HomeMy WebLinkAbout257 (25)Q­_1Djv,�-.1-(;r �T �kl -,, %041 An ordimunce of the of r,,ent,fq)nrovin, and confirming the assessiaent roll of Local I iprove-.-ient Di slGri ot ' o ,for T)rovi,nj, ,.ventral ,'vi aue froin itri intersection with "Arpet to 0, Ji tyo'-,- brini-in-, Vic. to grade,,­.fOIn- alon;-; centor thoreof a o.'Zrip 124 .ie et Ade with a shoulder on e}' c'il t-lide k j., i a' �er1Ai,-,hOai-td ,,rith s. err- .,m in t)le center of It"he mld 2 -trip 4 the ,;,nAd strip 'Tit:: 17 I*,().­t-,cv,ur ino")Lcs doLq) o;- blrokzen rock vihose 1--iirt'eles sh,all not e-xc.eed. I -L) irichen, in ditrn-jet-er,nnd oll top of the s aid Coverill'!-, nno''_,� er or brr)ion rocl�c ono inch Viich -ahose sh ;11 not exceed inch. in "11 iaraeter, roll tng the whole ,vith a heavy I the f,)rm :1 .i_­io(jth firri solit rond ui1de­'- t i ro 1,r u -i! t "A e r1,-.­7vj.'­1o!­, o* o.,27L of ^Air city, rind levying a i,. ra LIU! P.nd -L.`..e aeveral InIZs,tracti-, -ird rnrl-'els of 1rld r,Jrld otb-)Ler �'reasury. fund 1,-)r (31strict in Vr,,e ;its r i i riI fn w 'J roll of 1,ocnI 1,mrnv­,!eylt 1'1i.Btr3_ct )provewnt �f C;enl r4al N entre Lnterr,,ction -,-iV-� Titi.s Areet to the north boundr,.Ixy line of V� 7"lity 1)<,- to n -lozri(r the c -,Ari -n feet ,,-,ide Shoulders Q 4 1-ii-'ri rind a crop i;> i.% thc- csoter of mid sArip 4 i:;chen hip, covevii-r- 1-2)v said strip AtLi E4, on,,itin;1, of brolkfn rock 4 inches deep b-oken rock one inch and oi­i 1.op t.,ierco' nmotlter coati--,'., 04 th_;sk,,_,,­i0 _,ovitn to be corer o,,~ed of -rock wnose -r;nrticles in the 4 iri'Ja rot e !.e in the .1 11 C j Ji Q1., ij�j �jj��:', ' Ir tr! execed incn in din.,-.q6terthc IMOIC to be roll - ed sit' - i urs 'L,.L I i 1 for -i firm, s., ac) o th tio I i d raad,-";n11"1cr V,(, o r 1 rr! c e 2 o o 2 1 d c i to R:, L III e k;i .0011 ri o sL, r d a b" d t h e sale is hereDy vr.,.proved and Confirrilea in -1,1 UL-i'l-­ FtAor^te-i as fox, I'l-he I�S�ies3meat roll fo-r i.',Ie loc-1 i,,iprove. ent di-otr*Ict, �i p land lotz&tr:2cls an . -!-x,:,­erty �;hown upon roll i;� hey-oby to be spec'L,41Y bellefitted by sn.iid i-,­Uroverient in t tu lenot t,;c rviount it in �;c:.,' !: zscsm-mmt the P-sriesoment n s t V, e (c t'nere in is in pro por t i on to tuh,,„ --rver- s ­;.-ient roll. t,� hiere- by levied -1 rtrid ar,,sessed upon trtrd a­,-Anst each such lot,tract and 1) r> r o F? I o 1,-,nd ani d. of",-,er ,,�rotert-.y upon pon :;.-rid,�1,oee ossmnt roll tT.,r- nr:o,,.mt fin,�- ­,Ily cl,,ared ainnt the s m,,e tiereon. Sectioln 3. 'The surns le vied :i.nd hereby chrrirred ul)on a.nd agv#,inat -,L"he s (vertal lots, tracts ­nxcels of L-nd :inn (,) tl,,er pr,perty or arly portion of such suns may . be --id ;:,,_it1­,in thirty day's period r, 4 provided bj section 50 of 6i,-,ptcr. :18 of tie Session 1,7,Vm of 'Viashm year 1911,,rx t',erein provided,,wl.d ter the sum r(,�;fllnln� unm%,dd tl`.neon be -,rid in five erjun.1 annual ir1St"%lL1:,,eYAs, the first of vihich sOiall be due one year tifter the empir;ation of the said Vij_* day pf-Iriode LSection 4. There Is hereby created and established in the treasw ury o. -L,' tlie JV M3 "LOc-al In.1rrovement ITUIld .1, 1"into which d"L "vloneyu c?)llecto,i from suchfrc)-, ,phi cls e,l 4 1 br, 1 1 (-'w'n.rrnn's drawn irl -payrrjeS.t of tw cost expcnse of all issLieu • �,J)Ori Lie C xPir"I Li 0 1 0f thc� thir tj A!:ty lod as Set fax' til ill " C3 f' ' '-! — W the uit,} o Clerk, r,Ll on ko .,. staLetTwnt of Lhe z- az; ac re,.InininG un. *L.'(if?. Paid o.,, trie 0 C'kjayr.sKltl-lke effect five, 'After its —�-;'ry V,, p gid, Lion provi 0 CO 1A L C "'L V (31 ror T , 4 J'Yor t t,2 City Cllerk-.