HomeMy WebLinkAbout257 (5)ignu;i�IXF. Igo. An ordinance of the City of and c;nfirming the assessment roll of -ocal Liprovement District .No.122,,for the i.-iprovenient of "ailromi avenue in .-Irorit of lots a,12,13 Niid 14 in, block 16 of the ,`Tashi:Igton central Inprovewent (,orapany' s First Addition to AI-.ent,,bjV building along the east aide of '-,ailroad %venue a concrete nidealk of the width of six feet, for the full frontaj,,;e of t, -.,e saMd tote. complying with the requirr, iaents of the general ordinances of the city, wader Ordinvnee ' -0, and levying and assessing the ariounts thereof against the severlots—Iots tracts and parcels of land and other property an shown on :said rolles- tRblishinl..-r a locKa.1 t-nrove,.ent fund in tit(, i.Aty Treasury, U �jt ' '.1 1.414 Ujt � I 1 II, C V k"Y Up, IkI ORwUIN ii`l !I'(,, jectiori 1. the anser3szrneiit roll of -!,ocal ]!,iproverient Dlstrict tO. 12200f, t:tie �Ility of ent.for tiie of -railroad :Ivenue in front lots 6,112,13 wid 14 of block 16 of the I-proveeit dlitiOn 'LO ,ent,,$)y tuildifq_, slorif? Vie e.-st sire of said ;;ilroad eriue, for Oie full frontage of the said lotsa concrete sidewalk of the width of six feet, complying with therequire!--ients of the general ordinance of uhe said city,under Ordinance ':,o. as the sat,.ie now sta.,ids,be ruid the same is hereby in :,,,11 things approved confirt,,-.ed ai-id zado - A pted as "or tire= aosess,,merit roll for L -ie said local ir.iprove,*nt district. rection 2. hat each of the lots,,tracts Fuid pmrcels of load and other I propert.y shown upon said roll is herei)y dedlared to be opocirr.,Ily benG of itted by i,,;aid i.--iprovefzient in at least the uriount eh.irfr k, ,ed a!--,ainst the same in said assesswerit roll,and that the wssessw.ent np-peariiiji, against 3uch lot,trjcL or parcel of land or oLlier property, therein, is in pro. porLion Lo the several aBoeuszments upon nuil Anseuo.uent roll. `Aiere 1.,3 lherei)y-levie.s and asses::,,ed upon and as,Viinst such lot tract or parcel of land rand other pro -Perty appearing upon quch assessri,?t roll, they atriount finally clva.r-eli ac.aixist the same thereon, ,,ection 3. '.-here is herelhv, created ,md. e stablis'lled in the treasury of the wtid ility a fund to be kno-wri P.r3 Local I.niffirovement Fund N'o.122,into which t)e xnverted :J1 tkorieys calla --ted fro!., said assessment.and fro.,i which shall be pra.id all w-irrants drawn AAKINAX, in payvient of the costs ai,d expenses of said i"Iivovvnerit. oection 4. 'phis ordiriz-aice shall take effect five days after its Inas- sage, approval arid, publication ,,-is by law provided. J,assed by thle .,Ou.,Icil -arch 4-Lh.191�2' Approved by Lne .-myor :,,arch 4th.1912. yor. Attest e r k .