HomeMy WebLinkAbout257 (24)CRDINIPjjVCE No. ----0000---- An ordinance of the City of .,ent,-amending section 5 of ordim.nee of z.,aid C'ity. 0 . )LLOWS TIL-? CITY i�,C)UTXIL OF INE C;I"y oy'�,, K.11 -1,114T DO ORDAD' IW 1 i Section 1. II)ection b of Crdinance 1 0 - - 9 ---' of the (-',ity of -rLents, - shall be and is hereby amended to red P.n follows: m an been ,:,e --tion 5. When an zxscesmn,�ient for local i prove:,,ents h made upon the inr�,t.-sessme-A .11ment plan of deferred ppyment,the ar roll sll,,,,.Jl be furnished the City Treasurer by the (",ity Clerk,in like manner as provided if' Dile next preceding* section,and the treasurer chall proceed in the collect,,. -n thercof,nf-, provided in section 50 of chapter 98 of the seqg,,ion 1,1.,js of *,,,,iaf-,hi rq- ton for the year 1911,snd shall also give notice by pul�licatior in one iseue of the city official news.paper of thea time of »iaturity of any install--ilent,which notice shall be not less than thirty days nor more than sixty days prior to the date such instpIlment falls due. a 1 juntallments renaining unpaid of ., er the d rate they fall due fiji,,411 be delinquent,,-,nd a Pei-it'lltY Of five per cent. shall be added tliereto and thereafter collected as by 1,qw provided. jectior, 2 ',,,'hbs ordinance shall t;,.ke effect five cIjy[e after its p,u'oJjc,r,.tion as-, bj lsw Provided. , " /—/ !--,asset L"d couiioil " 1911. -,� Il Approved by the ma$or / 1911. city Clerk.