HomeMy WebLinkAbout326( ORDINANCE NO.4". An ordinance of the City of Kent.setting aside the assessment roll asapproved.and the assessment as levied and assessed upon and against the property in Local improvement District No,128vfor the improvement of portions of Railroad ,-.,.venue and Willis Street by placing Macadam thereon all as set forth in Ordinance No.316 of the said City trepeal- Ing said ordinance No.3160and ordering a re -assessment of thesaid district. `V7HFRE'AS, it has been made to appear to the eatisf ac tion of the City Council of the city of Kent.that the assessment, roll heretofore made andedopted by the City Council,and the assessment made and levied upon the properties In Local Improvement District No.1289for the ' improvement of portions of Railroad Avenue and Aillis "treat, by placing thereon crushed rock,and doing other work as set forth in the ordi* nance directing such improvement,all of such assessment being under the provisions of ordinance No.316 of thesai4 City, are so far erro- neous that many of the abutting properties are assessed in an amount greatly in excess of the amount justly and legally chargeable upon such properties.and many other of the abutting properties are assess- ed mush less than the amount which is justly and legally assessable thereon, owing; to errors in compute,,tion in making the saicl assessment and assessment roll,and that a reassessment of thesaid district for the said local improvement thereof,is necessary to correct thesaid errors and make a just and legal assessment thereof;therefore THi CITY COUTICIL OF THF CPIT OF KE11T DO ORIV,AINT -IS, F01,JW01,L'S1 Section 1. That the assessment of Local Improvement District No.128 as mad - e, I and the assessment roll as iLdopted by ordinana,c) '.4'o.316, Of I thesaid Gity,for the improvement of portions of Railroad !venue and Willis "treat, by placing thereon Macadam or crushed rank, be and are hereby set aside and annulled. Section 2, A reassessment of thesaid district Is hereby ordered and shall be m�.de as soon as practicable. Section 34, The City clark shall and he is hereby direc,told to prepare a reassess#ient roll for thesaid district, and present thesome to the City Counc I at its next regulz:r meeting on the 18th,,day of Novem- bar 1912, ,section 4. That the assessment roll heretofore certified to the city treasurer by the City Clerk,be and thesame is hereby rOalledv directed to receive no more payments of and the City Treasux"er Is assessments ti,eveon. he City of Zent,makinr and levying Section 5. ordinance No.316,of t ? tj�e assessment and approving the assessment roll for Local Improveme nt DTstrict No.128,1s hereby repoaled. section 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be III force from and publication as by law provided. after five days after its pissed the Countil 1,*,,ovember 4th.1912. O -proved by the myor November 4th.1912. 1wayor. Attes- Cfty Clark. U