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HomeMy WebLinkAbout257 (33)ORDINANCE i1O. 263. An ordinance of the City of Kent, prohibiting wooden porches and awnings in and over streets, alleys and other public places, providing for the construction Of other awnings, re- quiring a permit for the s:.uie, acid prescribi rag a penalty for itm violation. THE CITY cO1J1vCIL OF THE CIT OF KhlT DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section I. It shall be unlawful for any person to construct or a.rnintain in or over any street, alley or other public place in the City of Kent, ariy wooden porch ©r awning what- soever; or to construct or ruailitain any other swning in such street, alley or other public place, not complying vrith the provi si oris of this ordinance; or to construct or maintain any such zwning in or aver any such street, alley or other public place without first applying to and receiving front the. city Clerk a permit for the same. Section 2. Any person desiring it perulit as providl3g in the next preceding section, shall eke application therefor in writing to the City Clerk, setting forth in detail the char- acter of the proposed awning, the exact location thereof , the kind a.nd ch:i.ractov of the building to which the same will be attached and the means of &tt&ch"sent , and if the City Clerk be satisfied tl-iat such awning will not unduly interfere with or obstruct the uc=e of the said street or alley or other public place, he way irr his di scr oti ori grant a permit therefor Sectiuri 3. A11 awniribs to be cull structea wider tine prOV181011s of this ordinance, shall be constructed either of �, metal frame; with canvas covering, or of etharwire glass and other fire proof materials. The lowest point of any awning shell be not less th6n six feet and no part of the frame shall be leaa tYlan seven feet above the sidewalk; and r�o cloth, drapery or sign, or other thing shall be suspended frow such awning. The frames and duports of all awnings shall be securely to the walls of the building from which they project, by wrot riron or steel brackets or by steel challis, but shall not receive their suport from beneath by the use of posts or Other similar devices. Section 4. Tire violation of any of the provisiol�s Of this ordinance shall be deeeied it misdemeanor and any person cun- victed thereof shall be tined in any surd net exceeding one hundred dollars, or immrisened not exceeding tlsirty days. passed tree Council May 15t1r. 1911 Appruved by tine Mayor May 15th. I I. May©.r. -City -Clerk.