to purchase new portables in the years shown This estimate may also include the cost of purchasing these portables 9a These projects have been appro%cd by the Board of Directors and cover most schools These projects do not increase capacity These projects inlcudc parking and pedestrian safety impro,.cmcnts at 15 elementary schools 9b. These projects have been approsed by the Board of Directors and co%cr most schools These projects do not increase capacity. These projects include school networks, information and library sustcros, new classroom start up, elementary pla)grounds and high school sports fields, music equipment, emergenc% communication. I-6 SECTION II MAPS OF DISTRICT BOUNDARIES FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 1998/99 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN SECTION H - MAPS OF DISTRICT BOUNDARIES Federal Way Public Schools (the District) has twenty-three elementary schools (grades K-6), six junior high schools (grades 7-9), three senior high schools (grades 10-12) and two alternative schools (grades 7-12) for the 1998/99 school year. On April 20, 1996 the Federal Way Public Schools Board of Education adopted the boundaries for these schools. The following maps show the service area boundaries for each school for each grade level (the alternative schools, Harry S. Truman High School and Merit School, serve students from throughout the District). The identified boundaries are reviewed annually. Any change in grade configuration or adoption of programs which affect school populations may necessitate a change in school service areas The Growth Management Act requires that a jurisdiction evaluate if the public facility _ infrastructure is in place to handle new housing developments. In the case of most public facilities, new development has its major impact on the facilities immediately adjacent to that development. School Districts are different. If the District does not have permanent facilities available, interim measures must be taken until new facilities can be built or until boundaries can be adjusted to match the population changes to the surrounding facilities. Adjusting boundaries requires careful consideration by the District and is not taken lightly. It is recognized that there is a potential impact on students who are required to change schools. Boundary adjustments impact the whole district, not just one school. It is important to realize that a single housing development does not require the construction of a complete school facility. School districts are required to project growth throughout the district and build or adjust boundaries based on growth throughout the district, not just around a single development. VIM Junior High School Boundaries II -3 Senior High School Boundaries FEDERAL WAY SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 210 ELEMENTARY M SCHOOLS•' HIGH SCHOOLS code Code 0-9 61 Sacajawes 10 Adelaide C4 64 Illah" E-9 28 Camelot G-5 62 Lakots 0-6 Is 22 Entarpries, 14 Green Gables A-7 70 Saghalle C-8 s30 Lake Dolloff G-6 65 Tom G-3 2 Mark Twain —� 11 Lake Grove D-6 a Merit F-6 am 33 Lakeland F-9 RE SCHOOLS - ,a � Mirror Lake 4 NautIlLm :-5 Code Is Olympic View C-7 21 Panther Lake E-8 80 Decatur C-6 37 Rainier View F-10 81 Federal Way E-5 41 Sherwood Forest D-8 83 Thomas Jefferson G-4 24 Silver Lake D-7 Harry S. Truman F-6 26 Star Lake G-3 Merit F-4 25 Sunnycreat G-2 13 Twin Lakes 84 27 Valhalla G-4 Future School Sites, — 100 Educational Service Center F-6 99 Future Support Services E-8 Code -- 97 Maintenance-Operatione-Transportefdon E-6 perks — � i E 1 ❑r • . E Willa aANb lip- Z rueuc scHoois I � ' II -4 1 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 1998/99 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN SECTION III - SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION Building Capacities - The Education Program Portable Locations Student ForecaFt - 1999 through 2004 Capacity Summaries King County Impact Fees - Single and Multi Family Units FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 1998/99 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN Building Capacities This Capital Facilities