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An ordinance to regulate plumbing in the City of Lent,providinf; for the
l issuance of �per!Ate therefor,for testinr.r and inspecting the sa-me,and far
the condea in ation of buildings pre.dses unfit for human habitation
and providing penalties for the violation of its provisions.
�riJ c,l,
"'OU: G iL 0.1 WE U.0 Y OV i,.,i. i j,,1 Olt i,?,Y A. POLL :Wa :
Section 1. he' mayor of the City shall appoint an inspector of plumb-
ing,upon the ta.kint; effect of thif ordin ance,who shall a erve during
the pleasure of the r:,Fiyor.
Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any iierson or persons to begin
any work ire tiie coribtruction, talterta•tion or repair of aiiy l,lu,ribing or
house dri4in ai e systei.i in aiiy 'r;uildinf; in trie (;ity of -'erit,without
complyinf; witli all of theprovisions of this; ordinance in rel�ition there-
to, and first having nand obttainint�; za peer:- it tlieref or frog the city clerk
which ,,er.-At :Shall be i;ept ported in or upon the the preriises wherein
or wheredn tliea work is done, in it coli6pi euous Altace, at all.. times, while
such work is in pr:,,[;ress. ]'rovi(le3d th,3-G no i;evndt 91 -tall be :required
for the removal of stows age in tiv<aste or soil pipe, or for rc;)l.ricing bro-
ken fixture. with fixtures cor:il;lyici vil Lli tiie provi.3Aor;:= hQreof,nor
for re±.tairin; levt;cs iii waste
:rection 3. lipplication for a t-,erwit skl-ill be by the owiicr of the
premises, or the contractor or i)erson in ch ar,r,e of the work, slirall be in
writing, setti.ig;r forth the lcu:;iber ra.!lti itiii:i of r'ixturaf3 to l,e u5ed, the
description of the property where t,_,e Jorl: i:3 to be done; so gas to de-
finitely loci to tiie spa iie, t:at iif-c.le of tl;e: owner and his :ad iref3o, the
name aiid �-)ddre:►3 of iiie cuntrrictor or irg cfi;irpe of the work.,
and agreeinj; that the work shtall be clone: in tac;cordancc' with law
and the ordir<<;iices of tiie li,3id
Sectioir 4, When it l;er.J.i lia,i beLii ;-ivc;n for plutiibing, the vrork done
ai`id the r:iateria,ls used slwidi be u,icier tiie irilipectiori and sub ject to
the approval of the inkipec,Ler of pluaioing, wh.; way revolce tlae per!,lit and
stop the -;work at any tif_re frlien the work or materials do nol, conform
to tie
require):ients of
law and the
ordin�mcer3 of
the (;ity, and it
be unitaviful for
any perf3on to
proceed with
such work thereaf-
ter without the Ywitten consent of the sewage co-lnirdttee',
section 5. When the roughing in work of any Flu.,bing or houce drain-
ing has been completed, and before ,any part t',.eruof has been covered
the must be i3ubjecteu'. to a tu,:,t,by all openli-if;s and
filling tl-ie pipes vith vr:iter under pre;,,ziure at lez-1st 215 ll(.,r cent
greater th�v-n the preFure t-.ey iill be required to resist at tiny time
after their completion.
Se"ion 6. :;UOCII teat -de iit t'iv Iro-ei,ce of the plu..ibing
tjj(. - ire -'�.Mout any leahi�e .-qahatever.
inspector and shall entire
114 1 ;ork ,,il
1jotice of juch test : i h: 11 lb e rivc,-ii 'L -c, j-jlu!A;in--,, inspector by t:ie- plu,ib-
er at 1e, forty c-i-r1lt hours before Vii• test ii -1. :Iade, tiny defects
showin,- ul-,on such in.,Ipection -Blh;ill be rc:iedied by the plut-iber before
the Aork is covered,,),Ild tl*Si,'-ll 1)0 :;-,,.j.r,)vcd 1j, Clc in6pector.
L, ' he fixtilres set
Section 7. When the :sons is co�.,iplcted .I -i, .911 ol Lt.
the inspector ,ust be notified,a-,id , fil-d ,iiiy lbe rerjuired by him
;,L, plaijcbi-q,, tj(: ud utitil hisif' he think tyle s a-�oc� lic-oc;
certificate of appr o viA 1 V -Le i ' e o f 'I I fj I'll.- e i y (;Ii?-
by the of the property.
