HomeMy WebLinkAbout257 (42)G ORDINANCE NO�- An ordinance of the City of 11ent,providin,- for the improvement of certalln streets, alleys and other lands and property, by laying therein lateral and service sewers,creating a local irprove:ment district of certain por»' tions of the Washington Central Iuprove,aent Company's Firet Addition to Kent, and certain unplatted land:i adjacent , thereto, providing for the issue and sale of locaAi improvement district bonds t� ainot the said local im- provement district to raise funds for defraying the cost and expense of such improvement, and further providing for the assessment of the prop- erty included in said local in-proveMent district and specially benefit- ted 'by the said improvement to create a fund for t!ie pay_,ient of the said bonds and the interest thereon,and for the payment of the cost and ex= pence of said, i:aproverrre nt. THE CITY COUNCIL OF TUI C P 2Y OF DO OTIBIJE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The streets and alleys acid portions of streets and ,zi leys and other lands and property hereinafter described in the City of Kent in riing County, waahinvton, she.11 be improved by laying; therein lateral and service sewers,,and such sewers shall be constructed ;i.iLd laid in, along said across such streets r-�lleys nand other property,along such lines and courses and for such distrinces as are hereinafter set forth, toNvi t : lst. Along the alley running tnrough blocks 1, 4, 9,10 and 16 of the Washington Central Improvement '.:ompany's ;?irQt ddition to Kent,from the south line of the said addition north to ari intersection Frith the Shinn Avenue Trunk :')ewer at 13mitn 'treet. 2nd. Alone; Railroad Avenue from the south line of said addition to Titus Street, thence east on 'situs ;street to an intersection with the sewer in the alley last zibove cescriljed. 3rd. From a point near the oouth ~gest corner of lot 14 in block 7 of Kent,run northerly to and alonf; the street or resod known as "Scenic Way", to an intersect-ior wit,'[ .street, thence vest �rlonf; 'i'itus Street to an intersection with t),e i ewer in t�)e alley rpt the south line of block 9 of the said Vln.Bbin *ton Centr;?l T:'1?rove ;f'nt (;omn.gnyl s j+iTst Addi ti on. 4th. Along tiie niley running t.',r. ou6ii blocks 8,11 and ,15 of the said addition from the south line of :laid blocs. 8 to an intersection with the :raid lbinn I,venue 'gunk 'ewcr. at �'mitli ',treet. 5th. From the point of intersection of a'itus otreet and KeririeUeck Avenue run -.north along 1Lennebeck Avenue i,o Gowe tr,eet,.tchence west along Govre Street to 3,tate Street, thence Dor. th along State Street to an in- tersection with ShinnAvenue '.!'runk cievier at ,-Pi ith 'Street. 6th. Along the alley in block: 7 of the a idition, from the Mouth terminus of said alley to r.n iriteriSection with trie raid proposed Gowe Street sewer. 7th. Along Nteeker Avenue from a point 30 feet west of the west line of Kennebeck Avenue to an intersection with the said proposed State Street sewer. 8th. Along the alley in block 13 of the said addition,from a point 30 feet west of the west line of i_ennebeck Avenue to an intersection with the said proposed State Street sewer. 9th: Along the alley in block 14 of the said addition from a point 30 feet west of the west line of Kennebeck Avenue to an intersection with the said proposed State Street S -ewer. I All of the said improvement to be in specifications thereofor now on file marked,"riled July 17th.19110,which by adopted as and for the plans and of said improvement. accordance with the plans and in the office of the City Clerk, plans and specifications are here - specifications for the construction Section 2. There is hereby cre.a.ted a loca.1 i,,jprovement . di strict to be knawn as,"Loeal I.:iproverner.t District shall erabraoe as near as may be all of the property sT,ecially benefitted by suck im- prover;,ent, xnd shell include of t,i:e lrIj)d.f: sand property within the boundariesof the said district,which are hereby fixed and established as follows, towit: h wF:st corner of block 16 of' the �'lcishin,7ton Beginning at the nort Central Company's Nirfst iidditio:I to 1k�4:st,in jring County Washin,_;ton, thence east :to ttie north east corner of, block 14 of said addition thence south to the south e�!.st corner of block 12 in said addition, t (-rice. east toa point which is 129 feet east of the east line of iieirnebeck 1�venue, thence south to a point which is 120 feet east of the intersection of the south line Titus street and the east line of KerLnebeck Avenue,thence nest to such intersection, thence