HomeMy WebLinkAbout3470(Amending or Repealing Ordinances) CONO=0131 Zoning Codes Passed - 8/17/1999 Townhouse Zoning (Amends 15.02.525;15.03.010;15.04.020;.030;.040;.060;.070;.090;.110; .130;.170;.180;15,07.060;15.090.050) Amends Ords. 1827;2863;3123;3345;3409;3424;3435;3439;3440 Amended by Ord. 3508;3521 (Sec. 15.04.170) Amended by Ords. 3523;3551;3663;3742;3792 (Secs. 15.04.170; 15.04.180) Amended by Ord. 3543 (Sec. 15.03.010;15.04.190) Amended by Ord. 3600 (Ch. 15.04) Amended by Ord. 3612 (Sec. 15.03.010; Chs. 15.04) Amended by Ord. 3615;3753;3759 (secs. 15.04.020;15.04.030) Amended by Ord. 3647;3699;3977 (Sec. 15.04.090) Amended by Ord. 3648 (Secs. 15.04.070;15.04.090;15.07.060) Amended by Ord. 3690 (Sec. 15.04.180) Amended by Ord. 3761 (secs. 15.04.030;15.04.180) Amended by Ord. 3770 (Secs. 15.03.010;15.04.020;15.04.040;15.04.060; 15.04;070;15.04.090;15.04.110;15.04.130;15.04.170;15.07.060) Amended by Ord. 3830 (Secs. 15.04.020;15.04.030;15.04.170;15.04.180) Amended by Ord. 3907 (sec. 15.04.040) Amended by Ord. 3976 (Secs. 15.04.060;15.04.070) Amended by Ord. 3988 (sec. 15.03.010) Amended by Ord. 4003 (sec. 15.04.170) Amended by Ord. 4011 (Secs. 15.03.010;15.04.020;15.04.030;15.04.040; 15.04.060;15.04.070;15.04.090;15.04.110;15.04.130;15.07.060) ORDINANCE NO. 3d 10 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Title 15 of the Kent City Code establishing a new zoning district entitled "Multifamily Residential Townhouse" allowing for low to medium density where home ownership is encouraged consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, and further providing for related amendments to the zoning code related to multifamily residential townhouse development. WHEREAS, the policies of the Kent Comprehensive Plan seek to expand affordable home ownership opportunities through revisions to the City's zoning and development standards; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to expand home ownership and affordable housing by the creation of zoning districts where townhouse condominiums are principally permitted uses; and WHEREAS, the Land Use and Planning Board held a public hearing on June 28, 1999, and votes to recommend to the City Council that a new townhouse zone be created; NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Chapter 15.02.525 of the Kent City Code is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 15.02.525. Townhouse. 1 Townhouse Zoning dwelling having ne side �wd and sharing a eenffnea wall with adjaeet# dwelling i Townhouse means a multifamily residential dwelling unit which is attached to other dwelling units along one or both sides and which occupies the building area from ground level to the roof with no dwelling units located above or below. SECTION 2. Chapter 15.03.010 of the Kent City Code is hereby amended by adding a new zoning district entitled "Multifamily Residential Townhouse" as follows: Sec. 15.03.010. Establishment and designation of districts. The various districts established by this title and into which the city is divided are designated as follows: A-1 Agricultural District The stated goal of the city is to preserve prime agricultural land in the Green River Valley as a nonrenewable resource. The agriculture zone shall actively encourage the concentration of agricultural uses in areas where incompatibility with urban uses will be minimal to aid in the implementation of those goals. Further, such classification of prime agricultural land thus recognizes and encourages farming activity as a viable sector of the local economy. SR -1 Residential Agricultural District The purpose of the SR -1 zone is to provide for areas allowing low density single-family residential development. SR -1 zoning shall be applied to those areas identified in the comprehensive plan for low density development, because of environmental constraints or the lack of urban services. AG Agricultural General District The purpose of the AG zone is to provide appropriate locations for agriculturally related industrial uses in or near areas designated for long term agricultural use. Such areas may contain prime farmland soils which may be currently or potentially used for agricultural production. SR -2 Single -Family Residential District 2 Townhouse Zoning SR -3 Single -Family Residential District SR -4.5 Single -Family Residential District SR -6 Single -Family Residential District SR -8 Single -Family Residential District It is the purpose of the single-family residential districts to stabilize and preserve single- family residential neighborhoods, as designated in the comprehensive plan. It is further the purpose to provide a range of densities and minimum lot sizes in order to promote diversity and recognize a variety of residential environments. MR -D Duplex Multifamily Residential District It is the purpose of the MR -D district to provide for a limited increase in population density and allow for a greater variety of housing types by allowing duplex dwelling units and higher density single-family detached residential development. MR -T12 Multifamily Residential Townhouse District MR -T16 Multifamily Residential Townhouse District It is the purpose of the MR -T district to provide suitable locations for low to medium density multifamily residential development where home ownership is encouraged consistent with the comprehensive plan. MR -G Low Density Multifamily Residential District It is the purpose of the MR -G district to provide locations for low to medium density multi -family residential development and higher density single-family residential development, as designated in the comprehensive plan. MR -M Medium Density Multifamily Residential District It is the purpose of the MR -M district to provide for locations for medium density multi- family residential development and higher density single-family residential development, as designated in the comprehensive plan. MR -H High Density Multifamily Residential District It is the purpose of the MR -H district to provide for locations for high density residential districts suitable for urban living. Townhouse Zoning MHP Mobile Home Park Combining District The MHP combining district is designed to provide proper locations for mobile home parks. Mobile home parks may be located in any multi -family residential when MHP combining district regulations and development plans are approved for that location. PUD Planned Unit Development District The intent of the PUD is to create a process to promote diversity and creativity in site design, and protect and enhance natural and community features. The process is provided to encourage unique developments which may combine a mixture of residential, commercial and industrial uses. By using flexibility in the application of development standards, this process will promote developments that will benefit citizens that live and work within the city. NCC Neighborhood Convenience Commercial District It is the purpose of the NCC district to provide small nodal areas for retail and personal service activities convenient to residential areas and to provide ready access to everyday convenience goods for the residents of such neighborhoods. NCC districts shall be located in areas designated for neighborhood services in the comprehensive plan. CC Community Commercial District The purpose of the CC district is to provide areas for limited commercial activities that serve several residential neighborhoods. This district shall only apply to such commercial districts as designated in the city comprehensive plan. It is also the purpose of this district to provide opportunities for mixed use development within the designated mixed use overlay boundary, as designated by the comprehensive