2ection 8. It shall be unlawful fo.- -)!lj pei.-ooii beim,- the agent
or occuparit of aiiy 1)Uildin�-1 or pre-i,,es to or allo�.,, '�O be
maintained Vierein or thereon aij
y j,lunik)iwr- or 'rainage syzte-,. that does
jjot conform to the provif-Aoni3 r:,id requirel.iolits of this ordiw,i,ce.
Section 9. A fee of f lf'-ty cC rm" S � -,111 1,.0 CIL,!-tr --,and colli; (, Le(i by the
city clerk for is2uin,,- . per;;.,it J-,--Oviklccl iii ord'4r!,-";Ce,
The ins-pector be entl.tled to a feta of each in-
spection of plui:ibiag with three or fixturcE),�aa 'I further ee of
ten conto for each naditiono.1 fixt,.re,,-,.dL ;uuri fee n-' to be the
owner of the property �vhereiii ijuch plu,,Ooixit, be loQUL(.;d.
rection 10. All roil �,.nd Le of tl.e gr.,ide hiiown In
co.,!mierce as ".31tandd-rd pipellexcej,t where extrz-ordiiiary L3trength is re-
quired inspector shall be tlne- jud(,-,e wherl it shall be
of the quality known as 11'Extrf2, heavy", shall be. of cast iron, dip -ped in
hot coal tar or pitch so as to fjiL-;,i �, good Yuixd uniform co, --ting and all
pipes,hubs 1..,id fittii,,To i.,iui3l be sounl acid 1'.-ee froni cracko and holes.
Section 11. till joints in cast pipe sii:;ll be made with oakum Viell
*� tt tamped and pure lead well calked, and no pit irlt, vrirnieh,putty ar cement
of any kind will be illowed t.jrltil tgce joint•, l,rjve been , inspee-
ted and approved as requited by this or:li:la:lce .
All joints in wroup;nt iron pipce_ s'h, 11 lie ;scrCVV jointo" , oints in
lead pipe ;rust in all crtsaes be viiped ,iiid made i. G: mrkr;ianlil;.e manner.
Joints between lend &r)d iron pipE:s:.u:i be ..rade by i:lea,ns of cast brass
solderi ;r; .,i-,ples or extra irca�vy :r -,,:Ss c�sA- iirc fc.r.ulea the full size
of tine it :)n pipe, tu,d all trail, screws ,l:t 11 t e inserted by .:leans of
flange jointsl
a wiped joint. No solderint_; J,)j" A-: or uYriori, ;.:511'%.11 ie u.sra to corlrleet
Waste 01' 'J'::t T;1r5( SVI ,.iCl1 ,'.rQ tD 'be
rection 1 ,'.11 se'„er, .;c)iI ...c ":rr..t(F i .e., ru t
i)c rur, direct as
possible :i r3 '.; in di - C:;tioil , ru t !)c. ;:cic; oiit;l Y of not
greatert1�::1 one E'i(TY1t�i 1, c,: :is. erlci:. tri le<:! rig e�, i (: ir�,Ie so
as to lc_;.vk full size'. a c:r;in r,,; nc: ;,, 1u: L bc: 1. ted not t.i
material v'Je,`kening of the ri",ie 1.:: Le -di"!- or v,ralcillt
t''1 tr. :;. L l 1)i: I .', n, ,.:i'1 :511;:,.1.). iii' .10 1( Gs
iiect.iorl 1..:. ;if:i 1�1�, :_ ... '��� r
tI1at t%)c fullo:vin,,I- w e i gr Y.t per linCl 'tacit:
J 1T:C?l lit' e Er ';:ov ;iac•
;Section 14. Vertical : ir:in coi1A'- pi;.eN r' dx' :,:i.n i. il�es, s11 ;11 e cLc :d full
size to :,t learnt 1 foot above C. e, oof rcz i;1 of f*int roofs at
Tied alo Er tie woof' to til,-_ rlsi r1 1,uilainL u1) ti,e do t':ereof a.t 1
least one foot ' atiovc tl.(, roof' t-iorc)ol , i three feet a.Y)Ove :.].1 open-
iYlg6.�,'tisere /;t1�
k"be nG CO'"1LZS, V� ltl l'it07 i 071)r;Y1C�N OIl tide f ,
end of pipc: s ,sbove the. roof.