westerly along Titus Street to the south east corm :r of block 8 in said addition, thence southerly along State ,street, and continuiri , from its southern terminous in a straight line to the north Past corner of lot 14 in bleak 7 of hent,thence west to the north east corner of lot 1 in said block 7 of r�ent,thence northerly to and along the street or road known as,"Satin is Way",to the south east corner of lot one in block 5 of the said Washington Central Improvement Co•_rpa,ny's k'irst Addition, thence west to the east line of block 4 of said F Adi tion, thence souih to the south east corner of block 1 in said addition,thence west to a point 120 feet west of the south east corner of block 2 of said addition,thence north to the south line of Titus ,,treat, thence east to the north -Nest corner of block 4 in p P.id a,(idition, thence n„)rtyi to the central point in the west line of block 10 of said addition,thence best to a point 120f feet wect of the wept line of Railroad -renue, t�,ence north to the south line of lileeker Avenue, thence east to the north west corner of said block 10 thence north to the point of bpgi.nning. Section 3. Assessments 3ijall be made and levied upon all of the lots tracts and parcels of land and property within the said district and benefitted by the said improvernent,ann abutting on,adjacent,viainal or proximate to the said improvement or the streets and alleys wherein the said sewers are to be 1�-id,for the purpose of raising funds to pay the local i!-'roverpent bonds hereinafter provided for,and the cost and 1p expense of said improvement, , hicyi :a.f;aessrnent shall be shade in accord- ance with the prgvisions of sections 13 rind of chapter 98 of the session laws of the state of for the year_ 1911, and the total ” cost and expense of the said iraprovment shall be taxed. &nd asseded upon and aj;a.inst the property, included in trje r,a.icl local improvement district. Sieetion 4. Local l.mprovement district bonds shall be issued Rgainst said local improvement district,in an aniount s,uf f'icsient to pay for the whole c,st of the said improvement, less such amount as shall be paid upon the assessment prior to the isf;ue of the raid bonds. The said bonds shall be payable on or before five years after the cig.te of their issue and shall bear iriterest -it a rite not to exceed 8 per cent.per annum payable annually` upon all unpaid portion of the bonds. Provision for ,the i,ssue,negotiation, and sale of sr -fid bonds or for their delivery to the',vntratctor, in case his contract provides for pay- ment in bonds,oh&ll be�made by oruinanee to be hereafter passed by the City Council. "at ion 5. Upon the,, taking effect of this ordinancethe city clerk shall publish a. notice! in two consecutive issues of the city official newspaper calling fob ibids or proposals for making the said improvement and shall name a date 'tin or before which the said bids or proposals will be received by the,'citsi clerk, jka wtjlc xi:exk SiAoh bids s1�all name a price for snaking said improvement if payment be made therefor in cash, and also a, price' for mva ing the aaiiie if pa.yrrient be made in local im- provenzent bonds. At the next regular meeting of the City Council after the date of the last publication of the s�rid ri()tice, the city council shall proceed to open and consider the bici.s subiaitted,arid shall then or thereafter at a regular or adjourned regular neeting prodeed to act upon ouch bide,and if any bid be found tha,t-is satisfactory to the City Council, shall award the contr:.ct for ouch improverlent to the person mak- ing such bid,but if no satisfactory bid be. found,the council may cause a new call for bids to be rrla.de inthe consideration thereof' a.11 pro-' ceedings had thereunder shall be m in the first call Above provided. ,A1.1 bids bust be accompanied by cash or a certified check drawn upon some reliable bank,in an amount equal to three per cent.of the amount of the b>itd,as a guaranty of the good faith of the bi ddder, to be forfeite=d to the city if the bidder fail to enter into contract and furnish bond as provided by law. ?--Wection G. Upon the letting of the contract for such i .iprovement tIfe city clerk shall at once prepare anot assessment roll in accordance w th the provisions of t?_ie l,,vvs of the -,tate of washiri toil, arid. the ordinances of the City of �,_er.t,a.nd file the same in his office and )Resent the same to the city council a.s soon FLS practicable for its con- Wera.tion. f i Paused the council Augu^t 7th.1��11. jApproved by the. mayor August 7th.191 At t e o t ------ City Clerk.