plan. DC Downtown Commercial District It is the purpose of the DC district to provide a place and create environmental conditions which will encourage the location of dense and varied retail, office, residential, civic and recreational activities which will benefit and contribute to the vitality of a central downtown location, to recognize and preserve the historic pattern of development in the area and to implement the land use goals and policies in the 1989 downtown plan, the Kent Comprehensive Plan, and the Downtown Action Plan. In the DC area, permitted 4 Townhouse Zoning uses should be primarily pedestrian oriented and able to take advantage of on -street and structured off-street parking lots. DCE Downtown Commercial Enterprise District The purpose of this district is to encourage and promote higher density development and a variety and mixture of compatible retail, commercial, residential, civic, recreational, and service activities in the downtown area, to enhance the pedestrian -oriented character of the downtown, and to implement the goals and policies of the 1989 downtown plan, the Kent Comprehensive Plan, and the Downtown Strategic Action Plan. DLM Downtown Commercial Limited Manufacturing District It is the purpose of this zoning district to provide for light industrial land uses which may coexist with retail, business, residential and service land uses in the downtown area. This district is intended to provide areas for those light manufacturing activities that desire to conduct business in proximity to a variety of land uses such as is possible only in the downtown community. CM -1 Commercial Manufacturing -1 District It is the purpose of the CM -1 district to provide locations for those types of developments which combine some characteristics of both retail establishments and industrial operations, heavy commercial uses and wholesale uses. CM -2 Commercial Manufacturing -2 District It is the purpose of the CM -2 district to provide locations for those types of developments which combine some characteristics of both retail establishments and small-scale, light industrial operations, heavy commercial and wholesale uses, and specialty manufacturing. GC General Commercial District The purpose and intent of the general commercial district is to provide for the location of commercial areas developed along certain major thoroughfares; to provide use incentives and development standards which will encourage the redevelopment and upgrading of such areas; to provide for a range of trade, service, entertainment and recreation land uses which occur adjacent to major traffic arterials and residential uses; and to provide areas for development which are automobile oriented and designed for convenience, safety and 5 Townhouse Zoning the reduction of the visual blight of uncontrolled advertising signs, traffic control devices and utility equipment. It is also the purpose of this district to provide opportunities for mixed use development within the designated mixed use overlay boundary, as designated by the comprehensive plan. O Office District It is the purpose of the O district to provide for areas appropriate for professional and administrative offices. It is intended that such districts shall buffer residential districts and the development standards are such that office uses should be compatible with residential districts. It is also the purpose of this district to provide opportunities for mixed use development within the designated mixed use overlay, as designated in the comprehensive plan. MA Industrial Agricultural District It is the purpose of the MA zone to identify lands which are transitional in nature and which have a combination of agricultural and warehouse/distribution characteristics. MA lands may be converted in the future to more intensive industrial zones at such time as adjoining properties become more intensively developed and urban services such as water, sewer, and improved street access become available. Ml, Ml -C Industrial Park District The purpose of the M-1 district is to provide an environment exclusively for and conducive to the development and protection of a broad range of industrial, office, and business park activities, including modern, large scale administrative facilities, research institutions and specialized manufacturing organizations, all of a non -nuisance type, as designated in the comprehensive plan. This district is intended to provide areas for those industrial activities that desire to conduct business in an atmosphere of prestige location in which environmental amenities are protected through a high level of development standards. It is also the purpose of this zone to allow certain limited commercial land uses that provide necessary personal and business services for the general industrial area. Such uses are allowed in the M1 district, through the application of the "C" suffix, at 6 Townhouse Zoning centralized, nodal locations where major arterials intersect. M2 Limited Industrial District The purpose of the M2 district is to provide areas suitable for a broad range of industrial and warehouse/distribution activities. The permitted uses are similar to those of the industrial park district, except that non -industrial uses, particularly office and retail, are restricted, in accordance with the manufacturing/industrial center designation in the comprehensive plan. Development standards are aimed at maintaining an efficient and desirable industrial area. M3 General Industrial District The purpose of the M3 district is to provide areas suitable for the broadest range of industrial activities, and to specify those industrial activities having unusual or potentially deleterious operational characteristics, where special attention must be paid to location and site development. Light industrial uses which require restrictive standards on the part of adjoining uses and non -industrial uses are discouraged from locating in this district, in accordance with the manufacturing/industrial center designation in the comprehensive plan. GWC Gateway Commercial District It is the purpose of the gateway commercial district to provide retail commercial uses appropriate along major vehicular corridors while encouraging appropriate and unified development among the properties within the district. It is designed to create unique, unified and recognizable streetscapes while ensuring land use compatibility and the exclusion of inappropriate uses. It is also intended to promote flexibility in appropriate areas of site design and to encourage mixed use developments. The gateway commercial district recognizes the significance of the automobile while simultaneously minimizing its dominance in commercially developed areas and avoiding unsightly highway strip commercial development. The gateway commercial development standards promote land uses which minimize physical and visual impacts normally associated with highway commercial developments. Landscaping, parking and sign standards have all been enhanced as compared to the current commercial and industrial zoning districts. These 7 Townhouse Zoning standards will promote a viable, unique and recognizable commercial area along East Valley Highway. Moreover, the gateway commercial district will encourage the development of commercial uses capable of benefiting and ensuring the long term enhancement of properties throughout the study area. SU Special Use Combining District It is the purpose of the SU district to provide for special controls for certain uses which do not clearly fit into other districts, which may be due to technological and social changes, or which are of such unique character as to warrant special attention