Plan establishes the District's "standard of service" in order to ascertain the District's current and future capacity. The Superintendent of Public Instruction establishes square footage guidelines for capacity, but these guidelines do not take into consideration the education program needs. The District has identified a Building Program Capacity for each of the schools in the District. This Full Time Equivalent (FTE) capacity is based on: • The number of classrooms available in each school • Any special requirements at each school • The contracted class load by grade level In general, the District's current standard provides that the average class size for a standard classroom for grade K is 24 students , for grade 1-6 is 26 students and grades 7-12 is 25 students. Gate (Gifted and Talented Education) classrooms are 25 students, individual education programs classrooms are 15 students, and soccial education classrooms are 12 students. This size is determined based upon current ratios and trends as well as the classroom physical size. Educational Program Capacities change every year. This analysis is for the 1998/99 school year. The capacity of an individual school could and does change at any time depending on program changes which may require additional space. III -2 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 1998/99 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN BUILDING PROGRAM CAPACITIES ELEMENTARY BUILDING JUNIOR HIGH BUILDING PROGRAM CAPACITY PROGRAM CAPACITY Adelaide 488 Bri adoon 528 Camelot 374 Enterprise 512 Green Gables 494 Lake Dolloff 482 Lake Grove 476 Lakeland 488 Mark Twain 503 Meredith Hill 498 Mirror Lake 398 Nautilus 542 Olympic View 450 Panther Lake 514 Rainier View 468 Sherwood Forest 550 Silver Lake 528 Star Lake 502 Sunnycrest 462 Twin Lakes 502 Valhalla 494 Wildwood 428 Woodmont 450 1998 TOTAL 11,131 Elementary Average 1 484 Notes: Illahee 821 Kilo 854 Lakota 741 Saca'awea 828 Sa halie 768 Totem 709 1998 TOTAL 4,721 Junior High Average 787 SENIOR HIGH BUILDING PROGRAM CAPACITY Decatur 1,121 Federal Way 1,308 Thomas Jefferson 1,266 1998 TOTAL 3,695 Senior High Average 1 1,232 ALTERNATIVE SCHOOL BUILDING PROGRAM CAPACITY Ment School 1 Truman High School 194 1998 TOTAL 210 Elementary program capacities are based on the number of teaching stations in the building, contracted class size, and special use classrooms in place during the 98/99 school year. All available instructional space is calculated. Secondary program capacities are based on peak loading. The calculation is based on 25 students per available teaching stations. Capacities were calculated by the Study and Survey Committee. III -3 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 1998/99 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN Portable Locations The Washington State Constitution requires the State to provide each student a basic education. It is not efficient use of District resources to build a school with a capacity for 500 students due to lack of space for 25 students when enrollment fluctuates throughout the year and from year to year. Portables are used as temporary facilities or interim measures to house students until permanent facilities can be built or boundary adjustments can be made. When permanent facilities become available, the portable(s) is either moved to another school for an interim classroom, or used for other purposes such as storage or child care programs. Some portables may not be fit to move due to age or physical condition. In these cases, the District may choose to buy new portables and surplus these unfit portables. It is the practice and philosophy of Federal Way Public Schools that portables are not acceptable as permanent - facilities. The following page provides a list of the location of the portable facilities, used for temporary educational facilities by Federal Way Public Schools. III -4 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 1998/99 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PORTABLE LOCATIONS PORTABLESLOCATED AT ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS PORTABLESLOCATED AT JUNIOR HIGHS NON iNSMMONAL