HomeMy WebLinkAbout2370AM •INMIJ (Amending or Repealing Ordinances) CFN=599 — Water System Plan Amendments Passed - 11/1/1982 Water Services — Amending & Adding Secs to KCC Ch. 7.06 and repealing Ords. 1776;1953;1961;2107;2109;2235;2298 Amended by Ord. 3486 (Sec 7.02.160 {formerly 7.06.400(3)1 and Sec. 7.Q2.300 {formerly 7.06.860}) Readopting, re-enacting, ratifying and confirming rates & fees by Ord. 3534 Amended by Ords. 3627;3679;3864 Amended by Ord 3901 (Sec. 7.02.160) Amended by Ord. 3960 (Sec. 7.02.160) Amended by Ord. 4019 (Sec. 7.02.160;7.02.170) ORDINANCE N0. 0 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington, relating to water services; amend- ing, and adding sections to, Chapter 7.06 Kent City Code; fixing, regulating and controlling the use and price of water supplied by the City of Kent; providing for penalties for violations of the code provisions; repealing Ordinances 1776, 1953, 1961, 2107, 2109, 2235 and 2298. �1D THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO // ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: C, gg-q follows: Section 1. Chapter 7.06 Kent City Code is amended as "7.06.040. Water Sold To Be Metered. Cg` usage)) All water of the water utility of the City of Kent shall be sold by use of a water meter that measures the amount of water used by a consumer((; ON^ept } _} -water- sed r—G9nR,&med--by- i-e— City of Kent in its governmental GapaGity need not be mete ))• "7.06.080. Rates for Water Connection. The City Council may from time to time fix rates to be paid by a consumer for water procured from the water utility ((PepaF Tcn})) of the City of Kent, and for the amount of cost to be charged to and paid by the applicant for a water connection to a water main including the water meters. Water connection shall be of various sizes as herein specified. All water connections and water meters shall be installed by the water utility ((DegaF-me )) of the City of Kent or by a contractor approved by the Superintendent of Utilities. All connections shall be made under the supervision of the Superintendent of Utilities or his authorized representative and shall meet or exceed the standards and specifications approved by the Superintendent of Utilities. "7.06.120. Using Water in Excess of Meter Capacity. The water utility ((Dopartme^+)) will not install a water meter on a service which demands water in excess of the rated capacity of the meter. The water utility ((DepaEtme ►)) of the City of Kent shall have the right to discontinue water service to any consumer when the demand of the service exceeds the following meter capa- cit((y-))ies: ((_.g fool ;o )): 5/8 inch x 3/4 inch meter 20 gallons per minute 3/4 inch meter 30 gallons per minute 1 inch meter 50 gallons per minute 1-1/2 inch meter 100 gallons per minute 2 inch meter 160 gallons per minute 3 inch meter 300 gallons per minute 4 inch meter 500 gallons per minute "7.06.160. Maintenance of Water System. All tanks, reservoirs, water meters, water mains, pipe, couplings, shut-off valves, stop cocks and every other kind of equipment or material in use or in place as a part of the water system of the City of Kent and ((which ='"e)) located in any street, alley, City park, City property, or in any easement or franchise belonging to the City of Kent, or located upon private property from a water main of the water system to and including the water meter, are the property of the City of Kent and are subject to the exclusive control and regulations of the City. All pipe and connections from the water meter to the premises and/or building served by City water are the property and the sole responsibility of the owner or lessee of the premises or building. "7.06.200. Right of Entry - Shutting Off Water. Employees of the water utility or Finance Department of the City of Kent when in the course of their employment shall have the right to go upon private property to read, inspect, repair, install, or remove a water meter, or to inspect, repair or remove any connection between ((€F9fR)) the water main to and including the water meter, or to shut-off a water service. A water meter may be removed from the premises for purpose of inspection or repair, or when a water service has been abandoned or not paid for, or when a bill for consumed water or sewer service is not paid. "7.06.240. Separate Meters Required - Exceptions. Except as hereafter provided, each separate building occupied as a dwelling or as a place of business must have a separate water service and water meter. Where the applicant desires to have two or more service pipes on the same premises, he shall so state in his application for a water connection, and separate service pipes shall be run with individual stop cocks to each water meter. PROVIDED, that each mobile home park and each condominium may be served by one water meter; PROVIDED FURTHER, that the City Council may enter into agreements with commercial and industrial users to allow more than one building to be served by a single meter. "7.06.280. Existing Service to More than One Building. At