HomeMy WebLinkAbout257 (35)Ordinance No. 0280
(Amending or Repealing Ordinances)
CFN= 150 - Street Name & Numbering
Passed 10/16/1911
Establishing the names of the streets & highways in the City of Kent and
providing a system for numbering the buildings therein
Repealed by Ord. 3967
An ordinarice establishing the na:.es of the streets ad hiFrhvvays in the
City of Kent, and providing a systecr► for nutrnberint; the buildings therein.
Section l .A'll stre is and public roads in tz e City of ;' ent. running in
a northerly and southerly direction shtUl be hereafter called"Ayanuee;
and all streets and public road running in an easterly and westerly
direction shall be called"Streets"; and the names thereof shall in
other resl)ects remain as they have heretofor been and now are, except
such as are changed by the provisions of the next section of this or-
Section 2. :Second .street in th eoriginal plat of hent, id hereby nh.med
central avenue;Third Street is.said 1)1,7.t is hereby named State Avenue;
;l'ourt 'Otreet in said plat is hereby ri;Lnied Burke i�venue, and Harrison
:street in said Plat is hereby narrred Willis Street.
Vitus 6treet shall retain its present rime throughout its entire length.
That- certAirr road and driveway startint; from the soutn___rlae
treet, and running south �,hrough block 5 of the Washington :ventral Improv
went Coni; u.ny's First AdJitiorn to E'Ient.a.rid what is known as the Alvord
:;ill, thence easterly, thence northerly, thence easterly and southeasterly
to an intersection with c;rinebck N.venue zit rr. point ,about 200 feet north
of Guiberson .;treet,which street or road was dedicated by 'T.`1'.Alvord and
wife. is hereby r►r ,ued Scenic ,ray.
That certain road and kirivL wk,.y lyi:,g next el-Ijit of Jason ;',tr. eet, ( nosy
Jason ,Wnue).and extending from : roith,.'treet to Temperance ::treet,is
hereby named Calhoun '1,iay.
Section 3. The Center line of ! ::eker :_street,and the maid center line
extended indefinitely east ;-.rid west, iti hereby made a base line for nuri-
bering, buildings upon all averiues, vrhich buildings Shall be numbered
north and south therefrom, Numbers it-, the first block on each side of
said base line shall corn:arence with 101,and Wiall progress both north and
:south therefrom. 100 numbers shall be ;,1lotteci to each baock, axed twenty
on the
avenue sVia,ll
be allotted
each nu ber. In case
than one
or opening
shall occur
any nuciber,fractional
additions shall be made to such number to designate the ad.iitional build-
inge or'openings.
The center line of the main track, of t1le !,:orthe
rn Pacific 'Ailway as
now located shall be the base line for numbering buildings upon all
streete,arid the numbering of buildingj] shall be east and west from said
base line, upOn;' a like plan as that hereinabove s et orth for numberbn
upon avenues I-rovided:- hat ig
n -W
y � avenue, rluv;bcr s that are equally
distant fro,a the base
or n x
' n`
be' aver- is s o ther numbers i
other avasues shall be , i f
torgform .o the, nu t?
t.� i n such other
avenues as nearly as pra ,tiGabe l
s �y , $o t}i nur„Ur 11 avenues shall
progress uniformly in pr t Y
ra Flo tris lists rn the said base li
and provided that a sixcii` r t ,
fo t% thet,nu, t srI of the is q
from Lhe br,.s�� lirle t�YiallsAO (�
Vection 4. 'a'he ;st19
reet i orrrr:,itte shall lA�
� 1 r-�.5 soon a, c t i c r,bl e a
to a
Plat or s. nunrUer of plats to be PrePared srio�vir all of the stxe,et
1 VARY!! irry� LoZetiYreT tiarZn fire nuinners
to scale , of such size ae/to the c0I.1.ui t to stiall be seem practicable. which
plat or plats/ shall be filed with the City Clerk, and therrifter kept on
file ill his office;arid. v.11 of buildings sliall be _:ilkade to cob-
fornL to the numbering shown ob ciucl, plat or p1Ate.
Passed by the Council October /�—l:ill ,
L,roved b
Pp y t.re ayor Z-,7 1911.
City C1 erk.