HomeMy WebLinkAbout257 (8)C RDI I'll ANCE , 11.'o. An ordinance of the City of .ent,approvin,,,, ­.nd confir.nirC.. the assessiftent roll of toc,,jl 1jprovenient District _N0.120 for the im- prov uArenue from its inter- (.,�,ient of J?1ourth .111trect,(now I'ourth section ­vitli ':ceker ,'.venae,(noii Teeker ',treetl,to its intersec- tion with Shinn4Avenue, (Now ShinnEitreet)by bringing, the sa.ie to gr,-�.de,,.wiking tilong the center tnereof n strip 24 feet Wide,with a shoulder on each side A in ' cheo, high,,tnd a crown in the center of' ��aid strip four i es� ; t,jc, .-jae di til a coat four inciaes thick of broken rock;.,vhostpPrticles St',All not exceed J 1-'�T inches in 41,�iickness,ctnd on top t1jel-cof nai ajditio-11 coat of rook one inch thick whose particj,e�q s',: ,11 not e ecce~ i­c�-L in to -,� solid firin S-i0ot'! r�-)ad creating 1itr,,ietPr,Rnd rollin,7, t"J., m.,-te 1 0 0 i,rip-r,,)v(.-­aent fund. in tine city tren,mary,,,x2*,.r„' 4 ;:ink the Ever - the amounts L -i �iJLd roll upon aril lotsotrnctfi n.rd. pnrceis of lari yro-rerty :Iescribed ti-ierein. j j j 6 X, 1�i,(` C J. Sec`ion 1. tlip nnses.,.iment roll for ILo(,,,,l Iripr,Uve.exit Di B- trict Co.120,of the City of f th ) Utreet, (now :fourth fi.venue) , in tlic, st,id Ci. t fro -,!i its inters ection ts ' �Iion ,.ii th ,PeJK-e3' :­,treet), t i , intersc,,; 'uShinn ,.venue,(now '11 -i -Inn ,)tree t ",-,y bringinC, '6'die sa'Le to grade making alont,-, the center thereof a,ntrip 124 fees' der. 11 inches high, on eRch sicle tliereof,,nnd 1 crown in tl,,e c enter of sa.1d strip four inchen, high, Cr)verin­ tIr-,, ne col” Of broizeA rock four in(_,hes fleep, i.,,-,rtic1$.es a'i-ll not exceed 11an(:I. cn,­t of broken d:i �q,,ie t e r , rocs: one inc�,t deep not exccicd inch in dia!:jetpr ,-7+ I 1� - r, nJ rolling, tl,,e nf�:ie n. �,,,cavv roller un',il th s. 1xne i­.-nooth, firm solid rctad;under ordinance o ny,��7 the�,h as the, x,: rile now stt-4,nds,b(-, ted as and, for tv approved ind confirzied,i,,ndaiol) ne roll -or Erne ss,id loct-tl il,Trcvc%­ent jection 4i". each of t',' -,e lots, tr,-,ts nr,6 of, 1,i-nd add other plroo crty 211own upon szaic.'l roll is hereby d f:clrlrpcI to be Specia.11y benefitted 1)y :nid i!cprolvc-lic-It in -)t ,i.,..iount _,,-,i'ainst the S arse ii -I :?,Ssesr,-.,,rent roll and that the asbes,,3nient appearing af-ainst lot tact or p,rcel ).11 1,­.nd or OL',Ler ,onerty, tiqerp:in,i,, in proportion to a2veral assess. ments ,,ppearing UPOn Sfl,id 1,9S(-,ssmprt rol.,_• iF, hrrc,'oy le),vied -i a 6 Caa and essed upon rad g ninst each. ,-. ch. lot. tr,ct ,n p,:rCel of land and oLixr prorerty appetiring upoi� ­­qei-,,smvrjt roll the arm- ourit fives ulnarr 915ra,inst the t"�,.,.ereon. It ,ed z3tctior, 6. It'"I"Iero is hereby created n,nies-41.,ablished in tie treas- t,,�, Cu.­il to be kiiown ,1-s"loca ;P ury of the aid city of "CL U U A 1, 1 T , rov* into whic':a bf, converted r,11 ­,oneys Col- Iment ;Fund "4o.1200, .-,i which shr.tll be ppid all Ilected from the said m9seis'--,ient,� and fro nrr,ants drawn in pnjrient of `�-e co sts and, expense of said iri- �rovet,-,ent. :sectio -i 4. 111 ii i s ordinance shall tkjeffect five days after its p,-,.ozage, ar. ��rovnl and pulo�lication a 1817 pr vi d �az:,,ed -1.1-ie Council Dec.18th.l�tll. Approved by the -,Mayor A mayor • Attest-_ city 019rk.