the time of the adoption of this chapter where more than one building is served through one meter, the consumption of water for each billing period shall be divided by the number of buildings so served and the charge will then be calculated as if each building were a separate account. "7.06.320. Connection with Other Water Supply. (1) No service connection shall be allowed from the City mains to any premises supplied by water from any other source, unless special permission is given by the ((Watef)) Superintendent of Utilities, which special permission may be terminated at any time if in the judgment of the ((Water)) Superintendent of Utilities the public interest so requires. (2) No cross connection shall be made or maintained between any City service connection and pipe supplying water from any other source unless the water supplied from the other source, by tests by the State of Washington Board of Health, is shown to conform with the United States Bacteriological Standard for drink- ing water. Said tests must be made by a professional testor and submitted to the City at least once each month. "7.06.360. Outside of City Limits Connections. (1) Whenever any one or more persons outside the limits of the City of Kent, not already furnished with water by the City, shall desire said system to be extended, such person or persons shall apply to the City Council to have such water service so extended. Such application shall designate the premises to be supplied and the number of services desired. Should a permit be granted by the City Council, the applicants shall, at their own expense, install all necessary mains or pipes in accordance with the requirements of the ((the Department Of PUb1ie Health)) City Engineer and the Comprehensive Water Plan of the City of Kent. All regulations concerning the size of service and meter shall apply. (2) Whenever any water district desires to purchase water from the City, it shall make application to the City Council and if accepted, install all mains and services in accordance with the rules and regulations of the City. An individual contract - 3 - will be negotiated for the purchase of water. Whenever any portion of a water district is annexed to the City of Kent, the ownership of the mains, meters and services shall become the property of the City of Kent in accordance with RCW 35.13.220. "7.06.400. Installation and Connection Charges Inside City Limits. (1) Any property owner within the City limits applying for a water service shall pay in full a tap charge plus a system development charge prior to issuance of the water service permit. The tap charge will include the cost of connection and laying of pipe from the City water main to the property line of the property to which service is desired, or at a distance of sixty (60) feet from the main toward such property line, whichever is shorter. The minimum tap charge so established for service installed by the water utility ((Dep rime )) is as follows: $275 for each 5/8 inch x 3/4 inch connection $325 for each 3/4 inch connection $350 for each 1 inch connection $600 for each 1-1/2 inch connection $800 for each 2 inch connection On any connection over two (2) inches, the minimum tap charge shall be the actual cost of the meter and installation, plus twenty-five percent. (2) In the event that the workload of the water utility ((DepaE"'^e'^})) as determined by the Superintendent of Utilities is such that the installation of the water connection would interfere with the proper operation and maintenance of the water system, the Superintendent of Utilities may require that the property owner employ a licensed contractor to make the connection and install the necesary line and materials except the water meter. All such water services shall meet or exceed the standards and specifica- tions approved by the Superintendent of Utilities. The minimum tap charge so established for this is as follows: $100 for each 5/8 inch x 3/4 inch connection $125 for each 3/4 inch connection $175 for each 1 inch connection $360 for 1-1/2 inch connection $500 for each 2 inch connection For any connection over two (2) inches, the service connection shall include the meter and as such the tap charge shall be $25.00. All such contractor installed connections shall be =M guaranteed by the contractor for a period of one (1) year. (3) The System Development charge is as follows: $550 for each meter less than 1 inch in size $979 for each meter 1 inch in size $2,200 for each meter 1-1/2 inch in size $3,910.50 for each meter 2 inch in size $8,800 for each meter 3 inch in size $15,642 for each meter 4 inch in size $24,442 for each meter 5 inch in size $35,200 for each meter 6 inch in size $62,579 for each meter 8 inch in size $97,779 for each meter 10 inch in size (4) In the event an undersized meter is installed, deduction will be allowed from the above charges, including system development charges, which will reflect the difference in cost between the undersized meter and the regular size meter. All service material (including water meter) will remain