in the interest of the city's optimum development and the preservation and enhancement of its environmental quality. A special use combining district is imposed on an existing zoning district, permitting the special use as well as uses permitted by the underlying zone. The combining district becomes void if substantial construction has not begun within a one- year period, and the district reverts to its original zoning designation. It is the intent of the special use combining regulations to provide the city with adequate procedures for controlling and reviewing such uses and to discourage application for speculative rezoning. SECTION 3. Chapter 15.04.020 of the Kent City Code is hereby amended by adding two (2) new zoning districts, multifamily residential townhouse "MR - T12" and multifamily residential townhouse "MR -T16" as follows: 8 Townhouse Zoning Sec. 15.04.020. Residential Land Uses. Zoning Districts Key P = Principally Permitted Uses S = Special Uses m w C = Conditional Uses >> v E A=Accessory Uses t t E co M 3 3 of rn U EL N a a y a a a a � �"' E N W J j c y -gyp_ 'C :O -2 = _� w U > 2 2 ts �o Mca E U o N m 0 a) E E E m U m E aaai Q T T a as c v, M a U E E o E E g E 5 m m m o E m E m LL E m E m __ E E o o H c E o o E2,0=02'200 U U c U c m 2i m %5 E 0 c rn m S y .0 .a -8 LL Lir N LL LL 2 x m a ,- N 0 = -c 3 O O N E N E U Q d io i; S c c ca 3 c o, rn rn rn o 0_ 0 0 P v t 0 c c is cn C) (DCO N t0 z m o o U U �_ v' v' E ac) Q Q N c+� -T" °4 0 H H C� x a U 00 w 7 N 0 U J 0 U Q C7 Q Of L7 W h W N Q' Cn Of (n W Cn d ft '2 ^2 = U Z U U U 0 U 0 J 0 22 U U U U O N c7 � C7 One single-family dwelling per lot P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P A(1) A(1) A(1) A(1) One duplex per lot P One modular home per lot P P P P P P P P P P P P P Duplexes p P P P P Multifamily townhouse units P P P P — P P — i p — p p(21 P("C M9 U Ll L1 IJ Multifamily dwellings P P P P(2) P(4) P P P(2) P(2) C C(5) (15) Multifamily dwellings for senior citizens P(2) P P P(2) P(2) Mobile homes and manufactured homes P Mobile home parks P P p P P P P (13) (13) (13) (13) (13) (13) Group homes class I -A P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P C C C C P Group homes class 1-8 P P P P P P P P P P C C C C P Group homes class I -C C C C C P P P P P P C C C C P Group homes class II -A C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Group homes class II -8 C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Group homes class 11-C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Group homes class III C C C C C C C C C Rebuildlaccessory uses for existing P(6) P(6) P(6) P(6) P(6) P(6) P(6) P(6) P(6) P(6) P(6) P(6) P(6) P(6) P(6) dwellings Transitional housing P(7) P(7) Guest cottages and houses A(8) A(8) A(8) A(8) Rooming and boarding of not more than A A A A A A A_ A_ A A A three persons Farm worker accommodations A A(9) A A(g) (17) (17) Accessory uses and buildings customarily A A A A A A A A A A_ A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A appurtenant to a permitted use (18 Accessory dwelling units A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A (to) (10) (10) (70) (10) (10) 110) (10) L1 Ll (10) 1101 (10) (10) (10) Accessory living quarters A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A (14) (14) (U) (14) (14) (14) (14) 04) (14) (14) (14) (14) (14) (14) (14) Home occupations A A A A A A A A A A A A A (11) (11) (11) (11) (11) (11) (11) (11) n IJ (11) (11) (11) Service buildings A Storage buildings and storage of A A A A A A A A A A A A A A recreational vehicles (16) (16) (16) (16) (16) (16) (16) (16) j16) (16) (16) (16) (16) Drive -In churches, welfare facilities: Drive-in C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C churches, retirement homes, convalescent (12) homes and other welfare facilities whether privately or publicly operated, facilities for rehabilitation or correction, etc SECTION 4. Chapter 15.04.030 of the Kent City Code is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 15.04.030. Residential Land Use Development Conditions. 1. Dwelling units, limited to not more than one (1) per establishment, for security or maintenance personnel and their families, when located on the premises where they are employed in such capacity. No other residential use shall be permitted. 2. Multifamily residential use shall be permitted only in the mixed-use overlay when included within a mixed use development. 3. [Reserved]. 4. Multifamily residential uses, when established in buildings with commercial or office uses, and not located on the ground floor. 5. Multifamily residential uses, when not combined with commercial or office uses. 6. Existing dwellings may be rebuilt, repaired and otherwise changed for human occupancy. Accessory uses for existing dwellings may be constructed. Such uses are garages, carports, storage sheds and fences. 7. Transitional housing facilities, limited to a maximum of twenty (20) residents at any one (1) time and four (4) resident staff. 8. Guesthouses not rented or otherwise conducted as a business. 9. Farm dwellings appurtenant to a principal agricultural use for the housing of farm owners, operators or employees, but not accommodations for transient labor. 10. Accessory dwelling units shall not be included in calculating the maximum density. Accessory dwelling units are allowed subject to the provisions of Section 15.08.350. 11. Customary incidental home occupations subject to the provisions of section 15.08.040. 12. Except for transitional housing with a maximum of twenty (20) residents and four (4) staff. 10 Townhouse Zoning 13. Subject to the combining district requirements of the Mobile Home Park Code, KCC 12.05. 14. Accessory living quarters are allowed per the provisions of Section 15.08.359. 15. Multi -family residential use shall be permitted as a conditional use only when included in a mixed use development. 16. Recreational vehicle storage is permitted as an accessory use in accordance with Section 15.08.080. 17. Accommodations for farm operators and employees, but not accommodations for transient labor. 18. Other accessory uses and buildings customarily appurtenant to a permitted use, except for onsite hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities, which are not permitted in residential zones. 19. The following zoning is required to be in existence on the entire propertyto o be rezoned at the time of application for a rezone to an MR -T zone: SR -8 MRD MRG, MRM, MRH, O O -MU NCC CC GC DC or DCE 20. All multifamily townhouse developments in the MR -T zone shall be condominiums and recorded pursuant to Chapter 64.32 RCW prior to approval of a development permit by the City. SECTION 5. Chapter 15.04.040 of the Kent City Code is hereby amended by adding two (2) new zoning districts, multifamily residential townhouse "MR - T12" and multifamily residential townhouse "MR -T16" as follows: 11 Townhouse Zoning Sec. 15.04.040 Manufacturing Land Uses. Zoning Districts Key P = Principally Permitted Uses S = Special Uses C = Conditional Uses 'o o E (D A = Accessory Uses r a E V �p ?. L` N 01 76 5-1. A 6 cc a A t/1 NE p aO w0` C CN.1 C _ C W 1p E J O) 'C C 2 EE N 792-0-0 MU O C C�cMMaU N E E E mm E U m C E E ME E Q E E o o c_mm o M a EEE -6 CL a > >U tid 1 L- 0 i- U ° w cE N CL m � -0c mE > c d� c a I c 1 c a> >> m EE, a co y S 0S c 3 0 iT, 7 oo00 0 U ami i; v o E W Q¢oC(ncn�U) i NC? ITa? of °4 o f a c? Y M a a U U U o U W U _c., 2 0 U o .71 0 U W of I M M M Z 0 0 0o U U 0 O C" g: c Manufacturing, processing, blending and P P P P P P P P(2) packaging of food and beverage products (27) (27) (27) (27) (27) (27) (27) (27) C(1) Manufacturing, processing, blending and p P P P P p P P(2) packaging of