HomeMy WebLinkAbout257 (39)ORDINANCE 1�0. /3 An ordinance of the City of Kent,providing for the improvement of cer- tain street and alloys aid other lands and property,by laying and con- structing therein lateral sewers asci service ,,ewers,creating a. local improverr.rent district of cer �.ain portions of Yesler's First Addition to hent, Car Line Addition i:o i.erit and ail of Basmue:sen's Addition, and certain unplatt,ed lands adjacent to the F;a:iu €aduitions,providing for the issuing; and sale of local improvei+resit bonds !,�;€iinst said local irrrprovement district to raise funds for defraying the expense and cost of the .said i,!jproUement; and further provicii L, for the asueo- ssment of the property included in said local i__rprovevnesit 0,.i!3trict and specially benefitted by said i.nproverner.t,to cry ate. :x farad for the payment of the said local iriprov'erment bonds, the intereSt thereon, and the cost and ex- pense of such improvement. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE 0112Y OF J'':;11711' DO OI:DAIN AS FOLLOW11-; : Section 1 . The streets .).ad alleys zA-nd portions of streets and alleys and other lands and property hereinafter described, in the :;ity of Kent, in King Courrty,Waahirigtori, sis_;11 be i;:Apyoved 1;y l.+ying therein lraterra.l sewer pipes and service sewer pipes, and lateral servers and service .sewers shall be laid and constructed in alid along such streets,alleys; ,and other lands' and property, and along viuch lines and courses and for such distances as are herein fter na.:�.,ed �eBcr:iTJed, toWit: let. klong )ixth Street r�,rsd S)ixtn :street prud.ueed from tt.e intersec- tion thereof with the ihinn avenue Trunk Server, south to an intersection with Gowe '.)treet produced to t(ie ever: t, tiiet;c,e east zAlonf; the ,It.dd Gowe Street produced and Gowe i>treet to to point 5£ feet west of the west marginal line of Second f;trcet. 2nd. Along the alley i:r uluoic lu of 'ie:,Ier's 1irsluvAdditiun to Tient, and the said alley produced to the west, fros:r r. ! oint 58 feet west of the westii;Ir� ina,l line of Fourth "Areet t:; Fill i :t+7r .;cctiol_ rit'!t tate said proposed Sixth Street Hewer. 3rd. Along; :,iaxrison ;:street and Harrison street produced to the gest, from a point 58 feet arrest of Ilse 4vest Cl,:.rf i1„. :t.ir:,e of Fourth beet to an intersection with the said proposed slixth _'tr.eet sewer. 4thr.long aline running- north arid south through the center of blocks 8,9 w4d 10 in said YeFsler's "irst A diti.ors,north,fro;.r a point 48 feet north of the north ma.rfTinal line of Willis street, to an inter- section with t'rze said propoiied Gowe '.Itreet :)urer. the center of 5th. Along €z line rurriin�-,r nortss r):,d Bout}, i, blocks 11,12 and 13 in said Yesler's First 2"(1dition,north,from a. point which is 46 feet norAof the north ,:iargirial lisle of "illis .street to an intersection with the said proposed Gowe Street .;ewer. 6th. Along a. line running north and so x.th through the center of block 18 in said Yesler's 13rst :,.d�aition,froc:;a, ,shit itis feet north of the north marginal line o Titus S street to fi.rl intersection with the said Proposed C?owe Street sewer. 7th. Along Fifth :;treet from its intersection with Willis >tr.eet to an intersection with the :aid proposed Gowe Street sewer. 8th. Along a line running nortt; and south through the center of block 20 of said Yesler's First Addition,fro:,: ra point 43 feet north of the north marginal line of Willis :street to an intersection with Saar Street thence west along Saar Street to an intersection with the said propoar- ed Fifth Street sewer. 9th. -Along Saar Street from a. point 300 feet west of the west margin- al line of Fifth Street, to an intersection with the proposed Fifth Street sewer. 10th. Along Titus ;street al line of Fifth Street to Street sewer. from a point 305 feet'west of the west margin - an intersection with the said proposed Fifth All of said improvement to be in accordance with the plans and specifi- cations therefor now on rile in the office of the clerk of the said City of Kent,mnxked "Filed July 17th.191111,which plana and specifications are hereby adopted as end for tiie plans and sepcificationsa for the con- struction of the said irnpr.ovement. Section 2. There is hereby created a local impr.overnent,aild assessment district to be known as "Local 7r1provement District 416.!! Nvhich shall embrace as near as may be rill of the property sreci.