HomeMy WebLinkAbout257 (20)ORDINAJ410E ho. An ordinance of the City of fent,a.uthorizing the improvement of Fourth Street from the point of its in:tersectiQ n with Meeker Avenue to its intersection: with ShinnAvenue,by bring he same to grade also providing for a strip along the center of the said street 24 feet �inwidth,with a four inch crown in the center and n shoulder of four inches on each side of said 24 toot strip,and covering the said 24 foot strip with a coating of broken rock or gravel,creating Fi local improvement district, providing for the assessment of the property is such district to pay for said improvement, and for the collection of such assessment. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF k:�+�NT DO ORDAII+ AS FOLLOWS: Sectioril. That portion of Fourth Street in the City of hent,extedding from its intersection with L_,eeker Aenue to itsintersection with Shinn venue:�,nd , shall be improved by bring- ing the same to grade,by making along the center thereof a strip 24 feet wide, with a shoulcFfour inches in heighth on each side , and a crown of four inches in heighth in the center,covering the same with a coating•o of broken rock whose psrticle slisll be not more than 1* inches in diam- eter,rieasured in any direction, such coating to be not less than four inches thick at all points,and on this coating another coating of crushed rock one inch thich,whose particles shall be not more than inches in dietaeter, a.nd all of said crushed rock to be t'noroughly rolled with a heavy roller until the pertitles are brought in close proximity, throughoutjall of said work to be under the supervision and to be com- pleted to the satisfaction of the Z,treet Cormittee of the City Council and such engineers as the city may employ for such purpose, Section 2. Assessments shall be made and levied upon and against the lots, tracts and parcels of land and parts and portions thereof within the local improvement district crested by the next sect ion,and benefit- ted by the said improvement,and abutting on,adja.cent,aioipploor prox- imate thereto,for the purpose of raising funds to pay for the cost and expense of the said improvement,which assessment shall be made in accord ante with the provisions of sections 13 of chapter 98 of the session laws of the State of Washington fo*"the year 1911,and the total cost of said improvement and all expense thereof shall be taxed end assessed upon and against the property included in the s aid local improvement district. Section 3. There is hereby created a. local improvement and asse-ss-- vent district to be known as local Improvement District N'.120,w3.ich shall embrace as near as may all of the property specially. benefitted 'Icy said improvement,and shall include all of the lands within the boundary of the said local iniprovf�::e nt district which are fixed and a stab - lished as follows: Beginning at a point in the north line of block 16 of Yesler's- First Addition to Kent,which is 264 feet west of the north east corner of the said block,thence east along the south line of Shinnl.venue to a point ith ich is 289 feet east of the north west corner of block 7 in „e.id Addition,thence couth to a point in the north line of 1:11eeker avenue which is 289 feet east of the south west corner of block 5 in said addition, thence west to a. point in the north line of Meeker Avenue , which is262 feet west of the south wast corner of block 14 in said addition,thence north to the point of beginning,:i.11 in King County, Washington, Section 4. Upon the taling effect of this ordinance the City Clerk shall cause a notice �o.be published in two consecttive issues of the City Official hewspager,calling for bids or proposals for making said iraproveraent, and shall name a date on or before which said bids or pro- posals will be received by the City Clerk. Such bids shall name a price for making said impr-veinent,payment therefor to be made in wa,rrazLt6 drawn against the local improvement fund of the said local improvement district. At the next regular meeting of the City Council after the last publication of the said notice, the city council. eha ll proceed to open and consider the bids submitted, and shall then or thereafter at a. regu- lar meeting of the council,proceed to act upon such bide,and if any bid be found satisfactory to the cou.;cil, the contract for said. improvement shall be awarded to the person making such bid;but if no satisfactory bid be found, the council may cause a new cull for bids to be made, and all,proceedings had thereunder shall be as provided in the first ins- tance,, All bids rr;ust be a.ccompa,nied by cash or a certified check in a. sum equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the bid, a.s a guaranty of the good faith of the bidder, to be forfeited to the City in case the bidder fail to enter into contract find give bonds as required by law. Section 6. Upon the letting of the contract the City Clerk shall at once prE:pa.re an assessment roll,in accordance with the laws of the state of Wa.shington,and the ordinances of the said City,and shall file the same in his office find present the same to the City Council BE soon as � I practicable thereafter for consideration. !r Passed the council this �%__1��1• J �h Approved by the mayor_��"- _1911. Mayor. 1� A t t e s t-- -JO6 C ty ler o � L � d'