drugs, pharmaceuticals, C(1) toiletries and cosmetics. Manufacturing, processing, blending and P p p P P p p P(2) packaging of dairy products and C(1) I byproducts. Industrial Laundry and Dyeing (including P P P P P P(2) linen supply and diaper services) Printing, publishing and allied industries p p p p C P P P P P(2) (25) C(1) Chemicals and related products mfg. C(4) C(4) C(4) C(1) Contractor shops and storage P P C P P(5) C(1) Custom arts and crafts products mfg. P p P P P P(2) C(1) Computers, office machines and P(3) P(3) P(2) equipment mfg. Manufacturing and assembly of Electrical P(3) P(3) P P P P P(2) equipment.; Appliances, lighting, radio, C(1) TV communications, equipment and components Fabricated metal products mfg.; Custom p p P P P P P(2) sheet metal mfg., containers, hand tools; C(1) heating equipment, screw products, extrusion; coating; and plating Manufacturing and assembly of P(3) P(3) P P P P P(2) Electronic and electrical devices; and (29) (29) (29) (29) automotive, aerospace, missile, airframe and similar products. Hazardous substance land uses A(7) A(7) A(9) A(9) A(9) A(9) A(9) A A A A(9) A(7) A A A A C(8) C(8) (11) (11) (11) C(8) (15) (15) (15) (18) C C C C C C C (12) (12) (12) (16) (16) (16) (19) Offices incidental and necessary to the A A A A A P P p p p p conduct of a principally permitted use Warehousing and distribution facilities P P P P p p p (26) (20) (20) (28) C(1) Rail -Truck Transfer Uses C C C P P (17) (21) (21) (22) (14) Outdoor Storage (including truck, heavy P P A A A A A P equipment and contractor storage yards as allowed by Development Standards Sections 15.04.190 815.04.210) Miniwarehouses self -storage I IC P P C P (23) i1— Section 15.04.040 continued 1�) w LE L = N f0 N E C m G y 'C 2 m m o o —' r rn 'c U i� m E M o) p a C a�yy _ is C m C E , W J C G y a O N -c Cc U > O lT0 C f0jj L a w O N N �^ E N C7 of E E E dU a U Ea ani N $ o C7 a m LL m m Li ti 0 `� E o U 0 c c m E rn m a > y > O U r T c LL d, LL d� LL LL x- a c E E o = a� o t c c 3 3 ani E aEi E U Q a m m a u c 05 ciz c N c c N_ t0 m C7 d 2 rn 2 c .� E c O c Eo 0 Eo 0 i7 Q Q W �1') rE CO 1'71 17 U T� 2 a Z U O Ci 0 0 W 0 N y ID }�� ,r.� C - C - U E ::i N C7 U U) CO CO U)C/)W � 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 z U 0 0 0 U U c9 v 0 2 2 N 2 M 2 c7 Manufacturing of Soaps, detergents, and C P other basic cleaning and cleansing 0) preparations Manufacturing of Plastics and synthetic C P resins C(1) Manufacturing of Synthetic and natural C P fiber and cloth CO) Manufacturing of Plywood, composition C P wallboard, and similar structural wood C(1) products Manufacturing of Nonmetallic mineral C P products such as abrasives, asbestos, C(1) chalk, pumice and putty Manufacturing of Heat resisting or C P structural clay products (brick, tie, or C(1) pipe)or porcelain products Manufacturing of Machinery and heavy C P machine tool equipment for general C(1) industry and mining, agricultural, construction or service industries Manufacturing, processing, assembling, P P P P P P(2) and packaging of articles, products, or (24) (32) (32) C(1) merchandise made from previously prepared natural or synthetic materials Manufacturing, processing,treating, P P P P assembling and packaging of articles, (30) products, or merchandise from C (1) previously prepared ferrous, nonferrous or alloyed metals. Complexes which include a combination P P P of uses, Including a mixture of office, storage, and light manufacturing uses. Accessory uses and buildings A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A(6) customarily appurtenant to a permitted (31) (10) (10) (13) (13) (10) (10) I (10) I use 1�) SECTION 6. Chapter 15.04.060 of the Kent City Code is hereby amended by adding two (2) new zoning districts, multifamily residential townhouse "MR - T12" and multifamily residential townhouse "MR -T16" as follows: 14 Townhouse Zoning Sec. 15.04.060. Transportation, Public and Utilities Land Uses. Zoning Districts Key P = Principally Permitted Uses S = Special Uses aD m p 2 C=Conditional Useso c -o p E A= Accessory Uses 3 3 (1) E US 2 W P o H p H 2_' >, m m N (6 l0 aci y f0 f0 E E 2 T c a W E J camcam C j -o N 0_ '0 ;O rL U C N N7 ani awofW ti a U Q) E E E E `° `° N w N V m E m O m E E m E E E E c m y p Z� y m E c o o U E o o U o U m m E E i'i c m a S w § 5 o U > > a a m LL� m LL a> m m LL ^2 x �a m i2 O m E c � o S E o •� U c c c 3 WOO o ¢ m a m an a am v rn rn c N rn °� � = M E :5 L a> t c a E E L S S v L° m a3i a rn W in tq to io O 0 2 g z o 0 D U U m a' v' N f�1 C9 H H CS �2 = d U U Wkiloi U (7 CA 2' cn Of rA of co 2 cn 2 co a a' 2 2 U a a 0 0 0 O O O Commercial parking lots or structures C C Transportation and transit facilities C C C C I C C C C I C I C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C P(t) C Railway and bus depots, taxi stands & C C C ti ilityand transportation facilities: C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Electrical substations, pumping or regulating devices for the transmission of water, gas, steam, petroleum, etc. Public facilities. Firehouses, police C C C C C C C C C C C_ C C C C C C P C C C C C C C C C C C stations, libraries and administrative offices of governmental agencies, primary and secondary schools, vocational schools and colleges. Accessory uses and buildings A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A(2) customarily appurtenant to a permitted use 15 SECTION 7. Chapter 15.04.070 of the Kent City Code is hereby amended by adding two (2) new zoning districts, multifamily residential townhouse "MR - T12" and multifamily residential townhouse "MR -T16" as follows: 16 Townhouse Zoning Sec. 15.04.070. Wholesale and Retail Land Uses. Zoning Districts Key P = Principally Permitted Uses S = Special Uses C = Conditional Uses E A= Accessory Uses o oa E US M Co t tF LL' 2 U 1' -V -7 c� a c a c WE y p c p c '� a`3 H o F 2+ N of E a o 8 c _ c W R � J w cmtm L° m 'c of of rr W E a`3 a� M a U E E E E c m c m _`° 2i U _ E O E O O g E @ S E O a m m re m E o �c O N E = o U V U 3 U m m E rn m a 0 U L° c LL LL d2 rn LL d� d� x a> j 0 E E ami m 0 t c S 4Ei E 0Ei E U ¢ m tL m S a m 3 v a Z� c_ c co c_ c_ = M 2 m a> M m a 0 rn 'a> E E c 3 3 E 0 E o aa) h > h W v' ani m c N 65 y co O m U 2 Z O ; O 0 O 0 O U U c m > c E as U ¢ ¢ N C? c4 aQ O _N F U'� S LL0 O c Q ¢ < rn U U N U U Z U O O O U U U O U' Bakeries and Confectionaries p P P P P(2) Wholesale bakery p P P Bulk retail P P P P(1) P(1) Recycling centers C P Retail sales of lumber, tools and other P P P P building materials, including preassembled products Hardware, paint, the and wallpaper (retail) I P P(11) P C I I P P P(2) Farm equipment P P General merchandise: Dry goods, variety p p(11) p C P P P(2) and department stores (retail) Food and convenience stores (retail) P P P(11) P C P P S(12) P(4) S(12) P(2) Automobile, aircraft, motorcycle, boat and P P P recreational vehicles sales (retail) Automotive, aircraft, motorcycle and marine P P P P(13) P(13) P(5) P(2) accessories (retail) (13) Gasoline service stations S(6) S(6) S(6) $(6) S(6) S(6) S(6) S(6) S(6) C Apparel and accessories (retail) P P(11) P C P P A(8) P(2) Furniture, home furnishing (retail) P p(11) P C I P P P(2) Eating and drinking establishments (no P P P(11) P P P P P (15) P P P(5) P(2) drive-through) Eating and drinking establishments (with S(6) C(7) P S(6) P P drive-through) (2,3)1 Eating facilities for employees A A A A Planned Development Retail Sales C(14) Miscellaneous retail: Drugs, antiques, P P P(11) P C P P (15) A(8) P(2) books, sporting goods, Jewelry, florist, photo supplies, video rental, computer supplies, etc. Liquor store P P P(11) P C P P P P(2) Farm supplies, hay, grain, feed, fencing, etc. p C P P (retail) Nurseries, green houses, garden supplies, P