INSTRUCTIONAL Adelaide 3 Bri adoon I Camelot 1 Enterpnse 2 Green Gables 1 Lake Dolloff 3 Lake Grove 2 Lakeland I Mark Twain 3 Meredith Hill I Mirror Lake 2 Nautilus I Olympic View 2 Panther Lake 3 Rainier View 2 Sherwood Forest 3 Silver Lake 4 Star Lake 4 Sunn crest 1 Twin Lakes 2 1 Valhalla Wildwood 4 Woodmont 2 TOTAL 48 1 PORTABLESLOCATED AT JUNIOR HIGHS III -5 PORTABLES LOCATED AT SENIOR HIGHS NON UYSTRUCnONAL MMUCMNAL Illahee 3 Kilo 3 1 Lakota 3 Saca'awea 2 Sa hahe 4 Totem 5 TOTAL 20 1 III -5 PORTABLES LOCATED AT SENIOR HIGHS PORTABLES LOCATED AT SUPPORT FACILITIES Science & Testing Ki NON INSTRUCTIONAL INSTRUCTONAL Decatur 4 Federal Way 1 Thomas Jefferson 1 Truman/Ment 8 1 TOTAL 4 TOTAL 13 1 PORTABLES LOCATED AT SUPPORT FACILITIES Science & Testing Ki 1 5 -Mile Lake 1 MOT 1 Clothing Bank 1 TOTAL 4 HEAD START PORTABLES AT DISTRICT SITES Mirror Lake 1 Sherwood Forest 1 Total 2 FEDERAL. WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 1998/99 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN Student Forecast Student enrollment projections are a basic component of budget development. Enrollment projections influence many of the financial estimates that go into budget preparation. The majority of staffing requirements are derived directly from the forecasted number of students. Allocations for instructional supplies and materials are also made on the basis of projected enrollment. Other expenditures and certain revenue projections are directly related to enrollment projections. Enrollment projections are completed annually in the Business Services Department. Projections must be detailed at various levels, district total, school -building totals, grade level and program level to include vocational and special education students. The basis of projections has been cohort survival analysis. Cohort survival is the analysis of a group that has a common statistical value (grade level) as it progresses through time. In a stable population the cohort would be 1.00 for all grades. This analysis uses historical information to develop averages and project the averages forward. This method does not trace individual students; it is concerned with aggregate numbers in each grade level. The district has used this method with varying years of history and weighted factors to study several projections. Because transfers in and out of the school system are common, student migration is factored into the analysis as it increases or decreases survival rates. Entry grades (kindergarten) are a unique problem in cohort analysis. The district collects information on birth rates within the district's census tracts, and treats these statistics as a cohort for kindergarten enrollment in the appropriate years. The Federal Way School District is using three distinct methods for projecting student enrollments. The resultant forecasted enrollments are evaluated • The first method is a statistical cohort analysis that produces ten distinct forecasts. These are forecast of enrollment for one year. The projections vary depending on the number of years of historical information and how they are weighted. • The second method uses enrollment -forecasting software tied to a geographic information system. MicroSAMT"- software establishes survival, migrant and repeater rates for each grade level in a pre -defined geographic area. These rates are matched to the number of housing units per area. The rates are then used to project the following year's enrollment based on the number of planned new housing units. The software will project for five years. • The third method is a projection using an enrollment projection software package that allows the user to project independently at school or grade level and to aggregate these projections for the district level. The Enrollment Master- software provides statistical methods including trend line, standard grade progression (cohort) and combinations of these methods. This software produces a five-year projection of school enrollment. Short-term budget projections may be more conservative than the standard grade progression model. For the 1998/99 school year, the district chose the Enrollment