HomeMy WebLinkAbout257 (31)ORDIldtil;CE 1:-,n ordina. ce Of the ;Ltd of 1=ent, Providinz for t `x 1:lprove ,cent of th,-i t portiois of First .street extendL1,; fro:_i its intersection with Tituc3 ;_itreet to a. j,,olnt due c st of tie sout11 e st i 01'17Er of bloci� 313 of, i;C]'C tr,-c%., t0 ("0Lill i;',VJ-Sllil::'t011, by rc_,iovin froi,s the .:ur-: ce ,j11 of t.:e looee surface, e::rth on ,, .,trip 20 feet wire iii t;i(, .:e,:tt_r of elle :i.:id l:j.yirl_ upon id 20 foot ,,trip cor..tin; of crus :ed ,-i :-.vel to idle said -I, depth of four iilc'aes,cr:_.+.till; loc.-I.1 i .prove..lc.it di:atrict,providin:, for Of t l(: puoperty in i uch _li: triotu f -)r thep::f:"i6 It of -Li( cost ,)lld e.pe.l •e of ac:il i _prove .,oilt, 71:1, for the collecti n Of ,nucii r�,s::essrsent. '211h CITY CC)U'ICa.L 01,' `IEI-- CI Y Oi' l `;::.moi' iY` ORD,:UI A; hUL:LOtiJ:_i: Vection 1. That pox'Lio:l of 'ir st �trc(Ii ill t :e City of l ei;t, e,_tedding fror)1 its inter:;ectio,i With ''it�:s S-tr(.et to a point wli ch ill iii due er.,.st fro, t;;e south e;jst cor,(.1,r of bloctc thirty- K- s lucre `I'rzicts to l.e:lt, i:, Couiity,VJr,s lill__ton, s:.r)11 be ii -.,,)roved b,;V rerIOVliIL.7 tali° Bur 'F,.ce, loose earth :.o widtoi t"relit,y; fet t in t; e center of L:_e itrcut, ind covuriri:; tiie s,-dd twe._t,! I'o',t htrip with coverin:: of cru 'Iied ;r:{vcl, .r .ose „�.r ticle:� sli, 11 not excised oil(... a -lid one ]i: if incise:. i:. -I_. _lc ter ...o,,igured ii! ?ilyirec- ,:ion, Co, t of ,B Iv&I to be ,io i; l�!; t'.r,.ii lour inches ili tllick- 11cEi.a, oii tin ;vert, ;e for t_ie .::id tyre:.-ty feet wide;provided that if the trc:et Com.-littee ;Iudl �o dircut c', -,e 'l -lid eo�,t of �-ravel be ;! ;ue :,sort_: L11.1an four i::c le., thick in the .;riddle of :7,aid ttJB:it� i'()ot strip ai-id correE:poiidi,�1 y t_'11,"i!,er ,l.t the .aides, to pro- vide for t:ie vioriiiil o.-' the s;ii:ie t0 t:',e .-i.:ie by .;ear ,:.Cid u a igen :).:t LJ in no event to averai e les. Lli,:in four i::u:ie:: t1lick ,:t -11 pointcj for t., i; f'1i11 '+iljftth oi' we;it j- feet. V�coon ::oe.,...�;c::,(.s sa,?11 be .:u1de i.ld levied. l)�:)r: -:11 of t,i.e lots, blocks, tr:jct5 ::.ci I)::ri e1s of 1::iid , battin_;' upon that portion of t�sc .a id :street to be :,o i.:tl,roved,aiid 1)e:,efitted by the :5,id i,aprove.:lt.lst r:.s .;y provided,I'or LCiie pay!ient of t,�le cost ai,d of t"le s:tii Scctio:l 3. i'11ere iii ilerel),; ;:re ted .1..id (2:,t :l)li:,shed a. loc, l i.1pr :ve- :le::t ai:)trict to be rove e..t district i.:o .11311 rlllch t31iii11 it <:li of LliU PrOiiert" ili:LLirl�; L1porl tIIe :da of l:iiu :,,, d i'1 Ifs u .-O .,o e i proved, to :,. di c;L;alice o,i ,-:,ck fr,,j,:l the -5tveet lisle to t'jie , tiddle of t -,C-! '01OCIC if pl-li,tted ill blocks, to the center of loth if I)l.,,,-L,,U(-:d il', lots only, and to t'lle c;Ojt )f the ,Iistl-il,,ce Of 124 feet if not ''Lid i;tlplove-,ie;,t illcl.aclil-L,, tale Cost Of i'Lprovi, street ifiteresc- or t"'10 PrOV ty be t,-�-.,ed :1:.d sed ujmn, illcluded intrict Id benefitted by the O1 liil c o-1.1di-1-ince, tile City to ce 0--' I)V0j)O'3,-ils for p,,ll,Jished in tj-1rec iE-.3ues of the City 0 71._. 