C P P tools, etc. Pet shops (retail and grooming) C P P P(2) Computers and electronics (retail) P C P P P I P(2) Hotels and motels P(11) P C P P P P Complexes which Include combinations of p P P uses, including a mixture of office, fight manufacturing, storage and commercial uses Outdoor Storage (including truck, heavy P P A A A A A P equipment and contractor storage yards as allowed by Development Standards Sections 15.04.190 815 04.210) Accessory uses and buildings customarily A A A(9) A A A A A A A_ A A A (17) (17) A(10) A76) (16) (16 A A A A A (18) appurtenant to a permitted use [A--FI—A(16)A­(16) 11 SECTION 8. Chapter 15.04.090 of the Kent City Code is hereby amended by adding two (2) new zoning districts, multifamily residential townhouse "MR - T12" and multifamily residential townhouse "MR -T16" as follows: 18 Townhouse Zoning Sec. 15.04.090. Service Land Uses. ZoningDistricts Key P = Principally Permitted Uses S = Special Uses A L w C= Conditional Uses o o D o a E A=Accessory Uses c �' e w or N a a y a p a� pc � m '�—�''—' E �° E E LD c _W E _J c= c � N aci -L3 10 ani c ¢ % E E tY c a U E E E E E o E o m m ? E aci O a c cEo u. m � LL d� w m c O E c o a� o x o £o U V c c 3 c 3 _g o m E rn Q m a> io v > c U x ;� >> o a 30 0 o (1) E 0)) E _U - S c_ m U N o Im c c C in c Ol c �- m 'O a� L rn a L rn E c C 3 c 3 E E o S rn S rn 7 $? a) p� (Y N h Cn N t] N c0 _ Z O 0 O C) 0 N -=O 'D C NCD g Z U 8 o o U U R g cocoW vol WCO Uv' O CD Finance, insurance, real estate services P P(1) P P P P P P P P(2) P(3) (12) Personal services: Laundry; dry cleaning; P P P(12 P P P C P(10 P(10 P(2) P(3) barber; salons; shoe repair; launderettes (10) Mortuaries P(12 P P C P(3) Home day care P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Day care center C C C C C C C C P P P P P P P P P p p p p p p p p p p p p p Business services, duplicating and blue P(12 P P P P P P P P(2) P(3) printing, travel agencies and employment agencies Building maintenance and pest control P P P P P p(2) Outdoor Storage (including truck, heavy P P A A A A A P equipment and contractor storage yards as allowed by Development Standards Sections 15.04.190 & 15.04.210) Rental and leasing services for cars, P P P P P P(2) trucks, trailers, furniture and tools Auto repair and washing servicesC P P P P C(5) (including body work) Repair services: Watch, TV, electrical; P (12) P p p P P P(2) P(3) electronic; upholstery Professional services: Medical; clinicsP P P P P P P P(2) P(3) and other health care related services Heavy Equipment and Truck Repair P P P C P Contract Construction Service Offices: (16 P P P(16(16 (17)P(17 P(2) P P(3) Building construction; plumbing; paving IP (17) and landscaping I Educational Services: vocational; trade; P p P P P P P P(2) P(3) art; music; dancing; barber and beauty I Churches S(4) S(4) S(4) S(4) S(4) S(4)IS(4)IS(4) S(4) SPI S(4) S(4) S(4) S(4) S(4) I S(4) S(4) S(4) S(4) S(4) Administrative and professional offices — P P(12 P P C P P P P P P(2) P(3) general I I Municipal uses and buildings P(13)P(13) P P P(13)P(13 P(13 P(13 P(13 (13 (13)P(2) P(13 P(13 (13) Research, development and testing P P P P P P(2) P(14 Planned Development Retail Sales C(6) Accessory uses and buildings A A A(7) A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A customarily appurtenant to a permitted (18) (18) (19) (19) (18) (18) (18) (15) use Boarding kennels and breeding C C C establishments Veterinary clinics and veterinary hospitals I C P(8) P(9) I P(9) P(8) C I I I P(11 Administrative or executive offices which P P P P P are part of a predominant industrial operation. Offices Incidental and necessary to the A A A A A conduct of a principally permitted use SECTION 9. Chapter 15.04.110 of the Kent City Code is hereby amended by adding two (2) new zoning districts, multifamily residential townhouse "MR - T12" and multifamily residential townhouse "MR -T16" as follows: 20 Townhouse Zoning Sec. 15.04.110. Cultural, Entertainment and Recreation Land Uses. Zoning Districts Key P = Principally Permitted Uses S = Special Uses C = Conditional Uses 'o o' Eo A = Accessory Uses _ 3o m c to m _'M v m —cc m 'M v a`3 iu c a� m c to E �° m E 00 a o E y m w m 2 � m P > > N c rn 2 Z. W [r � :y' = a U E E E E c m L E � �o E E m E E E E c y y to E c o o U E o o U o U m m E c5i c � t` 1O _ � y E o a c to m c> m � so x m E a 0 c 0 E c °� o = o U c c 3 c g m aEi E U rn ¢ cc a m > c > c U n V VJ Of Cf C co c_ d� O) c_ 0• > g a> E m > 'O a> 0 L rn_ ' a M M rn E E 3 S c S c 3 S c 3 E E E E �6 '� N to Q p) ¢ d' N u to to 0 N t0 U' 2 r2 Z O O 0 O U U a� N y C7 m_ O .o C ami C N M °� 0 H F W U of W 2 W2 d U U U U 0 U W U M J N U N M Q ¢ Cn N U U h h ^2 Z U 0 0 0 U U U 0 (, Performing and cultural arts uses, such P(3) P P P P P P P(1) as art galleries and studios Historic and monument sites P P Public assembly (indoor): sports facilities; P p P P P(2) P(2) P(2) P(1) arenas; auditoriums and exhibition halls, bowling alleys, dart playing facilities, C(6) skating rinks, community clubs; athletic clubs; recreation centers; theaters (excluding school facilities) Public assembly (outdoor): Fairgrounds P P and amusement parks; tennis courts; athletic fields; miniature golf, go-cart tracks; drive-in theaters; etc. Open space use: Cemeteries, parks, C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C P(6) P(6) P(6) C (7) C C C C C C C playgrounds, golf courses and other C C C C C recreation facilities, including buildings or JP(7) I I structures associated therewith. Employee recreation areas A A A A Private clubs, fraternal lodges, etc. C C C C C C C C C CC C C C C C C C C C C P(5) C C C C C C P(5) C C Recreational vehicle parks C P Accessory uses and buildings A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A(4) customarily appurtenant to a permitted use buildings in MHP TFRecreational I A J� SECTION 10. Chapter 15.04.130 of the Kent City Code is hereby amended by adding two (2) new zoning districts, multifamily residential townhouse "MR - T 12" and multifamily residential townhouse "MR -T 16" as follows: 22 Townhouse Zoning Sec. 15.04.130. Resource Land Uses. Zoning Districts Ley P = Principally Permitted Uses S = Special Uses (D a) P C = Conditional Uses o 'o o E A=Accessory Uses 3 3 Ba a m E� 0EL �O -2 N y w J c N N a aa H v W p v a v N > > > E U a) ffi - = c v ) a� a W W � w —� c y E E E E c A U 23 E aTi aci ¢ y n E Cr > �, e., — c y y a a> U o E E U m � E .? m S 5,� o _ 0 a E m E m LL E m E m 5 E m E °' m 0 o US c E o£ o v U c U c m m '�i E o c o, Q m a_ > > v v L° c LL U a� LL K P c > E ? S a� c c 3 3 3 g a) E of U `° 3 v� c N c c o co miia U' rn = .R� m E E c 3 3 0 3 o E U p m c �_ v.Si > > c o 4? ani c m iv W CO N to C? V 05 cq 0 C9 O _N F--, F- C7 2 = a Z U o V 0 O 0 W g 7 C) N m ` v c v c (� E J a) 0 (� Q Q Cq N C/I N N 0 Z U 0 0 0 U U 0 Agricultural uses (Including wholesale P P P P nurseries and greenhouses) Crop and tree farming P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Storage, manufacturing, processing and P P conversion of agricultural products (not including slaughtering or meat packing) Accessory uses and buildings A A A(1) A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A customarily appurtenant to a permitted use Roadside stands A(3) I A(2) 13 SECTION 11. Chapter 15.04.170 of the Kent City Code is hereby amended by adding two (2) new zoning districts, multifamily residential townhouse "MR - T12" and multifamily residential townhouse "MR -T16" as follows: 24 Townhouse Zoning Sec. 15.04.170. Agricultural and Residential Zone Development Standards. Zoning Districts 01 N C C 00 O C O c � y •�� C Opy L10 iu m m m 4 m m E a C a c v O c -o c -e a`3 T r' v W,a v Z, m E U _ a3 a`3 2-1' a� 2 m d N Q a - m _z+ m 4- m m M E 0 .