MasterTm projection using a two - III -6 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 1998/99 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN parameter method. This is the method suggested when a district is increasing or decreasing at a rate that is different than the standard grade progression model. Standard grade progression is a reasonably accurate method for the near term future when the near future looks much like the near past. Using six years of enrollment history in the Federal Way District encompasses high growth years and zero growth years which fall outside the range of the standard progression model. This phenomenon is partially explained by the incorporation of the City of Federal Way and its affect on new housing starts in recent history. Long range projections that establish the need for facilities are a modification of the cohort survival method. The cohort method of analysis becomes less reliable the farther out the projections are made. The Federal Way School District long-range projections are studied annually. The study includes information from the jurisdictional demographers as they project future housing and population in the region. The long-range projections used by Federal Way Public Schools reflect a similar age trend in student populations as the projections published by the Office of Financial management for the State of Washington. Growth Management requires jurisdictions to plan for a minimum of twenty years. The Federal Way School District is a partner in this planning with the various jurisdictions comprising the school district geography. These projections create a vision of the school district in the future. III -7 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 1998/99 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN Full Time Equivalent Enrollment History and Projections Simplified FTE (K Headcount =.S FTE; Junior High FTE=.989 Headcount, Senior High FI'E = 932 Headcount) Total K -12 Perces School Year Elementary Junior High Senior High FTE Chan 1992-93 10,342 4,352 3,681 18,375 1993-94 10,545 4,432 3,750 18,727 1.9% 1994-95 10,505 4,626 3,758 18,889 0.9% 1995-96 10,689 4,838 3,796 19,323 2.2% 1996-97 10,863 4,930 3,913 19,706 1.9% 1997-98 11,123 5,073 4,082 20,278 2.8% 1998-99 11,480 5,099 4,060 20,639 1.7% P1999-00 11,656 SIM 4,321 21,130 2.3% P2000-01 11,799 5,247 4,398 21,444 1.S°: P2001-02 11,796 5,498 4,480 21,774 1.S% P2002-03 11,795 S,73S 4,416 21,946 0.8% New Configuration Elementary K -S Middle School 6-8 lligh School 9-12 P2003-04 9,976 5,703 6,539 22,218 1.2% P2004-05 10,102 5,610 6,780 22,492 1.2% 23,000 22,000 21,000 C O 20,000 U 9 = 19,000 a 18,000 O 17,000 16,000 15 000 Enrollment History and Six Year Forecast h 1 � � �pti 1b, Q^°°g°O QrE°�° School Year 111-8 (:°" J� §p°o-°y Q,yo ��.� G QrE Q,yo ` �+• YIF+i' ' ` v ',';,. '...• , , tiffs .fi mr ii m {fi h 1 � � �pti 1b, Q^°°g°O QrE°�° School Year 111-8 (:°" J� §p°o-°y Q,yo ��.� G QrE Q,yo ` �+• YIF+i' ' ` v ',';,. '...• , , tiffs h 1 � � �pti 1b, Q^°°g°O QrE°�° School Year 111-8 (:°" J� §p°o-°y Q,yo ��.� G QrE Q,yo 3.0% 2.5% 2.0% 1.0% '- !! 05% d N A C x FTE 6 Percent of Change FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 1998/99 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN Capacity Summaries All Grades, Elementary, Junior High, and Senior High Schools The Capacity Summaries combine Building Capacity information and the Student Forecast information. The result demonstrates the requirements for new or remodeled facilities and why there is a need for the district to use temporary facilities or interim measures. The information is organized in spreadsheet format, with a page summarizing the entire District, and then evaluating capacity vs. number of students at elementary, junior high, and senior high levels individually. The notes at the bottom of each spreadsheet provide information about what facilities are in place each year. III -9 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 1998/99 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN CAPACITY SUMMARY - ALL GRADES rv'D 1T T MINT Y Basic FTE Enrollment Actual 21,130 - - Projected - - 22,218 22,4' CAPACITY 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Z 2003 200 BUILDING PROGRAM 20,438 20,630 20,744 21,024 21,146 21,368 CAPACITY 19,757 19,757 19,757 19,837 20,261 CD 21,035 22,3` C7 a Add or subtract changes to capacity Special Education Changes (26) (26) (26) c (26) (26 Truman High modernization and expansion 106 ?