HomeMy WebLinkAbout257 (43)ORDINANCE NO..2 An ordinance of the City, of Kent, approving the assessment roll for Local Impr ovemenj District No.117,for the improvement of that portion of Meeker Avenue in said City exteAding from its intersection wtth Naden Street to the west line of the City's boundary,by building along the south side thereof a wodden sidewalk and wooden crossings conforming to the provisions of the or 4ina.nces of the City,assess- ing and levying the assessments therein providedTV IF444195 r-111 f. _ ar creating o. ©opoial, fund in bha City treasury,to be known as,°Local Improvement Fund 1�o.117" THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the assessment roll for Local Improvement District 3o.117,for the improvement of that portion of meeker Avenue in the City of Kent,whiah extends from Naden Street to the west boundary line of the City,by building along the south side of said Meeker Avenue between the said termini,a wooden sidewa.lk,conforming to the provisions of the ordinances of the said City,as the said assessment roll has been made and prepared by the City C1erk,and as the same now stands and appears on file in the office of the said city d erk be and the same is hereby approved and confirmed in all things. Section B. That each parcel,lot and tract of land and part or por- tion thereof named in said assessment roll,is found and hereby de- clared to be benfifitted specially,by said improvement in an amount greatly in excess of the amount assessed against the same; that there be and there is hereby assessed upon and against each lot,tract and parcel of land and part or portion thereof between the termini of said improvement and abutting thereon upon the south side,or adjacett vicinal or zpproximate thereto the amount named in the said assess- ment roll andeet against the said lot,tract or parcel or part of por- tion thereof,and the said amounts are hereby severally declated to be a first lien upon the said lot,tract or parcel of land against Which tho sane :,p )t Rr s:. ;ue , in t;i<+ The aggregate zaaount of the as essment hereby made and levied upo-,: and against the property in said loci+l inprovc-ment district id the sum of Dollars. Section 3. There shall be ;and is hereby crc(:+ted in the treausry of the said City of. Kent z.) special fund to be known as "Local Improvement Fund No.117", into which shall be converted ;-ill r: oneys collo c ted from fifiid ae.; esment, ,md from which Ehr.11 be * all werra.nts drawn in payment of, the coots and expense of said improve - m nt,which fund shy+11 be used eolf-ly for the payment of such cost and e xpense. Passed by the City Councils y_i; �_ 1911. Approved by the mayor __ C -- 3 _ 1911. A Mayor Attest