HomeMy WebLinkAbout257 (40)ORDINANCE 1;0. W ---- 0000 ----- An ordinance of the City of 4I..ent,providing for they manner of advertising for and receiving bids and the letting of contracts for making local iy�iprove,,,ients therein. A THE 017. .... COU!"CIL OF T"U, '-,I'-Y 0"0' KIERT 30 ORDAI14! AS FOLIJOWS�: vection 1. 'Upon the taking- effect of any ordinance passed by the ik';ity Gouiicil of tree I-Jity of 'L'ent,, ordering any local improve- ment,,the city clerk,uriless otiierwiBe directed by resolution of the city (ou.,cil,sh..--llpublish a notice in the City official nevis- paper,in two consecutive issues thereof, calling for bids or pr— posals for making such local i.,rrprove:vient, and in such notice shall na,-ie a date on or before which bids will be received by himewhich bids shall nvqe a price for vl.laking the said improvement if pay. ment therefor be made in warrants drawn on the local improvement fund of the district in which the improvement is to be made.alsO a price if pajment be made in bonds against the local improvement district wherein the i-:Prove-.,ntent will be made,also a price if a.iment be made in cash;and shall name the late when the con- sideration of the said bids will 'be tpJ�en up by the ,.'itj 111�.ouncil, 4;t the next regular meeting of the -ity C"ouncilfollowing, the date of the last publicationof the said notice,14he council shall proceed to open and consider the bids submitted,and shall then or thereafter ata regular meeting act upon the said bids and if any bid be found that is zati:--,factory to tfie Cit,,Y- (,'ouncil, shall award the contract for ipalcing such improveT-.,ient to the person :-aak- !t ing such bid;but if no sptiqfactory bid be found, then the council may cause new notice to be given of for Call for bids.PLnd all ,roceedings had t1lereunder shall be in the same form as provid. ed above in the first instance. All big a submitted .tract be ac. companied by cash or a certified check upon some reliable bank or banker.in an waount no less than five 'percent.of the amount of the bid, and in such wiount as the council may require in any instarloo,,.-s a guaranty of the good faith of the bidderto be f&rfeited to the ci$y in case the successful bidder shall fail to enter into contract and give bonds as by law and the city or. diances required. Section 2. This ordinance shall take efect and be in farce from and after fife days after its passagetapproval. and publica- tion. Passed the cAouncij this December 4th.1911. Approved by the mayor this .11.1ecerfiber 4th -19111. Uayor. Ci ty CleFk-.