HomeMy WebLinkAbout257 (18)ORDINANCE NO. C%g An ordinance of the city Of Kent , in relation to the SOWS `40 and drain of private Pr sas, proscribing the hod ehich and the ;M& or in shioh lateral connections publicis sgpers opened end per�ted, and providin* Penalties for its violation. THE CITY EOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SENT DO -ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section I. The health officer of the City of Kent, is hereby err powered and it is hereby maga uts duty, in all cases where there is a pub;lick sewer contiguous or approximate to VV platted land upon which there buildings within 150 feet oQ such sewer, or unplatted Lands having buildings within 200 feet of such sewer, whenever the publics health of the said City Shall require It, to compell the owner or occupamt of such land, buildings or premises to construct or oust to be constructed sufficient private drains or sewers to connect the said lands, building* and premises Wid all water closets, vaults and cess pools or other receptacle for filth thereon or therin, with the said publicY sewer at the nearest point,(unless the topography of the ground does not permit the practical connection to such sewer} which private sewers and drains shall be made and constructed in accordance with general regulations prescribed be the City Engineer, under his supervission and according to his directions, and of the most Spppoved sewer pipe, to be inspected and passed upon by the said City Engineer. Section 2. Whenever the public health shall require that wV land, buildings or premises be connected whith a public suer as set forth in section I of this ordlAace, the health officer of thi City, shall serve a written notice upon the owner, occupant og agent, specifying the work to be done and the time for the completion of the 8W4 which shall be not less than ten days nor more than sixty days of ter the service of the notice, and if such owner or occupant shall fail to do or cause such wort to be done according to the directions and in the time named in such notice, then the health officer may cause the same to be done, and make return to the City Clerk of the cost and expense of the sem¢, who shall assess the same upon and against the said land, buildings or premises, and the same shall be collected and the lien thereof enforced against the said pr6perty as in case of street and other local improvements, and local improvement sewer districts. Section 3. whenever any private sewer pipe shall become broken, out of repair or obstructed, and the owner of the prWses upon which sue Pip* is located shall fail to have the same repaired, renewed, removed or cleaned for ar period of tea d1ys after notice from the health off- icer to do or cause such work to be done, the health officer shall have th* authority to cause such repairs, renewal, or cleaning of the #$ 1h' tel/ judgment may be necessary, and the cost thereof shall be assessed against the said property and collected as provided In sect - Ion 2 of this ordinance. Section 4. The city health officer shall have the authority to go upon and enter and all premises and buildings, for the purpose of in- speCtion the conditions of sewers and drains, and to order such changes therein as he shall find necessary to conform to the regul- ations and requirments of the City Ordinances, and to protect the public health. Section 5. Any person desiring to conect his premises or buildings with a public sewer shall first make applications to the City Enji"- =, for a, permit so to do, which 'application shall be accompanied by plans and specifications of the proposed private suers and connect - tens made out in � and on duplicate, u his a &A4` p P approval thereof the �- *AC shall issue a permit to make such connections to the public sewer; and no such private sewer shall be connected to the public sewers in ate► case without compliance with the provisions of this section. Section 6. All connections with public sewers ehall be made under the supervission and according to the general rr4414tions and direc*r ions of t11e City $nginser. Section 7. All sewer work before being back filled shall be subject to inspection and approval of the City Engineer. Section S. The City Engineer shall make general regulations as to the mater6gis to be used, the size of pipes, the manner and materials for making joints and connections, the grades for laying pipe, and such other mater6,als in relation to private sewers as he shall deem necessary, all of which regulations shall be submitted to and appro- ed by the sewers4o committee of the said City Council. Section 9. ,ay and all excavations made in any street or alley in laying any sewer shall be properly protected and warded day and night by proper barriers and signals, to avoid accidents to pass- ersby; and all work shall be prosecuted with diligence, and complet- ed as soon as is practicable under the surrounding circumstance and conditions; and all streets and other public places in which excav- ations are made or improvements disturbed, shall be immediately re- paired and placed and left in as good conditions by the person =k- ing such sewer connections or laying such sewer pipe, as they were In before being disturbed, and all dirt, refuse and rubbish shall be by him cleared away Immediately upon finishing such work. Section I0. If work be improperly delayed or improperly done, the City Engineer shall have authority to compleii the work, and make such shanges and corrections therein as may be necessary, and the cost of the work so done under his authority Mall be assessed a- gainst gainst the property which is drained by the private sewer upon which the work is done and collected as provided in section 2 of this ordinance. Section II. It shall be unlawful for any person to injure, breaq►k, or remove &ny portion of any Sewer pipe, manhole, light hole, flush tank or any part of the public sewers of the 0 City of Kent. Section I2. It shall be unlawful for any person to deposits any garbage, rubbish, do," animals or any substance having a t*ndency to obstruct the flow of sews, in any manhole, pamphole, flush tank, opening in a sewer, water closet,urinal volt, cess pool or septic tank. Section 13. Any person who shall violate :uV of the proasisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction shall be fined not excee n4 $I00.00., or imprisoned riot exceedin teen d 10�( � � 1711 Y ays. a a_