HomeMy WebLinkAbout257 (28)M. An or,'Unnnce of tl.e city of J,-cent,-,:mvndin�r section 44 of Or(UT1,;11ce '7-0 .lC,7 ticreof. WTI-, T Y. r'. L �t . 1 )f' or,li,-nce ",,-.1.97 of .1 tno cit,�Y- . . i entitled, "An ordin;--ice, and price o -.L' er L'',c 'At.; f' Jlo7!s in,- ar &rdiri:,,nccD in o.ol"llict t1,erevjj.tj,,, ,j�,)P D�, .1 -:aexiacl, 1,0 rvvd bA. ri,�; fol-, L 0'- Cubic fret. "ection 44. 1, rpt�,,s f'or ,,;t ter .1 � fft r 1�� m t P r be --r-r the quantity used in �,tty riort?), p.�j f' Jlo7!s provided: Cubic fret. i", �; 'u 1 t . 400 or lessX1.00. 0010 500 600 1.40. 10C 5200 700 1300 1.80 5 4 0 G 7. 900 7 1000 2.20. 5 G 0 15 1100 5 -5 7 0 0 3.0. 1200 5b. -800 1300 70 1400 • 90 1:,•003 0: 15ro 6 1() 0 1600 P 10' 1700 3. 4-5 07100 8.00, 1800 7 C)O P14 00 1900 Co. P. T, 2000 9 2100 4.10 7 CIL) "20 0 4 . 2 10 6"00 9 C5. 2300 A.40 6 C; 0 C, -10 2400 4.55 7000 9.1: 2500 4.70 9 . 5 2600• 7200 .:'0. 00 1�800 0 I/ Z1 0 G) 2900 30, ?")0() 3000 5.40 '7600 Go. 3100 5.511) W/00 6!) 3200 5, 70. 3300 1). 60. "1900 Til 3400 90 jq)(w C.. an ,)1)00 6. Ob. W.00 3600 6.1 b 6,200 3700 6.30. £)300 10.05. 3800 6.40, If, 4 () 0 10.10. 3900 6.50. 6500 TO. 11)0 4000 6. 60 8600 10. 1�10. 4100 6.70. 8700 lo.'7,1: 4200. 6.60. 6 C, () 0 40. 4300 6.90. 9 0 0 10. E)0. 4400 7. ()c,. 10 C. (" 0 10.5b. 4500 9.10. 9100 10.60. 4600 17.20. 99.100 10.70. 4700 7.30. 917,00 10.75. 4800 7.4(). 9400 10.80. 4900 7.�)o. 9500 10.85. 9600 10.95. 9700 111.05. 9800 11.10. 9900 11.20. 10000, 11.215. For each additional 100 cubic 'cot i'rmi 10000 up to 20000, ti of six cents shall be made;a.r;d.for each additional 100 cul,ic feet from 20000 to 30000 a charge of rive cents Phn1l be rria,de" vid for eac1; n4di- tional 100 feet above 30000 a charge of four cents, shall be -Inde. In co,,iputifrg the rates ca.:, above l,ravided rates ending in 1 Urrlr ? cents shall be counted as cr�di ni; in "0" ;rates r riding in 3, 4, 0 raid 7 F,Irmll be counted as thour.li ending in 5; Lnd r l te�> mrdintr, in 8 acid be counted res thoug-i eridiiif; in 10.. 0