HomeMy WebLinkAbout257 (10)ORDINANCE NO•� An ordinance of the City of Kent, approving the assessment roll for Local Improvement District No.119,for the improvement of streets and alleys in The Washington Central Improvement Company's First Addi. tion to Kent,and certain unplatted lands adjoining the same,by lay- ing therein lateral sewer % for taking care of the sewage in the said district;assessing the amo So ,therein set forth upon and against the lote,tracts and parcels of land shown in said assessment roll,pro- viding for the collection of said assessment,and creating ]Local Improvement Fund No.119,in the City Treasury. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 1U21T DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the assessment roll for Local Improvement District No.119,for the improvement of certain streets and alleys in the Wash- ington Central Improvement Company's First Addition to Kent,and cer- tain unplatted lands adjoining the ss.me,by laying and placing therein lateral sewers for the purpose of caring for the sewage from the prop- erty in the said district;as the same has been prepared by the City Clerk, and as the same now stands and appears on file in the office of the said City Clerk,be and the same is hereby approved and confirm- ed in all things. Section 2. That each parcel,lot and tract of land and part or porno tion thereof named in said assessment roal is found and declared to be specially benef itted by said impr oveme nt in an amount in excess of the amount assessed against the same; that there be and there is hereby assessed upon and against each lot,xract and parcel of land and part or portion thereof,contained in said improvement district the resepctive amount therein named end Bet against such lot,tract or parcel of land and part or portion thereof, between the termini of said improvement and abutting upon the same,or adjacent,vicinal or proximate thereto or to the said streets and alleye,and the said amounts are hereby severally declared a first lien upon the lot,tract or parcel of land or part or portion thereof,upon or against which the same aro assessed in the said assessment roll. The aggregate amount of the assessment and levy hereby made upon and against the property in the siaid local improvement district is the sum of Dollars. � �'"� � ._._ __ _ _- Section 3. The sums hereby levied and charged upon and against the several lots,tracts and parcels of land,or any portion of such the sunk may be paid at any time within.thirty dn.ys period provided in section 50 of chapter 98 of the laws of Washington,for the year 1911, and thereafter the sum remaining unpaid upon each such assessment may be paid in five equal annual installments,as follows: One of such installments on the lst.day of Yovember in each of the V�'_--years 1912,1913,1914,1915 and 1916,and all unpaid installments shall bear insterest at the rate of eight per cent.per annum,which inter- est shall be payable annikally on the date the installment for the cor- ��re ondin p g year falls due. In the collection of the said assessments the treasurer of the said City shall proceed as provided by the gener3e ordinances of the said city and the laws of the Stat* of Washington. Section 4. There is hereby created in the treasury of the said City a. fund to be known as Local Improvement Fund No.119,into which shall be converted all moneys collected from said special assessment and which shall be applied solely for the payment of the cost and expense of the said imfNovenmt and the redemption of the bonds, if any that may be issued against the said local impro%ement district,and the payment of interest thereon. Section 5. Upon the expiration of the thirty days ---provided for in section 50 of chapter 98 of the laws of Washington for the year 1911. the City Treasurer shall make and file with the City Clerk a statement showing all a.nounts paid on said assessment,the aggregate of the same remaining unpaid,the correctness of which statement he shall certify over his signature. 0 Y /7//