� e� o co c ti LLi? ED Urw 0z > j epi O a X CO c c CD CO c u, LO U N m cEc c� epi M _ c 2 a N M sr <4 °q o = a SF Duplex SF QgRk MF SF Duolex MF SF Duplex MF SF Duplex MF SF Duplex MF Maximum 7 1 2.18 3.634 53 6 05 8 71 8.71 871 12.0 8 71 16.0 8.71 16 8.71 23 8.71 40 density: dwelling dulac du/ac usla duslac usla us/ac duslac duslac duslac Iduslacdust% duslac dust dus/ac duslac dusla duslac duslac units per acre Minimum lot 34,700 1 ac 34,700 16,000 9,600 7,600 5,700 4,000 4,000 8,000 4.000 8000 5001 4000 8,,040 8,5001 4,000 8,000 8,5001 4,000 8,000 8,5001 4,000 8,000 8,5001 area: square feet sqft sq ft sq ft sq ft sq ft sq k sq k sq ft sq ft sg ft33,500 sift 33,500 sq ft sq ft 2,500 sq ft sq ft 1,600 sq ft sq k 900 sq or acres, as aft s9 sq ft. sq ft It (3) noted L! 121 1 1 (1) 1 1(2) Minimum lot 6o ft 60 ft 50 It 50 It 50 ft 50 ft 4o ft 40 ft 80 ft 4Lft 80 k 00 it 40 It 80 ft soft 40 ft loft 11ft 4011 loft 80ft 40 ft soft loft width: feet (4) Maximum site 30% 50% 30% 30% 45% 45% 50% 55% 55% 40% 55% 44 45% 557. 40% 45% 55% 40% 45% 55% 40% 45% 55% 40% 50% coverage: (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) OJ (� L1 L1 !J (M (5) (5) 1 (5) (5) (5) (5) percent of site Minimum yard (22) requirements: feet Front yard 20 it 3011 2011 loft loft loft loft loft loft loft loft loft 20ft loft 10@ 2011 loft loft 20ft loft loft 20ft loft loft 20ft (e) (7) (6) (e) 161 lel 161 (e) 161 161 li li 16) U6 l6) (e) (6) (6) (6) (6) (8) (8) (8) (8) (8) (8) (8) L) L 18) U (8) (8) (8) (8) (6) (8) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) L) U Ll Ll (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) Side yard 15ft (10) 15ft 5 f 5 I 511 5 f 5 f 5 f 5 f 5 I 5ft IJ Eft 5ft (J 5 I 5 I (11) 5 i 5 I (11) 5 i 5 i (11) Side yard on 20ft 20ft loft loft left loft loft left loft loft 1011 7511 left loft L left loft 15ft left loft 1511 10A loft 15ft Flanking street (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) 1% L) L) Ll (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) of a comer lot Rear yard loft 15ft 5ft 5 i 5ft 5 i 5 I 5ft 8 i 5 i eft loft 5ft Eft 20 it 5 i 8 I 20 It 5 i 811 20ft 5 I 8 f 20ft Additional (12) (13) (12) j14) (14) (14) (14) (14) setbacks/dist% 1?51 Ll (15) (15) (15) nces between buildings Height limitation: 25 2 stry/ 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 25 2.5stryl 2_5 2 A/ 3 at,/ 2_5 2 stryl 3 strut 2.5 2.5 stryl 3 stryt 2.5 stryl 2.5 stryl 3 stryl 2.5 2.5 stryl 4 stryl in stories/not to stry/ 35 ft stryl stry/ stryl stryl stryl stry/ stryl 35 ft > 30 ft 30 it strv/ 30 ft 30 ft stryl 35 ft 40 ft 30 ft 35 ft 40 ft stryl 35 ft 50 ft exceed in feet 35ft (17) 35 ft 35 ft 35 ft 35 ft 35 ft 3011 30 k 90 ft 30 it 30 it 30 It (16) (18) Maximum 40% 40% 40% 50% 60% 170% 75% 75% 70% 75% 70% 70% 75% 70% 70% 75% 70% 75% 70% 75% 70% Impervious (19) (19) (23) (23) (23) (23) (23) (19) (19) 19 IJ (19) (19) j191 (19) (19) (19) (19) (19) (19) (19) surface: percent of total parcel area Zero lot line and The provisions in Sections 15.08.300, 310, 320, and 330 shall apply. clustering (24) Signs The sign regulations of Chapter 15.06 shall apply. Offstreet parking The off-street parking requirements of Chapter 15.05 shall apply Landscaping The landscaping requirements of Chapter 15.07 shall apply Multifamily U 25 (25) (25) (25) Transition Area (26) Multifamily J—M(26) (26) (26) (26) design review FT I Additional Additional standards for specific uses are contained in Chapter 15.08 and Chapter 15.09. standards (20) (20) (28) (28) (21) 129J (J 25 SECTION 12. Chapter 15.04.180 of the Kent City Code is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 15.04.180. Agricultural and Residential Land Use Development Standard Conditions. 1. Minimum lot area is eight thousand five hundred (8,500) square feet for the first two (2) dwelling units, and two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet for each additional dwelling unit. 2. Minimum lot area is eight thousand five hundred (8,500) square feet for the first two (2) dwelling units, and one thousand six hundred (1,600) square feet for each additional dwelling unit. 3. Minimum lot area is eight thousand five hundred (8,500) square feet for the first two (2) dwelling units, and nine hundred (900) square feet for each additional dwelling unit. 4. To determine minimum lot width for irregular lots, a circle of applicable diameter (the minimum lot width permitted) shall be scaled within the proposed boundaries of the lot, provided that an access easement to another lot is not included within the circle. 5. Interior yards shall not be computed as part of the site coverage. 6. Porches and private shared courtyard features may be built within the front building set back line. 7. For properties abutting on West Valley Highway, the frontage on West Valley Highway shall be considered the front yard. 8. Proposed front yards less than twenty (20) feet in depth are subject to approval by the planning director, based on review and recommendation from the public works department relative to the existing and future traffic volumes and right-of-way requirements as specified in the city comprehensive transportation plan and city construction standards. 9. At least twenty (20) linear feet of driveway shall be provided between any garage, carport or other primary parking area and the street property line with the 26 Townhouse Zoning exception of an alley property line. 10. An aggregate side yard of thirty (30) feet shall be provided. A minimum of ten (10) feet shall be provided for each side yard. On a corner lot the side yard setback shall be a minimum of twenty (20) feet from the property line. 11. Each side yard shall be a minimum of ten (10) percent of the lot width; however, regardless of lot width, the yard width need not be more than thirty (30) feet. 12. Structures for feeding, housing and care of animals, except household pets, shall be set back fifty (50) feet from any property line. 13. Additional setbacks for the Agriculture General AG zoning district. a. Structures for feeding, housing and care of animals shall be set back fifty (50) feet from any property line. b. Transitional conditions shall exist when an AG district adjoins a residential district containing a density of two (2) dwelling units or more per acre or a proposed residential area indicated on the city comprehensive plan. Such transitional conditions shall not exist where the separation includes an intervening use such as a river, railroad main line, major topographic differential or other similar conditions, or where the industrial properties face on a limited access surface street on which the housing does not face. When transitional conditions exist as defined in this subsection, a yard of not less than fifty (50) feet shall provided. C. Setbacks, Green River. Industrial development in the AG district abutting the Green River, or Russell Road or Frager Road where such roads follow the river bank, shall be set back from the ordinary high-water mark of the river a minimum of two hundred (200) feet. Such setbacks are in accordance with the city comprehensive plan and in accordance with the high quality of site development typically required for the industrial park areas of the city and in accordance with the state Shoreline Management Act of 1971, and shall be no more restrictive than, but as restrictive as, the Shoreline Management Act. 27 Townhouse Zoning 14. An inner court providing access to a double -row building shall be a minimum of twenty (20) feet. 15. The distance between principal buildings shall be at least one-half the sum of the height of both buildings; provided, however, that in no case shall the distance be less than twelve (12) feet. This requirement shall also apply to portions of the same building separated from each other by a court or other open space. 