HomeMy WebLinkAbout239ORDINANCE No .__J'j� An ordinance of the City of Xent,providing for the improvement of Hazel Street,in the said City,by laying and building a wooden side walka,long the east side thereof,eomplying with the provsions and requirements of the ordinance of the said ci*y between the inter- sections of said Hazel Street with Smith Street and James Street, also constructing crossings at all intersecting streets,creating a loyal improvement district and providing for levying a special. assessment upon the property abutti-,,g on the east side of that pot - tion of the said Hazel street so to be improvOed. THF CITY COUP?CIL OF THP; CI'T'Y OF EENT DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Sectinn 1. That portion of Hazel Street exteJAing from its inter- section with James Street to its intersection with Smith Street in the City of xent,bjtall be tmprv@d by building and laying along the east side thereof,from its intsrseet�on with James Street to its intersection with Cedar Street,and from its intersection with the 0 alley to the south of lot 3 in block 3 of Sunnyside Addit;n to Kent to the north west -corner of lot 1 in block 1 of City View,an Addi- ticn to rent,a wooden side walk complying with the provisions and requirements of the ordinance of said city,and the construction of crossings at all street intersections,and alley Tntersecti ne with the said Ftazel street,between the sid Smith Street and James Street so as to make the side walk along the said Razel Street on the east side theeof,connected and continuous between the said Smith and. James Strer,ts;all of said work to be according to plans and speclM cations prepared by the City engineer,which are on file in the of- fice of the City clerk, -marked "Filed / O "and are hereby adopted as and for the plans and spe fications for the saidim- provement. An a.ssesrment shall re made and levied upon ill of the lots and parcels o�- land abutting upon the portion of said Hazel Street so }o be improved,ard lying on the east side thersof,and benefit— ted by the said improvement,as by law provided,for the payment of the c, st ,,.r,d expf-rise of said improveaenX. Section 2. There is hereby created a local improvement district to be known as "Local Improvement M strtbt No,110*,which shall in— clude all of the property abutting on the at side of that portion of said Ra.zel Street so to be improved,and benefitted by said Im- provement,to the distance back from the street line,where platted in blocks to the middle of the block,where platted in lots only to the middle of the lots and where not platted to the distance of one hundred tweEity feet,and the toil cost of said improvements shell be tied and assessed upon and against the property included in sant local improvement district. Section 3. Upon the taking effect of this ordinance the Vity 0 Clerk shall cause a notice to be published in three successive issu!?9 of the ^ity official newspaper,calling for rids or proposals for making the said improvement,and in said notice shallname a d=)te ,on or before which bids will be received by the city clerk for the making of said improvement,Which date shall be between the date of the last publication of said notice and the next meeting; of the City cci-Mell there,,fter;said bids shall name a price for m. -king said improvement,to be paid for in warrants drawn against tht loc 1 improvement fund of said local improvement district,and at the next regulr meeting of the City council tka=a.fter the date of the list publication of said notice,the council shall proceed to open and consider the bids received,and upon su^h consideratioon shall then or thereafter proceed to,act upon said bids,and if any bid be found that is satisfactory the contract for making said improvement shall be awarded to the person making such bid,but if no satisfactox bid be found,the co3Anctl may proceed to call again for bids,and procP,,d thereafter in the letting of the contract as in the first instance, Section 4. Upon the letting of the contract the City Clerk shall i 1 prepare .in assessment roll,charging up to the property in said local improvemPntl�district the total cost and expense of making such im— provement,a.ssessing each lot and parcel of land in said district according tr, the benfits derived,and as soon as such assessment roll Is prPpa.red shall publish a notice in the city official newspaper to the effect that the assessment roll for said loc(-.1 improvement district is prparel and on file in his office,and that the same will J be heard and ltermined by the City Council at a regular meeting trereof,the date of which meeting shall appear in said notice,and that protests against the said assessment may be filed with the City clerk on or before noon of the date on which said hearing will) be had. Upon the date named in said notice or atbsome later date) tc which the council m, -.y adjgurn the council shall proceel to hear and 4termine said assessment roll and the objections thereto,if any A and shall by ordiance duly passed,adopt the assessmen't roll as re— ported by the City Clerk or as amended by the council,if so amend— ��, ed,and make and levy the assessment as therein provided. Section 5. When the assessment roil shall have been heard and determined and the assessment duly made and levied,a copy of the assessment roll duly certifed by the city clerk shall be by him de— livered to the City Treasurer,who shall receipt the clerk therefor, and shall thereupon Chef to be published in two ensecutive issues of the City official newspaper,& notice to the lfect that the said .Ull� assessment roll is inAhands for collection and must be pa.ld within 60 days from the date of the first publication of said notice,nam— ing the Oate,or the same will become delinquent. Section 6. All assessments remaining unpaid after sixty days frr,m and after the d:.te of the first pulication o- such notice shall be delinquent. Passed by the City Council Oe 1910. Apprcvo, t by the Published`__- At t es 1910.