HomeMy WebLinkAbout311()RD11ig,1C1i 1,4-0.3110 An ordinance of the city of --entvacating a of `.=tatty A Ij "i T 17,1 yA 0 --dv�y June l7th.1912*the owners of rlore that two A ion of 3t3tG thirds of the property abutting upon that port -it 'Yhich to hereinafter describedl, e said City of rei 'I Avenue in t1l f t 10 �;itj of 1,1,ent,,for tri vecatiOn Of t rat ,petitioned the CitJ 0 s, ;�v(.,Iluo xqhiah is described an f6 to 0 rt,ojrl 0_, towit:the vest original p.1,qL of tic t the north eaot corner of block 4 il Begial-iing , ano-I'Lh ��,O,glj -f ,,el-Itthence run east to the L 1.0 i� currier of Mock 7 of said dl.,1t,+.`3enae South "Vest ij+tid J)lock 7 to Voutq geet corner of 10t, b in said ,-ie Wline to a point in the ef'st line `block 7, thence in a straight -ia,3t corner of said block 4 whic'h is 10 feet norlk-lq of the :,c)uth, of lot 2 in sfr;Ad 1)1,,)ck 4,therice north to the point of begin- ro ..5sed on the she city vouyLcj1 by resolutiWl duly p� said 17t),..d.9,J of June - 12. irk regulax session of tile mid coun cil,fix ed the time: for hearing the said petiti-on$and objections that,aiicrht Ilmde V., ierctoofit the hour of 8 o'clock " * on the 4 cn,,vnber in t'P. rle -1 15 t1, d..,. oulj 1912, at blebt1le Ci,',,r clork havin g on of Vle said (]ityjand It appearing that y of the the of June 19l,.-4,:posted liotice of thO c I - -(? t,, -e Saki pefition in theT,�-e �Iost three of on that portionLli of thesaid said city, rind one of the ices uppublic street which the said petitioners risked to have vtj.catedowhicf ileh i+ ior, d 1:10tices contained the zaid Avenue, whio"a Wa13 accu- to VaL;R.Le t1le sal a porion L11( ' rattily described irk .iaid notice, turetuer with 2 B"U ,It el'(Int Of the time acid place for hearing the said petition,and requiring ted to �Lj--;car present their objectio,18 intereu I ' ' said T.)Ptitiontand :- i hove t 0 tj.1 .?-rariting, t1le if g qt the hour of 8 aid 15t, .q. d,,Lj, of july 19121,, y Hall cou,-Icil chal,!iber in theo t the in matter of tile Ilearing of l -I said petitiOenme refru- - larlj on t,.,e said -1.itd ionohave been riade or filed ,wid it appearing that no objecLions a of t1le prayer ox, -Litianerw,�nnd it on gill orcan be inj-Vured or incon- also iG�vearing that no pers - c ' -']�,"TIUG V of tv,,, t nor + ion o -f tr IP -id veni;c!nced by 'tbe ,ts przayed for,andit furt�icr rtpv,earing that t1le vine n,tion of tiLe sa�ile is desirable arid for the best inter. esti; 0 fhe public €aJXL all Per'3011s concerriedt-li,eref ore: CITY 1111; CITY OF ctioll 1. ,,,at ,),ll of tilat portion of �,tate ;�.�venue in tile: 00 e L Citi of �Crlt, described an follows, 4")Wi t Beginning at the north east corner of block 4 in the original plat of the tolvn of Lentprun thence east to Lie north west corner of block 7 ill naid plat, thence ,Ilorljthe wet line of said block 7 to the south s aid block 7, thence in -I straight ..vest corner of lot b In s line to a point it" Vie east line of %iid block 4 which is 10 feet north of the scull cast corner of lot 2 in said UO thence north to the point of beeinningbe and the same id'verebty vacated.and such vacated portion of said .nue shall be emd is hereby attriohed to wid made a part of the lots abut- ti"Vlaereon.as by law provided. section 2. The Qity Clerk of the said City, shall be and is hereby directed to piaoe this ordinance on file;and cause the saw* to be entered of record in the office of the county auditor of the Coulity of Kjjjg,washiii„tonOvs soon as rscticable after its taking effect. Section Z. T is or ce 111 take effect -and be inf orc* .5 days and after i ge, Mproval ruld Publi"Wation as by frot, its ;tisa ell I&* provided, A kassed taie couricil Julys 15th.19120 xp -roved "lie "'layor/141y X 4LY0 r alkttest City Uler]te