HomeMy WebLinkAbout257 (37)P t An ordinance of the City of Kent, in ding County, State of Washington, providing for the i*aprovement of a portion of 1,.eeker jenue,by build- ing along the south side thereof from the west marginal"line of leaden Street to the'wont boundary line of the said City a wooden sidealk and wooden street crossings conforming to the provisions of the City or" dinances, creating- o local Improvement districts and directing the asp sessiment of propAtty inelud#d auoh district and specially benefitted by said improvelant for the payment of the cost and expense thereof, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ` I' E CITY OF ru t+T DO OR;)Alli AS FOLLO"NS: Section 1. That portion of ;,`,eeker Avenue lying between the west mar• ginal line of leaden :3treet in the City of bent, and the west boundary line of the said City shall be improved by building; and laying along the south side thereof a wooden si.dewa,lk,with wooden crossings at street intersections all conforming to the requirements of the city ordinar:ces of the said city, as to materials, and construction, and to be according to the established grade as shown by the survey thereof by the city engineer. Section 2. There is hereby created a local improvement and assess - went district to, be known as "Local Improvevierit District 1�o.11711whichs shall embrace all of the lands and property soecia sly beriefitted by said improvement, and sha.11 include all of the property between the ter. mini of the said improvement abutting upon,adjacerit,vicinal or prox- imat tto the south si de of the s ai d :. eeker .1.venue, and t o a di stance back from the. same of 120 feet. section 3i Asseserients shall be ina.de acid levied upon a.11 of the lots tracts and parcels of land and property within the said district and abutting on,adjaoent,vicinal or proximbt►e to the south- nide of the said Meeker Avenue,between the said termini of the said '-,iproverrientan d epic eially benefitted thereby,as provided by section 13 of chapter 58 of the laws of Washington for the year 191 and the total cost and expense of the said iiaprovement shall be t- xed and assessed upon and against the property included in the ..said local improvement district. 3-eetion 4. Upon the taking; effect of this ordinance the City clerk shall publish a notice in the city official 1,ewspaper,in three success - Ives issues thereof,calling for bids or proposals for making; the said imp rovement,and shall name a date on or before which such bids will be such bids shall naglel!_ a price for making received by the City Clerk. `t said improvement to be paid in warrants drawn against the local imprQv$- ,.� aiBtriot,and at tine next regU- jar meeting of the City Council after the date of last publication of to said notice the city council shall proceed to open and consider the bids received and shall then or thereafter -at a regular or adjourned *eating proceed to act upon such bids, and if any bid be found that is satisfactory to the council the contract for such improver.ient shall be a arded to the person making such bid,but if no satisfactory bid be found 8 city council may cause a new call to be made for bidstand all pro- .r Oedings had thereunder shall be as provided for in the first call. ✓"° �. �;.�ction 5. Upon the letting of the contract for such improvement the ;City Clerk shall at once prgpare an assessinent roll i;6 accordance with the provisions of the laws of Wafjljing-ton and the ordinances of the City of .tient, and shall file tkie same ill his office and present the same to the city council as soon as practicable for consideration. ® -7