HomeMy WebLinkAbout257 (15)ORDINANG2 An ordinance of tine City of :Ientvauthorizin;-.r the im-prove",ent of Cen- trhl Avenue froia 'A'ritus ;trent )treet,by f rvd placing along .vest est side thereof R standard wooden sidewalk andvtood en crossings ,jt street interser,­.ions tttt Clowe and : treetz,nc as to make stiAc, A. ard connect with the exjF3ti,,,_-r :qde,,valk or the "'71 -Fat of, 0aid ';1 the nortl% ,'Ide of' ker 6troel eel &.11 inuor the Plams and 1-y ordi- nance # P' 0 v i d i n f'O r td� Lo C tU I _,:q, r o v e, le I i t i t r i n t 6, to c a k?, e c �,., T i e n t of Lha jj,4.tr� Ict for such At of th'' t -q%en se of 0 TH.till CITy ­Cj 1� .,I, I U or, Of Titus :;treat Und ',r?eker ti3,txect in cludirip, the "trr �ct inter o,­11ti,,In, !,,),,-.11 be improved 111.16 WPqt Sille Al..!oaden sideAS 1C t°r ;oocleri C.T. 0 0 2, ,V. "'Iks e -t ­,trec inter^ccl-jnnv_ U and Meeker Areetr,, 00 RS to ma.'s t vm.lk on t 1,i A m.es t cri d� 0d -C Y: !,.v en U* contirlu,,)U2 i;lcl co , rv., . , c t c, e e t7 X at the nor',11 04* P, eker Street ol-i trjc2 nu e FccOr"',rimle, with the c, OF V� other all Of t h, T+1 v the sate- isfRctiOn 0 ;�iucrj engineera Section sme sllrll be ­nde u -)On a t the 101'03.tracts p.-�rcels qf, 1:-,,nd :mdk PG-tionis thereof ,vithin ­[i�n of this orWO the lDcn�! i.­Ipruveme.at 'I'dotrict crento(i bj t'?!'next so 41 dinance, be"'04"itte"J "'Y J -cnt.vio- inal or t,,e_eto,f._)r -in- fun -do t) ur� of y for tyle C013t C' 7­11-1,1?'!`tfa)f made, in of 98 of th13 e is�3 4nd the to"'l c!.)9t Of .61 taxed and assessed upon and a l -'a i n s t the proper tf included in the said local improve,ment district. Section 3. 1"here is hereby created a local irmprovement district to be known as Local Iltiprovement I'listrict I 1?3,which district is de..!, Bar, ibed z�,,s follows; A11 of the property between the termini of the said it°iproveraent.abutt- ing the .,eon: siae of par - tion of tl"-(! ,"Ad Vey tr:-�rl Arl -�Oue u,,,, j)<: j -,q).10 , " frow. Uk POv ded. ectiot f the n e r V J roll for dis- trictCity %,jork shall once -I"' end V 1,1 C-, p r -1 , il, office slie-�all file V'10 S, e nj,s' of the ortinanceS of u ii for to and ri, 5 1 1 - , - . c �-I. -1 1� " the 041" bciriy. P 'afs- atction 5. T, 114 r (I... 4 App:-Ov?' i,, r t