16. The height limitations shall not apply to barns and silos provided that they are not located within fifty (50) feet of any lot line. 17. Beyond this height, to a height not greater than either four (4) stories or sixty (60) feet, there shall be added one (1) additional foot of yard for each additional foot of building height. 18. The planning director shall be authorized to approve a height greater than four (4) stories or sixty (60) feet, provided such height does not detract from the continuity of the area. When a request is made to exceed the building height limit, the planning director may impose such conditions, within a reasonable amount of time, as may be necessary to reduce any incompatibilities with surrounding uses. 19. Except for lots used for agricultural practices, the maximum impervious surface area allowed shall be ten thousand (10,000) square feet when the lot is greater than one (1) acre. 20. The following uses are prohibited: a. The removal of topsoil for any purpose. b. Grade and fill operations, provided that limited grade and fill may be approved as needed to construct permitted buildings or structures. C. All subsurface activities, including excavation for underground utilities, pipelines or other underground installations, that cause permanent disruption of the surface of the land. Temporarily disrupted soil surfaces shall be restored in a manner consistent with agricultural uses. d. Dumping or storage of nonagricultural solid or liquid waste, or of trash, rubbish or noxious materials. 28 Townhouse Zoning e. Activities that violate sound agricultural soil and water conservation management practices. 21. Outdoor storage for industrial uses shall be located at the rear of a principally permitted structure and shall be completely fenced. 22. Mobile home park combining district, MHP. The standards and procedures of the city mobile home park code shall apply. General requirements and standards for mobile home park design, 12.04.520; mobile home parks, Ch. 12.05. 23. Except for lots used for agricultural practices, the maximum impervious surface area allowed shall be ten thousand (10,000) square feet. 24. Minimum lot width, building setbacks, and minimum lot size regulations may be modified consistent with provisions for zero lot line and clustering housing development. 25. The requirements of section 15.08.215 shall apply in any multifamily transition area, which includes any portion of a multifamily district within one hundred (100) feet of a single-family district or within one hundred (100) feet of a public street right-of-way. 26. The requirements of section 15.09.047 for multifamily design review shall apply to any multifamily dwelling of three (3) or more units. 27. Minimum lot area is eight thousand five hundred (8,500) square feet for the first two (2) dwelling units, and three thousand five hundred (3,500)sic uare fee for each additional dwelling unit. 28. The followingzoning is required to be in existence on the entire property to be rezoned at the time of application of a rezone to an MR -T zone: SR -8, MRD, MRG, MRM, MRH, O, O -MU, NCC, CC, GC, DC or DCE. 29. All multifamily townhouse developments in the MR -T zone shall be condominiums only. A condominium plat shall be filed and recorded pursuant to Ch. 64.32 RCW prior to approval of a development permit by the City. 29 Townhouse Zoning SECTION 13. Section 15.07.060 of the Kent City Code is hereby amended by amending Subsection 15.07.060(D) as follows: Sec. 15.07.060. Regulations for specific districts. Landscaping regulations for specific zoning districts are as follows: A. Residential agricultural, RA. None. B. Single-family residential, SR None. C. Duplex multifamily residential, MR -D. None. D. Low density multifamily residential, MR -G. Multi ami y residential townhouse, MR - Medium density multifamily residential, MR -M. High density multifamily residential, MR -H 1. A minimum of ten (10) feet of landscaping shall be provided abutting a public right-of-way. 2. Open green area shall occupy no less than twenty-five (25) percent of the area of the lot. 3. The side and rear perimeters of properties shall be landscaped to a minimum depth of ten (10) feet. 4. A minimum of five (5) feet of foundation landscaping shall be placed along the perimeter of any multifamily structure. Foundation landscaping consists of shrubbery or some other combination of landscape materials that helps to reduce the visual bulk of structures and buffer dwelling units from light, glare and other environmental intrusions. E. Mobile home park combining district, MHP. Requirements shall be per the mobile home park code. F. Neighborhood convenience commercial, NCC Community commercial, CC. Commercial manufacturing, CM. General commercial, GC. Professional and office district, O 30 Townhouse Zoning 1. The perimeter of property abutting a residential district shall be landscaped to a minimum depth of ten (10) feet. 2. A planting strip not less than five (5) feet in depth shall be provided along all property lines abutting public rights-of-way. G. Downtown commercial, DC. 1. A minimum of three (3) feet of landscaping to screen off-street parking areas, placement of which shall be determined through the downtown design review process outlined in section 15.09.048. 2. Street trees in accordance with the official tree plan shall be planted. H. Downtown commercial enterprise, DCE Downtown limited manufacturing, DLM. 1. The perimeter of properties abutting a residential district shall be landscaped to a minimum depth of ten (10) feet. 2. A minimum of three (3) feet of landscaping to screen off-street parking areas, placement of which shall be determined through the downtown design review process outlined in section 15.09.048. 3. Street trees in accordance with the official tree plan shall be planted. I. Industrial agricultural, MA (industrial uses) Industrialpark district, M1. 1. Front yard. The front twenty (20) feet shall be improved with appropriate permanently maintained landscaping. 2. Side yard. At least fifteen (15) feet of the side yard shall be landscaped as provided in subsection I.1. of this section. J. Limited industrial district, M2. 1. Front yard. The front fifteen (15) feet shall be improved with appropriate permanently maintained landscaping. 2. Side yard. At least ten (10) feet of the side yard shall be landscaped as provided in subsection J.1. of this section. 31 Townhouse Zoning K. General industrial district, M3. 1. Front yard. The front ten (10) feet shall be improved with appropriate permanently maintained landscaping. 