HomeMy WebLinkAbout257 (29)1'0 01'Cili'—Ce Of -,;i'le Cit,; Of' I")-- Clic' ii,Iprove,,;.Iclit of that portion of Pailroad j.-veiiue 1.yiiic btl,tvieen zi, li::c running weatwr,rd across C�d :.,;ij JR-ilrocld Ave-,,ue, fro --i luii(j 11oactlia of lot three in 'block of the WasI',.in.,ton Geiitral I'tiprov--ieit Coy -1p i,:lyl s Fir,,. -,t Yiddition to i-el-I'Llp i,, Count,� ,,cros:.the �-;,aid to linc, ( R,n,iiroad I , -V L11 U e vie�Aa,'�rd f'roii i, ne iio-rt,:: ',relit co--J.)I(-,r of lot fourteen in -bloci. ,,ixteen,b,), layinF -i-d the E=, -,3t :gide tiiercoi' coi,,arete side'salk :;ix feet .vide, Crei• t a local i:qla-Ove:.ent di,-trit.A ,,.rid 1)roviain: --,, for tue asLiessiiient of the property iij E aid local to 1), -iy 6,;i,'; L:il)rov� t',I.e collectio, of Tri +' c I Ty C I 1.. 1. .. , I ')() . :.;:Iii -, ""., - 1_;._i1 G],' _ ii total cost and expenne of said iwjrOvCnaDt be taxed and ahses�ed Upon n"d ULIMinBt the propertj included in Ino 4vid local ijTrovenunt di Strict. section 3. Upon 1,, t,ki,, effect of thip ordinance the City clerk ,4,11 publish a notice in three ....... i,, insues of, vne City Of'Zici"I kewspaj*r callinE for bids or proposals for Emking the said ivTroverwOt, ,,,j", L date on or bvfre vihich bide will be received by tale said City Clerk for -.,*king such iETrov­a"t,wAicn jB,te ::hall be betweW the date of the Pat pu&u llc 'tio" of the s n1d no Lice vnd the oext :ueetinq Of the CA! Council therez,fter . jaid ME hAuLl n:w a price fir mkinc- buc, local inta roven"t,to be psiin warrants drnwn nZninnt the local ivVrovu, cnt fund of the skid local i,Trove.ent district; nAd nt the next reguisr meeting Of' the NO Council ;if Ler the d z�'Le Of the lost Public" Sit, U,u, cil a �11,proceed to Open :ad con- sider tAe bidu recelved,4"d W" nocn consideration KAI then Or thereafter proceed toac-L u,,jun Lie ,Iia bids, and if any bid he fou td ths.1h in VNUKOstory to the cou,cil tne contract to amne ouch Lyrovement bholl bu awarded to We YMB I" ,ch tid,but if no snvisfactory big,: be found,the council Wri vanin call f r bids,pnd in the considera- Liunof "idn a"d Mie letLi"j at We uuntract in t 0 waid ovtter,proceed blon of ,, ,,t ... t,t, City Cler, shnll pre- pure the UBSU"Wel It roll, c,nr,jnC up to tne pro pertj in the said local i0QUO Vt. �(2 W di Strict, t "a Lo u&I of nkinE Wd inTrove- each lat,trpoL cud parcel of loud in said loesl Oprove- ny"t AULrict acuordi"g to the benefits aerived,E.d ns soon ve such as- roll in prepared sqsll publish r notice i" the City Owficial newvpnPer in tau ouc,eLoive i:. 'um then eof,to tne effect that the said nveeLbAent roll in prepared a"d on file in ,, Zji,, of the City clekk, and Mat the ,,c ill U, by the City COu-cil at regular 1,1ceting Lnereof,tnu ,,, of ki,h meetiEC sApil be no ed in raid "0LjjCeIRnd LaUt JrU&StS :wy be Med n�vinst tne ,,id Pseesoment, "itj t"u ultj Clerk un or urvaru Lae Li-e ,t for t,w lipid benxing. Upon t,,e ji�.Le na:.,ed iii e S i6 '10 Ce Or of 1c, l,lter d tate to which I t,.,Lc� cou.,.(�ij and de- tilc cou-Icil may -,,djo-LAri-1 Vie -1 ol)j e c .ion,.3 Hereto if Y n d e r flui I I c-, aid roll, le t roll ci,2- epor��ed y by ordii-,,-ince duly c se Mended, Clerk, or 'L iC-11ded '.Y !IC (;"U.� COU--' the City provided. the ,A-ld levy ilectioli b. Vihen the roll x11011 i;,-).vc_ Oceii heard %,ddeterm- Lied -.1.1d -LIe &.,.isessriciit duiy ct..(i levied,, -t copy of the Sq.;Ie 511,3,11 be :.izl,de nfld c ert,ified by t-IIje City Clerk I,oid Ly him delivered to file City IIir(2FI,,-)urer,wI-io receipt the cicr,,,. therefta-,,cmd s,,,aall forthwith j.vjo colls(�cutive issues of .10"Lice 1114te Cltj 0;* -i c jj,l �evvj),-iper to t,,L(� effect tjiat the - roll i�� ii, iii,,3 ho.,ici.,3 I'c)!' c�c)llcctuioii ;nd iaust be 1), -,,id a witiIir, wixty days f -,', 0 :, i 'U -'.,e (i:,,ue of 1)U.lication of ­aci no- tice, Yaus-c, i,,,;. ed i , :,,id 110 ce )., or the s will become delinquenji. u-, :!i(I `f ter tje (-,,xl)ira- tic)Ij of the ,] ,id Axtj days be deli,101 el't- a__Y, pproved by City Clerk.