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kn ordinance of the City of Arent, providing for the pruning; and trim-
ming of trees, shrubs arra buohen overhanging public eidewalks, they. ein.
THE CITY COU', CIL of 'i'i1: CITI 07 K-T"N';. r,,C, ORDAt.?'a AS F(I.a ",011,:
Section -1. The owner of any lot, tract or parcel of lci.nd in the City
of Kent, -abutting upon any public sidesgalk,on which lot, tract or prcr.1
of land shall be planted or growing arry tree,bush or shrub,whiuh shall
be in. ouch calorie proximity to such sidewalk that ariy brranch,limb or
leaf of such tree,bush or shrub shall extend over or overlinng such
sidewalk or any portion thereof, aha.11 keep such tree.bush or ,shrub
trimmed or pruned at all times .so that the lowest port of ;;ny branch,
limb or leaf of such tr. e►e ,bush or shrub extending over such side walk
or rusy portion thereof,shall be at least rscven feet above the isurfs.c,��
of such sidewalk.
3eotion 2. All trees , shrubs and bushets,plan6ed or proving in pr
upon any parking strip betiveen the property line and the sidewalk,or
between the sidewalk and the drive wry its any -.street or public high-
way, the branches, limbic or leaver of which trees, shrubs, or bu, hoc shall
extend over, or overha,�r„ any public side�rrtlk, £shirr. be kept trir:wier2 and
pruned by the owner of the property abut tire;- upon that }tor 11ion of that
side of the street vh erein or whereon the nsAd trees,bushef)4rTirubs
may be stranding iso that no branch, limb or leaf" of such trees, hashes or
shrubL ektendingiover -1sunh, shrill be less than seven feet above
the surface thoreof. .
Section 3. If the owner of ajiy property which i n chargeable with the
duty of pruning or trivaiiing an.,- tree,bush or shrub\under the provisions
of sections 1 and 2 of this ordinance, Phall fail or refuse to cause
such work to be done within ten days after notice from the city-ftnrahsll
in writing, rewiring of him that he do or cause, the, sane; Ao be done,
the said city may cause such work to be done and assess the .ost there.
of upon and against the property liable therefor under the provisions
of said sections 1 and 2 of this ordinarsce;and such assessment shall
become n lien upon said property,which lien may be enforced in like
manner as other liens upon property for street improvement and repair.
t.eation 4. This ordinance shall *ake effect .,uid be in farce from and
after five days frock the date of ito publication res by Inw pr.ovideci.
'Passed the council .June 3rd.1912.
Approved by the mayorJune 3rd.1912.
Gi tj Clark.