the property of the City. (5) If the tap is changed to one of a larger size, the cost and expense of such charge must be paid before the larger size tap is installed. (6) If it becomes necessary during the installation of said connection on a time and material basis to break and replace either concrete or blacktop paving, then in each instance an addi- tional charge shall be made to cover the cost of such repair. "7.06.440. Installation and Connection Charges Outside City. Any property owner outside the City limits applying for water service shall pay in full a tap charge plus a system development charge prior to the issuance of a water service permit. The minimum charge so established shall be the cost as established for inside City limits plus fifty percent, except the system development charge. Said system development charge shall be the same as for inside City limits. "7.06.480. Stop Cocks. All service pipes must come direct from the street main and shall be laid at such depth and at such point as the water ((Department €o rem )) utility maintenance supervisor shall designate. All stop cocks and connections thereto shall be maintained by and under the control of the water utility. "7.06.520. Turn On and Off Service by Water Utility Employees. No person except employees of the water utility or the Finance Department will be allowed to turn the water on or off at M'M the City's stop cock after the plumbing has been completed and the water turned on by the water utility (( aFtme )), except to repair the special stop and waste cock or the pipe between it and the City's stop cock. "7.06.560. Special Stop and Waste Cock. A special stop and waste cock with a key attached thereto shall be placed on the pipe leading from the City's stop cock outside of the building or inside if basement is available. No branch pipe, bibb or fixture of any kind shall be placed between this stop cock and the City's main. If this stop cock does not thoroughly drain all pipes throughout the premises, additional ones shall be placed in all sags, bends and traps that cannot otherwise be drained. If the service is to a business building adjacent to a City sidewalk, a valve type stop and waste cock in a cast iron valve box, with traffic type lid shall be installed near outside wall of the building. "7.06.600. Replacement - Permit Credit. If a property owner, lessee or occupant request a change in meter size and/or water line size, an application therefore shall be made to the City Engineer. The City Engineer shall review the application for compliance with KCC 7.06.120 Should the request result in an increase flow capability to the property then the charge for this service shall include the respective system development charge otherwise, the charge shall be limited to ((44")) a time and material basis. In all cases a credit on this charge will be made for the meter removed. This credit will be based on a depre- ciation schedule of twenty percent per year for the number of years the meter has been in service, with a minimum credit of two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50). No credit will be allowed for the valves, meter box, or pipe originally installed. Where a system development charge is included, a credit will also be given for that previously paid system development charge. "7.06.640. Connections from Stop Cock at Owner's Expense and Care. All pipes and connections from the City's adapter or coupling located on or near the property line or near the meter box shall be put in at the expense of the property owner, who shall be responsible for all damages resulting from leaks and breaks. "7.06.680. Plumber's Permit For Turn On and Off. No plumber or other person will be allowed to make connection with - 6 - the City mains or make alterations in conduit, pipe or other fixture connecting therewith, or to connect pipes when they have been disconnected, or to turn water off or on, upon any premises at the City's stop cock without a permit from the ((Water)) Superintendent of Utilities. "7.06.720. Water Turned On by Owner or Tenant Prohibited. Should the water be turned on to the premises by any one other than an employee of the water utility or the Finance Department after it has been turned off at City stop cock, it will be turned off again at the City stop cock and locked, and will not be turned on again until the charges as herein prescribed have been paid. Such charges will consist of the actual cost per hour, including overhead, of sending water utility employees to return service to the account, plus ((the nefmaz)) a fifteen dollar ($15.00) turn on charge. However, in no case will the charge be less than fifteen dollars ($15.00). 07.06.760. Vacant Premises - Water Supply. Should it be desired to discontinue the use of water supply to vacant premises for a period of not less than thirty (30) days, notice in writing must be given to the Finance Department; the water will then be turned off; and will be turned on again on written application at a charge of fifteen dollars ($15.00) for such turn -on. No remission of charges will be made for a lesser period than thirty (30) days or without receipt of notice by the Finance Department. "7.06.800. Size of Water Main. No water main shall be installed unless it is at least six (6) inches in diameter and is the size indicated in the Comprehensive Water Plan. "((7.06.