HomeMy WebLinkAbout257 (36)ORDINANCE NO.1�_ L L. An ordinanae of the City of Kent, approving the assessment 'roll of Local Impro�l'�ement Distxiot No.113,for the improvernent of First Street from its intersection"with Titus Atreet to a line drawn across said First. Stree,t',,,t*4S ft6qVthe South east corner of block 33 of Waterman's Aare Traots to Kent, by grat.elling the same to a width of twenty feet in the center of the street,under ordinance llo . �,l o: said City] and assess- ing and levying the awounts thereof upon and against the lots,traots and paroels of land ' shown in said assessment roll, and a0eating 36oeal I.nprovem.ent Fund No.113, in the treasury of the ga.id City. THF4 CITY COUNCIL OF TNF CITY OF KENT DO ORDAIN A8 FOLLOWS section 1. That the assessment roll for Local Improvement District N0.113,for the improvement of First >treet in the said City,from the Point of its intersection with Titus Street,to a line drawn east across $first Street from the south east corner of lot or block 33 in Watarman's Acre Tracts to lent,in ling Cqunty,Washington,by removing r therefvom to the width of twenty feet along the center of the said First Street,all of the loose surface earth and replacing the same with crushed gravel,under the provisions of ordinance No.j.G/ ,of said City; as ' the m.me has been prepared by the City Clerk, and as the same now stands and appears on file in the office of the City Clerk,be and the same is hereby approved and confirmed in all things. Section 2. That each parcel and lot of land and part or portion thereof named inlaid assessment roll is found and declared to be spe- cially benefitted by said improvement in an amount greatly in excess of the amount assessed against the same,that there be and is hereby assessed upon and against each lot and parcel of land and part or portion thereofeontained in said improvement district the respective amount therein set against such lot or parcel of land'or part or por- tion thereof between the termini of said improvement and abutting up on the same,or adjacent,vicinal or proximate to the said portion of the said street so to be omproved,and said amounts are hereby declared a first lien egainst each said parcel and lot of land and part or porit tion thereof,against which the same is assessed in said assessment roll. The amount hereby assessed and levied upon and against the prop- erty in the said Local Improveuient District ;4o.1139 id the sum of One Thousand one hundred sixty and 36/100 Dollxrs,(01160.38). i :3:ection 3. There shall be and is hereby created in the City Treas- ury of the City of. Kent, a local improvemai t fund, to be known aa, "Looal Tmprovement Fuad xvo,113"itito which shall be converted all moneys col- lected on accountbof said assesement,and from which shall be paid all warrants drawn in payment of the costs and expenses of said improve- ment. Passed,by the City Council July 17th. 11. Approved by the mayor Jilly 17th,1911. A ttest , erx. J