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HomeMy WebLinkAbout322Ordinance No._ -Z2.____„_,.-„ An ordinance of the City of Kent, providing for the Lmprovement of Titus Street from its intersection with Second Avenue to the east marginal line of the lands of the d lwaukeae and Puget Sound Railway, by bringing the same to ,grade to the width of forty feet &ling the renter thereof,establishing and building along the sides thereof at a distance of twelve feet from the longitudinal as*- t+er line shoulders of the heghth of eight inchee, crowning the 24 foot stripe between the said shpuldears to the hkighth of r a**t inches at the reenter of the street,axd covering the said twenty four foot strip with a coat of crushed roof eight inckes thick. all as contemplated in Resolution No. -_.-!9-__...__, of the City Council of said city, creating a local improvement district therefor, and providing that payment for said improvement be made by secial as- sessrPoats upon il.e property in said district, payable by the anode of "payment by bonds.” p THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS, Section 1. That Titus street from its interseation with Second Avenue to the east line of the lands of the Chi