-8 )) 7.06.820. Turning Off - Turning On - Charges. (1) For the purpose of paying the expense to the water utility or Finance Department, a charge as hereinafter set forth is hereby fixed and made to turn off or turn on the water service to any building for the making within the building of any inspection, repair, maintenance, enlargement, replacement, addition, or change in or to the water line or lines, or plumbing, or plumbing fixtures, or for the purpose of connecting any kind of machine, appliance, toilet and/or bath facilities, or any kind of plumbing in or to the water system located within the building when said building does not have stop and waste cock as required - 7 - in KCC 7.06.560. (2) The charge shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.00) if the turn off and turn on is done within a period of forty-eight (48) hours, which charge shall be first paid to the Finance Director ((city mFea-E�)) before any water service is turned off or turned on for any of the purposes set forth above. (3) If the turn off and turn on is not done within a period of forty-eight (48) hours, the charge is fifteen dollars ($15.00) to turn off the water service and fifteen dollars ($15.00) to turn on the service which charge shall be first paid to the ((Git? TEe ^r)) Finance Director before any water service is turned off or turned on for any of the purpose set forth above. 7.06.840. Prohibited Uses Listed. No person, firm or corporation shall: (1) Use water from the City water system for sprinkling or irrigating when requested by a police officer or fireman of the City of Kent to cease such use during a fire which the fire department is seeking to control; or when use of water for sprink- ling or irrigation is forbidden by the City Council; (2) Bathe in, fish in, or throw any substance into any reservoir or water tank or standpipe or into any pipe or connec- tion in the City water system, or upon the premises where any reservoir, water tank or standpipe is located; or (3) Obstruct the access to any fire hydrant, or place lumber, dirt, rubbish or other material upon public right-of-way or City owned property within twenty (20) feet of a fire hydrant; or to open or operate a fire hydrant except it be by a member of a fire department or employee of the City of Kent in pursuance of his employment or duty; or (4) Break or deface the seal of a water meter, or tamper with, damage, obstruct or alter a water meter in service; or (5) Make any connection with a water main, water pipe or fire hydrant for delivery of water from the City water system to a consumer without a permit from the water utility and a means of measuring the quantity of water taken prior to consumption; or (6) Turn on or turn off a water service at the water box or at any place between the water meter and the water main of the City water system (only an employee of the water utility or Finance Department is authorized to either turn on or turn off a water service); or (7) Interfere with, obstruct, or prevent free or safe access to any water meter or water service for purpose of reading, inspection, repair, removal, or installation, by any employee of the water utility or Finance Department in pursuit of his employment; or (8) Tamper with, destroy, break, or interfere with any part of the water system; or (9) Make, construct, buy, sell or in any way dispose of to any person any curb cock key or hydrant wrench that fits or may be used on any part of the City water system without permission of the ((Water)) Superintendent of Utilities of the City of Kent. "((7.06.92)) 7.06.860. Water Rates Within the City of Kent. (1) The monthly rate is one dollar and thirty-three cents ($1.33) per 100 cubic feet, plus a monthly demand charge for service and meter as follows. 5/8 inch x 3/4 inch 1.95 1 inch 2.15 1-1/2 inch 2.75 2 inch 3.30 3 inch 10.70 4 inch 12.65 6 inch 21.05 8 inch 28.02 10 inch 36.30 (2) For Lifeline qualified water service customers, the monthly rate is thirty-nine cents ($0.39) per 100 cubic feet plus a monthly demand charge for service and meter as set forth in KCC 7.06.860(l) ((ia ev a sly haF-et-a this seetien)) . (3) Eligibility criteria for Lifeline rate shall be as established by City Council. "( (7.06.96-)) 7.06.880. Water Rates Outside City of Kent. (1) '-he monthly rate is one dollar and sixty-three cents 1.63 per 100 cubic feet plus a monthly demand charge for service and meter as follows: 5/8 inch x 3/4 inch 1.95 1 inch 2.15 1-1/2 inch 2.75 2 inch 3.30 3 inch 10.70 4 inch 12.65 6 inch 21.05 8 inch 28.02 10 inch 36.30 (2) For lifeline qualified water service customers, the monthly rate is forty-eight cents ($0.48) per 100 cubic feet plus - 9 - a monthly demand charge for service and meter as set forth in KCC 7.06.880(1). (3) Eligibility criteria for Lifeline rate shall be as established by City Council. 