� Increase Capacity at Three High Schools 450 = New Middle School 800 y New High School 0 1,350 0 Adjusted Program Capacity 19,757 19,757 19,837 20,261 T21,035 F22,359 22,3: rv'D 1T T MINT Y Basic FTE Enrollment 20,619 21,130 21,444 21,774 21,946 22,218 22,4' Internet Academy Enrollment 181 500 700 750 800 991 850 90( Basic FTE Enrollment without Internet Academy 20,438 20,630 20,744 21,024 21,146 21,368 21,5' SURPLUS OR (UNHOUSED) 1 1 1 1 1 2,175 PROGRAM CAPACITY (681) (873) (907) (763) (111) 991 DLT f%9-ATAT2T l: !`AUArTTV 74? W Current Portable Capacity 2,025 2,025 2,175 2,175 2,175 2,175 2,1" Add/Subtract Portable Capacity Federal Way Public Academy 1,344 150 1,268 1,412 2,064 3,166 2,9 Adjusted Portable Capacity 2,025 1 2,175 2,175 2,175 2,175 2,175 2,1' SURPLUS OR (UNHOUSED) PROGRAM AND RELOCATABLE CAPACITY 1,344 1,302 1,268 1,412 2,064 3,166 2,9 III -10 CAPSUA198 /HEADER 07//5/99 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 1998/99 CAPITAL. FACILITIES PLAIN CAPACITY SUMMARY - ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS iil \ l� V �ya•a v♦ • a Basic FTE Enrollment Actual 11,656 - - Projected - - 9,976 10,1C CAPACITY 1998 19992000 125 2001 2002 A 2003 200; BUILDING PROGRAM 11,427 11,556 11,674 11,671 11,645 9,826 CAPACITY 11,131 11,131 11,131 11,105 11,079 1,200 11,053 11,02 c n 1. Special Education Changes (26) (26) (26) 0 (26) (26) c a Adjusted Program Capacity 11,131 11,131 11,105 11,079 11,053 11,027 11,0C iil \ l� V �ya•a v♦ • a Basic FTE Enrollment 11,480 11,656 11,799 11,796 11,795 9,976 10,1C 2. Internet Academy 53 100 125 125 150 150 150 Basic FIE Enrollment without Internet Academy 11,427 11,556 11,674 11,671 11,645 9,826 9,95 SURPLUS OR (UNHOUSED) PROGRAM CAPACITY 1 (296) 1 (425) 1 (569) 1 (592) 1 (592) 1,201 1,03 1n1VT n/•ATAQT B rAIPArl'rV I Current Portable Capacity 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,2C Add/Subtract portable capacity Move to High School 904 775 631 608 608 2,401 (12 Adjusted Portable Capacity 1 1,200 1 1,200 1 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,0' SURPLUS OR (UNHOUSED) PROGRAM AND RELOCATABLE CAPACITY 904 775 631 608 608 2,401 2,1 NOTES: 1. Add Programs 3 ECEAP, 1 SBD(Severely Behavioral Disordered) and 1 Pre -School Program This reduces Basic Education capacity in the school years indicated. 2. Internet Academy students are included in projections but do not require full time use of school facilities. 3. Relocatable Capacity is based on the number of portables available and other administrative techniques which can be used to temporarily house students until permanent facilities are available. This is a calculated number only. The actual number of portables that will be used will be based upon actual population needs. III -11 CAPSUA198 HEADER 07/15/99 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 1998/99 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN CAPACITY SUMMARY - JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOLS ENROLLMENT Basic FTE Enrollment SURPLUS Actual 5,153 - - Projected - - 5,703 5,61 CAPACITY 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 z 2003 20, BUILDING PROGRAM 5,011 4,953 4,972 5,223 5,460 5,528 CAPACITY 4,721 4,721 4,721 4,721 4,721 C7 5,521 5,5. 65( c re 0 1. Add New Middle School 800 � d o' ' Adjusted Program Capacity 4,721 4,721 4,721 4,721 5,521 5,521 5,5: ENROLLMENT Basic FTE Enrollment SURPLUS 5,080 5,153 5,247 5,498 5,735 5,703 5,61 2. Internet Academy 69 200 275 275 275 175 17. Basic FTE Enrollment without Internet Academy 5,011 4,953 4,972 5,223 5,460 5,528 5,4--- ,4? SURPLUS OR (UNHOUSED) PROGRAM CAPACITY 1 (290) 1 (232) 1 (251) 1 (502) 1 61 (7) 86 RELOCATABLE CAPACITY 3. Current Portable Capacity 500 500 650 650 650 650 65t Add/Subtract portable capacity 1 4. Federal Way Public Academy 210 150 399 148 711 G43 73c Adjusted Portable Capacity 500 650 650 1 650 650 650 65( SURPLUS OR (UNHOUSED) PROGRAM AND RELOCATABLE 1 CAPACITY 210 418 399 148 711 G43 73c NOTES: 1. Add new middle school 2. Internet Academy students are included in projections but do not require full time use of school facilities. 