HomeMy WebLinkAbout257 (34)ORDINANCE NO. y 14 An ordinance of the City of �-ent,providing for the improvement of t portion of CentrA Avenue from its intersection with Titue Street to the north boundary of the City by bringing the same to grade establishing along the center thereof a strip 24 feet in width with shoulders on each side 4 inches high and a crown of 4 inches in the center thereof,cover- ing said 24 foot strip with a coating of 4 inches of broken rock whose particles shall not exceed 1i inches in diameter measured in any direc- tion,and placing on top of such coating another coating one inch thick of crushed rock whose particles shall be not more than * inch in diam. eter in any direction creating a local improvement distriet,ptoviding for the issue and sale of local i .provement bonds, for the assessement of the property in the district for the payment of the cost and expense of the improvement, and redemption of the said bonds. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That portion of Central Avenue in the City of Kent,between its intersection with Titus Street and the north boundary line of the City shall be improved by bringing the same to grade,establishing along the center thereof a strip 24 feet wide,with shoulders on each side thereof four inches high,and a crown along its center of four inches in heighth,covering the said 24 foot strip with a coating of broken rock four inches deep at all pointe,whdse;,particles shall be not to ex - coed 1* inches in diameter,measured in any direction,and on top of such coating another one at least one inch deep,of Crushed rock,whose parti- cles shall.be not to exceed j inch in dianeter,ineasured in any direction all of such crushed rock to be rolled down with a heavy roller until the particles throughout the same are in close proximity, and fora f**m road bed,all in conformity with the p-jans. and specification therefft on file in the office of the City Clerk,marked "Filed �' 1911", which plans and specifications are hereby adopted as Zcd f4 the plans and specifications for the construction of said improvement. S-ection 2. There is hereby created a local improvement district to be known as "Local Improvement District T,o.121"which shall embrace as near as may be all of the property specially benefitted by the said i�r►prove- ment,and shall include all of the property within the boundaries of the said local improvement district,which are hereby fixed and established::, as follows: - Beginning at point in the north boundary line of the City of Kent., which is 120 feet west of the west marginal line of said Central Annue AV run thence east along the said north boundary line of the said City to a point which is 120 feat east of t'le t:�,,Et Marginal line of said Central -Avenue,thence south to the south east corner of lot 1 in block 8 of the Washington Central Improvement Company's First Addition to Kent,thence west to the south west corner of lot 24 in block 9 o;e the said additiop, thence north to the point of beginning,a.11 in King County,Washington. Section 3 Assessments shall be made upon all of the iote,tracts and parcels of land and parts pr portions thereof within said district,and benefitted bit;.- the said improvement ,and abutting on,adjacent,vicinal or proximate to the same,for the purpose of raising funds to pay for the eost and expense of the said improvement and for the redmmption of the bonds provided for in the next section,and the payment of the inter- est thereon,which assessment shall be made in accordance with the prop- visions of sections 13 and 15 of chapter 98 of the session laws of the ;tate of Washington,for the year 1911,a.nd the total cost and expense of said improvement shall be taxed and assessed upon and against the proper- ty included in the said !vocal improvement district. Section 4. Local Improvement Bonds shall be issued against the said local improvement district ,in an amount sufficient to pay the whole cost of the said improvement,less stich amount as shall be paid upon the said assessment prior to the issue of said bonds. The said bonds shall be payable on or before five years after the date of their issue,and t3, shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed 8 per cent.per annum,papa- ble annually upon all unpaid portions of the bonds. Provisionfbr the issue,negotia.#ion and sale of the said bonds or ifor their delivery to the contractor,in case his contract provides for hisp ayment in bonds,shall be made by the City Council,by ordinance hereafter to be passed as by law provided. Section 5. Upon the taking effect of thif3 ordinance the City clerk shall publish a notice in two consectt<tive issues of the City of:"icia.l newspa- per, calling for bids or proposals for slaking said improvement, and shall name a date on or before which,the said bids or proposals will be recei- ved by the City Clerk. Such bids shall nande a price for making said im- if payment be made therefor in c&sh, also a price tlierefor if payment be made in bonds against the said local improvement district. At the next regular meeting of the council titer the date of the last publication of the said notice,the cit# council shall proceed to open and consider the bids submitted, and shall then or thereafter at a.regular meeting,proceed to act upon such bids,and if any bid be found that is satisfactory to the city council,ehall award the contract for such improvement 6 the per- son making such bid,but if no satisfactory bid be found,the council may cause a new call for bids to be maderand in the consideration therec ' all proceedings shall be conducted thereunder as in the first instar. .. i A11 bids must be ac mpanied by cash or a, certified check in ab amWnt eI; qual to ten per cent.of the amount of the bid,as a guaranty of the° faith of the bidder, to be forfeited to the City in case the successful bidder fail to enter into contract and furnish bonds as prodded by law. Section 6. Upon the letting of the contract for such improvement,the City Clerk shall at once prepare an assessment roll in accordance withthe provisions of the laws of _Washington and the ordinaaaos of the City of Kent,file the sarr,e in his office and as soon as practicable preent it 6o the City Council for consideration. Passed the Council Oct. 1911. Approved by the mayor Oct. 1911 Attest, Mayor. i �` 'Cit_Y Cler