£t1Ty=�ienef itted by, such improve:uent, and shall include all the and property eaithin the boundaries of the said district which are hereby fixed and estab- lished as follows: Beginning at a, point in the south mar -incl line of ShinnnAvenue which is 120 feet west of the west mp.rginal line of 3-ixth Street,thence east to the north east corner of block 16 in said Yesler's First hddi-- tion to -Lent, thence south to the north east corner of block 15 in said addition thence east to the north ers3t corner of block 6 in said addi- tion,thence south to the sout,, east corner of block 10 in said additi on thence west to the solth west corner of lot 2 in block 21 of said addition,thence north to the north west corner of lot three in said block 21,thence west to the west line of block 3 in the Car Line ,ddition to Kent, thence north alon7 t:le west line of Liie -iaid Carline Addition to the nortii west corner thereof, the-ce vrest 120 feet, thence north to the south ianxginal line of � eeker ;. venue, thence dia.gonslly across ')Jeek- er Avenue to a point w};ich is in' the nortli li7je thereof , distant 120 feet •,,veSt of ille west li•ie of "Axth `Itreet, t}rence north to the beginning. Section 3. Assessments s3h.all be nia.de arrd levied upon a.id against all of the lots,tracts and p,-,rcels of 1,ajid e-iaii otlser property ,vithin the staid loeri:l,improve.lent district and lrei,efitted. by il�e said i:ciprove- ment,and abutting on,adjacent,vicinal or proximate to the said improve- ment or the streets, a lleys, or other property M)ereiri said severs nre to be laid, for the purpose of raising funds to p -ay the local improvemeno; bonds hereinafter provided for,a.nd th(, cost aricl expense of the said improvement,which assessment shnll be md.e in a.ccordance with the pro- visions of sections 13 and 15 of c apter Sts pf the -session laWS of the state of Washini,ton for the year leall, al.:d t.ie total .cost of the said improvement and all expense thereof shall be taxed and assessed upon and against the property included in the said loc;P.l ifs r,ovement district, Section 4. Local inipr.oveme-st dintrict bondq sh;411 be issued a^;H.inst said local improvement disatr: ct in �:n fl iinun,, sufficient to pay for the whole cost and exnense of the said i�nproverlsent, 1 es.s, cuch n, count as shall t -,e paid upon the said asses::rent prior to Vie time of issuance of the said bonds. The ssa.id bonds shall be payable on or before five years after t'rie date of their issue and si:;; 11 bc,;.r interest at a rnte not to exceed eight per cent.pe.r annum,pnyable tinnually upon unpr:.id por- tions of the bonds. prow;ion fcnr tiie isssue,rre+got:itxtinrr and rale of the said bonds or for their delivery to t}.e contractor if his contract provides for payment in bondo, ohall be t i vie toy oruint! ace tt) be hereaf- ter passed by the City Council. Section 5. Upon the taking effect of this ordinance,the City Clerk shall publish a notice in two consecutiv a issues of the city official newspaper ealling for bids or proposals for making said improvement and shall name a date on or before which the said bids or proposals will be received by the 6ity Clerk. Such bids shall nap:re a price for n. making said improvement it payment therefor be made in cash,and also a price for making the same if payment be made in local improvement bonds. Atthe next regular meeting of the City Council after the date of the last publica,tioii of said mLiee the city coui;uil shall proceed to open and consider the bila sub:iiitted vi1d oha.11 t Teri or thereafter at a. reg- ular or adjourned re,.�,ulai• Lieeting, iil Deet u to acL upon such bids,aiid if a.:y raid be found t1.at is ;;;ztisfa story to t:ie couiicil, sli.:ll award the contract for auch i:uproveiiitrit to t e pcI bC)il iiiari121E; such bid;but if no satisfactory btd be found, the cou lcil i, y cai.lue a new c:j.11 for bids to be iiia.de,wid -yll procec--dixifi iad tr.cio;:c.;fer shall be as provided in the first instance. All bids ,iu ):,Atted ,riust be ac.:o.r;:+:lied by caeh or a certified check upon borne reliable link in an i,.,.ounL cgaa.l 10 three per cent.of the a7riount of L",ie bid, as ;a � uhrHiaty of lie good fzii Lh of the bidder, to be forfeited tj t,.e city in c�:.::;e the bidder f,iil to enter into coritnpct find give bonds ag Sectioii 6 . Upon t:ie let wing of ty Clerk s,:r..il at once i,repr.rc, e th the: rarovisiona of the la,v�3 Gsaid Uity of r�ciit, rlaiCi siiall file tL& same to the ui ty Council J PLS. sad the r r Approves by Liie 'ltl1 y re.:�uire.l icy 1�>tiv, Laic- uoiit, act for ouch i:;iprove.ient the roll Iii accordance of ,L -on ,,iid tibordinances of t he . i ilk ii.. C iii iii u UI'i- iC< J -'re elft oUoii ;;a j 'i.�,LluaLi� for CJ:i:iideration. t!1 • i�:.•.L i .1911. .l-ste;.i L -- i ity Clerk.