18 , -j)e -,2c-,ceived by the city dtze ori or bc f -,te be be - clerk, -l'or the Of d. noilice 111d 0,, lc� U� Next re,,1,ui:,r Of Said bids price for sidd i kilt to be drawn c the loc;11 i provu.:Iel ;-Z,j(j tri t : 1�of -Lic (,,ity Cou;;cil :.fuer the - - q.t the iie-,-'u ��e-ulz ...;titin 1, brc. e of t-L.e l!jbt J)Ll,) Li un,tio.l Of '-L.Cll notice, Vic. city cou.-cil shall - c�,�c -z pj,OcQeu to Oj)elj Go,,::�ider t.,je I � --,ivcd,iild Upoll such con- Aderatiojl sll-;.11 t-rjen or Viereri,iter proceed to ;-,c, u- oil iIrle be rou.id th,,t i-; t,:-,tisf:ictory to the council the contr,,.ct to i;uch --�uill be ,,,w�trded to the per- son :1:ljCiyln, c;UCJJ bid; 01Aju if 110 0i'j be folA"(1 ""q.t is .. the 0"-)- Lj.,cil 111,ly ill bid:.proceed to 'a i n for bids Zlild ill tile cotididerzition t-;,iereof cLio. t.iu lcttillc-; 01' the contract proceed a -B ii tie fir.A 3 e c t i 0 n UPC)j; 11L; le 0 the uOrlt-r t 'C cit, cler1: Iijse,-z-c;cent roll,cl-rzing, LAI) to tile. prij)cirtlyr in the ..:lid loczil ii-q-xovc x, -1 -it CLi;:ttrjct,t1,-,c total coot Of -IRk- �..d � - c(, -aid in tht lot of 1. loc-)l d-j,-3trict to derived; put lisp -uid as soon is :such asse:,s:>eiit roll is pr pared, F, 11 r�. notice in the city 0,,f i c i a,l per t:) t .e effect that s:Iid «s- seas. tent roll i s prepared and on file i.i the offi ce of t lie s zaid city clerk, .1d t':lat the s,-, e- rill be ]lE.ard ;i, -id ch- ter-LA.led by the city co.�.lcil a.t re, -ulcer ;.ieetinE thereof , t.1c d,:,te of which _:lectin; sh .11 be rl:v-':ed in staid no --ice,and tlzra.t protects at;Rinst the sraid asses=::.aent be fi]i: d 'sith t iE: city clerk on or before the rloon hour Of tide date on :'`111C'IL ,a1C� tli'F'.'�l11 will be held,which notice -ki,zll be published in tWO iU:,ues of 'elle sa"J, city official newspa.- -per just prior to trie d,<te of t�� „iii he, ricer;. Upori the date n,:..;,ed irl s -...id ii,)tice or at ;;o :le later date to which the council .'1c,y ;;djourn tale- ,;,,..id hearing„ the cou::cil s:1 11 he r ariddetc:rt.lirie the s,'id s:roll ,j.nd tie objections thereto, if ,:.y,,1.:1d shall by ordiiiaoice duly p,-,.c�sed, ,.dont the said,4,ssess-- �lienL roll,eit{Ler �r.s repoi•ted ')%, rile city cic:rk,or ,mended try t1le co, ic;il,if 210 ,;.ivrided,.,.lid iit' .+.:la 1'_Vy tiie zasF,e.,,r3itieiit ,1.s therein provided. 6. 40,11011 tl:e as: es:c.lent roll 11::11 h'i've bec,:l he,-ir i ::.lid deter:uiiied a -id t"ie duly a;jde ;gild levied, a cony of t,"e ,;-t.ne xh'-..11 be !� ide , czrtified ul/ t- e inert ,;.id h� hi.i delivered to t le city tre,.surer, vrlio x11;:.11 receil;t for t.le ;;: ;e,aild ii11 f'Ortillritll c,i.uE;e ,i notice to -t)e l)ul;li piled i.1 rile r1E xt two consecu- tive_ of t'tle Cit" 01i'ici.tl 1.!ewup ,ger, to till effect th,�t tlZc c7.SSec :i:"lent r 011 i:1 li C; 11<iil.11; i 0 cull(:ct :.Ori, mid ,must be p:.+id witlli.1 sixty day: ,a'ter t 1e i ;ire Of he first pul,lica,tion said notice, (Which d,2te :u:;t ed i.. -;-lid not ice), or tyle All beco�:le delinciue,lt . J�tld :1.:.y :cent rE: t�, i lin.; ,Anl),)id 1f'ter tale expir; tion of tilQ ..,, id r ixt.),- days shall be delinquent. section 7. '1'lle said l.:pl'ovet:lent Sll,tll be -,i,)de under t1le super - Of rile ;,tr.. et coii,ii ttee of the City Cou-,cit, a.n, s;i, ll be colcted to t _eir satisf: ctiOn,<:�.`i be .-ubject to t:-.eir t;.11ce . Possed the Cou,,ci1 -r1. t�hp'ov�u _t�� t.ie yot,`-, 1�s3•. 6a-