HomeMy WebLinkAbout323ORDINANCI # J I -' AN ORDINANCE OF TM CITY 07 KZKT , FIXING THE TAX IVY THZR;IY FOR THE YZAR If 13 vnma, pursuant to the provisions Of the laws Of Washington set forth in the session laws of 1909, chapter 138, the City COunc1i or the City of Kent, did on the 26 day of September, A. D. 1912, Mke an estimate Of the amounts necessary for the public se of the fait aity for the. ensu .04 Xg yeas , &&L&tsoresf ter MonTAM ]was vwvaasvv ♦Wavoa.r WA%A a nOtiloe or the t11r an& place of hearing objections to the tax levy therein contemplated to be published in the City Offiolal Newspaper as by law provide, now on this the 78 day Of October''; at 8 0•c1Ock P. N., in the City Hall in the said City, the saw be the tics and place appointed in said notice for hearing objections to sail levy the said Mter cogs before the said City Council for bearing iU it appeasing that no objections have bee& made or filed, ani that no persons have entered objectioas to such levy, and that said estimte is proper and correct, &a,d that the tax levy therein contemplated is necessary for defraying the public Mon" Of the sail City for the ensuing year: THE CITY COUNCIL OF THR CITY 07 IMT DO OFMAIY AS FOLLOWS: Section I. There shall be and is hereby levied against the property in the City of gent, a municipal tax for the year 1913, for the purpose and in the sues following, to -wit: For the Current sxpense Fun`, to be used for defraying the general expense of the municipal government, # 7758.00;for the indebtedness fund, for trpose of pay bonded Indebtedness, # 1754.00; for the interest fund for the purpose pf paying interest bonded indebtedness, # 3150.00; for the park fund for the purpose of paying the expenses of the parks of the City # 800.00. Passed the Council Oct. 7', 1912. Approved this 7' day Of Oct., A. D. 1912. or. . Attest: - �City Cer . RIES OLUT I ON AID k OT I CS OF TAX LEE Resolved1Wthe City Council of the City or Xsst , in tiagg aunty. State or gaaUngton I that the follming be smd it is h0rsf► 6001"' 0& as estimte of the aaaunt necessary to ■set the pailis00 and ♦ nditures of the said City, for the year 1913, &Rd t t tho receipts frog sources other than tamaliaft, and Of the amaunts nec- essary to De raised by ta=ation upon the property within the said street Dept. Team A wagon Ham Street Cleaning Luster Labor Tools A repairs Incidental Paving up"" 600.00 540.00 !00.00 IAM.00 2500.00 60.00 5".00 w g1 : b ewer A Drainage . Laborial # 506.10 Tools A repairs 60.00 Ditching 10-00 _ �" ` 13 Ff. Y 6 water system supplies A material Labor Tools A repairs Incidental I000.00 I®10.0 60.00 Fire Dept . , supplies ! now equipoWt 300.00 Painting IWAR 00.6 r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lighting Dept. 7.-.._1 r, & Street lights 10.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dept. of Parks Pur chase of parks 700.00 Park upkeep I .00 L; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - City X►11 Takes !well lurnituse A supplies Elections Painting City Hall Sidewalks Paving Assat . I0.00 I00.00 500900 200.00 200,00 200.00 220.00 inginser Deptt.ftrreying !00.00 Local Imps. I 00 HUGU-0 Polioe Dept. Salary •'00511. (" 8"Glal polio*.0® 55 .00 Qi ty Jai 00 Incl dentalIMM �,. Supplies d Incidentals_O - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - General Oovereasat salary 2700.00 01'Piee supplies MOOD � Incidental 0. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .._. Interost on bends !300.00 Bluing !find I000.00 Interest on Kent !later d Light refunding 1912 bonds X150.00 sent Water a Light refunding bonds of 1912 7und Z222110 OWTUO90 NdTINATRD ISO= Taxes outstanding Due fro Local Imps. Plumb iiv permd t s Lleenses Rater 00"e0tions Water mWstems Police Court Inoi 6ental 2403.00 I800.00 25.00 4400.00 50.00 2512.00 50.00 �t.00 O.QO AMOUNT TO 81 RA ISJW For General fund 7759.00 Int. ?uad 9Y0.00 - Sinking fund 1000.00 • Parr fund 80600 - Interest 0.00Interest an Lent 1912 Rater a Light refunding bonds 850.00 ?or bent 191$ Rater & Light refunding bonds, Sinking fund,�,,0,,,�QQ00 -W748-00 #19?U. W All persons are hereby notified that the City Council of the said City will ret in the Council Camber at the City Nall in the said City on Monday, Octoberb7, 1911 at 8 o'clock P. I., of the said day for the purpose of asking tax levies as stated in said esti- mates. L. X. Price, city Clerk.