Section 15. :,oil 1).tpes s'.:rl) 1 he .rot th;ln four inclle::, in diarn-
eter, rand vrriste pint-,, not 1ec,; tl t,.n V incre:, ir, ii:. titer, e--r_ent for
wash basin or pa.nt7;,) oink vv'-elicl, ::a.y 1-J inch diameter vhere only one
fixture is ,AtachP`d;;from three to :,evert fixtures si1a11 have a. 2 ir)(',h
waste pipe a,'A axceo ding seven `fi-Aures shall have ati .ieauL tj Lt11-cc
inch waste pipe.. ✓.�(J�� y f'. �i;rl V; cr f ( tli {G i! U�'t tet r i r C I �l [Let,r�d�rl
WOO pines sha;: l )be. construed to raean those receiving discharge
other than from wator closets.
F''''ectiozn 16. Traps and venio shall be provided for oach fixtube as
follows: kwo inch Lraps and Ell lesser trays shall bo ventillaved not
more tnaa 2jur inches, tn.linnexceyt when opening into a
lion vont or stock non more Uan inchns, removed from the wator
line in toe tznp. All traps of a larner size shall be ventillazed from
vent horn and if no vent horn be pnet vided,then the vent pipe t..,11start
from the lead be"d,as near tno floor flange as practicable, All vent
pipes shall of gaivonised wrouEht iron,ztandard cast iron or lead,and
cast iron shall be coated wiLh coal tar or pitch and be frec from de-
fects. Vent Tipea Mail mat an a Kcs grade than one i.:: r,... io Oe foatt
and snail rise at least one foot Hove the hiqhest water line of the
fixture Wore connectinE with asather uunt.
2eution 17. The size of vem pipes for tryps two inones o- jagg Q�
dianAter s�sll no be less than tne trnjs Pej 5erve. in water clos-
ets or Qs,� vent jiTe shall be not lees than two inches in
diameter. �o twodach vent pipe sonK exceed 35 feet in iength,anVit.
vent pipes mall be incrensed I inch in dMater for each thIrQ',,-
feet of aanitioLU heighth,or length.
3 two inch traps may be vented into a 2 inch vent pipe not nore than
30 feet !OnE.
2 one now j inch tra:s may be vented into a cne snd 1 inch vent pipe
not more than W feet long.
6 one aud j iach trays may be vented into a 2 inch ve',.t
than 32 Kc, long.
2 one an& � inch traps nmy be ve"tud into P li inch vent p47e not more
that it feeL long.
3 Qne and ,, 3 1 trc,-,ps Ay be vuated into Q inch vent pipe not more
Lhat 30 feet lonq.
Zot moi_ o than 12 one and V inch traps shall be vented into R inch vent
section is. Grease -traps inside buildingz used for hotels,rataurants
boarding houses,and tenements shall be provided,of lead,bra ss, ar
cast iron,: ud shall have yn air tight screw cover at least four inch-
eS i1a dia:',ae ter: throunh sunh trgnm avaii "wnm all dome of a vroasv nmQuar
and the discharge from any fixture shall riot prl.Es through core than
one trap in any case before reaching tr;e clr .in.
S-ection 1�. Traps and braiion w,-este pikes shall be not less than the
following, diameters; t
For one Ua.sin or p,,.«try sink, 1� inches.
For slog sink, 2-��oiies.!a : ,i Le4. �,',:. tf f� �R 1R„�
For kutchen sink, 1L i:iches. ”
r, � � pot tra� n�4 ��h cleanout
For bath tub, 1i inch w:)Ete ri;�e,�4 inch 1 o pl � �
screw _ ,,j t i�.� a '� c t..: ' t � ' <�-� . P t� u
For urinals,1_1 inches.
For laundry tubs, lj inc;ries. i
For water clo sets,+ . Yj t <
� f
;vection 20. Ever. ey• clo >et i;l all be euyr'plied with w, ---),ter from
a separate tank or r,(, servo ir, whi ch ,iha,l l be so arranged ni3 to deliv-
er at least four of o) -Le r <.t (-p.cli flushing, and shtjll 119ve a.
flush f�ii c ;.t iea.s c 1 ir:ctie:., ir; ,ii; .e Ler.
Rection :1. Privy pnns, :>inhk3 or rluj; clooets, or closets known as dry
el.trtii closets will nu � Lr l c rr,:itted,,,_:,'. ;,:iy priv�t vault sprit: -in a dis-
trict having; sewers will bt: ,,.i3 is prohibited upon property Rpproximat4
or :jdj: cert to a sewer. Water ulok;et6 rir'us;t not be placed in an unven-
tilated room, but must open to t1;e outer :Air by i;lc_;,azs of kfl ridow,
shutter 'or �iir sliri.i't, acid Tri :,o c,.:;e ,,7hall sir ducts open frorl a, water
closet to living or L31eepiLl,� .rowtis.