7.06.900. Billing for Service. All bill- ing for water shall be ((fid-)) made to the nearest five (5) cents. "(()) 7.06.920. Charges When Meter is Out of Order. In the event a meter fails to register the amount of water used, the customer will be charged at the average rate of monthly consumption as shown by the meter when in order. -7.86.188)) 7.06.930. Request for Meter Check. (1) A customer may request a meter check. If it is found that said meter is registering less than or more than the requirements of the State of Washington for meter accuracy, no charge will be made. (2) If it is found that the meter is registering in accordance with State regulations, a charge of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) will be made. This charge will be added to the next water billing. "((7.66.1± )) 7.06.940. Fire Protection Service. (1) Pipes for fire protection purposes must be fitted up with such fixtures only as are needed for fire protection and such fixtures shall be sealed by the water utility (( )), and in no case shall such seal be broken, except in case of fire or by the Fire Chief for the purpose of testing the pipes, fixtures or hose. (2) When seals are broken in case of fire, it shall be the duty of the owner or tenant of the premises to notify the water utility within twenty-four (24) hours after its occurrence, and the said seal shall be replaced by the water utility ((B"rerrt— Me)). )) 7.06.950. Penalty for Violation. Any person, firm or corporation found guilty of violating this ordinance or any part thereof shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be subject to a fine not exceeding Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00). 7.06.960. Emergency Shut -Off Without Notice. (1) The water may at any time be shut off from the mains without notice, for repairs, extensions, or other necessary purposes and persons having boilers supplied by direct pressure - 10 - from the mains are cautioned against danger of explosion or collapse ((-r)). Where meters are in use, a safety valve shall be placed between the boiler on such service and the meter at the owner's expense, and he shall be held responsible to the City for any and all damages to meters caused by hot water. (2) The City will not be responsible for the safety of boilers or other fixtures on the premises of any water consumer." Section 2. A new section 7.06.460 is added to the Kent City Code as follows: "7.06.460. Temporary Water Meters. (1) When water service is required for a specific short-term duration, upon approval of the superintendent of utilities, a temporary water meter may be obtained from the water utility. (2) Such meters shall only be used for a designated project and shall be promptly returned to the water utility upon completion of the project or at the end of sixty (60) days, which- ever comes first. Said meters are to be returned in the same condition as when rented, and the user shall be held responsible for any damage thereto including paying all repair or replacement costs. While in the user's possession, the user shall be solely responsible for the meter and as such should it be lost or stolen, the user shall pay the Water Utility the cost of its replacement. (3) The Superintendent of Utilities shall require that a cash bond be deposited with the City prior to receipt of a temporary meter. The amount of said bond shall equal the replace- ment cost of the respective meter. Upon return of the meter, the payment of all outstanding charges including any meter repair or replacement costs, the cash bond shall be released back to the user. (4) Temporary meters may be moved from one hydrant to another within the same project provided the Water Utility is notified in advance of the proposed relocation and that hydrant wrenches are used to make all connections and disconnections. (5) The charge for water used through the temporary meter shall be at the rate of one dollar and thirty-three cents ($1.33) per 100 cubic feet, plus a meter charge as follows: Up to 1-1/2 inch $50 2 inch and larger $100 Payment thereof shall be made in full upon return of the meter. For meters lost and stolen, payment for water used shall be based r on an estimate made by the Superintendent of Utilities. Section 3. A new section 7.06.910 is added to the Kent City Code as follows: "7.06.910. Effective Date of Rates. The minimum rates set forth in KCC 7.06.860 and 7.06.880 shall be effective for water billed from and after the start of the next billing cycle. Section 4. Ordinances 1776, 1953, 1961, 2107, 2109, 2235 and 2298 are hereby repealed. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. ATTE S-I'B MARIE JENS CITY LERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: 2_� Q��? - P. STEPHEN iJULIO, CITY ITTORNEY PASSED the day of APPROVED the day of PUBLISHED the S day of .1 ISABEL HOGAN, MAYOR , 1982. , 1982. 1982. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. (SEAL) MARIE JEN N,CITY CLERK 3093-91A- 12 -