3. Relocatable Capacity is based on the number of portables available and other administrative techniques which can be used to temporarily house students until permanent facilities are available. This is a calculated number only The actual number of portables that will be used %will be based upon actual population needs 4 Federal Way Public Academy will increase capacity at one junior high site. III -12 CAPSUA19811E4DER 07115/99 FEDERAL. WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 1998/99 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN CAPACITY SUMMARY - SENIOR HIGH SCHOOLS ENROLLMENT Basic FTE Enrollment Actual 4,321 - - Projected - - 6,539 6,7; CAPACITY 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 z 2003 200 BUILDING PROGRAM 4,061 4,121 4,098 4,130 4,041 6,014 CAPACITY 3,905 3,905 3,905 4,011 4,461 n 4,461 5,81 d n Add or subtract changes in capacity 1. Truman Remodel 106 2. Add Capacity to Three High Schools L3,905 450 3. Add New High School 1,350 o' 3 Adjusted Program Capacity 4,011 4,461 4,461 5.811 5.81 ENROLLMENT Basic FTE Enrollment 4,120 4,321 4,398 4,480 4,416 6,539 6,7; 4. Internet Academy 59 200 300 1 350 375 525 57, Basic Ed without Internet Academy 4,061 4,121 4,098 4,130 4,041 6,014 6,2( I SURPLUS OR (UNHOUSED) I I I I I I I I PROGRAM CAPACITY (156) (216) (87) 331 420 (203) (3S RELOCATABLE CAPACITY 5. Current Portable Capacity 325 325 325 325 325 325 32 Add\Subtract portable capacity 1 1 1 Add from Elementary 169 109 238 656 745 122_ 1: Adjusted Portable Capacity 325 325 325 325 325 325 4 SURPLUS OR (UNHOUSED) PROGRAM AND RELOCATABLE 1 1 1 CAPACITY 169 109 238 656 745 122_ NOTES: 1. Truman High School modernization and expansion 2. Add capacity to three existing high schools 3. Add new high school 4. Internet Academy students are included in projections but do not require full time use of school facilities. 5. Relocatable Capacity is based on the number of portables available and other administrative techniques which can be used to temporarily house students until permanent facilities are available. This is a calculated number only. The actual number of portables that will be used will be based upon actual population needs. III -13 CAPSUA19811F1iDER 07115/99 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 1998/99 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLA. King County, the City of Federal Way. and the City of Kent Impact Fee Calculations Single and Multi -Family Residences Each jurisdiction that imposes school impact fees requires that developers pay these fees to help cover a share of the impact of new housing developments on school facilities. To determine an equitable fee throughout unincorporated King County, a formula was established. This formula can be found in King County Code 21A and was also substanially adopted by the City of Federal Way and Kent. The formula requires the District to establish a "Student Generation Factor" which estimates how many students will be added to a school district by each new single or multi -family unit and to gather some standard construction costs, which are unique to that district. - STUDENT GENERATION FACTOR ANALYSIS Federal Way Public Schools student generation factor was determined separately for single family units and multi -family units. The factors used in the 1998/99 Capital Facilities Plan were derived using actual generation factors from single family units and multi -family units, which were constructed in the last five- (5) years. - IMPACT FEE CALCULATION Following the calculations for the student generation factor is a copy of the Impact Fee Calculation for single family and multi -family units based on King County Code 21 A and the Growth Management Act. Single Family Units Multi -Family Units III -14 z O F a w z LTJ H z w f� F a w } h O R CLI z z O_ z O U W z 7i to f- = O O f- N r O N 0 «. C CO CO r- CO O O O O r F- r O O M r LO m 00 O CD jp 0 0 Co r 0 0 v 0 N Lo f-- O Go +' j 0 7 tv (D CO O O O O O O f- f- M 0 T r` p - O M O O f.