Section ;.,21. Wevden,• cabirige for sirrs.s, w;atc;r closete, or l-MIt" tubs, and.
wooden siriiL ,, b:i,th tubs and wash tr'tys a.rE; prohibited.
Section "I-Xerr urinalu "ir pl�.c,t,ra irr };u'�;lis bui_ldi,ngs, t';e floor,
pa.rtitions,wallb,must be encloUed rith either r_lar.ble,slate, .oavy Blass
sheet lead,s iocpth finiulied ,Lone or- u,picsrete,or enamelled cnot iron.
Water Brij; ./:.;:.11 be is;rovided bnd iio, :.izec' -Aron pr irr troughs
5h,911 be u:iecl
Section .2`4. C;es,f; poals will i;e per- ,itLed where property iE not acces-
sible to a sevjer, ,'bui; r�o t otlie;rv;rise. All cess pools shall be properly
drained so as to avoid ovLrflu-N,a,id sli,:ill tie carefully covered so as
avoid any odor ar!is'I%ng'tlierefrom.
' Section 25. soil pipes shall extend at le jot P_j feet outside of the
walls of the building before dischq.rging &nto a sewer,.and in case of
soft or wet soil mh ,,ire earthen pipe is liable to buckle or break, caste
soil pipe shall 'be ur;ed to tae street line. Sewers and soil pip -98
shall be provided witWAclean outs Rt e�,.ch change of direction. `
Section 216. Vinter service pit es r�rust be located so that the supply
` for each separate house lor pbe controlled l)y -! separate
stop and waste cock,.aith extc�:r:;ioTi hc,rrdle,properly protected f.rorn frost
and so place:? ^;ithin the pre,!rises Vha.t all service pipes mrl fixtures
may be thorourrhly drained dur. ir! freezig,, we:,L.ier. All pipes in the
t; building ,rust drain toward,
the stol- �,t1c, ti�:.s,te cocic.,(�I,?�1 water pipes
shall be eitrier Cnlvarlized iron, lertd or braes a!;d protected frOrn
frost. TI, s in hot ;crater tripes ,;gust 'uta /f>,voided where pos-oible. �
r t• ,
s ,g•.., / Air ehwnberje gnu:jt be f)rovided the ternginatrogn, of _,r11 uaz tie�Y4�
Section 27. ,Iihenever the insr,ecter or healtil. officer sh 11 find any
V building or prer.gises that tare being occupied,}zept or d in vio- y�
lation of or not complying with the provi..,jone o`' this ordi:,;a,nce,he
shall ;}otify the owner,agent crr oc,!!t of i "(: ':VA -d proY�erty ox' prem-
ises to crau: e they t,<i.r:.e to tie r,ilaLe to co,!i':arr,g to t!.(, provi,:;i ori: of this
ordinance 'aithin twenty four ho'.r..a,irrgcl it gr li. }:c !'Jil.-'rful f'or rally
person so no , if ied co f ail, r!et;lec t o -t• rc I`uOe to t:)- co:arly iltti such
notice. :7raia !!otice shrill be in vita ;;rrved ui.,on the ;)erson to
w1iori, it ics directed by delivery ol, :+ co to t:i;il if he be i'ound in the
city, by rn !ilin g him a copy of the 58 -Me if
tie be no -u so 1'ou.!d, <and if
the prenii-es be unoccupied, Fuld the ovrrrer umenown, r!.nd no nge it be found,
service may be made by posting such notice upon the property.
;lection 26. The r(saintenance of argy plu-:ibing con,tj?a.rry to the provis-
`' tri' this; or. ,xinance shall be deemed t? and the 4F.:rse ::gay be abated
as by law provided.
Section 29. Any person or refusing to corriply wit':i the provis-
Ionsa of thi i ordinance in tyre cc,ns3truction,rc,l,,airs or rnraintergr;nce of
of any :plumbing, or any plurnbin�, fixture, or cess pool, s1!a11 be deemed
guilty of a rnis✓de:.-,eanor and or: conviction sha'_1 be fined in nny sum nodi_
exceeding one hundred dollars, or it, risoned not e eee g bi er Y aYg•
�wa--� ,e,t- i i�� / 9 //