2. Side yard. At least five (5) feet of the side yard shall be landscaped as provided in subsection K.1. of this section. L. Gateway commercial district, GWC. 1. Additional landscaping requirements. Landscaping requirements shall include the following: a. Where buildings abut the required front yard, a landscape strip at least fifteen (15) feet in depth shall be provided. Where vehicular parking areas abut the required front yard, a landscape strip at least twenty (20) feet in depth, with an earth berm at least thirty-six (36) inches in height, shall be provided. b. A landscape strip at least five (5) feet in depth shall be provided along the side property lines of all independent development sites. No landscaping along the side property lines shall be required between adjacent properties where a common, shared driveway with a perpetual cross -access easement is provided to serve the adjoining properties. Where the side property line of a commercial use abuts a residential district, a landscape strip at least ten (10) feet in depth shall be provided. C. A landscape strip of at least fifteen (15) feet in depth shall be provided along side property lines flanking the street of a corner lot. Where vehicular parking areas abut the required side yard, an earth berm at least twenty-four (24) inches in height shall be provided. d. A landscape strip of at least five (5) feet in depth shall be provided along all rear property lines. Where the rear property line of a commercial use abuts a residential use, a landscape strip of at least 32 Townhouse Zoning ten (10) feet in depth shall be provided. SECTION 14. Section 15.09.050 of the Kent City Code is hereby amended by adding a new subsection (F) as follows: Sec. 15.09.050. Amendments. This title may be amended by the city council by changing the boundaries of zoning districts (rezones which change the official zoning map) or by changing any other provisions thereof (text amendments which add, delete or otherwise modify the text of this title) whenever the public necessity and convenience and the general welfare require such amendment, by following the procedures of this section. A. Initiation. An amendment may be initiated as follows: 1. Amendments to the text of this title and official zoning map amendments may be initiated by resolution of intention by the city council. Text amendments are heard by the Land Use and Planning Board and city council; zoning map amendments are heard by the hearing examiner. In the case of area -wide zoning or rezoning, both text amendments and zoning map amendments may be heard by the Land Use and Planning Board and city council in accordance with Ch. 12.01 KCC. 2. Amendments to the text of this title may be initiated by resolution of intention by the Land Use and Planning Board. 3. Official zoning map amendments (rezones), including the application of the "C" suffix, may be initiated by application of one (1) or more owners, or their agents, of the property affected by the proposed amendment, which shall be made on a form prescribed by the planning department and filed with the planning department. The application shall be submitted in the manner required for Process IV applications. The hearing examiner shall consider the application in an open record pre -decision hearing in accordance with Ch. 2.32 and Ch. 12.01 KCC. B. Public hearing. The hearing examiner shall hold an open record pre -decision hearing on any proposed amendment, and shall give notice thereof in accordance with the requirements of Ch. 12.01 KCC. 33 Townhouse Zoning C. Standards and criteria for granting a request for rezone. The following standards and criteria shall be used by the hearing examiner and city council to evaluate a request for rezone. Such an amendment shall only be granted if the city council determines that the request is consistent with these standards and criteria and subject to the requirements of Ch. 12.01 KCC. 1. The proposed rezone is consistent with the comprehensive plan. 2. The proposed rezone and subsequent development of the site would be compatible with development in the vicinity. 3. The proposed rezone will not unduly burden the transportation system in the vicinity of the property with significant adverse impacts which cannot be mitigated. 4. Circumstances have changed substantially since the establishment of the current zoning district to warrant the proposed rezone. 5. The proposed rezone will not adversely affect the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the city. D. Rezoning to MI -C. The hearing examiner and the city council shall use the standards and criteria provided in subsection (C) of this section to evaluate a request for rezone to M1 -C. In addition, the hearing examiner and city council shall evaluate a request for MI -C on the basis of the following standards and criteria. Such an amendment shall only be granted if the city council determines the request is consistent with these standards and criteria and subject to the requirements of Ch. 12.01 KCC. 1. The proposed rezone is in close proximity or contiguous to major arterial intersections identified on the comprehensive plan map as being appropriate locations for commercial type land uses. 2. Rezoning to M1 -C shall not be speculative in nature, but shall be based on generalized development plans and uses. E. Rezone to mixed use overlay. The hearing examiner and the city council shall use the standards and criteria provided in subsection (C). of this section to evaluate 34 Townhouse Zoning a request for expanding the boundaries of the mixed use overlay boundary which is located in the GC, CC, and O zoning districts. In addition, the hearing examiner and city council shall evaluate a request for expanding the mixed use overlay on the basis of the following standards and criteria. Such an amendment shall only be granted if the city council determines the request is consistent with these standards and criteria and subject to the requirements of Ch. 12.01 KCC. 1. The proposed rezone is contiguous to an existing mixed use overlay area, or is at least one (1) acre in size. 2. The proposed area is located within close proximity to existing residential uses and existing commercial uses which would support residential use. 3. The proposed area is located in close proximity to transit stops, parks, and community facilities. F. Rezoning to MR -T. The hearing examiner and the city council shall use the standards and criteria provided in subsection (C). of this section to evaluate a request for rezone to MR -T. In addition, the hearing examiner and city council shall evaluate a request for MR -T on the basis of the following standards and criteria. Such an amendment shall only be granted if the city council determines the request is consistent with these standards and criteria and subject to the requirements of Ch. 12.01 KCC. 1. The proposed rezone site is adjacent to or has convenient access to an arterial street to ensure that the traffic accessing the MM -T development minimizes the disruption to single family residential neighborhoods. F-. G. Recommendation of hearing examiner. Following the public hearing provided for in this section, the hearing examiner shall make a report of findings and recommendations with respect to the proposed amendment and shall forward such to the city council, which shall have the final authority to act on the amendment. G.H. City council action/appeal. 1. The city council shall, at a regular public meeting, consider the recommendation and issue a final decision. The decision of the city 35 Townhouse Zoning council is appealable to the King County Superior Court within twenty- one (21) calendar days from the issuance of a notice of decision and in accordance with the requirements of Ch. 12.01 KCC and Ch. 36.700U RCW. 2. If the application for an amendment is denied by the city council, the application shall not be eligible for resubmittal for one (1) year from date of the denial, unless specifically stated to be without prejudice. A new application affecting the same property may be submitted if, in the opinion of the hearing examiner, circumstances affecting the application have changed substantially. SECTION IS. Severability. If any one or more sections, subsections, or sentences of this Ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 16. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after the ATTEST: by law. BRENDA JACOBERI TY LERK 36 Townhouse Zoning APPROVED AS TO FORM: A. LUBOVICH, CI PASSED: /�7 day of '1999. APPROVED: .17 day of , 1999. PUBLISHED: OW day of '1999. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. BRENDA JACOB , TY CLERK P \Cml\Ordmance\townhousewnmg-revise doc 37 Townhouse Zoning