HomeMy WebLinkAbout257 (22)An ordinance of the City of I'_enit,Yuthorizil^q; the purci:ra.se of lands at the junction of Willis afid 'First .Arc;ets,for the purpose of making the turn in mnmid irs*. :street at that point safe f::r pub- lic travel . artraret nice ha.s wade and executed, ennd tendered to the City of :.cnt, .a deed to thc folloaring described trr,.ct of land in t-:ing County dauhiagton, torrit: bei inning tit a point in the nort,-i rtiart irml line of t illis 13treet, ,rhich is 18 feet east, of the east -a.jrcjna1 line of 'irst i.;treet,run thence %vent ;tloiogr the :north line of "�illis; Street 18 feet to the east line of ?{irot Street, thence north,, along, the east line of First Areet a. distance of thirty .feet, tt�eanue in a sstraig. 1i77e to the 1re�;inning,rrs end far a public street and hig,hwt,.y;upon the payzrient to her of the, LIum of t sec hundred dollvirs, and ; i,ysanddr ;3r.ith kvid :wife havemadeSind e xecutad-ito the City of 11'ent, a dead to t ri e following described land i�xt��Ici f Sin Coulity, Lori, tow . y f i cy;.rinning at ta, point in the south margrirnal line of 'V141 -a;treet which is Zia feat ;,est of the viest imar ,inial lin o$'. 7,'irst .tree:t,run thence east 18 feet to the west linO , i'ir st ��tree t, thence t.auth alonir the west line of .street ta, distance of 30 feet, thence in ra straight llne,. to 'the point of beginnirn; ,t:w taa:;i for r3. public street andv,hi�- w,V, and hus terndered the za..:w to the said city without oth» or coneidertation than the be.lef.its to be derived to their Inrids by reason of the S::.,prove%jent to be made; in t.lic, Said first :Street, upon tllc p<<,, . c;.t to thL-Itt of the suit: of fifteen dolxrs to reizuburso the., for i;:nc; expeime of rel:.uvin;j their fences : f.:a c}t; nl ;ic,r t',, -.e t7r ades of their ,calks;orad It appearing to tho i.;itj oourncil that th(. addition of the aai,d tractri of land to the oai d k'ir:it .: treet would be of gr::fiat i�e:lefit; to the: g;ene.r-1 yaublic,o.id would reduce tire; danger of the 4abrujbt turns in staid Firfnt btreet, at the iu-,1d ,:dint to a tiniliifW.Aw, theruf ore : i'}ix: "iTy �:;Ouhi'11, tai' 'i'lli. ";Pi `; �_�i�' ,..;r,T ,),_; nil;t)11�;, r'':i, _`t_;l,.;fj-i1��: be3c;tioa 1.. That the deedfr protfex•e : ly ;,yeander �';mitii ;;;rad -.rife and by _ argaret .11,ioe be ta:id tliey are hereby accepted by ulu caid c,ityound the t.iayor r:alid, city clo_r''� t.,r.•e t.authorized tifld dirdcted to i6i;ue3 aarraiits to the sts.id :.zx:; it.ret I;i ce in the .sura of three hundred dollars fm d to the :,,,Jd 1,ys-,;,fider �;, pith in the sum of Fifteen dollrars,drtawzi ixf;fLill:st the renertcl furzcia of the said ;;its, rand the treasurer thereof i., deirecteta to pray the fsaa ie froze any wo iey:s in :ata.id fuiids not otlier.riksc, o.,pprofria.ted. 1'a.©fsed by the Gi ter Cou ,tl:il i.,pril / /1911. Approved by the :.,iayor April � ly% 1111. 015 / A (" 1. t cr Cler