HomeMy WebLinkAbout257 (14)�4 rp rxi ordinsaice of the it; of .provi ding for the J)-.provevient 1. of thaL portion of `)n,ilroad iivenuelyint? in front of lots 8,120 13 C -And 14 in block 11'1`0 of tile :,,ashington Central JJiprove!.-,ent Com- by buildim, ajong tne el,�,Ct side of pany'n !,lirst i.ddition to �ent, Paid' �','ailroad avenue for the full frontage of the said lots a con- crete sidewalk of the width of six feet, complying kvith the rew quire, ents of tl%'P ,-enerv-1 ordifiances of the said as con- tertiplrittea by u resolation of the (;ity Council declRring, itsin.. - such local i,,mprovement dist- tention to mma-fl,e riot Vrierefor,srd providirl(-- -Lh'at t�.,,e r,y-,ellt for o"nid lo(.,nl i.,n•• pro ver, �ent be iv -de fro;,,i -4-Lznds oreated by si,ecia.l jc, s—'IM ent upon c Ie in t 1 b.; t I, e lo d,! ol' t 11 7' liat Rvtilroad �'venue in the om i d ,,ity bei,imroved t -1 on� (L er,,et i-Je thereof in front of lots 8, by i;ol.,L�Lructi!q, ent -�-.. 12,1cS aiid 14 of ,)lock 16 in tiie 1'.asl i i n Fr, t o n I-eyitral L:iprove io.,, Lo ,,E It , "o -i, t'�-.e 1 1 11 front"'A..-O, Of the t I �a LI W. the width of Sviii lots up -)n said ;',venue,a concrete sire w,,lW k . .1 A ej of tl�e ordinnnees t L 10 .Ju Ir �1, O�� of t(ie c-ci.-Itruction of the �1,)vje,and thtt .;Uch. % iection therewith,, �vork be; don(� loco jjeceo.,iary in conn a o co r diri,, t,) the pinnB ,ir d specifications of the amity rigineer -k �vl,iic--i -pinns end file i:1 the office of tine :,,'ity (I'leT there'or.oi sir ,-ecifica _tions t)ze hereby adorted. 2 "I I 2hat the oo s .,-,deKpese of said, i Lpr,)vp!ietlt inClU- :, t A r dijjC; ;tij- ncice.,.-omry i,,,lcileritil c n. s e 9 1 s h 3 o bo r -1 -A e by %i, n d --luded in the �-"tssessment 4RPI4iedO*Bd Upf)II 5-:1`1 the )roperty inc 11 i - t v i c t I I e r e i r.k,-.tf t Q r ordance ,vita 1' "'h (- ,.vy staid City not bo liable ii. �-vent for 1Y-ly- T)or�,io,i of t'y,).e I,ost ;a e r te Yj c, e c tab I i sh e q o c 81 im.. ncre i;> hcreby pro kI ��'iijtrict to bre no-%-rj as 111,oen.1 1 bIz; follows; .(,ij of lots 8,120131 and 14 in bloc1'. 16 t�le of i r ' n t ;.L I;qprov,�;tierjt `i'irst Addition to i1eilt. n 4. "Imt the cost :i e xpense of sairl J,,�jprov(.,-�rieyit shall ectio, ate I -Iible by t1he tlode of il.,z(edi be c,efr.,-,,Yed by srecizn pl'!,Y;Ileltoaki defined. b.) ti -le ordirinficefi of tl-ie ^ aid city,, an d Ut i �l j:� of' thc contract for the --:,vrK Upo!,ach local L1,1C let , - r- ,it once ns�,essment t L A, a. t -1 roll for assessillifr, t�:c- PrTr., erty ir P4,acli (.Iifitrict ,,�ccordance linarices of of t',,e ", o- , of shc--411 file the s4a= e in his office n n d r.s soon t-:,.ereafter practitable, pre.-,eiit the sp�i,, rola. to U ,,ity i1on. u onsiderRtion of -I- - - -,..l 1 ts,,,re effect five 44jcs af ter its ti o�., " 'A _,if; or�jj n 1I/Aquired. -va,l -j,Ad pulolicatior1 U113 by vy re S Fe 11, by the A t.,i- Cour, 011 ,.pproved bor the} �ayor Attest City Cler-k.