HomeMy WebLinkAbout302Ordinance No..302, An ordinance of the City of Kent, providing for the improvement of Railroad Avenue c� from itsintakseotiou with Titus.;treaet to its Intersection with a Russell, htreet,&lsn thrt portion 'Willis Street, connecting,, sv d,. 101 Railroad Ave me st . the point -where The plat of the orlginai town of w ED A"t and the plat of the wa►shington central xrnprovement Company's Addition to hent, jafo, y bringing lite auto$ to grade For the width of 32 feet along the � esn,ter'` th*i,eof. &nd covering the center of the sai* with six inches of arurbod rook,of the width of 24 feet all as contemplated in Resolution No..128....... of the City Council of said city, creating a local b improvement district therefor, and providing that payment for said improvement be made by special as- sessments upon the property in said district, payable by the mode of "payment by bonds." THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS; Section 1. That �j,n�,�,ro rd AVel;tlUG from ite interseation with Titus id Street to .its intersection with idunsoll ..trea•t» and that por. ti.otl of ; vi,111a',otr,eet connecting Riti.ltroad Avenue In the original 'ao;an Plat l t .with lt:9Llro,ad o%venuee in the Washington. Con trul I'mproveme'nt c a1QPz s VIritt 4.iddition to,.Ier;t,be improved by brim, Vhe r1ame 12 s4e .for the widthof 32 feet along the aeentet!r thereof, establishing w � 1V1hV4-1AGkbAix Inches .high on tach older of • said 32 root stri,p,which 0 "tho4ld0'r6•: dh f. be .12 foot distant .fron the canter line of the str eat, � ' owda the 24 toot of rip be twoon the said shoulders to a. heighth of o l Jp+hietssaa�d covering the s ear* with a coat of crushed rook f inches V i doop.42roYfdodith4t portion of the said street mhioh is leHo tbaan 60 � f ee>!t', inti dee Ahall be graded for its full ori dth, but the rock surface ohal and that such other work Be done as may be necessary in connection therewith, all according to the plans and specifications therefor prepared by the Ci' y Engineer and on file in the office of the City Clerk, marked "Filed ................ T -n-G. 3V -d,.._ -.r-_1_--___ which plans and specifications are 19l _n.. " hereby adopted for the said work. J Section 2. That the cost and expense of said improvement, including all necessary and incident- al expenses, shall be borne by and assessed against the property included in the assessment district hereinafter. created in accordance with law. The City of Kerft, shall not be liable in any manner for any portion of the cost and expense of said improvement exeeht as herein provided. Section 3. There is hereby created and established i to °al innprovement district to be kno-tvu cad called "Local Improvement District No...1-s36.............. " which district is described as follows: "All of the property between t:heternnini of the said improvement abutting, upon, adjacent, vic- inal or proximate to the portions of the streets and ave:rnes improved_, to a distance back from the mraginal lines thereof, as by law provided." Section 4. Bonds bearing interest at the rate of ----- $--------- .----- .-per cent. per annum, payable on or before.:.-. f i -V -0_ ---_-.-----years after the date of their issue shall be issued inn payment of the cost and expense of said improvement, which bonds shall l.r„ .redeemed from the local i:nprovenlent fluid of said Meal improvement district, and not otherwise, which fund shall he created frons the collection of spc- cial assessinents to be levied and assessed upon the said property, within the said assessment ditrict, payable in..... f.IV,%---------- ....annual 'intallments, with ------- $--------- .-_ .-.per cent. interest per annum, under the mode of "payment by bonds," as defined by lazy and the ordinances of the said City, which bonds shall be delivered to the contractor in the redemption of warrants drawn against the local improve- nnent fund of said local improvement district or the said City may at its election sell such bonds for cash and make payment of such warrants therein. Provision for the issue, negotiation and sale of said bonds, or for their delivery to the contractor, -if the. cify so elect, shall be made by ordinance hereafter to be passed by the Council. Section 5. Upon the letting of the contract for such improvement the City Clerk shall at once prepare all assessment roll for said district, in accordance with the provisions of the laws of Wash- ington and the ordinances of said City, and shall file the same in his office and as soon as practicable present the sameto the City Council for the consideration of that body. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect five days after its publication as by lav required. Passed the council this-........-..n�••4 - - --191 . Approved by -the Mayor this.----, Turin .... 1.------------------------ 191 i; ... Attest Mayor. ��"...-•---- - _. .... _-_ City Clerk.