- 0 H .+ W CO O (D O O (D O O N O C fn CO r- m O r- IT O M CJI f - O O O O O O O O C O L N O M v N O N O fA .. - r O O M tt LA O M - r M C �(O•-OMtntOOOCO(D = w O f` w O M^ O O v v M C0 v ■."o V OR v O rOM000000O OO O M N (D O N M M r r C fA fy o r O .M- eM- O O 0 Ln- O d fA O O O C O 0 0 0 0 0 L v .- O M LO P- v N r- O O M Lo r- r O r- O = y 000OMO(D(A�MO �.� vCOOOMN� OONO O M Lo O M o m f- f- O v r C O ti O Cl r (DO w' CM7 M t�� fA O C M N M Cp CO CD O CMO M O E j m E.. M MLOWM(DO(OCO000 v O M N v (D M O (D d (/� LL M V CD Cn v M CO Cn M O W O C O C O C O C O C w L O Of « y 2 C o ;vMNvv(DOCao0 Eco z0N O 07 N d = C M N (A ct t!7 M O E0? z N w 0 =°c 6) CLO fy O r- CO D) r v CO CO P- O r r IT N r r N •- m N E E 7 � d N z W !. 'A c E 0 y RC L {L = 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O E Zo o Ecn LL C r to O 0 O O N v CO d N N M CD 0 N m 0 vm � d r cm Z c f7 N c O z Wcl y j O `� o C7 Ors W p z H ?? o c c d cEa (� � Y O o C2: e C` m_ L N O c y c d GLd N E ov=yCL C3�' 41 Cn —CD (o (a (o � n n (nUMF-UUQ.¢ .c 0000 r`cOCD(n(nvv a c,arnrnrnm4,m to FEDERAL. WAY PliBLIC SCHOOLS 1998/99 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN IMPACT FEE School Site Acquisition Cost: Student Student Facility Cost / Facility Factor Factor Cost/ Cost/ A __......e A.._e r,..,,..t„ QFR MFR SFR MFR Elementary Jr High Sr High 0.00 .............................................................................................................................................. 20.00 ............................ 40.00 $0 .1 00 $80,000 484 787 1,232 0 4080 0 1563 ...................................... 0.1146 0.0615 0.0342 0.0410 $0 $0 $199 $43 $298 $106 TOTAL 5496 5150 School Construction Cost: Student % Perm Fac./ Facility Facility Factor T -t.1 Qn Ft f Act Canacity SFR Elementary Jr High Sr High (i) ti) Student Factor Cost/ Cost/ MFR SFR MFR 96.95% ...........a.................................................................................................................... 96.95/0 _.......................................................................................................................................... 96.95% $0 $17,000,000 $50,000,000 484 787 1,232 0.4080 0.1563 0.1146 0.0615 0.034 2 0.0410 $0 $0 $3,273 $716 $4,509 $1,613 Senior High includes new Senior High S 40,500,000 TOTAL $7,782 $2,329 Expansion three Senior Highs 57,500,000 Truman High Expansion S2,000,000 Temporary Facility Cost: Student Student _ % Temp Fac. Facility Facility Factor Factor Cost/ Cost/ T�t.1 Qn Ft r'e%et R170 SFR MFR SFR MFR Elementary Jr High Sr High 3.05% $55,361 25 0.4080 0.0615 ................. ............. $28 $4 ......................o.. 3:05 /o ............... ...................................................................... $55,361 25 0:1563 .................................. 0.0342 $11 $2 $8 $3 ...... ............................... 3.05% $55,361 25 0.1146 0.0410 TOTAL S46 S9 State Matching Credit Calculation: Student Boeck Cost/ Sq. Ft. State Factor Q.. Vt Qt -4—t m2tr11 RFR Elementary Jr High New Sr High Student Factor Cost/ Cost/ MFR SFR MFR $99.68 0 60 62% 0 4080 ....................................... 0.0615 $0 $0 $99.68 99 ....................................o 112 ..................... 60 62/0 0.1563 0.0342 $1,058 $231 .........................................................a............................................................... $99 68 120 60.62 /0 0.1146 0.0410 $831 $297 Total S1,889 5529 Tax Payment Credit Calculation Average Assessed Value (April 99) Capital Bond Interest Rate (March 99) Net Present Value of Average Dwelling Years Amortized Property Tax Levy Rate Present Value of Revenue Stream affAt 21S $153,095$35,488 .................................... Single Family 5.11% 5.................. .11% ........................................................ $1,175:869 ............. $272:571 1010 ........................................................ $1 42 $1 42 ,670 5387 07/15/99 9 59 AM Single Family Multi -Family Residences Residences Mitigation Fee Summary Site Acquisition Cost $496 $150 Permanent Facility Cost $7,782 $2,329 Temporary Facility Cost $46 $9 State Match Credit ($1,889) ($529) Tax Payment Credit ($1,670) ($387) Sub -Total S4,766 51,573 50% Local Share $2,383 $786 Impact Fee S2,383 5786 Impact Fee B III -16 07/15/99 9 59 AM SECTION IV SUMMARY OF CHANGES FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 1998/99 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAIN SECTION IV SUMMARY OF CHANGES FROM THE 1998/99 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN The 1998/99 Capital Facilities Plan is an updated document, based on the 1997/98 Capital Facilities Plan. The changes between the 1997/98 Plan and the 1998/99 Plan are listed. SECTION I - THE CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN INVENTORY OF EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES Leased Space is added to the inventory CURRENT INVENTORY OF NON -INSTRUCTIONAL FACILITES Developed Property Leased space is added to the inventory Undeveloped Property Site 98 is sold Site 9 is pending sale. NEEDS FORECAST - EXISTING FACILITIES Expansion of Decatur High School, Federal Way High School and Thomas Jefferson High School is added. Parking Safety, Network Upgrades, Automated Libraries, Elementary Playgrounds, High School Sports Fields, and Emergency Communications are added NEEDS FORECAST - NEW FACILITIES New Elementary site and New Elementary School are removed. New High School site, New High School and New Middle School are added. The Six Year Finance has been rolled forward to reflect 1998/2004 IV -1 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 1998/99 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN SECTION III - SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION CAPACITY Changes to building program capacity between the 1997/98 Capital Facilities Plan and the 1998/99 Capital Facilities Plan can be found on page III -3. PORTABLES The list of portables reflects the movement of portables between facilities or new portables purchased. Portable Locations can be found on page III -5 STUDENT FORECAST The Student Forecast now covers 1998 through 2004. The new forecast reflects an increased rate of growth at a decreasing rate observed in the District. The student forecast can be found _ on page III -8 CAPACITY SUMMARY The changes in the Capacity Summary are a reflection of the changes in the capacities and student forecast. New schools and increased capacity at current buildings are shown as increases to capacity. IMPACT FEE CALCULATION - KING COUNTY CODE 21A The Impact Fee Calculations have changed due to changes in several factors. The adjustment made in the Impact Fee Calculation, causing a change in the Impact Fee between the 1997/98 Capital Facilities Plan and the 1998/99 Capital Facilities Plan can be found on page IV -3. IV -2 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 1998/99 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN IMPACT FEE CALCULATION CHANGES FROM 1997/98 TO 1998/99 STUDENT GENERATION FACTORS Student Generation factors are based on rates for new developments constructed over a period of not more than five years prior to the date of the fee calculation. The changes in student Generation factors between the 1997/98 Capital Facilities Plan and the 1997/98 Capital Facilities Plan are due to developments that were deleted or added based upon the age of the developments. IMPACT FEE Item From/To Percent of Permanent Facilities 97.34 % to 96.95% Percent Temporary Facilities Temporary Facility Cost Boeck Cost/Sq. Ft State Match Average Assessed Value Capital Bond Interest Rate Property Tax Levy Rate Single Family Fee Multi Family Fee 2.66% to 3.05% $62,368 to $55,361 $97.23 to $99.68 59.89% to 60.62% SFR - $143,979 to $153,095. MFR - $34,641 To $35,488. 5.19% to 5.11% Comment Report 43 OSPI Updated portable inventory Updated cost of most recently purchased portable (Adelaide Elementary) Change per SPI Change per SPI Per Puget Sound Educational Service District (ESD 121) Market Rate $1.47to $1.42 Per King County $2,882. to Calculated Fee $2,383. $874 to $786 Calculated Fee IV -3 r PUBLIC SC HOOLS