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An ordinanoO of the City of k:en t, in relation to the sewage and drain.
age, of private premises,preiscribing the method by which and the mfmner
in'*h*ah ls:teral sewer connections may be wade,and public sewers open-
ed afro pen6trated,and providing; penalties for its violation.
`Sidi: CITY, COtIa "CLL Ok' 'PII'r'., CITY OF fi7;tt'P +a(+ 0111" 11, A' I�'C;l,i.(;'slf'r;
section 1, The City health officer of the city of Lerit, is here 4y eafi_
powered gd i ,s:3;s{;he rby made his duty, in all oases where there is a
Public sewer contigious or proximate to any plotted land uraorl which
there are buildings within 150 feet of such public sewer,or unplatted
lands having buildings within 200 feet of such sewer, whenever the pub-
lic health of ouch city shall rewire it, to compel the owner or oocu-
pant of such land, buildings or pre rd, oes to construct or cause do be corb.
structed sufficient private drftins or sewers to connect t1ir3 said lands
buildings and preiiiises, and call water closets, vaults :xnd cesspools, or
other receptacle for filth thereon or therein,with the said public
sewer at the nearest practicable point,which private aawers and drains
shall be made and constructed in accordance with general regala.tions
prescribed by the city gngineer,under his supervision and according
to his directions, and of the most approved sewer pipe, such pile to
be inspected raid passed upon by the City .engineer.
S*ction 2. whenever they public healtf, shall require that zu'iy Daid
building or prezidees shall be connected with a public sewer as set
forth in section 1 of this ordia ince , the health officer of the city
Shall serve a written notice upon the owner,occupvjt, or;,ctf*erit of the
owner,speoifying the work n be done,and t1to tit -tie for the c:ompeetion
of the same yw ch shall not be less than ten days nor more than zixty
days after tree service of the notice#zuid if such owner or occupant
Shall 1`41 to do or to cause said work to be done according; to the
directions and in the time mentioned in said no ti ce.then the health
Officer may cause the same to be done,and make return to the City Clerk
Of 'the cost and eacpsnee of the same. and the City Clerk shall thereupon
au4sas the same upon and against the said land, buildings or pre. -Uses. -
and the same shall be aollectead�and the lien thereof enf'orcedagainst
the said property as iri case of street and other local improve7�tents, acid
local improioe went sewer districts.
30otion 3. Whenever any private sewer pipe shall become ISroken, out of
repair,or obstructed, and the owner of the premises upon -ghich such pipe
is loczatedsahall fs.il tri have the same repaired,rerewed,rermoved or clean-
ed for aperiod of tell*Ayu after notices from the health officer to do
or to cause such Nvork to be done, the health officer shall 2a.ave the au-
thority to cause such repairs, renewals, rer,rovsalsa, or clew king of -tile said
pipes to. be done as ir, ' his j udguients may be rieceasssary, nne the cost
thereof shall bo assessed against the said property and collectedFO
provided in s ection 2 of thin ordinzm ee.
Section 4. Any person desiring to connect his pr.ezTise:a-kvitli as public
sewer, shall first make ra.pplicatiori to they; ~amity C71erk,for. <a peer. oiit so
to do,which application f3hall be .aocompsa.nie d by plans and apecificsa-
tionss of the proposed private sewers and connectlorls,II1ade out in dupli-
cate, and upon the approval thereof' by the t i ty 3`.ngineer, the r;1 erk shall
issue a permit to Make such connections to the public:. sewer;/ and no
such private sewers shall be connedt ad to the public sewers in any cense
without compliance with the provisions of, this rection.
Section 5. The City Health Offioer, shall have authority to go upon
and enter any and cell premises and buildings,for the purpose of inspeo-
ting sewers and d rains, and to order such changes therein ar; lie shall
find necessary to conform to they regulations and r equirernentss of the
city ordinancen,and to protect the public health.
Section 6, All conne ct6ons with the public sewers shall be made under
the supervision and according to the directions of the city enPineer.
Section 7, All sewer work before being; back filled shall be subject
to the inspections and approval of the city ons. nee9r.
8eotion 8r: The City Rhgineer shall make general regulations as to the
materials to be used, the size of pipes, the manner of making said the ma-
terials to be used in making joitts and oonnections, the grades for lay-
ing pipes and such other matters in relation to private sewers as lie
shall doom necessary, all of which regulations shall be submitted to add
approved by the sowerage committee of the City Council,
Section 9. Any and all excavations made in any street or Riley in
layinf; ally sewer, shall be properly protected and guarded dray and night
by proper barriers and si gpna,ls, to avoid accidents to passers by. Arid,
all work shall be prosecutes xith di.li etice, artd cotrzxtleted ,�s soon as
practicable under the surrounding circunasstratices and conditions. All
streets or ot~rer p.ul,lic places ill which excavations are to de or improve• �—
Montss disturbed, shall be irmaodiately repaired anti placed trod left in
as igood condi ti on7 by the per:aon malting such sewer 'zonnoctions or 111yring
ssuche a pipe, as they were in before being di ssturbed,• and n1 l dirt
refuse and rubbish shall be by hi:u cleared away imineditateiY u;tori fin-
9rshing saucli work.
Section 10, if work be iatxproperly delayed or improperly dorie, the City
Engineer shall have the authority to eomplete tho wDrk tend rnske such
changes aid corrections therein as may be necessary, surd wise cost of
the work so done under his authority shall be assessed against the prop«
ortywhi ch is drained by the private sewer upon which the work is done,
and e}iall be collected as provided in section 2 of this ordiriance.
8ieetion 11. 1t, shall be unlawful for any person to injure,break or
remove any portion of any sew- er pipe,manhole,light hole,flusali tank,or
anti part or portion of arsy public sewer in ttie City.
Section 12. It shall be unlawful for fury person to deposit any gasr-
bage,rubbish, dead animals,news3paperss, or any other subatonce having a
tendency to obstruct the flow of sewage, in any, visul huler 1FUq)ho1P, flush
tank,opening in a sewer, water clos3et,]grinal4'vault# cess pool or sceptic
tank,or other receptacle connected with the public sewers no as to dis -
cliarge therein.
S'eotion 13, Any person who shall violate arsy of the provisions of
this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction
shall be fined in any scum not exceeding one hundred dollars or impris-
oned not more than twett ty days.
3e0tion 14. This ordinance khsasll take effect five days after its pas-
sage, approval and publication.
Passed the council Rjarch 4th.1912.
Ip proved warch 4th, 1912. /
City clerk,